Operation of Meters and Testing
Operation of Meters and Testing
Operation of Meters and Testing
The insulation found on wires, cable, and motor windings serve to protect the
wire and keep it separate from other wires. Accidental touching of two
conducting wires can result in an arc fault. Insulation, however, begins to
degrade from the moment it’s made and as it ages, there is a reduction in its
insulating performance. Exposure to extreme environmental conditions and/or
chemical contamination, accelerates this process. Megohmmeters provide a
way to quickly and easily test to identify the deterioration of insulation before it
results in conditions that can damage expensive equipment, lead to an
unplanned shutdown, or threaten personal safety.
Using a megohmmeter
During testing, the high DC voltage generated by the megohmmeter will cause
a small current to flow through the conductor and insulation. The amount of
current depends on the amount of voltage applied, the system’s capacitance,
the total resistance, and the temperature of the material. In general, the higher
the current, the lower the resistance. The value of insulation resistance
displayed on the meter is a function of following three independent sub-
Megohmmeter Tests
Megohmmeters are routinely used for testing both following installation as well
as part of a predictive maintenance program. Proof tests are conducted for
new installations to ensure proper installation and integrity of conductors. This
is a quick and simple test, often called a “go/no go test” since it tests cable
systems for maintenance errors, incorrect installation, serious degradation, or
contamination. The installation passes the test if no breakdown occurs.
Proof tests involve applying a single voltage, generally 500 to 5000 volts, for
about one minute. The idea is to stress the insulation above normal working
voltages in order to detect subtle weaknesses in the insulation. This is usually
about 60 to 80% of the manufacturer’s factory test voltage. Proof tests can be
performed on equipment of any capacitance.
The following are the most commonly applied predictive maintenance tests
performed with a megohmmeter:
When interpreting test results, equipment rated at or below 1000 volts should
have a reading of 1 MΩ or greater. For equipment rated above 1000 volts, the
expected resistance should increase to one megohm per 1000 volts applied.
Please consult the manufacturer of equipment for acceptable values and test
Dead circuit testing is testing performed with the power disconnected from the
circuit. The main benefit of disconnecting power supply while tests with an
external energy source are performed is to eliminate hazardous risks to the
environment or the person conducting the test.
Troubleshooting dead circuit by testing continuity with disconnected supply
(photo credit: visionsensorsmag.com)
Both continuity test and insulation test can be performed in the dead circuit
test. Let’s try to describe them in details:
1. Continuity test
2. Insulation test
1. Continuity test
By this test, the continuity of an electrical circuit is checked to ensure that the
electrical path is complete. If the path is continuous, then an audio sound is
emitted to confirm path continuity and the non-existence of an open circuit. In
some devices, along with the audio indication, an LED or some other visual
indication is provided.
Integrity of cables
Often, a circuit where there is an open circuit fault can register excellent
continuity with a low power tester or ohmmeter. But when a voltage is applied,
current may not flow.
The reason for this is that the circuit may be partially continuous (Example: a
partially burnt cable where one or two conductor strands may be making
contact) but when feeding a heavy load it will behave as a high impedance.
2. Insulation test
This is another test performed on a dead circuit only. The objective is to check
for insulation of cables or a power circuit. The device used to check integrity
of insulation is known as an Insulation Resistance Tester. Generally, this is
used during the installation of high voltage power cables and terminations.
In Figure 3, a general motor circuit is shown with breaker, fuses, and overload
relay. To check insulation of the circuit (excluding motor), disconnect the
power supply by opening the breaker.
Figure 3 –
Insulation test with insulation resistance tester
Then, isolate the motor from the circuit through terminals T1, T2, and T3. First
checking insulation resistance between earth and T1, then earth and T2, and
finally earth and T3 checks insulation resistances of conductors, as well as
other devices.
If the insulation resistance of any branch shows zero or a very low reading,
then it can be concluded that there is an insulation failure!
This test is also used in fault finding, to check for earthed motors or cables and
for checking insulation failure of conductors. Individual phases of three-phase
motor winding can be insulation-tested only if all six leads of the winding are
brought out. The winding being tested should be connected to the tester’s
output with the other two windings connected together and to the earthed frame
of the motor.
Where only three leads are available, the insulation of the machine winding as a
whole can only be tested with reference to the earthed frame of the motor.
These insulation testers are also often incorrectly called ‘Meggers’ (by manfacturer
MEGGER) and have a built-in energy source (either DC generator or battery) to produce test
Poor grounding contributes to downtime but a lack of good grounding is also dangerous and increases
the risk of equipment failure.
Over time, corrosive soils with high moisture and salt content and high temperatures can degrade ground rods
and their connections. So, although the ground system had low earth ground resistance values when initially
installed, the resistance of the grounding system can increase if the ground rods are corroded.
Grounding testers are indispensable troubleshooting tools to help you maintain uptime. It is recommended that
all grounds and ground connections be checked at least annually as a part of your normal predictive
maintenance plan. Should an increase in resistance of more than 20% be measured during these periodic
checks, the technician should investigate the source of the problem and make the correction to lower the
resistance by replacing or adding ground rods to the ground system.
What is a ground?
The US National Electrical Code (NEC) Article 100 defines a ground as: “a conducting connection, whether
intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or equipment and the earth, or to some conducting body
that serves in place of the earth”.
Grounding actually encompasses two different subjects: earth grounding and equipment grounding. Earth
grounding is an intentional connection from a circuit conductor, usually the neutral, to a ground electrode
placed in the earth. Equipment grounding ensures that operating equipment within a structure is grounded
These two grounding systems must be kept separate except for connections between the two systems. This
prevents differences in voltage potential from a possible flashover from lightning strikes. The purpose of a
ground is to provide a safe path for the dissipation of fault currents, lightning strikes, static discharges, EMI and
RFI signals and interference.
The US National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
recommend a ground resistance value of 5 or less. The goal in ground resistance is to achieve the lowest
ground resistance value possible that makes sense economically and physically.
Four variables affect the ground resistance of a ground system: length or depth of the ground electrode; the
diameter of the ground electrode; the number of ground electrodes and ground system design.
Driving ground electrodes deeper is a very effective way to lower ground resistance. Soil is not consistent in its
resistivity and can be unpredictable. The resistance level can generally be reduced by an additional 40% by
doubling the length of the ground electrode. It is sometimes impossible to drive ground rods deeper – in areas
composed of rock, for instance. In these cases, alternative methods including grounding cement are viable.
Increasing the diameter of the ground electrode has very little effect in lowering the resistance. For example,
you could double the diameter of a ground electrode and your resistance would only decrease by 10%.
Using multiple ground electrodes provides another way to lower ground resistance. More than one electrode is
driven into the ground and connected in parallel to lower the resistance. For additional electrodes to be
effective, the spacing of additional rods must be at least equal to the depth of the driven rod.
The ground electrodes’ spheres of influence will intersect and the resistance will not be lowered without proper
spacing. Table 1 provides various ground resistances which can be used as a rule of thumb.
Earthing resistance
Type of soil Ground electrode depth (metre) Earthing strip (metre)
ΩM 3 6 10 5 10 20
Dry sandy soil 1000 330 165 100 400 200 100
Rock 107 – – – – – –
Simple grounding systems consist of a single ground electrode driven into the ground. The use of a single
ground electrode is the most common form of grounding. Complex grounding systems consist of multiple
ground rods, connected, mesh or grid networks, ground plates, and ground loops.
These systems are typically installed at power generating substations, central offices, and cellphone tower
sites. Complex networks dramatically increase the amount of contact with the surrounding earth and lower
ground resistances.
Alternating current (ac) loop impedance testing, a testing procedure long-established in Europe,
is only recently beginning to find its way into U.S. practice. Best known as "loop testing," it
addresses the rapidly expanding development and deployment of increasingly sophisticated
electronic equipment, which places greater demands on instrumentation and testing
capabilities.Loop testing is a quick,
A "loop" is not the same as a circuit. A circuit conforms to a design, whereas a loop may
define itself by including unsuspected elements where current has found parallel paths
to ground. Because a ground loop determines the effectiveness of protective devices, it is
crucial to be able to measure it, in order to detect and correct problems.
Picture a ground-fault loop as follows: A fault occurs, current travels through the
grounding conductor back to the service, then down the ground connector to the ground
rod or grid, and into the soil. Parallel paths then exist through the soil and the grounded
neutral conductor back to the supply transformer; the transformer winding and phase
conductor back to the point of the fault complete the loop (Fig. 1). In order for protective
devices to function properly, this loop must be of sufficiently low impedance to allow
enough current to flow to activate the devices. High impedance can render protective
devices useless by reducing current flow to less than is required to activate the fuse or
breaker. The faulty circuit will remain energized, resulting in damage, fire, and even
fatal shocks.
Various codes have set requirements without specifically mandating a test procedure.
The National Electric Code, Section 250-51, requires the ground path to be sufficient to
facilitate the operation of protective devices. This is most commonly implemented by
use of calculations, such as point-to-point or unit methods.
Yet these paths may contribute significantly to the total current in an actual fault
condition. Even conductors sized according to NEC Table 250-95, while affording basic
protection, can develop excessive impedance in a long circuit-and not accommodate
protective devices.
The ready solution for avoiding these potential errors is to perform an impedance test.
New technology permits the reading of total impedance in a given circuit exactly. U.S.
Electrical workers are already familiar with the correlative concept of voltage drop. NEC
Section 210-19 recommends no more than a 5% voltage drop due to impedance on a
given circuit. Unsuspected parallel grounds, in addition to increasing fault currents, can
reduce voltage drop on the circuit and mask high impedance. Various methods, both
specific and jury-rigged, are used to determine voltage drop. But loop testers are the
most accurate means of measuring impedance because they include actual circuit
conditions, taking into account temperature and lost currents traveling in parallel paths.