Development Evaluation of Various Products From Purple Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea Batatas L. Poir)

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Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)

ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

Development Evaluation Of Various Products From

Purple Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea Batatas L. Poir)

Jokebet Saludung1 , Sundari Hamid2, dan Amelda Pramezwary3

Universitas Negeri Makassar1
Universitas Bosowa Makassar2
Universitas Perita Harapan3
Email: [email protected]

Abstract. This research is in the form of field experiments aimed to development

evaluating of various products from purple sweet potato. Sweet potato is everywhere and
very much in Makassar. It is often abundant and easily damaged so it is wasted because
people do not yet understand the best processing methods to be durable and the selling
price increases. The price is very cheap and the processing is still traditional, namely boiled
and fried. Almost all rural communities have sweet potato gardens. Various types of sweet
potato, some of them purple. Why was the purple one chosen? Besides the attractive color,
high nutritional content and benefits are very good for health because they contain
antioxidants. Therefore it is necessary to innovate the development of its products with a
touch of technology so that the results are better, preferred by the community and the
selling price increases. After evaluating the product development in the field it turns out that
various products can be made, namely pizza, panada, sweet bread, poding, and selai. From
the results of the development of various purple sweetpotato products were evaluated and
tested organoleptically for hedonic tests and hedonic quality with indicators of color, taste,
texture, aroma, and quality of product yields, it turned out that panelists were very well-liked
and the quality was worthy of being produced for home industry business development.
Therefore it needs to be socialized so that the benefits are better and known by the
community as raw materials for productive businesses that are cheap and easy to obtain.
Using experimental research methods in the field, organoleptic was tested by 20 panelists
trained and not trained with the instrument checklist. Data were analyzed with descriptive
and mean test of SPSS program assistance. The results of the product are pizza, panada,
sweet bread, poding, selei of purple sweet potato that people like and the quality is very
good to be marketed.

Keywords: Evaluation, Various Product Development, Purple Sweet Potato.

Purple sweet potato with its Latin name Ipomoea Batatas L (Gina Firgianti et al,
2018), Ipomoea batatas L. Poir (Nida El Husna et al, 2013), Ipomoea batatas var
Ayamurasaki (Kumalaningsih, 2007) contains anthocyanin pigments that are higher
than other types of sweet potato. The pigment is more stable when compared to

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

anthocyanins from other sources such as red cabbage, elderberries, blueberries, and
red corn. Furthermore, it was explained that purple sweet potato began to be known
to spread throughout the world, especially countries with tropical climates in the
16th century, it is estimated that purple sweet potato was first in Spain through
Tahiti, Guam Islands, Fiji and New Zealand (Suprapti, 2003). Many grow in Indonesia
and are liked by the community. There are many varieties of sweet potato, there are
white, yellow, red, and purple ranging from light purple to dark purple and deep
purple. Sweet potato has the potential to be developed as a food ingredient because
it has high nutritional content and is easy to process and easily available as industrial
raw materials. Today purple sweet potato has been widely used as flour which is an
intermediate product for raw materials for processed products. Purple sweet potato
flour has been widely used in the manufacture of beverages, noodles, biscuits, cakes,
cakes and breads. There are various kinds of purple sweet potato, including: (a) Biang
Variety of Sweet Potatoes, (b) Ayamurasaki Variety Sweet Potatoes, (c) Yamagawa
Murasaki Varieties of Sweet Potatoes (Wibowo, 2016; Ekawati, 2014).

a. b. c. d.
Figure 1. Assorted purple sweet potatoes. Source: Wibowo, 2016
There have been many research results on sweet potato but in this paper we
will only discuss the evaluation of the development of various products from purple
sweet potato as a result of research on purple sweet potato and product
development. Purple sweet potato is very attractive because it tastes so good and
the color is really nice. More than that, purple sweet potato contains anthocyanins
which are very beneficial for health because they are useful as antioxidants.
Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate and develop its products widely in order to be
understood by the general public. Balitbangtan explained that based on data from
the Central Statistics Agency in 2015, the productivity of sweet potato in Indonesia in
2014 was 152.00 ku / ha, increasing 5.61% in 2015 amounting to 160.53 ku / ha. It
was recorded that in 2015 the sweet potato production in South Sulawesi Province
was 71,677 tons, an increase of 4,035 tons from 2014 with a production of 67,642
tons. The largest producer of sweet potatoes in South Sulawesi is Bone Regency with
a production of 21,688 tons, followed by Gowa Regency with 6,033 tons, Takalar
Regency with 5,731 tons and Maros Regency with 4,612 tons (South Sulawesi
Agricultural Service, 2015). The nutritional content of purple sweet potatoes is also
better because the antin-3 variety is as much as 150.7 mg anthocyanins, 1.1% fiber,
18.2%, starch, 0.4% reducing sugar, 0.6% protein, 0, 70 mg iron and 20.1 mg vitamin
C (Balitbangtan, 2016). Based on data from Riskesdas (2013), it was found that the
consumption of food made from processed wheat flour including instant noodles,
wet noodles, bread and biscuits, as much as 13.4% of Indonesians consume biscuits

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

once per day. The dependence of Indonesian people on wheat flour is very high. This
can be seen from the number of processed food products that use wheat flour.
Therefore, food diversification efforts are important, in addition to reducing
dependence on wheat flour, also to explore other food potentials (Widyastuti, 2015)
to be developed into various products. Why? Because purple sweet potato is
beneficial for health and can be used as functional food and its anthocyanin content
is quite high, ranging from 33.90 mg/100 g to 560 mg /100 g which are antioxidants
(Yusuf. M, et al. 2008). It is further explained that anthocyanins have a tendency to
polymerize under oxidative conditions such as exposure to oxygen, light, and heat
which causes the color change to brown, or so-called browning. Color changes can
also be caused by the presence of enzymes in the food ingredients themselves. This
event is called a browning enzymatic which is usually caused by the polyphenol
oxidase (PPO) enzyme in purple sweet potatoes (Oke and Workneh, 2013). The loss
or damage of anthocyanins can be prevented by pretreating purple sweet potato
before further processing. According to Miller, one way to reduce the percentage of
anthocyanin damage during processing is by means of steam blanching or steam
blanching. Blissator is a preliminary process by giving heat at a high temperature, in a
short time to reduce enzyme activity and kill microbes in the material (Miller and
Rice, 1996). Apart from reducing the activity of the enzymes that cause browning in
anthocyanins, the blanching method can also improve the color and taste quality of
the product. According to Gloria et al (2016), taste and appearance are important
quality parameters in beverage products from purple sweet potato. Many
commercialized beverage products contain food additives in the form of flavorings,
sweeteners and dyes, to meet consumer preferences. Purple sweet potato is a source
of anthocyanin antioxidants, and purple sweet potato is naturally low in fat (Mentari,
2015). The increase in fat content in purple sweet potato and other products is
influenced by the composition of other ingredients other than raw materials, such as
margarine and egg yolk. From the results of the hedonic test and the hedonic quality
test of the purple sweet potato biscuits, the most preferred and having good quality
were biscuits with a ratio of 1: 3 (purple sweet potato: flour). From the results of the
Friedman test for organoleptic test analysis showed that there was an influence on
the quality of purple sweet potato biscuits from the aspects of color, texture, overall
quality and level of preference, while from the aspect of color and taste there was no
effect. According to Suprapti (2003) the nutritional content of sweet potatoes in 100
grams of edible materials are: Calories (calories) 123.00; 1.80 g protein; Fat 0.70 g;
Carbohydrates 27.90 g; Calcium 30.00 mg; Phosphorus 49.00 mg; Iron 0.70 mg;
Sodium 0 mg, Potassium (mg) 0 mg; Niacin 0 mg; Vitamin A 7,700.00 SI; Vitamin B
0.90 mg; Vitamin B1 0 mg; Vitamin C 22.00 mg; Water 68.50 g; The meat portion is
86.00%. When compared to the nutritional value content in sweet potatoes based on
the color it turns out differently. According to Suprapta (2013) in Arixs (2006), the
nutritional content of fresh sweet potato based on the color of the tuber flesh in 100
grams of edible material is as follows:

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

Table 1.Nutritional content of fresh sweet potato based on the color of the tuber
flesh in 100 grams of ingredients
Nutrition white sweet potato Yellow sweet potato Purple sweet potato
Starch (%) 28.79 24.47 22, 64
Reducing sugar (%) 0.32 0.11 0.30
Fat (%) 0.77 0.68 0.94
Protein (%) 0.89 0.49 0.77
Water (%) 62.24 68.78 70.46
Vitamin C (mg / 100 g) 28.68 25.00 21.43
Vitamin A (SI) 60.00 9,000.00 -
Anthocyanins (mg / - - 110.51
100 g)
Source: Suprapta (2003) in Arixs (2006); Directorate of Nutrition, Ministry of Health RI
(1981) within the Directorate Nuts and Tubers (2002).
According to the Directorate of Nutrition, Ministry of the Republic of
Indonesia, the composition of nutrients in 100 grams of sweet potato ingredients
according to different colors and can be seen as follows:
Table 2. Composition of sweet potatoes nutrition for 100 grams/g

Source: Direktorat Gizi Departemen Republik Indonesia (1991)

Sweet potato harvest age can also affect the quality of its nutritional
content. Herlin et al (2013) studied which ones were best harvested from 110, 120,
130, and 140 days of age. Their results found that the age of harvest for purple sweet
potato was 130 days at best. Based on observations of purple sweet potato
harvesting age, highly influence of moisture, ash, fat, protein, vitamin C, and
carbohydrates. Based on the research results obtained, purple sweet potato on a
130-day harvesting date contains levels of proximate, i.e. contain a moisture content
of 78,869%, ash content of 0,010%, fat content of 0,329%, protein levels of 1,038%,
vitamin C levels of 0,145 mg / 100 g, and carbohydrate levels of 19,611. According to
Gusti Setiavani, sweet potato is one type of food that can support family nutrition

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

improvement programs. The caloric value is quite high, which is 1213 calories / 100
grams. The content of carotenoids (beta-carotene) in sweet potatoes, can function as
antioxidants. The antioxidants stored in purple sweet potatoes are able to block the
rate of cell damage by free radicals. The combination of beta-carotene and vitamin E
in sweet potatoes work together to ward off strokes and heart attacks. Its beta
carotene prevents strokes while vitamin E prevents blockages in blood vessels, thus
preventing heart attacks. Public knowledge is still lacking about processed sweet
potato products so that the shape and presentation of sweet potatoes are still very
limited to frying, boiling and steaming. From the results of the author's study, there
are various forms of research results from processed sweet potatoes that can be
developed including purple sweet potato flour, sweet potato noodles, sweet potato
bakpao, sweet potato ice cream, sweets, dodol, sweet potato chips, sweet potato
french fries, crackers Sweet potato, instant prebiotic powder, instant sweet potato
rice, sweet potato tape, soft drinks, jam, sweet potato bread, various wet cakes, sweet
potato brownies, sweet potato cake, sweet potato biscuits, purple sweet potato ice
cream. It's just that you still use a mixture of sweet potato flour and flour. The
process is very long and long. Therefore, the authors have developed a product using
fresh purple sweet potato, so that the processing and processing time is faster and
the nutritional content is not lost too much. The color of the tuber meat affects its
suitability for processing into food products. The results of the author's study
showed that the tubers were colored reddish purple is great for cakes, noodles and
juices. Dark purple (dark) tubers are suitable for raw materials for flour and natural
dyes. Therefore, Biang sweet potato has the potential as raw material for purple
sweet potato flour. According to Ginting et al (2015), sweet potato which has a low
water content and deep purple flesh color has a fairly high dry matter content.
Ginting also explained that the tubers that have dark purple flesh actually have a
higher starch content, making them suitable for processing into flour. Biang sweet
potato variety has the highest starch content, namely 66%, so it has the potential as a
raw material for making purple sweet potato flour. The decrease in starch content in
purple sweet potato flour was caused by the cooking process, so that the starch in
the sweet potato was converted into sugar and the reducing sugar content
increased. The decrease in anthocyanin levels is caused by prolonged exposure to
heat. Anthocyanins are pigments that are sensitive to heat (Koswara, 2013).
According to Gina, the main parameters supporting the raw material for flour are
moisture content, starch content, reducing sugar content, and anthocyanin content.
The criteria for good purple sweet potato as raw material for purple sweet potato
flour are low water content, low reducing sugar content, high starch content, and
high anthocyanin content (Gina Firgianti, 2018). Nida El Husna (2013) and Winarno
(2004) found that thick purple sweet potato contains 61.85 mg / 100 g anthocyanins,
17 times greater than the anthocyanin content of light purple sweet potato, namely
3.51 mg / 100g. The predominant color of sweet potato flesh correlates with the
anthocyanin content, the darker the purple color, the higher the anthocyanin

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

content. The antioxidant content of light purple sweet potato 56.64% and dark
purple sweet potato 59.25% are also different. The older the purple color the better
because the higher the anthocyanin and antioxidant content. The processing process
reduces the anthocyanin content of fresh purple sweet potato, but the resulting
product still leaves the anthocyanin content as a source of antioxidants. The
processed products that most effectively maintained the anthocyanin content
according to Winarno were steamed sweet potatoes, namely 34.14% (dark purple)
and 42.16% (light purple), while processed chips showed the greatest decrease in
anthocyanins, namely 95.21% (dark purple). ) and 88.47% (light purple). Therefore,
the authors chose the steamed processing method in this study. Overall, the
decrease in antioxidant activity was proportional to the decrease in the anthocyanin
content of each type of processed sweet potato, except for chips processed
products. The best heating process to prevent the breakdown of antioxidants and
other flavonoids compounds is treatment with a high temperature, but a short period
of time. This is because the antioxidant components are not heat resistant. Chips
products experienced the highest decrease in anthocyanin levels due to the use of
high temperatures and very thin material sizes. Purple sweet potato (Ipomoea
batatas L. Poir) is one type of sweet potato that is commonly found in Indonesia
besides being white, yellow and red. The high content of anthocyanins in root tubers
and anthocyanins provides excellent health effects, namely as an antioxidant and
anticancer due to electron deficiency in their chemical structure so that they are
reactive to counteract free radicals, and can significantly counteract the formation of
fat peroxides. Anthocyanins can be degraded by several factors, namely: pH,
temperature, structure, light, oxygen, solvents, enzymes and metal ions, and purple
sweet potato anthocyanins function as natural antioxidants. Temperature and
heating time have a strong effect on anthocyanin stability. Anthocyanins are a group
of pigments that are soluble in water and play a role in giving fruits and vegetables
their purple, red or blue color. According to Herlin Yaningsih et al. (2013), the results
showed that the harvest age of purple sweet potato was very influential on moisture,
ash, fat, protein, vitamin C, and carbohydrate content. At 130 days of harvest, purple
sweet potato was the best research result, with the highest carbohydrate content. In
this condition, sweet potato contains 78.869% water content, 0.010% ash content,
0.329% fat content, 1.038% protein content, 0.145 mg / 100 g vitamin C content,
19.611% carbohydrate content.
This research is a qualitative and quantitative research in the form of field
experiments that aims to evaluate the development of various products from purple
sweet potato with a touch of technology and its application in field. In the early
stages, researchers developed a prototype model of pumpkin pizza and pumpkin
bread through experimental trials in the laboratory to obtain a prototype model of
locally based products. This research uses a Joke Model with components: initial

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

findings, development design, model / prototype realization and formation, testing,

validation and revision, model implementation and application, evaluation (results),
product dissemination. Experimental research in the laboratory is a type of quasi one
shot case (XO) experiment, but the second year experimental research is continued
with the implementation and application of the model in the field as a model
application, using surveys and field practice and as a participant.
Time and place of research: Field research was carried out in La'bo and Daya
villages in 2019. The technology tools used were Re-Noodle and Re-Bread (see
Materials used: Deep fresh purple sweet potato which is old and of good
quality for pizza, sweetbread, panada, poding and purple sweet potato jam for field
testing. The development of pizza, sweet bread, panada is innovated from a pumpkin
pizza recipe that has been tested and produced in the field by replacing pumpkin
with fresh purple sweet potato that has been steamed and crushed until smooth. So
the five products do not use dry sweet potato flour like the product that has been
researched by several researchers previously. Likewise, poding and purple sweet
potato jam are made from deep purple sweet potatoes that are fresh and steamed
and then mashed. The size is according to the recipe that has been provided. Why
use fresh, deep purple sweet potato. Because the taste, nutritional content, high
antioxidants, original aroma, and easier / faster processing method. Its application /
development in the field was innovated from the best results of the pumpkin pizza
laboratory test, then given a touch of technology with the appropriate tools (Re-
Noodle and Re-Bread).
Research design: starting with experimental trials in the laboratory involving
five students and has produced a prototype of the best product model. Initially,
making pizza and pumpkin bread from pumpkin flour and fresh pumpkin with
marketable factory-based product standards favored by panelists and consumers so
that it is ready to be marketed. From the results of this product, its development was
innovated and replaced the fresh pumpkin with fresh purple sweet potato. Poding
and jam are also innovated from poding and pumpkin jam which is made from fresh,
dark purple sweet potato. Experiments in the field were successful because the
results were very favorable to panelists, the public, consumers and the quality was
suitable for the product to be marketed. The unit of analysis consisted of five kinds of
products from the results of experimental trials in the field, namely purple sweet
potato pizza, purple sweet potato panada, purple sweet potato bread, purple sweet
potato poding, and purple sweet potato jam. The purple sweet potato used is fresh
purple sweet potato, not purple sweet potato flour. The criteria are a test of hedonic
and hedonic quality on taste, color, aroma, texture, and product quality. The research
procedure starts from a survey for initial findings about ingredients, theoretical and
recipe studies, model development design, realization and the formation of product
models prototypes that have been tested in the laboratory and the best results
chosen are applied to research in the field. The study population was dark and dark

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

purple sweet potato, good, fresh and readily available in the regions. The research
sample was taken incidentally, available in the area as much as 12 kg. The
implementing population is PKK mothers and housewives in La'bo and Panti Asuhan
Daya villages, who wish to develop businesses or become entrepreneurs. The
number of participants is 20 people. The field research was carried out in La'bo' of
North Toraja Village and the orphanage in Daya' Makassar.
he data collection used in this study was the organoleptic test for the hedonic
test and the hedonic quality test by a panel of 20 people. Involving four students,
one entrepreneur, and a research team. Using triangulation of data sources with a
checklist instrument, observation, interviews, document analysis, FGD, assessing the
follow-up of the application development of a product model prototype from the
results of previous laboratory tests. Organoleptic test is used for hedonic test and
hedonic quality test. This method has been used in previous research because it is in
accordance with the assessment of food products (Saludung, 2018).
Organoleptic test of purple sweet potato pizza, purple sweet potato panada,
purple sweet potato bread, and purple sweet potato jam, to test hedonic and
hedonic quality with criteria of taste, color, aroma, texture, and product quality,
researched in the field by providing training made the product and the results were
researched, the data were collected by 20 trained and untrained panelists. This
method has been done using data triangulation. The collection of field data using
organoleptic tests by trained and untrained panelists is a test based on a sensing
process to measure the acceptance of a product and its quality, with five main
criteria, namely taste, color, texture, aroma and quality. These criteria are assessed for
hedonic test and hedonic quality. According to Stone, the organoleptic test is a food
product test based on the level of preference and willingness to use a product.
Organoleptic tests, sensory tests or sensory tests are methods of testing using the
human senses as the main tool for measuring product acceptance. Organoleptic
testing requires a panelist for assessment who can be selected from 7 types of
panelists, namely: (1) Individual expert, (2) Small expert panel, (3) Trained panel, (4)
Untrained panel, ( 5) Slightly trained panels, (6) Consumer panels, (7) Children panels.
In this field research, 20 panelists were selected and used, namely a combination of
trained, untrained, and consumer panelists. The data were processed and analyzed
using descriptive analysis with the help of the SPSS program. Qualitative data were
analyzed qualitatively. The research team and students were fully involved in
experimental activities in the field. Achievement indicators are purple sweet potato
pizza, purple sweet potato panada, purple sweet potato bread, purple sweet potato
poding, and purple sweet potato jam, with taste, color, aroma, texture and factory
quality that are liked by the public, consumers and are worthy of being marketed.
The taste is special and matches the quality of industrial products, with local
ecosystem-based raw materials. The goal is to produce products that are preferred
by the community and marketable, as well as teaching materials for entrepreneurship
training for the community and students.

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5


The results of the evaluation research on the development of various products
from purple sweet potato with innovations with a touch of technology have resulted
in various products, namely purple sweet potato pizza, purple sweet potato panada,
sweet potato bread, purple sweet potato poding and purple sweet potato jam, as a
result of product development. The process is as follows:

Figure 2: Materials, tools used and product development process

Data from experimental research in the field using organoleptic tests to assess
the level of liking and product quality (hedonic and hedonic quality) were carried out
by 20 trained and untrained panelists, namely PKK lecturers, PKK students, PKK
mothers and consumers using a score sheet in the form of a checklist that has been
validated. The results of the analysis presented are data from the latest results of the
product model application that has been recommended by the panelists to be made
into a product prototype because the quality is considered good and very liked by
the panelists. Summary The results of the last field data analysis are presented in full
in the following table. Assessment rubric based on hedonic test and hedonic quality
test, using a scale of 1-5.
Description: Organoleptic test for hedonic assessment and hedonic quality with a
scale 1-5. Hedonic Assessment Rubric: 1 = Very Unlike, 2 = Don't Likes, 3 =
Somewhat Likes, 4 = Likes, 5 = Very Likes. Hedonic Quality Assessment Rubric: 1 =
Very Not Good, 2 = Not Good, 3 = Somewhat Good, 4 = Good, 5 = Very Good.
Summary of the organoleptic test results by panelists for hedonic and hedonic
quality of Various Products: Pizza, panada, sweet bread, poding and purple sweet
potato jam can be seen in the tables 1,2,3.
Tabel 1. Summary of Hedonic Asessement Result of The Last Field Experimental
Aroma Color Texture Flavor
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1. Purple sweet 0 0 11 12 2 0 0 6 14 5 0 0 5 13 7 0 0 5 15 5
potato pizza /f
0 0 44 48 8 0 0 24 56 20 0 0 20 52 28 0 0 20 60 20
2.Purple sweet 0 0 4 14 7 0 0 4 16 5 0 0 0 12 13 0 0 0 12 13
potato panada/f
0 0 16 44 40 0 0 16 40 4 0 0 0 40 60 0 0 0 56 44

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

3. Purple potato 0 0 11 12 2 0 0 6 14 5 0 0 5 13 7 0 0 5 15 5
sweet bread /f
0 0 44 48 8 0 0 24 56 20 0 0 20 52 28 0 0 20 60 20
4. Purple sweet 0 0 4 14 7 0 0 4 16 5 0 0 0 12 13 0 0 0 12 13
potato poding/f
0 0 16 44 40 0 0 16 40 4 0 0 0 40 60 0 0 0 56 44
5. Purple 0 0 4 14 7 0 0 4 16 5 0 0 0 12 13 0 0 0 12 13
sweet potato
Selei /f
0 0 16 44 40 0 0 16 40 4 0 0 0 40 60 0 0 0 56 44
Source: Analysis Result of Organoleptic Test. Data From Panelists (2019)

Tabel 2. Summary of Hedonic Quality Asessement Result of The Last Field

Experimental Research
Aroma Color Texture Flavor
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1. Purple sweet 0 0 11 12 2 0 0 6 14 5 0 0 5 13 7 0 0 5 15 5
potato pizza /f
0 0 44 48 8 0 0 24 56 20 0 0 20 52 28 0 0 20 60 20
2.Purple sweet 0 0 4 14 7 0 0 4 16 5 0 0 0 12 13 0 0 0 12 13
0 0 16 44 40 0 0 16 40 4 0 0 0 40 60 0 0 0 56 44
3. Purple potato 0 0 11 12 2 0 0 6 14 5 0 0 5 13 7 0 0 5 15 5
sweet bread /f
0 0 44 48 8 0 0 24 56 20 0 0 20 52 28 0 0 20 60 20
4. Purple sweet 0 0 4 14 7 0 0 4 16 5 0 0 0 12 13 0 0 0 12 13
0 0 16 44 40 0 0 16 40 4 0 0 0 40 60 0 0 0 56 44
6. Purple 0 0 4 14 7 0 0 4 16 5 0 0 0 12 13 0 0 0 12 13
sweet potato
Selei /f
0 0 16 44 40 0 0 16 40 4 0 0 0 40 60 0 0 0 56 44
Source: Analysis Result of Organoleptic Test . Data From Panelists (2019)

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

Summary of Mean Analysis Result of Hedonic and Hedonic Quality Asessement.

Result of The Last Field Experimental Research (Table 1) and (Table 2)
Product Models Aroma Color Texture Flavor
HedonikMutu Hedonik Mutu HedonikMutu Hedonik Mutu
Hedonik Hedonik Hedonik Hedonik
1.Purple sweet 3.52 3,76 3,76 4,16 4,12 4.44 4,64 4,72
potato pizza
2.Purple sweet 3,64 3,88 3,96 4,00 4,44 4.24 4,72 4.78
potato panada
3.Purple potato 3.52 3,76 3,76 4,16 4,12 4.44 4,64 4,72
sweet bread
4.Purple sweet 3,64 3,90 3,96 4,00 4,44 4.24 4,72 4.88
potato poding
5.Purple sweet 3,64 3,95 3,96 4,30 4,64 4.46 4,82 4.90
potato Selei
The results of the evaluation of the last experimental research in the field
based on the results of the final data analysis can be explained that the quality and
acceptance of the panelists and consumers towards the aroma, color, texture, flavor
of the purple sweet potato product is very good. In terms of aroma, color, texture,
taste, they are generally well-liked and of excellent quality. Evaluation of pizza,
panada, sweet bread, poding, and purple sweet potato jam, in terms of aroma, color,
texture, taste, has been liked and judged by panelists and consumers for its good
quality and suitable for production as well as for marketing. The average value of
quality in general for the two products was 3.76 - 4.90 and the average value of the
preference level was generally 3.52 - 4.82. The aroma is still a bit low but the color,
taste and texture are very good. Why low because pizza, panada, sweetbreads,
poding, and purple sweet potato jam, the aroma is not very attractive but the more
original the better. The frequency and percentage of likes is quite high. Likewise, the
quality is considered to be good and feasible for the product to be marketed.
However, the aroma will continue to be continuously improved to suit industry
standards. The conclusion is that the results of research are generally very favorable
both in terms of aroma, color, texture, flavor, and the quality is assessed as good
from the experimental results as presented above. The panelists liked purple and
natural colors because they were considered not to be contaminated with chemicals.
No need to dye anymore because the color is natural so it is more attractive. The
product is being continuously developed and its aroma, texture and taste are
continuously improved. It was produced and distributed on October 1, 2018 and the
application was developed in the second year of field research from June-12-15
August 2019. This is a product model that has been developed and continues to be
developed further.

Proceeding of The International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
ISBN: 978-623-7496-62-5

From the results of the survey in the community, purple sweet potato is found
in all regions in Indonesia. The benefits are very large and the nutritional content is
high but it is often abundant in the season and is simply wasted because it is not
processed due to ignorance of the community to process it into productive materials
with high economic value. The use of purple sweet potato as a raw material for pizza,
panada, sweet bread, jam, poding, and as a substitute for staple food is unknown
even though its nutritional content meets the needs and is very much in community
gardens in Makassar, Sometimes it is abundant and damaged even though the trees
are very much growing in Makassar and its utilization potential is enormous.
Therefore, the authors chose purple sweet potato as one of the important
ingredients to research and the results were socialized as well as motivating the
public to use it. The author has conducted field trials through community
empowerment training for home industry development and it turns out to be very
popular. Students are involved to become developers, reformers, and agents of
innovation for the community to use local food in their environment as a source of
productive income, as well as reduce unemployment and create new jobs to improve
people's lives. The results that have been achieved are products of pizza, panada,
sweet bread, jam, poding, that have been given a touch of factory-based technology
so that the products have high economic value, are innovative and can be
entrepreneurs. This product is based on technopreneurship. If these are produced
and utilized properly, the community can have new jobs as well as a more
productive, environmentally based source of income whose raw materials are cheap
and easy to obtain but which can be processed into superior products with
marketable national industry standards.
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