Neck Pain and Lower Back Pain. Med Clin N Am. 2019.
Neck Pain and Lower Back Pain. Med Clin N Am. 2019.
Neck Pain and Lower Back Pain. Med Clin N Am. 2019.
a, b
Adrian Popescu, MD *, Haewon Lee, MD
Neck pain Natural history Treatment Diagnosis Physical examination
Lower back pain Spine interventions Red flags
History and physical examination along with risk factors should dictate further needs for
imaging for patients with neck or lower back pain.
A cross-imaging study like MRI should be considered in patients with history of cancer,
red flag signs, progressive neurologic deficits, determining the acuity of a fracture, and
for presurgical or preprocedural evaluation.
For patients with acute neck pain who receive appropriate treatment, most cases will
resolve over a period of weeks to months.
Preferential direction of movement in patients with radicular or axial lower back pain
symptoms can guide patient’s ergonomics and a physical therapy program.
Seeing a physiatrist spine specialist within 1 week of symptoms onset can increase patient
satisfaction, decrease use of care and reduce rates of fusion spine surgeries for patients
with lower back pain.
Neck pain is the fourth leading cause of disability.1 Adult population (ages 15–74 years)
shows a point prevalence ranging from 5.9%2 to 38.7%.3 The 1-year prevalence of
neck pain in the elderly population ranges between 8.8%4 and 11.6%.5,6 Females
report neck pain more frequently than males.7,8
The causes of neck pain vary broadly, with leading causes being inadequate ergo-
nomics at work, sitting and maintaining neck posture in a nonphysiologic position for
long periods of time. Duration of symptoms may classify the neck pain as acute at less
than 6 weeks, subacute at 3 months or less, or chronic at more than 6 months. There is
an association between a shorter duration of neck pain and better prognosis for long-
term outcomes.9,10
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Hospital of the University of Pennsyl-
vania, Perelman School of Medicine, 1800 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA;
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Cali-
fornia San Diego, 200 West Arbor Drive, #8894, San Diego, CA 92103, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Acute neck pain largely resolves within 2 months from the initial pain episode, but a
significant proportion of patients continue to have neck pain recurrence or some
discomfort at 1 year. The best predictor of future neck pain is presence of an episode
of neck pain in the past.11,12
Factors associated with neck pain chronicity include psychopathology, low work
satisfaction, sedentary lifestyle, headaches, female sex, secondary gain, and poor
work physical environment and ergonomics.13
Nontraumatic neck pain can be classified according to the suspected pain generator.
It can have a mechanical component (cervical intervertebral disc, cervical zygapophy-
seal joints, facet joints, ligaments, and atlantoaxial joints), or a neuropathic component
(radiculopathy secondary to compression or irritation of the spinal nerve secondary to
a disc herniation, foraminal stenosis, or central spinal stenosis), or a combination of
both. The controversial entity of myofascial pain syndrome is a condition that probably
encompasses neck pain not explained by imaging findings, in a chronic fashion. Neck
pain with a neurologic deficit can be cause by disc herniation with nerve root compres-
sion, severe foraminal stenosis or disc-osteophyte complex that leads to nerve root
compression, or central stenosis leading to cord compression and myelopathy. Ossi-
fication of the posterior longitudinal ligament is a unique condition that can cause cord
compression and myelopathy. Myelopathy is a clinical diagnosis. It often refers to
weakness, balance, and fine motor deficits secondary to spinal cord compression.
The differential diagnosis for neck pain is broad and should be used in a diagnostic
algorithm: coronary artery disease, infection (osteomyelitis, discitis, retropharyngeal
abscess, meningitis, fracture of the dens), malignancy (multiple myeloma, metastatic
disease), rheumatologic conditions (polymyalgia rheumatica, calcium pyrophosphate
deposition disease at the atlanto-axial joint, fibromyalgia), vascular etiologies (verte-
bral or carotid dissection), and thoracic outlet syndrome for neck pain associated
with arm symptoms. Albeit rare, neck pain conditions that are associated with red
flags (myelopathy, osteomyelitis, discitis, bowel or bladder incontinence, suspected
malignancy) need to be addressed in a timely fashion and usually require advance im-
aging (MRI or computed tomography [CT]) along with specific laboratory work (eryth-
rocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, complete blood count, etc).
Lower cervical spine pathology can manifest with axial pain (disc herniations, disco-
genic pain, lateral osteophyte formation and uncovertebral hypertrophy, cervical zyg-
apophyseal joint hypertrophy). Neuropathic pain (radicular pain) affects most
frequently the C6 and C7 nerve roots as a result of pathology at C5 to C6 and C6 to
C7 vertebral levels. In a large prospective study conducted at Mayo Clinic for patients
treated in a nonoperative fashion, although radicular pain had a high recurrence rate
(31%), at a mean follow-up of 5.9 years, 90% of the patients experienced either
mild pain or no pain.17
Diagnostic Workup
In patients with trauma to the head or neck, the NEXUS criteria and/or the Canadian
C-spine criteria should be used to determine the need for further imaging.14,15 History
and physical examination along with risk factors should dictate further needs for imag-
ing. Cervical spine radiographs with included flexion and extension views can determine
4 Popescu & Lee
Any clinician who is treating neck pain with or without radiation should be aware of the
natural history of musculoskeletal neck pain.17 In one randomized trial that followed
206 patients with acute cervical radicular pain, physical therapy, a home exercise pro-
gram, and use of a hard collar significantly improved disability related to pain at
6 weeks compared with expectant (“wait and see”) treatment.25 Although there is
no singular exercise modality for neck pain, a small prospective randomized trial
demonstrated a trend toward greater improvement in the group that underwent the
McKenzie Method of physical therapy compared with general exercise and expectant
treatment. Patients may do well to work with a physical therapist trained to provide
McKenzie physical therapy.26
The evidence for alternative treatments for neck pain including massage, acupunc-
ture, manipulation, soft cervical collar, electrotherapy, and yoga being superior to
sham or other treatments is weak. These treatments are equivalent to expectant treat-
ment.27–29 The evidence for pharmacologic interventions for acute and chronic
musculoskeletal neck pain is limited. There are no high-quality studies to determine
the efficacy of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or oral steroids for
neck pain. Cyclobenzaprine at doses of 15 or 30 mg/d was proven to be significantly
more helpful than placebo for acute neck pain.30
Topical NSAID diclofenac etolamine 1.16% gel applied for acute neck pain was
proven to be more helpful than placebo at 2 and 5 days after the start of treatment
with 2 g of gel applied on the affected area up to four times daily. Efficacy assessments
included pain on movement, pain at rest, functional neck disability index, and
response to treatment (decrease in pain on movement by 50% after 48 hours). All
measures achieved statistical significance.31
There is limited evidence for treatment of cervical musculoskeletal neck pain (in
absence of clear cervical dystonia) with trigger point injections, dry needling, or
Neck Pain and Lower Back Pain 5
prevalence of lower back pain lasting at least 2 weeks is about 14%. The 6-month
prevalence of disabling lower back pain is up to 11% of the adult patient popula-
tion.39,40 In 2010, lower back pain accounted for 1.3% of the diagnosis for an outpa-
tient office visit.41 The prevalence of activity limiting lower back pain that significantly
interferes with work and quality of life for at least 1 day is 12%. One-month prevalence
of lower back pain was estimated to be 20% to 26%.42 Patients with acute lower back
pain who present for medical care can have resolution of their symptoms in 70% to
90% of cases.43,44 Although an acute episode may resolve, up to 70% of patients
may suffer a recurrent episode of lower back pain within 1 year and 54% of them within
6 months. There is evidence that a prior episode of lower back pain has a fair predic-
tive value for a future episode of lower back pain.45,46
Although it is not necessary to determine the benign causes for lower back pain,
appropriate treatment for lower back pain conditions might decrease the chance for
patients to develop chronic pain, a symptom that might be very difficult to reverse.
In 1 recent large cohort study for the patients seen for acute lower back pain in the
primary care setting, up to 20% of patients developed chronic lower back pain at
the 2-year follow-up.46
A large study from Australia that followed 973 people with acute axial lower back
pain seen in the primary care setting found that 28% did not fully recover 12 months
after their initial consultation. Factors associated with persistence included older age,
greater baseline pain and dysfunction, depression, fear of pain persistence, and
continuing compensation claims.47
Although the number of studies that show significant change in the course of the
disease by 1 visit to 1 specialist are limited, Fox and colleagues48 show that a
patient-centric approach to lower back pain can clearly improve outcomes and
improve patient satisfaction while reducing the use of health care resources.
Patients who have at least 1 day of incapacitating lower back pain that interferes
with life and work should see a primary care specialist for assessment of symptoms
and counseling on ergonomics and activities. A consultation with a physical medicine
and rehabilitation spine specialist within 48 hours for acute pain and within 10 days for
all patients with lower back pain may significantly reduce further rate of surgical inter-
ventions and increase patients’ satisfaction.48 For patients who present to primary
care, there is an approximately 4% incidence of vertebral compression fracture for pa-
tients more than 50 years old. The incidence for neoplastic disease of the spine is less
than 0.1% for patients who obtain a study for lower back pain.49
Nontraumatic lower back pain can have different etiologies: intervertebral disc
related, vertebral body related, facet joint related, and sacroiliac joint related. In
addition, there are infectious, neoplasia (metastatic disease, lymphoma, myeloma,
retroperitoneal tumors), and inflammatory arthropathies (ankylosing spondylitis,
psoriatic arthritis) related lower back pain. Other causes that may mimic lumbar
spine pathology can be related to renal disease (nephrolithiasis, renal capsule
distension), pelvic organ pathology, aortic aneurysm or aortic pathology, or gastro-
intestinal disease (pancreatitis, gastroduodenal ulcer, etc). There are no high-quality
heterogenous patient population studies on the natural history of subtypes of lower
back and leg pain secondary to lumbar spine pathology based on anatomic pain
Natural History
There is ample evidence that 28% to 65% of patients having 1 episode of axial back
pain do not recover fully at 12 months after the initial consultation. Factors associated
with ongoing pain included older age, greater baseline pain and dysfunction,
Neck Pain and Lower Back Pain 7
Lower back pain can be classified as acute (<4 weeks), subacute (4–12 weeks), or
chronic (>12 weeks) regardless of the etiology. Lower back pain is a relatively rare
manifestation of serious medical illness.55 History elements should include any prior
episode of the current pain, location of pain with patient pointing to the area of
perceived pain, duration of symptoms, preferred relief positions and alleviating fac-
tors, and preferential direction (ie, movement of the lumbar spine or certain posi-
tion/exercise abolishes or centralizes the radiating pain to the leg). It is also
important to stratify the lower back pain as radicular (lower limb radiation) versus axial
lower back pain (no radiation to the lower limbs), determine if patient had any recent
falls, any gait abnormality, or bowel or bladder incontinence.
Physical examination
Focused physical examination can determine pathology that would require possible
further specialty care:
Toe walk and heel walk
Use of assistive device
Single leg raises on the toes (10 each)
Single leg stands up from sitting position
Weakness in manual muscle testing
Pathologic reflexes, upper motor neuron signs, neurologic deficits (ankle clonus,
Hoffman’s, difficulty with tandem walk)
Preferential direction of movement
Segmental pain with spinous process percussion (compression fracture, meta-
static disease to the spine)
Preferential direction of movement in patients with radicular or axial lower back pain
symptoms can guide the patient’s ergonomics and a physical therapy program, if
there are no concerns for neurologic weakness. Physical therapy exercises matching
the subjects’ directional preference have been shown to significantly and rapidly
decrease pain and medication use with improved outcomes.56
Myotomal weakness (leg weakness, foot drop, difficulty with balance) might be a
good reason to refer to a spine nonoperative specialist for further evaluation, discus-
sion of the prognosis of specific conditions, and discussion of the data in nonoperative
and operative literature.
Minimal trauma in the elderly and other high-risk populations can result in a spinal
compression fracture. The most sensitive examination findings are pain with forward
flexion, pain with coughing or sneezing, and pain with percussion over the spinous
processes. The patients can sometimes have a burst fracture that requires spine
8 Popescu & Lee
cauda equina syndrome, arising from compression of the nerve bundle at the
base of the spine.
Back pain accompanied by unexplained fever or weight loss.
A history of lower back pain associated with prior history of cancer, a weakened
immune system, osteoporosis, or the use of corticosteroids for a prolonged
period of time.
Laboratory tests might or might not increase suspicion for a systemic cause for lower
back pain like inflammatory state, infection etiology, or tumor. A basic screen can
include an erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, and complete blood
Radiographs can be helpful to identify cortical bone defects including fractures,
pars defect, or instability of the spine. In cases of instability or significant spondylolis-
thesis (one of the vertebrae of the lower spine slips forward in relation to another), it is
reasonable to refer to a spine specialist.
MRI and CT scan of the lumbar spine are useful to identify more significant abnor-
malities like tumors, spondylodiscitis, osteomyelitis, or in procedural or surgical plan-
ning. These imaging modalities may be indicated in case of unresolved lower back
pain within 4 to 5 weeks. MRI is the best imaging modality to assess for soft tissue
changes (disc herniation, spine cysts, discitis). MRI with and without contrast can
differentiate between scar tissue from prior surgery from disc material.
Fluoroscopically guided contrast-enhanced diagnostic blocks performed according
to Spine Intervention Society guidelines are specific and sensitive procedures to iden-
tify or rule out a musculoskeletal structure of the spine as a pain generator.70
Natural history (expectant progress) is the evolution of an episode of lower back pain
without medical intervention. The clinical course is the response of the lower back pain
to medical treatment. For musculoskeletal nonspecific acute lower back pain, there is
fair evidence for treatment with NSAIDs for up to 3 months.71 Despite the wide use of
NSAIDs one should consider its significant side effect profile, including cardiovascular
events, new-onset atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure, stroke, heart attack, and
drug–drug interactions that can occur.72,73
There is good evidence for the use of muscle relaxers, especially non–habit-forming
(cyclobenzaprine) for the treatment of acute lower back pain.74 There is no proven su-
periority of opioids to NSAIDs and muscle relaxers for treatment of musculoskeletal
axial lower back pain. There is similar efficacy of duloxetine compared with NSAIDs
and muscle relaxers in treatment of lower back pain.75
When performed by highly skilled physicians according to the guidelines, radiofre-
quency denervation of the lumbar facet joints can provide pain relief for up to 58% of
patients who were carefully diagnosed with comparative diagnostic blocks.76 There is
good evidence that directional preference used in physical therapy sessions can
significantly improve the lower back and lower limb symptoms.56
For patients with radicular leg pain secondary to a lumbar disc herniation, transfor-
aminal epidural steroid injections have been shown to be effective. Using criteria of
reduction of pain of more than 50%, success rates across studies showed 63%
(58%–68%) at 1 month, 74% (68%–80%) at 3 months, 64% (59%–69%) at 6 months,
and 64% (57%–71%) at 1 year.77
The extensive array of physical modalities, behavioral treatments, and widely used
physical modalities including massage, acupuncture, therapeutic ultrasound
10 Popescu & Lee
treatments, yoga, Pilates, manipulative spinal therapies are not supported by the
same level of evidence as the aforementioned treatments. Any improvement may
be due to the natural time line of recovery.78–87
The goals for treatment in patients with acute musculoskeletal lower back pain is to
provide short-term symptom management. Nonpharmacologic treatment including
mechanical diagnosis and treatment and avoiding bedrest are good first steps. Anti-
inflammatory medications along with muscle relaxers can also be used. There is
controversial literature for opioid treatment in acute musculoskeletal lower back pain.
Patient education is probably the most important aspect of the initial visit for acute
lower back pain with or without radicular symptoms. There is ample evidence that
seeing a nonoperative physiatry spine specialist within 1 week can increase patient
satisfaction, decrease use of care and reduce rates of fusion spine surgeries for pa-
tients with lower back pain.48
Nothing to disclose.
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