D. Peer & Self Evaluation For Article Review
D. Peer & Self Evaluation For Article Review
D. Peer & Self Evaluation For Article Review
Write down the names of your group members in the space provided below. Follow the instructions in the table.
Rate all members of the group based on the list of statements on the first column. Write down the number from 1 to 5 to
express how each member meets the statement on the left. After you indicate the number, you may write brief comments
to explain your evaluation. Think carefully about assigning rating values for each of the statements.
1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree
i. Dependable and
ii. Did work
accurately and
iii. Contributed a
fair share of the
iv. Worked well
with other
Overall value in
the team
Assess the contribution made by each member to the tasks listed on the left, by indicating that person’s contribution as a
percentage of the total input required for a given task. For instance, Member 1 wrote 20% of the paper; Member 2
wrote 50%; while Member 3 wrote 30%. Each row should total 100%.
i. Conceptualization
of the argument
ii. Participation in
v. Encoding/typing
of the paper
contribution to 100%
the paper
Indicate below the letter grade (A, B, C, D, E, F) for each group member. You are required to rank each member;
hence, no two members of the group can receive the same letter grade.