Consumer Revolving Credit and Debt Over The Life Cycle and Business Cycle

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Consumer Revolving Credit and Debt over the Life Cycle

and Business Cycle
Scott L. Fulford and Scott Schuh

Little work has examined how unsecured consumer credit, such as the limit on credit cards,
varies over the life cycle, and how consumers respond to changes in their ability to borrow over
the short and long term. Using a large panel of credit accounts in the United States, we
document that large movements in credit from 1999 to 2015 were accompanied by similar
movements in debt, so utilization was nearly constant. Life-cycle variation in consumer credit is
similarly large. Credit limits increase rapidly early in life, growing by more than 400 percent
between the ages of 20 and 30. Debt grows almost as fast, however, so credit utilization falls
slowly throughout the life cycle, reaching 20 percent only by age 70. Individual credit utilization
is extremely stable despite the large life-cycle, business cycle, and individual volatility of credit.
Stable utilization means that consumer debt is very sensitive to changes in credit limits.
Distinguishing between consumers who revolve debt and those who use credit cards only for
payments, we find that for revolvers nearly 100 percent of an increase in credit limits eventually
becomes an increase in debt.
JEL Classifications: D14, D91, E21
Scott L. Fulford is an assistant professor at Boston College and a visiting scholar in the Consumer Payments Research
Center of the research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Scott Schuh is the director of the Center
and a senior economist and policy advisor. Their e-mail addresses are [email protected] and
[email protected], respectively.
This paper, which may be revised, is available on the web site of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston at Scott L. Fulford would like to thank the Bank and the Center for
their knowledge and help. Both authors thank David Zhang for his excellent research assistance. This paper has
benefitted from the comments of participants at the 2015 Canadian Economics Association, the 2015 Boulder Summer
Conference on Consumer Financial Decision Making, the FDIC Consumer Research Symposium, and seminars at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Bank of Canada.
To ensure appropriate use of the data, Equifax required that we pre-clear results that used Equifax data before
making them public.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston or the Federal Reserve System.
This version: October 2015
1 Introduction

Credit and debt dominate the financial lives of most U.S. households, and it is impossible to under-
stand the consumption and savings decisions of these households without understanding the credit
available to them and the debt they have accumulated. Credit card borrowing is the primary source
of short-term consumption smoothing for U.S. households since the average household has very
little liquid savings (Fulford, 2015b). Credit cards have become an important method of payment,
so lacking access to credit limits payment options (Foster et al., 2013; Schuh and Stavins, 2014).
More than 30 percent of individuals between the ages of 20 and 60 have an auto loan at any given
moment, and close to 50 percent of 20–25 year-olds have a student loan (see figure 10). Pay-
ing down mortgage debt is the primary source of savings for the average household (Nothaft and
Chang, 2005). The price of credit is the relevant opportunity cost (Zinman, forthcoming) and the
availability of credit the relevant constraint for the average household when it considers its short-
term consumption smoothing, long-term wealth accumulation, and housing consumption, payment
choice, transportation, and human capital acquisition.
Despite the centrality of credit and debt in the financial lives of Americans, little is known
about how U.S. consumers’ access to and utilization of credit changes in the short and long term,
and how changes in credit are related to changes in debt. While there is a large literature that
considers which groups have access to credit and its cost, the literature that examines how credit
or debt changes over time or with age is sparse. Yet consumer credit is extremely variable for
individuals in the short term (Fulford, 2015a), and this variability fundamentally alters their savings
and consumption decisions. How do changing credit conditions and use over the business cycle,
over the life cycle, and for individuals relate to U.S. consumers’ patterns of incurring, carrying,
and paying off debt?
To answer this question, we use the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Consumer Credit Panel
(CCP), which contains a 5 percent sample of every credit account in the United States from 1999 to
2014 from the credit reporting agency Equifax.1 The panel nature of this data set is crucial, since it
For most of the econometric work, we use a subsample of the full 5 percent sample, since the smaller sample is

allows us to examine how short-term changes in credit and debt of an individual accumulate. The
long panel then lets us examine how debt and credit evolve over the life cycle from these short-
term changes. We supplement the CCP with the Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (Schuh and
Stavins, 2014) and the Survey of Consumer Finances to draw a more complete picture. We focus
on credit cards, since these have observable limits and are widely held, and we also briefly examine
other forms of debt over the life cycle.
Credit and debt show extreme life-cycle variation, much larger than the changes in income or
consumption over the life cycle (Attanasio et al., 1999). Between the ages of 20 and 30, credit card
limits increase by more than 400 percent, and these continue to increase after age 30, although
at a slower rate. Credit card debt increases at nearly the same pace early in the life cycle and it
is only after age 50 that average credit card debt starts to decline. Other forms of debt, such as
mortgages and auto loans, show similar life-cycle variation, while student loan debt peaks early
in life. However, these types of debt do not have readily measurable limits. Aggregate consumer
credit and debt show large business cycle variation as well, again substantially larger than the
comparable income or consumption movements. For example, the average credit card limit fell by
approximately 40 percent over the course of 2009.2
Despite this massive variation in credit and debt over the life cycle and business cycle, credit
utilization is remarkably stable. Credit utilization is the fraction of available credit an individual
is using. Credit utilization has held steady at just over 30 percent for the entire period from 2000
to 2014, even as there have been large swings in both credit and debts. Similarly, despite the 400
percent gains in credit and debt early in life, credit utilization falls very slowly over the life cycle.
The mean credit utilization is 50 percent in the 20s and is still nearly 40 percent at age 50. Credit
utilization falls below 20 percent only after age 70.
much more straightforward computationally and our confidence intervals are extremely small. Using a subsample will
also allow us to perform checks of specification search and model selection bias by performing the same analysis on a
different sample.
See figure 2 and Ludvigson (1999) for a discussion of aggregate credit limit changes. Over the same period
from their peak in approximately 2008:Q2 to the trough around 2009:Q2 both aggregate personal consumption and
personal income fell by around 3.2 percent (see Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED, Personal Income and
Personal Consumption Expenditure Series,

Individual credit utilization is extremely persistent as well, despite the individual volatility in
credit limits documented by Fulford (2015a). We show both non-parametrically and through re-
gressions that deviations from individual credit utilization disappear quickly, as individuals rapidly
return to their typical individual-specific utilization. Credit utilization is not zero for most people,
suggesting a strong tendency to use some of their available credit, and to return rapidly to their
steady-state utilization following a shock to credit or debt.
Central to understanding the relationship between credit and debt is the fact that consumers
use credit for distinct purposes. Some consumers use credit cards as a payment mechanism and
pay their bills in full every month; these consumers are often called “convenience” users. Some
consumers hold debt from month to month, and so are “revolvers.” We use basic consumption the-
ory to help distinguish between convenience users and revolvers. For convenience users, reported
debts are some fraction of consumption every month and so debts should take on the properties
of consumption. If convenience users are smoothing their consumption well, then shocks to con-
sumption should be unpredictable (see Deaton (1992) for an introduction and Blundell et al. (2008)
for a recent application). For revolvers, on the other hand, credit card debt carries over from month
to month by definition. Shocks to debt will therefore persist for revolvers.
Using these distinct models of debt to distinguish between convenience users and revolvers in
a Finite Mixture of Regressions framework, we show that the fraction of revolvers declines slowly
over the life cycle. As one would expect, shocks to credit utilization for revolvers decline much
more slowly than the average: on average 83 percent of an increase in utilization remains after a
quarter. The utilization of revolvers is remarkably constant over the life cycle: revolvers in their
20s use just under 60 percent of available credit; those in their 60s use just under 50 percent on
average. Moreover, the pass-through of credit into debt for revolvers is nearly complete: following
a 10 percent increase in credit limits, the debt of revolvers eventually increases by 9.99 percent.
While for revolvers the pass-through is nearly complete at all ages and current levels of credit
utilization, it occurs particularly rapidly for the young and those using much of their current credit.
How consumers respond to changes in the availability of credit is rarely studied, despite the

centrality of credit and debt in the financial lives of consumers and households. It is particularly
hard to study changes in credit because credit—unlike debt, assets, or income—is only occasion-
ally reported in surveys. Indeed, Zinman (forthcoming) argues that household debt is understudied
even within the field of household finance, itself understudied compared with other areas of finance.
Other than some work on mortgages (Iacoviello and Pavan, 2013), this paper appears to be the first
to study the life cycle of credit limits. Consequently, we view one of our major contributions as
documenting how U.S. consumers’ credit and debt vary over the life cycle.
A small literature has examined changes in credit, but has considered changes in limits only
for single credit card accounts and has not considered the difference between convenience users
and revolvers. The pioneering work is Gross and Souleles (2002), who use a panel from a sin-
gle credit provider to look at how households respond to changes in interest rates and changes
in available credit. Increases in credit limits were followed by increases in debt, particularly for
consumers already close to their credit limit. Gross and Souleles (2002) also noted the “credit card
puzzle,” the observation that some households pay high interest on credit card debts while at the
same time earning low interest on liquid savings. Agarwal et al. (2015) use credit limit increases
that are discontinuous with credit score to examine how exogenous changes in credit limits matter.
For consumers with the lowest scores, a dollar increase in limits is followed by 59 cents more
debt within a year, while those with higher credit scores incur almost no increase in debt. Us-
ing the Equifax/CCP, Fulford (2015a) demonstrates that there is substantial credit limit variability.
Short-term credit volatility is larger than most measures of income volatility, and long-term credit
volatility is much greater than long-term measures of income volatility. This volatility can help to
explain the credit card puzzle. Ludvigson (1999) examines the response of consumption to credit
volatility at the aggregate level. Leth-Petersen (2010) studies a Danish reform that allowed home-
owners to use housing equity as collateral for the first time. The reform increased available credit,
but it produced relatively moderate consumption responses. The response was strongest for the
youngest households. Fulford (2013) examines the short- and long-term consumption responses of
consumers in a buffer-stock model following changes in credit and finds evidence consistent with

the model in India following a massive banking expansion.
While changes in credit over the life cycle have been largely unstudied, much work examines
the decision to save and consume over the life cycle. In much of this work, credit is intention-
ally pushed to the background. In the standard versions of the life-cycle or permanent income
hypothesis, for example, the assumption that young consumers can smooth relies directly on the
assumption that credit is readily available (Deaton, 1992). More recent life-cycle models take se-
riously that credit constraints may bind, but do not allow credit to vary over the life cycle. The
typical assumption is that either there is no credit available, or that there is a fixed limit, so that
only net assets need to be studied (see, for example, Gourinchas and Parker (2002)).
Some recent work has attempted to endogenize borrowing constraints, and much of this work
has direct life-cycle implications. Cocco et al. (2005) build a model of consumption and portfolio
choice over the life cycle. Their work adds portfolio choice to the approach of Gourinchas and
Parker (2002). As an extension, they introduce endogenous borrowing constraints. These con-
straints are based on the minimum value that income can take, since with limited enforcement,
borrowers have to choose to pay back rather than face the penalty of default. Borrowing greatly
affects portfolio choice, as young consumers borrow if the endogenous constraint permits, and
only start investing in equity later in life. Lopes (2008) introduces a similar life-cycle model with
default and bankruptcy. Lawrence (1995) appears to have been the first to introduce default in
a life-cycle model. Athreya (2008) develops a life-cycle model with credit constraints, default,
and social insurance. Relaxing default policy creates severe credit constraints among the young.
Eliminating default relaxes credit constraints for the young and reduces consumption inequality,
but increases consumption inequality for the old, who now can no longer default after sufficiently
severe negative shocks.
This paper also overlaps with a larger literature examining the ways that individuals use the
financial products available to them. Stango and Zinman (2009) examine how much a sample of
U.S. consumers pays in fees and interest for financial products. Credit card interest is the biggest
financial expense, although some households also pay significant overdraft fees. More than half

of households could reduce fees substantially by moving among products. Agarwal et al. (2007)
note that middle-aged adults pay the least in these kinds of avoidable fees, with the minimum
paid at age 53. Zinman (2013) examines the question of whether markets over- or under-supply
credit and concludes that, while there are models that suggest over-supply and models that suggest
under-supply, there is not strong evidence of either.
We organize our analysis to move from the aggregate to the individual. First, we describe the
data. Then in section 3, we provide an overview of debt in the United States since 2000. In sec-
tion 4, we describe how credit and debt evolve over the life cycle. We start non-parametrically,
imposing no assumptions on the relative importance of age, year, cohort, or credit limit. Section 5
examines the evolution of individual credit utilization. In section 6, we introduce a model of the
evolution of debt for convenience users and revolvers, and in section 7 we estimate the relation-
ship between debt and credit, taking into account the difference between convenience users and

2 The data

The Equifax/NY Fed Consumer Credit Panel (CCP) contains a 5 percent sample of all accounts
reported to the credit reporting agency Equifax quarterly from 1999 to 2014. For much of the
analysis we use only a 0.1 percent sample for analytical tractability. Once an account is selected,
its entire history is available. The data set contains a complete picture of the debt of any individual
that is reported to the credit agency: credit card, auto, mortgage, and student loan debts, as well
as some other, smaller, categories. Lee and van der Klaauw (2010) provide additional details on
the sampling methodology and how closely the overall sample corresponds to the demographic
characteristics of the overall United States population, and conclude that the demographics match
the overall population very closely: the vast majority of the U.S. population over the age of 18 has
a credit bureau account. The CCP also records whether an account is a joint or co-signed account.
Rather than capturing too few people, the main issue is that a sizable fraction of sampled

accounts represent either incorrect information reported to Equifax or individuals who are only
loosely attached to the credit system, either by choice or because they lack the documentation.
For example, the accounts are based on Social Security numbers, so reporting an incorrect Social
Security number can create accounts incorrectly attributed to an individual. For this reason, we
limit the sample throughout to accounts than include a listed age and show an open credit card
account at some point from 1999 to 2014. This population has some access to credit and thus
excludes those who could not obtain a credit card or chose not apply for one. Depending on the
analysis, we also limit the sample to those with current open accounts, debt, or limits.
Much of this paper focuses on credit cards, since they have explicit limits not readily observable
in most other markets. However, the credit card limits reported to credit reporting agencies are at
times incomplete. The Equifax/CCP reports only the aggregate limit for cards that are updated
in a given quarter. Cards with current debt are updated, but accounts with no debt and no new
charges may not be. To deal with this problem, we follow Fulford (2015a) and create an implied
aggregate limit by taking the average limit of reported cards times the total number of open cards.
This method is exact if cards that have not been updated have the same limit as updated cards.
Estimating the difference based on changes as new cards are reported and the limit changes, Fulford
(2015a) finds that non-updated cards typically have larger limits, and so the overall limit is an
underestimate for some consumers. This issue is a concern mostly for consumers who are using
only a small fraction of their available credit, since they are not using one of their cards at all. For
the consumers who use more of their credit and so may actually be bound by the limit, the limit is
accurate, because all their cards are updated.
While the Equifax/CCP gives a complete picture of consumers’ debts, it does not reveal how
the consumer is carrying or paying off that debt. For example, we cannot distinguish revolvers
from convenience users directly. We use the Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (Schuh and
Stavins, 2014) and the Survey of Consumer Finances to gain more insight into how people are
using the debt we see.
The adoption and use of credit cards for payments has been relatively stable since the begin-

ning of the Equifax/CCP data in 1999. The share of consumers with a credit card has been approx-
imately constant since 1989 at around 70 percent (Schuh and Stavins, 2015, p. 20). Information on
how frequently credit cards are used is more recent. Figure 1 shows the share of consumers with a
credit card by age and year from the Survey of Consumer Payment Choice. While the likelihood
of having a credit card increases with age, within a given age the penetration has been relatively
stable since 2008. As panel B illustrates, the share of payments made with a credit card has also
been fairly stable for age groups over time. The oldest consumers, who are also the most likely to
have a card, use it for approximately 30 percent of their transactions, while the youngest, who are
the least likely to have one, use it for only 10 percent.

3 Credit and debt over the business cycle

Since 2000 overall credit and debt have varied tremendously. Figure 2 shows how the average
U.S. consumer’s credit card limit and debt have varied from 2000 through 2014. Although the
Equifax data set starts in 1999, we exclude the first three quarters, since the limits initially are
not comparable (see Avery et al. (2004) for a discussion of the initial reporting problems). The
scale on the left is in logarithms, so proportional changes in debt have approximately the same
importance as proportional changes in credit. Between 2000 and 2008 the average credit card limit
increased by approximately 40 percent from around $10,000 on average to a peak of $14,000. Over
2009, overall limits collapsed rapidly before recovering slightly in 2012. Later, in a slightly more
sophisticated analysis that accounts for age and region, we show that the recovery in 2012 was
driven largely by large dollar amounts at the top end of the credit distribution (see figure 8). Credit
card debt shows a similar variation over time. From 2000 to 2008, the average U.S. consumer’s
credit card debt increased from just over $4,000 to just under $5,000, before returning to around
$4,000 over 2009 and 2010.
Utilization is much less volatile than credit or debt. The thick line in the middle of the figure
shows credit utilization, the average fraction of available credit used. Credit utilization fell slightly

from over 35 percent in 2000 to around 30 percent in 2006 before generally increasing again
to 2010 and declining slightly since then. Although it is not immediately evident, the scale of
figure 2 for credit and debt on the left is very similar to the scale for utilization on the right. A 1
percentage point change in utilization has the same vertical distance as a 1 percent change in credit
or debt. Larger changes are less exactly comparable, but the distance between $4,000 and $5,000,
for example, is still almost exactly 20 percentage points on the right axis. The similar scales mean
that we can directly compare the relative changes over time in limits, debt, and credit utilization.
Credit and debt vary together in ways that produce extremely stable utilization that has no obvious
relationship with the overall business cycle. Such a relationship is not just mechanical: when credit
was cut in 2009, families had the choice whether to maintain or increase their debt, and the cut in
credit could have translated directly into an increase in utilization rather than a decrease in debt.
The fact that utilization did not change much suggests the importance of credit constraints and a
strong behavioral response to changes in credit limits.
While other credit markets do not have limits that are as clear, the aggregate debt in other
markets is directly observable. Using the same Equifax/CCP data set, the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York (2015) examines aggregate trends in households’ debt. Housing debt predominates,
especially after nearly doubling between 2000 and 2008, then falling somewhat more modestly
since. Student loan debt increased rapidly after 2008. The other major debt categories are home
equity loans, which rose and fell with mortgage debt, and auto loans, which have been fairly stable
over the period.

4 Credit and debt over the life cycle

Both credit and debt change substantially over the life cycle. This section provides a non-parametric
description of these changes, focusing on the both the level and the distribution of credit and debt.

4.1 The credit score over the life cycle

A useful summary of the availability of credit is the credit score. One of the services that a credit
reporting agency provides, the score gives less-sophisticated parties, such as landlords, the ability
to quickly understand the likely creditworthiness of a potential borrower. Equifax scores are based
on a proprietary scoring model that produces a score ranging from 250 to 850, and are distinct
from scores created by the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO scores). In the Equifax/CCP data set we
observe only the proprietary Equifax score.
Figures 3 and 4 show the mean and distribution of credit score changes by the consumer’s age.
Figure 3 is an entirely non-parametric approach to understanding the effects of age, birth cohort,
and year on the mean credit score. Each line represents a single birth cohort over the entire time
that the cohort members are in the CCP between the ages of 20 and 80. Very young or old cohorts
might be observed for only several years. For example, the members of the cohort born in 1990
turn 20 in 2010 and so the cohort appears as a line on the chart from the ages of 20 through 25.
We observe most cohorts for the entire 15 years, although which 15 years depends on the cohort’s
age. The information in the figure gives the cell mean for every cohort-age-year, and so could
be presented with year or cohort on the horizontal axis instead of age. For example, if there are
large changes that happen at the same place in every cohort line, then this suggests that there are
large shared year effects. Similarly, if the cohort lines shift, then there are likely to be large cohort
effects. As always with age-cohort-year analysis, it is impossible to distinguish fully between
age, cohort, and year effects, since there can be a trend in any one of them. By showing age on
the horizontal axis, the figures place visual emphasis on life-cycle changes, but since all of the
information is present, they do not make the assumption that age matters while cohort or years do
not. Especially for cohorts in their early 20s, figure 3 mixes changes with age for those consumers
who already have accounts with the new entrants getting a credit account for the first time.3
Our sample selection includes only accounts with an age listed and an open credit card account at some point over
the entire sample. While this helps to avoid a separate selection problem of mixing those who never use a credit card
with users, it creates an age selection problem. Young people who are only in our sample for a relatively short period
of time, but may get a credit card later, may be less likely to be included. Similarly, those who are at the end of the
age range, but may have had a credit card before the sample started, may be excluded.

The remarkable feature in figure 3 is how uniformly and nearly linearly the average score
of a cohort increases with age. While there is some variation by year or cohort, where cohorts
overlap they show remarkable uniformity. Each decade, scores increase approximately linearly by
25 points. The 20-year-olds have an average score of around 625, while 40-year-olds score 675,
60-year-olds 725, and 80-year-olds 775. The change is not entirely linear—scores seem to increase
slightly more rapidly between the ages of 50 and 60—but the trend increase is extremely consistent
across years, cohorts, and ages.
The nearly constant increase of the mean credit score hides substantial heterogeneity in scores
at any age. Figure 4 shows the score at the 1st, 10th, 25th, 50th 75th, 90th, and 99th percentile of
the score distribution at each age. Unlike figure 3, figure 4 averages over all cohorts at a given age,
and thus averages out any year or cohort effects. The median person at age 20 has a score of 650,
while the 1st percentile at the bottom has a score below 400, and the 99th percentile at the top has
a score around 750.
The steady increase in the average credit score in figure 3 comes from different parts of the
distribution over the life cycle. Early on, the average growth of scores occurs as those individuals
with already good credit increase their scores. The median score actually falls slightly between
the ages of 20 and 25. This effect may come from changing composition: new individuals without
any credit history may first establish credit relationships after age 20. These new accounts will
typically have lower scores, since they are new, so they will bring down the median. Even after
the decline in scores in the early 20s, the median or lower scores increase relatively slowly until
age 40. After age 40, the 75th, 90th, and 99th percentiles grow more slowly, having hit the upper
bound, while the median and lower scores start to increase more rapidly, particularly after age 40.
The combination of increases first at the top of the distribution and only later at the bottom of
the distribution leads to a continuing increase in the dispersion of scores until age 40, and then a
slow decrease. Figure 4, for example, shows the standard deviation of the credit score for each
cohort by age. The standard deviation pulls in changes in the extremes, so there is more variation
across cohorts and time, but nonetheless the overall life-cycle pattern of the standard deviation is

While there is a life-cycle component to the heterogeneity of credit scores, one surprising char-
acteristic of the credit score distribution is how large it already is by age 20. One explanation for
the large spread of scores is that the credit score partly reflects total life-cycle income, or at least
the best market prediction of it, and thus captures the spread of life-cycle income, which is much
greater than the spread of incomes at age 20. Put differently, college students have low income,
but high potential life-cycle income, and so receive much more credit and higher credit scores than
their current incomes would suggest. Another explanation for the large spread at age 20 is that
at least some people inherit their credit rating from their parents by having a parent co-sign for a
credit card, for example. Since credit is potentially an important source of consumption inequal-
ity, passing on credit ratings may be an important source of the intergenerational transmission of

4.2 Credit card debt and credit over the life cycle

The increase in credit scores with age allows for a potential increase in available credit, which in-
creases opportunities to take on debt. This section examines the interplay between changing credit
and debt over the life cycle in the credit card market, where both limits and debt are observable.
Figure 5 shows the fraction of each cohort at each age that has a positive limit on a credit card
and positive credit card debt. Having a positive limit in any given quarter is not a requirement
for having debt, since the debt may have been accumulated previously when the consumer was
able to borrow. Having a positive limit is increasing with age at least until age 60, and after that
appears to fall on average. Interestingly, there appears to be a downward trend within cohorts after
approximately age 30.
A large fraction of account holders have positive debt at any given point in time. This large
fraction is slightly misleading, however, since the Equifax/CCP does not allow us to distinguish
new charges from debt acquired previously. Some credit card users users pay off their entire
balance every month. Others may roll debt over from one month to the next and so are using the

revolving credit aspect of credit cards. Both have unpaid debt at any given point in time, so they
are indistinguishable in the data, but other work makes it clear that the use patterns of convenience
users and revolvers are distinct. Using the 2008–2014 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice, we
examine the fraction of credit card users who do not revolve debt from month to month out of
all of those who either used a credit card in the past month or rolled over debt from a previous
month. Figure 6 shows the fraction in different age groups who reported that they did not revolve
credit card debts from month to month, but do use their cards. Between the ages of 25 and 50,
only around 35 percent of the credit card-using population—those who would show up in figure 5
with positive debt in the Equifax/CCP data—were not revolving at least some of their debt from
month to month. Starting at age 55, the fraction of non-revolvers slowly increases to 55 percent by
age 70. Put differently, even at age 70, 45 percent of consumers who used a credit card in the last
month did not pay off their debt in full that month, and so were actively borrowing.
Credit card limits are not quite the same as a credit line, since the card-issuing bank can reduce
the credit limit without notice. With enough lead time, a consumer may be able to increase her
credit limit by applying for additional credit or requesting a limit increase, so the limits existing
at any given time may not represent the full amount of credit card credit a consumer could obtain.
Nonetheless, the limit is the maximum amount a consumer can borrow at a given instant, and so
represents at least a short-term constraint. The cost of reaching or exceeding the limit is potentially
large, since alternative sources of credit, such as payday loans, are likely to be even more expensive
and may not be available.
Figure 7 shows the credit card limit and debt in the top panel and credit utilization in the bottom
panel. Since both credit and debt are shown on a log scale, they are conditional on being positive.
Figure 5 shows the fraction of consumers who have a positive limit or positive debt. Credit limits
increase very rapidly early in life, increasing by around 400 percent between the ages of 20 and 30.
They continue to increase, although less rapidly, after age 40. There appear to be common trends
within each cohort, suggesting that there are common factors that affect all cohorts equally.
Early in the life cycle, credit card debt increases with credit limits and continues to increase

until the age of 50. After age 60, credit card debt starts falling. On average, however, 70- and
80-year-olds have more credit card debt than 20-year-olds. Some of that debt is convenience use,
but it illustrates the extent to which credit is an integral part of the financial life of people across
all ages, as well as the importance of credit limits.
Credit limits and debt combine to give the fraction of credit used, shown in the bottom panel of
figure 7. Consumers with zero debt have zero credit utilization, and so are included in utilization
but are excluded from mean credit, which includes only positive values. Credit utilization falls
continuously from age 20 to age 80. On average, 20-year-olds are using more than 50 percent of
their available credit, and 50-year-olds are still using 40 percent of their credit. Credit utilization
falls to below 20 percent only around age 70.
The slow fall in credit utilization comes from two different sources over the life cycle. Early in
life, credit utilization is high, as a substantial portion of the population uses much or all of its avail-
able credit. Credit increases somewhat more rapidly than debt, however, so credit utilization falls
slowly. In mid-life, debt stabilizes, but credit limits continue to increase. These increases could
come from increases in income, from timely payment of debt, and from other factors that may be
reflected in improving credit scores. Finally, starting around age 60, average debt, conditional on
having any, starts to decline, so credit utilization declines. While the credit and debt cohorts show
only those with positive credit or debt, figure 5 shows the fraction in each cohort who have positive
credit and debt. Averaging in the zeros would lower the average credit limit and debt, but actually
makes the life-cycle variation larger.
Estimating a simple model that separates the variation between age and year allows us to make
the importance of life-cycle variation even clearer. Figure 8 shows the age and year effects from
estimating a simple regression of the form:

ln Dit = θ + θt + θa + it , (1)

where ln Dit is either log debt, log credit limits, or utilization, and allows these to vary between

age effects θa and year effects θt . While the figures discussed earlier made no assumption about
the relative importance of birth cohort, year, and age, the estimates assume that birth cohort does
not matter. The excluded group is age 20 and year 2000, so each panel in figure 8 starts at zero at
age 20 and year 2000.
Life-cycle variation dominates everything else in figure 8. The scale of the figures varies, so
it is easy to miss that the variation of credit card limits and debt over the life cycle is around 10
times larger than over the time. If all of the figures were on the same scale, there would appear
to be no variation over time, and the fall in credit utilization with age would not be as obvious, so
we use different scales. Allowing for the log scale, the increase from age 20 to age 30 in credit
limits is about 1.5 in log units or approximately 450 percent (e1.5 ), and the increase is over 300
percent for debt. The scale of the right-hand columns showing limits, debts, and utilization over
time are relatively similar. Credit utilization varies only slightly over time, while aggregate credit
card limits and debts are quite volatile. A similar conclusion holds for credit utilization with age.
Although credit utilization falls steadily with age, that stability masks much larger changes in credit
and debt.
While figure 8 shows the average credit and debt for each cohort, the distribution of credit and
debt is changing across ages as well. Figure 9 shows the percentiles and standard deviation of
the credit card limit (panel A), credit card debt (panel B), and credit card utilization (panel C),
including all cohorts at a given age from 1999 to 2014. The median line in panel A for credit card
limits, for example, shows that 50 percent of the population with a positive credit limit at that age
has a credit limit below the line. The credit and debt distributions exclude those with zero debt or
zero credit limits, but the credit utilization distribution includes those with zero debt and a positive
Over the life cycle, inequality in credit limits starts out very high, increases somewhat to ap-
proximately age 40, and then decreases slightly, as shown in figure 9 panel A. The credit limit and
debt percentiles are largely parallel with age from the 50th to the 99th percentile. The distance in
logs between the 99th percentile and the 50th is almost the same at age 20 as it is at age 50. The

lower percentiles grow much more slowly, so inequality increases up to age 50. After age 50, there
is some compression of the distribution of credit limits, as the median draws closer to the 99th
percentile, and the 10th and 25th percentiles continue to grow.
Inequality in credit card debt is large initially, and then increases slightly over the life cycle, as
shown in panel B of figure 9. Conditional on having any, debt increases rapidly in the 20s for all
percentiles, reaching a peak around age 50 before declining. The same evolution occurs for every
percentile of the distribution, so the spread of debt is relatively constant.
The distribution of credit utilization has a somewhat different evolution, as shown in the bottom
panel of figure 9. Up through age 60, at least 10 percent of the population with a current positive
limit has debt that exceeds that limit. The median utilization looks much like the mean utilization
in figure 7. Median credit utilization is close to 50 percent at age 20 and falls very slowly. At
least 10 percent of the population at any age is not using any of their available credit. The standard
deviation of credit utilization is largely stable over the life cycle, declining only slightly from age
20 to age 60, but somewhat faster after.

4.3 Other debts over the life cycle

Since credit scores and credit cards interact with other forms of credit and debt, it is useful to
understand the life-cycle variation in other debt. Figure 10 shows the cohort-age profiles for mort-
gage debt, student loan debt, and auto loans. The first column shows the fraction of each birth
cohort who have that particular debt, the second the mean log debt, conditional on having any.
Unsurprisingly, there are strong life-cycle components to all three. Few people at age 20 have a
mortgage, and the mortgages they do have are typically much smaller than the mortgages of older
people. By age 40, approximately 40 percent of individuals have mortgage debt. The fraction of
households with mortgage debt may be higher, if not everyone over age 20 in a household is on the
mortgage, or lower, if it is more common to hold mortgages jointly. The average size of mortgages
appears to decline with age, although there is a strong trend toward larger mortgages over time
as well, even with the decline after 2007, so the cohort age graphs make it difficult to disentangle

life-cycle, age, and cohort effects.
Student loans are mostly taken out by the youngest ages, and therefore display a distinct life-
cycle pattern. Between the ages of 40 and 60 over this period around 20 percent of the population
had positive student loan debt, of a size that seems to have diminished only very slowly with
age. One reason may be that parents are taking on debt for their children, which may explain the
surprising upward trend in the size of the debt of some cohorts in middle age. Student loans also
display clear cohort differences. Of the youngest cohorts in our data set—those aged approximately
20 to 25 between 2010 and 2015—nearly half had student loan debt.
Following a rapid increase in the 20s, about 35 percent of individuals had an auto loan. The
size of auto loans increases slightly until age 40, then decreases slightly, but auto debt is relatively
constant in size over the life cycle compared with other markets.
The only other major debt held by U.S. households is revolving loans, usually based on home
equity. Home equity loans are large in total dollar value (see Federal Reserve Bank of New York
(2015)), but are not as widely held as credit card debt. The amount of revolving debt increases
rapidly until age 50, and then declines, following the same pattern as credit card debt in figure 7,
so we do not show separately the cohort figures for revolving debt.

5 Individual credit, debt, and credit utilization

The previous two sections show that despite very large changes in credit and debt over the life
cycle and business cycle, credit utilization is remarkably stable. The aggregate data could be hiding
substantial individual volatility in utilization, however. We begin by describing the distribution of
utilization and how the distribution varies over the life cycle. Next, we examine non-parametrically
how utilization changes at the individual level, and finally we estimate a series of regressions on
how individual credit utilization evolves. The basic conclusion is that utilization for an individual
is extremely stable; while different individuals have different credit utilization ratios that represent
their individual steady state and these ratios may change slowly as they age, individuals return

rapidly to their own typical ratio. Credit utilization is best characterized by fixed heterogeneity
across individuals, and relatively small deviations for an individual over time.
Since credit utilization is a ratio, there are two things that can change it: credit (the denomina-
tor) and debt (the numerator). In the final section we examine how credit and past debt influence
future debt. Credit utilization changes both as individuals change their consumption and savings
behavior, thereby increasing or decreasing their debts, and as card-issuing banks increase and de-
crease credit limits depending on age and credit management. Debts seem to be highly related
to credit, with around 90 percent of credit passing through into higher debt eventually, consistent
with findings for utilization.
This section does not distinguish between revolvers and convenience users, so, while it esti-
mates population average effects, which may be appropriate for changes that affect everyone, the
estimates may miss important heterogeneity, which provides insight into different types of behav-
ior. Section 6 introduces an approach for dividing the population into revolvers and convenience
users, and 7 provides estimates for these groups separately.

5.1 The distribution of credit utilization

Figure 11 shows histograms of credit utilization for broad age groups. Credit use predominates
until very late in life. The median person is always borrowing, although at the end of life she is not
borrowing much. Among users in their 20s, a large portion are close to or exactly at their credit
limit. More than 10 percent are actually over their limit, since a previously higher limit has since
been reduced. As people age, the distribution slowly shifts leftward, putting more and more of the
population at low or zero credit use. Over age 60, around three-quarters of the population is using
less than 25 percent of their available credit. Conditional on using more than a small amount of
available credit, the spread is fairly even, with about the same fraction using 30 percent of their
credit as use 60 percent or 90 percent. It is important to note again that we cannot distinguish
directly between revolving debt and convenience debt, and so an important part of the shift in
credit utilization may be between these two separate types of use.

A useful way to read the histograms in figure 11 is that there are, broadly speaking, two popu-
lations mixed together: a population that uses almost none of its credit, and a population that can
use anywhere from 20 to 100 percent of its available credit about evenly. As people age, more and
more fall into the first group, using little of their credit. But, conditional on using more than 20
percent of credit, the distributions from ages 20 to 30 to ages 60 to 80 are very similar: mostly
flat with a peak around 80 percent. While we cannot distinguish cleanly between them, it seems
likely that most of the group using less than 20 percent of its credit are convenience users, while
those using more are mostly revolving debt. Of course, the histograms do not show dynamics. It
might be the case that an individual uses little of her credit in one quarter, then 50 percent, then
little credit, and that the frequency of increases in credit use decreases with age. Instead, we show
in the next two subsections that individuals have extremely persistent credit utilization.

5.2 Changes in credit utilization: non-parametric evidence

Figure 12 shows conditional mean scatter plots of credit utilization in one quarter against credit
utilization in the next quarter, in the next year, and in two years. The top row shows the mean in the
future, conditional only on having the utilization shown on the x-axis in that quarter. The bottom
row instead takes the within transformation and allows for age and year effects. It therefore shows
how far from the individual’s average credit utilization she is in the next quarter, conditional on
differing from her average utilization by the amount on the x-axis this quarter. In other words, if an
individual is 10 percentage points above her typical utilization in one quarter, how far will she be on
average in the next quarter, next year, and in two years? Each dot contains an equal portion of the
sample whose overall distribution is shown in figure 11. Figure 12 thus captures the relationship
between utilization today and in the future without imposing any parametric assumptions. Each
panel also shows the best fit line for the conditional means and the estimated coefficients.
The top panels show that credit utilization is highly persistent and does not tend to zero on
average. Credit utilization this quarter is typically very close to credit utilization next quarter,
since the conditional means are typically very close to the 45-degree line. For example, on average

if a person is using 40 percent of her credit this quarter, she will be using about 40 percent of her
credit next quarter. Looking closely, however, average credit utilization is higher next quarter for
those using less than 20 percent of their credit, and lower for those using more than 80 percent of
their credit. The best fit line through the conditional means suggests that credit utilization is not
trending to zero. Instead, the long-term steady-state utilization is 0.39.4 The same conclusion is
evident from the conditional changes comparing utilization this quarter to a year from now and to
two years from now. Those consumers using less than approximately 40 percent of their available
credit this quarter are using more of their credit in one year and in two years, those using more than
40 percent of their credit are using less of their credit on average within one year and two years.
The steady-state credit utilization is around 40 percent (evident by finding where the conditional
expectation function crosses the 45 degree line), although the movement toward the steady state is
fairly slow.
It is important to note that on average individuals do not trend to zero utilization, nor to using
all of their credit. Conditional on using zero credit this quarter, credit utilization is nearly 5 percent
within one quarter and nearly 8 percent in a year. On the other hand, the average person using all
of her credit in one quarter is using less than 90 percent of it in a year.
The second row of figure 12 allows individuals to return to their own mean and adds substantial
nuance. The reason credit utilization is so persistent in the top row is that it appears that individuals
have their own mean to which they actually return quite rapidly. The speed of the return is evident
from the slopes of the lines. Only two-thirds of a shock to utilization remains after one quarter and
13 percent remains after two years.
Even if individuals return very rapidly to their own means, it is important to note that those
means are not zero. Credit utilization is persistent in the top row of figure 12 because individuals
are typically quite close to their own mean credit utilization. Since credit utilization is the ratio
of debt and credit, the stability of credit utilization implies that an individual with an increase in
credit has increased her debts by 33 percent of the increase in credit within one quarter, and 87
Since the conditional expectation of utilization next quarter given this quarter is ut+1 = 0.041 + 0.896ut the
steady-state utilization is 0.39=0.041/(1-0.896).

percent of the increase in credit in two years.

5.3 Changes in utilization: parametric estimates

In this section we examine how credit utilization changes from quarter to quarter parametrically. In
Figure 12, the conditional expectation functions are surprisingly linear, although at longer horizons
there appears to be an inflection at the steady state. The effect of being 20 percentage points above
the mean is nearly the same as being 20 percentage points below it. The linearity suggests that
we can summarize the changing utilization relationship extremely parsimoniously. Table 1 shows
how utilization this period is related to utilization in the previous period. We estimate regressions
of the form:
υit = θt + θa + αi + βυit−1 + it , (2)

where υit = Dit /Bit is the credit utilization given the credit limit Bit and the current debt Dit ,
conditional on the credit limit Bit > 0, and age (θa ) and quarter (θt ) effects that allow utilization
to vary systematically by age and year.5 Column 1 does not include fixed effects and so assumes
a common intercept, as in the top row of figure 12; column 2 includes year and age effects, while
the other columns include fixed effects and so are the equivalent of the bottom row of the figure.
Without fixed effects, credit utilization is very persistent and returns to a non-zero steady state,
α/(1 − β) = 0.38. Note that this utilization is close to the average in figure 2, as it should be since
they are estimated from the same data and the conditional expectation function in figure 2 is nearly
linear. In the other columns, since the age, year, and fixed effects change the steady state, we do
not report it, but it is important to realize that the steady-state credit utilization is not zero.
Given the heterogeneity of utilization shown in the distributions in figure 11, we next allow
individuals to return to their own utilization rather than to a single common steady state. The next
two columns report how credit utilization varies around an individual-specific αi , by estimating
using the within transformation. Nearly half of the overall variance in utilization comes from these
The combined age, year, and individual fixed effects are not identified. We drop one of each and use the normal-
ization on the age effects discussed in section 5.4.

fixed effects. In other words, we can think of the distribution of utilization as coming about half
from factors that are fixed for an individual, allowing for common age and year trends, and half
from relatively short-term deviations from the mean. The distribution of these fixed effects matches
the distribution of credit utilization in figure 11 closely, since deviations from an individual’s steady
state disappear rapidly. A deviation from the mean diminishes at a rate of about 0.353=1-0.647 per
quarter. And so, after a 10 percentage point increase in utilization, 6.47 percentage points remain
in one quarter, 1.7 percentage points in a year, and less than 0.3 of a percentage point after two
The last column suggests that the speed of return to individual utilization depends on age. For
a 20-year-old, only a fraction 0.58 of the shock is left after one quarter, for a 60-year-old 0.70 of a
shock remains. It is not obvious why the speed of return should increase with age. One possibility
is that credit represents a much more important factor in the overall portfolio of young people, who
typically have acquired few assets. A 60-year-old may have some other assets and is more likely
to be a convenience user, and so may not target credit utilization as closely.
The estimates in Table 1 emphasize that credit utilization for an individual is very stable. While
there are deviations from the long-term mean, these dissipate quickly and are largely gone within
two years. Both the parametric and non-parametric evidence suggests that individuals have a strong
tendency to return to their own credit utilization following shocks. Since credit utilization is not
zero for most people, the results suggest a strong tendency to hold credit card debt for the long
term. Since the parametric estimates include age effects, these deviations are around a life-cycle
average, which the previous sections have shown is declining slowly, but persistently, with age.
Both the slow decline of utilization with age and the quick return to individual credit utilization
suggest that the pass-through from the credit card limit to credit card debt is large and occurs
relatively rapidly. We explore these implications in the next two sections.

5.4 Individual changes in credit and debt

This section examines how debt changes for an individual and how these changes are related to
changes in credit and debt in the past. We begin with a series of regressions that do not distinguish
between convenience users and revolvers to understand the average effects from the data. Later,
we will use the insights from section 6 to distinguish between convenience users and revolvers.
However, all of the estimates are very precisely estimated conditional expectations, and so do not
require the model to illuminate how debt and credit are related.
The basic specification we employ is:

ln Dit = θi + θt + θa + α ln Dit−1 + β ln Bi,t−1 + it , (3)

where Dit is credit card debt, Bi,t−1 is the credit card borrowing limit observed at the end of the
quarter, and we allow for individual-specific levels of log credit card debt, common time shocks
(θt ), common age shocks (θa ), and for past debt. Since we observe the credit limit and debt only
once a quarter, it is necessary to make a decision about timing. The relevant constraint for the
debt accumulated at time t is the credit limit that existed between t − 1 and t. Since consumption
and credit limits can change continuously, the relevant binding constraint on additional debt is the
last one to hold. An increase in limits just before the end of a quarter still allows an increase in
debt. We therefore measure Di,t and Bi,t−1 in the same quarter, even though their subscripts are
The coefficient β then determines how quickly a shock to credit card debt dissipates back to the
individual long-term effect, which is given by θi +θt +θa +β ln Bit . The effect of a change in credit
limits is β within one quarter, and β/(1 − α) in the long term. In more advanced specifications
we will allow α and β to change with age and with credit utilization so that, for example, older
people or those close to using all of their available credit may react differently to a change in the
limit. Since we are still mixing convenience users with revolvers, we do not attach a behavioral
interpretation to equation (3), which we will start to do in section (6), but are instead interested in

characterizing the overall evolution of debts and limits.
Equation (3) is not identified since it contains individual, time, and age effects. As in the age-
cohort-period problem, it is impossible to fully identify all effects since there can be a trend in any
one of age, time, or cohort, or split among all three, and any division is observationally equivalent,
since birth cohort equals the year minus age. Put differently, if we estimate all individual effects,
it is not possible to fully separate between getting older and a time shock. The size of the data
set means that rather than estimating individual coefficients—sometimes referred to as nuisance
parameters—we instead perform the standard within transformation by removing the mean from
all variables in equation (3). The within transformation means that any additional restriction for
identification must be on either the time or age effects. Rather than imposing the questionable
assumption that two of the age or year effects are exactly equal—the implication of dropping more
than one of the age or year dummies—we instead impose the restriction that there is no trend in
the age effects. This restriction is innocuous in the sense that there can still be a trend with age,
as individual effects that are older when we observe them can have larger θi , but that trend will
appear in the individual effects rather than in the age effects. Moreover, the age effects can still
allow life-cycle variation, but that variation must average out to zero.6
The functional form in equation (3) with logs necessarily excludes both those who have zero
credit limits and those with zero debt this period or the previous period, since the log of zero is
undefined. Equation (3) therefore estimates the response of those with debt to changes of limits,
conditional on having debt and a positive credit limit. The fraction of accounts with a positive
credit limit and positive debt changes with age in figure 5. A standard approach to understanding
the implications of excluding zeros is to use a slightly different transformation by giving everyone a
small amount. In some specifications, we explore the implications of this conditionality by giving
everyone $10 in both credit and debt so that, rather than being undefined, these individuals are
included as having nearly zero debt and credit. We estimate similar specification in levels as well.
Table 2 shows the results of estimating several variations of equation (3). Column 1 shows
We implement this restriction following Deaton (1997, pp. 123–126) by recasting the age dummies such that
Iˆa = Ia − [(a − 1)I21 − (a − 2)I20 ], where Ia is 1 if the age of person i is a and zero otherwise.

the base specification, column 2 excludes individual fixed effects but still includes overall cohort
effects, column 3 gives everyone $10 in credit and debt and so includes those with no credit or no
debts. At the bottom of the table we calculate the long-term effect of a permanent increase in credit
β/(1 − α).
The pass-through of credit into debt, adjusting for age, occurs rapidly and is nearly 90 percent
in the long term. Using column 1, a 1 percent increase in credit is associated with a 0.4 percent
increase in debt within one quarter, and 0.86 percent in the long term. Not including fixed effects
in column 2 changes the persistence of debt, but not the ultimate pass-through of credit, shown at
the bottom of the table. Including those with zero debt and limits in column 3 seems to reduce
the immediate effect slightly—perhaps because credit limit changes for those using none of their
credit do not matter as much—but the long-term change in debt is still close to 90 percent of the
change in credit.
Finally, we begin to examine whether there is an important feedback mechanism from debt to
credit. Column 5 in table 2 shows the impact of past credit and debt on current credit. Allowing
for fixed effects, deviations from the long term are fairly persistent, with 85 percent of a deviation
still existing within a quarter. Debt has a small positive impact on credit. A permanent 1 percent
increase in debt results in a 0.007 percent in credit in one quarter, using the estimates in column
5, and a 0.45 percent increase in the long term. It seems likely that this small positive effect is
hiding substantial heterogeneity: card issuers may be happy to raise the limit for those they think
are a good risk when these consumers want to acquire more debt, but may actually reduce the limit
for riskier types acquiring more debt. Either way, the average effect is very small, so focusing
primarily on the impact of credit on debt does not miss much.

6 Credit, debt, and consumption

The stability of credit utilization over the short and long term indicates that debt and credit evolve
together. This section derives the implications of changing debt and credit for future debt for

convenience users and revolvers. The debts of revolvers and convenience users evolve in distinct
ways, and in the next section we use the difference to help separate them in the data.

6.1 Debt for convenience users

Many of those with credit card debts in our data set are actually convenience users who are using
credit as a convenient payment mechanism but plan to pay off their entire debt before being charged
interest. They show up as having debt but are not well described by equation (6), since the debt is
not representative of their asset positions. Using the SCPC, figure 6 shows that such convenience
users are around 40 percent of the credit card-using population early in the life cycle, and that
the proportion rises with age. Instead, we assume that convenience users charge some stochastic
fraction ωi,t of their consumption to their credit card each month:

Di,t = ωi,t Ci,t .

Standard intertemporal theory suggests that changes in consumption should follow a martingale
with age- and time-specific drift terms that capture changes in tastes or the decision environment.7
ln Ci,t = ηi + η(ageit ) + ηt + C

where, by intertemporal optimization, the consumption shock Et−1 [C

i,t ] = 0. Further, if the choice

or ability to consume with a credit card is stochastic around an individual-specific mean so that

ωi,t = ω(agei,t ) + ωi + ωt + ωi,t ,

then log credit card debt for a convenience user can be written as

di,t = η̃i + η̃(agei,t ) + η̃t + i,t , (4)

See Hall (1978) for the original formulation, Deaton (1992) for an extended discussion, and Blundell et al. (2008)
for a more recent version that incorporates the life cycle and uncertainty.

where i,t = C ω
i,t + i,t . Neither past debt nor past limits appear in equation (4). Past debt does not

matter because debt is not retained from the previous period, and for someone who is smoothing
marginal utility from period to period, shocks to consumption in the past should not predict shocks
to consumption in the future. By omitting limits, we are implicitly assuming that convenience
users are not credit constrained. Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances (see figure 13)
suggests that convenience users are typically using only a small fraction of their available credit.
Alternatively, dividing by the credit limit Bi,t ,

Credit utilizationi,t = νi,t = Dit /Bit = ωi,t Ci,t /Bi,t , (5)

should not predict future utilization beyond individual and age drift terms.

6.2 Debt for credit revolvers

We next model a revolver who is using credit cards for debt rather than as a payment mechanism.
By definition, debts change from period to period according to the standard accounting accumula-
tion equation:
Dt+1 = (1 + r)(Dt − Yt + Ct ), (6)

where Yt is income, Ct is consumption, and t is either age or time, two concepts that are indistin-
guishable for an individual. Equation (6) does not make any behavioral assumptions about how
consumption is decided. A revolver pays off debt if her income is greater than her consumption,
and she accumulates debt if her consumption exceeds her income.
Even without putting additional structure on the evolution of income and consumption, the
accumulation equation directly implies that past debts must impact future debts for revolvers. Di-
viding by the credit limit, the accumulation equation implies a relationship for credit utilization
like the relationship in equation (2), in which the past credit limit predicts current credit limits.
Moreover, since debt accumulates for revolvers , the current limit may directly affect current con-
sumption, suggesting that a relationship described by the basic reduced-form equation (3), in which

both past debt and current limits appear, is appropriate for revolvers. The key difference between
revolvers and convenience users is that for revolvers past debts matter.
The rest of this section then goes one step further and gives a behavioral interpretation to
the coefficients of equation (3) for revolvers, although the estimates do not require the additional
interpretation to be meaningful estimates of the dynamics of debt and credit. A central question in
economics is how consumption changes with previously accumulated debt or assets Dt , the current
credit limit Bt , and current income Yt . One approach taken by, for example, Aiyagari (1994), is
that consumption is a function of available resources or cash-at-hand, Wt = Yt + Bt − Dt . The
consumption function may vary with age as expectations of future income change (Carroll, 2001),
and so:
Ct = Ct (Wt ) = Ct (Yt + Bt − Dt ).

Notice that using cash-at-hand treats credit limits as equivalent to liquid savings within the con-
sumption function. This assumption is inherent in using cash-at-hand in the consumption function.
It does not imply that credit limits are necessarily binding this period for revolvers, but instead
that revolvers take into account the fact that by consuming more and increasing their debt, they are
reducing their available cash-at-hand for the future. A useful feature of the cash-at-hand assump-
tion is that it implies a specific and testable relationship between the effects of credit and debt. a
relationship that we develop below.
Appendix A.1 shows that taking a log linear approximation of the accumulation equation

di,t+1 = µi + µt + g(agei,t ) + αdi,t + β + i,t , (7)
ν(agei,t )

where the lower case indicates logs, and where α = (1 + r)(1 − m), β = (1 + r)m and m =
C 0 (W ∗ )/C(W ∗ ) is the elasticity of consumption with respect to changes in cash-at-hand, measured
at the steady state of cash-at-hand. ν(agei,t ) is the age-specific average credit utilization. The

appendix also shows that a similar relationship holds for the dollar value of debts:

Di,t+1 = µi + µt + g(agei,t ) + αDi,t + βBi,t + i,t ,

where α = (1 + r)(1 − M ), β = (1 + r)M, and M is the marginal propensity to consume out of

cash-at-hand at its steady state.
For revolvers, a regression of debt on previous debt and the active credit limit provides a
test that credit limits are important and recovers the marginal elasticity of consumption m or the
marginal propensity to consume M out of liquid wealth. While the model assumes that credit
limits matter, it is possible that the credit limit is not an important constraint on consumer choices.
The consumer may not find credit limits salient, particularly if they are not binding today. Alterna-
tively, the consumer may be able to raise the limit easily, so it may not represent a true constraint.
Similarly, the model does not allow for alternative assets, since if the consumer is borrowing, she
must not be saving. In reality, consumers do keep a small amount of liquid assets (Gross and
Souleles, 2002), and some have substantial illiquid assets. If these assets are easily substitutable
for consumer credit, then the credit limit will not matter as much. Then, a simple test for whether
the credit limit matters for consumption and debt is β > 0.
Moreover, the accumulation equation approximations predict that the effect of changing credit
is closely related to the impact of past debt, so α + β = (1 + r). This prediction is useful for
understanding both the economic content of the model and its empirical implications. While it is
possible that credit limits do not matter, debt certainly does, since it directly affects the intertem-
poral budget constraint whether or not credit limits ever bind. Put differently, while the consumer
has to decide whether to adjust behavior when the credit limit changes and may decide to ignore
changes that are not binding today, the creditors will insist and can enforce a change in behavior
following an increase in debt. While β > 0 implies that credit constraints matter, if β = (1+r−α),
then changes in debt have the same impact as changes in assets or income.
Why might credit be less salient than assets? Perhaps it is not as well reported or remembered.

Perhaps its volatility means that it is less valuable than a savings or checking account (Fulford,
2015a). Then a change in credit will have a smaller impact than a change in debt or an income
shock. We can back out a value for salience by assuming that in the accumulation equation (6)
only a fraction σBt of credit matters for consumption decisions. Then, given estimates of α and β
and an appropriate interest rate r, the salience of credit compared to assets is σ = β/(1 + r − α).
Finally, we can allow some important forms of nonlinearity to matter. Individuals whose cash-
at-hand is low may have a much higher marginal propensity to consume. We can capture such
nonlinear effects by allowing the marginal propensity to consume to vary with the individual credit
utilization υit = Dit /Bit , so that consumers whose budget constraints bind tightly this period may
have a different response than those whose constraints are less binding. Similarly, the marginal
propensity to consume may change with age. The effects of both credit utilization and age can
be flexibly captured by allowing for functions of age and utilization to alter the MPC through

di,t+1 = µi + µt + g(agei,t ) + α(ageit , υi,t )di,t + β(ageit , υi,t ) + i,t, (8)
ν(agei,t )

where the prediction for any given age and utilization is still α(ageit , υi,t )+β(ageit , υi,t ) = (1+r).

7 Separating convenience users from revolvers

In this section, we take the modeling insights from the previous section and use them to help divide
the estimates from section 5 into the effects for revolvers and convenience users. During the course
of the life cycle, the average consumer slowly shifts from revolver to convenience user, consistent
with the estimates shown in figure 6 from the SCPC. For revolvers, utilization and debts take longer
to return to steady state, and the pass-through of credit into debt is nearly 100 percent at all ages
and rates of credit utilization.
We begin by examining utilization for revolvers and convenience users. The basic idea is to use
the data to separate the population statistically into those who at a given period are more likely to

be convenience users and those who are more likely to be revolvers. We employ a Finite Mixture
of Regressions model (Faria and Soromenho, 2010), sometimes also called a latent class model,
depending on the discipline and application. McLachlan and Peel (2000) provide a more complete
Since we cannot observe directly who is a convenience user, the observed data represent a
combination of revolvers and convenience users, where each observation is one or the other, but
we cannot observe this latent class. We take the model as:

Convenience users: νi,t = θaC + θtC + θiC + C

i,t with density fC (νi,t |Xi,t ; θC , σ C )
Revolvers: νi,t = θaR + θtR + θiR + βνi,t−1 + R R R
i,t with density fR (νi,t |νi,t−1 , Xi,t ; θ , σ ),

which implies the joint density of the observed data:

H(νi,t |νi,t−1 , Xi,t ; Θ) = pC fC (νi,t |Xi,t ; θC , σ C ) + (1 − pC )fR (νi,t |νi,t−1 , Xi,t θR , σ R ),

where pC is the unconditional probability that any observation is from a convenience user, which
is not directly observable. Since the mixing probabilities pC are unobserved, maximizing the
sum over all i and t of ln H requires also maximizing over the unobserved probabilities pc . This
problem is very difficult to maximize jointly, and instead the standard approach is to use the EM
algorithm, which alternates between estimating the parameters for revolvers and convenience users
conditional on pC , and pC conditional on the parameters. We start round j of the algorithm with
an estimate of the probability that each observation is a convenience user wi,t , where pj,C is the
j,C 0,C
average over all i and t of wi,t . The initial wi,t are assumed to be uniformly distributed between
0 and 1. Then, 1) with the wi,t as weights, we use Weighted Least Squares to estimate each of the
models for convenience users and revolvers independently; and 2) then we update the weights and
pj+1,C using Bayes’ rule based on the new estimates from each model so that for iteration j:

j+1,C pj,C fC (νi,t |θj,C )

wi,t = ,
pj,C fC (νi,t |θj,C ) + (1 − pj,c )fR (νi,t |θj,R )

and pj+1,C is the average of the new posterior weights for each observation. The two steps alternate
until the overall likelihood converges.
We assume that the densities fc (·) and fR (·) are normal and impose the additional structure
that the conditional likelihood for a convenience user follows the same conditional likelihood of
convenience as in the SCF for age and credit utilization. The density for a convenience user is
then: fC (νi,t |Xi,t ; θC , σ C ) = pSCF (ageit , νit )φ(νit |Xit ; θC , σ C ), where φ(·) denotes the density of
the normal distribution with mean θaC + θtC + θiC and variance (σ C )2 . We estimate pSCF (ageit , νit )
using a logit with a cubic for age and utilization based on the combined 1995–2010 waves of the
SCF. Figure 13 shows the implied fraction of convenience users over age and utilization using the
SCF estimates of pSCF (ageit , νit ), but the distributions of age and utilization in the CCP. The like-
lihood of being a convenience user is falling with age and utilization. Finally, to estimate the full
model we first remove the fixed effects θiC and θiC by removing the mean from all variables, which
substantially speeds estimation, but implies that for a given individual θiC = θiR . The problem of
the collinearity of age, year, and fixed effects remains. We allow a trend in the fixed effects, and
unrestricted time effects, but estimate only a square and cube of age in the convenience or revolver
Figure 13 shows the fraction of convenience users at different ages that come from the EM
estimates for utilization (using the posterior weights for each observation). The fraction of con-
venience users is increasing with age and decreasing with utilization, closely matching the SCF,
which is not a surprise since we used the estimates from the SCF in forming the individual densi-
ties. The SCF estimates may understate the number of convenience users at early ages, however,
as suggested by the SCPC in figure 6.
Figure 14 then shows the average utilization of revolvers and convenience users with age. It
uses the converged weights to estimate the utilization as a local polynomial function of age. The
slow decline of utilization observed in the raw data is coming mainly from the switch to conve-
nience use with age. Conditional on still being a revolver, the average utilization declines very
slowly from around 60 percent in the 20s to 50 percent in the 60s. The average utilization of con-

venience users also declines slowly. The main factor explaining the overall decline in utilization is
the decline in the fraction of revolvers, as the population slowly shifts from the top line of revolvers
to the bottom line of convenience users. The last column of table 1 shows the relationship of past
utilization to current utilization for revolvers. Since convenience users return immediately, in ex-
pectation, to their long-term mean, shocks to credit utilization are more persistent for revolvers.
Using the same mixture model approach, we estimate the relationship between credit and debt
using equation (7) for revolvers and equation (4) for convenience users. Column 4 of table 2 shows
the estimated effects of debt and credit changes for revolvers. Debt returns to its steady state more
slowly than when estimated over all credit users, as one would expect. The immediate impact of
credit is lower, but because of the persistence of debt, the long-term impact of a change in credit
for revolvers is nearly 100 percent. Using the posterior weights from the EM algorithm, columns
6 and 7 of table 2 estimate how past debt and limits affect current debts for convenience users and
revolvers. While the effect of debt on limits for all users in column 5 is small and positive, for
convenience users there is a negative effect, and for revolvers a slightly larger positive effect. One
possible reason is that revolvers may be more willing to request higher limits the more debt they
are using.
We can also allow the debt response to past debt and current limits to vary flexibly with credit
utilization and age.8 Since the coefficients from such a regression are difficult to interpret on their
own, we show the marginal effect evaluated over ages 20 to 70 and utilization from 0.1 to 1 in
figure 15 for revolvers.
Several important changes with age and credit utilization for revolvers are clear from figure
15. First, at all utilization levels, the effect of the credit limit is decreasing with age, while the
We estimate the following functional form for α and an identical one for β:

(0) (1) 2 3
α(ageit , υit−1 ) = α + α0 υit−1 + α1 υit−1 + α2 υit + α3 υit−1 + α4 υit−1 + α5 ageit +
α6 age2it + α7 age3it + α8 υit−1 ∗ ageit + α9 υit−1
∗ ageit + α10 υit−1 ∗ age2it + α11 υit−1
∗ age2it ,
(0) (1)
where υit is 1 if utilization is 0, and 0 otherwise, υit is 1 if utilization is greater than 1.1 and 0 otherwise, and
υit = υit ∗ υit . Note that, like the credit limit, the credit utilization rate is measured as the credit limit at the end of the
period divided by the debt at the beginning.

effect of the past debt is increasing. Put differently, older people are less sensitive to credit limit
changes, but are more sensitive to having debt. Second, at any age or utilization rate the sum of
the estimated credit effect and estimated debt effect is nearly constant and close to one, implying a
relatively constant and high salience of credit. Third, the long-term effect of credit on debt is close
to one and nearly constant across all ages and utilization rates. Panel (C) calculates the long-term
effect at each age and utilization (essentially dividing the effect at each age in panel (A) by one
minus the marginal effect of debt in panel (B)). Young people reach that long-term state faster,
but for all revolvers the long-term effect of credit on debt is nearly 100 percent. Fourth, at any
age the effect of utilization is extremely nonlinear. The effects of credit and past debt are nearly
identical for those using between 0.1 and 0.7 of their credit, but then change rapidly as individuals
get closer to using all of their credit. Credit utilization matters a lot only when the the consumer is
close to her credit limit. Finally, age and credit utilization do not seem to interact. Excluding the
age-credit utilization interactions would not change this picture appreciably, because the different
lines connecting credit utilization are nearly parallel for different ages.

8 Conclusion

Available credit appears to be the driving factor of debt in both the short and long term. Separating
convenience users from revolvers, we find that for revolvers a 10 percent increase in credit is
followed by a 1.3 percent increase in debt within one quarter and a 9.99 percent increase in debt
over the long term. For those revolving debt, long-term credit and debt are closely related. The
fact that debt follows available credit so closely explains the extreme stability of overall credit
utilization. Despite very large changes in credit and debt over the life cycle and in aggregate
since 2000, overall credit card utilization varies little. Moreover, we show that individual credit
utilization is also remarkably stable, as individuals rapidly return to their steady-state credit use.
The large pass-through of credit into debt and the large life-cycle variation of credit have im-
portant implications for savings and consumption over the life cycle. One of the startling facts

of consumer finance is how little households save when they are not forced to do so by Social
Security or mortgage payments. Indeed, Gourinchas and Parker (2002) estimate that the average
household starts acquiring assets for retirement only when its head is in her late 40s. We show that
credit increases rapidly in the 20s and continues to increase into the 30s. These increases help to
explain why consumers save so little early in life. The large response to credit changes in our data
suggests that early in life many consumers may be constrained by their credit limits. Moreover,
we show that, in expectation, the credit limit for the average person in her 20s will be much higher
next year. Since for precautionary purposes credit is a form of wealth (Fulford, 2013), the young
are effectively becoming wealthier through credit increases, reducing their need to save. In middle
age, on the other hand, many households have substantial debt. For these consumers, saving should
be mostly about paying down previous debt. Paying off credit card debt has a riskless return that
averages 14 percent, which no other asset class can match. The large life-cycle variation in credit
and debt suggests why the average household has little in positive assets beyond a small emergency
fund and illiquid housing until very late in life. Not taking this variation into account leads to a
misunderstanding of the financial status of U.S. households.
In future work we expect to introduce models of life-cycle saving that allow for precautionary
accumulation in the short term, planning for retirement in the long term, the acquisition of illiquid
assets such as housing, and the use of credit for payments. Such models have implications for both
debt acquisition and the impact of credit. The estimates in figure 15 suggest that the effects of debt
and credit change over the life cycle, and we expect that future work will examine what models are
consistent with the observed changes.

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A Appendix
A.1 Derivation of debt revolver accumulation equation
From equation (6) we have:
− Di,t + Yi,t = Ci,t (Yi,t + Bi,t − Di,t ).
Let Yit = Pi,t Ui,t , where Pi,t = Et−1 [Yi,t ] is the long-term or permanent component of income,
∗ ∗
given age t, and Bi,t the expected credit limit at age t for a given individual. Then define Di,t as

the debt at which, given a credit limit Bi,t and income realization Yi,t = Pi,t , consumption is equal
to income minus interest payments and so debt is not increasing or decreasing:

−rDi,t ∗ ∗
+ Pi,t = Ci,t (Pi,t + Bi,t − Di,t ).
∗ ∗
A first-order expansion around Wi,t = Di,t + Bi,t + Pi,t then gives:

Di,t+1 ≈ (1 + r)Mi,t Bi,t + (1 + r)(1 − Mi,t )Bi,t + Mi,t Yi,t ,

0 ∗
where Mi,t = Ci,t (Wi,t ) is the marginal propensity to consume out of liquid cash-at-hand at its
steady state. If Mi,t Yi,t can be well captured by individual fixed effects, age effects, and year
effects, then a regression of the form:

Di,t+1 = µi + µt + g(agei,t ) + αDi,t + βBi,t + i,t ,

where α = (1 + r)(1 − M ) and β = (1 + r)M are the average of the Mi,t , and i,t captures the
approximation error, the unobserved income shocks not explained by age, individual, and time,
and the differences from the average α and β. Mi,t may vary with age or overall credit utilization
as well.
The assumptions necessary for the linear expansion in levels to provide a good approximation
are strong, particularly comparing across many individuals with very different incomes and debt.
∗ ∗
A more flexible expansion involves taking logs and expanding around Di,t , Bi,t , and Pi,t , and
canceling constants using the steady-state equation gives a first-order approximation:

Di,t ∗ ∗ ∗
di,t+1 − Di,t di,t + Pit ln Ui,t ' mit (Pi,t ln Ui,t + Bi,t bi,t − Di,t di,t ),
(1 + r)

where bi,t = ln Bi,t , di,t = ln Di,t , and mi,t = Ct0 (Wi,t

∗ ∗
)/Ci,t (Wi,t ) is the elasticity of consumption

with respect to cash-at-hand at the steady-state cash-at-hand Wi,t . Rearranging gives:

Bi,t Pi,t
di,t+1 ' (1 + r)(1 − mi,t )di,t + (1 + r)mi,t ∗ bi,t + (1 + r)(mi,t − 1) ∗ ln Ui,t .
Di,t Di,t

Define mi,t = m + m
i,t . If the target ratio of credit limit to debt can be expressed as a function of

∗ ∗
deviations from the average utilization at each age (Bi,t /Di,t ) = 1/ν(agei,t ) + νi,t , then:

di,t+1 = (1 + r)(1 − m)di,t + (1 + r)m + si,t ,
ν(agei,t )

where sit captures the random coefficients and the unpredictable income component. Following
Blundell et al. (2008), suppose that idiosyncratic and age-specific drift factors are well captured
by an individual effect and age effects (or functions) so that the structural and approximation error
si,t = µi + µt + g(agei,t ) + i,t, then

di,t+1 = µi + µt + g(agei,t ) + αdi,t + β + i,t ,
ν(agei,t )

where α = (1 + r)(1 − m), β = (1 + r)m and E[it ] = 0.

Figure 1: Credit card adoption and use for payments by age and year
(A) Credit card adoption rate
Credit Card by Age Group
Adoption Rate

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Age<25 25<Age<34
35<Age<44 45<Age<54
55<Age<64 Age>64

(B) Share of payments using credit cards

Credit Card by Age Group

Share of Use




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Age<25 25<Age<34
35<Age<44 45<Age<54
55<Age<64 Age>64

Source: Authors’ calculations from the 2013 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice.

Figure 2: Credit card limits, debt, and utilization: 2000–2014


Credit and debt ($ log scale)
8000 10000

.3 .4 .5 .6 .7
Credit utilization
5000 6000


2000q1 2005q1 2010q1 2015q1

Mean credit card limit Mean credit card debt

Mean credit utilization (right axis)

Notes: The left axis shows the average credit card limits (top line) and debt (bottom line). Note the log scale. The right
axis shows mean credit utilization (middle line) defined as the credit card debt/credit card limit if the limit is greater
than zero. Source: Authors’ calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

Figure 3: Credit score by cohort and age

Equifax Credit Rating (280 to 850)
650 700 600 750

20 40 60 80

Notes: Each line represents the average credit score of one birth cohort from 1999 to 2014. Source: Authors’ calcula-
tions from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

Figure 4: Credit score distribution by age
Credit score percentiles Standard deviation of credit score



standard deviation of credit score

Equifax credit rating percentiles





20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Age Age

Notes: Left panel: The lines are the credit scores of the 1st, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 99th percentiles of credit
score at each age over 1999-2014. The lines are in order from 1 at the bottom to 99 at the top. Right panel: Each line
represents the standard deviation of the credit score of one birth cohort, 1999–2014. Source: Authors’ calculations
from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

Figure 5: Fraction with positive credit card limit and debt by cohort and age
Fraction with positive limit Fraction with positive debt
Have positive credit card limit

Have positive credit card debt


.4 .2


20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Age Age

Notes: Each line represents the fraction with positive credit card limits or debt of one birth cohort, 1999–2014. Source:
Authors’ calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

Figure 6: Fraction of convenience users of credit cards, conditional on use
Fraction Non−Revolving
.4 .5
.3 .6

20 30 40 50 60 70
Age Group

Notes: Each dot shows the fraction in that five year age group (labeled by the youngest member) who did not revolve
credit card debt from month to month, ‘conditional on using their credit card. 95 percent confidence intervals in bars.
Source: Authors’ calculations from the 2008–2014 Surveys of Consumer Payment Choice.

Figure 7: Credit card limits, debt, and credit utilization

100 50

Credit Card Limit

Credit card limit or debt, thousands (if positive)
5 10 20

Credit Card Debt


Credit Utilization
Credit card debt / Credit Card limit
.2 .4 0 .6

20 40 60 80

Figure 1: credit limit, credit debt, and credit utilization

Notes: Each line represents the average credit card limit, debt, and utilization of one birth cohort, 1999–2014. Source:
Authors’ calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

Figure 8: Credit card limits, debt, and utilization: age and year effects
Credit card limits


Estimated effect

Estimated effect




20 40 60 80 2000 2005 2010 2015

Age Year

Credit card debt

Estimated effect

Estimated effect



20 40 60 80 2000 2005 2010 2015

Age Year

Credit card utilization

0 −.1

Estimated effect

Estimated effect




20 40 60 80 2000 2005 2010 2015

Age Year

Notes: Each line shows the estimated age or year effects from equation (1). Note the different scales. Source: Authors’
calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

credit limit by pctiles ’000s (1, 10, 25, 50, 75
.2 .5 1 .15 10 20 5
20 40 60 80
Figure 9: Credit Age card limit, debt, and credit utilization distributions by age

(A) Credit Card Limits

Figure 8: Percentiles of log credit card limit by cohort (1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980).

standard deviation of log credit card limit (if positive)


Credit card limit percenttiles ($1000s)







20 40 60 80
20 40 60 80 Age

Figure 9: Percentiles of log credit limit by age (B) Credit Card Debt
5 10 20 50 100

5 standard deviation of log credit card debt (if positive)

Credit card debt percenttiles,( $1000s)



.1 .2 .5 1



20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Age Age

Figure 10: Percentiles of log credit debt by age (C) Credit utilization

standard deviation of credit card utilization

Credit utilization percentiles




1 and 10

20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Age Age

Notes: Each line is the percentile of credit limit at that age, conditional on having a positive credit limit on a log scale.
For example, the 90th percentile line shows that 10 percent of the population (with a positive credit limit) have a limit
larger than that line. Source: Authors’ calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

Figure 10: Mortgage, student loan, and auto loan debt over the life cycle
Have mortgage debt? Log mortgage debt (if positive)

log mortgage debt (if positive)
Have positive mortgage debt



10.5 10

20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Age Age

Have student loan debt? Log student loan debt (if positive)

log student loan/personal finance debt (if positive)

Have student loan or personal finance debt






20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Age Age

Have auto loan? Log auto loan debt (if positive)



log auto debt (if positive)

Have auto debt



20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
Age Age

Notes: Each line represents the average for one birth cohort, 1999–2014. Source: Authors’ calculations from
Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

Figure 11: Credit card utilization distribution by age
All ages Age 20–30





0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.4 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.4
Credit card utilization ratio Credit card utilization ratio

Age 30–40 Age 40–50






0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.4 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.4
Credit card utilization ratio Credit card utilization ratio

Age 50–60 Age 60–80






0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.4 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.4
Credit card utilization ratio Credit card utilization ratio

Notes: Each panel shows the histogram for select age groups of credit utilization (credit card debt/credit card limit
if the the limit is positive). The histograms exclude utilizations greater than 1.5 Source: Authors’ calculations from
Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

Figure 12: Changes in credit utilization in one quarter, one year, and two years

0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1.1

0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1.1

0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1.1
Credit utilization in

Credit utilization in

Credit utilization in
one quarter

two years
one year
E[y|x] = 0.041 + 0.896x E[y|x] = 0.077 + 0.786x E[y|x] = 0.100 + 0.698x

0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 1.1

Credit utilization today Credit utilization today Credit utilization today

−.5 −.4 −.3 −.2 −.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

−.5 −.4 −.3 −.2 −.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

−.5 −.4 −.3 −.2 −.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Difference in credit utilization in

Difference in credit utilization in

Difference in credit utilization in

one quarter

two years
one year

E[y|x] = 0.666x E[y|x] = 0.339x E[y|x] = 0.128x

−.5−.4−.3−.2−.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 −.5−.4−.3−.2−.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 −.5−.4−.3−.2−.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Difference in credit utilization Difference in credit utilization Difference in credit utilization
from own mean from own mean from own mean

Notes: Each point in the top row shows the credit utilization in the future conditional on having a credit utilization on shown on the x-axis today. The points
represent an even distribution of the sample (see figure 11). The bottom row shows the conditional relationship between deviations from the individual mean
utilization over the entire sample, adjusting for age and year. Source: Authors’ calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP using the program binscatter (Stepner,
Figure 13: Fraction convenience from estimates and SCF
(A) Fraction convenience over age
.8 .7
Fraction convenience users
.4 .5 .3.6

20 40 60 80

Fraction convenience: Estimated SCF

(B) Fraction convenience over utilization

Fraction convenience users
.2 .4 0 .6

0 .5 1
Credit Utilization

Fraction convenience: Estimated SCF

Notes: Source: Authors’ calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP and SCF. The SCF estimates are based on a cubic
logistic regression for age or utilization.

Figure 14: Credit utilization of revolvers and convenience users over the life cycle
.6 .4
Credit utilization
.2 0

20 40 60 80

Convenience users Revolvers

Overall utilization

Notes: Authors’ calculations from the Equifax/NY Fed CCP based on Finite Mixture Model.

Figure 15: Average marginal effects of credit and previous debt on debt for revolvers
(A) Marginal effect of log credit limit on log debt next quarter

Average marginal effect of log credit limit
.05 .1 .15 .2 .25

20 30 40 50 60 70

Utilitzation 0.1 0.4 0.7

0.8 0.9 1

(B) Marginal effect of log debt this quarter on log debt next quarter
Average marginal effect of log debt
.75 .8 .85 .7 .9

20 30 40 50 60 70

Utilitzation 0.1 0.4 0.7

0.8 0.9 1

(C) Long-term effect of change in log credit limit on log debt

Long term impact of log credit limit
.7 .8 .9 .6 1

20 30 40 50 60 70

Utilitzation 0.1 0.4 0.7

0.8 0.9 1

Notes: For panel (C) each point is calculated using the marginal effect in (A) divided by one minus the marginal
effect in (B). Source: Authors’ calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP based on a finite mixture model separating
convenience users from revolvers.
Table 1: Credit utilization
Credit utilizationt
All All All All All Revolver
Credit utilizationt−1 0.874*** 0.868*** 0.647*** 0.647*** 0.514*** 0.766***
(0.000876) (0.000892) (0.00131) (0.00139) (0.00441) (0.00125)
Credit utilizationt−2 0.0156***
Credit utilt−1 × Age 0.00314***
Constant 0.0479***


Observations 347,642 347,642 347,642 332,696 347,642 238,111

R-squared 0.741 0.743 0.429 0.444 0.431 0.616
Fixed effects No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Age and year effects No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Number of accounts 10,451 10,103 10,451
Frac. Variance from FE 0.477 0.467 0.498

Notes: The sample always includes 0 credit utilization but excludes individual quarters where the utilization is undefined since the limit is zero or utilizations
greater than 5 (a very small fraction, see figure 11). All columns include age and year effects, with age effects normalized to have zero trend when fixed effects are
included. Source: Authors’ calculations from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.
Table 2: Debt and credit changes
Log Debtt Log Limitt
All All All Revolvers All Convenience Revolvers
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Log Debtt−1 0.505*** 0.758*** 0.604*** 0.861*** 0.00687*** -0.0141*** 0.0240***
(0.00157) (0.00119) (0.00132) (0.000593) (0.000561) (0.000580) (0.000616)
Log Credit Limitt−1 0.414*** 0.134*** 0.313*** 0.130*** 0.848*** 0.736*** 0.903***
(0.00262) (0.00148) (0.00243) (0.000787) (0.000933) (0.00114) (0.000807)

Observations 296,369 296,369 361,280 293,014 307,805 361,280 361,280


R-squared 0.432 0.667 0.610 0.926 0.778 0.412 0.412

Accounts 10,028 10,718 10,718 10,149 10,718 10,718
Fixed effects Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zero included No No Yes No No Yes Yes
Age effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Long-term credit impact 0.862 0.875 0.879 0.990
Credit salience σ 0.443 0.665 0.530 0.756

Notes: The columns marked “Zero included” include zeros in the level regressions and give all individuals in all quarters $10 in credit and debt before taking the log
in the log regressions and so include individuals with either zero in credit or debt instead of dropping them when zeros not included. Source: Authors’ calculations
from Equifax/NY Fed CCP.

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