New Patient Spine Packet
New Patient Spine Packet
New Patient Spine Packet
Referring Physician:____________________________________________________________________________
What part of your spine is your main concern today? (Check all that apply)
Low Back/Leg(s) _____ Neck/Arm(s) _____ Thoracic spine_____ Other_____
When did this set of CURRENT problems begin?_______________________________________________
When did they become serious enough to consider seeking medical care?___________________________
What is your chief complaint? ______________________________________________________________
What event(s) caused your current spine problem? (Check all that apply)
___ Gradual onset ___ Reaching ___ Lifting ___ Don’t know
___ Fall ___ Twisting ___ Pushing ___ Not applicable
___ Direct blow ___ Bending ___ Pulling ___ Other________________________
What were the circumstances surrounding this onset? (Check all that apply)
Please explain these events that surrounded the onset of this spine problem:
Do you feel your employer or another person caused this spine problem? ___ yes ___no
How many prior surgeries have you had in the area of the spine that is being addressed today? _______
Have your current spine problems been on going since they first started _____yes _____no
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Current Status
Mark the area on your body where you feel your typical pain. Include all affected areas. Use the appropriate symbols
indicated below
Pain Severity
1. If 10 is the worst pain imaginable, and 0 is no pain, please note your pain over the last TWO
a) Please range your WORST pain. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b) Please rate your LEAST pain. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c) Please rate your overall or AVERAGE pain. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. In the last week, how many days did you have your usual pain? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. In the last week, during your waking hours, about what percentage of the day were you in pain
Less than 10% 10 – 59 % 50 – 75% 75 – 100%
It also bothers me at night
4. Do you have both back and leg pain? Yes No If yes, please answer the following 3
a) Which is worse, your back pain or your leg pain? Back pain Leg pain About
b) Do you often have just back pain without leg pain? Yes No
c) Do you often have just leg pain without back pain? Yes No
5. Do you have both neck and arm pain? Yes No If yes, please answer the following 3
a) Which is worse, your neck pain or your arm pain? Neck pain Arm pain About equal
b) Do you often have just neck pain without arm pain? Yes No
c) Do you often have just arm pain without neck pain? Yes No
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Patient Name:_________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________________
1. How is your current pain, compared to when this pain episode first started?
Much improved Somewhat improved No change A little worse Much worse N/A
2. How much change do you expect in your pain 6 months from now?
Worse No change Some improvement Marked improvement Total relief
Bladder Function
If you have had any change in your bladder function, do you:
Urinate more often
Have loss of control or accidents
Have a sense of urgency
Have a loss of sensation around groin or buttocks
Have problems with sexual function
Have had no change
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1. Pain intensity (mark only one)
I can tolerate the pain I have without having to use pain killers
The pain is bad but I manage without taking pain killers
Pain killers give complete relief from pain
Pain killers give moderate relief from pain
Pain killers give very little relief from pain
Pain killers have no effect on the pain, I do not use them
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Patient Name:_________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____
Page 5
Social / Environmental History
High school diploma Yes No
GED Yes No
Did not complete high school or receive a GED Yes No
What is your highest level of education or training? ____________________________________________________
Marital Status:
What is your marital status? Married/Partner Divorced/Separated Single Widowed
Have you had a stress or change in a significant relationship within the past 12 months? Yes No
If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________________
What are the ages of your children? _________________________________________________________________
Have you had any of these sleep problems at least half the days of the past month?
Trouble falling asleep when you first go to bed Yes No
Waking up during the night and not easily going back to sleep Yes No
Waking up in the morning earlier than planned or desired Yes No
Feeling unsatisfied or not rested by your night’s sleep Yes No
Feeling excessively sleepy during the day (does not include regular naps) Yes No
How many hours per night do you sleep currently, on average? _____
Did your sleep problems exist prior to your current pain problem? Yes No No sleep problems now
These questions are about how you feel and how things have been with you during the past four weeks. For each
question, please give one answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling.
Have you ever considered yourself a victim of physical, emotional or sexual abuse? Yes No
Are you receiving care from a mental health professional? Yes No If yes, please explain____________________
1. Have you ever smoked? Yes No If yes, at what age did you start? ________
(Check all that apply) ___cigarettes ___cigars ___ pipe Age began: _____
2. During the time you smoke(d), indicate the average number smoked daily:
___less than 1 pack a day ___1 pack per day ____1 to 2 packs per day ___ more than 2 packs per day
3. If you’ve quit smoking, at what age? _____
4. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
___never ___monthly or less ___2-4 times a month ___ 2-3 times a week ___ 4 or more times a week
5. How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
___ 1 or 2 ___ 3 or 4 ___ 5 or 6 ___ 7 to 9 ___ 10 or more
6. Are you concerned about your drinking patterns? Yes No
7. Have any family members or friends expressed concerned about your drinking? Yes No
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Patient Name:_________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____
Occupational History:
Employer: _______________________________ Date of hire: ________ Usual occupation: ___________________
6. Is your employer able and willing to offer you job accommodations (e.g., light duty, part-time work, flexible
schedule, special equipment) if needed to allow you to work? Yes No Don’t Know N/A
7. How certain are you that you will be working in 6 months? (circle one)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all Certain Definitely
9. Are you planning to apply for permanent disability such as Social Security Disability (SSDI) or other
disability? (e.g., worker’s compensation) Yes No
10. Has your employer treated you fairly?
Yes No N/A If no, please explain: __________________________________________________
11. Has anyone in your family been on disability coverage? Yes No
If yes, what is the relationship to you? __________________________________________________________
12. Is a lawyer helping you with a claim or lawsuit related to your current pain or other symptoms?
Yes No If yes, explain briefly ________________________________________________________
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Please list the physicians, chiropractors, and/or osteopaths you have seen within the LAST YEAR for your
back/neck pain, along with the approximate dates.
Doctor’s Name Type of Doctor Approximate Dates
_______________________________________ ___________________________ __________________
_______________________________________ ___________________________ __________________
_______________________________________ ___________________________ __________________
_______________________________________ ___________________________ __________________
Put an “X” next to each treatment you have had for your back/neck pain in the past or currently. For each treatment you
have had, circle Yes or No in each column.
____Treatment Effect of Treatment_________________________________
Currently using? Helped No change Increased symptoms
____ Home exercise program Yes No 1 2 3
____ Bed rest Yes No 1 2 3
____ Hot packs/ice Yes No 1 2 3
____ TENS unit for home use Yes No 1 2 3
____ Back brace Yes No 1 2 3
____ Physical therapy Yes No 1 2 3
____ Massage Yes No 1 2 3
____ Chiropractic treatment Yes No 1 2 3
____ Osteopathic manipulation Yes No 1 2 3
____ Acupuncture Yes No 1 2 3
____ Epidural injections Yes No 1 2 3
____ Facet injections Yes No 1 2 3
____ Local (trigger point) injections Yes No 1 2 3
____ Under care of pain specialists Yes No 1 2 3
____ Other ___________________ Yes No 1 2 3
Diagnostic Tests:
Which of the following diagnostic tests have been done on your back/neck? Please indicate date for “yes” answers.
Workup No Yes Approximate Date Work up No Yes Approximate Date
Regular x-rays___ ___ ______________ Bone Scan ___ ___ _______________
___ ___ ______________ ___ ___ ______________
MRI Scan ___ ___ ______________ Discogram ___ ___ ______________
___ ___ ______________ ___ ___ ______________
CT Scan ___ ___ ______________ EMG/SSEP ___ ___ ______________
___ ___ ______________ ___ ___ ______________
Myelogram/ CT ___ ___ ______________ Bone Density ___ ___ ______________
___ ___ ______________ ___ ___ ______________
Other ___ ___ ______________
If you have had surgery on your Back and/or Neck (including chymopapain), please fill in the following for
each operation:
Date Type of Surgery and Surgeon Pain After Surgery (M.D. USE ONLY)
Worse Same Better
_______ _________________________________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________________
_______ _________________________________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________________
_______ _________________________________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________________
_______ _________________________________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________________
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Patient Name:_________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____
Medical History
Date: ________________ HT: ____________ WT: __________ Dominant Hand: Right Left Ambidextrous
PRIOR SURGERIES (please list) Approximate PRIOR SURGERIES (please list) Approximate
Date Date
Have you EVER had any problems with surgery or anesthesia? Yes No Explain: ____________________________
Review of systems: Do you CURRENTLY have any of the following If yes, please explain:
problems? Please check answer that applies.
Neurological problems(i.e. Headaches, stroke, Yes No
memory loss, seizures)
Eye (i.e. glaucoma, cataracts, wandering or lazy eye) Yes No
Chronic Fever, unexpected weight loss, fatigue, poor Yes No
appetite, night sweats
Ear/Nose/Throat problems(i.e. hearing loss, sinus Yes No
Heart problems(i.e. chest pain, irregular heart beat, Yes No
tightness, trouble breathing lying flat, trouble
breathing when exercising, swollen ankles)
Respiratory problems(i.e. shortness of breath, Yes No
wheezing, coughing blood, persistent cough)
Gastrointestinal problems(i.e. nausea, heartburn, Yes No
abdominal pain, diarrhea, change in bowel habits,
excessive constipation, black or bloody stools)
Urinary problems(i.e. pain, incontinence, blood in Yes No
urine, urinate more at night )
Endocrine problems(i.e. diabetes, thyroid disease, Yes No
menstrual problems)
Reproductive problems (i.e. pregnancy, prostate Yes No
problems, impotence, etc.)
Musculoskeletal (morning stiffness, muscle Yes No
tenderness, dry eyes or mouth, white fingers in cold,
skin rashes, joint pain or swelling)
Does your pain increase with your menstrual Yes No
Are you pregnant or possibly pregnant? Yes No
Do you take Birth Control Pills or Hormones? Yes No
Do you take at least 1000 mg of calcium daily? Yes No
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Patient Name:_________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____
Please indicate if history of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, seizures, neurological, or other “family”
Living? Age or ages at death Present health or cause of death
Father Yes No
Mother Yes No
Spouse Yes No
Brothers # Living
# Deceased
Sisters # Living
# Deceased
Children # Living
# Deceased
MRI Information:
A. Do you have any metal implants such as:
Aneurysm clip(s): Yes No If yes, what year:
Cardiac pacemaker: Yes No If yes, what year:
Neuro-stimulator: Yes No If yes, what year:
Cochlear Implant: Yes No If yes, what year:
SWAN/EPI catheter: Yes No If yes, what year:
Bullets/Bullet fragments: Yes No If yes, what year:
B. Do you have significant claustrophobia: Yes No Will you need sedation: Yes No
C. Do you have a previous history of working with metal? (i.e. welder, sheet metal worker, etc.) Yes No
D. Are you allergic to IV contrast dye, Iodine or shellfish? Yes No
E. If female, is there a chance that you could be pregnant? Yes No
Living Situation: Live Alone With Family With Friends Homeless Other
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Medication Record
In order to prevent mistakes with your medications, please transfer the information from the labels on
your prescription bottles to this sheet. Accurate information is required for your safety.
Medication Allergies (List all) Reaction
Tobacco use: Never Previously, but quit Current _______packs per day.
Date stopped:
Use of Alcohol: Daily Moderately Rarely Never
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Patient Name:_________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____
1) CONSTITUTIONAL: (measure 3)
_____ ____ Ht.______ Wt._____ BP______ Pulse____ Resp. _____ Temp_______
_____ _____ Orientation _______________________________________________________
_____ _____ Memory-Short term ___________________Long term_____________________
_____ _____ Affect/Mood ______________________________________________________
_____ _____ Judgment/Insight ___________________________________________________
______ _____ E O M ___________________________________________________________
______ _____ Pupils____________________________________________________________
______ _____ Visual Fields ______________________________________________________
_____ _____ Carotid Artery (bruits) ____ ____
_____ _____ Abnormal Aorta (size, bruits
PULSES R L (0,1+2+)
Femoral _____ ____
Popliteal _____ ____
Dorsalis Pedis _____ ____
Post Tibial _____ ____
_____ _____ Extremities (edema, varicosities, cyanosis, temperature) ____________________
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____ ____ Gen Assessment inspection __________________________________
____ ____ Lung Auscultation _________________________________________
____ ____ Symmetry of expansion _____________________________________
____ ____ Palpation of chest __________________________________________
8) LYMPHATIC (palpate 2)
____ ____ Neck _____Axilla ______Groin ________
Inspection _____________________________________________
_____ _____ Rectal ___________Prostate ____________Sphincter tone
____ _____ a) Gait _________________________________________________
____ _____ b) Station ______________________________________________
____ _____ c) Spine Area (neck, thoracic, lumbar) (circle area examined)
____ _____ d) Inspection (symmetry, masses, alignment)
____ _____ e) Myofascial pain (area tender)___________________________________
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Patient Name:_________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____
_____ _____ a) Cranial Nerves_____________________________________________
b) Sensation
_____ _____ UE’s____________________________________________________
_____ _____ LE’s_____________________________________________________
c) Muscle Strength___________________________________________
_____ _____ UE’s____________________________________________________
_____ _____ LE’s_____________________________________________________
Biceps _______ _______ Quads _____ _____
Triceps _______ _______ Achilles _____ _____
BR _______ _______
e) Pathologic Reflexes
f) Tension signs
Body Areas
Head (including face)
Chest (including breast/axilla)
Page 15
Time 99241 99242 99243 99244 99245
Minutes 15 30 40 60 80
Location: Location:
Paraspinous R L B Sacroiliac R L B Paraspinous R L B Sacroiliac R L B
Trapezius R L B Sciatic Notch R L B Trapezius R L B Sciatic Notch R L B
Arm R L B Leg R L B Arm R L B Leg R L B
Other___________________________________ Other_________________________________
Frequency/week: 1-3 Days 4-6 Days Daily Frequency/week: 1-3 Days 4-6 Days Daily
Length of Pain: Seconds Minutes Hours Length of Pain: Seconds Minutes Hours
Worst Time of Day: First Arise Morning MidDay Worst Time of Day: First Arise Morning MidDay
Afternoon Evening Night All Afternoon Evening Night All
Best Time of Day: First Arise Morning MidDay Best Time of Day: First Arise Morning MidDay
Afternoon Evening Night All Afternoon Evening Night All
Increasing Factors: Look Up Look Down Use Arms Increasing Factors: Look Up Look Down Use Arms
Sit Stand Walk Bend Forward Sit Stand Walk Bend Forward
Bend Backward Off Feet Turn R Turn L Bend Backward Off Feet Turn R Turn L
Movement_______________________________________ Movement_____________________________________
Relieving Factors: Sit Stand Walk Relieving Factors: Sit Stand Walk
Bend Forward Bend Backward Off Feet Bend Forward Bend Backward Off Feet
Movement Crouching Change Position Hold Still Movement Crouching Change Position Hold Still
Meds___________________________________________ Meds________________________________________
Progression: Progression:
_________Little better __________Much better _________Little better __________Much better
_________Little worse __________Much worse _________Little worse __________Much worse
__________No change __________No change
Miscellaneous/Neurologic: Miscellaneous/Neurologic:
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