Newsletter 09 26 2019

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Prairie Catholic Weekly

September 26, 2019

Progress Reports – Middle School

Progress reports will be coming home today
in the brown envelopes. Please remember
From the Principal this is a snapshot of your student’s grades
as of Tuesday September 24th. Please login
Dear Families, to Skyward to view current grades at any
time during the term. Please sign and return
The godly walk with integrity; blessed are progress report by Monday, September
their children who follow them. 30th.
(Proverbs 20:7)
Integrity is the quality of being honest and Non-Prescription Medication – Please
having strong moral principles. Our staff here review the policy regarding Non-
at Prairie Catholic not only exhibits integrity prescription medications. If a student may
but also teach it to our students. We continue need any OTC medications throughout the
to work towards being our best selves every school year, such as: Tylenol, Ibuprofen,
day and expecting that of our students and Tums/antacids, cough medicine, etc. it
families. Please be mindful in our needs to be provided by a parent. The
discussions about Prairie Catholic staff, and medications must be in the properly labeled
students and keep those discussions positive container with the student’s name on it. The
and of the truth. school will not administer any medication to
a student that is not supplied by the
Accreditation update: Our application has parent/guardian.
been submitted for pre-accreditation. We are
excited to be starting this process and look Reminder – If your son/daughter will be
forward to spreading the Good News! absent from school, please contact the
school office first thing in the morning at
We held our first fire drill last week! The 608-326-8624. Thank you.
students did an awesome job of walking out
of the building quietly and getting to their safe
Reminder we have no school this FRIDAY!
Our dedicated staff will be continuing their
education in La Crosse at an in-service.
We have an ALL School field trip Oct. 2.
Looks like lots of parents are volunteering!
Thank you, we appreciate all the help. Again,
please be mindful in our actions, we
represent Prairie Catholic and we will uphold
our moral values and integrity.

Thank you for making our school great!

Principal Spindler
Scrip is an easy fundraiser for the school
and parish. Below is the next installment of
what it is and how to use it. Coming Home Today
Below is the information coming home
How is Scrip sold? Scrip is available at each this week. If you have any questions,
rectory office (please see individual offices for please contact the school office.
hours), school office, and after each weekend
mass and online. Purchasing online has never
 Newsletter
been simpler. Join our program by creating an
 Weekly Church Bulletin
account on Enter our
organizations enrollment code: A2FA83875414.  Progress Reports – Middle School
Then link your bank account to enroll in online  October Lunch/Event Calendar
payments and place your first order. Payment  Health Screening permission slip
can also be done via a check to Prairie Catholic  Server Schedule
Scrip or use the online. Once a week the orders  Instructions for Online Scrip Orders
are placed via our SCRIP coordinator; your
order will be included in this weekly order and Upcoming Events
delivered to our school and parish later that September 26th – Progress Reports go
week. home
Saints & Soles – We are looking for someone September 27th – No School - Prairie
Catholic-Teacher In Service – Lacrosse
to oversee and coordinate our Annual Saints
and Soles 5K Run/Walk & Kids Run. If October 2nd – Patron’s Day Field Trip –
interested in volunteering for this event set up Pinter’s Farms
please contact the school office for more October 3rd – Flu Shots 9:30am
information. October 7th – Picture Retakes
October 10th – Health Screenings
Reminder – The Patron’s Day Field Trip to October 11th – Parents drive to school
Pinter’s Farms on Wednesday, October 2nd will day
include Pre-K through 8th grade. Mrs. October 25th - End of Term 1
October 31st – Report Cards go home
Schwager’s 3-K class will not be participating.

Prairie Catholic School

Mission Statement
To form a Catholic leadership
through academic excellence,
personal relationships with Christ
and Christian service!

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