Asthma Epid Tutor

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Name: Lourdes Joanna Kusumadi

NIM: 01071180126
Tutor: Dr. Jesslyn
1.Description of Place Person Time
Place Person Time
 Emergency Room (ER)  Children who played
 Inner city video games
 Inner city children
 Children with asthma
 Mormons
 Adventists


3. Find the Best/possible ASSOCIATION:
A. Chance (Yes/No) Explanation:
Yes, because the data obtained is only from one city. On the other hand, if the research is
done or is conducted at several places simultaneously. The result might differ as video
games might have no relationship with asthma attack, as there are many factors that leads
to asthma attack

B. Confounding (Yes/No) Explanation:

Yes, asthma is caused by many factors other than video games. The third factor might be
in a form of pollution, sedentary lifestyle, or weather. For instance, in this case, pollution
might be one of the main factor for asthma attack because the research is conducted in
inner city that translates to the use of many transportation vehicles, which may result in
high pollution in the air. Children who had come in contact with the air may have asthma
attack, but this happened when they are doing their daily activity which is playing video

c. Bias (Yes/No) Explanation:

Yes, there are several forms of bias in this case, such as following:
o Selection Bias
The subject of the research have asthma, so there is no other subject for comparison
in this case, and they have chosen their control group wrong as well.
o Information Bias
The researches have claimed to ask the children directly, and children usually have
vague memories and their answers usually differs. Childrens are easily influenced
when answering questions, hence the accuracy of the answers are questionable.
o Measurement Bias
The amount spent playing video games are not stated.
D. Reverse Time Order (Yes/No) Explanation:
Yes, as the kids already have asthma prior to playing video games. Therefore, this could
happen since probably they are born with asthma conditions or playing outside may have
contributed to their asthma attack such as panics, pollution, dust, etc.

E. Causal Explanation by using Bradford Hill Causation:

o Strength of Association (Yes/No) Explanation:
No, in this case there are no enough data to support this
o Consistency (Yes/No) Explanation:
No, as the result of this research has only been done once
o Temporality (Yes/No) Explanation
No, because even the researchers are still looking in depth about the relationship, and that
they are not sure if the exposure comes before the outcome
o Biological Gradient/Dose Response (Yes/No) Explanation:
Yes, according to the research, the higher the usage of video games by children, the more
frequent they would get asthma attacks
o Plausibility (Yes/No) Explanation:
No, there were no basic theories about the association of playing video games with asthma
o Specificity (Yes/No) Explanation:
No, there are too many factors that could asthma
o Coherence (Yes/No) Explanation:
No, the exposure in this case does not support the theory that video games causes asthma
because there are too many biases in this case
o Experiment (Yes/No) Explanation:
Yes, the researcher believes in their theory and they have done the experiment to see the
correlation between video games and asthma attacks
o Analogy (Yes/No) Explanation:
No, the experiment wasn’t experimented on other species, it was solely dedicated to
humans especially children.

4. The most possible Association: Confounding

I believe that this is the main association because there are so many third factors that
contribute to asthma attacks and not video games.

5. PREVENTION (PRACTICAL) Could be in ACTION PLAN or suggestion for design study

or prevention of bias.
1. Change the control group
2. Clearer place & time
3. Improve the consistency
4. Consider the third factors that causes asthma (ex. Pollution)

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