Cad Introduction

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Conventional Product cycle
Product cycle with CAD/CAM
Product cycle in CAD-CAM Environment
1. Productivity improvement in Design.
2. Shorter Lead Time.
3. Less Design Error.
4. In CAD all time consuming and iterative phases of the design process are carried on computer there time
5. Improved accuracy of design .
6. CAD system reduces the engineering personnel requirement.
7. Modification is easier as data available easily.
8. CAD eliminate prototype testing, which is costly and time consuming. It is replaced by simulation on the
9. In CAD Manufacturing details like tool path, part programming, drawing are generated automatically.
10. To improve communication.

1. Cost of hardware and software used in CAD/CAM is high.
2. Highly trained & skilled manpower is required to operate the CAD/CAM.
• CAD can be defined as the use of computer systems to perform
certain functions in the design (creation, modification or
optimization of design).
• Integration of computer science techniques for engineering design,
use of Hardware and software.

• 2D / 3D Drafting.
• Analysis – stress, Deflection, Simulation.
 CAM can be defined as the use of computer systems to plan, manage and
control the manufacturing operations through the direct or indirect computer
interface with manufacturing machine

 CAD consist of hardware & software to perform the specialized design

function by particular user firm.

 CAD hardware typically includes the CPU, one or more graphics display
terminals, keyboards, mouse, printer, plotting devices.

 CAD Software consist of computer program to implement computer graphics

on the system & application program to facilitate the engineering function of
the user.
Application of computer in design
Product cycle in CAD-CAM Environment
Application in Design
1. Recognition of Need- Realization of a problem exist for which some corrective action
should be taken, this may be some defect in machine.

It is highly creative act & computer will not play any role in this phase.

2. Definition of problem- It involve through specification of the item to be designed.

This specification includes physical & functional characteristics, cost, quality &
operating performance.

3. Synthesis – Next step synthesis is process method of accomplishing a given purpose, it is

the process of selecting the mechanism of the system, and shapes of the components
so as to get the desired output with given input.
In CAD, Geometric modeling is used to assist the synthesis

It is defined as the complete representation of an object with graphical and non graphical

1. It generates mathematical description of the geometry of an object in computer data

base and image on graphics screen.

2. Graphical image generated by inputting three types of commands to computer.

i. First type – basic entities – points, lines and circle.

ii. Second type – Transformation of graphics elements.

iii. Third type – Modeling – various graphics element joined into desired shape of the

3. Modification can be done till desired output is obtain.

4. Analysis and optimization:- In formulation of any engineering design project some type of
analysis is required thus every synthesis followed by analysis .
i. Analysis is critically examining an proposed design in order to judge its suitability for
ii. Analysis determines whether the performance complies with requirement. All possible
solutions are analyzed and optimum one is selected .
iii. Different types of analysis are: stress-strain analysis, kinematic, dynamic, vibration, thermal,
fluid flow analysis, etc.
For complicated design software like finite element analysis (FEA) is used.
5. Evaluation:- Evaluation is measuring the design against the specification set in the
definition of problem.
i. It requires fabrication and testing of prototype to asses the performance, quality and
ii. Fabrication and testing is time consuming and costly.
iii. In CAD geometric model from database and evaluation is done by using simulation
6. Presentation- Presentation of the design is final phase in the design process. Design is
presented by means of drawings, part list, material specification.

Automated Drafting feature in CAD creates 2 dimensional manufacturing drawings

directly from the geometric model.

i. For better visualizing sectional views can automatically created.

ii. 3-D solid model of an object can view from any orientation.

iii. CAD also generates information like part list, material specification from geometric
Product cycle in CAD-CAM Environment
Application of computer in manufacturing
1. Monitoring and control application (Direct Application).
In this there is direct interface between computer and manufacturing system.
It has two types
1. Computer monitored systems(CMS)– In CMS computer collects process data from the
manufacturing system and display it on the graphics screen. However Process is
controlled by the operator.
2. Computer Controlled System (CCS)- In CCS computer collect the process data from
the manufacturing system, analyzes it and sends the control signals to manufacturing
2. Manufacturing support application (Indirect Application).
In this there is no direct interface between the computer and manufacturing system.
These are manufacturing support application software which includes computer assisted
production planning, computerized material planning.
Parts of a CAD System
• Input
• Output
• Operating System
• Software
Central Processing Unit receives data
and manages and controls the
functions of the CAD system.

It is analogous to a human’s brain,

which interprets data and controls
motor functions.
Input Devices
• Mouse
• Digitizer
• Trackball
• Light Pen
• Touch Screen
• Keyboard
• Voice
Output Devices
• Printers
• Plotters
• Rapid Prototyping
(Stereo lithography)
Storage Devices
• Fixed disk drive or hard drive
• Floppy disk drive
• Zip drives
• CD-ROM drives
• Optical drives
• Magnetic tape
Operating System
• An operating system is a set of instructions that control the operation of
the computer and its peripheral devices.

• Operating systems control the execution of specific program.

• Operating systems provide support for activities like input and output

• Examples: Windows, UNIX, MAC OS

CAD Software
Common basic features:

– Commands to generate geometry

– Functions for controlling views

– Modifiers for changing drawing geometry

– Annotation commands for adding text, dimensions, and notes

Select a system that will meet your needs.

• CAD Systems are made up of computer hardware and specialized software.

• Usually one should select the software that will perform the required
functions and then select hardware appropriate to run that software
Hardware in CAD

CAD Workstation is the interface with CPU and user. It consists of display
device and input devices.
1. It must interface with the CPU
2. It must generate a graphics image.
3. It should create digital description of graphics image
4. It must convert input command into operating function.
5. It should facilitate communication between user and rest of CAD system.
It represents a significant factor in determining how effective and efficient it is for a
designer to use the CAD system.
To accomplish these functions, the best approach is the use of interactive graphics.
Components of workstations:
1. A graphic terminal.
2. Operator input devices.
INPUT DEVICES /output devices
• Graphics Input device are provided at workstation in CAD to facilitate convient
communication between the user and the system.
• It provide the operator to select various command.
• It is used to create ,modify an image.
1. keyboard-
The keyboard is the most basic input medium for all computers.
An alphanumeric keyboard on a graphics system is used primarily as device for entering text,
for controlling the execution of the program or the screen display.
Keyboards can also be provided with features to facilitate entry of screen coordinates, menu
selections, or graphics functions.
2. Mouse -
A mouse is pointing device.
There are two types of mouse – mechanical and optical
Mechanical mouse contains a free floating ball with rubber coating on the
underside which move on a plane surface by following the movement of hand.
Optical mouse contains LED by the movement of hand, LED transmits signal
to optical encoder and cursor move in particular direction.

3. Light Pen – It is a pointing device or picking

devices that enables the user to select a displayed
graphics items on a screen by directly touching its
Light pen contain stylus to input instruction or to
control the cursor
4. Joysticks: A joystick consists of a small, vertical lever (called the stick) or toggle mounted on a base
that can be pushed in any direction to cause the cursor to be moved in that direction .

5. Tracker Ball – Its operation is similar to that of joystick except that it allow more precise fingertip
control. it is use to navigate the screen display cursor.

6. Thumbwheel device – uses two thumbwheel

one is to control the horizontal position of the cursor,

and the other to control the vertical position.

7. Digitizer– it is an operator input device which consist

of large smooth board and electronic tracking device

Which can move over the surface. It is a common technique

In CAD system for taking x,y coordinates from a paper


The electronic tracking device contain switch for the user to

record the desired coordinate position.

Output devices-
1. Hardcopy unit -
Dot matrix printer, laser printer & inkjet
printer are commonly used.
2. Pen Plotter.
Drum Plotter , flat bed plotter
3.Electrostatic Plotter.
4.Computer output to
Graphic Terminal: Display Devices- Image generation in computer graphics

1.Cathod ray tube (CRT)display.

Generating image on CRT screen

 A heated cathode emits a high speed electron beam onto a phosphor-coated

glass screen.
 The electrons energize the phosphor coating, causing it to glow at the points
where the beam makes contact.
 By focusing the electron beam, changing its intensity, and controlling its point of
contact against the phosphor coating through the use of a deflector system, the
beam can be made to generate a picture on the CRT screen.
 There are 2 basic techniques used in computer graphics terminals for generating
the image on the CRT screen. Those are:
i. Stroke Writing
ii. Raster scan
Two technique for generating image on Crt screen

1.Stroke writing- It is referred as line drawing, random position, vector writing

and directed beam.
It uses an electron beam which operates like a pencil to create a line
segments. Each Line segment is drawn on the screen by directing the beam
to move from point on the screen to next. This results in images composed of
only straight lines, smooth curves can be approximated by making the
connecting line segments short enough.

2. Raster Scan – In the raster scan approach, the viewing screen is divided into
large number of discrete phosphor picture element, called pixels. The matrix
of the pixel constitutes the raster .
The number of separate pixels in the raster display typically ranges from 256x256
to 1024x1024. Each pixel on the screen can be made to glow with a different
During Operation an electron beam creates image by sweeping along a horizontal
line on the screen from left to right and energizing the pixels in that line
during the sweep.
1.Graphics Package .
2.Application Program.
3.Application data base.

1.Graphics package- It is interface between the user and application software.

It consist of input and output subroutines .
The input routine accept the commands and collect data from user and forward
to the application program.
Output subroutine control the display terminals and convert application models
into 2D or 3D.

Graphics Software:-
The graphics software is the collection of programs written so as to
operate or create the computer graphics system(primitives).
- It include program to generate image on the CRT screen, to
manipulate the image and to accomplish various type of
interaction between the user and system.
2. Application program-
The central module is application program. It controls the storage of data into
and retrieves data out of the application data base.
It is driven by the user through graphics package.
The application software is the collection of program for implementing
certain specialized functions relatated to CAD/CAM.

These include – Design analysis programs (e.g. FEA ,SIMULATION).

Manufacturing Planning Programs( e.g. computer aided process
planning ,numerical part programming).

CAD/CAM software available in market today include solid modeling like

Finite element analysis packages like -:
Manufacturing packages like - : SMART CAM,IDEAS,EDGE,CAM
3.Application Data base-
Third module in the software is the data base.The data base
contains mathematical, numerical, material specification,
mass properties.
Function of graphics software
1.Generation of Graphics Elements.- Graphics element is basic entities.
Which is also referred as primitives. 2D Primitives – point ,lines,curves,polygon,circles and
3D primitives are cube ,cylinder,cone,sphere.
Graphics software has to generate graphics element theses are used to construct the model.
It is done by two algorithms - Digital differential analyzer (DDA) ,Bresenhams’s Line
2.Transformations –Reposition the image in database .it include editing the model -Translation
,Scaling ,Reflection ,concatenation . Graphics software perform the transformation .

3.Display control and windowing function.- These provide the user

with ability to view graphics element from the desired angle, desired
magnification and desired portion.
4. Segmenting functions- it is capability to edit specific portion of model
5.User input functions: Facilitate the user to enter the data
(Alphanumerical or graphical )

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