RVMS Falcon Sept 09

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4650 Badger Road Santa Rosa, California 95409 (707)
Visit our website at http://www.rvms.srcs.k12.ca.us
September 2009

Dear Parents and partners in education:

Sept 14-25– Magazine Sale Fundraiser
Sept 14 - Oral Grade Week
Sept 17 – Boys B-ball@ RVMS I can’t believe that the first month of school is already over and first
Sept 17 – Girls B-ball@ Slater quarter grades are right around the bend. I would like to thank all of you
Sept 17 – Cross Country@RVMS for helping make the beginning of this school year such a success.
Sept 22 – Boys B-ball@ SRMS Registration went smoothly and the students have been such a joy. I can’t
Sept 22 – Girls B-ball@ RVMS remember when I’ve been surrounded by so much positive energy and
Sept 23 – Picture Make Up Day
Sept 23 – Sport-A-Rama sign ups enthusiasm! Our students are engaged, eager, and just seem to be having
Sept 24 – Boys B-ball Bye a great time every day. As I observe classes I see students who are
Sept 24 – Cross Country Bye attentive, polite and motivated to learn. I see teachers who care and love
Sept 29 – Boys B-ball@ Cook what they do. This in conjunction with the solid support and love our
Sept 17 – Girls B-ball@ RVMS students receive at home makes RVMS truly a very special place for
Oct 1 – 7th Grade Election
students to grow academically and interpersonally.
Oct 1 – Boys B-ball@ RVMS
Oct 1 – Girls B-ball@ Comstock I’d like to offer a big “Thank You!” to all the parents who have supported
Oct 1 – Cross Country@RVMS the Family Giving Campaign so far this year. This is the STPC’s only
Oct 6 - Boys B-ball@ Slater fundraiser this year, and it will end on October 3rd. With RVMS losing
Oct 6 - Girls B-ball@ RVMS
Oct 6 – Dance Ticket Sales $5 through
$40,000 in financial support due to the budget crisis, your support is
Oct. 9 then $7 critical to our programs. We want to continue to purchase technology for
Oct 8 - Boys B-ball@ RVMS our staff and students, offer great extra-curricular activities, enhance our
Oct 6 - Girls B-ball@ SRMS GATE program, keep our athletic teams performing well, and support our
Oct 8 – Cross Country @ SRMS struggling learners to name a few. If you haven’t had a chance to support
the Family Giving Campaign yet, we would appreciate any level of
support. I know we are in tough economic times, and your generosity is
greatly appreciated.

Our academic success continues to grow each year, and our API score of
905 demonstrates our school’s commitment in this arena. In ten years we
have grown over 150 points! This is the largest gain in the school district.
REMEMBER TO We have already begun to analyze the data from last year to determine
MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! where our strengths are, and what we need to do in order to improve

Principal’s message continued from previous page

RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
and refine our practices. As the principal I’d like to
thank you for supporting your children so well. Counselors Dan Evans, Robin Wilkins and Michele
True student success requires a strong partnership Craig-Morales would like to welcome all new and
of parents, staff and students; and as a team we are returning students to the 2009-2010 school year.
making wonderful progress.
Office Hours – 7:30 – 3:00 Phone - 528-5257
Counselor Dan Evans – Mon., Wed., Thurs. morning
One area of concern I have at this time is our and Fri. afternoon. Last name alphabet is A – I.
student drop off and pick up. As you are all aware, [email protected]
dropping off students and picking them up at every
school is a challenge. If you pick up your child on Counselor Robin Wilkins – Mon. – Fri. Last name
the west side of Middle Rincon Rd., please have alphabet is J – Z. [email protected]
them use the cross walk. Do not allow your child
to walk across Middle Rincon, with congested Academic Support Counselor Michele Craig-Morales –
traffic, to get to your car. The few extra minutes it Thursday mornings
takes to use the crosswalk makes it safer for all our [email protected] or voice mail
number 528-5074 ext.2358
students. In addition, I have noticed that by
3:15pm Middle Rincon Rd. is almost deserted, so I The Counselors oversee the following programs:
encourage parents to come fifteen minutes later and
avoid all the traffic congestion. You’ll be able to • Honor Society
pick up your child with no hassles, and avoid all
• Homework Club
the stress.
• Homework Hotline
• Peer Helper Program
With the flu season approaching, and the H1N1
• Conflict Management Program
virus a part of the equation this year, it is especially
important that every student practice good hygiene. • Support Counseling
While we make weekly announcements to help
remind students, I’d appreciate you doing the same
at home. If students wash their hands often, and Honor Society- The fall semester of Honor
use hand sanitizer, they may avoid a few colds this Society is open to 8th graders based on their June
year and possibly the flu. We’re asking students report card semester grades:
not to share drinks and food as well. If three o Students need12 points to be
students are drinking from the same water bottle, eligible
it’s an easy way to get catch someone’s cold. If we o Each “A” is worth 3 points
all practice good health, we keep not only o Each “B” is worth 1 point
ourselves healthy, but our friends as well. A list of eligible students will be posted in the marquee
adjacent to the Counseling Office by September 4. If
All my best, you do not find your name on the list, please contact
either counselor.
Matthew Marshall
_____________________________________________ Past field trips have included UC Davis and UC


"Please donate to the Family Giving Campaign"

Counseling Office News

RVMS Newsletter - September 2009

Weekly Progress
8th Honor Society meets the first Monday
each month in Room 73. The first meeting
is Monday, Sept. 14. The October meeting • Progress Reports are available in the
is on Monday, October 5. Counseling Office starting Monday,
August 31 between the hours of 7:30
Remember, you need to attend Honor to 8:00 a.m.
Society meetings in order to participate in • If there is a Monday holiday, students can pick
field trips to UC campuses. Our next field up Progress Reports on Tuesdays between
trip is Oct. 28 to UC Davis. 7:30 and 8:00 a.m.

7th grade students will be eligible for Honor Progress Reports are not available for the weeks of
Society in the spring based on their 1st quarter grades and semester grades.
semester report card. Lists will be posted in Interim Progress Report
January 2010 in the marquee adjacent to the Weeks
Counseling Office.
Quarter/Semester Ending
Homework Club – The first week of
Homework Club began on Tuesday, August 25.
Homework Club meets on Tuesday and Interim Progress Report Weeks:
Thursday afternoons, 3:10 – 4:10. Homework September 14 – 18, 2009
Club is in the Library and it’s FREE ! Students IPR mailed home September 23
must stay for the entire time, unless they have a
note from their parent to leave earlier. Two to November 9 – 13, 2009,
three teachers are available during this time to IPR mailed home November 18
assist students who need help.
February 1 – 5, 2010
IPR mailed home February 11

April 12 – 16, 2010

IPR mailed home April 21

Quarter/Semester Ending Dates:

Homework Hotline – Quarter 1 ends October 16, 2009
[email protected] Report Card mailed home Oct. 23
Have you checked out the Homework Hotline Qtr. 2/Sem. 1 ends December 17, 2009
website? This website is a great tool to make
Report Card mailed home Jan. 11
sure you are getting all of your homework
written down in your planner. The hotline is
updated daily by 3:00 p.m. and is offered as a Quarter 3 ends March 12, 2010
convenience for students who were absent Report Card mailed home March 19
from class or for parents who would like to
check homework assignments. Qtr. 4/Sem. 2 ends May 28, 2010
Report Card mailed home June 8
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
related components of fitness will be assessed.
Throughout the year, your son/daughter will set
personal goals, physically challenge themselves and
chart their improvement. Thank you to all the families
who participated in the Target Heart Rate Project. You
are a valued partner and make the learning come alive!
Greetings from GATE! My name is Mark The tumbling mats and jump ropes are seeing a
Zeman, and I am the new GATE coordinator at lot of action. Students are busy building skills and
RVMS. Our STPC has generously allotted funds choreographing routines to music. Working together
for GATE for the 2009-2010 school year, so many with their squad lines may be challenging but the
of our programs such as Math Counts, Odyssey of outcome is rewarding. Keep checking the homework
the Mind, and after-school enrichment, will again hotline to stay updated on our activities.
be offered.
More information will be coming your way
in future editions of the Falcon News and STPC "IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO PARTICIPATE"
communications. In fact, there will be a GATE "Please donate to the Family Giving Campaign"
informational meeting Thursday, Sept. 24, at 6:00
p.m., prior to the STPC meeting that evening.
Hope to see all interested parties there! Notes from the STPC
Forming a great community and support
system is not limited to just this two-year school as one
may think. This school community that you are in will
most likely be the same for the next 5-6 years as we
transition from RVMS to MCHS. This is a great parent
group that we are forming and we would like to
encourage a great tradition of support that lasts through
12th grade!

Email Notices:
This year the STPC has started sending out notices via
constant contact email service. For our parent
community this year, we added your names, emails and
contact information to the system for you; in future
years you will be able to add yourself. The beauty of
“Jumping jacks 1-2-3, turn 4, toes, knees, this system is that you can manage the information
clap, clap, clap”. Welcome to 7th grade physical yourself as well, choosing how often you receive
education! So many elements of the class seemed notices and deleting yourself from the mailing. To be
challenging, but now are a piece of cake. The first added to the email system, send a note to
unit, Boot Camp, tackled challenges like [email protected]. To edit your information and
memorizing another combination, dressing in the how often you receive notices, you can click on the link
locker room, working together with a squad line, at the bottom of the email from constant contact
and learning the BEST behaviors for Rincon “Update Profile/Email Address“ and it will send you a
Valley. We have built a solid foundation for the note to link to your information (no passwords needed).
year and can focus on learning, become physically
fit, while treating each other with respect. RVMS Family Directory:
The fitness component is an integral part of You may also elect to join the e-directory to be
our program. We will be collecting baseline data published once in September (Deadline Sept 18th),
for the state mandated FITNESSGRAM test and once in January (deadline Jan 1) and once in May for
the RVMS Fitness test. Both health and skill the summer (deadline April 30th). All participants will
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
receive an e-copy. To opt-in, just check the who follow their ideas up with volunteerism and
“directory” box in your constant contact champion the concept forward.
registration page. If you do not have email and
want to participate, please send in a note to the
STPC box in the office to the attention of the STPC It is a pleasure to be part of this school community. We
president. hope you think so as well.
- The STPC
Volunteering: [email protected]
We have an opportunity for everyone, volunteering
at school, at home and in so many ways. We have
switched to email notices for all volunteering
needs. If you are interested in volunteering, send
us a note to add you to the email list. Parents,
thank you for stepping up and making the special
effort in these challenging times. When you see
the next notice, please check your calendar and see Don’t forget to send in your box tops to
if you can help. your child’s science class.

Parent meetings THANK YOU STPC Chairs!

STPC meetings are the best way to link into what
is going on at your child’s learning community at
RVMS. These meetings are the one place to gather Not to go unnoticed, as you
administration, teachers and parents together to
highlight the programs and opportunities at RVMS.
all do so much all year:
Thank you to Mr. Marshall for his dedication to our
• Thank you to Mousa Abbasi for a very successful
students and for the updates at the meetings.
orientation day and coordinating over 160 volunteers
Thank you to the staff and teachers who attend and
and training. You are coordinating something every
shed valuable light on our kids’ daily activities.
week since school started so thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you………..(we could just go on!!!!)
STPC Meetings
RVMS Library – 7 p.m. • Thank you to our hospitality co-chairs, Lorraine
Sept 24th Bryars and Debbie Cardineau for providing
Oct 22nd refreshments for orientation, back to school night and
Nov - No meeting, busy season the first STPC meeting refreshments. Yummy!
Dec- No meeting, busy season
Jan 28th • Thank you to the Family Giving Campaign co-chairs
Feb 25t Karen Littel and Staci Pastis for your hard work
Mar 26th No meeting, spring break starting last spring to conceptualize and inaugurate the
Apr 22nd Elections and roundtable review tradition of just giving at RVMS. We all enjoy the
May – No meeting, busy last month break from supporting silent auctions and myriad
fundraising activities.
We are constantly looking at ways to improve what • A “you are awesome” to Staci Pastis who has
we do and how we do it. We love suggestions from arranged over $4K in in-kind donations that in turn
our parent community. So much of what we do to allows us to spend more on our children and programs
support the school is dependent on parent special at RVMS. We look for all areas that we can seek
interests and talents that do change from year to donations rather than spend money on needs at the
year at RVMS. Our best suggestions from parents school. If you would like to help Staci seek out
additional in-kind donations from our community and
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
companies across the United States, please let us Le Family: Amy & Victoria
know at [email protected]. Adams Family: Madison & Linda
Janet Chin
• Thank you Susanne Skabelund for taking all the Sullivan Family: Tim, Regina, Tara & Brendan
inputs from teachers, staff and STPC board Hicks Family: Scott, MK, Tacey, & Trysha
members and making not only sense of it but also a Lynn Scuri
budget that allows us to move forward. Girmay
Mr. Resnikof
• Thank you to Brigitte Rocca for arranging the Mike & Casey Dobbert
spirit wear sales at orientation, making it so fun for Randy Hopper
kids to get excited about their school. Joseph Bekstrein
Bob Wyatt
Thank you to all the volunteers that supported the Lynnette Scolari
activities so far at RVMS. The fun never stops Daniel Docker
does it? This is a great team, RVMS! Shapiro Family
Phillip Frankl
Did we miss anyone? Let us know.

A huge thank you to the crew leaders of the day;

Thank you Montgomery Village Shops LLP "Hurrah!" to Katya Anderson and Matt
Thank you to Montgomery Village & David Marshall for plant layout, drip trenching
Codding for inviting us to participate in the and planting leadership (Saturday) and
summer concert series. We have raised over $4K "way-to-go" to the impromptu crew
for the Badger Road Project via funding from the leaders for the drip system hook-up and
community beverage sales during the concert. final details- Phillip Frankl and Bob Wyatt..
Montgomery Village has purchased all the
beverage supplies that we sold for 100% profit for Thank you to John Wargo for hooking up the water
RVMS. Thank you also to Lagunitas that has system, spending many days doing whatever it took to
donated the beverages for all the events. discover the 30-year forgotten water system to hook up
the water and put in the boxes and the valves. He also
It is amazing the support from these businesses and does not have a child at RVMS anymore, that is
they are so pleased to do it. dedication!

Please support them with your patronage and if Again, thank you to Maisha Ruth for her dedication
you have a moment, tell them thank you! and professionalism in design of the area and for
working with the district to get it approved and get the
site prepared. Over a year of planning and details!
Thank you for you amazing volunteerism.

Thank you to the following
amazing RVMS families that If your child needs to leave during the school day,
gathered the weekend before school your students must bring a note to the Attendance
opened to make Phase 1 of the Office BEFORE SCHOOL to get a Permit to
Badger Road Project something we will all enjoy Leave. This will allow your student to get all their
for years: necessary school work/supplies and minimize
classroom interruptions. Remember students
Katya Anderson need to always be signed out from the
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
attendance office when leaving early or
signed in when arriving late.


Wednesday, September 23rd This includes health or
medical issues, missed or
delayed First Student buses,
and unforeseeable events.


"Please donate to the Family Giving Campaign"


Students must be in school all day if they wish to

participate in any extracurricular activity. For
MESSAGES/DELIVERIES TO example, if there is a school dance, an athletic
STUDENTS game, or an evening awards ceremony, a student
Only in the case of an EMERGENCY will the must attend all six classes to participate in that
office forward messages from parents to activity.
students. Messages delivered to class cause
a disruption to the learning environment.
Please discuss arrangements such as
transportation, appointments and other non-
urgent issues in the morning, before your child
leaves for school.

Deliveries to students in the classroom also Adults on Campus

cause a disruption to the learning Please remember that if you come on campus
environment. All deliveries should be brought during the school day 8:00 – 3:00, you must sign
to the main office and kept to a minimum. The in as a guest in the main office. This is for the
student will be contacted at the end of a protection of all our students.
period, and they can get the delivery at break,
lunch, or after school.
Please do not call your student on their cell
phone during school hours. This is a violation Students requiring medication during school hours
of school policy, and could result in disciplinary must have a permission form on file for the school
action being taken against the student. year. This form must be completed and signed by
the doctor and parent/guardian. Forms are
available in the Main Office. Your doctor may fax
written instructions to the Health Office at 528-
5644. All medications must be kept in the Health
Office unless otherwise stated by your doctor. IF
you have question, please call 528-5255.
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
Hope you can join in the fun. If you have any
Tammi Leggins – Health Technician questions, contact Chris Woodbury at 528-
Michele Scudero, RN, Dist. Nurse @ RVMS

Santa Rosa Accelerated Charter


The Culinary Class would like to send out a 5th gr. Enrollment Window Nov. 2 – 30,
huge thank you to Prickett’s Nursery for 2009
donating some beautiful herb plants to our Parent Information Gathering Oct.
class. Also, we would like to thank Trader 29, 2009
Joe’s for donating 10 pounds of butter and 10
bags of chocolate chips. We look forward to See flyer for additional information !
making delicious food with these donations.

August 17 – October 2,


7th Grade Event This STPC fundraiser will help to offset budget
Friday, October 23 cuts and maintain excellence at RVMS by
providing funding for sports, extracurricular
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. activities, GATE, campus-wide technology,
classroom and science lab supplies, field trips,
Renaissance, and more!
Sign Ups
Wednesday, Sept. 23 – At Lunch So far, we've raised $26,000, with 20% of
families participating. Our goal is to raise
$80,000. If everyone gives something, we'll get
Permission slips will be handed out in P.E. there! You can donate any amount that works
for your family.
Please bring your permission slip and
Please either send or bring your check to the
money to sign up on Wed., Sept. 23. school office. The donation rocket/canister is
to your far right as you enter. Your donation is
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
tax deductible. There is a donation form
included in this packet. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATION!!!"

Keep watching the red "fuel" rise on our

rockets outside the school to monitor our

Child Welfare and Attendance

211 Ridgway Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Tel : (707) 528-5137
Fax: (707) 528-5107


¤ This will eliminate the Intra District Transfer annual request.

¤ If the number of requests does not exceed the space available, your first choice will
be granted.

¤ If the number of request exceeds the space available, a lottery will take place.

¤ No special criteria is needed for your request.

¤ Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

¤ Ask your school for more information or call Child Welfare and Attendance

Op en E nr ol lm en t Tim e Pe ri od :
NOVEMBER 1 (8:00 a.m.) – NOVEMBER 30 (5:00 p.m.)

Plea se a pply on- line @ www .sr cs .k12 .c a.u s

A computer is available at Child Welfare and Attendance.
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
Pap er App licat io ns ar e N OT a cce pte d.

Nightmare on Puberty Street

Dear Parents/Guardians:

On Thursday, October 29, Rincon Valley Middle School will offer a health education
program provided free-of-charge by Kaiser Permanente. Nightmare on Puberty Street is an
award-winning, live theatre performance for students in grades 6, 7, and 8.

Comedy, drama, music, and dance bring to life issues that affect the health of pre-teens:
peer pressure and self-esteem, “crushes” and romantic feelings, body changes, depression
and thoughts of suicide, violence, and communication with parents and peers.

Students identify with the youthful, ethnically diverse performers/educators and discover:
skills to resist peer pressure, the use of positive peer pressure and how to be a good
friend, the impact of labels and name-calling, and how to seek help from parents and other
trusted adults.

Nightmare on Puberty Street was developed by physicians, health educators, and theatre
professionals at Kaiser Permanente in collaboration with a community-based advisory
community of parents, teachers, counselors, and school district officials.

The Nightmare program encourages parents, teachers and students to follow up with
discussions and activities – to help show that puberty doesn’t have to be a nightmare.

Talkingwithkids.org(htpp://talking with kids.org/first/html) is a website recommended by

the National Parent Teacher Association and child development experts about talking to
youth regarding touch issues.

**Please see the Parent Guide in this newsletter for more information.**
If you do not wish you student to attend the assembly you Must return the slip below,
signed by you, indicating your preference. Students who do not attend the performance
will be assigned to the Library during the assembly.

If you are interested in pre-viewing a performance before it comes to RVMS, you may go to the Educational
Theatre performance calendar at www.kport/etp to get performance dates and times to attend a performance at
a nearby school. If attending, please call the school you will attending and check with the Education Theatre
Programs at (510) 987-2223 to make sure the date and times are correct.

Please Sign and Return to THE RVMS COUNSELING OFFICE only if you do not
want your child attending the “Nightmare” performance or if you want
more information.

______NO, I do not give permission for my son/daughter

_______________________ to attend
a Performance of Nightmare on Puberty Street.

______ PLEASE CALL ME with more information about the performance.

RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
RVMS Newsletter - September 2009
Teacher Voicem E-Mail Teacher Voicem E-mail
ail ail
BLAIR 2300 [email protected] MYERS, I 2318 [email protected]
BREW 2301 [email protected] NORRIS 2357 [email protected]
BRINER 2330 briner.science@sbcglobal RESNIKOFF 2320 [email protected].
.net us
BROWN 2335 [email protected] SALER 2311 [email protected]
CANDELARIA 2349 [email protected]. SANDHOLM 2322 [email protected]
us .us
CHENEY 2348 [email protected] SHUBIN 2346 [email protected]
CONRAD 2347 [email protected] S-BOLDT 2324 [email protected]
DAVIES 2304 [email protected] SIROTA 2325 [email protected]
DEROUSSEAU 2305 [email protected] TOBY 2326 [email protected]
EAGLE 6049 [email protected] VARNBUHLER 2327 [email protected]
J a.us
FORSYTH 2308 [email protected] VARNBUHLER 2328 [email protected]
L a.us
GUIDO 6050 [email protected] WADE 6046 [email protected]
GURSKI 2310 [email protected] WALLS 2342 [email protected]
HART 2350 [email protected] WEIGHALL 6047 [email protected]
HOUSE 2345 [email protected] WOLFE 2355 [email protected]
KING-CLAYE 2312 [email protected] WOODBURY 6048 [email protected]
KOVATCH 2313 [email protected] ZEMAN 2332 [email protected]
KUBIAK 2314 [email protected]
LONDO 2316 [email protected] COUNSELORS
LUNSFORD 2317 [email protected] CRAIG- 2358 [email protected].
MACCHIA 2306 [email protected] EVANS (A-I) 528- [email protected]
MCCOMAS 2352 [email protected]. WILKINS (J- 528- [email protected]
us Z) 5257
The Santa Rosa Accelerated
Charter School
On the campus of Rincon Valley Middle School

2010 Enrollment
For incoming 5th Graders
Informational Gathering:
October 29, 2009
4:00 PM in the RVMS Café

Application Window: November 2 – 30, 2009

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