The Foil Alphabet Fred Monsonnec 04 04 2015

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© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - https://foils.wordpress.

com/ 04/04/2015

The foil alphabet

This is the English version of a French article, published in October 2014 on the blog "Foilers".
This translation would not have been possible without the help of my friend Nicholas
Waller, an independent English teacher and translator with a website at (traducteur français-anglais et prof d’anglais

Open your books, no talking.

Repeat after me: C, E, J, L, O, S, T, U, V, Y are the different types of foils that currently exist.
Well done!

In 2008 I wrote an article about the two main families of hydrofoils, “V-foils and T-foils".
Since that article, new letters have emerged or come into wider use. It is now time to
update the foil alphabet! Especially since it’s always possible for new forms to appear.
After a century of development, we are really in the "Age of the Hydrofoil."
You, over there, at the back of the classroom near the radiator, do you want to take off
Well, joking aside, I’m playing the professor without being one (or an engineer) and this
article certainly contains errors, so all comments are welcome.

For each type of foil, you will find in this article:

 A little history
 Some examples of boats equipped with that kind of foil (for hydrofoils, foilers and
foil-assisted multihulls, see my definitions in the appendices at the end of this article)
 A diagram. I try to show the forces generated: Lift and lateral resistance (resistance
to leeway, or lateral plane). I’ve done this for the most logical application (foiler or
hydrofoil). For the foilers, I show the extended and retracted position (if retraction is
possible). For hydrofoils, I show them in displacement mode and in flight.
 An attempt to explain the operation of lift and lateral plane.
 A list of benefits and disadvantages
It is impossible to cover all the possible configurations and applications, so the list of pros
and cons of each type of foil can never be exhaustive. That’s just how it is!

Six hydrofoil boats

Nancy E-foil 1913 – Triplane E-foil 1964 - Icarus V-Foil 1970 - Mayfly V-foil 1971 – Force 8 T-foil 1976 – Trifoiler L-foil 1992
© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

1 E-foil (ladder foil) P2
2 V-foil P4
3 T-foil P5
4 Y-foil P6
5 L-foil (version 1.0) P7
6 U-foil P9
7 O-foil P 10
8 C-foil P 11
9 J-foil P 12
10 L-foil (version 2.0) P 14
11 S-foil P 15
12 Summary table P 17
13 Glossary P 17
14 But also… P 18
15 Conclusion P 18
16 Definitions P 18

Two foilers
Paul Ricard V-foil 1979 – Gautier II Y-foil 1981

1 – E-foil!
The term E-foil is a pure invention on my part; in reality it’s the ladder foil. I wanted a letter
of the alphabet for each type of foil. "E" is the first letter of the word "échelle" (which
means ladder in French) and the parallel planes of a ladder foil also look like the bars of a
capital E ... kind of. The second explanation works better, because “E for échelle” doesn’t
hold up in English or Italian.
It seems that the first people to have designed and tested ladder foils were the Meacham
brothers. In 1897, they tested a model with five foils. In their patent filed in 1910, they used
a controlled T-foil (with a plane which can rotate) surmounted by a second plane.
Therefore, this is a ladder foil.

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

These foils were not designed for these types of boat, which emerged some years after
the hydrofoil boats (“modern hydrofoil boats”). Also, the configurations developed later
are more efficient for these types of boat.
© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

On hydrofoils
During the 19th and 20th centuries, this solution was a response to the difficulty of
producing thin foils with a high aspect ratio.
► Enrico Forlanini in 1906, Crocco and Ricaldoni in 1907, Peter C. Hewitt in 1907, Alexander
Graham Bell and Casey Baldwin in 1913.
Triplane by Roland Tiercelin in 1964 and Williwaw by David Alan Keiper in 1967 used this
arrangement and today P28 Gonet & Cie.

The first models had foils arranged in parallel horizontally. Then some prototypes were
fitted with inclined foils. Lift is a function of flying height. When we plot the lift curve on a
graph, for a ladder foil with horizontal foils, the lift curve has different levels or steps but
that’s not the case if the foils are inclined.

Lateral resistance
For both the horizontal and inclined ladder foil, the amount of lateral resistance is a
function of flying height and the complexity of the structure.

 Good strength due to using small parts and structure like a grid.
 The different planes prevent the formation of wing tip vortex, which is the positive
side of having nodes at all the junctions!
 E-shaped foils like those of Monitor direct the centre of pressure outwards, hence
the use of very short arms, rather than inwards like the V-shaped foils of Hydroptère.

 Many nodes: high drag
 Difficulty in positioning the various planes perfectly
 Greater risk of picking up seaweed or flotsam

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

2 - V-foil
Used on foilers and hydrofoils, this kind of foil is rectilinear and inclined most often at 45°.
The incidence is rarely variable. The lift is a function of the immersed surface. The V-shape
is in fact a combination of two foils. The foil can be twisted to have a variable incidence
according to the immersed depth. It is also possible to integrate a trailing edge flap (Cote
d'Or, Syz & Co). The first designer to have used this configuration seems to be Robert Row
Gilruth, father of the first full-scale “flying” sailing boat.

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

The lifting power of the foils is smaller than the displacement of the boat, so the foils are
immersed most of the time.
► Trimama, Paul Ricard, Ker Cadelac 2

On hydrofoils
The reduction of the wetted surface decreases lift, so this type of arrangement is called
"self regulated", even though in reality, self regulation has its limits. The Hydroptère team at
one time looked into a rudder foil incidence control using two infrared sensors (see my
point of view on this subject in PN 26 and 28 (in French).
► Icarus, Mayfly, Hydroptère

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

Being a function of the projection on the horizontal axis of the immersed surface, it
decreases with increased flying height.

Lateral resistance
As with lift, this is a function of projection on an axis, this time the vertical axis and it also
decreases with increased flying height.

 A tried and tested system
 Foil with a certain amount of self-regulation

 The centre of lift moves along the hydrofoil with changes in the immersed depth.
 Attaching this kind of foil to a boat designed to fly is not easy, and a support strut is
often used.
 On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls, the foil often exits the float near the waterline
with a risk of ventilation along the foil.
 They are subject to significant forces and are not always easy to retract.
As with E-shaped foils, the centre of pressure of the foils must pass though the centre of the
sail rig, which requires long outrigger arms and also means a loss of balance when sail
area is reduced.

3 – T-foil
In 1906 the Meacham brothers published an article in which they described the basic
principles of a hydrofoil flying on controlled hydrofoils shaped like an inverted letter T. This
type of foil was improved in 1950 by Christopher Hook on his boat named Hydrofin (see
History of mechanical systems for regulating the incidence of foils on the Foilers blog).

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

They are rarely used because, unless they are equipped with an automatic control system
(which I have never seen on this type of boat), the lift produced by the foils is not self-
regulated. Most of the time, the foil surface is low (and therefore so is the lift) and the foil
remains immersed all time. Otherwise, the foil could get to the surface and spin out, with
all the risks that entails. A V-foil (mounted in a well or case) or more particularly a Y-foil
looks like a better solution.
► We / Sebago, F40 Triton, Blue Arrow, VSD 2

On hydrofoils
The above remark is equally valid and even more vital, which is why in this case the T-foils
are equipped with a control system in the form of feelers or wands which act on the angle
of incidence of the horizontal part, or by movement of a flap.
► Force 8, Phifly, Windrider Rave, Moth hydrofoil, Rich Miller’s hydrofoil sailboard (forward
foil), AFS 1

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

It is related to the surface area and the angle of incidence of the horizontal part. Unlike V-
foils on a hydrofoil, the surface area does not vary but the incidence does.

Lateral resistance
This is produced entirely by the surface of the vertical portion, the strut, which decreases
with the take-off height.

 The centre of lift passes up the axis of the vertical strut, which means a strong
 The hydrofoil is relatively deeply immersed; it is less subject to ventilation and is less
affected by the movements of the water surface particles.

 Need for a control system in the case of a hydrofoil
 Fragility of the control system
 Retraction of the foils may not be obvious
 Drag from the node or joint between the strut and the foil (consider making it a

4 - Y-foil
Invented by Sylvestre Langevin, the inverted Y-foil is the "trademark" of his foilers. Others
have tried this type of foil, for example Adrian Thompson on the F40 Promocean or the
MVP / VLP duo (Marc Van Peteghem & Vincent Lauriot Prévost) on their trimaran Gérard
Lambert (but the foils of this boat were designed in conjunction with S Langevin!).

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

This is the "core business" of such foils.
► Gautier II, Gautier III, Ker Cadelac, PiR2, Dupon Duran, Promocean, Flash Harry and
Groucho Marx
© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

On hydrofoils
Rich Miller’s hydrofoil sailboard (aft foil)

These hydrofoils self-regulate by reducing their lift as they approach the surface. The Y-
shape allows "soft" regulation. That is not the case with T-foils, which can ventilate and stall.
In comparison with T-foils, another interesting point is that the increased angle where each
part of the foil meets the vertical strut (greater than 90°) tends to limit the interference
between the lift from each half foil and the strut which is also subject to leeway.
Depending on the surface area and the angle of incidence, this type of foil allows the
crew, at a certain speed, to fly the leeward float above the water with the central hull in
contact with the water.

Lateral resistance
Lateral plane is made up of the vertical strut plus a proportion of the angled foils
(depending on their angle).

 Normally totally immersed (for a foiler), less spin out / ventilation
 Forces produced by the "two foils" are balanced on the strut

 Retraction of Y-foils is difficult
 When the foils parts are close to the surface, more drag compared to a V-foil

5 - L-foil (version 1.0)

This first version of the L-foil appeared on the first model by Greg Ketterman in 1981 and
afterwards on all Trifoilers. This type of foil is an enhancement of the T-foil, as if the foil part
had slipped sideways. The modified L-foil becomes more what we call a J-foil.

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

Managing the lift generated by this kind of foil requires a control system, so this kind of
hydrofoil is not used on foilers or foil-assisted multihulls. Other "letters" like V and C are
easier to use.

On hydrofoils
In contrast to T foils, these foils get round the problem of connecting the vertical and
horizontal parts. If the connection is a large arc, you lose some lifting surface. If the
connection is a node, the drag is higher. The junction between the strut and the foil is a
vulnerable area.
► The Trifoilers, Sylphe of Tadeg Normand

As with the T-foil, each part has its function. The vertical part resists leeway, and the
horizontal part provides lift. The junction between the planes may be bigger or smaller. This
is a compromise between surface area, resistance and drag.
The surface area does not vary; it’s the angle of incidence which varies, normally by the
complete rotation of the foil (both the horizontal and vertical parts).

Lateral resistance
Produced by the vertical portion of the foil, this decreases as the flying height increases.

 No connection nodes so less turbulence

 Bending of the foil due to the fact that the direction of the lift is offset to one side of
the vertical part.
 The absence of a node could be considered an advantage, but at the junction
between the two planes, the depression value of the vertical part is different to the
depression on the horizontal and can generate vortices. The radius of curvature of
the foil removes a part of the lift surface. But, according to Greg Ketterman, the
effective aspect ratio of the profile would be greater than the aspect ratio of the
lift part. The curvature could be an extension of the horizontal portion. However I

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

think this is valid only if the connection between the vertical and horizontal (or
inclined) parts is fairly gradual!

6 - U-foil
One might think that the U-foil is two L-foils joined together, but the idea goes back well
before the creation of the L-foil! In 1954, Skid, a catamaran designed by Arthur Locke used
a foil somewhere between an O and a U. It was an incomplete O or a semi-closed U. In
any case, 20 feet long, 12 wide and weighing 710 lb, it flew! Closer to home (at least,
closer to my home), Maurice Gahagnon revisited this type of foil on Brest Nautic. This
design allows a sturdy foil, easy to attach, but also providing good resistance to leeway.

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

I've never seen this configuration on this type of boat. The presence of two struts, both
generating drag, encourages their use on a flying hydrofoil rather than a foil-stabilised

On hydrofoils
It’s odd that such a small number of designers have tried this system, which is however well
suited to amateurs.
► Skid; on the float of the proa The Ugly Ducking designed by the Danish Leif Wagner
Smitt in 1980; model boat by Greg Ketterman in 1981 (a U but with some angles!), Brest
Nautic; different versions of Loisirs 3000; without forgetting Gurval Lego’s work on the
"Curved Foil" on his Dafoilboard. This is an "open U" or "rounded V" and our friend Gurval
seems happy with the first tests.

As for the T-foil, the lift surface does not change, and this foil must be fitted with some sort
of control.

Lateral resistance
Same observations as for the T-foil; it is related to the immersed depth of the foil

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

 The port and starboard foils may be produced from a single mold (mould)
 The maximum angle of incidence is in the middle of the foil and decreases
gradually as one approaches the vertical parts. Near the surface there is no lift and
therefore no spin out.
 There are no wingtip problems (vortices).
 High strength
 Large wetted surface
 It’s essential to have a lift control system for the complete foil. A control flap is not
possible (unless there’s a flat region in the middle of the foil)

7 – O-foil
Quite similar to the U-foil, this shape was used by Loic and Gilles Durand on their tripod O
PAF. Shaped like an "O" and made of carbon fibre, these O-foils were controlled for depth
through sensors attached to the end of the floats.

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

As with U-foils, they are not used on boats of this type

On hydrofoils
► As noted above, this type of shape was certainly used on O PAF, and on the Hydrocat
designed by Patrick Cudmore.

As the O-foil rises in the water, its lift decreases, either through the operation of a control
system or because the lift surface decreases. Lift does not decrease in a linear fashion as
for V-foils, and this point, I think, makes it necessary to have a mechanical control. You
cannot count solely on the reduction in lift surface.
For example, if the foil at rest is immersed down to half the diameter of the circle (so the
waterline is at the axis), a take-off of an inch or so will significantly decrease the lateral
plane but will only slightly decrease the lift which is more related to the lower part of the
circle / foil.
© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

If my analysis is correct, when the waterline reaches a point represented by the

intersection of a line passing through the centre of the "O" with a line at 45° relative to the
horizontal, thereafter the lift will decrease more quickly than resistance to leeway.

Lateral resistance
See above

 According Gilles and Loic Durand, the "O" shape makes it easy to build. The basic
shape was obtained on a plaster mold (mould). The foils were then machined on a
lathe. Their very sturdy shape made it possible to build thin (9 mm) but rugged foils.

 Awkward and bulky
 Non-linear decrease of lift force and leeway resistance
 Difficult to retract the foil

8 - C-foil
Initially mainly used instead of V-foils on foil-assisted multihulls, the C-foil was proposed by
Bernard Smith in 1972 in his patent 3631 828. I do not know if he had the opportunity to try
them. In the late 70s, Derek Kelsall made molds for curved foils and used this type of foil on
Bits and Pieces, a boat made from pieces of Tornado and tested at Brest in 1980. John
Shuttleworth, who worked with Derek, also designed this type of foil.

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

This is an excellent solution, which has greatly improved the performance of this type of
boat, which hitherto were mostly equipped with foils at 45° (V-foils).
► Orma 60’, Mod 70, BMW Oracle in the 33rd America's Cup

On hydrofoils
This type of foil does not allow easy control of lift. That's why the teams who initially chose
the C form changed their configuration (if they could) for L or J-foils.
► Enya 3, Raphael Censier (A-class cat)

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

It is a function of the immersed depth of the foil and therefore the immersed surface but it
does not vary in a linear fashion. The deeper the hydrofoil is immersed, the more the end
of the foil approaches the horizontal, which increases the amount of lift.

Lateral resistance
It increases sharply as the foil starts to enter the water. As the foil enters the water more
deeply, after a certain depth, the amount of lateral plane increases only slowly.

 The foil exits the float much lower, nearer the keel line of the float than with the V-
foil. This feature delays the start of ventilation.
 Changes to the immersed depth have a "double" effect on lift (see lift, above).

 C-foils are vertically unstable (on a hydrofoil boat). When the float takes off, the lift
decreases only slightly; there is very little inbuilt regulation of the lift and therefore a
high risk of stall which explains why C-foils are mainly confined to foil-assisted
 The molds are considerably more complex than for straight foils.
 The well or case in which the foil is mounted will be complex

The lift control of these foils, the bottom part of which resembles an L-foil when completely
immersed, is difficult to manage. It can be done:
1. By altering the immersed depth
2. With a modification of the angle of the foil relative to the vertical axis
3. On small boats by changing the attitude of the platform
4. By adjusting of the incidence of a rudder foil.

9 – J-foil
It is a development of a C-foil crossed with an L-foil! The upper part of the foil is vertical.
Compared with the L-foil, the fact of having a lower part which is not rectilinear but
curved allows the foil to be withdrawn from the top, a point which can comply with some
racing rules and also, of course, gives some control of the lift.

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

They might have a place here, but the need for a complex system of retraction is a brake
on the development of such foils.

On hydrofoils
They appeared on the AC45 before being replaced with S-foils.
► AC45

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

The whole curved part, which is the first part of the foil to enter the water, is like a C-foil.
Thereafter, only the amount of lateral plane varies with a deeper position.

Lateral resistance
It increases strongly as a function of the insertion of the upper part of the foil. After a
certain depth, the lateral plane increases but not the lift (unless you also change the
angle of the whole foil!).

 The foil exits the float much lower, near the keel line of the float, which delays the
start of ventilation
 Controlling the lateral plane and the lift surface is easier than with a C-foil.
 As the foil goes into the water, the first part of its descent regulates the lift by
increasing the surface projected onto the horizontal axis. Once the curved part has
all entered the water, it is the lateral plane that increases.
 The maximum lift is still available when the foil is partially retracted (as opposed to
the C-foil which gets more and more "vertical" during the retraction).

 Managing the lateral plane and the lift is simpler than with a C-foil but it is arbitrary,
with changes to lift during the first part of insertion of the foil and changes to lateral
plane only after that.
 J-foils are also unstable vertically and they are more appropriate for use on a foiler.

10 - L-foil (version 2.0)

This updated version of the L-foil, with the two parts at an angle which almost forms a "V",
has only recently appeared. For me, it combines the good points of different foil types as
V for control by decreasing the wetted surface,
L for the separation into the lift element and the lateral plane element,
C for the shape of the lateral plane portion, which is usually slightly curved,
© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

J for the scalability of the position of the different parts.

But it is indeed an L-shaped foil, with an angle between the lift element and the lateral
plane element of less than 90°, and which has a curved upper portion.
This foil is also called the "UptiP" and was invented (I think) by Melvin and Morelli for the TNZ

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

This type of foil was developed for hydrofoils; boats whose primary purpose is to fly. They
are too specialised in favour of flight to be much use for other types of boat.

On hydrofoils
They are well and truly established. Devised for the AC72, used on the C-Class and the
Flying Phantom, they will certainly spread. But don’t forget that they are not a universal
panacea - they were developed to get round a racing rule.
► Some versions of the AC72, the C-Class , the Flying Phantom, the GC32, and on the Fire
Arrow model boat.

This depends on the size of the foil /lift element. The lift is greatest when the bottom part of
the foil is only slightly lowered because then it is not tilted far from the horizontal. When the
foil is fully down the tip may be near the surface, so lift drops off.
Flight in any case means that less of the part below the float, which is part of the control
system, is available. In fact, we are getting close to a V-foil. However, instead of a V-foil
made up of two rectilinear foils (one in each float), each foil is like a V-foil and we have
two little V foils made up of the flat element and the curved element. If you squint a little,
these two Vs form a "W" (V V)!
The lift surface remains almost constant with elevation (up to a certain point) but the
amount of lateral plane decreases, and leeway increases. This causes a decrease in both
the angle of incidence and the lift. The tip of the foil can emerge above the surface of the
water, but these are not the ideal operating conditions. The best performance is obtained
with the hull above the waves and the wing submerged below the surface.
This system seems to offer the chance to dispense with control systems, but in realityit's not
enough and the crew applies control either through the depth of the lifting part of the foil,
the position of the crew (in small boats), the full incidence of the lift part (Flying Phantom
and Oracle) or a rudder with a T-foil. And of course, any combination of the above!

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

Lateral resistance
This mainly depends on the immersed depth of the curved portion.

 Permits some degree of self-regulation without the use of a sensor, a thing which is
not possible with T, L or O foils.
 May get round some racing rules.

 Control is not as simple as with a mechanical control system or with a "pure" V.
 These foils are complex to manage and to manufacture (both the foil and its well or

11 - S-foil
The S-foil comes in two flavours: It can be a simple foil without an additional lift part, or it
can be an L-foil that looks as if it got caught in a door before full polymerisation of the
Unless I am mistaken, it was first developed for Alinghi 5, but this prototype wasn't
satisfactory, perhaps due to the lack of development time. It is true that the goal was not
to fly but to relieve some of the weight.
It is now possible to combine an L-foil with this sort of vertical component. Surprisingly,
although the principle is more that of an L-foil, this foil takes its name from the shape of the
bent part.

On foilers and foil-assisted multihulls

Without an additional lift part, it allows scalability of the lift according to the depth of the
foil. However this type of foil is complicated and it seems better for inshore / coastal boats.
►Alinghi 5

On hydrofoils
Used by Team Groupama on their C-Class, these foils showed their potential during the
Little America's Cup
► Groupama C-Class, one version of Enya 3

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

The principle is similar to that of version 2.0 of the L-foil, except that the S-shaped section
lets you adjust the angle of the lift part.
When the lift part is fully down, the tip can come close to the surface, which means that
the lift decreases.

Lateral resistance
This is a function of the immersed depth of the foil and the flying height of the boat (if it’s a
boat that flies).

 Same benefits as with version 2.0 of the L-foil: permits some level of self-regulation
without the use of a sensor, a thing which is not possible with T, L or O foils.

 Control is not as simple as with a mechanical control system or with a "pure" V-foil.
 These foils are very complex to produce.

12 – Summary table
Simplified to the extreme, here (as I see it) are the types of foil which can be used for
"foiler" or "hydrofoil" applications:

Type V T Y L U O C J S
Foiler  - (1)  - - -   (2)
Hydrofoil   -    -  
1. Possible, but not the most logical form!
2. Without a pure lift part for a foiler

© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

Without looking at specific examples, and assuming that “control” is not just a manual
setting of the angle of incidence or the effect of tilting the platform, but a genuine
measurement and adjustment system (sensor and flap rotation for example), is a control
system needed (Y) or not (N) on a boat whose aim is to fly?

Type V T Y L 1.0 L 2.0 U O C J S

Control N Y Y ~ Y N Y Y N N N
(1) (2) (3) (3)
1. Theoretically should behave like a V but never used for this type of boat
2. As noted above, they approximate to a V-foil
3. Testing of such foils has shown they are too unstable for these applications

13 - Glossary

14 - But also
We now hear rumours of a Z-foil. In the absence of precise information, I have not tried to
include it in this summary. Maybe the Z-foil is a member of the L-foil family, with more or less

Δ Elongated Delta
Xavier pointed out to me a video in which we see a unique configuration. I find it hard to
make out, but I think I can see a pyramid with the lift part at the base. If this is the case, it
© Fred Monsonnec for the blog “Foilers!” - 04/04/2015

seems strange - relatively strong as far as the foil itself goes, but less so in terms of its
attachment to the boat. Perhaps it’s useful to have inclined struts, depending on their
profile? The designer, Seb Schmidt, is hardly a novice since he has worked on numerous
flying projects such as the P28.

15 - Conclusion
Questions or comments?
Well, I have probably forgotten a boat, an advantage or a disadvantage, or got some
perspective totally wrong. That’s why you’re there, so please let me have your comments.
OK, class, you can close your books now and I hope you have a good break!

Thank you to my great friends Gérard Delerm and Daniel Charles for checking the original
article in French. And again, to Nicholas Waller for his help for this English version.

16 - Definitions
On this type of sailing boat (also known as a “hydroptère » in France), the foils are
designed to lift the boat right off the surface so that only its foils are in the water. You can
usually distinguish hydrofoils from foilers by the number of foils. The foilers, and foil-assisted
multihulls, are usually equipped with two foils (one on each float) but hydrofoils have
three. The third is fixed, usually, at the base of rudder and adjusts the flying height as on an

Foil-stabilised sailing boats or “foilers” can’t take off from the water and fly on their foils.
They use foils to maintain stability while decreasing the wetted surface by reducing the
size of the floats. In this category there are some pure foilers that can’t sail at all without
their hydrofoils, for example Paul Ricard, Charles Heidsieck IV, and Ker Cadelac II. There
are also hybrid foilers that can sail without their foils but with a significant loss of stability
and performance, for example Sylvestre Langevin’s foilers with Y-foils. These hybrid or
mixed foilers are halfway between foilers and foil-assisted multihulls.

Foil-assisted multihulls
These multihulls are a cross between standard trimarans and foilers. They take advantage
of the lift produced by the foils to reduce their wetted surface, change the trim of the
boat and thus improve their performance. Therefore, they can sail without foils but with a
loss of efficiency.


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