Unit Plan - How Do We Obtain The Energy We Need

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Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

Teacher(s) Subject group and Sciences

Unit title 5 How do we obtain the energy we need? MYP year 4–5 Unit duration (hrs)

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context
Change Energy Globalization and sustainability
Statement of inquiry
Nature provides the energy we need, and we should seek to use it by changing its form in ways that are sustainable.
Inquiry questions
Factual – What are the properties of states of matter? Where does our energy come from? How do we use energy for motion? What are enzymes and what is
their role in cellular metabolism?
Conceptual – What is energy and what forms can it take? How are force and energy related? How do enzymes improve our lives? How does energy get
transferred and transformed in living things? How do organisms depend on what they exchange with their environment?
Debatable – Does nature ever waste energy?
Objectives Summative assessment
A: Knowing and Understanding Chapter review problems The problems allow students to apply their understanding
Chapter extension problems across all the inquiry questions to find solutions.

B: Inquiring and Designing DL Activity: Shark attack! In this activity found in DL, the students investigate how
changing how much energy particles have affects the rate
at which a substance diffuses.
Activity: It’ll all come out in the wash: saving This activity links to the SOI by using natural substances
energy with biological laundry detergent such as enzymes to help up use less energy in our
Students will write a lab reports investigating the everyday activities.
lowest temperature in which their DIY biological
detergents can work at.
DL Activity: What colours do plants prefer? This activity focuses on how do plants make the most of
Students design a full scientific inquiry investigating the energy they obtain from the Sun. A true example of
the effect of wavelength on the rate of natural sustainability.

Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris, Radia Chibani, El Kahina Meziane and Anna Michaelides 1
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C: Processing and Evaluating DL Activity: Shark attack! In this activity found in DL, the students investigate how
changing how much energy particles have affects the rate
at which a substance diffuses.
DL Activity: What colours do plants prefer? Finding out the wavelengths of light best used by plants,
Students collect and process data from a complete but reflecting on the fact that other pigments would use
investigation of the effect of wavelength on the rate other wavelengths too, so plants have a broader
of photosynthesis. absorption spectrum.
D: Reflecting on the Impacts of Science DL Activity: The future of the automobile Through comparing innovations introduced with hybrid,
and fully electric vehicles, students evaluate the impact on
the environment of these scientific developments.
Activity: Are you aware of the impacts of extracting In this activity students explore some of the impacts of the
fossil fuels? extraction of non-renewable fossil fuels, which are still our
dominant energy source despite how unsustainable they
Approaches to learning
Communication skills: Make inferences and draw conclusions; Read critically and for comprehension; Paraphrase accurately and concisely; Structure
information in summaries, essays and reports; Take effective notes in class; Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure; Make inferences and draw
conclusions; Organize and depict information logically; Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers; Use appropriate forms of writing for different
purposes and audiences; Give and receive meaningful feedback; Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a variety of audiences
Transfer skills: Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations; Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions
Critical-thinking skills: Draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations; Revise understanding based on new information and evidence; Evaluate evidence and
arguments; Interpret data; Practise observing carefully in order to recognize problems; Evaluate and manage risk; Identify obstacles and challenges; Consider
ideas from multiple perspectives; Gather and organize relevant information; Analyse complex concepts into their constituent parts and synthesize them to create
new understanding
Organization skills: Plan short- and long-term assignments; Meet deadlines; Use appropriate strategies for organizing complex information
Creative-thinking skills: Make guesses, ask ‘what if’ questions and generate testable hypotheses; Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or
processes; Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways
Media literacy skills: Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources
Information literacy skills: Collect, record and verify data; Present information in a variety of formats and platforms; Process data and report results; Collect and
analyse data to identify solutions and make informed decisions
Collaboration: Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas; Negotiate effectively; Encourage others to contribute; Give and receive meaningful feedback;
Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making; Exercise leadership and take on a variety of roles within groups
Reflective skills: Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning; Consider ethical, cultural and environmental implications

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Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Related Inquiry Learning process
All students should… What is energy and Connect–Classify–Elaborate (p. 103)
Classify energy forms and types what forms can it take? This introductory task is intended to serve as an opportunity firstly for students to recall prior
(potential and kinetic) What are the properties knowledge and to share it with their classmates. Further, the task frames the concept of energy in
State that the Joule is the unit of of states of matter? terms of its form but also in terms of the processes that cause it to be changed from one form to
energy another. Energy is in the end the capacity to do work, and work in its broadest sense is change.
The examples chosen also connect together prior learning on energy resources. Students may
Explain energy change in terms How are force and
have encountered these concepts before in the following topics:
of work done energy related?
MYP Sciences by Concept 1: Chapter 4 What makes change happen?
Define different types of chemical
reaction and identify them MYP Sciences by Concept 3: Chapter 1 How do we make it work?
Where does our energy
Define the terms endothermic and come from?
exothermic How do we use energy Activity: Thinking about energy change, forms and processes
Draw, interpret and analyse for motion? This activity sets the task of elaborating the diagram in Figure 5.1. Students are encouraged to try
energy level diagrams to distinguish energy forms from energy processes. Examples of energy forms are thermal
Define the term hydrocarbon and energy, potential energy, chemical energy. Examples of energy processes are combustion,
What are enzymes and
state that methane belongs to the photosynthesis, heating.
what is their role in
homologous series of alkanes. cellular metabolism? DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Energy forms and processes Student resource available
State the names of the first five
alkanes. Activity: Heat it up (p. 106)
How do enzymes
State word equations for the improve our lives? Individually or in pairs: This activity requires students to apply their knowledge of particle theory
complete and incomplete to analyse and interpret a generic heating curve. The aim of the activity is to encourage students
combustion reactions of any to understand that during a change of state, all of the energy that particles gain goes into breaking
alkane How does energy get
the bonds between them, which is represented as a plateau on the heating curve and not as a
transferred and
Formulate a balanced symbol temperature increase. The students will suggest where the different states and state changes are
transformed in living
equation with state symbols for shown on the generic curve and apply their knowledge of particle theory to explain what happens
the complete and incomplete to the particles during changes of state, thus explaining the shape of the graph when different
combustion of methane amounts of heat are applied. They will then apply this knowledge to suggest what happens when
Outline how fossil fuels are Does nature ever waste a substance is cooled, which can be represented on a cooling curve.
formed and evaluate their energy? DYNAMIC LEARNING Interactive Activity: Heating curves
extraction methods
Describe some of the most Activity: The fast and the furious (p. 107)

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important properties of fuels Students watch a demonstration (or a video) showing the diffusion of the gases. The gases are
Describe the fractional distillation produced by soaking cotton wool in concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated ammonia
of crude oil and explain the and placing these at opposite ends of a horizontal glass tube. This demonstration needs to be
scientific theory behind the done in a fume cupboard. The requisitions for this demonstration are provided in the resource
process Support Material: Requisitions for The fast and the furious demonstration
Describe the relationship Set up the glass tube so that the two clamps are supporting it at about one-quarter of the length of
between frictional force and the tube in from the two ends. Underneath each end of the tube, place one of the bottles of the
energy change reagents, a plastic pipette, forceps, a rubber bung and a white tile. Place approximately equal
sized pieces of cotton wool on each white tile. At the same time, the teacher and technician use
Solve calorimetry problems using
the plastic pipettes to soak the cotton wool in the concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated
the relationship Q = mcΔT
ammonia, and using the forceps, place them in each end of the tube, sealing the ends quickly with
Summarize the relationship the rubber bungs. If a technician is not available, you could try to soak them both at the same time
between internal (thermal) energy and place them in the tube at the same time, or if this is not possible, focus on the concentrated
and temperature of a body hydrochloric acid first and then the ammonia. The liquids will produce hydrogen chloride gas
Solve problems relating force, (student misconception that hydrochloric acid is diffusing) and ammonia gas respectively, which
work done and energy using work will diffuse towards the centre of the glass tube. Where they meet, they will form a white
done = force × distance moved smoke/solid of ammonium chloride. The hydrogen chloride gas is larger and heavier so diffuses
Solve problems using power = more slowly so the product should not appear in the middle of the glass tube but closer to the
change in energy/time cotton wool soaked in hydrochloric acid.
Analyse simple machines and DYNAMIC LEARNING Support Material: Requisitions for The fast and the furious
processes in terms of efficiency demonstration
Summarize energy change in
processes using Sankey diagrams DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Shark attack!
Outline the importance of Individually or in pairs: Having seen the diffusion of gases for themselves and having started to
enzymes in metabolism consider the factors that can affect how quickly gases diffuse, the students consider what the
Explain how enzymes work and effect of temperature is on how quickly a substance diffuses. This is achieved in the context of
their role in catalysing chemical how quickly blood will diffuse in different temperatures of water to reach the nostrils of a shark. A
reaction description of the task is found in the resources Activity: Shark attack! A visible thinking activity
which can be used as a starter to the activity is also provided in the resource. The students then
Discuss how do enzymes in test their hypothesis by designing an experiment using ‘blood’ (red food dye) and different
thermophilic organisms survive temperatures of water.
the high temperature
Extension students can be encouraged to measure the rate of the reaction, rather than the time it
Discuss, evaluate and compare takes.
which enzymes are needed by
different cell types The Approaches resources provide a more structured student task sheet and a rubric for Criteria
B and C.
Explain how enzymes lower
DYNAMIC LEARNING Approaches: Student Task Sheet Shark attack!

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activation energy and catalyse DYNAMIC LEARNING Approaches Assessment Rubric: Shark attack!
chemical reaction in cells
Investigate the role of DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Being James Joule
temperature on enzyme activity
Extension activity: Being James Joule uses one of Joule’s heat and work experiments as an
Design biological detergents and opportunity for students to think critically and evaluate Joule’s ground-breaking work on the
testing them for efficacy relationship between thermal energy, heat and work done. This task can be used formatively to
Recall that plants are the only assess understanding in criterion C: Processing and Evaluating strand (iv) and (v).
organisms able to use the Sun’s
energy and fix CO2 from the
Activity: Measuring red heat (pp. 111–112)
atmosphere to produce organic
compounds This is a simple calorimetry experiment which demonstrates the relationship of thermal energy,
heat and temperature, allowing students to apply the understanding of the equation Q = mcΔT as
Explain the requirements and
introduced in the DL Worked Example: James Joule’s cup of tea. Students should carry out a risk
equation of photosynthesis
assessment and have this checked by the teacher before beginning the experiment. The
Explain plant adaptations that experiment setup as given in Figure 5.14 includes a lid, which should prompt students to consider
allow them carry out the importance of controlling heat loss, and they may then be prompted to consider insulating the
photosynthesis rest of the container likewise, and the importance of controlling heat loss should be noted in the
Describe the requirements and evaluation of the experiment.
limiting factors of photosynthesis The experiment can be used formatively to assess criterion C: Processing and Evaluating strands
Explain the light dependent and (i), (ii), (iv), (v). As no hypothesis is made, strand (iii) is not evaluated.
light independent phases of
The Extension box suggests the use of an infrared sensor thermometer to calibrate the result.
Apply scientific knowledge and These can be quite sensitive to environmental factors and students should notice that repeated
interpret absorption spectra of measurements are needed to obtain a consistent value on average. They could further extend
different photosynthetic pigments their analysis by quoting the overall % difference in results.
in plants
DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Measuring red heat provides a framework to scaffold student
Investigate the effect of reporting in the lab (including the design stage).
wavelength on the rate of
DYNAMIC LEARNING Approaches Assessment Rubric: Measuring red heat provides a
marking guide and rubric for the formative assessment.
Comment on the fluorescent light
DYNAMIC LEARNING Worked Example: James Joule’s cup of tea
emitted by plants
Describe the relationship
between photosynthesis and cell DYNAMIC LEARNING Interactive Activity: Heating effects is available for students to review
respiration and reinforce their understanding of heat transfer processes (conduction, convection, radiation).
Define cell respiration and
describe its purpose and where it Activity: Energy in or energy out? (p. 115)

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takes place Individually or in pairs students interpret energy level diagrams for endothermic and exothermic
Distinguish between aerobic and reactions.
anaerobic respiration This can be extended to the energy changes that occur in hand warmers using the Visible
Compare the products of aerobic Thinking Activity in the resources Handwarmers
and anaerobic respiration in This activity can be extended into the concept of the overall energy change in a chemical reaction
animals and plants depending on the energy required to break the bonds in the reactants and make the bonds in the
Explain the concept of gas products. The theory behind this and an activity to practice such calculations is provided in the
exchange in humans and plants resource Extension Activity: Calculating the enthalpy of reaction using bonds.
Deduce that in order to complete
photosynthesis and respiration DYNAMIC LEARNING Visible Thinking Activity: Handwarmers
and use and produce energy, cells DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Calculating the enthalpy of reaction using bonds
must exchange gases (O2 and
CO2) with the environment
DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Unlocking the alkanes
Describe how gas exchange
happens in plants and explain the In pairs: Having being introduced to the term hydrocarbons and the concept of homologous
adaptations that allow them do so series through the alkanes, the students can extend their knowledge of the alkane homologous
series using the resource Extension: Unlocking the alkanes, by considering the formula, displayed
Discuss the role of stomata in
formula and relative formula mass of the first ten alkanes in the family. They then consider the
gas exchange in plants
change in boiling point as the chains get longer, making links to the extension material in Chapter
Compare some structures of gas 4 on intermolecular forces.
exchange between plants (spongy
mesophyll) and animals (alveoli)
DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: What makes a good fuel?
Explain how the human
ventilation and respiratory In pairs: students use the resource Activity: What makes a good fuel? to consider the properties
systems ensure a continuous gas that a good fuel should have and by carrying out research into the calorific values, the carbon
exchange to allow continuity of the dioxide emissions, emissions of other pollutants and abundance of different fuels. They use all of
functions of life this information to evaluate whether there is such a thing as a ‘best’ fuel.
Label the parts of the human
respiratory system Activity: Are you aware of the impacts of extracting fossil fuels? (p. 117)
Discuss how the structure of In pairs or in small groups: students investigate some of the impacts of one of two extraction
alveoli allow gas exchange in methods for fossil fuels: coal through mining or crude oil and natural gas through drilling. They use
mammals the information they find to evaluate the method of extraction, taking the need for the resource into
Describe the mechanical process consideration. A useful website/starting point for their research is
of ventilation www.ucsusa.org/clean-energy/coal-and-other-fossil-fuels/hidden-cost-of-fossils#.
Compare the process of gas The Approaches resources provide a more structured student task sheet and a rubric for Criterion
exchange in various organisms D.

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Analyse and compare data DYNAMIC LEARNING Approaches: Student Task Sheet Are you aware of the impacts of
between inhaled and exhaled extracting fossil fuels?
gases form humans DYNAMIC LEARNING Approaches Assessment Rubric: Are you aware of the impacts of
Explain how energy flows and extracting fossil fuels?
transfers between organisms of
different trophic levels
Activity: Reviewing separation techniques (p. 118)
Discuss the reasons of energy
Individually, in pairs or in small groups students review the key separation techniques that they
loss in an ecosystem
met in MYP Science by Concept 1: Chapter 2 – filtration, decanting, evaporation, chromatography,
separating funnel and simple distillation. It might be necessary to review terms such as ‘pure
Some students could… substance’ and ‘mixture’ before completing this activity. The key aspects of these separation
Explain what determines whether techniques that the students need to be familiar with are the properties that allows the substances
a reaction is endothermic or to be separated, examples of substances that can be separated using the separation technique,
exothermic an overview of the separation technique as well as the names of any specific equipment that is
Deduce the formulae and
structural formulae of the first five These separation techniques can also be reviewed through the Interactive activity - Separation
alkanes techniques.
Formulate a balanced symbol DYNAMIC LEARNING Interactive Activity: Separation techniques
equation with state symbols for
the complete and incomplete DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Where is the crude oil and natural gas?
combustion of other alkanes in
In pairs or in small groups: Through this extension activity, students have the opportunity to find
addition to methane
out more about the amount of fossil fuels that remain, with a focus on where specifically these
Deduce the names, formulae and resources are located globally. They consider this in the context of how it may have an impact on
structural formulae of the next five a net energy importer like the UK and how a country’s energy policy could change to reflect these
alkanes (C5–C10) findings. This activity can be used before starting the structural organization in living things, to
Explain the trend in the boiling encourage students to generate ideas and gain an overall introduction to this section.
points of the first five alkanes
Describe the functional groups DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: What role do economic and political factors play
and general formula of the in how we obtain our chemical energy?
alkenes and alcohols
In pairs or in small groups: This extension activity is provided as an opportunity to venture
Explain how economic and beyond the syllabus by considering issues surrounding fuel security that are both extremely
political events in the past had topical and significant. The students find out about historical events that have had an impact on
effects on countries energy the availability of fossil fuels as well as the cost of energy. The resource Extension Activity: What
policies role do economic and political factors play in how we obtain our chemical energy provides two
Describe what industrial energy options in terms of how to carry out the activity – one provides more structured questions while the
storage is and how it might be other is more open.

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used in the future

Analyse and interpret data about DYNAMIC LEARNING VTA: Enzyme models: What makes you say that?
the location of crude oil and fossil This extension activity can be used by teachers to give some students the opportunity to find out
fuel reserves about the two enzyme models (induced fit and lock and key). This activity is linked to the content
Reflect on how the location of on p. 122 and to Figure 5.26.
fossil fuel reserves can have an
effect on the energy policy of a
Activity: Hire the best candidates! (p. 123)
country, e.g. the UK
Students start working as a group investigating the enzymes needed by a particular cell type,
Explain why different fuels are
which they consider as their company, then while one group member ‘the manager’ finds out more
used for different sources of
about the cell in question (the company), the rest will find different enzymes that may be needed
by this cell. Once they have the names (on sticky notes), the process of hiring the best candidates
Calculate the enthalpy change of (the best enzymes) for their company (cell type) starts by each member of the group building an
a reaction using bond enzyme profile in the form of an infographic which will serve as a CV for their candidate. Students
energies/enthalpies must use scientific language when designing their products and also must reference their sources
Solve problems relating frictional and keep all the documents they have used to gather information from. Their infographics must
force and energy change highlight the reasons why their candidates should be chosen and what benefits would they bring
Show that the kinetic energy of a to their company. At the end of the activity, the group gathers again and discusses the hired
moving object is given by KE = candidates and present them to the rest of the class.
Calculate efficiency of simple Activity: It’ll all come out in the wash: saving energy with biological laundry detergent (pp.
machines and processes 124–125)
Explain force in terms of change In this activity students follow the inquiry cycle to design a scientific investigation to inquire about
in in potential energy within a field enzymes added to biological detergents. They try to find out which is the lowest temperature that
or as stored in physical bodies still makes the enzymes in the detergent work well at cleaning various stains. They use their
Compare the two models of how previous knowledge about enzymes and the substances they work on to make their own biological
enzymes work (induced fit and detergent by adding enzymes to a non-biological detergent. By using enzymes, we will be using
lock and key) lower temperature to clean stains, and by using the lowest possible temperature at which these
enzymes work at, we will be saving even more energy. Students write their lab reports and
State factors affecting enzyme
discuss their findings with the class.
activity and outline the process of
denaturation DYNAMIC LEARNING Approaches Assessment Rubric: It’ll all come out in the wash:
saving energy with biological laundry detergent to summatively assess for criterion C through
Explain the different models of
this activity.
how enzymes work
DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Take action: How can we make better use of enzymes?
Describe the role of coenzymes
and enzyme inhibitors Students work in small groups to investigate the uses of enzymes in manufacturing in order to find
more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to some issues/products. They prepare a
Further explain and compare
pitch to convince the managers of a biotech company to start using enzymes in manufacturing a

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what happens in the LDR and LIR product for which they don’t already use enzymes. They must use scientific facts, figures and
stages of photosynthesis statistics in order to support their argument. They present their talks to the class and finish with
Explore the ways scientists have whole class discussions.
learnt from photosynthesis to
design new types of solar panels DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: LDR and LIR
Describe reverse photosynthesis This extension activity can be done after presenting the LDR and LIR on pp. 127–8 as it allows
and how it could help solving the students to find out more about them and also sum up what was covered about photosynthesis.
pollution problem
Compare and contrast the
Activity: Why are plants green? (p. 127)
equations and ATP yield between
aerobic and anaerobic respiration This activity allows students to interpret the absorption spectra of different photosynthetic
pigments and ask questions of why plants are of different colours. They also find out about the
Outline how diffusion and
advantage of having various pigments to make the most use of the absorbed sunlight. Students
osmosis (and other transport
can complete this activity in groups and split the tasks between each other, then discuss the
methods) facilitate gas exchange
answers with the class.
across semi permeable cell
Explain the importance of DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Clever pigments
hemoglobin in the body and how it This extension allows students to find out more about the different pigments used by plants and
helps gas exchange how genetically engineered Chlorophyll f can improve photosynthesis in plants. They also find out
Design a flow chart or diagram about Cyanobacteria and their special way of doing photosynthesis.
that summarizes energy transfer
and loss in nature DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: What colours do plants prefer?
This DL activity supports the previous one Why are plants green? as it links to the wavelengths of
light absorbed by plants. Students work in small groups and design complete scientific
investigations looking at the effect of wavelength on the rate of photosynthesis. First, students
research different methods that can be used to measure the rate of photosynthesis and then
decide on which one they want to use. They design their method and choose their materials
accordingly. They should consider safety throughout the process. Students carry out their
investigations and collect data which they can then process and analyse. They complete the
process with the evaluation stage. This is a long summative task which can take a few lessons to
complete; teachers may choose to start the criterion B section and collect the list of materials
needed by students to start ordering them while students complete designing their method.
Teachers can assess criterion B first, give feedback about safety and any amendments in the
methodology to students before carrying out the investigations, then students can carry out their
investigations and collect the data to complete the process. Although this experiment can be
carried out using terrestrial plants, it is more straightforward to use aquatic plants like Cabomba as

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Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

this offers an opportunity to use various methods, like counting bubbles, measuring pH either with
a digital pH meter or by matching the colour of the hydrogen carbonate solution, or using probes
and data loggers to measure CO2.
DYNAMIC LEARNING Approaches Assessment Rubric: What colours do plants prefer?
Assessment rubric to summatively assess for criterion B and criterion C through this activity.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: How plants inspired new technologies

This extension allows students to find out how scientists were inspired by photosynthesis to
design new types of solar panels.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Reverse photosynthesis

Students find out about this process of using the sun energy and plants enzymes to break down
plant biomass and produce biofuels and how scientists think it may help pollution.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Plants respire too

This is a short investigation to show that plants also respire. Teachers may use it as a demo or a
small investigation. Students can use a simple method to show that seeds release energy in the
form of heat when they are germinating due to cell respiration. Teachers may wish to give
students further choices of investigation using lime water or KOH or probes. They may also
extend it to be a complete investigation.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Aerobic and anaerobic

This extension can be used after the content covered in p129 to allow students to compare
aerobic and anaerobic cell respiration in terms of products, formula as well as the ATP yield.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Aerobic vs anaerobic respiration

In this activity, students use a simple table to compare various aspects of aerobic and anaerobic
cell respiration. This activity can be done after covering the content in p.129 and the extension
above as students would have collected the information needed to complete the table. Teachers
may incorporate the extension activity above with this activity and make it one task.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Oxygen debt

In this activity students find out about oxygen debt and why our bodies need to go through this

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process despite the production of harmful lactic acid. Students use their knowledge about
respiration so far and carry out further research to answer the questions directed to this concept.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Be a teacher and sum up cell respiration

In this activity, students design a lesson to explain cell respiration. They have a suggested list of
learning objectives. They are also given some guidance on what to plan for when designing a
lesson. Students may choose to use content from this chapter or conduct independent research.
Teachers can use this as an opportunity for a flipped classroom where students do the research at
home, and in this case demonstrate understanding by teaching others.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Put it all together! (Photosynthesis and respiration)

Students link respiration and photosynthesis and compare the two process looking at the
similarities and differences. Many students mix these processes, so this activity should help them
focus on how the two are linked but still different from each other.

Activity: A tour inside a plant leaf! (p. 130)

Students match the functions of some structures in a leaf and the adaptation features which allow
them complete these functions. The two lists of choices are provided to them and students can
make a table with the name of the structure deduced from the diagram, the function and the
adaptation feature.
DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Living cell exchanges

DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Which side of the leaf has more stomata?
Teachers can use this investigation as a short demo to get the students thinking about the
stomata distribution in leaves. They may also choose to do it at various levels of complexity, either
as it is provided here, or by removing the guidance and letting students complete it as
independent investigations. Here, students explore a couple of suggested simple methods to look
at stomata from the upper and lower sides of leaves to deduce why there are more at the bottom

DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Why hemoglobin?

This extension allows students to explore the role of hemoglobin in the body and how it helps
transport oxygen. Students can explore this at any level they wish and may complete it as a small
activity and produce posters or short presentations to discuss with the rest of the class.

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DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: Comparing gas exchange in different organisms

This activity allows students to apply the knowledge they gained about gas exchange in plants
and animals and conduct further research to compare how this process work in different
organisms. Students may work in small groups of three or four, splitting the tasks between them.
They complete the table and gather all the information then they present this information in a
different format of their choice. Class discussion should be encouraged in this activity as some
students may find different information than others, and sharing their knowledge will be helpful to
reach the learning objective.
DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Oxygen’s journey
DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: Gas exchange

Activity: In and out! (p. 132)

Students work in pairs to analyse information given in various tables and diagrams relating to
ventilation and gas exchange. They link the information from the diagram to rearrange the steps
shown the table. This helps them deduce the steps of ventilation. Students then use another table
showing percentages of different gases in two columns and they should deduce which one is the
inhaled and exhaled gas depending on the composition. Finally they try to suggest what should
happen in an experimental set up that tests inhaled and exhaled gas.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Extension Activity: How is energy transferred from the Sun to other
organisms on Earth?
Students make a visual (flow chart, diagram,...) to summarize energy flow, transfer and loss in
nature. They then answer a few questions about this to consolidate the information they gathered.

Activity: The dream of perpetual motion (p. 133)

This activity can be used formatively to assess criterion A: Knowing and Understanding strands (i)
and (iii). Students do not solve a problem, and so strand (ii) is not evaluated.
DYNAMIC LEARNING Activity: The dream of perpetual motion is available, which includes
some examples of proposed such machines as well as a writing frame for their analysis.

Activity: Efficient ornot? (p. 133)

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Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

This activity prompts students to compare efficiencies of ‘machines’ including the human body as
one such. They should conclude from the data and their own research that the most efficient
machines are those which incorporate fewest moving parts, such as the electromagnetic

Activity: How efficient are organisms at using the energy available to them? (p. 135)
Students apply their knowledge and answer some questions about the energy flow and transfer
between trophic levels of a food chain. They deduce how much of it is used and how much is lost.
They compare the efficiency from this food chain with that of solar panels. They finally reflect on
the role of decomposers in ecosystems and discuss how nature tried not to waste energy.

DYNAMIC LEARNING Interactive Activity: Sankey drag and drop is available to scaffold and
reinforce student understanding of Sankey diagrams

Activity: Reflecting on energy change, forms and processes (p. 136)

This provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning in this chapter, and so revise
the ideas about energy change (between forms, through processes) in the activity at the beginning
of the chapter. Students should now have extended their understanding by, for example,
recognizing that every process also results in energy loss through heat.

Activity: The future of the automobile (p. 136)

This is an opportunity to apply students’ learning about machines, energy and efficiency to an
authentic contemporary problem. The linked articles for research present different aspects of the
electric-versus-internal combustion vehicle debate: are EVs a solution the problem of global
warming, or just a way to displace fossil fuel pollution elsewhere?
DYNAMIC LEARNING Take Action: The future of the automobile reproduces the infographics,
and also provides writing cues for student reporting.
DYNAMIC LEARNING Approaches Assessment Rubric: The future of the automobile
provides a marking guide and rubric

Answers and solutions: Chapter 5 review problems provide answers for the end of chapter
review problems
Chapter 5 Extension problems and Answers and solutions: Chapter 5 extension problems

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Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

are available to extend student understanding

Formative assessment
Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding
Activity: The dream of perpetual motion: Strands (i) and (iii)
Activity: Heat it up: Strand (i), (ii)
Activity: The fast and the furious: Strand (ii)
Activity: Energy in or energy out?: Strand (ii)
Extension Activity: Calculating the enthalpy of reaction using bonds: Strand (ii)
Extension Activity: Unlocking the alkanes (extension activity): Strand (i), (ii)
Activity: What makes a good fuel?: Strand (iii)
Activity: Reviewing separation techniques: Strand (ii)
Extension Activity: Where is the crude oil and natural gas?: Strand (iii)
Extension Activity: What role do economic and political factors play in how we obtain our chemical
energy?: Strand (i)
Activity: Hire the best candidates
Strand (i) of criterion A can be assessed in this activity as students recall scientific knowledge
about cells and specialized cells which are covered in Chapter 2.
Activity: Why are plants green?
This activity can be assessed for strand (ii) of criterion A.
DL Activity: Aerobic vs anaerobic respiration
This activity can be assessed for strand (i) of criterion A. Teachers can show incomplete diagrams
of each type of respiration and ask students to complete them, or they may want to ask students
to draw these diagrams. With this, the activity may be extended to assess for strand (ii) as well.
DL Activity: Oxygen debt
DL Activity: Be a teacher and sum up cell respiration
These activities can be assessed for strand (ii). Students apply previous knowledge and carry out
further research to answer questions or design a lesson.
DL Activity: Put it all together! (photosynthesis and respiration)
This activity can be assessed for strand (i) of criterion A.
Activity: A tour inside a plant leaf: Strand (i)

Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris, Radia Chibani, El Kahina Meziane and Anna Michaelides 14
Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

DL Activity: Comparing gas exchange in different organisms: Strands (i) and (ii).
Activity: In and out: Strand (i)
Activity: How efficient are organisms at using the energy available to them?: Strands (i) and (ii).

Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing

Activity: It’ll all come out in the wash: saving energy with biological laundry detergent
Although the activity allows students to write their own variable and investigation method, a lot of
help and guidance is given here about the problem, the independent variable, the materials and
the safety. If teachers wish to assess for criterion B summatively through this activity, they may
follow the guidance given in the differentiation section.
DL Activity: Plants respire too
This investigation can be assessed for strands (iii) and (iv). However, as described in the activity
summary above, this activity can be extended to assess for all criteria, if teachers remove the
suggested example of experimental set up, and also ask students to collect data and complete
criterion C.
DL Activity: Which side of the leaf has more stomata?
This activity can be assessed for strands (ii) and (iv). However, teachers can transform it into a
summative if necessary by removing the scaffold and guidance, and letting students design their
investigations independently.

Criterion C: Processing and Evaluating

Extension activity: Being James Joule: Strands (iv) and (v)
Activity: Measuring red heat: Strands (i) (ii) (iv) (v)
Activity: The fast and the furious: Strand (ii), (iv)
Extension Activity: What role do economic and political factors play in how we obtain our chemical
energy?: Strand (i), (ii)
DL Activity: Which side of the leaf has more stomata?
This activity can be assessed for strands (i) and (ii). Teachers may want to extend it to assess all
criteria and make if a summative by asking students to complete the evaluation sections.
Activity: In and out: Strand (ii)

Criterion D: Reflecting on the Impacts of Science

Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris, Radia Chibani, El Kahina Meziane and Anna Michaelides 15
Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

Activity: Hire the best candidates

Strands iii and iv of criterion D can be assessed in this activity as students apply scientific
language when designing their infographics about various enzymes and also document their
sources .
DL Take action: How can we make better use of enzymes?
This activity is presented here as a formative but it could be extended to a summative if teachers
ask students to organize their sources in an agreed way of documenting sources. This can be a
short activity done in one lesson and hence can be done as a formative, or can be extended as a
small project in which the research stage can take longer than a lesson and then can be assessed
Students are supported in developing and organizing their understanding through the use of a
variety of templates, modelled activities and examples.
Opportunities for independent/partner extensions and explorations through online research allow
students to engage in the inquiry process according to their individualized learning needs and
The open-ended summative assessment and writing templates allow students to engage more
independently in the inquiry process according to their individualized learning needs and interests.
Use of pairwork and think–pair–share routines allows students to work with each other and
develop each other’s understanding.
Teachers should utilize the kinesthetic opportunities and collaborative/team activities as described
to ensure that students experience a variety of learning styles during the topic.
Approaches Student Task Sheet: Shark attack!
In the shark attack investigation, students can extend their work by investigation the rate of
diffusion instead of the time it takes to diffuse.
Students can extend their understanding of energy changes in chemical reactions through the
resources VTA: Handwarmers.
Students can extend their understanding of energy changes in chemical reactions and bond
breaking and making through the resources Extension Activity: Calculating the enthalpy of
reaction using bonds.
This activity also includes a further extension activity, where students can measure enthalpy
changes of reaction using a calorimetry experiment.
Students can further explore the alkane homologous series, looking at formulae, structural
formula, relative formula masses and changes in boiling points through the Extension Activity:

Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris, Radia Chibani, El Kahina Meziane and Anna Michaelides 16
Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

unlocking the alkanes.

Students are offered an opportunity to make links to Individuals and Societies by exploring where
reserves of fossil fuels are found globally and how that might impact a country’s energy policy
though the Extension Activity: Where is the crude oil and natural gas?
Students are offered an opportunity to make links to Individuals and Societies by exploring where
historical events that have had an impact on the availability and cost of fuel for energy though the
Extension Activity: What role do economic and political factors play in how we obtain our chemical
The following online interactive activities are available to scaffold student approaches to the
activities in this unit:
Interactive Activity: Heating Effects
Interactive Activity: Sankey drag and drop
Interactive Activity: Heating curves
Interactive Activity: Separation techniques

Activity: Hire the best candidates. In this activity, teachers may wish to separate the roles
according to the strengths of the students. The leaders may be put as the group managers. Some
support can also be given to the HR members who need some structuring. Teachers may suggest
to them a theme of enzymes or certain functions and guide them as needed, or teachers may also
choose to give them specific enzymes and let them find the work. They may also group some
students to work together on one particular enzyme if necessary.

Activity: It’ll all come out in the wash: saving energy with biological laundry detergent
This activity can be used by teachers as it is with the provided scaffold and guiding questions, or
they may wish to remove these in order to challenge the higher level students. Those students
may just start from the general explanation in the first part of the task and they go off to design
their investigations independently.

Activity: Why are plants green?

To stretch students further, another graph showing the action spectrum of photosynthesis can be
shown and students could be asked to link the action and the absorption spectra.

DL Activity: What colours do plants prefer?

Teacher can make sure that students choose methods that suit their level. Some students could

Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris, Radia Chibani, El Kahina Meziane and Anna Michaelides 17
Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

be guided to use simpler methods like counting bubbles, some other students could measure the
change in pH and relate it to the change in CO2 levels of the water and some other students could
be stretched to use a CO2 probe and data logger.
Online resources
● The Future of the Automobile activity requires students to research using the following newspaper articles:
● https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/06/business/energy-environment/france-cars-ban-gas-diesel.html
● https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/jul/25/britain-to-ban-sale-of-all-diesel-and-petrol-cars-and-vans-from-2040
● http://www.telegraph.co.uk/cars/features/electric-car-drivers-could-face-queues-quarrels-christmas/
● https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/04/fewer-cars-not-electric-cars-beat-air-pollution-says-top-uk-adviser-prof-frank-kelly
● The end of chapter review problem on ‘gravity light’ requires students to access the company’s website at https://gravitylight.org/
● Students may also find the following online simulations useful: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/energy-forms-and-changes
● Demonstration – diffusion of hydrogen chloride and ammonia gases
● Website to start research on evaluating either mining or drilling in order to obtain the fossil fuels we need for energy:
● Activity: Hire the best candidates links:
● www.compoundchem.com/infographics/
● www.creativebloq.com/infographic/tools-2131971
● VTA: Glowing plants seen by NASA (p. 128): https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/seeing-photosynthesis-from-space-nasa-scientists-use-satellites-to-

Available in Dynamic Learning

Activity: Energy forms and processes Visible Thinking Activity: Handwarmers
Interactive Activity: Heating curves Extension Activity: Calculating the enthalpy of reaction using bonds
Support Material:- Requisitions for The fast and the furious demonstration Extension Activity: Unlocking the alkanes
Activity: Shark attack Activity: What makes a good fuel?
Approaches: Student Task Sheet Shark attack! Approaches Student Task Sheet: Are you aware of the impacts of extracting
Approaches Assessment Rubric: Shark attack! fossil fuels?
Extension Activity: Being James Joule Approaches Assessment Rubric: Are you aware of the impacts of extracting
fossil fuels?
Worked Example: James Joules’ cup of tea

Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris, Radia Chibani, El Kahina Meziane and Anna Michaelides 18
Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

Activity: Measuring red heat Interactive Activity: Separation techniques

Approaches Assessment Rubric: Measuring red heat Extension Activity: Where is the crude oil and natural gas?
Interactive Activity: Heating effects Extension Activity: What role do economic and political factors play in how we
obtain our chemical energy?
Visible Thinking Activity: Enzyme models: What makes you say that? Extension Activity Living cell exchanges
Approaches Assessment Rubric: It’ll all come out in the wash: saving energy Activity: Which side of the leaf has more stomata?
with biological laundry detergent Extension Activity: Why hemoglobin?
Activity: Take action: How can we make better use of enzymes? Activity: Comparing gas exchange in different organisms
Extension Activity: LDR and LIR Extension Activity Oxygen’s journey
Extension Activity: Clever pigments Extension Activity Gas exchange
Activity: What colours do plants prefer? Extension: How is energy transferred from the sun to organisms on earth?
Approaches: What colours do plants prefer? Activity: The dream of perpetual motion
Extension: How plants inspired new technologies Interactive activity: Sankey drag and drop
Extension Activity: Reverse photosynthesis Activity: The future of the automobile
Activity: Plants respire too Approaches: The future of the automobile
Extension Activity: Aerobic and anaerobic Answers and solutions: Chapter 5 review problems: provides answers for the
Activity: Aerobic vs anaerobic respiration end-o-chapter review problems
Activity: Oxygen debt Chapter 5 Extension problems and Answers and solutions: chapter 5 extension
Activity: Be a teacher and sum up cell respiration problems provide additional review problems to extend student understanding
Activity: Put it all together! (photosynthesis and respiration)

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Sciences for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept UNIT PLANNER

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris, Radia Chibani, El Kahina Meziane and Anna Michaelides 20

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