Bank Credit Cycles
Bank Credit Cycles
Bank Credit Cycles
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Review of Economic Studies
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Review of Economic Studies (2008) 75, 1181-1214 0034-6527/08/00481181$02.00
? 2008 The Review of Economic Studies Limited
First version received September 2005; final version accepted December 2007 (Eds.)
A bank determines whether potential borrowers are creditworthy, that is, whether they meet the
bank's credit or lending standards. In making this determination, each bank is in competition with other
banks, but without knowing the competitor banks' credit standards. The resulting unique form of compe
tition leads to endogenous credit cycles, periodic "credit crunches". Empirical tests of this repeated bank
lending game are constructed based on parameterizing public information about relative bank performance
that is at the root of banks' beliefs about rival banks' lending standards. The relative performance of rival
banks has predictive power for subsequent lending in the credit card market, where we can identify the
main competitors. At the macroeconomic level, the relative bank performance of commercial and indus
trial loans is an autonomous source of macroeconomic fluctuations. In an asset pricing context, the relative
bank performance is a priced risk factor for both banks and non-financial firms. The factor coefficients for
non-financial firms are decreasing with size, consistent with smaller firms being more bank dependent.
1. See Lown, Morgan and Rohatgi (2000), Jordan, Peek and Rosengren (2002), and Lown and Morgan (2002).
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ration credit.2 A dramatic example in the U.S. is the period shortly after the Basel Accord was
agreed in 1988, during which time the share of U.S. total bank assets composed of commercial
and industrial loans fell from about 22-5% in 1989 to less than 16% in 1994. At the same time, the
share of assets invested in government securities increased from just over 15% to almost 25%.3
More generally, it has been noted that banks vary their lending standards or credit standards.
Bank "lending standards" or "credit standards" are the criteria by which banks determine
and rank loan applicants' risks of loss due to default, and according to which a bank then makes
its lending decisions. While not observable, there is a variety of evidence showing that while
lending rates are sticky, banks do, in fact, change their lending standards.4 The most direct
evidence comes from the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on
Bank Lending Practices.5 Banks are asked whether their "credit standards" for approving loans
(excluding merger and acquisition-related loans) have "tightened considerably, tightened some
what, remained basically unchanged, eased somewhat, or eased considerably". Lown and Morgan
(2005) examine this survey evidence and note that, except for 1982, every recession was preceded
by a sharp spike in the net percentage of banks reporting a tightening of lending standards. Other
evidence that bank lending standards change is econometric. Asea and Blomberg (1998) exam
ined a large panel data set of bank loan terms over the period 1977 to 1993 and "demonstrate
that banks change their lending standards?from tightness to laxity?systematically over the
cycle" (p. 89). They concluded that cycles in bank lending standards are important in explaining
aggregate economic activity.
Also in a macroeconomic context, changes in the Fed Lending Standards Index (the net
percentage of respondents reporting tightening) Granger causes changes in output, loans, and the
federal funds rate, but the macroeconomic variables are not successful in explaining variation
in the Lending Standards Index.6 The Lending Standards Index is exogenous with respect to
the other variables in the Vector Autoregression system. See Lown and Morgan (2002, 2005)
and Lown, Morgan and Rohatgi (2000).7 The analysis in this paper is aimed at explaining the
forces that cause lending standards to change and, in particular, to explain how this can happen
independently of macroeconomic variables.
To investigate bank lending standards we construct a model of bank lending that is pre
dicated on the special features of banks, namely, that banks produce private information about
2. Bank loan rates are sticky. Berger and Udell (1992) regress loan rate premiums against open market rates
and control variables and find evidence of "stickiness". (Also, see Berger and Udell (1994) for references to the prior
literature.) With respect to credit card rates, in particular, Ausubel (1991) has also argued that they are "exceptionally
sticky relative to the cost of funds" (p. 50).
3. See Keeton (1994) and Furfine (2001). This episode is the focus of the empirical literature on credit crunches.
See Bernanke and Lown (1991), Hall (1993), Berger and Udell (1994), Haubrich and Wachtel (1993), Hancock and
Wilcox (1994), Brinkman and Horvitz (1995), Peek and Rosengren (1995), and Beatty and Gron (2001). Gorton and
Winton (2003) provide a brief survey of the credit crunch literature.
4. In the absence of detailed information about banks' internal workings, it is not exactly clear what is meant
by the term "lending standards". It can refer to all the elements that go into making a credit decision, including credit
scoring models, the lending culture, the number of loan officers and their seniority and experience, the banks' hierarchy
of decision-making, and so on.
5. The survey is conducted quarterly and covers major banks from all parts of the U.S., accounting for between
60% and 70% of commercial and industrial loans in the U.S. The Federal Reserve System's "Senior Loan Officer Opinion
Survey on Bank Lending Practices" was initiated in 1964, but results were only made public starting in 1967. Between
1984.1 and 1990.1 the question concerning lending standards was dropped. See Schreit and Owens (1991). Current
survey results are available at <>.
6. Lown and Morgan (2002, 2005) use the survey results to create an index: the number of loan officers reporting
tightening standards less the number of reporting loan officers reporting easing standards divided by the total number
7. They also find that changes in bank lending standards matter much more for the volume of bank loans and
aggregate output than do commercial loan rates, consistent with the finding that loan rates do not move as much as would
be dictated by market rates.
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potential borrowers when they determine whether borrowers meet their lending standards.
Broecker (1990) emphasizes that this information asymmetry means that banks compete with
each other in a special way. When competing with each other to lend, banks produce informa
tion about potential borrowers in an environment where they do not know how much information
is being produced by rival bank lenders.8 We study a repeated model of bank competition, ?
la Green and Porter (1984), in which banks collude to set high loan rates (hence loan rates are
sticky), and they implicitly agree not to (over-) invest in costly information production about
prospective borrowers.9 A bank can strategically produce more information than its rivals and
then select the better borrowers, leaving unknowing rivals with adversely selected loan portfolios.
Unlike standard models of imperfect competition, following Green and Porter (1984), there are
no price wars among banks since banks do not change their loan rates. However, as in Green and
Porter (1984), inter-temporal incentives to maintain the collusive arrangement requires periods
of "punishment". Here these correspond to credit crunches. In a credit crunch all banks increase
their costly information production intensity, that is, they raise their "lending standards", and stop
making loans to some borrowers who previously received loans. These swings in credit availabil
ity are caused by banks' changing beliefs, based on public information about rivals, about the
viability of the collusive arrangement.
Repeated games are difficult to test and that is the case here.10 There are many equilibria,
depending on agents' beliefs. Agents' beliefs about other agents' beliefs depend on current in
formation and the history of the game. We empirically determine the equilibrium, that is, "test"
the model, by parameterizing the public information that is the basis for banks' beliefs about
rivals' strategies and using such measures as proxies for beliefs. The empirical behaviour of U.S.
bank credit card lending, commercial and industrial lending, and bank profitability are consistent
with the model. Bank credit cycles are a systematic risk. We find that, consistent with this, our
belief proxy, called the Performance Difference Index (PDI), as explained later, is a priced factor
in an asset pricing model of bank stock returns. Most importantly, the PDI is a priced factor for
non-financial firms as well and increasingly so as firm size declines.
We show theoretically that to detect deviations by rival banks, each bank looks at two pieces
of public information: the number of loans made in the period by each rival and the default
performance of each rival's loan portfolio. This is an implication of banks competing using
information production intensity (lending standards). The relative performance of other banks
is the public information relevant for each bank's decisions about the choice of the level of
information production. Intuitively, excessive information production by a bank will not change
the overall loan performance on average, but will change the distribution of loan defaults across
banks. Moreover, the use of relative bank performance empirically distinguishes our theory from
a general learning story, which would predict past bank performance matters for bank credit
decisions (an alternative hypothesis, which we test).
8. In Broecker's (1990) model, banks use noisy, independent, creditworthiness tests to assess the riskiness of
potential borrowers. Because the tests are imperfect, banks may mistakenly grant credit to high-risk borrowers whom
they would otherwise reject. As the number of banks increases, the likelihood that an applicant will pass the test of at
least one bank rises. Banks face an inherent winner's curse problem in this setting. In Broecker's model banks do not
behave strategically in a dynamic way.
9. Strategic interaction between banks seems natural because banking is highly concentrated. Entry into banking
is restricted by governments. In developed economies the share of the largest five banks in total bank deposits ranges from
a high of 81-7% in Holland to a low of 26-3% in the U.S. See the Group of Ten (2001). In less developed economies,
bank concentration is typically much higher (see Beck, Demirguc-Kunt and Levine, 2006).
10. Empirically testing models of repeated strategic interaction of firms has focused on price wars. See Reiss and
Wolak (2007) and Bresnahan (1989) for surveys of the literature. However, our model predicts that there are "information
production wars". Since information production is unobservable, we cannot follow the usual empirical strategy. We
propose a new method for empirically investigating such models.
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Broadly, the empirical analysis is in three parts. First, we examine a narrow category of
loans, U.S. credit card lending, where there are a small number of banks that appear to dominate
the market. Even with a small number of banks it is not obvious which banks are rivals, so we
first analyse this lending market by examining banks pairwise. If the PDI increases, banks should
reduce their lending and increase their information production resulting in fewer loan losses in
the next quarter. We also examine big credit card lender banks' profitability, using stock returns.
Second, we turn to the macroeconomy by looking at commercial and industrial loans. We
analyse a number of macroeconomic time series, including the Lending Standard Survey Index.
We form an aggregate bank PDI based on the absolute value of the differences on all commercial
and industrial loans of the largest 100 banks. If beliefs are, in fact, based on this information,
then we should be able to explain (in the sense of Granger causality) the time series behaviour
of the Lending Standard Survey responses (the percentage of banks reporting "tightening" their
Finally, if credit crunches are endogenous, and a systematic risk, then they should be a
priced factor in an asset pricing model of stock returns. Therefore, our final test is to ask whether
a mimicking portfolio for our parameterization of banks' relevant histories is a priced risk factor
in a Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) or Fama-French asset pricing setting. We look at banks
and non-financial firms by size, as credit crunches have larger effects on smaller firms. We find
the evidence to be consistent with the theory.
Two related theoretical models are provided by Dell'Ariccia and Marquez (2006) and Ruckes
(2004). These papers show a link between lending standards and information asymmetry among
banks, driven by exogenous changes in the macroeconomy. As distinct from these models, the
fluctuation of banks' lending behaviour in our paper is purely driven by the strategic interactions
between banks instead of an exogenously changing economic environment.
In terms of empirical work, Rajan (1994) is related. He argues that fluctuations in credit
availability by banks are driven by bank managers' concerns for their reputations (due to bank
managers having short horizons) and that consequently bank managers are influenced by the
credit policies of other banks. Managers' reputations suffer if they fail to expand credit while
other banks are doing so, implying that expansions lead to significant increases in losses on loans
subsequently.11 We test Rajan's idea in the empirical section.
Also related to our work, though more distantly, is some research in Monetary Theory, in
particular on the "bank lending channel".12 The "bank lending channel" posits that disruptions
in the supply of bank loans can be caused by monetary policy, resulting in credit crunches (see
Bernanke and Blinder, 1988). If bank funding is interest rate sensitive, then perhaps changes
in banks' cost of funds results in variation in the amount of credit that banks supply. The bank
lending channel is controversial because, as some have argued, banks have access to non-deposit
sources of funds. See Ashcraft (2006) for evidence against the bank lending channel. We do not
investigate the effects of monetary policy here, though this is a topic for future research. We
provide the micro-foundations for how bank competition can cause credit crunches independent
of monetary policy, but this is not mutually exclusive from the bank lending channel. However,
like the bank lending channel literature, we assume that there are no perfect substitutes for bank
11. However, as pointed out by Weinberg (1995), the data on the growth rate of total loans and loan charge-offs in
the U.S. from 1950 to 1992 do not show the pattern of increases in the amount of lending being followed by increases in
loan losses.
12. The credit channel of monetary policy transmission has focused on the two ways that central bank action
can affect real economic activity by increasing the "external finance premium" (see Bernanke and Gertler, 1995 for
a review). One of these is the "balance sheet channel", which is concerned with effects of monetary policy on firms'
creditworthiness. Increases in interest rates, for example, may reduce the value of the collateral that firms borrow against.
The other is the "bank lending channel", which is more relevant for our work.
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loans, so that if borrowers are cut off from bank credit they cannot find alternative financing at
the same price, especially small firms. Large firms usually have access to capital markets.
We proceed in Section 2 to first describe the stage game for bank lending competition,
and we study the existence of stage Nash equilibrium and the model's implications for lending
standards, and the stage game is followed by repeated competition. In Section 3, we carry out
empirical tests in the credit card loan market, a market dominated by a small number of banks. In
Section 4 we extend the empirical analysis to commercial and industrial loans, the most important
category of loans. We test whether our model can explain credit crunches. Section 5 undertakes
a different type of test. We ask whether the risk caused by bank strategic behaviour is priced in
an asset pricing context. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
We first set forth the lending market stage game. To simplify our discussion, suppose that there
are two banks in the market competing to lend, as follows. There are N potential borrowers in
the credit market. Each of the potential borrowers is one of two types, good or bad. Good types'
projects succeed with probability pg, and bad types' projects succeed with probability p\y, where
Pg > Pb > 0. Potential borrowers, sometimes also referred to below as "applicants", do not know
their own type. At the beginning of the period potential borrowers apply simultaneously to each
bank for a loan. There is no application fee. The probability of an applicant being a bad type is X,
which is common knowledge.13 Each applicant can accept at most one loan offer, and if a loan
is granted, the borrower invests in a one period project which will yield a return of X < oo if the
project succeeds and returns 0 otherwise. A borrower whose project succeeds will use the return
X to repay the loan, that is, a borrower's realized cash flow is verifiable.
Banks are risk neutral. They can raise funds at some interest rate, assumed to be 0. After
receiving the loan applications, a bank can use a costly technology to produce information about
the applicant's type. The creditworthiness testing results in determining the type of an applicant,
but there is a per applicant cost of c > 0. Banks can test any proportion of their applicants. Let
ni denote the number of applicants that are tested by bank /. We say that the more applicants
that a bank tests, using the costly information production technology, the higher are its credit
or lending standards.14 If a bank switches from not using the creditworthiness test to using it,
or tests more applicants, we say that the bank has "raised" its lending or credit standards. We
assume that neither bank observes the other bank's credit standards, that is, each bank is unaware
of how many applicants the other bank tests. Results of the tests are the private information of
the testing bank.
Since the bank borrowing rate is 0, when a bank charges F (to be repaid at the end of the
period) for one unit of loan, the bank's expected return from lending to an applicant will be
kpbF + (1 ? X)pgF ? 1 in the case of no creditworthiness testing. We assume
Assumption 1 means that there exists some interest rate, X, that allows a bank to earn
positive profits from lending to a good type project ex ante, but there does not exist an interest
13. We will hold X fixed throughout the analysis, but this is to clarify the mechanism that is our focus. It is natural
to think of a as being time varying, representing other business cycle shocks outside the model, and we could easily
incorporate this. But it would obscure the cyclical effects that are purely due to bank competition.
14. Imagine that banks always produce some minimal amount of information about loan applicants. We ignore this
base amount of information, however, and focus only on the situation where banks choose to produce more information
than this base level. So, we interpret the creditworthiness test as the additional information produced, beyond the normal
information production.
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rate at which a bank can make positive profits from lending to a bad type project ex ante. (Given
the loan size being normalized to 1, the face value of the loan F uniquely determines the interest
rate, and later on we refer to F as the "loan interest rate".) It is also possible for banks to profit
from lending to both types of applicants without discriminating between the types.
Each bank first chooses some (possibly none, possibly all) applicants to test, then, depending
on the test results, decides whether to make a loan offer for each applicant, and if yes, at what
interest rate. We formally define the stage strategy of each bank in Appendix A. We assume that
banks do not observe each other's interest rates or the identities of applicants offered loans. At
the end of the period only final loan portfolio sizes and loan outcomes (i.e. default or not) are
publicly observable. Banks cannot communicate with each other. Figure 1 shows the timing of
the stage game.
We now turn to study Nash equilibrium, and the conditions for the existence of Nash equilibrium,
in the lending market stage game. We show that in the stage game, banks have no incentive
to conduct the creditworthiness tests, and we provide a condition under which the only Nash
equilibrium that exists is one in which neither bank conducts creditworthiness testing and both
banks earn zero profits.
First we will study the Nash equilibrium in which no bank conducts creditworthiness testing.
The following assumption guarantees the existence of such equilibria.
Assumption 2. c >- Apb + (l-/l)/?g
Assumption 2 also implies that the optimal pay-offs for the banks are reached when no
creditworthiness testing are conducted (as we will show later).
Nature decides the Banks choose to test or not, and then make loan and interest Next period
type of the firms. rate offers, contingent on test results, if the test was used. starts.
Figure 1
The timing of the stage game
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Now consider the case where both banks test at least some applicants.
Proposition 2. There is no symmetric Nash equilibrium in which both banks test at least
some of the applicants.
We formalize the repeated game in Appendix D. In the stage game, we have already shown that
banks earn zero profits without testing, and the optimal pay-offs for banks are reached when there
is no costly creditworthiness test being used. Setting a (collusive) loan interest rate of F = X
would be the most profitable case for both banks. Ideally, in repeated competition banks will try
to collude to charge F = X without conducting creditworthiness testing. When the banks collude
by offering a profitable interest rate to the applicants without testing, there is an incentive for
each bank to undercut the interest rate in order to get more applicants. In order to generate inter
temporal incentives to support the collusion on a high interest rate, banks need to punish each
other to prevent deviation in undercutting interest rates, which can be monitored by looking at
the loan portfolio size of each bank. However, a high interest rate generates incentives for banks
to conduct creditworthiness testing and get higher quality applicants while manipulating the loan
portfolio size. To see this, let us look at the following example.
By undercutting the interest rate offered to an applicant without creditworthiness testing,
the expected pay-off from this loan to the bank is: n = Xp\>F + (1 ? X)pgF ? 1. Alternatively,
the bank can test the applicant, undercut the interest rate if it is a good type, and undercut the
interest rate to another untested applicant if the tested one turns out to be a bad type (this way
the bank always gets one applicant for sure); the expected pay-off to the bank is it" = ?[?p\>F +
(1 ? XgF) ? 1] + (1 ? X)(pgF ? 1) ? c. The difference between tc" and n is X(\ ? X)(pg ? p\>)
F ? c, which is increasing with F. When there are multiple applicants, while benefiting from
finding a good type applicant through a creditworthiness test, a bank will switch to an untested
applicant if the tested one turns out to be of bad type, and this substantially improves the net gain
from a creditworthiness test. Therefore, when F is high enough, banks will have an incentive to
produce information while manipulating the loan portfolio size through interest rates. To proceed,
we make the following assumption:
15. Banks could play more general mixed strategies. For example, banks could mix between testing n\ applicants
and testing ni applicants. We do not delve into these strategies.
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This assumption guarantees that when banks collude at the highest possible interest rate, X,
they have incentive to over-produce information and undercut interesting rates.
Aside from seeing how the repeated game works, the main point is the demonstration that
because banks have two actions that they can use to compete (i.e. changing lending rates and in
creasing information production), banks' beliefs must be based on the history of banks' portfolio
sizes as well as banks' loan default performances.
At a profitable interest rate, if a bank makes more loans than its rival, then the continua
tion value of this bank should be lower, to eliminate the incentive of the banks to deviate by
undercutting interest rates to get more loans. However, when there is creditworthiness testing, it
may not be true that making more loans is always better. A bank can deviate by testing, "raising
credit standards", resulting in the other bank lending to the bad type applicants rejected by the
first bank. This is the strategic use of the winner's curse by one bank against its rival. Due to that
possibility, it is easy to imagine (and we can formally show) that loan performance (number of
defaults in each bank portfolio) will also affect the continuation value. When the banks want to
avoid costly creditworthiness testing on the equilibrium path, then it is not possible for the two
banks to collude on a high loan interest rate in equilibrium without looking at each other's loan
performances. The possibility of deviating by using creditworthiness testing while manipulating
the loan size, and the resulting winner's curse effect, makes both banks' strategies sensitive to
each others' past loan performances, even though there is an i.i.d. distribution of borrower types
over time.
To demonstrate that monitoring through loan size only is not sufficient to detect a deviation,
let us first look at an example with two loan applicants, where each bank makes a loan offer
to both loan applicants at interest rate Fa > F* = ? +i\_^ without a creditworthiness test.
Consider a deviation to a strategy in which a bank tests one applicant. If the tested applicant is a
bad type the bank rejects it and, without testing the other applicant, undercuts the interest rate to
F~ for the loan to the other applicant. If the tested applicant is a good type then the bank offers a
loan to the applicant at F~ and raises the interest rate to F+ for the loan to (or rejects) the other
untested applicant. In this way the expected loan portfolio size for both banks will remain the
same while the distribution of the loan portfolio size changes a little. It is easy to check that the
improvement in the stage profit for the deviating bank is AE[7u] = ? c + 2(1 ? X)(pg ? pb)Fa,
and AE[t?] > 0 as long as Fa is close enough to X, by Assumption 3.
In our example with two loan applicants, if one bank deviates in the way we described
above, then the loan allocation is (1, 1) with probability 1, while without a deviation, the loan
allocation is (2, 0) with probability 0-25, (1, 1) with probability 0-5, and (0, 2) with probability
0-25. Let Ui(n\,n2) denote the pay-off to bank i when the loan allocation is (D\, D2), and we
know by Lemma 5 in Appendix E that, in a Symmetric Perfect Public Equilibrium (SPPE):
?i(0,2)-iii(l,l) = m(l,l)-iii(2,0),
which implies
0-25?i(0,2) + 0-5mi(1,1)H-0-25?ii(2,0) = i?i(1,1).
Thus with the deviation, the expected continuation pay-off remains unchanged. We can show
that this result holds with more than two applicants for any SPPE, as defined in the appendix; we
omit the proof here for brevity.
Therefore, in order to detect banks' deviations through overproduction of information,
banks' strategies need to depend on the public histories of banks' loan portfolio performances
and portfolio sizes. However, the theory does not provide details on how the public histories are
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linked to banks' beliefs and strategies. To help understand this issue for later empirical tests, let
us again consider a simple example with N = 2 applicants. Suppose Bank 1 deviates from the
equilibrium strategy s (test no applicants, and offer some high interest rate Fa to both of them)
to strategy sf as follows: test one applicant; if he is good, offer a loan at rate F~, and reject the
other applicant; if the applicant is bad, reject it, and offer a loan to the other applicant at loan
rate F~. In this way, the expected loan portfolio size is not changed, but loan performance will
be improved; there is less likely to be a default. Given the loan distribution (D\ = 1, D2 = 1),
from Bank 2's point of view, without deviation by Bank 1, the probability of Bank 2 having a
loan default is
q = X(l-ph) + (l-X)(l-Pg).
With Bank 1 deviating to strategy s', Bank 2's default probability becomes
To detect a deviation, however, banks should compare their results. That is, they should
check their loan performance difference. Given the loan distribution (D\ = 1, D2 = 1), without
deviation by Bank 1, the probability of Bank 2 having a worse performance than Bank 1 is
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that were tested can be rejected if banks find them to be bad types; second, those applicants that
were not tested can be rejected if the proportion of applicants that are tested is large. The second
"rejected" category might contain some good type applicants. Therefore, some non-tested appli
cants cannot get loans if both banks test a large portion of all applicants. This is a "credit crunch"
in which applicants not tested by either bank are denied loans, even if they are in fact good types.
The above discussions lead to our empirical tests in the next section: banks' relative per
formance is important for the credit cycles, which have a significant impact on the economy. In
normal periods, banks produce information about borrowers at the optimal level, and they trigger
the punishment phase by overproducing information after observing an abnormal difference in
loan performance. The overproduction of information leads to credit crunches. More specifically,
banks will observe the relative performance differences with respect to loan portfolio size and
loan defaults in the portfolio. Their beliefs about the rival banks' credit standards are based on
this information. Our empirical tests are based on using measures of this information as proxies
for bank beliefs.
In the model banks form beliefs based on public information. While we cannot measure beliefs
directly, we can measure the information used to form beliefs. Our measures are proxies for bank
beliefs. The empirical strategy we adopt is to focus on one robust prediction that the theory puts
forward, namely, that unlike a perfectly competitive lending market, in the imperfectly com
petitive lending market that we have described, public histories about rival banks should affect
the decisions of any given bank. We construct measures of the relative performance histories of
banks, variables that are at the root of beliefs and their formation. In particular, changes in beliefs
about rival behaviour should be a function of bank public performance differences.
In the U.S. the most important public information available about bank performance is the
information collected by U.S. bank regulatory authorities (the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, and the Office of the Comptroller of Currency) in the quarterly Call
Reports of Condition and Income ("Call Reports"). While publicly traded banks also file with
the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Call Reports provide the detail on specific loan
category amounts outstanding, charge-offs, and losses. We construct PDIs based on the Call
Reports that U.S. banks file quarterly to bank regulators. These reports are filed by banks within
30 days after the last business day of the quarter, and become public roughly 25-30 days later.16
For that reason, we try to use more than one lag when we analyse the predictive power of certain
variables to be constructed based on the Call Reports. Because the reports appear at a quarterly
frequency, we analyse data at that frequency.
To parameterize the relative bank performance for our empirical studies, we use the absolute
value of performance differences. Taking the absolute value is motivated by the theory. Even if
a bank is doing relatively better than its rivals, it knows that if rivals believe that it has deviated
then they will increase their information production, causing the better performing bank to also
raise its information production. Banks, whether relatively better performing or relatively worse
performing, punish simultaneously, resulting in the credit crunch. If banks' beliefs about rivals'
actions change based on our parameterization of the public history, then when this measure in
creases, that is, when there is a greater dispersion of relative performance, then all rival banks
16. Today banks submit their Call Reports electronically to Electronic Data Systems Corporation. It is then sent to
the Federal Reserve Board and to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which subsequently release the data. This
has, of course, changed over time. Nowadays, the information is available 25-30 days after it is filed on the web. Earlier
private information providers would obtain computer tapes of the information from the National Technical Information
Service of the Department of Commerce. The information was then provided in published formats. We thank Mary West
of the Federal Reserve Board for information on the timing of the reports.
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reduce their lending and increase its quality, resulting in fewer loans, lower loss ratios, and re
duced profitability in the future. We construct indices of the absolute value of the difference in
loan loss ratios and test whether the histories of such variables have predictive power for future
lending decisions, loan losses, and bank stock returns.
Another challenge for testing concerns identifying rival banks. We must identify banks that
are, in fact, rivals in a lending market. It is not clear whether banks compete with each other in
all lending activities or only in some specialized lending areas. It is also not clear whether bank
competition is a function of geography or possibly bank size. These are empirical issues.
While the model suggests that there are two "regimes", normal times and punishment times,
this is an artefact of simplifying the model. There could be a range of punishments, making the
notion of a "regime" less discontinuous. This too is an empirical issue.
We first examine a specific, but important category of loans, credit card loans.17 In the U.S. credit
card lending market, potential rival banks are identifiable because credit card lending is highly
concentrated and this concentration has been persistent. The Federal Reserve has collected data
on credit card lending and related charge-offs since the first quarter of 1991 in the Call Reports.
The data we use is at the bank holding company level, as aggregated by the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. Thus, we are thinking of banks competing at the holding company level rather than at
the individual bank level. For each bank holding company, we collect quarterly data from 1991.1
through 2006.3 for "Credit Cards and Related Plans", as well as some other variables discussed
The high concentration is shown by the Herfindahl Index for bank holding companies as
well as the market share of top bank holding companies in Figure 2.
We can see from Figure 2 that over time the credit card loan market has become increasingly
concentrated; the Herfindahl Index and the market share of the top bank holding companies have
become much larger.
17. Despite the public availability of credit scores on individual consumers, banks retain important private infor
mation about credit card borrowers. Gross and Souleles (2002) show the additional explanatory power of private internal
bank information in predicting consumer defaults on credit card accounts, using a sample where they were able to procure
the private information.
18. The data are not reported more frequently than quarterly.
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1991-1 1994-1 1997-1 2000-1 2003-1 2006-1 1991-1 1994-1 1997-1 2000-1 2003-1 2006-1
Figure 2
Market concentration in credit card loan market
Expenditures?Credit Cards and Related Plans (RV)", and "Total Loans and Leases, Net (TL)".
We construct the following variables for each bank holding company at quarterly level:
We start by looking at banks pairwise. We do this for two reasons. First, it is not known which
banks are rivals, and it may be that not all banks are rivals despite the fact that they are all major
credit card lenders.21 Second, we only have less than 60 quarterly observations for each bank, so
examining several banks jointly (including lags of each individual bank's performance) quickly
uses up the degrees of freedom. We focus on the largest six bank holding companies, which
constantly remain within the top 20 in credit card loan portfolio size during the period 1991.1
to 2004.2.22 These six banks are JP Morgan Chase, New York, NY (CHAS) (CHAS); Citicorp,
New York, NY (CITI); Bank One Corp., Chicago, IL (BONE); Bank of America, Charlotte, NC
(BOAM), MBNA Corp., Wilmington, DE (MBNA); and Wachovia Corp., Winston-Salem, NC
19. Before 2001, there are two categories in Consumer Loans: Credit Card Loans & Related Plans and Other
Consumer Loans. Since 2001, there are three categories in Consumer Loans: (i) Credit Card Loans, (ii) Other Revolving
Credit Plans, and (iii) Other Consumer Loans. However, since 2001, the loan loss information (charge offs and recoveries)
is reported in two categories, for (i) and (ii)+(iii) respectively. Starting from 2001, we construct Loan Loss Ratio (LL)
with information on Credit Card Loans only, while the Credit Card Loan Ratio (LR) is constructed using Credit Card
Loans and Other Revolving Credit Plans to be consistent with before 2001.
20. We collected the monthly data for the Unemployment Rate (UMP), Disposable Income (DPI), Federal Funds
Rate (FFR), and calculated the three-month averages to get the quarterly data. Also, DPI is normalized by GDP
21. For example, individual banks may dominate certain clienteles or geographical areas.
22. Data for Wachovia stops at 2001.2, as its credit card loans are managed by MBNA after that. However, the
credit card loans from Wachovia do not appear in MBNA's balance sheet. After 2004.2, Bank One is acquired by JP
Morgan Chase, so we do not use the data after that.
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In general, we run the following regression for each bank holding company / :
and ay and ?ij are the coefficients for x and z, respectively. Adding lags of DPI or UMP do not
change our major results. Since some bank holding companies might have systematically higher
(or lower) loan loss rates than other bank holding companies, we first take out the mean from
the loan loss ratio of each bank, and then take the difference to get ALLy. In this way, | ALLy1
reflects the relative performance of the two banks.
| ALLy | is the key variable. It is a particular parameterization of the relevant public infor
mation: the performance difference. Conditional on the state of the economy and bank holding
company i 's own past performance, we ask whether bank holding company i 's lending decisions
depend on the observed absolute value of the differences between its own past performance and
that of its rival, bank holding company j. Our theory predicts that, when | ALLy1 and its lags are
large, the bank will (implicitly) raised lending standards, resulting in fewer loans in the future
and lower losses per dollar loaned. So, the coefficients are predicted to be negative. For each
measure of the relative difference in loan performance, we test whether the vector of coefficients
on Zijt (the /Ts) is 0, that is, ? = 0, using a Wald test (chi-squared distribution).
An important issue with the above approach of pairwise regressions is that we do not know
how many significant chi-squared statistics would be expected to be significant in a small sample.
We address this issue using a bootstrap (see Horowitz, 2001 for a survey). We bootstrap to test
if the pairwise regression results can verify our conjecture that the measures of bank holding
companies' loan performance affect each other's loan decisions. The null hypothesis is that a
bank holding company's loan decision only depends on the aggregate economic variables and its
own past loan performance; that is,
The alternative hypothesis comes from the pairwise regression for each bank holding com
pany i and bank holding company j ^ / :
In order to test the null hypothesis, we first construct a Significance Index, SI, and then use
the bootstrap to obtain an approximation to the distribution of the SI under null hypothesis to find
the p-value of the SI from the pairwise regressions using the original data, SI*. The details of the
bootstrap procedure are contained in Appendix F.
The results of the pairwise regressions and the bootstraps are reported in Table 1. With
the bootstrap we can address the question of the likelihood that adding PDI to the model will
yield the same number of significant coefficients as with the real data. The results show that this
probability is low; therefore the null hypothesis (that PDI is unimportant) is rejected. See the
p-values for the SI shown in Table 1.
An alternative explanation is that banks learn about the underlying economic conditions
from other banks' loan performance. Perhaps this learning effect is also captured by the | ALLy1
variable that we constructed. It would seem that learning should not be based on absolute differ
ences in bank performance, but on the level of other banks' performances as well as the bank's
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-1^ O moo o?n H UW C/3
-0195 -0186
** 0062 * -1-355
-0-380 WACH -0-351
-0090 -0080 0-961
MBNA 0010 0009 -0-519
*** -0-268
0-496 -0-075 -0-845
MBNA -1-117 -0-742
Bootstrap p- Value: 000001 Bootstrap p-value: 000001
00290064 ** 0029
-0-405*** -0-615
BOAM -0-183 BOAM -1-184
Panel D
*** -0053**
-0113 -Olli
CITI -0-299
CITI -0-522 -0-885 *** -0-350
*** -0-750 -0-497
* #0-153
** ## ##
-0-074 -0-379 -0-201 -1-515
0-248 0-651
negative sign and "#" for positive sign. The number of "*" or "#" indicates the level of significance: three for p-value < 001,
yit =LLit orLRit,Xit = (C, UMPt^Plt.LLit-x^Lit-^^Lit-^^Lit-^) and Zijt = (\ALLit-\\, \ALLit-2\, with yit =LLjt orLRit,Xit = (C,UMPt,DPIt,LLit-i,LLit-2,LLit-3,LLit-4,LLjt-i,LLjt-2,LLjt-3,LLjt-4)
\ALLjt-3\, \ALLjt-4\). In Panel B and D, for each pair of banks, we run the regression: yit = ttijXijt + ?ij Zijt +?ijt>
and Zijt = (\ALLit-\\, \ALLit?l\* \ALLit-^\, |ALLIi_4|). We report the average coefficients on Zijt for each pair of banks as well as the Wald-test for the
TABLE 1 two for 0-05, one for 0-10 *** *** 0022
-0161 -0010 -0115
-0-446 -0-209 -0-327
-0-302 WACH -1-316
This table contains the results for pairwise regres ions. In Panel A and C,for each pair of banks, we run the regres ion: yri = a^Xit + ?ijZijt +?ijt> with significance of these coefficients. We mark each significant average coefficient with "*" or "#" depending on the sign of the average coefficient: "*" for
-0-224 -0-875 -0-959
Bootstrap p-value: 000011
Bootstrap /?-value: 000079
0044 0063 -0-228 -0-054
** ***
Panel C
yit = LLit Panel A Panel B
CITI *** -0023 *** ***
CITI 0-440
-0-583 -0-246 -0-574 -0-497
0-646 0-475#
-0-175 -0-375 -0-228 -0-131
-0036 0-307 0-117
yit = LRit
? f
CD o B
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own performance history. To examine this possibility we add lags of LLj in the regression of
Bank i. Therefore, in the regression equation (1), we replace xu with Xijt:
Xijt = (C, DPI,, UMPi, LL/i-i, LL/i-2, LLzi_3, LL?,_4, LL;?_i, LL;?_2, LL;?_3, LL;?_4).
Based on the success of the pairwise tests, we move next to analysing the histories of all relevant
rival credit card lenders jointly. We construct an aggregate PDI:
pm Z,WILL,>-LL?|
PDIi- 15
This PDI measures the average difference of the competing banks' loan performances.
Again, we first take out the mean from each LL?, and then take the difference. For each bank
/, we estimate the following model:
where y?t and xu are the same as in regression (1), and zt = (PDI?_i,PDI?_2,PDI?_3,
PDIf-4). The coefficients on zt and their ?-statistics are reported in Table 2.
In a more restrictive environment, we estimate a pooling regression model with the restric
tion ?l = ? for / = 1,..., 6. The results are also reported in Table 2.
From Panel A and C in Table 2, we observe that most coefficients are negative, consistent
with our conjecture from the theory. When there is a large performance difference across all the
rival banks, banks raise their lending standards to punish each other, and consequently future
loan losses and loan ratios go down. In particular, in regressions with yu = LL,-f, the coefficients
for JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and Wachovia are statistically significant; in regressions
with yit = LR/i, the coefficients for Citicorp, Bank One, and Bank of America are statistically
significant. In our pooling regressions, the significance of our PDI is improved.
The coefficients are also economically significant. For example, in the regressions with Bank
of America, the average coefficients on PDI are ?0444 and ?0-568, for yu = LL/? and yu =
LRit, respectively. The means of LL and LR are 00237 and 00579, respectively. Given that the
S.D. of PDI is 000454, when PDI changes by one S.D., LL decreases by 000202 (9% of the
mean), and LR decreases by 000258 (5% of the mean). For Bank One, which has the largest
absolute value in regression coefficients on PDI, the average coefficients on PDI for LL and LR
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On ffl O moo o H-1O H Um C/3
-0-563 -4-38 -0036 -0-27
-0-202 -151-0-017 -013
Panel D: pooled
Panel B: pooled
OLS -0-818 -4-30-0169 -0-88-0-028 -0-14-0-341 -1-81
-0710 -2-45 0-616 0-52 0-933 0-12 -0535 -1-32 -0-403 -2-23
-0-862 -2-74 1-030 0-92 -0-578 -0-67 -0-932 -2-32 -0-741 -4-02
0-88 MBNA
0-92 0-88 0-83
Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-statCoeff.
Coeff. i-stat
i-stat Coeff.
Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat
together and estimate the system with the restriction that ?i s are the same across banks: yit = a? jc,-/ + ?zt +?it> with
estimated using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) methods. We report the coefficients on zt as well as their t -statistics
yit = aiXit +?iZt+?it, with yit =LLit orLRit,Xit = (C, UMPt,DPIt,LLit-i,LLit-2,LLit-3,LLit_4) andzt = (PDIt-\,PDIt-2,PDlt-3,PDIt-4)- In Panel
yit = LLit or LRit,xit = (C, UMPt,DPIt,LLit-\,LLit-2,LLit-3>LLit-*) andZt = (PDIt-\,PDIt-2,PDIt-3,PDIt-4) for i = 1,.. , 6. The system is
This table contains the results for Performance Dif erence Index (PDI) regres ions. In Panel A and C,for each bank, we run the regres ion:
0-71 BOAM
Panel C
Panel A
PDI,.! -0-942 -210 -0-279 -0-50 -1-392 -142 -1-380 -2-48 -0-089 -0-47
0-83 BONE
0161009 0-140
0-35 0-270-31
0161 -0-786 -0-81
0135 014-0040
017 0-080 041-003
-0-005 PDI,_4 -0098 -0-22 -0117 -0-24 -1100 -119 -0-453 -0-75 0-095 0-53
0-77 CHAS
Coeff., coefficients; i-stat, i-statistic.
OO00 CD< ? wooS3O o' B
B*. r Cl
CD O c/a
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are -0-786 and -3-850. The mean of LL and LR are 00316 and 0-0911. When PDI changes by
one S.D., LL decreases by 0-00357 (11% of the mean), and LR decreases by 0-0175 (19% of the
In a credit crunch banks make fewer loans and spend more on information production, so their
profitability declines. In this section, we test that implication of the model. Specifically, we ask
whether the PDI has predictive power for the stock returns of each top bank holding company
in credit card loans. We collect the stock returns from CRSP from 1991.1 to 2004.2. We carry
out the tests for all six bank holding companies. According to our theory, after observing large
performance differences between banks, banks will raise their lending standards (which is costly),
and cut lending. Consequently, their profit margins will be lower. Therefore, we expect to see
negative loadings on the lags of the PDI. Note that this is not an asset pricing model, but a test
concerning bank profits, as measured by stock returns. The regression equations are
23. There are several interpretations of Rajan's result. For example, the charge-offs of other banks may be informa
tive about the state of the economy, so their significance in the regression is not necessarily evidence in favour of Rajan's
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oo 3O mno o2 C/3
H Uffl C/3
Panel D: pooling
Panel B: pooling
-0-68 -6-45 -3-59
-2-50 -1-40 -6-28 -3-43
-4-13 -2-23
-5-04 -2-77 -0-83 -0-45-2-15 -1-20
165 0-31
MBNA -8-28 -1-60
-6-87 -1-33 -4-64 -0-87
estimated using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) methods. We report the coefficients on zt as well as their t-statistics 113 0-29
TABLE 3 regression: r^ ? aiXu + ?iZt +?it, with x?t = C or (C, DividendY ieldit-\) and zu = (PDIt-\, PDIt-2, PDIt-3, PDIt-4). In Panel B and D, we pool the data -309 -0-82
te the system with the restriction that ?iS are the same 1-35
0-36 banks: r^ ? a^x^ -\- ?zt + Sit, far i = 1,..., 6. The system is
Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat
This table contains the results for the predictive power of Performance Dif erence Index (PDI) for stock returns. In Panel A and C, for each bank, we run the
Panel A
Panel C
Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat Coeff. i-stat
-197 -0-36
3-53 0-66 -1-73 -0-32-4-80 -0-90-4-97 -0-91 4-62 0-80 -4-33 -0-79-4-55 -0-82
-3-66 -0-75-2-56 -0-53-9-78 -2-02-1-60 -0-32
CHAS -0-41 -008
PDIf-i PDI,_3
PDI,_2 PDI,_4 PDI,-2
PDI,_i PDI,_3
Dividend With
With Yield
? to ? 3o O
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This table contains the results of testing Rajan's (1994) reputation hypothesis. In Panel A and C,
we pool the data of six banks together and estimate the system: y?t = a?Xit + ?zt + %, with
yit = LLit or LRit,Xit = (C, UMPt,DPIt,LLit-i,LLit-2>TLit-3,LLit-4) and
Zt = (AGLLt-i,AGLLt-2>AGLLt-3,AGLLt-4)fori = 1,...,6. In Panel B and D, we pool
the data of six banks together and estimate the system: y?t = a?Xit + ?zt + e?f, with y^ ? LLit
orLRit,Xit = (C,UMPt,DPIt,LLit-i,LLit-2,LLit-3,LLit-4)and
Zt = (AGLLf-i, AGLLt-2, AGLLt-3, AGLLt-4, PDIt-\, PDIt_2, PDIt-3, PDIt^)for
i = 1,..., 6. The system is estimated using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Seemingly
Unrelated Regression (SUR) methods. We report the coefficients on zt as well as their t-statistics
The coefficients on zt and their ?-statistics are reported in Table 4, which also contains the
results with the restriction that the coefficients on zt are the same across bank holding companies.
Rajan's (1994) hypothesis is that an aggregate bad shock leads banks to raise their standards,
so we would expect the coefficients on lags of AGLL to be significantly negative. However, as
Table 4 shows, with or without PDI in the regressions, the coefficients on AGLL are mostly
positive and significant, with a few exceptions. At the same time, the coefficients on lags of PDI
remain negatively significant, even after we include lags of AGLL in our regression.
In this section we extend the empirical analysis beyond credit card lending at six banks to examine
the commercial and industrial loan market at an aggregate level, and we probe the implications
of the theory for macroeconomic dynamics. Commercial and industrial loans is the category of
loans that covers lending to firms of all sizes and corresponds to the loans at issue when there is a
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credit crunch. If banks increase their information production, that is, raise their lending standards,
then some borrowers are cut off from credit?a credit crunch that should have macroeconomic
implications. We examine this with a vector autoregression in the first subsection. In the second
subsection, we examine the PDI less formally to get a feel for what it measures.
In this subsection, we use Vector Autoregressions (VARs) to analyse the aggregate implications
of banks' loan performance differences. In contrast to the single equations estimated above, a
VAR system of equations lets us control for the feedback between current and past levels of per
formance differences, the lending standard survey results, and macroeconomic variables. Given
estimates of these interactions, we can identify the impact that unpredictable shocks in perfor
mance difference public histories have on other variables in the system. We first ask whether the
performance difference histories predict, in the sense of Granger causality, the Index of Lending
Standards based on the Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank
Lending Practices. The Federal Reserve System's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey started in
1967.1, but was discontinued during the period 1984.1 to 1990.1.
We follow Lown and Morgan (2002, 2005) in analysing the time series of lending survey
responses, the net percentage of banks reporting tightening in the survey.24 As above, we use
quarterly commercial and industrial loan data from the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank's Com
mercial Bank Database, which is from the Call Reports. For the period from 1984.1 to 2006.3, we
collected "Commercial and Industrial Loans to U.S. Addressees" (LS), "Charge-Offs on Com
mercial and Industrial Loans to U.S. Addressees" (CO), and "Recoveries on Commercial and
Industrial Loans to U.S. Addressees" (RV). For each commercial bank we constructed the Loan
Loss Ratio (LL) : LL = (C?L~RV).
We construct the PDI to measure the dispersion of performance across the U.S. banking
industry as a whole. To do this, we use the top 100 commercial banks25 ranked by commercial
and industrial (C&I) loans, and for each quarter, we construct the PDI as PDI? = 1>iqqx99/2 Jt .
Besides the data on the Lending Standards and the PDI, we also collected data on Commercial
and Industrial Loans at "All Commercial Banks and Federal Funds Rate" from the FRED II
database of the St Louis Fed.26 As before, we conjecture that this PDI captures the relevant
history that is at the basis of banks' beliefs about whether other banks are deviating to using the
creditworthiness tests.
The VAR includes four lags of the four endogenous variables: Bank Lending Standards
(STAND) (i.e. the net percentage of survey respondents reporting tightening), the PDI, the Fed
eral Funds Rate (FFR), and the log of Commercial Bank C&I Loans (LOGLOAN). The bank
Lending Standard variable is a loan supply side factor and the Federal Funds Rate affects loan
demand; Commercial Bank C&I Loan is the equilibrium outcome. The PDI is hypothesized
to capture banks' beliefs, which affects all the other variables. The exogenous variables include
a constant and a time trend. We run the VAR for the period of 1990.2-2006.3, which is the
longest continuous period where we have both STAND and PDI data. We report the VAR results
in Table 5.
24. Following Lown and Morgan (2002, 2005) we use the standards for large and middle-market firms. As
mentioned, the Lending Standard Index is calculated as the net percentage of banks (all respondents) that report
25. We also construct the PDIs using the top 50 or top 200 commercial banks ranked by their C&I loan size; the
results are similar.
26. We first collected monthly data and then took the three-month average to obtain quarterly data.
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This table presents the average value of the coefficients and p-values (in
parentheses) of the Wald test (#2(4)) of the VAR with four lags of the
Lending Standard (STAND), the PDI, the Federal Funds Rate (FFR), and
the log of Commercial Bank C&I Loan (LOGLOAN). The exogenous
variables include a constant and a time trend
Table 5 shows that the PDI Granger causes the other three endogenous variables, and only
STAND Granger causes PDI (actually none of the individual coefficients on STAND are
significant, but they are jointly significant). For each of the other three endogenous variables,
using the average coefficients on the lags of PDI, a one S.D. increase in PDI, 0.00319, leads to a
2-6% increase in net percentage of loan officers who claim to be raising the lending standards, a
78 basis point decrease in the federal funds rate, and a 044% decrease in C&I loans.
At the same time, the lending standards are significantly affected by PDI and LOGLOAN.
A high level of performance differences causes a rise in lending standards, consistent with our
theory of information production competition. Besides PDI, both STAND and FFR Granger cause
LOGLOAN. To further explore the impact of PDI on other endogenous variables, we also report
the forecasting error variance decomposition of our VAR in Table 6.
As we can see from Table 6, at a five-quarter horizon, innovations in STAND account for
13-9% of the error variance in the federal funds rate and 141% of the LOGLOAN error variance,
while those numbers for PDI are 21-3% and 34-6%, respectively. At longer horizons, 10 quarters
and 15 quarters, PDI continues to dominate STAND as a major variance contributor for FFR
and LOGLOAN. Therefore, the PDI has a bigger impact than Lending Standards despite the
fact that in our VAR the Lending Standards variable is ranked before the PDI variable. This
confirms our view that PDI is a major economic indicator for bank competition, consistent with
our information-based theory.
We can understand the PDI more intuitively by noting that a higher PDI is bad news for con
sumers, since credit lending standards will become more stringent and credit card loans will go
down. This would apply also to other types of consumer loans, such as home equity loans, home
improvement loans, automobile and boat loans, and so on. And it is bad news for firms, especially
small firms, because lending standards will be raised, making commercial and industrial loans
harder to obtain.
These broad implications are confirmed in Figure 3. The figure shows plots of the year
on-year change in U.S. GDP, the Michigan Consumer Confidence Index, and the four quarter
moving average of PDI (based on C&I loans). At business cycle peaks, Consumer Confidence
declines, and the year-over-year growth rate of GDP is going down. Notably, PDI is rising.
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tooto ffl Onwoo O n00H OW
3-02-43-64-1 3-5
00 67-7
1 35
10 15
first columnhorizons,
lists theandnumber
the nextof four
quarters for are
columns forecasting,
the weightthe(insecond column
percentage) contains
of each the S.E.variable
endogenous of forecasting errors for
in contributing to thecertain forecasting
forecasting errors
This table reports the results of forecasting errors and their variance decomposition among four endogenous variables. For each panel, the
0-00-84-03-83-3 0-00-80-52-32-6
00 6-9 57-6
84-676164-2 65-2
STAND 1000 50-045-4 STAND 10-7 106 129
Period 1 35
10 15
00 2? B
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-GDP Growth Rate (YoY) - Consumer Confidence/1000 ?*? PDI (4Q moving average)
12% 1-0E-02
+ 8-0E-03
+ 6-0E-03
1984-4 1987-4 1990-4 1993-4 1996-4 1999-4 2002-4 2005-4
Source: GDP and Consumer Confidence (University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment) data
are from St Louis Fed website.
Figure 3
PDI, consumer confidence, and GDP growth data
Strategic competition between banks results in periodic credit crunches, which are a systematic
risk even though endogenous. Consequently, if the stock market is efficient, then the stock returns
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of both banks and non-financial firms, which, at least partially, rely on banks for external finan
cing, should reflect the competition between banks. In this section we turn to a different empi
rical approach, namely, we look for the hypothesized systematic effects in an asset pricing
If strategic behaviour between banks causes credit cycles, then it causes variation in the
profitability of non-financial firms. Credit crunches are also not profitable for banks. The credit
cycle is a systematic risk (even if it is endogenous, emanating from bank competition) and there
fore should be a priced factor in stock returns, to the extent that this factor is not already spanned
by other factors. We conjecture that the constructed PDI should be a priced risk factor for both
banks and non-financial firms. That is, in the context of an asset pricing model of stock returns,
there should be an additional factor, namely, the PDI. Moreover, since relatively smaller firms
are more dependent on bank loans (see, for example, Hancock and Wilcox, 1998), we expect that
the coefficients on PDI (below, we construct the mimicking portfolio for this factor) are larger
for smaller firms.
We adopt the classic Capital Asset Pricing Model as the benchmark for examining whether
PDI is a priced factor. Later, we will also examine the Fama-French three factor empirical asset
pricing model.29 The model is estimated using quarterly data, as PDI can only be calculated
We hypothesize that bank stock returns will be sensitive to PDI and that PDI is not spanned
by the market factor. Further, non-financial firms' stock returns will also be sensitive, increasingly
so for smaller firms, to PDI. The monthly firm returns are collected from CRSP (then transformed
into quarterly data). We separate out commercial banks and non-financial firms based on their SIC
codes, and then divide the non-financial firms into 10 deciles based on the capitalizations. Banks
are divided into small, medium, and large. The data used are from 1984.1 to 2006.3, during which
the PDI is available.
As is standard in the asset pricing literature, we proceed by first constructing the mimicking
portfolio for our macro-factor, PDI. Mimicking portfolios are needed to identify the factor risk
premiums when the factors are not traded assets. The risk premium is constructed as a "mimick
ing portfolio" return whose conditional expectation is an estimate of the risk premium or price of
risk for that factor. We then use a time series regression approach, as in, for example, Breeden,
Gibbons and Litzenberger (1989), with the book-to-market sorted portfolios as the base assets. A
recent study by Asgharian (2006) argues that this approach is the best for constructing mimicking
portfolios for factors for which a time-series factor realization is available.
We first regress the PDI factor on the excess returns of the 10 book-to-market sorted port
folios (either equal weighted or value weighted) and then construct the mimicking portfolio with
the weight of each portfolio proportional to the regression coefficient on the excess return of this
portfolio. Specifically, we first run the following regression:
29. See Fama and French (1993, 1996). Carhart (1997) introduced an additional factor, the momentum factor. The
results with the additional momentum factor are basically the same, and are thus omitted. We collected the quarterly
Fama-French three factors from French website (the construction method can also be found there). The risk free rates
are three-month T-Bill rates (secondary market rates) from FRED II (we use the rate of the first month in each quarter) at
Federal Reserve Bank at St Louis.
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where Ru is the excess return on the base asset / at time t. The weights are constructed as follows:
R?Di,t = ^JmRit'
According to Breeden et al. (1989), the asset betas measured relative to the maximum cor
relation portfolio are proportional to the betas measured using the true factor.
After we form the mimicking portfolio, we add it to the standard CAPM. The results are
reported in Table 7. The results in Table 7 show that the PDI mimicking portfolio is a significant
risk factor for small non-financial firms and for all bank sizes. Note that the coefficients on
7?pdi for smaller firms are larger, thus confirming our conjectures. This is also confirmed by
the monotonicity of the improvement in R2 with the new PDI factor.
In terms of the economic significance of the new PDI factor, the S.D. of 7?pdi (constructed
with value-weighted book-to-market portfolios) is 19-2% (this is quite large because the mim
icking portfolio involves short positions). Therefore, when R^m changes by one S.D., the excess
return for the smallest non-financial firms changes by about 3*3%. As a comparison, from 1984.1
to 2006.3, for Table 7 (CAPM), a one S.D. change of market excess return, 8-3%, results in
the excess return for the smallest non-financial firms changing by about 9-3%. If we use equal
weighted book-to-market portfolios to construct our mimicking portfolio, one S.D. change of
^pdl 29-1%, results in a 7-4% change of the excess return of the smallest non-financial firms,
which is close to the impact of market excess return, 91%.
We conclude that the competition and collusion among banks is an important risk factor
for stock returns, for banks and especially for small non-financial firms. The size effect further
demonstrates that the PDI we constructed is not capturing some sort of learning effect about
macroeconomic condition, which would be spanned by the other risk factors.
As a robustness check, we will also investigate the Fama-French three factor empirical
asset pricing model. According to Fama and French, the sensitivity of a firm's expected stock
return depends on three factors: the excess return on a broad based market portfolio, rm?rf,
the difference between the return on a portfolio of small stocks and the return on a portfolio of
large stocks (small minus large), SMB; the difference between the return on a portfolio of high
book-to-market stocks and the return on a portfolio of low book-to-market stocks (high minus
low), HML.
One concern regarding PDI as a macro-factor is that it might have been priced into the three
factors. To address that concern, we first regress the three Fama-French factors on the PDI to see
whether there is a significant correlation between them. The results are as follows:
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tooOn < o mno o o Hc=!Uh?Im
(0-64) 0-34
(0-56) 0-68
(0-61) 0-72
(0-86)(0-91) (0-97)
(-0-48) (-0-62)
(2-26) (1-09) 0115
(1-76) (1-30)
(0-13) (-1-02)
#PDI (2-11) (2-00) (1-55) (0-71) -0-015 -0-015 -0-018 -0-005
0-102 0-040firms (using value-weighted 0-085 0-066 0-033 0-005
Commercial banks (using value-weighted #pdi)
Non-financial Rpbi)
and their t-statistics (in parentheses), Rr of each regression, and Rr of the regression without Rpoi (in parentheses)
R2(R2 w/o RpDi)
This table reports the results from estimating the augmented CAPM model:
(0-31)(0-45) (0-68)
0-82 0-97
0-33 0-40 0-65 0-58 0-64
(0-56) 0-73 0-75 0-91
0-47 (0-61)
0-68 0-87
-rf (4-45)
0-589 1096
1-143 1-230
(19-39) (29-29)
1-003 1-265 1-321 1-348 1-360 1-293 1-179 0-982
0-145 0-481 (1-55) (7-09)
(Small) Decile 4 Decile 8 Decile 9
Decile 1 Decile 2 Decile 3 Decile 5 Decile 6 Decile 7 Decile(Large)
(i-stat) Medium Large
00 2P 3O
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We can see that none of the coefficients are significant. Therefore, PDI is not spanned by
the other factors.
After we form the mimicking portfolio, we add it to the Fama-French three-factor model.
The results are reported in Table 8. The results in Table 8 also show that the PDI mimicking
portfolio is a significant risk factor for small non-financial firms and for small banks, but not for
large banks or large non-financial firms. Again, the coefficients on R?vi for smaller firms are
larger, as well as the improvement in R2 with the new PDI factor. Also, comparing Table 7 and
Table 8, we can compare the improvement of R2 by adding our PDI factor with that by adding
HML and SMB. For small non-financial firms, R2 improves from 0-31 to 047 by adding our PDI
factor, and it improves from 0-31 to 0-57 by adding both HML and SMB, and further to 0-65 by
adding our PDI factor. Therefore, we conclude that our PDI factor is not fully spanned by other
factors and has a sizable explanatory power in our regressions.
As for the economic significance of R?dl when #pdi (constructed with value-weighted
book-to-market portfolios) changes by one S.D., the excess return for smallest non-financial
firms changes by about 4-0% vs. 4-3% for the impact of market excess return. When we use
Rpjyi constructed with equal-weighted book-to-market portfolios, this number becomes 5-6%,
which is larger than the impact of market excess return, 5-2% !
The magnitude of the coefficients on Rpjy\ in Table 8 is about the same as in Table 7, and
this shows that without SML or HML in the regression, the PDI factor does not pick up higher
loadings. This confirms that PDI risk factor represents an independent source risk, which cannot
be spanned by SML or HML.
An important message of Green and Porter (1984) is that collusion can be very subtle. The sub
sequent theoretical work is very elegant and powerful. See Abreu, Pearce and Stacchetti (1990)
and Fudenberg, Levine and Maskin (1994). Empirical work on testing models of repeated games,
however, has been difficult because of the data requirements for estimation of structural models.
Empirical work has been limited and has focused on price wars as the only examples of such
imperfect competition. We presented a theoretical model of strategic repeated bank lending, in
which banks compete in a rather special way, via the intensity of information production about
potential borrowers. Based on prior information, for example, about bank loan interest rates be
ing sticky, we conjectured which equilibrium occurred in reality. We then empirically tested the
model by parameterizing the information on which banks' beliefs are based. The PDI are proxies
for banks' beliefs.
We studied banking, an industry in which there have not been price wars. Banking is an
industry with limited entry; it is a highly concentrated industry, and it is an industry that is
informationally opaque and hence regulated. Banks produce private information about their bor
rowers, but they do not know how much information rival banks are producing. The information
opaqueness affects competition for borrowers in that rivals can produce information with dif
ferent precision. This causes the imperfect competition in banking to take a different form from
other industries. In particular, we showed that the inter-temporal incentive constraints implement
ing the collusive arrangement (of high interest rates and low cost information production) require
periodic credit crunches.
Because banking is regulated, bank regulators collect information from banks, and release
it at periodic intervals. So, information about rival banks is made available by the government.
All banks can see the performance of other banks. Our empirical approach to testing proceeds at
the level of this public information that is the basis for banks' beliefs, changes in which cause
credit cycles. Empirically we showed that a simple parameterization of relative bank performance
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iy>o00 OTIfflOO O o H ?w
R2 (R2 w/oRpDi)
0-54 0-59 0-72
(0-97) 0-97
(0-98) 0-98
HML 0-690
(4-72) (0-10) (1-96)
-0-073 (1-03) (1-97)(0-91)(0-72)
-0-003 -0-022 -0-110
(-0-57)Non-financial firms (using value-weighted Rpm)
0-020 0-151 0-103 0-175 0-148 0-047
0603 (4-77)
0-487 1-483 (14-41)(20-66)
(10-13) (20-80)(14-29)
SMB (7-60)
(12-64)(13-16) (21-98)
Commercial banks (using value-weighted /?pdi)
-rf 0449
0-518 0994(14-10) 1-077 1063
(2-67)(5-47)(8-59)(10-74) (20-33)(30-05)(35-36)(35-89)(52-50)
(-1-18) 1-178
(2-46) (4-27) (9-59)
i?poi is constructed from 10 book-to-market portfolios, either equal weighted or value weighted. We report the coefficients and their t-statistics (in parentheses), R2 of
ri-rf=a+ ?i(rm -rf) + #>SMB + ytf3HML + y?4 *PDI + ^
This table reports the results from estimating the augmented Fama-French three-factor model:
0019(0-82) 0065 0049 0011 -0004
(11-44) (13-68)(19-68)
1063 (14-14)
SMB (4-57)
1689 (4-08)
(-1-31) 0-287(0-90)(2-57)
(2-40) (2-51) -0-398 -0-534 -0-702 -0-120 (5-54)(9-64)
1-578 1-564 4-940 0-604 0-843 1-037 1-184
Decile 7 Decile 9
Coefficient Small Decile(Large)
Medium Large 1 Decile 2 Decile 3 Decile 4 Decile 5 Decile 6 Decile 8
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differences has predictive power for rival banks' behaviour in the credit card market. Moreover,
introducing the performance difference histories into a vector autoregression-type macroeco
nomic model, using commercial and industrial loans, confirms that this is an autonomous source
of macroeconomic fluctuations.
Finally, since changes in bank beliefs based on public information cause credit cycles, this
should be an important independent risk factor for stock returns, not only for banks, but also for
borrowers. In an asset-pricing context this risk should be priced, even though it is endogenous.
We showed that this is indeed the case. Smaller firms are more sensitive to this risk, confirming
that such firms are more bank dependent.
As mentioned in the Introduction, one topic for future research is the effects of monetary
policy on the repeated bank lending game. Another topic is to find and analyse other instances
where the same empirical strategy can be applied. Appendices A-E contain details of the repeated
lending game and proofs.
Si = {ni, Na (ni, Ngi), N?(nt, Ngi), Ny f (nt, Ngi), Fai(nt, Ngi), F?{(nt, Ngi), Fy ?(nt, Ngi)},
Lemma 1. If it exists, in any symmetric stage Nash equilibrium in which neither bank conducts creditworthiness
testing, each bank offers loans to all the loan applicants at the same interest rate.
Proof It is easy to check that if bank i is playing s? = (ni = 0, Nai < N, Fai), then bank ? i can strictly increase
its profits by playing s'_. = (?_/ = 0, A^_. = N, Fa-i), where the strategy s'_? is to offer Fa_t = Fai to Nai applicants
(although these Nai applicants might not be the same applicants that bank i is offering loans to), and offer X to the rest
of them. Let F* be the interest rate corresponding to zero profits in the loan market when there is no testing. Then
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Assume bank i is playing s, = (nt = 0, Nai < N, Fai), with Fai = (Fi, F2,..., F#). Suppose Fj > F* for j =
1,2, ...,N and assume there exist j and k, such that Fj / F?, and, without loss of generality, F? > F*. Bank ? i
can strictly increase its profitability by playing s'_t = (?_; = 0, N' ? = N, F'_.), where Fai- = (Fi,..., F?_i, F?",
F^_(_i,..., F/y) and F?~ is smaller than F? by an infinitely small amount. Therefore, interest rates are bid down until each
bank offers F* to all the applicants.
Proof Proposition 1. From Lemma 1, we see that in a symmetric equilibrium with no bank testing applicants,
both banks offer loans to all the applicants at F* = , ,/|_^ < X (by Assumption 1). With c < ?~ \(fl^ ,
a bank will have an incentive to conduct creditworthiness testing on at least one loan applicant and to offer loans to
those applicants that pass the test, offering an interest rate F*~, which is lower than F * by an infinitely small amount. To
see this consider a bank that deviates by conducting creditworthiness testing on one applicant. The expected profit from
this deviation is:
E*f = (l-X)(PgFt-l)-c.
We have:
?pb + (l-X)pg
We can see that if c > , +(fl?\pb , then F* will be a Nash equilibrium interest rate on the loan, and no bank
will conduct creditworthiness testing.
Lemma 2. In any symmetric stage Nash equilibrium in which both banks test all the applicants, each bank offers
loans to all the applicants that pass the test at the same interest rate.
Lemma 3. If it exists, in any symmetric stage Nash equilibrium in which both banks test n <N applicants, each
bank offers loans to all applicants that pass the test (good types) at F** = -?-.
Lemma 4. If it exists, in any symmetric stage Nash equilibrium in which both banks test n <N applicants, each
bank either offers loans to all non-tested applicants at the same interest rate or offers loans to none of them.
Proof If there exists a feasible F < X such that the banks can make a strictly positive profit by lending to non
tested applicants at F, following a similar argument as in the proof of Lemma 1, we conclude that each bank offers loans
to all non-tested applicants at the same interest rate. If there does not exist a feasible F such that the banks can make a
non-negative profit by lending to non-tested applicants at F, we conclude that each bank offers loans to none of those
non-tested applicants.30
Proof Proposition 2. The proof is by contradiction. If in equilibrium both banks conducting creditworthiness
testing on all the applicants, from Lemma 2, both banks offer loans to all the applicants that pass the test, that is,
N? = Ng, where Ng denotes the number of applicants passing the test. Banks will make no loans to bad types found
by testing, that is, Ny = 0. Both banks use the creditworthiness test at a cost c per applicant. Assume the loan interest
rate they charge to approved applicants is F?(N,Ng), depending on Ng. Each bank must earn non-negative expected
profits Ln > 0, that is, the participation constraints. For each realization of Ng, each bank expects to make loans to Ngl2
applicants. Let p\ denote the probability of finding k good type applicants. Then:
30. Here we neglect a non-generic case in which there exists an F such that the banks can earn zero profit by
offering loans to a non-tested applicant, and there does NOT exist an F such that the banks can earn strictly positive
profit by offering loans to a non-tested applicant. In this case, each bank can possibly offer to a subset of the non-tested
applicants. However, including this case will not affect the results in Proposition 1.
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Assume now, if bank i cuts F? by an infinitely small amount, that is, Fn(Ng) = Fn (Ng), then it will loan to Ng
applicants for any realization of Ng. We have:
En? =
For the case in which both banks conduct creditworthiness testing on a subset of the applicants, if the banks offer
loans to all non-tested applicants, we have F? = F** and Fa = F(n), which are the interest rate that results in zero
expected profit from offering loans to tested good type applicants and non-tested applicants when banks test n applicants.
It is easy to check that F(n) > F**. The argument for Fa = F(n) is similar to the argument for F? = F**. However, at
Fa = F(n) and F? = F**, banks will earn negative expected profit due to the test cost. If the banks offer loans to none of
the non-tested applicants, the banks will only offer loans to those applicants that passed the test at F**. The argument is
(i) its own use of the creditworthiness test and the results;
(ii) its own interest rate on the loan offered to applicants;
(iii) its own choice of applicants that it lent to;
(iv) its own and its competitor's loan portfolio size (number of loans made);
(v) its own and its competitor's number of successful loans.
For bank i, a full path play is an infinite sequence of stage strategies. The infinite sequence {%}^0, i=l,2, together
with nature's realization of the number of good type applicants and the applicants' rational choice of bank, implies a
realized sequence of loans from bank i, as well as a quality of the borrowers who received loans from bank i. That is
where D denotes the number of applicants that accepted the offer, and / denotes the number of successful borrowers;
a,/?, and y denote the corresponding category, as defined earlier (a = untested, approved, applicants; ? = tested, good
types, approved; y = tested, bad types, approved). Define
Let the public information at the start of period t+1, be Kt = (K\t,K2t), where K?t = {Dit,Xit)J = 1,2 (for each
bank). So, the information set includes the realization of the number of loans made by bank i and the number of borrowers
that repaid their loans in period t.
At the beginning of period T bank i has an information set: hj = {ait,Kit,Kt}J~Q e hJ , where a^ =
{nit,Nait,N?it,Nyit, Fait, T?it,Fyit} is the action of bank i (by convention h~ = </>). A (pure) strategy for bank i
associates a schedule o'ij(hi ~~ ) with each T ? 0,1,... and o^ : // ~~ ?> S, where S is the stage strategy space with
element %, defined earlier. Denote the public information as hT~l = {fct}J~Q e HT~l, and a (pure) strategy for bank i
associates a schedule cr^(/ir_1) with each T = 0,1,... and 077 : HT~l ?? S.
Given h,pg, and p\> (that is, nature's uncertainty), a strategy profile (?"i,?"2), with 07 = {crit(.)}?^Q,i = 1,2, re
cursively determines a stochastic process of credit standards ({?/?J^q, i = 1,2), interest rates ({F^ }?^0, i = 1,2), bank
portfolio sizes and loan outcomes ({k^ }^0, i = 1,2). The expected pathwise pay-off for bank i is
Vi(<7\,e2) = E^?tni(sit,S2t),
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Definition 1. An SPPE is a PPE that can be decomposed into the first-period stage strategies and continuation value
functions (s\, 52, u \, ?2) such that
51 =s2?ndui(Di,D2,Xl,X2)"=^2(E>2,Di,X2,Xl)
According to the definition, the stage game strategies are the same, but the continuation strategies can differ. In
particular, note that the continuation value functions for Bank 1 and Bank 2 are symmetric in that if we exchange the loan
portfolio sizes and loan performances, the continuation values will also be exchanged. In such an SPPE, the expected
pay-off for the two banks are the same, but asymmetric play is allowed after the first period, for asymmetric realizations
of loan portfolio size and loan performance.
Lemma 5. In an SPPE, if on the equilibrium path, banks make offers to all loan applicants without creditworthi
ness test at an interest rate higher than F* = * ,/j _n , and the continuation pay-offs only depend on loan portfolio
distribution (D\, D2), then for any value ofD we have
Step 1. Run the OLS regression in Hq, for the two cases where yit = LLit or LRit, and use the estimated coeffi
cients, aoLS> to generate the residuals u* .
Step 2. We can sample from u*t in the regressions to generate new LL*t or LR*t, using y*t = a;**, +u*t This
also creates new x* and z*-t since both variables involve lags of LLit and LLjt.
31. Admittedly there is some arbitrariness in how the SI is constructed. However, we tried constructing the SI in a
number of ways and found that the results are robust.
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Step 3. Use y*t,x*t, andz*t from bootstrap to run the pairwise regression in H\, and calculate the Significant
Index SI.
Step 4. Repeat Step 2 to Step 3 100,000 times and obtain the distribution of SI.
Step 5. Calculate the p-value of SI*, that is, Pr(SI > SI*).
Acknowledgements. We thank Yacine Ait-Sahalia, Bernard Salani?, Kent Daniel, Steve Davis, Xavier Gabaix,
Armando Gomes, Charles Kahn, Anil Kashyap, Richard Kihlstrom, Narayana Kocherlakota, Rob McMillan, George
Mailath, Stewart Mayhew, Ben Polak, Eric Rosengren, Geert Rouwenhorst, Jos? Scheinkman, Hyun Shin, Nick Souleles,
Jeremy Stein, two anonymous referees, and seminar participants at Princeton, Yale, Duke, Chicago, Tsinghua, Renmin,
the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Moody's Investors Services and the
NBER Conference on Capital Markets and the Economy for their comments and suggestions.
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