Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Self-Diffusion in Liquid Linear Hydrocarbons
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Self-Diffusion in Liquid Linear Hydrocarbons
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Self-Diffusion in Liquid Linear Hydrocarbons
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964 F. Bachl and H.-D. Liidemann • Pressure and Temperature D ependence o f Self-D iffusion
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Pentane Hexane Decane
174 K
10 —f— —r~ —r~
0 50 100 "l5Ö" Wo 0 50 100 150 ~20Ö 0 50 "ioö" 150 200
p (MPa) p (MPa) p (MPa)
Fig. 2. Isotherms o f the self diffusion coefficients o f fluid n-pentane, n-hexane and n-decane.
Fig. 3. Isotherms o f the self diffusion coefficients o f fluid 2-butyne, c-2-butene, and t-2-butene.
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966 F. Bachl and H.-D. Lüdemann • Pressure and Temperature D ependence o f Self-Diffusion
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F. Bachl and H.-D. Lüdemann • Pressure and Temperature D ependence o f Self-D iffusion 967
kT 1/2
Dn = (3)
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968 F. Bachl and H.-D. Lüdemann • Pressure and Temperature D ependence o f Self-Diffusion
diffusion coefficients in real, polyatomic liquids. Table 2. Comparison o f the molar volum es V0 calculated
The experim ental diffusion coefficient Z)exp should by application o f the RHS model with the same quantity
calculated from melting point densities.
thus correspond to the diffusion coefficient o f a
rough hard sphere Z)RHS given by Molar volum e Substance
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F. Bachl and H.-D. Lüdemann • Pressure and Temperature D ependence o f Self-D iffusion 969
Table 3. Comparison o f the self diffusion coefficients simulations by W. J. Jorgensen et al. [38], The
obtained experimentally and by M D sim ulations.
dynam ic properties of butane as functions of
pressure and tem perature where calculated with
m olecular dynamics sim ulations by W eber [39]
using a simplified skeleton alkane model and a
(K) (MPa) ^MD ^cxp
sim plified Lennard-Jones 6 - 9 interaction potential.
n-Butane 397.83 4.2 4.91 * 2.5 Ryckaert et al. [40. 41] used a sim ilar approach
406.04 15.42 3.36 * 1.52 applying a 6 - 1 2 Lennard-Jones potential to derive
314.86 8.97 1.74* 0.76
416.42 39.61 2.19* 1.26 the therm o dynam ic and dynam ic beh aviour o f
407.27 101.96 1.50* 0.78 liquid n-butane and n-decane close to their boiling
291.5 S. P. 6.1/6.9** 6.7
points at atm ospheric pressure. Table 3 compares
199.9 S.P. 2.1/2.4** 1.97
their calculated self diffusion coefficients with our
n-Decane 481 S.P. 7.5/7.7** 7.6
interpolated experimental results.
* Weber. Ref. [39]. - ** Ryckaert, Ref. [40, 41], While the Ryckaert’s results agree with our data
w ithin the limits of experimental error, W e b e r’s
Inspection o f the Figs. 8 and especially 9 reveals treatm ent yields self diffusion coefficients that are
clearly that the interpolation o f D for unknow n approxim ately a factor of two larger than our
homologues could only be achieved with some results. Considering the similarity of the two co m
degree of reliability if a theoretical concept for the putational approaches this large difference is sur
tem perature dependence o f the ^ -p a ra m e te r would prising. However, one should check experim entally
be available. The present state o f the art makes various other properties before any attem pt is m ade
extrapolations into unknow n ranges o f the q, T- to evaluate the merits and shortcomings o f the two
space as well as interpolation o f the data to cover approaches.
unknown intermediate homologues equally h a z a r d
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