(Judul) FK UPH 2018: Place Person Time

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[judul] FK UPH 2018

Name:______________________ NIM: :______________________ Tutor: :______________________

1. Description of Place, Person, Time

Place Person Time

2. Hypothesis : Playing videogames related to Asthma

3. Find the Best/possible ASSOCIATION :

A. Chance (Yes/No) Explanation:

B. Confounding (Yes/No) Explanation:

C. Bias (Yes/No) Explanation:

D. Reverse Time Order (Yes/No) Explanation

E. Causal Explanation by using Bradford Hill Causation:

Strength of Association (Yes/No) Explanation:

Consistency (Yes/No) Explanation:

Temporality (Yes/No) Explanation:

Biological Gradient/Dose Response (Yes/No) Explanation:

Plausibility (Yes/No) Explanation:

Specificity (Yes/No) Explanation:

Coherence (Yes/No) Explanation:

Experiment (Yes/No) Explanation:

Analogy (Yes/No) Explanation:

4. The most possible Association : Choose One only for the best association:
Chance/Confounding/Bias/Reserve Time Order/Causal

5. PREVENTION (PRACTICAL) Could be in ACTION PLAN or suggestion for design study or

prevention of bias.

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