September 24, 2010: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates

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Debbie Barker-Principal

19910 Stonelodge, Katy, TX 77450

Phone: 281.237.5450
Fax: 281.644.1575
KISD Website:
PE PTA Website:

September 24, 2010

Upcoming Dates
Log in for full Calendar.
Calendar News from the Pattison Library
We are off to a Rockin’ start in the Pattison library with lots of awe-
some new library volunteers and our wonderful returning volunteers who
Thursday help keep the library running smoothly. A special thank you goes to Shan-
September 30 non Hopkins and Elita Roos who have been working tirelessly to coordi-
PTA General Assembly & nate and refine our library volunteer program. Classes have started and things
Bond Election have been busy, but there are lots of upcoming library events, so mark your
Presentation calendars!
6:30 p.m. Our Pattison Pumpkin Extravaganza will be coming
up in October. Detailed information will be sent home in the
with 4th Grade program
Tuesday folder in a couple of weeks, but you and your family
immediately following can already be thinking about what book character you would
like your pumpkin to resemble.
Also, be on the look-out for the Pattison Chat-n-Chew book
Friday club forms that were sent home with our 4th and 5th grade stu-
October 1 dents in today’s Tuesday folder. There will be a total of 5 book club meet-
Pattison Spirit Day ings this year, and I would love to see lots of our interested readers involved!
Wear Spirit Wear/Purple We have a good time as we eat breakfast and discuss the latest book club se-
End of first six weeks Our Southwest Books Fall Book Fair will take place the week
of November 8 – 12. There will be many wonderful books to
Early Dismissal choose from and the teacher wish lists will be posted at the fair.
12:45 More information will be sent home as the time gets closer.
The library information packet came home in the
Tuesday folder a few weeks ago. This packet contains the
Birthday Book Club form, information about our reading incentive program
SUBSCRIBE TO: called the Reading Round-up, the Texas Bluebonnet form (3rd-5th), the Texas
Pattison eNews at 2x2 form (K-2nd), and the password information for the library homepage
found on Please keep this packet and use as needed.
Please feel free to contact me if you
have any questions about the above activities or
PATTISON POST EDITOR anything library related.
Shelley Eastland
[email protected] Reading Rocks!!
Alice Cardner, Librarian
Article Deadline: [email protected] or (281) 237-5478
Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Program Need Your Student’s PIN?
Returns for
PIN numbers are required to access your student’s
Volunteers grades online. If you have misplaced the letter you
received at the beginning of school with your stu-
KISD will host DISCOVER U on Wednesday, dent’s PIN number, you may email laurar-
October 20 from 8:30 until Noon at the KATY- [email protected] to receive a second copy of the
PIN letter. Please include your student’s legal
ISD building. name in the request and allow two school days for
the letter to be sent. This PIN number remains
Discover U is the Katy ISD conference for our par- the same throughout the student’s years in KISD,
ents and volunteers. Hosted in the fall and again in transitioning from elementary through high school.
the spring, this half-day event offers workshops for
volunteer program managers as well as parenting and If you have additional
special interest classes. From "How to Get Your questions regarding ac-
Kids Off the Payroll” to "Bullying" and everything in cess to PIC (The Parent Information Center),
between, this time of learning, fun and fellowship if please contact Pattison Elementary.
offered on a complimentary basis and requires regis-
tration online.

Other topics planned for this year include: Don’t forget…

• Transitioning your child from Elementary to Our field trip is this

Junior High School Wednesday, Sept. 29.
• Dave Ramsey, Living on a budget Please be sure to send a lunch &
• Mentoring Minutes drink with your child!
Don’t be TARDY!
• Event Planning
For more information and to register please go to, click on VIPS logo, then on Dis-
cover U to register. Registration is limited. Field Day Shirts Required
Field Day is just around the corner! If you re-
If you have questions please contact Iona Reitsma, ceived a notice that your child needs a Field Day
volunteer coordinator, at 281-578-0748. shirt please return that form, and payment to
school by September 28th. Please note that your
checks should be made out to Patti-
son PTA. When sending cash please send only
School Spirit Day the amount due as the PTA is unable to make
change. If you received a notice that you believe is
The first Friday of each in error, no problem- shoot an email to me at
month is Pattison Spirit [email protected]. Please don't hesitate to
contact me if you have any ques-
Day. Let's show our Patti- tions.
son pride and wear our t-shirts and Cyndi Tabor
2nd VP, Membership
shorts. Go Colts!
Field Day Volunteer Sign-Ups Pattison’s Partner Spotlight
Field Day is quickly ap-
proaching and we need CiCi’s Pizza on Mason Road is in our
parent volunteers to help business partner spotlight this month.
with this event.
CiCi’s is always so willing to help us by
If you are interested in giving us coupons, partnering with us
signing up to help, we on spirit nights, and giving
have sign-up sheets out- us great deals for special events.
side the cafeteria or you
can email Mrs. Troncale and Mrs. McCabe. Thank you CiCi’s for all you do for Pat-
tison kids and families!

Kinder/PPCD/1st October 26
2nd/3rd October 27
4th/5th October 28
Mrs. Troncale
[email protected]
PTA General Assembly &
Mrs. McCabe Bond Referendum Presentation
[email protected]
Please join us for a special infor-
mational session about Katy ISD’s
Attention 5th Graders: 2010 Bond Referendum on Thurs-
day, September 30 at 6:45 p.m.,
The Yearbook Cover Contest
Deadline is near. You have 1 following our PTA Meeting at 6:30
week left to turn in your entry. p.m. This session will provide general infor-
Last day to turn in yours is Friday, mation about Katy ISD’s November 2 Bond
October 1.
election, as well as specific details about how
Questions? Contact a Yearbook Co-Chair: this bond impacts Pattison Elementary and
Melanie Schneider [email protected] our surrounding feeder schools
Michelle Mobley [email protected] (McMeans Junior High and
Taylor High School). You can
also find additional informa-
Good Luck Walkers tion about the Bond Referen-
Pattison Elementary’s Susan G. Komen
Race for the Cure team, It’s A Matter Of dum on the district's Website
Principal, is walking on October 2 in at
honor of principal Debbie Barker and the
many other Pattison families that have been affected The 4th grade program will begin immediately
by breast cancer. You make us Pattison Proud! after this presentation.
PTA Reflections Theme:

About PTA Reflections

For over 40 years, the national PTA Reflections Program has encouraged students
across the nation and in American schools overseas to explore their artistic talents.
PTA believes that all children deserve a quality arts education and encourages stu-
dents to pursue artistic expression through participation in the annual Reflections
Program. Students in preschool through grade 12 are invited to create and submit
works of art in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, musical
composition, photography, and the visual arts.

Everyone is a Winner!
Entries are submitted to School by October 29, 2010 and judged by an individual
panel. Pattison will submit entries in two Grade Divisions: 1) Primary: preschool –
Grade 2 and 2) Intermediate: Grades 3-5. All entries will be recognized and some
pieces will move on to Council and possible State Level.
Our students need more opportunities to create works of art for fun and recogni-
tion. – The Reflections Program provides an outlet for students to explore creatively
what they are learning in the classroom. As parents we can enhance, recognize, and
support this continuous journey of self discovery. So I ask that you take a look at the
reflection information that came home with your child this week. Take the time to
explore the opportunities for your child/children surrounding the wonderful theme
of “Together We Can”.
In the past our School has had some fantastic entries and everyone is a Winner!
Everyone entering is recognized and their participation is something they can be
proud of!
For more information including the individual rules for the each of the six art areas,
please look at the Texas PTA Website or con-
tact Solveig Kyriakides at 281 398 0485 or [email protected].
Unleash your inner artist and get started!

School Store Open for Business Volunteer in Kindergarten Centers

The Pattison School Store is You’ve heard the saying “All you ever
NOW OPEN. The store will needed to learn, you learned in Kin-
be open Thursday mornings dergarten.” Well there is truth to that.
before school (enter from the That’s why scheduling parents to help
gym). There will be 2 lines on run Kindergarten Centers is so impor-
the stage; each line has the tant. Centers needs more parent help-
same exact items. Please do not try to go to the ers on Mondays and Wednesdays. If you’d like to
other side. Most items are priced between $0.15 and come see how Centers work this
$2.00. We have mechanical pencils, erasers, colored month that would be great! For more
pencils, pens, pencil sharpeners, and more. The information call Becky Nicholas at
Pattison Car stickers also are available for $2.00. 713-392-3647(m) or 281-676-8797(h).

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