Article 7 - Use of Buildings
Article 7 - Use of Buildings
Article 7 - Use of Buildings
As a condition of employment teachers will abide by the District’s drug-free workplace policies
and notify the Superintendent of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in
the workplace no later than 5 days after such conviction. Disciplinary sanctions up to and
including termination of employment and referral for prosecution will be imposed for violations
of the District’s drug-free workplace policies. Sanctions may include the requirement that the
teacher complete an appropriate rehabilitation program, a reprimand, and termination of
employment. Drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and reentry programs are available
through local health agencies.
Article 7 - Use of School Facilities and Equipment
d. Any explosive, incendiary or gas (a) bomb, (b) grenade, (c) rocket, (d) missile, (e)
mine, or similar device;
e. Any bludgeon, sandclub, metal knuckles, or throwing star;
f. Any knife other than as used for strictly instructional or personal care or eating
purposes. A pocket knife with a blade of 2-1/2 inches or more is a prohibited
weapon. A switch-blade knife is prohibited regardless of size of the blade. A
switch-blade knife is defined as a knife with a blade that opens automatically by
hand pressure applied to a button, spring, or other device in the handle of a knife,
or any knife having a blade that opens or falls or is ejected into position by the
force of gravity or by an outward, downward, or centrifugal thrust or movement;
g. Any electronic device designed to discharge immobilizing levels of electricity,
commonly known as a stun gun; and
h. A teacher may possess mace or other similar chemical agents in quantity and/or
concentration typically designed for individual personal defensive purposes shall
not be considered as possession of a weapon. Possession of larger quantities
and/or concentrations of mace or other similar chemical agents than is typically
designed for individual personal defensive purposes will be considered as
possession of a weapon. Usage of mace or other similar chemical agents will be
considered as usage of a weapon if the usage is found to be for non-defensive
purposes. A teacher who is negligent in their possession of mace or other similar
chemical agents will be subject to disciplinary action.
i. A teacher may possess an item which may be considered a weapon where such
item is used for instructional purposes and the teacher has received approval of
the administration to possess the item, provided it is used in the manner approved
and is maintained in such manner as the administration has directed.
j. Any other object that is designed for or intended for use as a destructive or
injurious device.
The phrase "possession of a weapon" includes, without limitation, a weapon in a teacher's
personal possession, as well as in a teacher's motor vehicle, desk, locker, briefcase, backpack, or
In using the computers and the Internet, teachers are agreeing to the following:
1. Since copyright laws protect software, teachers will not make unauthorized copies
of software found on school computers by any means. Teachers will not give,
Article 7 - Use of School Facilities and Equipment
lend, or sell copies of software to others unless the original software is clearly
identified as shareware or in the public domain.
2. If a teacher downloads public domain programs for personal use or non-
commercially redistributes a public domain program, the teacher assumes all risks
regarding the determination of whether a program is in the public domain.
3. Teachers shall not access material that is obscene, child pornography or otherwise
inappropriate matter for educational or work-related uses or contrary to the
District’s mission. Teachers are not permitted to knowingly access information
that is profane, obscene or offensive toward a group or individual based upon
race, gender, national origin or religion. Further, teachers are prohibited from
placing such information on the Internet.
4. Teachers will protect the privacy of other computer users' areas by not accessing
their passwords without written permission. Teachers will not copy, change, read,
or use another person's files. Teachers will not engage in “hacking” or otherwise
attempt to gain unauthorized access to system programs or computer equipment.
5. Teachers will not use computer systems to disturb or harass other computer users
by sending unwanted mail or by other means.
6. Teachers will not disclose their passwords and account names to anyone or
attempt to ascertain or use anyone else's password and account name.
7. Teachers will not attempt to login to the system as a system administrator.
8. Teachers understand that the intended use of all computer equipment is to meet
instructional objectives.
9. Teachers will not waste or take supplies, such as paper, printer ribbons, toner, and
diskettes that are provided by the District.
10. Teachers will not use the network for financial gain or for any commercial or
illegal activity.
11. Attempts to bypass security systems on computer workstations or servers, or
vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges and may result in further
consequences. Malicious attempts to harm or destroy data of another teacher, or
data that resides anywhere on the network or on the Internet, or the uploading or
creation of computer viruses are forbidden.
12. The District will not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, or
purchases incurred by the use of the District’s telecommunications systems such
as the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, the purchase of on line services
or products. The teacher is solely responsible for any such charges. The teacher’s
acceptance of an email account is an acceptance of the teacher’s agreement to
indemnify the District for any expenses, including legal fees, arising out of the
teacher’s use of the system in violation of the agreement.
13. The Internet will be supplied for your use on an "as is, as available" basis. The
District does not imply or expressly warrant that any information you access will
be valuable or fit for a particular purpose or that the system will operate error free.
14. The District is not responsible for the integrity of information accessed, or
software downloaded from the Internet.
15. The District reserves the right to refuse posting of files, and to remove files.
16. The District further reserves the right to inspect a teacher’s computer and
computer usage at any time. Teachers have no privacy rights or expectations of
privacy with regard to use of the District’s computers or Internet system.
Article 7 - Use of School Facilities and Equipment
17. The computer system is not a public forum. It is provided for the limited purpose
of advancing the District’s mission.
18. A technology protection measure is in place that blocks and/or filters Internet
access to prevent access to Internet sites that are not in accordance with policies
and regulations. In addition to blocks and/or filters, the District may also use
other technology protection measures or procedures as deemed appropriate. The
technology protection measure that blocks and/or filters Internet access may be
disabled only by an authorized staff member for bona fide research or educational
purposes: (a) who has successfully completed district training by the on proper
disabling circumstances and procedures, (b) with permission of the immediate
supervisor of the staff member requesting said disabling, or (c) with the
permission of a building administrator. An authorized staff member may override
the technology protection measure that blocks and/or filters Internet access for a
minor to access a site for bona fide research or other lawful purposes provided the
minor is monitored directly by an authorized staff member.
Any violation of any part of this agreement or any other activity which school administrators
deem inappropriate will be subject to disciplinary action. Discipline could include but would not
be limited to, the immediate suspension or termination of the teacher’s Internet account and
computer privileges, reprimand, suspension, or termination.
School property is to be used for approved work-related purposes and not for personal purposes
or for personal gain or benefit. Use of school supplies (paper, staples, etc.), school equipment
(copiers, fax machines, telephones, etc.), and school postage is to be used for approved school-
related purposes only. Excess or surplus supplies or equipment, including items which have
been placed in the trash, should not be removed for non-school use without approval from the
Article 7 - Use of School Facilities and Equipment
repaired if possible and appropriate responsibility for the cost of replacement or repair may be
Section 8 Visitors
Teachers are not to have visitors on school property except on a short-term basis and only with
permission of the principal. Included in the definition of visitors are family members of the
teacher. Visitors should follow posted procedures for being on school property. Teachers are not
to bring their children to school with them in lieu of taking them to childcare.
Section 9 Salespersons
Teachers need not allow, and should not permit, any salesperson or representative or agent of
any commercial enterprise or theatrical presentation to contact the teacher while engaged in the
teacher’s duties except for such times as may be designated by the Superintendent or designee.
By law, the hours of no solicitation are between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on all days school is in
session. If you are required to be at work earlier than 8:30 a.m., the hours are extended to that
earlier time as well.
Teachers shall not use classrooms, buildings or other school property for personal use or profit
without specific approval from the Superintendent or designee. Teachers shall not use time for
which the teacher is on duty or paid by the District to engage in any activity for personal
financial profit. Any violation of this policy will be held to be willful insubordination.
The school exercises exclusive control over school property and reserves the right to search
offices and storage devices provided to or used by employees where permitted by law, such as
where reasonable grounds exist for suspecting that a search will turn up evidence that the
employee has committed work-related misconduct, or that a search is necessary for a
noninvestigatory work-related purpose, such as to retrieve a file. School-related documents or
records must remain readily available to administration and other appropriate school staff. Any
personal items a teacher wants to have kept private should be kept in a separate personal storage
device, such as a brief case, purse or backpack.
The District is not responsible for any personal property teachers may bring to school. Teachers
are cautioned not to bring large amounts of money or items of significant value to school.
Article 7 - Use of School Facilities and Equipment
The Board of Education has authorized the use of video cameras on School District property to
ensure the health, welfare and safety of all staff, students and visitors to District property, and to
safeguard District facilities and equipment. Video cameras may be used in locations as deemed
appropriate by the Superintendent.
Notice is hereby given that video surveillance may occur on District property. In the event a
video surveillance recording captures a student or other building user violating school policies or
rules or local, state or federal laws, the video surveillance recording may be used in appropriate
disciplinary proceedings against the student or other building user and may also be provided to
law enforcement agencies.
The “fair use” doctrine allows limited reproduction of copyrighted works for educational and
research purposes. The relevant portion of the copyright statute provides that the “fair use” of a
copyrighted work, including reproduction “for purposes such as criticism, news reporting,
teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research” is not an
infringement of copyright. The law lists the following factors as the ones to be evaluated in
determining whether a particular use of a copyrighted work is a permitted “fair use,” rather than
an infringement of the copyright:
• the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial
nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
• the nature of the copyrighted work;
• the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a
whole, and
• the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
Although all of these factors will be considered, the last factor is the most important in
determining whether a particular use is “fair.” Students should seek assistance from a faculty
member if there are any questions regarding what may be copied.
Article 7 - Use of School Facilities and Equipment
Teachers who find lost articles are asked to take them to the office, where the articles can be
claimed by the owner.
Section 15 Safety
Safety Program and Safety Committee
The District has established a Safety and Security Management Plan which includes safety and
security plans and procedures, including plans and procedures to address emergency and crisis
situations. Teachers are expected to be familiar with and to comply with the Safety and Security
Management Plan. The Plan may be obtained for review or copy from the Principal or the
The District also has a safety committee to address employee accidents, injuries and work place
conditions. A representative from each bargaining group plus representatives appointed by
administration serve on the committee. If you have a desire to serve on the committee, you
should contact the President of the teachers association. Teachers can make suggestions and/or
report concerns to the safety committee in the following ways: (1) contact the teachers
association representative of the safety committee, (2) contact the President of the teachers
association, or (3) contact the Safety Committee in care of the Superintendent.
Safety Practices
Guidelines for safe work practices which teachers should follow include the following:
1. Never stand on chairs, counters, tables, etc. Only use step stools, ladders and
locking stools to stand, climb, etc., to reach high places, put things on bulletin
boards, etc.
2. Always wear protective equipment (i.e., goggles, aprons, gloves, and ear
3. Wipe up spills or report promptly to appropriate personnel. DO NOT assume
someone else will do it.
4. Be aware of your surroundings. Pick up clutter, keep your work area or room
clean and free of clutter, debris, etc.
5. Identify and report all hazards (i.e., broken equipment, broken or uneven floor
surfaces, non-operating tools, windows, doors, etc.). Follow up if not repaired.
6. Do not use equipment if you are not familiar with it or operate machinery without
proper training.
7. Do not carry heavy or bulky objects. Get a cart, dolly or assistance. Know how
to properly lift.
8. Report any injuries or medical problems to your supervisor immediately and
complete the employee accident report.
9. Wear seatbelts when in vehicles where provided.
10. Do not do repetitive tasks for long periods of time (i.e., keyboarding, dipping
cookies, cutting out things, filing, typing, etc.). Take breaks, learn and do
stretching exercises, etc. Every accident in the school building, on the school
grounds, at practice sessions, or at any athletic event sponsored by the school
must be reported immediately to the Principal.
Article 7 - Use of School Facilities and Equipment
As required by law, approved safety glasses will be required of every student and teacher while
participating in or observing vocational, technical, industrial technology, science, and art classes.
All visitors to these areas must check out a pair of safety glasses when entering any of these
Every accident which results in a personal injury must be reported to the Principal immediately.
In the event the injury involves a student, the teacher responsible for the student either as teacher,
coach or sponsor is responsible for making the report. If the injury occurs in the presence of the
teacher, the teacher is also responsible for making a report.
Workers Compensation
Teachers are required to immediately report any work-related injury and/or work-related medical
condition to their supervisor and complete all appropriate paperwork.