Amazing "Hydroski-Foil" Air Boat... It's Fast, Fast, Fast!

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Amazing "Hydroski-Foil" Air's fast, fast, fast!

• When the countdown reaches zero for face diving or air seepage along wings ski. Result: exceptional versatility and
this hydroski-foil air boat, one push un- which results in loss of hydrofoil lift. performance.
leashes a 3/4 hp booster engine which Remember, a hydrofoil (similar to an Operating a hydroski-foil air boat suc-
jumps the boat up on damp-air with airplane wing) produces tremendous lift cessfully can be done most easily by the
vapor-trail speeds! The design proved "A- as it speeds along submerged in water. following means: First, adjust forward
O.K." over half-foot waves, on land using This is accomplished by a partial separa- ski-foils anywhere, between 14° to 16°
wheel attachment, across ice using runner tion of water over the top of the curved angle of attack on water and the stern
attachments—with tether line, free- hydrofoil. With water pressure under- ski-foil between 3° and 6°. Second, pivot
running, and radio control as well. Most neath the "wing" and a partial vacuum the stern ski-foil straight ahead as you
people who have witnessed "damp-air above, tremendous lift is achieved. would a rudder. Clip your tether line
flights" of the ski-foil air boat were quite All hydrofoils require some means of leads on the stern and forward strut and
inquisitive. adjustment for regulating their running start engine. Hold boat slightly in the
Several years ago an article I read about depth in rough and in smooth water. On water and give it a 2 or 3-mph push.
the U.S. Navy's hydrofoil boats spurred large Navy or pleasure boats hydrofoil Under its own power the hydrofoil sec-
me into constructing a conventional "foil depth is controlled by patented electronic tions will raise the hull clear of the water
model. Performance tests of my surface- or mechanical devices, but model hydro- at 6-mph; as speed increases to 15-mph,
piercing hydrofoil air boat revealed two foil boats are extremely tricky to control the hydrofoil sections break clear of the
problems: airborne stability and control. by any means because of their small size water also. The high angle of attack and
Hydrofoils which support a model hull and water conditions. After making sev- speed now permit the hydroski sections
an inch or two above water require per- eral wood and aluminum hydrofoils, I to support your craft for high-speed skip-
fect angular adjustment to prevent sur- combined the hydrofoil and the water planing at approximately 1 3/4 " above

Hydro foil/ski (left) is made from

1/16" soft aluminum. Angle adjust-
ment and fin attachment is set for
free running.

14 American Modeler — October 1962

The engine stand can be 1/4"
plywood or 1/16" aluminum reinforced
Fifteen airboat hulls (left) with stainless steel at stress points to
were tested with more conform with the engine assembly. All
than 15 hydrofoil/ski three hydroski-foils are 1/16" soft
combinations . . . a aluminum 3-5/8" long by 5-1/8" wide.
lengthily process, indeed. Skis are 1" wide and must be stiffened
Inventor-author Harold E. lengthwise by riveting or other means
Follett (below) holds U.S. to prevent metal fatigue. All hydrofoils
measure approximately 13/16" wide.
Patent No. 2972974 on Angle of attack for the bow ski-foils may
his craft which performs be permanently assembled between 14°
like hydrofoil-water ski- to 16°. The stern ski-foil must be
hydroplane! pivotable for steering and also vertically
adjustable for angles from zero to 6°.
Other construction details are indicated
by the photographs. For propeller
clearance above the hull, I suggest
mounting an .049 engine high enough to
swing a 6-3 prop and an 8-8 prop for a
McCoy 29 engine.
This development started several years
ago during my junior year at Millersville
State College, Pennsylvania, while ma-
The foregoing description applies for joring in Industrial Arts education. Hours
relatively calm water conditions. By .drop- of research were required to pioneer and
ping the inclined stern ski-foil to a perfect the hydroskifoil concept. I built
horizontal position, the boat will scoot and operated 7 different models using 15
over waves 6" to 1 foot high in open ski and foil combinations powered by 5
water, depending on engine size. The different engines. Two models plus U.S.
stern ski-foil submerges itself about 1/2" patent copies of this invention have been
under the surface, which stabilizes the studied by officials in the National In-
boat, causing it to follow the wave con- ventors Council, Office of Naval Re-
tours in rough water at 15 to 20-mph. search, and the Bureau of Ships.
Attachments for expanding the versa- If the reader is interested in obtaining
tility of the hydroski-foil boat include model-size plastic or aluminum hydroski-
fins for free running in any predeter- foils, wheels and ice runners, send me a
mined direction, wheels for parking lots, card expressing your thoughts. This will
and ice runners for frozen lakes and help decide the advisability of having the
ponds. These attachments can be added
in a matter of minutes for year 'round hydroski-foil boats mass produced by a
operation. It is also possible to adjust toy and hobby manufacturer. Send your
steering and speed by radio control. cards to: Harold E. Follett, c/o American
Advantages of a hydroski-foil air boat Modeler, 420 Lexington Ave., New York
include excellent stability, control, versa- 17, N.Y.
tility and a broad engine selection from
a .049 to a McCoy 29 engine on the
same craft! As to the vapor trail speed
mentioned earlier, you can expect over 25-
mph from an .049 Thimble-Drome engine
with a copy of my 1-1/4 pound boat
(which could be made much lighter for Optional McCoy 29
racing competition). With a McCoy 29 power (right) on same
engine tests indicate unusually high 18" long boat seen
speeds—between 55 and 88-mph. Another
advantage of a ski-foil air boat is by- running with .049 on
passing floating debris by adjusting the opposite page! Only
ski-foils to the inclined position as out- changes needed when
lined for smooth water use . . . the ski- shifting from 1/20 to
foils climb up and ride over seaweed, 3/4-hp: lighter
leaves and small twigs. pontoons for added
Materials and specifications for con- buoyancy at rest and
struction include a solid balsa wood hull,
18" long, 2-7/8" beam, 1-5/16" high. small steps screwed
The cross strut of Honduras mahogany, onto bow ski-foils
16-1/4" x 1-1/2" x 1/4", is mounted at an to prevent "diving" in
8° negative angle to prevent model from rough water.
taking off at high speed.

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