September 24, 2010: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
September 24, 2010: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
September 24, 2010: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
Kinder/PPCD/1st October 26
2nd/3rd October 27
4th/5th October 28
Mrs. Troncale
[email protected]
PTA General Assembly &
Mrs. McCabe Bond Referendum Presentation
[email protected]
Please join us for a special infor-
mational session about Katy ISD’s
Attention 5th Graders: 2010 Bond Referendum on Thurs-
day, September 30 at 6:45 p.m.,
The Yearbook Cover Contest
Deadline is near. You have 1 following our PTA Meeting at 6:30
week left to turn in your entry. p.m. This session will provide general infor-
Last day to turn in yours is Friday, mation about Katy ISD’s November 2 Bond
October 1.
election, as well as specific details about how
Questions? Contact a Yearbook Co-Chair: this bond impacts Pattison Elementary and
Melanie Schneider [email protected] our surrounding feeder schools
Michelle Mobley [email protected] (McMeans Junior High and
Taylor High School). You can
also find additional informa-
Good Luck Walkers tion about the Bond Referen-
Pattison Elementary’s Susan G. Komen
Race for the Cure team, It’s A Matter Of dum on the district's Website
Principal, is walking on October 2 in at
honor of principal Debbie Barker and the
many other Pattison families that have been affected The 4th grade program will begin immediately
by breast cancer. You make us Pattison Proud! after this presentation.
PTA Reflections Theme:
Everyone is a Winner!
Entries are submitted to School by October 29, 2010 and judged by an individual
panel. Pattison will submit entries in two Grade Divisions: 1) Primary: preschool –
Grade 2 and 2) Intermediate: Grades 3-5. All entries will be recognized and some
pieces will move on to Council and possible State Level.
Our students need more opportunities to create works of art for fun and recogni-
tion. – The Reflections Program provides an outlet for students to explore creatively
what they are learning in the classroom. As parents we can enhance, recognize, and
support this continuous journey of self discovery. So I ask that you take a look at the
reflection information that came home with your child this week. Take the time to
explore the opportunities for your child/children surrounding the wonderful theme
of “Together We Can”.
In the past our School has had some fantastic entries and everyone is a Winner!
Everyone entering is recognized and their participation is something they can be
proud of!
For more information including the individual rules for the each of the six art areas,
please look at the Texas PTA Website or con-
tact Solveig Kyriakides at 281 398 0485 or [email protected].
Unleash your inner artist and get started!
The Pattison School Store is You’ve heard the saying “All you ever
NOW OPEN. The store will needed to learn, you learned in Kin-
be open Thursday mornings dergarten.” Well there is truth to that.
before school (enter from the That’s why scheduling parents to help
gym). There will be 2 lines on run Kindergarten Centers is so impor-
the stage; each line has the tant. Centers needs more parent help-
same exact items. Please do not try to go to the ers on Mondays and Wednesdays. If you’d like to
other side. Most items are priced between $0.15 and come see how Centers work this
$2.00. We have mechanical pencils, erasers, colored month that would be great! For more
pencils, pens, pencil sharpeners, and more. The information call Becky Nicholas at
Pattison Car stickers also are available for $2.00. 713-392-3647(m) or 281-676-8797(h).