Cockroach Control Ass

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Commercial Applicator_____ Residential Applicator_____ Industrial Applicator_____

Pesticide Handler_____ Agricultural Applicator_____ Adviser_____ Other ________________

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$59.95 plus shipping charges.


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is my responsibility to file or maintain my certificate of completion as required by the
state or by the designation organization.

Grading Information
In order to maintain the integrity of our courses we do not distribute test scores,
percentages or questions missed. Our exams are based upon pass/fail criteria with
the benchmark for successful completion set at 70%. Once you pass the exam, your
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Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017

Cockroach Control Training Course

DATE: ________________

NAME: _______________________




1. Please rate the difficulty of your course.

Very Easy 0 1 2 3 4 5 Very Difficult

2. Please rate the difficulty of the testing process.

Very Easy 0 1 2 3 4 5 Very Difficult

3. Please rate the subject matter on the exam to your actual field or work.
Very Similar 0 1 2 3 4 5 Very Different

4. How did you hear about this Course? _______________________________

5. What would you do to improve the Course?



6. How about the price of the course?

Poor_____ Fair ____ Average ____ Good____ Great_____

7. How was your customer service?

Poor___ Fair ____ Average ____ Good _____ Great_____

8. Any other concerns or comments.



Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Important Information about this Course (Disclaimer Notice)
This CEU course has been prepared to educate pesticide applicators and operators in general safety awareness of
dealing with the often-complex and various pesticide treatment sprays, devices, methods, and applications. This
course (manual) will cover general laws, regulations, required procedures and accepted policies relating to the use
of pesticides and herbicides. It should be noted, however, that the regulation of pesticides and hazardous
materials is an ongoing process and subject to change over time. For this reason, a list of resources is provided to
assist in obtaining the most up-to-date information on various subjects. This manual is a not a guidance document
for applicators or operators who are involved with pesticides. It is not designed to meet the requirements of the
United States Environmental Protection Agency or your local State environmental protection agency or health
department. This course manual will provide general pesticide safety awareness and should not be used as a
basis for pesticide treatment method/device guidance. This document is not a detailed pesticide informational
manual or a source or remedy for poison control.

Technical Learning College or Technical Learning Consultants, Inc. makes no warranty, guarantee or
representation as to the absolute correctness or appropriateness of the information in this manual and assumes no
responsibility in connection with the implementation of this information. It cannot be assumed that this manual
contains all measures and concepts required for specific conditions or circumstances. This document should be
used for educational purposes only and is not considered a legal document. Pesticides are poisonous. Always read
and carefully follow all precautions and safety recommendations given on the container label. Store all chemicals in
the original labeled containers in a locked cabinet or shed, away from food or feeds, and out of the reach of
children, unauthorized persons, pets, and livestock.

Confine chemicals to the property or plants being treated. Avoid drift onto neighboring properties, especially
gardens containing fruits and/or vegetables ready to be picked. Dispose of empty containers carefully. Follow label
instructions for disposal. Never reuse containers. Make sure empty containers are not accessible to children or
animals. Never dispose of containers where they may contaminate water supplies or natural waterways. Do not
pour down sink or toilet. Consult your county agricultural commissioner for correct ways of disposing of excess
pesticides. You should never burn pesticide containers.

Individuals who are responsible for pesticide storage, mixing and application should obtain and comply with the
most recent federal, state, and local regulations relevant to these sites and are urged to consult with the EPA and
other appropriate federal, state and local agencies.



I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that this CEU course is either approved or accepted in my State
for CEU credit. I understand State laws and rules change on a frequent basis and I believe this course is currently
accepted in my State for CEU or contact hour credit, if it is not, I will not hold Technical Learning College
responsible. I also understand that this type of study program deals with dangerous conditions and that I will not
hold Technical Learning College, Technical Learning Consultants, Inc. (TLC) liable for any errors or omissions or
advice contained in this CEU education training course or for any violation or injury caused by this CEU education
training course material. I will call or contact TLC if I need help or assistance and double-check to ensure my
registration page and assignment has been received and graded.

Grading Information
In order to maintain the integrity of our courses we do not distribute test scores, percentages or questions missed.
Our exams are based upon pass/fail criteria with the benchmark for successful completion set at 70%. Once you
pass the exam, your record will reflect a successful completion and a certificate will be issued to you.

All downloads are electronically tracked and monitored for security purposes.

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Answer Key

Phone# _________________________________________________

You are solely responsible to ensure that this course is accepted for credit by
your State. Did you check with your State agency to ensure this course is
accepted for credit?

Method of Course acceptance confirmation. Please fill this section

Website __ Telephone Call___ Email____ Spoke to_______________________

Did you receive the approval number, if applicable? ________________

What is the course approval number, if applicable? ____________________

You are responsible to ensure that TLC receives the Assignment and Registration Key.
Please call us to ensure that we received it.

Multiple Choice. Pick only one answer per question. Exactly as in text.
Circle or Mark off, Underline or Bold the answer. Please circle the number of
the assignment version 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

1. A B C D E F 22. A B C D E F 43. A B C D E F
2. A B C D E F 23. A B C D E F 44. A B C D E F
3. A B C D E F 24. A B C D E F 45. A B C D E F
4. A B C D E F 25. A B C D E F 46. A B C D E F
5. A B C D E F 26. A B C D E F 47. A B C D E F
6. A B C D E F 27. A B C D E F 48. A B C D E F
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Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
64. A B C D E F 111. A B C D E F 158. A B C D E F
65. A B C D E F 112. A B C D E F 159. A B C D E F
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110. A B C D E F 157. A B C D E F

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
1. We will require all students to fax or e-mail a copy of their driver’s license with
the registration form.
2. You will need to pick one of the following five assignments to complete. This
selection process is based upon your last name. If your last name begins with an
A to E, you will pick assignment number 1, if your last name begins with the letter
F to L, you are to complete assignment number 2 and if your last name begins
with the letter M-P, you will pick assignment number 3 and if your last name
begins with the letter Q-S, you will pick assignment number 4, and if your last
name begins with the letter T-Z, you will pick assignment number 5.

Multiple Choice, please select one answer and mark it on the answer key. The
answer must come from the course text. (s) Means answer can be plural or

Assignment #1 for all pest applicators whose last name begins with
A-E you will find your assignment on pages 9-33.

Assignment #2 for all pest applicators whose last name begins

starting with the letter F-L, your assignment is found on pages 35-60.

Assignment #3 for all pest applicators whose last name begins

starting with the letter M-P, your assignment is found on pages 61-86.

Assignment #4 for all pest applicators whose last name begins

starting with the letter Q-S, your assignment is found on pages 87-

Assignment #5 for all pest applicators whose last name begins

starting with the letter T-Z, your assignment is found on pages 113-

Rush Grading Service

If you need this assignment graded and the results mailed to you within a 48-
hour period, prepare to pay an additional rush service handling fee of $50.00.
This fee may not cover postage costs. If you need this service, simply write
RUSH on the top of your Registration Form. We will place you in the front of the
grading and processing line.

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
2017 Changes to EPA’s Farm Worker Protection Standard

In late 2015 the Environmental Protection Agency issued the long awaited
revision to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). This law it is now technically
active and it will be enforced. Please keep in mind that the WPS covers both
restricted use AND general use pesticides. This course is not for worker and/or
handler training. Always follow the label and your State Pesticide Agency rules.

This course contains EPA’s federal rule requirements. Please be aware that
each state implements pesticide regulations that may be more stringent than
EPA’s regulations and these frequently are changed. Check with your state
environmental/pesticide agency for more information.

When you are finished with your assignment; please complete the
Registration page and the Customer Survey sheet. You can fax this
information to us.

Please fax the answer key to

TLC Western Campus Fax (928) 272-0747.
Call us a couple hours after faxing to ensure that we received your paperwork.

All downloads are electronically tracked and monitored for security purposes.

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Assignment #1
For Students Names A-E
You will have 90 days from the start of this course to have successfully passed this assignment
with a score of 70 %. You may e mail the answers to TLC, [email protected] or fax the answers
to TLC, (928) 272-0747. This assignment is available to you in a Word Format on TLC’s Website.
You can find online assistance for this course on the in the Search function on Adobe Acrobat
PDF to help find the answers. Once you have paid the course fee, you will be provided complete
course support from Student Services (928) 468-0665.

Write your answers on the Answer Key found in the front of this assignment.
1. We will require all students to fax or e-mail a copy of their driver’s license with the registration
2. You will need to pick one of the following five assignments to complete. This selection
process is based upon your last name. If your last name begins with an A to E, you will pick
assignment number 1, if your last name begins with the letter F to L, you are to complete
assignment number 2 and if your last name begins with the letter M-P, you will pick assignment
number 3 and if your last name begins with the letter Q-S, you will pick assignment number 4,
and if your last name begins with the letter T-Z, you will pick assignment number 5.

Multiple Choice, please select one answer and mark it on the answer key. The answer must
come from the course text. (s) Means answer can be plural or singular.

Label Requirements
1. When these requirements appear on pesticide labels, all end-users must meet them unless
exempt. Exempt end-users should voluntarily obey the requirements because of the dangers of
A. Pesticide exposure D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

2. ___________________are intended to eliminate exposure to pesticides and to inform

employees about the occupational hazards of pesticides. These require employers to make sure
that employees are provided with:
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Generic requirements
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

3. ____________________at a central location (WPS safety poster, the location of emergency

medical facilities, and a list of recent pesticide applications).
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Display of information
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

4. __________________exchanges between employers of agricultural workers and employers of

commercial (for-hire) pesticide applicators.
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Details of information E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

5. ___________________ about pesticide applications and information about pesticides used.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
6. _____________________ of handlers who are using highly toxic pesticides.
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

7. Instruction on equipment safety, including__________________.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Inspection and maintenance E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

8. _________________ on the cleaning, inspection, and maintenance of PPE.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

9. ______________for handlers, including labeling information and safe operation of application

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Special instructions
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

10. _________________ restrictions in nurseries and greenhouses.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above


11. Employers are responsible for making sure that workers and handlers receive the protections
required by the pesticide labeling and the WPS. The term “employer” has a special meaning in
the WPS — you are ___________________even though you are self-employed or use only
members of your own family to do the work on your establishment.
A. Handler employer D. An employer
B. Pesticide user E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Adviser F. None of the Above

12. The WPS has very specific definitions for two types of employers. WPS requirements apply
only to ______________who meet those definitions.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide applicator
B. Pesticide user E. Exempt end-users
C. Employers F. None of the Above


Worker Employers:
Worker employers are people who:
13. Employ or contract for the services of workers (including _____________and members of
their family) for any type of compensation to perform tasks related to the production of agricultural
A. Handler employers D. Themselves
B. Pesticide applicators E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

14. Own or operate an agricultural establishment that uses such ____________. (See definition
of “owner,”.)
A. Workers D. Themselves
B. Pesticide applicators E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
15. If you are a______________________, you are responsible for providing your agricultural
worker employees with the protections that the WPS requires for workers. (In the WPS itself,
“worker employers” are called “agricultural employers.”)
A. Handler employer D. Worker employer
B. Crop Adviser E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide applicator F. None of the Above

Handler Employers:
Handler employers are people who:
16. Employ _________________(including members of their family), for any type of
compensation, or
A. Handler employer D. Workers
B. Pesticide handlers E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

17. If you are a handler employer, you are responsible for providing the ____________you
employ with the protections that the WPS requires for handlers.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide handlers
B. Pesticide workers E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

If You Employ Supervisors

You must:
18. Require them to make sure the _________________they supervise comply with the WPS
and receive its protections.
A. Handler employees D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

19. Give them enough information and directions about the WPS requirements to make sure that
the __________________ they supervise receive the protections required by the WPS.
A. Handler employees D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

20. Tell them who is responsible for all actions necessary for compliance with the WPS. Even if
you assign _____________________ to carry out the duties required by the WPS, you are
responsible for making sure that all those duties are performed.
A. An employee D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

General Duties of WPS

The general duties of the WPS require an agricultural employer or a pesticide handler-employer

21. Assure that each ___________________ subject to the standard receives the required
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
22. Assure that _______________subject to the standard is used in a manner consistent with
the labeling of the pesticide, including the requirements in the standard.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Any pesticide F. None of the Above

23. Provide sufficient information and directions to ________________or handler to assure that
each worker or handler receives the required protection. The information and directions must
specify which persons are responsible for actions required to comply with the standard.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Each person who supervises any worker
C. Workers F. None of the Above

24. Require each person who supervises any worker or handler to assure compliance by the
worker or handler with the provisions of this standard and to assure that the _________________
receives the required protection (40 CFR).
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

25. The general duties also prohibit ________________from taking any retaliatory actions
against workers attempting to comply with this standard, or from taking any action that prevents
or discourages any worker or handler from complying or attempting to comply with the WPS.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Agricultural and handler employers F. None of the Above

26. Requires everyone applying pesticides to ____________________on the pesticide
container's label.
A. Obey instructions printed D. Safely apply pesticides
B. Decontaminate supplies E. Wear personal protective equipment as noted
C. Find emergency assistance F. None of the Above

Summary of WPS Requirements

27. _______________________-- Applicators are prohibited from applying a pesticide in a way
that will expose workers or other persons. Workers are excluded from areas while pesticides are
being applied.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Protection during applications
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

28. _____________________ must be specified on all agricultural plant pesticide product labels.
Workers are excluded from entering a pesticide-treated area during the restricted-entry interval,
with only narrow exceptions.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

29. _____________________ must be provided and maintained for handlers and early-entry
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
30. __________________-- Workers must be notified about treated areas so they may avoid
inadvertent exposures.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Notification to workers
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

31. __________________ -- Handlers and workers must have an ample supply of water, soap,
and towels for routine washing and emergency decontamination.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

32. _____________________ -- Transportation must be made available to a medical care facility

if a worker or handler may have been poisoned or injured. Information must be provided about
the pesticide to which the person may have been exposed.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

33. __________________ Training is required for all workers and handlers, and a pesticide
safety poster must be displayed.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

34. Access to labeling and site-specific information -- Handlers and workers must be informed
of__________________. Central posting of recent pesticide applications is required.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Pesticide label requirements
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above


35. The WPS requires employers to take steps to protect two types of agricultural employees:
A. Worker and Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Worker and Person E. Worker and Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers and Supervisors F. None of the Above

36. The terms “worker” and “pesticide handler” are defined very specifically in the WPS, and
_________________who meet these definitions must comply with the WPS.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Employers of persons E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

37. Depending on the tasks being performed, you may need to provide the same __________
with worker protections on some occasions and pesticide handler protections on other occasions.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Employee F. None of the Above

38. ______________of agricultural establishments and members of their immediate family are
exempt from many WPS requirements.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
39. A worker is anyone who: (1) is _______________for any type of compensation and (2) is
doing tasks, such as harvesting, weeding, or watering, relating to the production of agricultural
plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse.
A. Agricultural employer D. Employed (including self-employed)
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

40. This term does not include persons who are employed by a commercial establishment to
perform tasks as_______________.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Crop advisors E. Crop advisors
C. Workers F. None of the Above

41. A pesticide handler is anyone who: is employed (including self-employed) for any type of
compensation by _______________or a commercial pesticide handling establishment that uses
pesticides in the production of agricultural plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Use of soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

And is doing any of the following tasks:

42. Assisting with the ______________, including incorporating the pesticide into the soil after
the application has occurred.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

43. Entering a greenhouse or other enclosed area after application and before the inhalation
exposure level listed on the product labeling has been reached or one of the WPS ventilation
criteria have been met to: – operate ventilation equipment, –________________, such as tarps,
used in fumigation, or – check air concentration levels.
A. Product labeling D. Entering an agricultural establishment
B. Adjust or remove coverings E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

44. Entering a treated area outdoors after _____________to adjust or remove soil coverings,
such as tarpaulins.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Application of any soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

45. Performing tasks as a crop advisor: – during any pesticide application, – before any
inhalation exposure level or ventilation criteria listed in the labeling has been reached or one of
the WPS ventilation criteria has been met, –____________________.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. During any restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
46. A person is not a _______________if he or she only handles pesticide containers that have
been emptied or cleaned according to instructions on pesticide product labeling or, if the labeling
has no such instructions, have been triple-rinsed or cleaned by an equivalent method, such as
pressure rinsing.
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

47. A person is not a ____________ if he or she (1) is only handling pesticide containers that are
unopened and (2) is not, at the same time, also doing any handling task (such as mixing or
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

48. You are not a _____________ if you: purchase pesticides and transport them unopened to
an establishment. Carry unopened containers into a pesticide storage facility. Transport
unopened containers to the site where they are to be mixed, loaded, or applied.
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

49. You are a _____________if you are loading unopened water-soluble packets into a mixing
tank (because you are mixing and loading the pesticide).
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Four Basic Requirements of WPS

These regulations contain four basic requirements:
50. Workers are___________________.
A. Not allowed to drink pesticide(s) D. Not allowed in the restricted entry intervals (REI)
B. To wear PPE E. Not to be sprayed with pesticides
C. Allowed to preform handling activities F. None of the Above

Brownbanded Cockroach
51. Both nymphs and adults of this species are _____________and can be distinguished easily
by the presence of two angled or transverse bands across the base of the wings and abdomen.
A. Black D. Internode
B. Red E. Detritivore
C. Light brown F. None of the Above

52. Adult males are 1/2 to 5/8 inch long; the female is slightly shorter. Though both have wings,
only the _________________ can fly.
A. Male D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Instars
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

53. The ____________ carries each egg capsule for only a day or two before attaching it to a
protected surface.
A. Adult males D. Dealates
B. Female E. Phytotoxemia
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
54. The egg capsules are usually______________________, and most of the eggs hatch within
50 days.
A. Diapause D. Deposited in clusters or rows
B. Cursorial E. Deposited in frass
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

55. Approximately 5 to 18 egg capsules are produced per female, each containing 19 eggs.
About 3 to 9 months are required to complete the ______________________.
A. Diapause D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Estivation E. Reproductive cycle
C. Metamorphosis F. None of the Above

56. ____________________ prefer a dry, warm environment. They are generally found on
ceilings, high on walls, and in light switches, closets and furniture. In some places they are known
as "TV roaches" because of their frequent presence in living-room furniture and appliances.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

57. The wings of ___________________ cover their abdomens, while the females’ wings are
shorter. The yellow bands across the back are more pronounced on nymphs than on adults.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Dealates
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

58. These cockroaches are quite active, and the adults, especially the males, fly rapidly when
disturbed. Both ________________may jump to escape danger.
A. Adult males D. Adults and nymphs
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. Dealates F. None of the Above

59. The ________________carries her egg capsule for only a day or two before gluing it to a
protected surface underneath or inside furniture, in a closet or on the ceiling in a darkened room.
They can also be found in televisions and other appliances.
A. Adult female D. Nymphs and adults
B. Detritivores E. Dealates
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

60. Brownbanded cockroaches are more apt to be found in homes, apartments, hotels, motels,
nursing homes and hospitals than in restaurants, grocery stores and other commercial
establishments. They prefer starchy foods and appear to have lower water requirements than
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

61. They can occupy drier locations within a building. _________________ frequently are found
on ceilings in dark or dimly lit rooms, behind picture frames, in light switches, in upper walls of
cabinets and closets, or on undersides of furniture and inside upholstered furniture. Because
brownbanded cockroaches are found in so many locations they may be more difficult to control.
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
62. The American cockroach is the largest of the common species, growing to a length of 1 1/2
to 2 inches. It is reddish-brown with a light yellow band around the edge of the _____________.
A. Petiole D. Exoskeleton
B. Proboscis E. Crepuscular
C. Head shield F. None of the Above

63. Adults of both sexes have__________________, but seldom fly. They are, however, capable
of gliding flights.
A. Pedipalps D. Well-developed wings
B. Forbs E. Pronotums
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

64. ___________________ are smaller than adults, grayish-brown in color and less fully winged.
A. Instars D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

65. The adult female usually drops her egg capsule within a day after it is formed. She often
places the capsule near a food or water source or in a location where it can be covered with
A. Frass D. Miscellaneous debris
B. Endosperm E. Poikilotherm
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

66. Occasionally, she glues the capsule to some surface with secretions from her mouth. The
capsule may be _____________________in moist wood, in cracks in bark or in whorls of plants.
A. Ovipositor D. Overwinter
B. Diapause E. Deposited outdoors
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

American Cockroach
67. ___________________of this species are 1 1/2 to 2 inches long. They are the largest of all
the cockroaches common in the World.
A. Adult males D. Adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Instars F. None of the Above

68. Both _________________ are shiny, reddish brown with a pale brown or yellow band around
the edge of the head and back. The wings of both the male and female extend slightly beyond the
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Male and female
C. Instars F. None of the Above

69. The female produces 15 to 90 egg capsules, each containing 14 to 16 eggs. Egg capsules
are deposited near a _________________ where the majority of eggs hatch within 60 days.
A. Dactyl D. Endosperm
B. Internode E. Scutellum
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

70. The ________________ is completed in 12 to 18 months.

A. Overwinter D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Dealate E. Reproductive cycle
C. Overwinter F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Oriental Cockroach
71. The ______________carries an egg capsule for about 30 hours and then drops or attaches it
to a protected surface near food. On average, a female produces eight egg capsules, each
containing 16 eggs which hatch within 60 days.
A. Dealates D. Reproductives
B. Nymphs E. Female
C. Roach F. None of the Above

72. The __________________ of this roach is completed in 6 to 9 months.

A. Egg capsule D. Reproductive cycle
B. Mating E. Life cycle
C. Completion F. None of the Above

73. ________________ prefer damp, cool, dark areas. They are generally found in sewer drains,
crawl space areas, basements, cellars, or on the first floor of buildings.
A. Nymphs D. Dealates
B. Roaches E. Adult males
C. Water bugs F. None of the Above

74. Infestations by this roach are most frequently found during spring (_______________) and
fall (October). They may spend considerable time outdoors during warm weather.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

Wood Cockroach
75. This group of roaches causes occasional problems in homes and public places. They are
seen in late _______________, especially after rains.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

76. This roach is often confused with both adult American and________________. However, the
wood roach is chestnut brown and has a dull white band around the edges of the head and back.
A. Females D. Oriental roaches
B. Roaches E. One generation per year
C. Adults F. None of the Above

77. Adults are 1 to 1 1/4 inches long. ____________ have wings covering only about half the
body and do not fly. Males have wings longer than the body and are excellent fliers.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Instars
C. Adults F. None of the Above

78. Females produce about 30 egg capsules, each containing about 32 to 36 eggs. This roach
completes _________________.
A. Her work D. The life cycle
B. Nymphet stage E. One generation per year
C. Egg laying F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
79. Wood cockroaches are usually found in wood piles, hollow trees or under loose bark.
Buildings in wooded areas are prone to have problems with wood roaches during rainy periods.
Although this roach prefers to live outside, __________________ are attracted to light and may
enter buildings. They are sometimes brought in along with firewood, but do not usually survive or
multiply inside buildings.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Dealates
C. Adults F. None of the Above

80. The _______________is slightly more than 1 inch long and is a uniform, very dark brown to
black. The head shield is a solid dark color.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Nymphs
C. Adult F. None of the Above

81. Both ________________have wings longer than their bodies and are capable of flying or
A. Dealates and Instars D. Nymphs and Adults
B. Roaches E. Males and females
C. Adults and Instars F. None of the Above

82. Nymphs are smaller than adults and have only partially developed wings. ______________
usually carry their egg capsules for a day or two before attaching them to the outside surfaces of
buildings and other protected sites near the ground.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Adult females
C. Adults F. None of the Above

83. These ________________ live primarily outdoors and prefer wood, leaf litter, trash piles and
other humid sites with abundant organic matter. They also hide under rocks, ground cover and
building materials. They may enter homes with infested firewood during seasonal migrations.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Cockroaches
C. Adults F. None of the Above

84. The Smokybrown cockroach has a great tendency to lose moisture through the cuticle and
thus requires water every two to three days. These requirements are important to remember
when implementing your _____________________.
A. Treatment D. Control program
B. Monitoring E. Roach extermination program
C. Penetration F. None of the Above

85. This pest is most likely found in areas which are protected, moist, dark, relatively warm and
free from the _____________________. In nature, tree holes and the canopies of palm trees
offer the ideal environment in which this bug can thrive.
A. Pesticide D. Desiccating effects of air flow
B. Dry habitat E. Treatment
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

Control Smokybrown Cockroaches

86. Eliminate or alter any conditions which encourage the ________________ of the roaches.
These pests thrive in dark, humid areas which have little or no air flow.
A. Life cycle D. Presence and/or reproduction
B. Moist habitat E. Removal and destroying hiding areas
C. Deeper penetration F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
87. Spray exterior of structure with Suspend SC, Demon WP or Cynoff WP. These odorless
insecticides will give a quick knockdown of bugs while lasting for several weeks, usually yielding
about a ___________________.
A. 90 day residual D. 30 day residual
B. 10 day residual E. 50 day residual
C. 1 inch penetration F. None of the Above

88. Spray any crack, crevice or entry point on the outside of the structure. This includes treating
around all windows, doors, vents and in ____________________ of brick veneer. Also spray tree
trunks, from ground to crotch of tree, but no higher than six feet.
A. Areas D. Areas roaches like to hide
B. Weep holes E. And outside
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

89. All ____________________ should be sprayed with insecticide. These exterior surfaces
should be treated 3 to 4 times each year.
A. Interiors D. Grass and bushes
B. Moist habitats E. Roaches
C. Mulched areas F. None of the Above

90. If necessary, _________________ in the following areas: basements, garages, carports,

attics, closets, laundry rooms.
A. Trap D. Dust
B. B and G E. Spray indoors
C. C/C F. None of the Above

91. Also treat beneath and behind large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, etc.) or other areas
where these ________________. (Spraying all of your baseboards with any bug spray is not
A. Thrive in the dark D. Pests live
B. Have a moist habitat E. Roaches prefer to hide
C. Penetrate F. None of the Above

92. Indoor areas should be treated_____________.

A. Indoor areas D. 2 to 3 times per year
B. Delta Dust E. 1 to 2 times per year
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

93. Hollow blocks or other areas such as behind brick walls and along plumbing lines should be
treated with __________________.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

94. Although many dusts will kill roaches, ________________ is water-proof and will not be
destroyed by the moist habitat of the Smokybrown as would other dusts.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

95. For deeper penetration and better distribution of insecticide dust, use a _______________.
Delta Dust should be used once each year or as needed.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Asian Cockroach Blattella asahinai
96. The Asian cockroach was identified as a __________________to the United States in 1986
when a professional pest control operator collected these insects in Lakeland, Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Newly introduced species
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

97. He referred to them as German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), but noted that their
behavior was unlike any other _________________ that he had previously encountered. Upon
further investigation the cockroaches were found to be B. asahinai, Asian cockroaches.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

Distribution and Habits

98. The Asian cockroach was first described in 1981 from insects collected on Okinawa Island,
Japan. It is most likely that ____________was introduced into the United States through imports
from Japan.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. B. asahinai
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

99. Since the first identification of ________________in Lakeland (Polk County), it has been
reported from Marion County in central Florida to Broward County in southwest Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. B. asahinai
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

100. The primary habitat of the ____________________ is outdoors in shaded mulched or

composted areas, such as landscaping and gardens, where fresh plant litter accumulates.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Water bug
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

101. Populations of 30,000 to 250,000 insects per acre have been reported. Members of this
species are strong fliers, unlike their close relative, the ___________________.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Polish cockroach
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

102. They may invade structures but indoor infestations are rare occurrences. They become
_______________________and are attracted to light-colored surfaces and brightly lit areas.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

103. _____________________ will take flight during the day if disturbed. The presence of this
pest is obvious since their peak activity period coincides with our leisure time.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Males
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
104. _____________________ are almost identical to German cockroaches. Chemical analysis
by gas chromatography will confirm the species.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

105. However, there are also slight morphological differences between B. asahinai and B.
germanica. _______________ adults have longer and narrower wings than those of German
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. Black F. None of the Above

106. There are also differences between ___________in the shape of the male tergal glands.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Female tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. The species
C. Adults F. None of the Above

107. Asian cockroach females produce _____________and nymphs are smaller than that of
German cockroaches.
A. Females D. Smaller egg capsules
B. Roaches E. Wings
C. Adults F. None of the Above

108. Asian cockroach first instars have 23 antennal segments while German cockroach first
instars have 24 to 25. Finally, margins of the abdomen and spots along the abdominal midsection
of B. asahinai late instars _____________, whereas those areas are lightly pigmented in B.
A. Appear red D. Are small
B. Appear white E. Are large
C. Appear black F. None of the Above

Life Cycle
109. Female Asian cockroaches have a lifetime reproductive potential for producing
approximately four egg capsules, each averaging____________.
A. 137 nymphs D. 3700 nymphs
B. 100 nymphs E. 370 nymphs
C. 37 nymphs F. None of the Above

110. Immatures take approximately 67 days to reach adulthood. Females can then live for 104
days and males can live for_______________.
A. 49 days D. 149 days
B. 49 weeks E. 490 days
C. 49 years F. None of the Above

111. Females can produce their first egg capsule ____________after adult eclosion, and can
drop another 20 days later.
A. 23 days D. 10 days
B. 33 days E. 13 days
C. 3 days F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
112. Adults are abundant ________________and again August through September. Nymphs
predominate May through August.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. February through May F. None of the Above

113. _______________ of Asian cockroaches is difficult due to their mobility and abundance of
population sites.
A. Typically treatment D. Management
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Tracking F. None of the Above

114. Traditional treatments using _______________inside and around the perimeter of a

structure are ineffective due to numerous infestations in mulched and wooded areas.
A. Traps D. B and G
B. Control E. Residual sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

115. Plus, adults enter homes through windows and doorways, avoiding areas typically treated
for ____________________of German cockroaches.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

116. Sodium vapor lamps for security lighting and yellow incandescent bulbs for porch lighting
are both less attractive to adults and would thereby __________________of adult insects to
lighting near buildings.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Reduce attraction
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

117. Although Asian cockroaches are susceptible to all pesticides, toxic pelletized baits scattered
outdoors have___________________.
A. Typically been treated D. Are less attracted
B. Been controlled E. Provided the most reliable control
C. Been susceptible F. None of the Above

118. The ________________for a pesticide or herbicide to enter the body are: inhalation, skin
and eye contact, ingestion, and injection.
A. Prevention techniques D. Direction
B. Basic cycle E. Methods
C. Basic routes F. None of the Above

119. The prevention of entry by one of these routes can be accomplished by control mechanisms
such as engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and ________________________.
A. Prevention D. Can be minimized
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Safety F. None of the Above

120. Each route can be minimized by a variety of _____________________depending on the

hazard and operation.
A. Prevention methods D. Techniques
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Control measures F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Madagascan Giant Hissing Roaches
121. The cockroach family, to which Madagascan roaches belong, is among the most primitive of
the winged insects. The nearest relatives to ________________include mantids, grass-hoppers,
stick insects, and termites.
A. Bees D. Beetles
B. Cockroaches E. Bed bugs
C. Winged insects F. None of the Above

122. There are at least 3,500 known species living today, in__________________, most of
which originate in the tropics.
A. 500 genera D. On this planet
B. 450 genera E. USA
C. 400 genera F. None of the Above

123. As a group, cockroaches exhibit a __________________of sizes, colors, and habits.

A. Diurnal D. Wide diversity
B. Small diversity E. Cornucopia
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

124. Although they have an infamous reputation as household pests, in reality only about half a
dozen species (less than one percent of all known forms) have __________________with
A. Diurnal skills D. Negative associations
B. Exhibited hostility E. Toxic relationships
C. Made friends F. None of the Above

125. Many species are diurnal, some are_______________________, and others live in the
ground or are wood-boring. Some, such as the Madagascan roach, do not have wings.
A. Intellectual D. Scavengers
B. Semiaquatic E. Toxic
C. Hostile F. None of the Above

126. About a dozen or so species live _______________________ in the nests of ants, wasps,
or termites.
A. Diurnal D. As scavengers outdoors near
B. Near and E. As friends
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

127. There are also roach species that inhabit caves with bats or live in the desert. The majority
of cockroaches in tropical countries exist as scavengers outdoors, feeding on vegetation and
organic matter in_________________________.
A. Their nests D. Outdoors
B. The tropics E. An apparently harmless fashion
C. Dry areas F. None of the Above

128. The toxicity of the Thailand and Middle-Asian cobra venoms as well as of their isolated
components (_____________________and some others) for cockroach Gromphadorhina
portentosa was studied.
A. Poisons D. Neurotoxins, cytotoxins, phospholipases
B. Sugars E. Toxic
C. Vapors F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
129. It was found that, as compared to mammals, cockroaches are _______________to cobra
venoms and their components.
A. Diurnal D. Scavengers
B. More resistant E. Toxic
C. Related F. None of the Above

Cockroach Management Strategies

130. ___________________of roach colonies can be prevented by close inspection of incoming
merchandise, such as food boxes, beverage cartons, appliances, furniture and clothing.
A. Entry and establishment D. Avoid unnecessary control
B. Elimination E. Developed resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

131. Caulking or puttying areas such as cracks and crevices around kitchen cabinets, bathtubs,
water and plumbing pipes, cracks on floors and walls, and exterior windows and doors can
eliminate most hiding places and__________________.
A. Cannot elevate growth D. Help reduce the cockroach population
B. Can eliminate E. Helps develop resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

132. Other structural modifications, such as weather stripping and pipe collars, also help to
A. Increase protection D. Avoid unnecessary growth
B. Can eliminate E. Reduce cockroach entry and establishment
C. Kill the pests F. None of the Above

133. Good housekeeping is the most important factor in preventing and ___________________
A. Cannot forgotten D. Controlling cockroach populations
B. Elimination E. Reducing resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

134. Cockroaches___________________, water and shelter. Do not allow food particles to

remain on shelves or floors.
A. Cannot live without food D. Avoid unnecessary food stuffs
B. Can eliminate E. Have developed resistance
C. Storage areas should not be left F. None of the Above

135. Dishes should not be left unwashed after a meal, particularly overnight. Clean areas under
refrigerators, stoves, sinks and furniture regularly to remove bits of food that have accumulated. If
pets are fed indoors, _______________________, especially overnight. Store pet food in tight
containers, and clean litter boxes frequently.
A. Use baits D. Avoid unnecessary food
B. Use dusts E. Teach pets to deal with the cockroaches
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

136. Keep all food items covered or in a refrigerator at all times between uses. Empty garbage
and _____________________and keep refuse in a covered container away from the residence.
A. Burn it D. Avoid unnecessary
B. Eliminate extra humans E. Develop control methods
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
137. If possible, _____________________. Common sources include leaking faucets and pipes,
drains, toilet tanks, wash basins and sink traps, aquaria and water-filled tubs. Pets' water dishes,
beverage bottles or cartons, and pipe condensation can provide an adequate water supply for
roaches. Roach breeding is encouraged by clutter.
A. Move D. Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities
B. Use dusts E. Use DDT
C. Call pest control F. None of the Above

138. Avoid unnecessary storage of corrugated paper boxes, piles of paper bags, newspaper,
magazines, and ________________________________.
A. Concrete D. Metal
B. Beer E. Motor oil
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Chemical Control
139. Cockroaches have been the target of many insecticides over the years but they have
_________________________________to several of them.
A. Cannot escape D. Learned to avoid eating
B. Eliminated E. Developed resistance
C. Evolved F. None of the Above

140. Attempts to use pheromones as sex lures or to sterilize male cockroaches have thus far not
__________________ on a large scale.
A. Proved practical D. Proved cost effective
B. Worked E. Developed resistance
C. Impressed F. None of the Above

141. ___________________such as diatomaceous earth to penetrate their protective cuticles

may work in individual households as a nonpoisonous alternative.
A. Dusts D. Avoid unnecessary dusting
B. Salts E. Spraying pesticides
C. Sprinkling abrasives F. None of the Above

142. Once the cuticle is abraded, the roaches die of dehydration. Also effective is ___________,
which is both abrasive and poisonous to cockroaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Boric acid powder
C Application method F. None of the Above

143. ________________cockroaches from multiplying is to keep a clean house and block their
access to water, which they need to survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. The best way to prevent
B. Drione Dust will control E. Crusader Hand Dust will kill
C Application of pesticide to F. None of the Above

144. American cockroaches are very easy to keep and rear in the laboratory and make excellent
subjects for experimentation because of their large size and___________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Treatment Methods
145. The disadvantage is that the treatments need to be where the roaches are hiding.
Cockroaches have been seen thriving less than a foot away from__________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. A treated surface
C Application method F. None of the Above

146. Their path of feeding and moving to and from shelter never crossed the_______________.
This enabled them to live virtually on top of treated areas and yet still survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Treated surfaces E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cracks and Crevice

147. When roaches began to build resistance to chemicals and manufacturers designed their
products with less volatility, new packaging and treatment techniques became necessary. These
new trends became known as "_______________".
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

148. Basically, ____________ means applying the chemical into the cracks and crevices
suspected of harboring roaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

149. There are two types of products commonly used for this purpose: _______________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

150. In fact, a good pest control technician should be able to get roach control with nothing more
than _____________ if he or she knows where to do the application.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

151. ________________ has solved many roach problems. Apply it in cracks and crevices,
behind cabinets and major appliances, in wall voids and electric outlets.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

152. This requires a lot of work and this product can be messy to work with, but provides the
____________________ when used properly.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

153. Use a _______________ for the application. Since dust can be messy to work with,
aerosol products became popular throughout the 1980's.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
154. The professional line of products which is discussed are truly effective and not commonly
available. Their ________________ are effective because insects have not been able to build
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Active ingredients E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

155. There are several stories of super roaches and the fact that "even the bugman" couldn't get
rid of "my" roaches, but what it all boils down to is the ___________________ and the choice of
product. If the products used are the ones as mentioned above and the treatment is thorough
and complete, there is little chance of any roach surviving nor of re-infestation.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

156. Most insects, certainly roaches, cannot live where _____________has been applied. That
being said, all you need to do is apply it wherever roaches want to be. This process of
eliminating their nest sights eliminates their population.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

157. The reason they appear to be "resistant" in most cases is that they are simply avoiding
treated areas. This can happen when products are mixed at higher rates or when applicators fall
victim to treating the same areas over and over again. The roaches which survive all these
____________ are the ones which are going where the applicator has failed to treat.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Applications
C Application method F. None of the Above

158. Today, these problems have been all but eliminated with the____________. These new
methods are both safer and easier to do.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Latest treating methods E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

159. Although _____________has long been the main method to get roach control, baiting has
become a legitimate method as new baits hit the market. These products have been tested and
proven effective.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Spraying
C Application method F. None of the Above

Residual Sprays
160. These formulations are oil-based or water-based emulsions and water-based suspensions
(_______________). They are available in ready-to-use pressurized containers or non-
pressurized containers with built-in spray pumps.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

161. __________________ also can be purchased as concentrates to mix with water before
applying with a compressed-air sprayer, plunger-type sprayer or paint brush.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
162. Be careful when using _______________; they may stain, dull or damage certain floor tiles,
linoleum, painted surfaces, plaster, plastics, houseplants, carpets and carpet backing.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

163. ________________ can create a fire hazard when used near an open flame (pilot lights,
gas stoves, furnaces). Water emulsions may stain wallpaper, light-colored carpets, draperies or
other materials.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

164. They can short out electrical circuits, and are inferior to _______________ on impervious
surfaces such as glass or metal.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

165. ________________ must be frequently agitated in the spray tank, but they leave the most
active residues, especially on porous surfaces such as unpainted wood, mortar or concrete block.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

166. ________________ are generally easy and fast to apply. The spray should wet or dampen
the treated surface; do not allow spray to puddle or run off. When treating for cockroaches, pay
particular attention to cracks and crevices. Exposed surfaces, especially those used to prepare
foods, should usually not be treated with sprays.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

167. _________________sometimes suffices as the only treatment for cockroaches, but is most
often a supplemental treatment.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Insecticide dust
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

168. _____________ generally have longer residual action than sprays, but are ineffective if they
become damp.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

169. Dusts are useful in cockroach control because they can be placed deep in cracks, crevices
and wall voids; under refrigerators and furniture; around pipes, tunnels and conduits; on very
smooth or very rough surfaces; and in other places not treatable with_______________.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Other formulations
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
170. Do not use dusts for treating large surfaces because they leave unsightly deposits. Also,
cockroaches avoid ____________________and will not walk through thick layers of the material.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Heavy deposits F. None of the Above

171. Use light pressure on the application device to minimize the amount of dust in living areas.
Apply _____________________as light, even residues that are barely visible.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

172. Several cockroach ____________________ are sold in ready-to use containers. They also
can be made using a combination of food attractants and a toxicant. If cockroaches will not feed
on the bait, the insecticide has no effect.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

173. Thus, it is important not to contaminate stored _________________ with organic solvents,
other insecticides, fungicides and fertilizers.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Bait
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

174. Baits are usually long lasting and often work well in areas that cannot be effectively sprayed
or dusted. ___________________ are often most useful when used in conjunction with a residual
spray or dust.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

175. ___________________ give best results in buildings where there are few alternative food
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

176. Always use a sufficient number of ______________to adequately treat an area where
cockroaches are to be controlled. Examine the bait containers frequently to ensure they remain
fresh and the bait is not depleted.
A. Residual sprays D. Bait containers
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

177. Baits have always been available, but roaches seemed to be indifferent to them. Although
some roaches would feed and die, it was not likely that you would be able to _______________
with baits alone. Now, we have products like Maxforce and Avert. These materials are deadly for
A. Residual sprays D. Control infestations
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
178. If you spray several properties or apartments and intend on doing a lot of baiting you should
consider getting the________________. It uses the same Maxforce Gel in smaller cartridges
which are loaded in the gun allowing for precise controlled applications and placements.
A. Maxforce Bait Gun D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

179. They have been formulated with attractants which roaches cannot resist. You should be
able to get complete control in homes, apartments and townhouses without having to do any
___________________. The advantage of these products is that you are able to apply them with
a minimum of preparation.
A. Spraying D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

180. If you are careful, you should be able to apply Maxforce without having to remove anything
from cabinets. _______________comes in an aerosol can which enables you to deliver the bait
deep in wall voids where the roaches are hiding. The amazing thing about these products is that
roaches love them to death.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

181. In fact, roaches will ignore bait placements that have been made over treated surfaces, so
make sure to apply Maxforce or Avert where you are certain _______________has been applied.
In general, make your placements about 2 – 3 feet apart.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. No residual pesticide F. None of the Above

182. In the average cabinet, you will need to make 6-8 placements with Maxforce. Since
Maxforce comes out like toothpaste, it is difficult to penetrate voids with it. Use _____________
for these hard to penetrate nest sites.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

183. Avert is a different flavor than __________ and when the two are used together, you will get
the quickest results. This is achieved because you are offering the insects a variety of food.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

184. By having___________, the roaches are more likely to find one of the products. Since
roaches will change their diet, having an option ensures they will find one if they don't' like the
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

185. Aerosol insecticides may or may not have_________________.
A. Spray power D. Maxforce
B. Residual activity E. Aerosol insecticides strength
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
186. A non-residual spray alone may not provide a high degree of control, but when used with a
_________________, a high degree of control can be achieved.
A. Spray D. Residual spray or dust
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

187. ______________ are useful for determining the location and extent of a cockroach
infestation. Small amounts of pesticide applied to hidden areas and shelters force cockroaches to
evacuate and move across previously treated surfaces.
A. Sprays D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

188. Residual aerosols should be used in the same manner as other types of______________.
A. Sprays D. Residual aerosols
B. Residual sprays E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Inorganic insecticides
189. Boric acid and powders of _______________ and diatomaceous earth are examples of
inorganic insecticides that can be used effectively for cockroach control in homes.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Chemicals E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

190. These ____________________to humans and pets, and retain their effectiveness long
after initial application. Usually, a longer period of time is required to achieve control, but
reapplications are greatly reduced.
A. Silica aero gel is safe D. Non-residual aerosols are safe
B. Chemicals E. Chemicals are low in toxicity
C. Boric acid is safe F. None of the Above

191. Apply boric acid, silica aero gel or ____________________in a light film to cracks and
crevices and other cockroach hiding places. Avoid applications to moist or damp areas, especially
when using silica aero gel or diatomaceous earth.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Diatomaceous earth E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

192. If cockroaches become established, ______________may be needed in combination with

good sanitary practices.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Chemical control E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Insect Growth Regulators

193. Some synthetic __________________mimic natural hormones found in insects. When
applied to cockroaches during their early developmental stages, they cause nymphs to molt into
sterile adults.
A. Compounds D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
194. _________________ have low human toxicity, but have long residual effectiveness.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

195. For best results they must be applied along with residual insecticides to eliminate existing
adults or other non-susceptible stages. Over-all population reduction with _____________ usually
takes several months.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Roach Traps
196. Regardless of the treatment method you choose, another tool which can be a great help
when treating roach infestations is the__________________.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Use of Roach Traps F. None of the Above

197. These rely on __________________to attract all types of roaches but they work particularly
well for German and several of the large roach species.
A. Silica aero gel D. Roach pheromones
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

198. Place them where roaches have been seen. The _______________will attract males ready
to reproduce, females in search of nest sights (the odors emitted signal a roach gathering place
or nest) and young roaches which are looking for a colony to mix and mingle.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemical E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Pheromones F. None of the Above

199. Several types of ________________are commercially available. Traps capture roaches,
and are a good monitoring device. While the traps can be useful to reduce light infestations, they
do not effectively control heavy cockroach infestations.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Cockroach traps
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

200. Place ________________ against a vertical surface, preferably a corner, where

cockroaches are usually found. They are most effective when placed under sinks, in cabinets,
near the kitchen stove or refrigerator, in basement corners or near floor drains.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

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Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Assignment #2
For Students Names F-L
You will have 90 days from the start of this course to have successfully passed this assignment
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course support from Student Services, Dr. Rusty Randall or Dr. Bubba Jenkins (928) 468-0665.

Write your answers on the Answer Key found in the front of this assignment.
Write your answers on the Answer Key found in the front of this assignment.
1. We will require all students to fax or e-mail a copy of their driver’s license with the registration
2. You will need to pick one of the following five assignments to complete. This selection
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assignment number 2 and if your last name begins with the letter M-P, you will pick assignment
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and if your last name begins with the letter T-Z, you will pick assignment number 5.

Multiple Choice, Please select one answer and mark it on the answer key. The answer must
come from the course text. (s) Means answer can be plural or singular.

Common Pest Cockroaches

1. Common pest cockroaches include the American, German, Oriental, Madeira, and
A. Asian D. Brown-banded
B. American E. Oriental
C. Madeira F. None of the Above

2. The ______________ cockroach began to cause concern in the United States when it
appeared in large numbers in Florida in the late 1980s.
A. Asian D. German
B. American E. Oriental
C. Madeira F. None of the Above

3. All but the ___________________ cockroach are introduced species to North America.
A. Asian D. German
B. American E. Oriental
C. Madeira F. None of the Above

Life Cycle
4. All roaches have _________________in their life cycle -- egg, nymph (young) and adult.
A. Ootheca D. Internode
B. Imago E. Three stages
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

5. Females carry a bean-shaped egg capsule (______________) which is full of eggs. The newly
emerged nymphs are identical to their parents except for their smaller size and lack of wings.
A. Ootheca D. Internode
B. Imago E. Three stages
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
6. The _________________ grow into adults by periodically shedding their skins, and may
appear white for a few hours until their new skin darkens.
A. Detritivore D. Dealates
B. Nymphs E. Instar
C. Malformation F. None of the Above

Live Everywhere
7. Cockroaches can be present in almost any______________. They move quickly and are
especially active at night.
A. Home D. Place inhabited by humans
B. Inside household goods E. Area
C. Business F. None of the Above

8. Characteristically, most roaches _______________or between surfaces that provide darkness

and cover. Inside buildings, roaches move freely between rooms or adjoining apartments using
wall spaces, plumbing and other utility installations.
A. Live in cracks and crevices D. Molt in cracks and crevices
B. Breed in cracks and crevices E. Hide in cracks and crevices
C. Die in cracks and crevices F. None of the Above

9. They ______________in food and beverage boxes, grocery sacks, animal food and other
household goods.
A. Cause allergens D. Reject pesticides
B. Love to eat E. Can be carried into structures
C. Are especially active at night F. None of the Above

10. Cockroaches can eat almost anything, but they are especially partial to starchy foods and
meat products. They feed on such diverse items as cereals, pastries, chocolate, milk products,
beverages, cooked potatoes, glue, ________________, wall paper, animal food, fresh or dried
blood, excrement, dead animals and leather products.
A. Allergens D. Vegetables
B. Book bindings E. Starchy foods and meat products
C. Bait Gel F. None of the Above

11. Disease Transmission. Cockroaches can carry _______________that cause human
diseases, including food poisoning, dysentery and diarrhea. However, roaches have not been
associated with serious disease outbreaks in the United States.
A. Allergen(s) D. Germs
B. Organisms E. Pathogen(s)
C. Repulsive odor F. None of the Above

12. Roaches can cause _______________in some people. The response is caused by roach
"allergen" that is ingested with contaminated food or inhaled when dried fecal particles and
fragments of ground-up bodies of dead roaches are mixed with house dust.
A. Allergens D. Considerable psychological or emotional distress
B. Mutations E. Disease
C. Allergic reactions F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
13. The ______________of cockroaches can cause considerable psychological or emotional
distress in some individuals.
A. Sight D. Considerable psychological or emotional distress
B. Odor E. Long lasting view
C. Smell F. None of the Above

14. Cockroaches usually do not bite, but their heavy leg spines______________.
A. Will poke D. Will cause considerable psychological or emotional distress
B. May scratch E. Are not a threat
C. Have sharp edges F. None of the Above

Scientific Classification
15. Cockroaches make up the order Blattodea, which contains__________________.
A. Family Blattidae D. Five families
B. Madeira cockroach E. Gromphadorina portentosa
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

16. The American cockroach is__________________, and the Oriental cockroach is Blatta
orientalis, both in the family Blattidae.
A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Gromphadorina portentosa
C. Periplaneta americana F. None of the Above

17. The German cockroach, Blatella germanica, the Asian cockroach, _______________, and
the brownbanded cockroach, Supella longipalpa, are in the family Blatellidae.
A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Blatella asahinai
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

18. The Madeira cockroach is Leucophaea maderae, the Brazilian cockroach is Blaberus
giganteus, and the Madagascar hissing cockroach is ________________, all in the family
A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Gromphadorina portentosa
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

19. The remaining families are the Cryptocercidae and the__________________.

A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Polyphagidae
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

20. There are 55 species of ________________in the United States, but only five of these are
troublesome in the most States.
A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Cockroaches
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

German Cockroach
21. The German cockroach is the most common and the most difficult to control. Both adults and
nymphs are _________________and have two longitudinal dark lines on their thorax (back).
A. General in appearance D. Have two longitudinal dark lines on their thorax (back)
B. Instars E. Black
C. Light brown F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
22. Adults are 1/2 to 3/4 inch long, and both males and females have ________________as long
as the body.
A. Antennas D. Two longitudinal dark lines on their thorax (back)
B. Wings E. Legs
C. Eggs F. None of the Above

23. ____________ are similar in general appearance, but lack wings and may be as small as 1/8
A. Instars D. Two longitudinal dark lines on their thorax (back)
B. Filiforms E. Nymph(s)
C. Immature stages F. None of the Above

24. The adult German cockroach is about 5/8 inch long, overall light brown in color with wings
that cover the___________________.
A. Internode D. Abdomen
B. Dealates E. Furculum
C. Proboscis F. None of the Above

25. The _________________just behind the head (pronotum) is marked with two prominent
black stripes.
A. Osmeterium D. Wings
B. Thoracic shield E. Poikilotherm
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

26. Immature stages (nymphs) are smaller, ________________ and have a pale stripe (on at
least the second and third thoracic segments in first stage nymphs) running lengthwise down the
middle of the darker brown body.
A. First stage nymphs D. Wingless
B. Adult(s) E. Nymph(s)
C. Immature stages F. None of the Above

27. The field cockroach, Blattella vaga Hebard, is similar to the _______________ in
appearance, but it occurs primarily outdoors where it feeds on decaying plant materials.
A. German cockroach D. Brownbanded cockroach
B. Field cockroach E. Nymphs
C. Banded F. None of the Above

28. Compared to the ________________, it is more active during daylight hours and will be
found around lights. They also are known to fly when disturbed.
A. German cockroach D. Brownbanded cockroach
B. Field cockroach E. Nymphs
C. Banded F. None of the Above

29. The ________________, Supella longipalpa (Fabricius) is about the same size as the
German cockroach, but appear " banded" because the wings are marked with a pale brown band
at the base and another about a third of the distance from the base.
A. German cockroach D. Brownbanded cockroach
B. Field cockroach E. Nymphs
C. Banded F. None of the Above

30. _______________ produce an egg capsule that is attached to the end of the abdomen for up
to a month before being dropped a day or so before eggs hatch.
A. German cockroach D. Brownbanded cockroach
B. Field cockroach E. Nymphs
C. Banded F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
31. Each 5/16 inch long, _______________ contains 30 to 40 eggs (oothecae) which hatch in 2
to 4 days after being deposited.
A. New infestations D. Dactyls
B. Diapause E. Mesophyll
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

32. __________________from eggs are less than 1/8 inch long and wingless. They develop
through 6 to 7 stages (instars) over 74 to 85 days (varying with temperature) before becoming
adults. There may be four generations per year.
A. New infestations D. Femora
B. Dealates E. Nymphs hatching
C. Parthenogenesis F. None of the Above

33. This is mainly an indoor species, although they will also ___________________from
structure to structure.
A. Start infestations D. Have a life expectancy of six months
B. Migrate outdoors E. Fly
C. Be active at night F. None of the Above

34. Occasionally, new infestations begin by bringing in cartons and other materials from infested
structures that__________________.
A. Start new infestations D. Harbor the roaches or their eggs
B. Cause allergic reactions E. Start in and around the landscape
C. Are mainly active at night F. None of the Above

35. Kitchens, bathrooms and other locations that provide food, moisture, warmth and shelter
A. Great new infestations D. Wet
B. Preferred habitats E. Dry
C. Mainly active at night F. None of the Above

36. German cockroaches are mainly active at night, when they _______________for food and
A. Search D. Mesophyll
B. Frass E. Roset
C. Detritivore F. None of the Above

37. During the day, they remain concealed in __________________unless they are over-
crowded, with all developmental stages occurring together.
A. Brush D. Groups
B. Cracks and crevices E. Masses on interior walls
C. Table tops F. None of the Above

38. They also can occur in attics, _______________, crawl spaces, foundation cracks, garbage
areas and around the landscape. May spread food contaminants.
A. Microwave ovens D. Coffee machines
B. Window sills E. Wall voids
C. Muffler pipes F. None of the Above

39. Some people have allergic reactions to cockroaches or __________________(e.g., feces,

body extracts).
A. Infestations D. Cockroach residues
B. Allergic reactions E. Droppings
C. Eggs F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
40. One of the most common household cockroach pests in the U.S.; presence in homes is a
nuisance and they may spread food contaminants. Some people have ______________ to
cockroaches or cockroach residues (e.g., feces, body extracts).
A. Infinity D. Desire
B. Attraction E. Move immediately from
C. Allergic reactions F. None of the Above

41. The German cockroach has approximately six generations per year and _____________is
completed in 50 to 60 days.
A. Crepuscular D. Dimorph
B. Will live E. Each generation
C. Internode F. None of the Above

42. The adult German cockroaches have a______________. This roach cannot fly but may glide
very short distances if disturbed.
A. Instar D. Life expectancy of twelve months
B. Internode E. Life expectancy of six months
C. Malformation F. None of the Above

43. German cockroaches can live in almost any room of a home or building. Because these
roaches require water, they prefer a ________________, such as around kitchen and bathroom
sinks, appliances, furnaces, water heaters and furnace ducts.
A. Warm dry area D. Warm moist environment
B. Dark cold area E. Source of water
C. Home F. None of the Above

44. A roach does not need head to breathe -- they ______________through their bodies and can
survive for a month without food. A headless cockroach will live for about a week until it dies of
A. Absorb oxygen D. Metamorphose
B. Will live E. Overwinter
C. Estivate F. None of the Above

Brownbanded Cockroach
45. Both nymphs and adults of this species are _____________and can be distinguished easily
by the presence of two angled or transverse bands across the base of the wings and abdomen.
A. Black D. Internode
B. Red E. Detritivore
C. Light brown F. None of the Above

46. Adult males are 1/2 to 5/8 inch long; the female is slightly shorter. Though both have wings,
only the _________________ can fly.
A. Male D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Instars
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

47. The ____________ carries each egg capsule for only a day or two before attaching it to a
protected surface.
A. Adult males D. Dealates
B. Female E. Phytotoxemia
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
48. The egg capsules are usually______________________, and most of the eggs hatch within
50 days.
A. Diapause D. Deposited in clusters or rows
B. Cursorial E. Deposited in frass
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

49. Approximately 5 to 18 egg capsules are produced per female, each containing 19 eggs.
About 3 to 9 months are required to complete the ______________________.
A. Diapause D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Estivation E. Reproductive cycle
C. Metamorphosis F. None of the Above

50. ____________________ prefer a dry, warm environment. They are generally found on
ceilings, high on walls, and in light switches, closets and furniture. In some places they are known
as "TV roaches" because of their frequent presence in living-room furniture and appliances.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

51. The wings of ___________________ cover their abdomens, while the females’ wings are
shorter. The yellow bands across the back are more pronounced on nymphs than on adults.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Dealates
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

52. These cockroaches are quite active, and the adults, especially the males, fly rapidly when
disturbed. Both ________________may jump to escape danger.
A. Adult males D. Adults and nymphs
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. Dealates F. None of the Above

53. The ________________carries her egg capsule for only a day or two before gluing it to a
protected surface underneath or inside furniture, in a closet or on the ceiling in a darkened room.
They can also be found in televisions and other appliances.
A. Adult female D. Nymphs and adults
B. Detritivores E. Dealates
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

54. Brownbanded cockroaches are more apt to be found in homes, apartments, hotels, motels,
nursing homes and hospitals than in restaurants, grocery stores and other commercial
establishments. They prefer starchy foods and appear to have lower water requirements than
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

55. They can occupy drier locations within a building. _________________ frequently are found
on ceilings in dark or dimly lit rooms, behind picture frames, in light switches, in upper walls of
cabinets and closets, or on undersides of furniture and inside upholstered furniture. Because
brownbanded cockroaches are found in so many locations they may be more difficult to control.
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
56. The American cockroach is the largest of the common species, growing to a length of 1 1/2
to 2 inches. It is reddish-brown with a light yellow band around the edge of the _____________.
A. Petiole D. Exoskeleton
B. Proboscis E. Crepuscular
C. Head shield F. None of the Above

57. Adults of both sexes have__________________, but seldom fly. They are, however, capable
of gliding flights.
A. Pedipalps D. Well-developed wings
B. Forbs E. Pronotums
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

58. ___________________ are smaller than adults, grayish-brown in color and less fully winged.
A. Instars D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

59. The adult female usually drops her egg capsule within a day after it is formed. She often
places the capsule near a food or water source or in a location where it can be covered with
A. Frass D. Miscellaneous debris
B. Endosperm E. Poikilotherm
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

60. Occasionally, she glues the capsule to some surface with secretions from her mouth. The
capsule may be _____________________in moist wood, in cracks in bark or in whorls of plants.
A. Ovipositor D. Overwinter
B. Diapause E. Deposited outdoors
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

American Cockroach
61. ___________________of this species are 1 1/2 to 2 inches long. They are the largest of all
the cockroaches common in the World.
A. Adult males D. Adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Instars F. None of the Above

62. Both _________________ are shiny, reddish brown with a pale brown or yellow band around
the edge of the head and back. The wings of both the male and female extend slightly beyond the
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Male and female
C. Instars F. None of the Above

63. The female produces 15 to 90 egg capsules, each containing 14 to 16 eggs. Egg capsules
are deposited near a _________________ where the majority of eggs hatch within 60 days.
A. Dactyl D. Endosperm
B. Internode E. Scutellum
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

64. The ________________ is completed in 12 to 18 months.

A. Overwinter D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Dealate E. Reproductive cycle
C. Overwinter F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
65. The ________________ can survive 2 to 3 months without food and for a month without
A. Adult D. Internode
B. Ovipositor E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Malformation F. None of the Above

66. ______________________are not typically found in homes; however, in commercial and

industrial establishments they can be found in damp, warm basements, in furnace or boiler
rooms, and storage rooms.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Females E. American cockroaches
C. Ovipositors F. None of the Above

67. Because of their preference for _________________, they are notable as a problem in urban
commercial districts.
A. Finances D. Heat
B. Dry areas E. Sewers and heat tunnels
C. Food F. None of the Above

Oriental Cockroach
68. This dark reddish brown to black roach is commonly referred to as the "________________."
It is considered the most repulsive of all of the roaches and has a strong odor.
A. Roach D. Chinese roach
B. Sewer bug E. Blackie
C. Water bug F. None of the Above

69. The adult females are 1 1/4 inches long and______________.

A. Carries an egg capsule D. Is a reproductive
B. Lives in sewer drains E. Almost wingless
C. Has 8 legs F. None of the Above

70. The _______________are 1 inch long and have wings that are about half as long as their
body. Neither males nor females can fly or glide.
A. Dealates D. Adult females
B. Instars E. Adult males
C. Nymphs F. None of the Above

71. The ______________carries an egg capsule for about 30 hours and then drops or attaches it
to a protected surface near food. On average, a female produces eight egg capsules, each
containing 16 eggs which hatch within 60 days.
A. Dealates D. Reproductives
B. Nymphs E. Female
C. Roach F. None of the Above

72. The __________________ of this roach is completed in 6 to 9 months.

A. Egg capsule D. Reproductive cycle
B. Mating E. Life cycle
C. Completion F. None of the Above

73. ________________ prefer damp, cool, dark areas. They are generally found in sewer drains,
crawl space areas, basements, cellars, or on the first floor of buildings.
A. Nymphs D. Dealates
B. Roaches E. Adult males
C. Water bugs F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
74. Infestations by this roach are most frequently found during spring (_______________) and
fall (October). They may spend considerable time outdoors during warm weather.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

Wood Cockroach
75. This group of roaches causes occasional problems in homes and public places. They are
seen in late _______________, especially after rains.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

76. This roach is often confused with both adult American and________________. However, the
wood roach is chestnut brown and has a dull white band around the edges of the head and back.
A. Females D. Oriental roaches
B. Roaches E. One generation per year
C. Adults F. None of the Above

77. Adults are 1 to 1 1/4 inches long. ____________ have wings covering only about half the
body and do not fly. Males have wings longer than the body and are excellent fliers.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Instars
C. Adults F. None of the Above

78. Females produce about 30 egg capsules, each containing about 32 to 36 eggs. This roach
completes _________________.
A. Her work D. The life cycle
B. Nymphet stage E. One generation per year
C. Egg laying F. None of the Above

79. Wood cockroaches are usually found in wood piles, hollow trees or under loose bark.
Buildings in wooded areas are prone to have problems with wood roaches during rainy periods.
Although this roach prefers to live outside, __________________ are attracted to light and may
enter buildings. They are sometimes brought in along with firewood, but do not usually survive or
multiply inside buildings.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Dealates
C. Adults F. None of the Above

80. The _______________is slightly more than 1 inch long and is a uniform, very dark brown to
black. The head shield is a solid dark color.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Nymphs
C. Adult F. None of the Above

81. Both ________________have wings longer than their bodies and are capable of flying or
A. Dealates and Instars D. Nymphs and Adults
B. Roaches E. Males and females
C. Adults and Instars F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
82. Nymphs are smaller than adults and have only partially developed wings. ______________
usually carry their egg capsules for a day or two before attaching them to the outside surfaces of
buildings and other protected sites near the ground.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Adult females
C. Adults F. None of the Above

83. These ________________ live primarily outdoors and prefer wood, leaf litter, trash piles and
other humid sites with abundant organic matter. They also hide under rocks, ground cover and
building materials. They may enter homes with infested firewood during seasonal migrations.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Cockroaches
C. Adults F. None of the Above

84. The Smokybrown cockroach has a great tendency to lose moisture through the cuticle and
thus requires water every two to three days. These requirements are important to remember
when implementing your _____________________.
A. Treatment D. Control program
B. Monitoring E. Roach extermination program
C. Penetration F. None of the Above

85. This pest is most likely found in areas which are protected, moist, dark, relatively warm and
free from the _____________________. In nature, tree holes and the canopies of palm trees
offer the ideal environment in which this bug can thrive.
A. Pesticide D. Desiccating effects of air flow
B. Dry habitat E. Treatment
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

Control Smokybrown Cockroaches

86. Eliminate or alter any conditions which encourage the ________________ of the roaches.
These pests thrive in dark, humid areas which have little or no air flow.
A. Life cycle D. Presence and/or reproduction
B. Moist habitat E. Removal and destroying hiding areas
C. Deeper penetration F. None of the Above

87. Spray exterior of structure with Suspend SC, Demon WP or Cynoff WP. These odorless
insecticides will give a quick knockdown of bugs while lasting for several weeks, usually yielding
about a ___________________.
A. 90 day residual D. 30 day residual
B. 10 day residual E. 50 day residual
C. 1 inch penetration F. None of the Above

88. Spray any crack, crevice or entry point on the outside of the structure. This includes treating
around all windows, doors, vents and in ____________________ of brick veneer. Also spray tree
trunks, from ground to crotch of tree, but no higher than six feet.
A. Areas D. Areas roaches like to hide
B. Weep holes E. And outside
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

89. All ____________________ should be sprayed with insecticide. These exterior surfaces
should be treated 3 to 4 times each year.
A. Interiors D. Grass and bushes
B. Moist habitats E. Roaches
C. Mulched areas F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
90. If necessary, _________________ in the following areas: basements, garages, carports,
attics, closets, laundry rooms.
A. Trap D. Dust
B. B and G E. Spray indoors
C. C/C F. None of the Above

91. Also treat beneath and behind large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, etc.) or other areas
where these ________________. (Spraying all of your baseboards with any bug spray is not
A. Thrive in the dark D. Pests live
B. Have a moist habitat E. Roaches prefer to hide
C. Penetrate F. None of the Above

92. Indoor areas should be treated_____________.

A. Indoor areas D. 2 to 3 times per year
B. Delta Dust E. 1 to 2 times per year
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

93. Hollow blocks or other areas such as behind brick walls and along plumbing lines should be
treated with __________________.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

94. Although many dusts will kill roaches, ________________ is water-proof and will not be
destroyed by the moist habitat of the Smokybrown as would other dusts.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

95. For deeper penetration and better distribution of insecticide dust, use a _______________.
Delta Dust should be used once each year or as needed.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

Asian Cockroach Blattella asahinai

96. The Asian cockroach was identified as a __________________to the United States in 1986
when a professional pest control operator collected these insects in Lakeland, Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Newly introduced species
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

97. He referred to them as German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), but noted that their
behavior was unlike any other _________________ that he had previously encountered. Upon
further investigation the cockroaches were found to be B. asahinai, Asian cockroaches.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Distribution and Habits
98. The Asian cockroach was first described in 1981 from insects collected on Okinawa Island,
Japan. It is most likely that ____________was introduced into the United States through imports
from Japan.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. B. asahinai
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

99. Since the first identification of ________________in Lakeland (Polk County), it has been
reported from Marion County in central Florida to Broward County in southwest Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. B. asahinai
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

100. The primary habitat of the ____________________ is outdoors in shaded mulched or

composted areas, such as landscaping and gardens, where fresh plant litter accumulates.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Water bug
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

101. Populations of 30,000 to 250,000 insects per acre have been reported. Members of this
species are strong fliers, unlike their close relative, the ___________________.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Polish cockroach
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

102. They may invade structures but indoor infestations are rare occurrences. They become
_______________________and are attracted to light-colored surfaces and brightly lit areas.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

103. _____________________ will take flight during the day if disturbed. The presence of this
pest is obvious since their peak activity period coincides with our leisure time.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Males
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

104. _____________________ are almost identical to German cockroaches. Chemical analysis
by gas chromatography will confirm the species.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

105. However, there are also slight morphological differences between B. asahinai and B.
germanica. _______________ adults have longer and narrower wings than those of German
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. Black F. None of the Above

106. There are also differences between ___________in the shape of the male tergal glands.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Female tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. The species
C. Adults F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
107. Asian cockroach females produce _____________and nymphs are smaller than that of
German cockroaches.
A. Females D. Smaller egg capsules
B. Roaches E. Wings
C. Adults F. None of the Above

108. Asian cockroach first instars have 23 antennal segments while German cockroach first
instars have 24 to 25. Finally, margins of the abdomen and spots along the abdominal midsection
of B. asahinai late instars _____________, whereas those areas are lightly pigmented in B.
A. Appear red D. Are small
B. Appear white E. Are large
C. Appear black F. None of the Above

Life Cycle
109. Female Asian cockroaches have a lifetime reproductive potential for producing
approximately four egg capsules, each averaging____________.
A. 137 nymphs D. 3700 nymphs
B. 100 nymphs E. 370 nymphs
C. 37 nymphs F. None of the Above

110. Immatures take approximately 67 days to reach adulthood. Females can then live for 104
days and males can live for_______________.
A. 49 days D. 149 days
B. 49 weeks E. 490 days
C. 49 years F. None of the Above

111. Females can produce their first egg capsule ____________after adult eclosion, and can
drop another 20 days later.
A. 23 days D. 10 days
B. 33 days E. 13 days
C. 3 days F. None of the Above

112. Adults are abundant ________________and again August through September. Nymphs
predominate May through August.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. February through May F. None of the Above

113. _______________ of Asian cockroaches is difficult due to their mobility and abundance of
population sites.
A. Typically treatment D. Management
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Tracking F. None of the Above

114. Traditional treatments using _______________inside and around the perimeter of a

structure are ineffective due to numerous infestations in mulched and wooded areas.
A. Traps D. B and G
B. Control E. Residual sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
115. Plus, adults enter homes through windows and doorways, avoiding areas typically treated
for ____________________of German cockroaches.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

116. Sodium vapor lamps for security lighting and yellow incandescent bulbs for porch lighting
are both less attractive to adults and would thereby __________________of adult insects to
lighting near buildings.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Reduce attraction
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

117. Although Asian cockroaches are susceptible to all pesticides, toxic pelletized baits scattered
outdoors have___________________.
A. Typically been treated D. Are less attracted
B. Been controlled E. Provided the most reliable control
C. Been susceptible F. None of the Above

118. The ________________for a pesticide or herbicide to enter the body are: inhalation, skin
and eye contact, ingestion, and injection.
A. Prevention techniques D. Direction
B. Basic cycle E. Methods
C. Basic routes F. None of the Above

119. The prevention of entry by one of these routes can be accomplished by control mechanisms
such as engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and ________________________.
A. Prevention D. Can be minimized
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Safety F. None of the Above

120. Each route can be minimized by a variety of _____________________depending on the

hazard and operation.
A. Prevention methods D. Techniques
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Control measures F. None of the Above

Madagascan Giant Hissing Roaches

121. The cockroach family, to which Madagascan roaches belong, is among the most primitive of
the winged insects. The nearest relatives to ________________include mantids, grass-hoppers,
stick insects, and termites.
A. Bees D. Beetles
B. Cockroaches E. Bed bugs
C. Winged insects F. None of the Above

122. There are at least 3,500 known species living today, in__________________, most of
which originate in the tropics.
A. 500 genera D. On this planet
B. 450 genera E. USA
C. 400 genera F. None of the Above

123. As a group, cockroaches exhibit a __________________of sizes, colors, and habits.

A. Diurnal D. Wide diversity
B. Small diversity E. Cornucopia
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
124. Although they have an infamous reputation as household pests, in reality only about half a
dozen species (less than one percent of all known forms) have __________________with
A. Diurnal skills D. Negative associations
B. Exhibited hostility E. Toxic relationships
C. Made friends F. None of the Above

125. Many species are diurnal, some are_______________________, and others live in the
ground or are wood-boring. Some, such as the Madagascan roach, do not have wings.
A. Intellectual D. Scavengers
B. Semiaquatic E. Toxic
C. Hostile F. None of the Above

126. About a dozen or so species live _______________________ in the nests of ants, wasps,
or termites.
A. Diurnal D. As scavengers outdoors near
B. Near and E. As friends
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

127. There are also roach species that inhabit caves with bats or live in the desert. The majority
of cockroaches in tropical countries exist as scavengers outdoors, feeding on vegetation and
organic matter in_________________________.
A. Their nests D. Outdoors
B. The tropics E. An apparently harmless fashion
C. Dry areas F. None of the Above

128. The toxicity of the Thailand and Middle-Asian cobra venoms as well as of their isolated
components (_____________________and some others) for cockroach Gromphadorhina
portentosa was studied.
A. Poisons D. Neurotoxins, cytotoxins, phospholipases
B. Sugars E. Toxic
C. Vapors F. None of the Above

129. It was found that, as compared to mammals, cockroaches are _______________to cobra
venoms and their components.
A. Diurnal D. Scavengers
B. More resistant E. Toxic
C. Related F. None of the Above

Cockroach Management Strategies

130. ___________________of roach colonies can be prevented by close inspection of incoming
merchandise, such as food boxes, beverage cartons, appliances, furniture and clothing.
A. Entry and establishment D. Avoid unnecessary control
B. Elimination E. Developed resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

131. Caulking or puttying areas such as cracks and crevices around kitchen cabinets, bathtubs,
water and plumbing pipes, cracks on floors and walls, and exterior windows and doors can
eliminate most hiding places and__________________.
A. Cannot elevate growth D. Help reduce the cockroach population
B. Can eliminate E. Helps develop resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
132. Other structural modifications, such as weather stripping and pipe collars, also help to
A. Increase protection D. Avoid unnecessary growth
B. Can eliminate E. Reduce cockroach entry and establishment
C. Kill the pests F. None of the Above

133. Good housekeeping is the most important factor in preventing and ___________________
A. Cannot be forgotten D. Controlling cockroach populations
B. Elimination E. Reducing resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

134. Cockroaches___________________, water and shelter. Do not allow food particles to

remain on shelves or floors.
A. Cannot live without food D. Avoid unnecessary food stuffs
B. Can eliminate E. Have developed resistance
C. Storage areas should not be left F. None of the Above

135. Dishes should not be left unwashed after a meal, particularly overnight. Clean areas under
refrigerators, stoves, sinks and furniture regularly to remove bits of food that have accumulated. If
pets are fed indoors, _______________________, especially overnight. Store pet food in tight
containers, and clean litter boxes frequently.
A. Use baits D. Avoid unnecessary food
B. Use dusts E. Teach pets to deal with the cockroaches
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

136. Keep all food items covered or in a refrigerator at all times between uses. Empty garbage
and _____________________and keep refuse in a covered container away from the residence.
A. Burn it D. Avoid unnecessary
B. Eliminate extra humans E. Develop control methods
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

137. If possible, _____________________. Common sources include leaking faucets and pipes,
drains, toilet tanks, wash basins and sink traps, aquaria and water-filled tubs. Pets' water dishes,
beverage bottles or cartons, and pipe condensation can provide an adequate water supply for
roaches. Roach breeding is encouraged by clutter.
A. Move D. Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities
B. Use dusts E. Use DDT
C. Call pest control F. None of the Above

138. Avoid unnecessary storage of corrugated paper boxes, piles of paper bags, newspaper,
magazines, and ________________________________.
A. Concrete D. Metal
B. Beer E. Motor oil
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Chemical Control
139. Cockroaches have been the target of many insecticides over the years but they have
_________________________________to several of them.
A. Cannot escape D. Learned to avoid eating
B. Eliminated E. Developed resistance
C. Evolved F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
140. Attempts to use pheromones as sex lures or to sterilize male cockroaches have thus far not
__________________ on a large scale.
A. Proved practical D. Proved cost effective
B. Worked E. Developed resistance
C. Impressed F. None of the Above

141. ___________________such as diatomaceous earth to penetrate their protective cuticles

may work in individual households as a nonpoisonous alternative.
A. Dusts D. Avoid unnecessary dusting
B. Salts E. Spraying pesticides
C. Sprinkling abrasives F. None of the Above

142. Once the cuticle is abraded, the roaches die of dehydration. Also effective is ___________,
which is both abrasive and poisonous to cockroaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Boric acid powder
C Application method F. None of the Above

143. ________________cockroaches from multiplying is to keep a clean house and block their
access to water, which they need to survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. The best way to prevent
B. Drione Dust will control E. Crusader Hand Dust will kill
C Application of pesticide to F. None of the Above

144. American cockroaches are very easy to keep and rear in the laboratory and make excellent
subjects for experimentation because of their large size and___________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Treatment Methods
145. The disadvantage is that the treatments need to be where the roaches are hiding.
Cockroaches have been seen thriving less than a foot away from__________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. A treated surface
C Application method F. None of the Above

146. Their path of feeding and moving to and from shelter never crossed the_______________.
This enabled them to live virtually on top of treated areas and yet still survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Treated surfaces E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cracks and Crevice

147. When roaches began to build resistance to chemicals and manufacturers designed their
products with less volatility, new packaging and treatment techniques became necessary. These
new trends became known as "_______________".
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

148. Basically, ____________ means applying the chemical into the cracks and crevices
suspected of harboring roaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
149. There are two types of products commonly used for this purpose: _______________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

150. In fact, a good pest control technician should be able to get roach control with nothing more
than _____________ if he or she knows where to do the application.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

151. ________________ has solved many roach problems. Apply it in cracks and crevices,
behind cabinets and major appliances, in wall voids and electric outlets.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

152. This requires a lot of work and this product can be messy to work with, but provides the
____________________ when used properly.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

153. Use a _______________ for the application. Since dust can be messy to work with,
aerosol products became popular throughout the 1980's.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

154. The professional line of products which is discussed are truly effective and not commonly
available. Their ________________ are effective because insects have not been able to build
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Active ingredients E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

155. There are several stories of super roaches and the fact that "even the bugman" couldn't get
rid of "my" roaches, but what it all boils down to is the ___________________ and the choice of
product. If the products used are the ones as mentioned above and the treatment is thorough
and complete, there is little chance of any roach surviving nor of re-infestation.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

156. Most insects, certainly roaches, cannot live where _____________has been applied. That
being said, all you need to do is apply it wherever roaches want to be. This process of
eliminating their nest sights eliminates their population.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
157. The reason they appear to be "resistant" in most cases is that they are simply avoiding
treated areas. This can happen when products are mixed at higher rates or when applicators fall
victim to treating the same areas over and over again. The roaches which survive all these
____________ are the ones which are going where the applicator has failed to treat.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Applications
C Application method F. None of the Above

158. Today, these problems have been all but eliminated with the____________. These new
methods are both safer and easier to do.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Latest treating methods E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

159. Although _____________has long been the main method to get roach control, baiting has
become a legitimate method as new baits hit the market. These products have been tested and
proven effective.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Spraying
C Application method F. None of the Above

Residual Sprays
160. These formulations are oil-based or water-based emulsions and water-based suspensions
(_______________). They are available in ready-to-use pressurized containers or non-
pressurized containers with built-in spray pumps.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

161. __________________ also can be purchased as concentrates to mix with water before
applying with a compressed-air sprayer, plunger-type sprayer or paint brush.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

162. Be careful when using _______________; they may stain, dull or damage certain floor tiles,
linoleum, painted surfaces, plaster, plastics, houseplants, carpets and carpet backing.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

163. ________________ can create a fire hazard when used near an open flame (pilot lights,
gas stoves, furnaces). Water emulsions may stain wallpaper, light-colored carpets, draperies or
other materials.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

164. They can short out electrical circuits, and are inferior to _______________ on impervious
surfaces such as glass or metal.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
165. ________________ must be frequently agitated in the spray tank, but they leave the most
active residues, especially on porous surfaces such as unpainted wood, mortar or concrete block.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

166. ________________ are generally easy and fast to apply. The spray should wet or dampen
the treated surface; do not allow spray to puddle or run off. When treating for cockroaches, pay
particular attention to cracks and crevices. Exposed surfaces, especially those used to prepare
foods, should usually not be treated with sprays.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

167. _________________sometimes suffices as the only treatment for cockroaches, but is most
often a supplemental treatment.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Insecticide dust
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

168. _____________ generally have longer residual action than sprays, but are ineffective if they
become damp.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

169. Dusts are useful in cockroach control because they can be placed deep in cracks, crevices
and wall voids; under refrigerators and furniture; around pipes, tunnels and conduits; on very
smooth or very rough surfaces; and in other places not treatable with_______________.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Other formulations
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

170. Do not use dusts for treating large surfaces because they leave unsightly deposits. Also,
cockroaches avoid ____________________and will not walk through thick layers of the material.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Heavy deposits F. None of the Above

171. Use light pressure on the application device to minimize the amount of dust in living areas.
Apply _____________________as light, even residues that are barely visible.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

172. Several cockroach ____________________ are sold in ready-to use containers. They also
can be made using a combination of food attractants and a toxicant. If cockroaches will not feed
on the bait, the insecticide has no effect.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
173. Thus, it is important not to contaminate stored _________________ with organic solvents,
other insecticides, fungicides and fertilizers.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Bait
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

174. Baits are usually long lasting and often work well in areas that cannot be effectively sprayed
or dusted. ___________________ are often most useful when used in conjunction with a residual
spray or dust.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

175. ___________________ give best results in buildings where there are few alternative food
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

176. Always use a sufficient number of ______________to adequately treat an area where
cockroaches are to be controlled. Examine the bait containers frequently to ensure they remain
fresh and the bait is not depleted.
A. Residual sprays D. Bait containers
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

177. Baits have always been available, but roaches seemed to be indifferent to them. Although
some roaches would feed and die, it was not likely that you would be able to _______________
with baits alone. Now, we have products like Maxforce and Avert. These materials are deadly for
A. Residual sprays D. Control infestations
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

178. If you spray several properties or apartments and intend on doing a lot of baiting you should
consider getting the________________. It uses the same Maxforce Gel in smaller cartridges
which are loaded in the gun allowing for precise controlled applications and placements.
A. Maxforce Bait Gun D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

179. They have been formulated with attractants which roaches cannot resist. You should be
able to get complete control in homes, apartments and townhouses without having to do any
___________________. The advantage of these products is that you are able to apply them with
a minimum of preparation.
A. Spraying D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

180. If you are careful, you should be able to apply Maxforce without having to remove anything
from cabinets. _______________comes in an aerosol can which enables you to deliver the bait
deep in wall voids where the roaches are hiding. The amazing thing about these products is that
roaches love them to death.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
181. In fact, roaches will ignore bait placements that have been made over treated surfaces, so
make sure to apply Maxforce or Avert where you are certain _______________has been applied.
In general, make your placements about 2 – 3 feet apart.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. No residual pesticide F. None of the Above

182. In the average cabinet, you will need to make 6-8 placements with Maxforce. Since
Maxforce comes out like toothpaste, it is difficult to penetrate voids with it. Use _____________
for these hard to penetrate nest sites.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

183. Avert is a different flavor than __________ and when the two are used together, you will get
the quickest results. This is achieved because you are offering the insects a variety of food.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

184. By having___________, the roaches are more likely to find one of the products. Since
roaches will change their diet, having an option ensures they will find one if they don't' like the
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

185. Aerosol insecticides may or may not have_________________.
A. Spray power D. Maxforce
B. Residual activity E. Aerosol insecticides strength
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

186. A non-residual spray alone may not provide a high degree of control, but when used with a
_________________, a high degree of control can be achieved.
A. Spray D. Residual spray or dust
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

187. ______________ are useful for determining the location and extent of a cockroach
infestation. Small amounts of pesticide applied to hidden areas and shelters force cockroaches to
evacuate and move across previously treated surfaces.
A. Sprays D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

188. Residual aerosols should be used in the same manner as other types of______________.
A. Sprays D. Residual aerosols
B. Residual sprays E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Inorganic insecticides
189. Boric acid and powders of _______________ and diatomaceous earth are examples of
inorganic insecticides that can be used effectively for cockroach control in homes.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Chemicals E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

190. These ____________________to humans and pets, and retain their effectiveness long
after initial application. Usually, a longer period of time is required to achieve control, but
reapplications are greatly reduced.
A. Silica aero gel is safe D. Non-residual aerosols are safe
B. Chemicals E. Chemicals are low in toxicity
C. Boric acid is safe F. None of the Above

191. Apply boric acid, silica aero gel or ____________________in a light film to cracks and
crevices and other cockroach hiding places. Avoid applications to moist or damp areas, especially
when using silica aero gel or diatomaceous earth.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Diatomaceous earth E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

192. If cockroaches become established, ______________may be needed in combination with

good sanitary practices.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Chemical control E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Insect Growth Regulators

193. Some synthetic __________________mimic natural hormones found in insects. When
applied to cockroaches during their early developmental stages, they cause nymphs to molt into
sterile adults.
A. Compounds D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

194. _________________ have low human toxicity, but have long residual effectiveness.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

195. For best results they must be applied along with residual insecticides to eliminate existing
adults or other non-susceptible stages. Over-all population reduction with _____________ usually
takes several months.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

196. Several types of ________________are commercially available. Traps capture roaches,
and are a good monitoring device. While the traps can be useful to reduce light infestations, they
do not effectively control heavy cockroach infestations.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Cockroach traps
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
197. Place ________________ against a vertical surface, preferably a corner, where
cockroaches are usually found. They are most effective when placed under sinks, in cabinets,
near the kitchen stove or refrigerator, in basement corners or near floor drains.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Roach Traps
198. Regardless of the treatment method you choose, another tool which can be a great help
when treating roach infestations is the__________________.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Use of Roach Traps F. None of the Above

199. These rely on __________________to attract all types of roaches but they work particularly
well for German and several of the large roach species.
A. Silica aero gel D. Roach pheromones
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

200. Place them where roaches have been seen. The _______________will attract males ready
to reproduce, females in search of nest sights (the odors emitted signal a roach gathering place
or nest) and young roaches which are looking for a colony to mix and mingle.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemical E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Pheromones F. None of the Above

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Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Assignment #3
For Students Names M-P
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2. You will need to pick one of the following five assignments to complete. This selection
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assignment number 2 and if your last name begins with the letter M-P, you will pick assignment
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and if your last name begins with the letter T-Z, you will pick assignment number 5.

Multiple Choice, Please select one answer and mark it on the answer key. The answer must
come from the course text. (s) Means answer can be plural or singular.


1. Employers are responsible for making sure that workers and handlers receive the protections
required by the pesticide labeling and the WPS. The term “employer” has a special meaning in
the WPS — you are ___________________even though you are self-employed or use only
members of your own family to do the work on your establishment.
A. Handler employer D. An employer
B. Pesticide user E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Adviser F. None of the Above

2. The WPS has very specific definitions for two types of employers. WPS requirements apply
only to ______________who meet those definitions.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide applicator
B. Pesticide user E. Exempt end-users
C. Employers F. None of the Above


Worker Employers:
Worker employers are people who:
3. Employ or contract for the services of workers (including _____________and members of their
family) for any type of compensation to perform tasks related to the production of agricultural
A. Handler employers D. Themselves
B. Pesticide applicators E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

4. Own or operate an agricultural establishment that uses such ____________. (See definition of
A. Workers D. Themselves
B. Pesticide applicators E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
5. If you are a______________________, you are responsible for providing your agricultural
worker employees with the protections that the WPS requires for workers. (In the WPS itself,
“worker employers” are called “agricultural employers.”)
A. Handler employer D. Worker employer
B. Crop Adviser E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide applicator F. None of the Above

Handler Employers:
Handler employers are people who:
6. Employ _________________(including members of their family), for any type of
compensation, or
A. Handler employer D. Workers
B. Pesticide handlers E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

7. If you are a handler employer, you are responsible for providing the ____________you employ
with the protections that the WPS requires for handlers.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide handlers
B. Pesticide workers E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

If You Employ Supervisors You must:

8. Require them to make sure the _________________they supervise comply with the WPS and
receive its protections.
A. Handler employees D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

9. Give them enough information and directions about the WPS requirements to make sure that
the __________________ they supervise receive the protections required by the WPS.
A. Handler employees D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

10. Tell them who is responsible for all actions necessary for compliance with the WPS. Even if
you assign _____________________ to carry out the duties required by the WPS, you are
responsible for making sure that all those duties are performed.
A. An employee D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

General Duties of WPS

The general duties of the WPS require an agricultural employer or a pesticide handler-employer

11. Assure that each ___________________ subject to the standard receives the required
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

12. Assure that _______________subject to the standard is used in a manner consistent with
the labeling of the pesticide, including the requirements in the standard.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Any pesticide F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
13. Provide sufficient information and directions to ________________or handler to assure that
each worker or handler receives the required protection. The information and directions must
specify which persons are responsible for actions required to comply with the standard.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Each person who supervises any worker
C. Workers F. None of the Above

14. Require each person who supervises any worker or handler to assure compliance by the
worker or handler with the provisions of this standard and to assure that the _________________
receives the required protection (40 CFR).
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

15. The general duties also prohibit ________________from taking any retaliatory actions
against workers attempting to comply with this standard, or from taking any action that prevents
or discourages any worker or handler from complying or attempting to comply with the WPS.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Agricultural and handler employers F. None of the Above

16. Requires everyone applying pesticides to ____________________on the pesticide
container's label.
A. Obey instructions printed D. Safely apply pesticides
B. Decontaminate supplies E. Wear personal protective equipment as noted
C. Find emergency assistance F. None of the Above

Summary of WPS Requirements

17. _______________________-- Applicators are prohibited from applying a pesticide in a way
that will expose workers or other persons. Workers are excluded from areas while pesticides are
being applied.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Protection during applications
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

18. _____________________ must be specified on all agricultural plant pesticide product labels.
Workers are excluded from entering a pesticide-treated area during the restricted-entry interval,
with only narrow exceptions.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

19. _____________________ must be provided and maintained for handlers and early-entry
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

20. __________________-- Workers must be notified about treated areas so they may avoid
inadvertent exposures.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Notification to workers
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
21. __________________ -- Handlers and workers must have an ample supply of water, soap,
and towels for routine washing and emergency decontamination.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

22. _____________________ -- Transportation must be made available to a medical care facility

if a worker or handler may have been poisoned or injured. Information must be provided about
the pesticide to which the person may have been exposed.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

23. __________________ Training is required for all workers and handlers, and a pesticide
safety poster must be displayed.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

24. Access to labeling and site-specific information -- Handlers and workers must be informed
of__________________. Central posting of recent pesticide applications is required.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Pesticide label requirements
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above


25. The WPS requires employers to take steps to protect two types of agricultural employees:
A. Worker and Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Worker and Person E. Worker and Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers and Supervisors F. None of the Above

26. The terms “worker” and “pesticide handler” are defined very specifically in the WPS, and
_________________who meet these definitions must comply with the WPS.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Employers of persons E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

27. Depending on the tasks being performed, you may need to provide the same __________
with worker protections on some occasions and pesticide handler protections on other occasions.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Employee F. None of the Above

28. ______________of agricultural establishments and members of their immediate family are
exempt from many WPS requirements.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
29. A worker is anyone who: (1) is _______________for any type of compensation and (2) is
doing tasks, such as harvesting, weeding, or watering, relating to the production of agricultural
plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse.
A. Agricultural employer D. Employed (including self-employed)
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

30. This term does not include persons who are employed by a commercial establishment to
perform tasks as_______________.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Crop advisors E. Crop advisors
C. Workers F. None of the Above

31. A pesticide handler is anyone who: is employed (including self-employed) for any type of
compensation by _______________or a commercial pesticide handling establishment that uses
pesticides in the production of agricultural plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Use of soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

And is doing any of the following tasks:

32. Assisting with the ______________, including incorporating the pesticide into the soil after
the application has occurred.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

33. Entering a greenhouse or other enclosed area after application and before the inhalation
exposure level listed on the product labeling has been reached or one of the WPS ventilation
criteria have been met to: – operate ventilation equipment, –________________, such as tarps,
used in fumigation, or – check air concentration levels.
A. Product labeling D. Entering an agricultural establishment
B. Adjust or remove coverings E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

34. Entering a treated area outdoors after _____________to adjust or remove soil coverings,
such as tarpaulins.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Application of any soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

35. Performing tasks as a crop advisor: – during any pesticide application, – before any
inhalation exposure level or ventilation criteria listed in the labeling has been reached or one of
the WPS ventilation criteria has been met, –____________________.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. During any restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
36. A person is not a _______________if he or she only handles pesticide containers that have
been emptied or cleaned according to instructions on pesticide product labeling or, if the labeling
has no such instructions, have been triple-rinsed or cleaned by an equivalent method, such as
pressure rinsing.
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

37. A person is not a ____________ if he or she (1) is only handling pesticide containers that are
unopened and (2) is not, at the same time, also doing any handling task (such as mixing or
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

38. You are not a _____________ if you: purchase pesticides and transport them unopened to
an establishment. Carry unopened containers into a pesticide storage facility. Transport
unopened containers to the site where they are to be mixed, loaded, or applied.
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

39. You are a _____________if you are loading unopened water-soluble packets into a mixing
tank (because you are mixing and loading the pesticide).
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Four Basic Requirements of WPS

These regulations contain four basic requirements:
40. Workers are___________________.
A. Not allowed to drink pesticide(s) D. Not allowed in the restricted entry intervals (REI)
B. To wear PPE E. Not to be sprayed with pesticides
C. Allowed to preform handling activities F. None of the Above

41. There are specific restricted entry intervals (REI) for 12 pesticides, __________________for
certain pesticides, and a general re-entry interval for all other agricultural pesticides prohibiting re-
entry into treated areas until sprays have dried, dusts have settled, and vapors have dispersed.
A. Treated area D. Appropriate and timely
B. Handling activity E. Interim restrictive entry levels
C. PPE specified F. None of the Above

42. ___________________is required for any worker entering a treated area before the specific
re-entry period has expired.
A. Treated area safety D. Appropriate and timely instruction
B. Handling activity rules E. Handler employer relations
C. Protective clothing F. None of the Above

43. "__________________" warnings are required for re-entry. These warnings may be given
orally in appropriate language, placed on the pesticide notice board, or posted in the field.
A. Treated area D. Appropriate and timely
B. Handling activity E. Handler employer
C. PPE specified F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Knowledge of Labeling Information
44. A handler employer must assure that handlers understand all of the labeling requirements
related to safe use of pesticides before any handling activity takes place. The handler must also
have access to the _____________________during handling activities.
A. Treated area D. Appropriate and timely
B. Product labeling information E. Handler employer
C. PPE specified F. None of the Above

Safe Operation of Equipment

45. A handler employer must assure that handlers are instructed in the ________________of all
equipment they will be using.
A. Treated area D. Appropriate and timely
B. Handling activity E. Safe operation
C. PPE specified F. None of the Above

46. It is the handler-employer's responsibility to assure that the equipment is working properly
and to inform employees, when appropriate, that the equipment may be contaminated with
pesticides and to explain________________________.
A. Handler employer safety D. The correct way to handle such equipment
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

Personal Protective Equipment

47. Any person handling a pesticide must use the clothing and _____________on the label for
product use.
A. PPE specified D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

48. Characteristics of protective clothing and PPE are specified in the standard, as are
exceptions to PPE specified on product labeling. The handler employer must take appropriate
A. Of handler employer D. To prevent heat-related illnesses
B. Of pesticide residues E. To protect exempt end-users
C. For display of information F. None of the Above

49. A ___________________________must provide a decontamination site (as specified in the
standard) for washing off pesticides and pesticide residues during any handling activity.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residue E. Exempt end-user
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

Emergency Assistance
50. A ________________must provide the same emergency assistance to handlers as
discussed for workers.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

Brownbanded Cockroach
51. Both nymphs and adults of this species are _____________and can be distinguished easily
by the presence of two angled or transverse bands across the base of the wings and abdomen.
A. Black D. Internode
B. Red E. Detritivore
C. Light brown F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
52. Adult males are 1/2 to 5/8 inch long; the female is slightly shorter. Though both have wings,
only the _________________ can fly.
A. Male D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Instars
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

53. The ____________ carries each egg capsule for only a day or two before attaching it to a
protected surface.
A. Adult males D. Dealates
B. Female E. Phytotoxemia
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

54. The egg capsules are usually______________________, and most of the eggs hatch within
50 days.
A. Diapause D. Deposited in clusters or rows
B. Cursorial E. Deposited in frass
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

55. Approximately 5 to 18 egg capsules are produced per female, each containing 19 eggs.
About 3 to 9 months are required to complete the ______________________.
A. Diapause D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Estivation E. Reproductive cycle
C. Metamorphosis F. None of the Above

56. ____________________ prefer a dry, warm environment. They are generally found on
ceilings, high on walls, and in light switches, closets and furniture. In some places they are known
as "TV roaches" because of their frequent presence in living-room furniture and appliances.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

57. The wings of ___________________ cover their abdomens, while the females’ wings are
shorter. The yellow bands across the back are more pronounced on nymphs than on adults.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Dealates
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

58. These cockroaches are quite active, and the adults, especially the males, fly rapidly when
disturbed. Both ________________may jump to escape danger.
A. Adult males D. Adults and nymphs
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. Dealates F. None of the Above

59. The ________________carries her egg capsule for only a day or two before gluing it to a
protected surface underneath or inside furniture, in a closet or on the ceiling in a darkened room.
They can also be found in televisions and other appliances.
A. Adult female D. Nymphs and adults
B. Detritivores E. Dealates
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
60. Brownbanded cockroaches are more apt to be found in homes, apartments, hotels, motels,
nursing homes and hospitals than in restaurants, grocery stores and other commercial
establishments. They prefer starchy foods and appear to have lower water requirements than
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

61. They can occupy drier locations within a building. _________________ frequently are found
on ceilings in dark or dimly lit rooms, behind picture frames, in light switches, in upper walls of
cabinets and closets, or on undersides of furniture and inside upholstered furniture. Because
brownbanded cockroaches are found in so many locations they may be more difficult to control.
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)

62. The American cockroach is the largest of the common species, growing to a length of 1 1/2
to 2 inches. It is reddish-brown with a light yellow band around the edge of the _____________.
A. Petiole D. Exoskeleton
B. Proboscis E. Crepuscular
C. Head shield F. None of the Above

63. Adults of both sexes have__________________, but seldom fly. They are, however, capable
of gliding flights.
A. Pedipalps D. Well-developed wings
B. Forbs E. Pronotums
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

64. ___________________ are smaller than adults, grayish-brown in color and less fully winged.
A. Instars D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

65. The adult female usually drops her egg capsule within a day after it is formed. She often
places the capsule near a food or water source or in a location where it can be covered with
A. Frass D. Miscellaneous debris
B. Endosperm E. Poikilotherm
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

66. Occasionally, she glues the capsule to some surface with secretions from her mouth. The
capsule may be _____________________in moist wood, in cracks in bark or in whorls of plants.
A. Ovipositor D. Overwinter
B. Diapause E. Deposited outdoors
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

American Cockroach
67. ___________________of this species are 1 1/2 to 2 inches long. They are the largest of all
the cockroaches common in the World.
A. Adult males D. Adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Instars F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
68. Both _________________ are shiny, reddish brown with a pale brown or yellow band around
the edge of the head and back. The wings of both the male and female extend slightly beyond the
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Male and female
C. Instars F. None of the Above

69. The female produces 15 to 90 egg capsules, each containing 14 to 16 eggs. Egg capsules
are deposited near a _________________ where the majority of eggs hatch within 60 days.
A. Dactyl D. Endosperm
B. Internode E. Scutellum
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

70. The ________________ is completed in 12 to 18 months.

A. Overwinter D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Dealate E. Reproductive cycle
C. Overwinter F. None of the Above

71. The ________________ can survive 2 to 3 months without food and for a month without
A. Adult D. Internode
B. Ovipositor E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Malformation F. None of the Above

72. ______________________are not typically found in homes; however, in commercial and

industrial establishments they can be found in damp, warm basements, in furnace or boiler
rooms, and storage rooms.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Females E. American cockroaches
C. Ovipositors F. None of the Above

73. Because of their preference for _________________, they are notable as a problem in urban
commercial districts.
A. Finances D. Heat
B. Dry areas E. Sewers and heat tunnels
C. Food F. None of the Above

Oriental Cockroach
74. This dark reddish brown to black roach is commonly referred to as the "________________."
It is considered the most repulsive of all of the roaches and has a strong odor.
A. Roach D. Chinese roach
B. Sewer bug E. Blackie
C. Water bug F. None of the Above

75. The adult females are 1 1/4 inches long and______________.

A. Carries an egg capsule D. Is a reproductive
B. Lives in sewer drains E. Almost wingless
C. Has 8 legs F. None of the Above

76. The _______________are 1 inch long and have wings that are about half as long as their
body. Neither males nor females can fly or glide.
A. Dealates D. Adult females
B. Instars E. Adult males
C. Nymphs F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
77. The ______________carries an egg capsule for about 30 hours and then drops or attaches it
to a protected surface near food. On average, a female produces eight egg capsules, each
containing 16 eggs which hatch within 60 days.
A. Dealates D. Reproductives
B. Nymphs E. Female
C. Roach F. None of the Above

78. The __________________ of this roach is completed in 6 to 9 months.

A. Egg capsule D. Reproductive cycle
B. Mating E. Life cycle
C. Completion F. None of the Above

79. ________________ prefer damp, cool, dark areas. They are generally found in sewer drains,
crawl space areas, basements, cellars, or on the first floor of buildings.
A. Nymphs D. Dealates
B. Roaches E. Adult males
C. Water bugs F. None of the Above

80. Infestations by this roach are most frequently found during spring (_______________) and
fall (October). They may spend considerable time outdoors during warm weather.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

Wood Cockroach
81. This group of roaches causes occasional problems in homes and public places. They are
seen in late _______________, especially after rains.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

82. This roach is often confused with both adult American and________________. However, the
wood roach is chestnut brown and has a dull white band around the edges of the head and back.
A. Females D. Oriental roaches
B. Roaches E. One generation per year
C. Adults F. None of the Above

83. Adults are 1 to 1 1/4 inches long. ____________ have wings covering only about half the
body and do not fly. Males have wings longer than the body and are excellent fliers.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Instars
C. Adults F. None of the Above

84. Females produce about 30 egg capsules, each containing about 32 to 36 eggs. This roach
completes _________________.
A. Her work D. The life cycle
B. Nymphet stage E. One generation per year
C. Egg laying F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
85. Wood cockroaches are usually found in wood piles, hollow trees or under loose bark.
Buildings in wooded areas are prone to have problems with wood roaches during rainy periods.
Although this roach prefers to live outside, __________________ are attracted to light and may
enter buildings. They are sometimes brought in along with firewood, but do not usually survive or
multiply inside buildings.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Dealates
C. Adults F. None of the Above

86. The _______________is slightly more than 1 inch long and is a uniform, very dark brown to
black. The head shield is a solid dark color.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Nymphs
C. Adult F. None of the Above

87. Both ________________have wings longer than their bodies and are capable of flying or
A. Dealates and Instars D. Nymphs and Adults
B. Roaches E. Males and females
C. Adults and Instars F. None of the Above

88. Nymphs are smaller than adults and have only partially developed wings. ______________
usually carry their egg capsules for a day or two before attaching them to the outside surfaces of
buildings and other protected sites near the ground.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Adult females
C. Adults F. None of the Above

89. These ________________ live primarily outdoors and prefer wood, leaf litter, trash piles and
other humid sites with abundant organic matter. They also hide under rocks, ground cover and
building materials. They may enter homes with infested firewood during seasonal migrations.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Cockroaches
C. Adults F. None of the Above

90. The Smokybrown cockroach has a great tendency to lose moisture through the cuticle and
thus requires water every two to three days. These requirements are important to remember
when implementing your _____________________.
A. Treatment D. Control program
B. Monitoring E. Roach extermination program
C. Penetration F. None of the Above

91. This pest is most likely found in areas which are protected, moist, dark, relatively warm and
free from the _____________________. In nature, tree holes and the canopies of palm trees
offer the ideal environment in which this bug can thrive.
A. Pesticide D. Desiccating effects of air flow
B. Dry habitat E. Treatment
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

Control Smokybrown Cockroaches

92. Eliminate or alter any conditions which encourage the ________________ of the roaches.
These pests thrive in dark, humid areas which have little or no air flow.
A. Life cycle D. Presence and/or reproduction
B. Moist habitat E. Removal and destroying hiding areas
C. Deeper penetration F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
93. Spray exterior of structure with Suspend SC, Demon WP or Cynoff WP. These odorless
insecticides will give a quick knockdown of bugs while lasting for several weeks, usually yielding
about a ___________________.
A. 90 day residual D. 30 day residual
B. 10 day residual E. 50 day residual
C. 1 inch penetration F. None of the Above

94. Spray any crack, crevice or entry point on the outside of the structure. This includes treating
around all windows, doors, vents and in ____________________ of brick veneer. Also spray tree
trunks, from ground to crotch of tree, but no higher than six feet.
A. Areas D. Areas roaches like to hide
B. Weep holes E. And outside
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

95. All ____________________ should be sprayed with insecticide. These exterior surfaces
should be treated 3 to 4 times each year.
A. Interiors D. Grass and bushes
B. Moist habitats E. Roaches
C. Mulched areas F. None of the Above

96. If necessary, _________________ in the following areas: basements, garages, carports,

attics, closets, laundry rooms.
A. Trap D. Dust
B. B and G E. Spray indoors
C. C/C F. None of the Above

97. Also treat beneath and behind large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, etc.) or other areas
where these ________________. (Spraying all of your baseboards with any bug spray is not
A. Thrive in the dark D. Pests live
B. Have a moist habitat E. Roaches prefer to hide
C. Penetrate F. None of the Above

98. Indoor areas should be treated_____________.

A. Indoor areas D. 2 to 3 times per year
B. Delta Dust E. 1 to 2 times per year
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

99. Hollow blocks or other areas such as behind brick walls and along plumbing lines should be
treated with __________________.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

100. Although many dusts will kill roaches, ________________ is water-proof and will not be
destroyed by the moist habitat of the Smokybrown as would other dusts.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

101. For deeper penetration and better distribution of insecticide dust, use a _______________.
Delta Dust should be used once each year or as needed.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Asian Cockroach Blattella asahinai
102. The Asian cockroach was identified as a __________________to the United States in 1986
when a professional pest control operator collected these insects in Lakeland, Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Newly introduced species
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

103. He referred to them as German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), but noted that their
behavior was unlike any other _________________ that he had previously encountered. Upon
further investigation the cockroaches were found to be B. asahinai, Asian cockroaches.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

Distribution and Habits

104. The Asian cockroach was first described in 1981 from insects collected on Okinawa Island,
Japan. It is most likely that ____________was introduced into the United States through imports
from Japan.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. B. asahinai
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

105. Since the first identification of ________________in Lakeland (Polk County), it has been
reported from Marion County in central Florida to Broward County in southwest Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. B. asahinai
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

106. The primary habitat of the ____________________ is outdoors in shaded mulched or

composted areas, such as landscaping and gardens, where fresh plant litter accumulates.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Water bug
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

107. Populations of 30,000 to 250,000 insects per acre have been reported. Members of this
species are strong fliers, unlike their close relative, the ___________________.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Polish cockroach
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

108. They may invade structures but indoor infestations are rare occurrences. They become
_______________________and are attracted to light-colored surfaces and brightly lit areas.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

109. _____________________ will take flight during the day if disturbed. The presence of this
pest is obvious since their peak activity period coincides with our leisure time.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Males
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
110. _____________________ are almost identical to German cockroaches. Chemical analysis
by gas chromatography will confirm the species.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

111. However, there are also slight morphological differences between B. asahinai and B.
germanica. _______________ adults have longer and narrower wings than those of German
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. Black F. None of the Above

112. There are also differences between ___________in the shape of the male tergal glands.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Female tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. The species
C. Adults F. None of the Above

113. Asian cockroach females produce _____________and nymphs are smaller than that of
German cockroaches.
A. Females D. Smaller egg capsules
B. Roaches E. Wings
C. Adults F. None of the Above

114. Asian cockroach first instars have 23 antennal segments while German cockroach first
instars have 24 to 25. Finally, margins of the abdomen and spots along the abdominal midsection
of B. asahinai late instars _____________, whereas those areas are lightly pigmented in B.
A. Appear red D. Are small
B. Appear white E. Are large
C. Appear black F. None of the Above

Life Cycle
115. Female Asian cockroaches have a lifetime reproductive potential for producing
approximately four egg capsules, each averaging____________.
A. 137 nymphs D. 3700 nymphs
B. 100 nymphs E. 370 nymphs
C. 37 nymphs F. None of the Above

116. Immatures take approximately 67 days to reach adulthood. Females can then live for 104
days and males can live for_______________.
A. 49 days D. 149 days
B. 49 weeks E. 490 days
C. 49 years F. None of the Above

117. Females can produce their first egg capsule ____________after adult eclosion, and can
drop another 20 days later.
A. 23 days D. 10 days
B. 33 days E. 13 days
C. 3 days F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
118. Adults are abundant ________________and again August through September. Nymphs
predominate May through August.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. February through May F. None of the Above

119. _______________ of Asian cockroaches is difficult due to their mobility and abundance of
population sites.
A. Typically treatment D. Management
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Tracking F. None of the Above

120. Traditional treatments using _______________inside and around the perimeter of a

structure are ineffective due to numerous infestations in mulched and wooded areas.
A. Traps D. B and G
B. Control E. Residual sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

121. Plus, adults enter homes through windows and doorways, avoiding areas typically treated
for ____________________of German cockroaches.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

122. Sodium vapor lamps for security lighting and yellow incandescent bulbs for porch lighting
are both less attractive to adults and would thereby __________________of adult insects to
lighting near buildings.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Reduce attraction
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

123. Although Asian cockroaches are susceptible to all pesticides, toxic pelletized baits scattered
outdoors have___________________.
A. Typically been treated D. Are less attracted
B. Been controlled E. Provided the most reliable control
C. Been susceptible F. None of the Above

124. The ________________for a pesticide or herbicide to enter the body are: inhalation, skin
and eye contact, ingestion, and injection.
A. Prevention techniques D. Direction
B. Basic cycle E. Methods
C. Basic routes F. None of the Above

125. The prevention of entry by one of these routes can be accomplished by control mechanisms
such as engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and ________________________.
A. Prevention D. Can be minimized
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Safety F. None of the Above

126. Each route can be minimized by a variety of _____________________depending on the

hazard and operation.
A. Prevention methods D. Techniques
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Control measures F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Madagascan Giant Hissing Roaches
127. The cockroach family, to which Madagascan roaches belong, is among the most primitive of
the winged insects. The nearest relatives to ________________include mantids, grass-hoppers,
stick insects, and termites.
A. Bees D. Beetles
B. Cockroaches E. Bed bugs
C. Winged insects F. None of the Above

128. There are at least 3,500 known species living today, in__________________, most of
which originate in the tropics.
A. 500 genera D. On this planet
B. 450 genera E. USA
C. 400 genera F. None of the Above

129. As a group, cockroaches exhibit a __________________of sizes, colors, and habits.

A. Diurnal D. Wide diversity
B. Small diversity E. Cornucopia
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

130. Although they have an infamous reputation as household pests, in reality only about half a
dozen species (less than one percent of all known forms) have __________________with
A. Diurnal skills D. Negative associations
B. Exhibited hostility E. Toxic relationships
C. Made friends F. None of the Above

131. Many species are diurnal, some are_______________________, and others live in the
ground or are wood-boring. Some, such as the Madagascan roach, do not have wings.
A. Intellectual D. Scavengers
B. Semiaquatic E. Toxic
C. Hostile F. None of the Above

132. About a dozen or so species live _______________________ in the nests of ants, wasps,
or termites.
A. Diurnal D. As scavengers outdoors near
B. Near and E. As friends
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

133. There are also roach species that inhabit caves with bats or live in the desert. The majority
of cockroaches in tropical countries exist as scavengers outdoors, feeding on vegetation and
organic matter in_________________________.
A. Their nests D. Outdoors
B. The tropics E. An apparently harmless fashion
C. Dry areas F. None of the Above

134. The toxicity of the Thailand and Middle-Asian cobra venoms as well as of their isolated
components (_____________________and some others) for cockroach Gromphadorhina
portentosa was studied.
A. Poisons D. Neurotoxins, cytotoxins, phospholipases
B. Sugars E. Toxic
C. Vapors F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
135. It was found that, as compared to mammals, cockroaches are _______________to cobra
venoms and their components.
A. Diurnal D. Scavengers
B. More resistant E. Toxic
C. Related F. None of the Above

Cockroach Management Strategies

136. ___________________of roach colonies can be prevented by close inspection of incoming
merchandise, such as food boxes, beverage cartons, appliances, furniture and clothing.
A. Entry and establishment D. Avoid unnecessary control
B. Elimination E. Developed resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

137. Caulking or puttying areas such as cracks and crevices around kitchen cabinets, bathtubs,
water and plumbing pipes, cracks on floors and walls, and exterior windows and doors can
eliminate most hiding places and__________________.
A. Cannot elevate growth D. Help reduce the cockroach population
B. Can eliminate E. Helps develop resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

138. Other structural modifications, such as weather stripping and pipe collars, also help to
A. Increase protection D. Avoid unnecessary growth
B. Can eliminate E. Reduce cockroach entry and establishment
C. Kill the pests F. None of the Above

139. Good housekeeping is the most important factor in preventing and ___________________
A. Cannot forgotten D. Controlling cockroach populations
B. Elimination E. Reducing resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

140. Cockroaches___________________, water and shelter. Do not allow food particles to

remain on shelves or floors.
A. Cannot live without food D. Avoid unnecessary food stuffs
B. Can eliminate E. Have developed resistance
C. Storage areas should not be left F. None of the Above

141. Dishes should not be left unwashed after a meal, particularly overnight. Clean areas under
refrigerators, stoves, sinks and furniture regularly to remove bits of food that have accumulated. If
pets are fed indoors, _______________________, especially overnight. Store pet food in tight
containers, and clean litter boxes frequently.
A. Use baits D. Avoid unnecessary food
B. Use dusts E. Teach pets to deal with the cockroaches
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

142. Keep all food items covered or in a refrigerator at all times between uses. Empty garbage
and _____________________and keep refuse in a covered container away from the residence.
A. Burn it D. Avoid unnecessary
B. Eliminate extra humans E. Develop control methods
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
143. If possible, _____________________. Common sources include leaking faucets and pipes,
drains, toilet tanks, wash basins and sink traps, aquaria and water-filled tubs. Pets' water dishes,
beverage bottles or cartons, and pipe condensation can provide an adequate water supply for
roaches. Roach breeding is encouraged by clutter.
A. Move D. Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities
B. Use dusts E. Use DDT
C. Call pest control F. None of the Above

144. Avoid unnecessary storage of corrugated paper boxes, piles of paper bags, newspaper,
magazines, and ________________________________.
A. Concrete D. Metal
B. Beer E. Motor oil
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Chemical Control
145. Cockroaches have been the target of many insecticides over the years but they have
_________________________________to several of them.
A. Cannot escape D. Learned to avoid eating
B. Eliminated E. Developed resistance
C. Evolved F. None of the Above

146. Attempts to use pheromones as sex lures or to sterilize male cockroaches have thus far not
__________________ on a large scale.
A. Proved practical D. Proved cost effective
B. Worked E. Developed resistance
C. Impressed F. None of the Above

147. ___________________such as diatomaceous earth to penetrate their protective cuticles

may work in individual households as a nonpoisonous alternative.
A. Dusts D. Avoid unnecessary dusting
B. Salts E. Spraying pesticides
C. Sprinkling abrasives F. None of the Above

148. Once the cuticle is abraded, the roaches die of dehydration. Also effective is ___________,
which is both abrasive and poisonous to cockroaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Boric acid powder
C Application method F. None of the Above

149. ________________cockroaches from multiplying is to keep a clean house and block their
access to water, which they need to survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. The best way to prevent
B. Drione Dust will control E. Crusader Hand Dust will kill
C Application of pesticide to F. None of the Above

150. American cockroaches are very easy to keep and rear in the laboratory and make excellent
subjects for experimentation because of their large size and___________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Treatment Methods
151. The disadvantage is that the treatments need to be where the roaches are hiding.
Cockroaches have been seen thriving less than a foot away from__________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. A treated surface
C Application method F. None of the Above

152. Their path of feeding and moving to and from shelter never crossed the_______________.
This enabled them to live virtually on top of treated areas and yet still survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Treated surfaces E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cracks and Crevice

153. When roaches began to build resistance to chemicals and manufacturers designed their
products with less volatility, new packaging and treatment techniques became necessary. These
new trends became known as "_______________".
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

154. Basically, ____________ means applying the chemical into the cracks and crevices
suspected of harboring roaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

155. There are two types of products commonly used for this purpose: _______________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

156. In fact, a good pest control technician should be able to get roach control with nothing more
than _____________ if he or she knows where to do the application.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

157. ________________ has solved many roach problems. Apply it in cracks and crevices,
behind cabinets and major appliances, in wall voids and electric outlets.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

158. This requires a lot of work and this product can be messy to work with, but provides the
____________________ when used properly.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

159. Use a _______________ for the application. Since dust can be messy to work with,
aerosol products became popular throughout the 1980's.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
160. The professional line of products which is discussed are truly effective and not commonly
available. Their ________________ are effective because insects have not been able to build
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Active ingredients E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

161. There are several stories of super roaches and the fact that "even the bugman" couldn't get
rid of "my" roaches, but what it all boils down to is the ___________________ and the choice of
product. If the products used are the ones as mentioned above and the treatment is thorough
and complete, there is little chance of any roach surviving nor of re-infestation.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

162. Most insects, certainly roaches, cannot live where _____________has been applied. That
being said, all you need to do is apply it wherever roaches want to be. This process of
eliminating their nest sights eliminates their population.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

163. The reason they appear to be "resistant" in most cases is that they are simply avoiding
treated areas. This can happen when products are mixed at higher rates or when applicators fall
victim to treating the same areas over and over again. The roaches which survive all these
____________ are the ones which are going where the applicator has failed to treat.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Applications
C Application method F. None of the Above

164. Today, these problems have been all but eliminated with the____________. These new
methods are both safer and easier to do.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Latest treating methods E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

165. Although _____________has long been the main method to get roach control, baiting has
become a legitimate method as new baits hit the market. These products have been tested and
proven effective.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Spraying
C Application method F. None of the Above

Residual Sprays
166. These formulations are oil-based or water-based emulsions and water-based suspensions
(_______________). They are available in ready-to-use pressurized containers or non-
pressurized containers with built-in spray pumps.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

167. __________________ also can be purchased as concentrates to mix with water before
applying with a compressed-air sprayer, plunger-type sprayer or paint brush.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
168. Be careful when using _______________; they may stain, dull or damage certain floor tiles,
linoleum, painted surfaces, plaster, plastics, houseplants, carpets and carpet backing.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

169. ________________ can create a fire hazard when used near an open flame (pilot lights,
gas stoves, furnaces). Water emulsions may stain wallpaper, light-colored carpets, draperies or
other materials.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

170. They can short out electrical circuits, and are inferior to _______________ on impervious
surfaces such as glass or metal.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

171. ________________ must be frequently agitated in the spray tank, but they leave the most
active residues, especially on porous surfaces such as unpainted wood, mortar or concrete block.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

172. ________________ are generally easy and fast to apply. The spray should wet or dampen
the treated surface; do not allow spray to puddle or run off. When treating for cockroaches, pay
particular attention to cracks and crevices. Exposed surfaces, especially those used to prepare
foods, should usually not be treated with sprays.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

173. _________________sometimes suffices as the only treatment for cockroaches, but is most
often a supplemental treatment.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Insecticide dust
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

174. _____________ generally have longer residual action than sprays, but are ineffective if they
become damp.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

175. Dusts are useful in cockroach control because they can be placed deep in cracks, crevices
and wall voids; under refrigerators and furniture; around pipes, tunnels and conduits; on very
smooth or very rough surfaces; and in other places not treatable with_______________.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Other formulations
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
176. Do not use dusts for treating large surfaces because they leave unsightly deposits. Also,
cockroaches avoid ____________________and will not walk through thick layers of the material.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Heavy deposits F. None of the Above

177. Use light pressure on the application device to minimize the amount of dust in living areas.
Apply _____________________as light, even residues that are barely visible.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

178. Several cockroach ____________________ are sold in ready-to use containers. They also
can be made using a combination of food attractants and a toxicant. If cockroaches will not feed
on the bait, the insecticide has no effect.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

179. Thus, it is important not to contaminate stored _________________ with organic solvents,
other insecticides, fungicides and fertilizers.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Bait
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

180. Baits are usually long lasting and often work well in areas that cannot be effectively sprayed
or dusted. ___________________ are often most useful when used in conjunction with a residual
spray or dust.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

181. ___________________ give best results in buildings where there are few alternative food
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

182. Always use a sufficient number of ______________to adequately treat an area where
cockroaches are to be controlled. Examine the bait containers frequently to ensure they remain
fresh and the bait is not depleted.
A. Residual sprays D. Bait containers
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

183. Baits have always been available, but roaches seemed to be indifferent to them. Although
some roaches would feed and die, it was not likely that you would be able to _______________
with baits alone. Now, we have products like Maxforce and Avert. These materials are deadly for
A. Residual sprays D. Control infestations
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
184. If you spray several properties or apartments and intend on doing a lot of baiting you should
consider getting the________________. It uses the same Maxforce Gel in smaller cartridges
which are loaded in the gun allowing for precise controlled applications and placements.
A. Maxforce Bait Gun D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

185. They have been formulated with attractants which roaches cannot resist. You should be
able to get complete control in homes, apartments and townhouses without having to do any
___________________. The advantage of these products is that you are able to apply them with
a minimum of preparation.
A. Spraying D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

186. If you are careful, you should be able to apply Maxforce without having to remove anything
from cabinets. _______________comes in an aerosol can which enables you to deliver the bait
deep in wall voids where the roaches are hiding. The amazing thing about these products is that
roaches love them to death.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

187. In fact, roaches will ignore bait placements that have been made over treated surfaces, so
make sure to apply Maxforce or Avert where you are certain _______________has been applied.
In general, make your placements about 2 – 3 feet apart.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. No residual pesticide F. None of the Above

188. In the average cabinet, you will need to make 6-8 placements with Maxforce. Since
Maxforce comes out like toothpaste, it is difficult to penetrate voids with it. Use _____________
for these hard to penetrate nest sites.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

189. Avert is a different flavor than __________ and when the two are used together, you will get
the quickest results. This is achieved because you are offering the insects a variety of food.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

190. By having___________, the roaches are more likely to find one of the products. Since
roaches will change their diet, having an option ensures they will find one if they don't' like the
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

191. Aerosol insecticides may or may not have_________________.
A. Spray power D. Maxforce
B. Residual activity E. Aerosol insecticides strength
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
192. A non-residual spray alone may not provide a high degree of control, but when used with a
_________________, a high degree of control can be achieved.
A. Spray D. Residual spray or dust
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

193. ______________ are useful for determining the location and extent of a cockroach
infestation. Small amounts of pesticide applied to hidden areas and shelters force cockroaches to
evacuate and move across previously treated surfaces.
A. Sprays D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

194. Residual aerosols should be used in the same manner as other types of______________.
A. Sprays D. Residual aerosols
B. Residual sprays E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Inorganic insecticides
195. Boric acid and powders of _______________ and diatomaceous earth are examples of
inorganic insecticides that can be used effectively for cockroach control in homes.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Chemicals E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

196. These ____________________to humans and pets, and retain their effectiveness long
after initial application. Usually, a longer period of time is required to achieve control, but
reapplications are greatly reduced.
A. Silica aero gel is safe D. Non-residual aerosols are safe
B. Chemicals E. Chemicals are low in toxicity
C. Boric acid is safe F. None of the Above

197. Apply boric acid, silica aero gel or ____________________in a light film to cracks and
crevices and other cockroach hiding places. Avoid applications to moist or damp areas, especially
when using silica aero gel or diatomaceous earth.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Diatomaceous earth E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

198. If cockroaches become established, ______________may be needed in combination with

good sanitary practices.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Chemical control E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Insect Growth Regulators

199. Some synthetic __________________mimic natural hormones found in insects. When
applied to cockroaches during their early developmental stages, they cause nymphs to molt into
sterile adults.
A. Compounds D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
200. _________________ have low human toxicity, but have long residual effectiveness.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

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Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Assignment #4
For Students Names Q-S
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General Duties of WPS

The general duties of the WPS require an agricultural employer or a pesticide handler-employer

1. Assure that each ___________________ subject to the standard receives the required
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

2. Assure that _______________subject to the standard is used in a manner consistent with the
labeling of the pesticide, including the requirements in the standard.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Any pesticide F. None of the Above

3. Provide sufficient information and directions to ________________or handler to assure that

each worker or handler receives the required protection. The information and directions must
specify which persons are responsible for actions required to comply with the standard.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Each person who supervises any worker
C. Workers F. None of the Above

4. Require each person who supervises any worker or handler to assure compliance by the
worker or handler with the provisions of this standard and to assure that the _________________
receives the required protection (40 CFR).
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
5. The general duties also prohibit ________________from taking any retaliatory actions
against workers attempting to comply with this standard, or from taking any action that prevents
or discourages any worker or handler from complying or attempting to comply with the WPS.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Agricultural and handler employers F. None of the Above

6. Requires everyone applying pesticides to ____________________on the pesticide container's
A. Obey instructions printed D. Safely apply pesticides
B. Decontaminate supplies E. Wear personal protective equipment as noted
C. Find emergency assistance F. None of the Above

Summary of WPS Requirements

7. _______________________-- Applicators are prohibited from applying a pesticide in a way
that will expose workers or other persons. Workers are excluded from areas while pesticides are
being applied.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Protection during applications
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

8. _____________________ must be specified on all agricultural plant pesticide product labels.

Workers are excluded from entering a pesticide-treated area during the restricted-entry interval,
with only narrow exceptions.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

9. _____________________ must be provided and maintained for handlers and early-entry

A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

10. __________________-- Workers must be notified about treated areas so they may avoid
inadvertent exposures.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Notification to workers
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

11. __________________ -- Handlers and workers must have an ample supply of water, soap,
and towels for routine washing and emergency decontamination.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

12. _____________________ -- Transportation must be made available to a medical care facility

if a worker or handler may have been poisoned or injured. Information must be provided about
the pesticide to which the person may have been exposed.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
13. __________________ Training is required for all workers and handlers, and a pesticide
safety poster must be displayed.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

14. Access to labeling and site-specific information -- Handlers and workers must be informed
of__________________. Central posting of recent pesticide applications is required.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Pesticide label requirements
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above


15. The WPS requires employers to take steps to protect two types of agricultural employees:
A. Worker and Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Worker and Person E. Worker and Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers and Supervisors F. None of the Above

16. The terms “worker” and “pesticide handler” are defined very specifically in the WPS, and
_________________who meet these definitions must comply with the WPS.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Employers of persons E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

17. Depending on the tasks being performed, you may need to provide the same __________
with worker protections on some occasions and pesticide handler protections on other occasions.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Employee F. None of the Above

18. ______________of agricultural establishments and members of their immediate family are
exempt from many WPS requirements.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

19. A worker is anyone who: (1) is _______________for any type of compensation and (2) is
doing tasks, such as harvesting, weeding, or watering, relating to the production of agricultural
plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse.
A. Agricultural employer D. Employed (including self-employed)
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

20. This term does not include persons who are employed by a commercial establishment to
perform tasks as_______________.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Crop advisors E. Crop advisors
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
21. A pesticide handler is anyone who: is employed (including self-employed) for any type of
compensation by _______________or a commercial pesticide handling establishment that uses
pesticides in the production of agricultural plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Use of soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

And is doing any of the following tasks:

22. Assisting with the ______________, including incorporating the pesticide into the soil after
the application has occurred.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

23. Entering a greenhouse or other enclosed area after application and before the inhalation
exposure level listed on the product labeling has been reached or one of the WPS ventilation
criteria have been met to: – operate ventilation equipment, –________________, such as tarps,
used in fumigation, or – check air concentration levels.
A. Product labeling D. Entering an agricultural establishment
B. Adjust or remove coverings E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

24. Entering a treated area outdoors after _____________to adjust or remove soil coverings,
such as tarpaulins.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Application of any soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

25. Performing tasks as a crop advisor: – during any pesticide application, – before any
inhalation exposure level or ventilation criteria listed in the labeling has been reached or one of
the WPS ventilation criteria has been met, –____________________.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. During any restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

26. A person is not a _______________if he or she only handles pesticide containers that have
been emptied or cleaned according to instructions on pesticide product labeling or, if the labeling
has no such instructions, have been triple-rinsed or cleaned by an equivalent method, such as
pressure rinsing.
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

27. A person is not a ____________ if he or she (1) is only handling pesticide containers that are
unopened and (2) is not, at the same time, also doing any handling task (such as mixing or
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
28. You are not a _____________ if you: purchase pesticides and transport them unopened to
an establishment. Carry unopened containers into a pesticide storage facility. Transport
unopened containers to the site where they are to be mixed, loaded, or applied.
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

29. You are a _____________if you are loading unopened water-soluble packets into a mixing
tank (because you are mixing and loading the pesticide).
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Four Basic Requirements of WPS

These regulations contain four basic requirements:
30. Workers are___________________.
A. Not allowed to drink pesticide(s) D. Not allowed in the restricted entry intervals (REI)
B. To wear PPE E. Not to be sprayed with pesticides
C. Allowed to preform handling activities F. None of the Above

31. There are specific restricted entry intervals (REI) for 12 pesticides, __________________for
certain pesticides, and a general re-entry interval for all other agricultural pesticides prohibiting re-
entry into treated areas until sprays have dried, dusts have settled, and vapors have dispersed.
A. Treated area D. Appropriate and timely
B. Handling activity E. Interim restrictive entry levels
C. PPE specified F. None of the Above

32. ___________________is required for any worker entering a treated area before the specific
re-entry period has expired.
A. Treated area safety D. Appropriate and timely instruction
B. Handling activity rules E. Handler employer relations
C. Protective clothing F. None of the Above

33. "__________________" warnings are required for re-entry. These warnings may be given
orally in appropriate language, placed on the pesticide notice board, or posted in the field.
A. Treated area D. Appropriate and timely
B. Handling activity E. Handler employer
C. PPE specified F. None of the Above

Knowledge of Labeling Information

34. A handler employer must assure that handlers understand all of the labeling requirements
related to safe use of pesticides before any handling activity takes place. The handler must also
have access to the _____________________during handling activities.
A. Treated area D. Appropriate and timely
B. Product labeling information E. Handler employer
C. PPE specified F. None of the Above

Safe Operation of Equipment

35. A handler employer must assure that handlers are instructed in the ________________of all
equipment they will be using.
A. Treated area D. Appropriate and timely
B. Handling activity E. Safe operation
C. PPE specified F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
36. It is the handler-employer's responsibility to assure that the equipment is working properly
and to inform employees, when appropriate, that the equipment may be contaminated with
pesticides and to explain________________________.
A. Handler employer safety D. The correct way to handle such equipment
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

Personal Protective Equipment

37. Any person handling a pesticide must use the clothing and _____________on the label for
product use.
A. PPE specified D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

38. Characteristics of protective clothing and PPE are specified in the standard, as are
exceptions to PPE specified on product labeling. The handler employer must take appropriate
A. Of handler employer D. To prevent heat-related illnesses
B. Of pesticide residues E. To protect exempt end-users
C. For display of information F. None of the Above

39. A ___________________________must provide a decontamination site (as specified in the
standard) for washing off pesticides and pesticide residues during any handling activity.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residue E. Exempt end-user
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

Emergency Assistance
40. A ________________must provide the same emergency assistance to handlers as
discussed for workers.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

Label Requirements
41. When these requirements appear on pesticide labels, all end-users must meet them unless
exempt. Exempt end-users should voluntarily obey the requirements because of the dangers of
A. Pesticide exposure D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

42. ___________________are intended to eliminate exposure to pesticides and to inform

employees about the occupational hazards of pesticides. These require employers to make sure
that employees are provided with:
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Generic requirements
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

43. ____________________at a central location (WPS safety poster, the location of emergency
medical facilities, and a list of recent pesticide applications).
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Display of information
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
44. __________________exchanges between employers of agricultural workers and employers
of commercial (for-hire) pesticide applicators.
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Details of information E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

45. ___________________ about pesticide applications and information about pesticides used.
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

46. _____________________ of handlers who are using highly toxic pesticides.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

47. Instruction on equipment safety, including__________________.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Inspection and maintenance E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

48. _________________ on the cleaning, inspection, and maintenance of PPE.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

49. ______________for handlers, including labeling information and safe operation of application
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Special instructions
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

50. _________________ restrictions in nurseries and greenhouses.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

Common Pest Cockroaches

51. Common pest cockroaches include the American, German, Oriental, Madeira, and
A. Asian D. Brown-banded
B. American E. Oriental
C. Madeira F. None of the Above

52. The ______________ cockroach began to cause concern in the United States when it
appeared in large numbers in Florida in the late 1980s.
A. Asian D. German
B. American E. Oriental
C. Madeira F. None of the Above

53. All but the ___________________ cockroach are introduced species to North America.
A. Asian D. German
B. American E. Oriental
C. Madeira F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Life Cycle
54. All roaches have _________________in their life cycle -- egg, nymph (young) and adult.
A. Ootheca D. Internode
B. Imago E. Three stages
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

55. Females carry a bean-shaped egg capsule (______________) which is full of eggs. The
newly emerged nymphs are identical to their parents except for their smaller size and lack of
A. Ootheca D. Internode
B. Imago E. Three stages
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

56. The _________________ grow into adults by periodically shedding their skins, and may
appear white for a few hours until their new skin darkens.
A. Detritivore D. Dealates
B. Nymphs E. Instar
C. Malformation F. None of the Above

Live Everywhere
57. Cockroaches can be present in almost any______________. They move quickly and are
especially active at night.
A. Home D. Place inhabited by humans
B. Inside household goods E. Area
C. Business F. None of the Above

58. Characteristically, most roaches _______________or between surfaces that provide

darkness and cover. Inside buildings, roaches move freely between rooms or adjoining
apartments using wall spaces, plumbing and other utility installations.
A. Live in cracks and crevices D. Molt in cracks and crevices
B. Breed in cracks and crevices E. Hide in cracks and crevices
C. Die in cracks and crevices F. None of the Above

59. They ______________in food and beverage boxes, grocery sacks, animal food and other
household goods.
A. Cause allergens D. Reject pesticides
B. Love to eat E. Can be carried into structures
C. Are especially active at night F. None of the Above

60. Cockroaches can eat almost anything, but they are especially partial to starchy foods and
meat products. They feed on such diverse items as cereals, pastries, chocolate, milk products,
beverages, cooked potatoes, glue, ________________, wall paper, animal food, fresh or dried
blood, excrement, dead animals and leather products.
A. Allergens D. Vegetables
B. Book bindings E. Starchy foods and meat products
C. Bait Gel F. None of the Above

61. Disease Transmission. Cockroaches can carry _______________that cause human
diseases, including food poisoning, dysentery and diarrhea. However, roaches have not been
associated with serious disease outbreaks in the United States.
A. Allergen(s) D. Germs
B. Organisms E. Pathogen(s)
C. Repulsive odor F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
62. Roaches can cause _______________in some people. The response is caused by roach
"allergen" that is ingested with contaminated food or inhaled when dried fecal particles and
fragments of ground-up bodies of dead roaches are mixed with house dust.
A. Allergens D. Considerable psychological or emotional distress
B. Mutations E. Disease
C. Allergic reactions F. None of the Above

63. The ______________of cockroaches can cause considerable psychological or emotional
distress in some individuals.
A. Sight D. Considerable psychological or emotional distress
B. Odor E. Long lasting view
C. Smell F. None of the Above

64. Cockroaches usually do not bite, but their heavy leg spines______________.
A. Will poke D. Will cause considerable psychological or emotional distress
B. May scratch E. Are not a threat
C. Have sharp edges F. None of the Above

Scientific Classification
65. Cockroaches make up the order Blattodea, which contains__________________.
A. Family Blattidae D. Five families
B. Madeira cockroach E. Gromphadorina portentosa
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

66. The American cockroach is__________________, and the Oriental cockroach is Blatta
orientalis, both in the family Blattidae.
A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Gromphadorina portentosa
C. Periplaneta americana F. None of the Above

67. The German cockroach, Blatella germanica, the Asian cockroach, _______________, and
the brownbanded cockroach, Supella longipalpa, are in the family Blatellidae.
A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Blatella asahinai
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

68. The Madeira cockroach is Leucophaea maderae, the Brazilian cockroach is Blaberus
giganteus, and the Madagascar hissing cockroach is ________________, all in the family
A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Gromphadorina portentosa
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

69. The remaining families are the Cryptocercidae and the__________________.

A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Polyphagidae
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

70. There are 55 species of ________________in the United States, but only five of these are
troublesome in the most States.
A. Family Blattidae D. Blatella germanica
B. Madeira cockroach E. Cockroaches
C. Cryptocercidae F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
German Cockroach
71. The German cockroach is the most common and the most difficult to control. Both adults and
nymphs are _________________and have two longitudinal dark lines on their thorax (back).
A. General in appearance D. Have two longitudinal dark lines on their thorax (back)
B. Instars E. Black
C. Light brown F. None of the Above

72. Adults are 1/2 to 3/4 inch long, and both males and females have ________________as long
as the body.
A. Antennas D. Two longitudinal dark lines on their thorax (back)
B. Wings E. Legs
C. Eggs F. None of the Above

73. ____________ are similar in general appearance, but lack wings and may be as small as 1/8
A. Instars D. Two longitudinal dark lines on their thorax (back)
B. Filiforms E. Nymph(s)
C. Immature stages F. None of the Above

74. The adult German cockroach is about 5/8 inch long, overall light brown in color with wings
that cover the___________________.
A. Internode D. Abdomen
B. Dealates E. Furculum
C. Proboscis F. None of the Above

75. The _________________just behind the head (pronotum) is marked with two prominent
black stripes.
A. Osmeterium D. Wings
B. Thoracic shield E. Poikilotherm
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

76. Immature stages (nymphs) are smaller, ________________ and have a pale stripe (on at
least the second and third thoracic segments in first stage nymphs) running lengthwise down the
middle of the darker brown body.
A. First stage nymphs D. Wingless
B. Adult(s) E. Nymph(s)
C. Immature stages F. None of the Above

77. The field cockroach, Blattella vaga Hebard, is similar to the _______________ in
appearance, but it occurs primarily outdoors where it feeds on decaying plant materials.
A. German cockroach D. Brownbanded cockroach
B. Field cockroach E. Nymphs
C. Banded F. None of the Above

78. Compared to the ________________, it is more active during daylight hours and will be
found around lights. They also are known to fly when disturbed.
A. German cockroach D. Brownbanded cockroach
B. Field cockroach E. Nymphs
C. Banded F. None of the Above

79. The ________________, Supella longipalpa (Fabricius) is about the same size as the
German cockroach, but appear " banded" because the wings are marked with a pale brown band
at the base and another about a third of the distance from the base.
A. German cockroach D. Brownbanded cockroach
B. Field cockroach E. Nymphs
C. Banded F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
80. _______________ produce an egg capsule that is attached to the end of the abdomen for up
to a month before being dropped a day or so before eggs hatch.
A. German cockroach D. Brownbanded cockroach
B. Field cockroach E. Nymphs
C. Banded F. None of the Above

81. Each 5/16 inch long, _______________ contains 30 to 40 eggs (oothecae) which hatch in 2
to 4 days after being deposited.
A. New infestations D. Dactyls
B. Diapause E. Mesophyll
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

82. __________________from eggs are less than 1/8 inch long and wingless. They develop
through 6 to 7 stages (instars) over 74 to 85 days (varying with temperature) before becoming
adults. There may be four generations per year.
A. New infestations D. Femora
B. Dealates E. Nymphs hatching
C. Parthenogenesis F. None of the Above

83. This is mainly an indoor species, although they will also ___________________from
structure to structure.
A. Start infestations D. Have a life expectancy of six months
B. Migrate outdoors E. Fly
C. Be active at night F. None of the Above

84. Occasionally, new infestations begin by bringing in cartons and other materials from infested
structures that__________________.
A. Start new infestations D. Harbor the roaches or their eggs
B. Cause allergic reactions E. Start in and around the landscape
C. Are mainly active at night F. None of the Above

85. Kitchens, bathrooms and other locations that provide food, moisture, warmth and shelter
A. Great new infestations D. Wet
B. Preferred habitats E. Dry
C. Mainly active at night F. None of the Above

86. German cockroaches are mainly active at night, when they _______________for food and
A. Search D. Mesophyll
B. Frass E. Roset
C. Detritivore F. None of the Above

87. During the day, they remain concealed in __________________unless they are over-
crowded, with all developmental stages occurring together.
A. Brush D. Groups
B. Cracks and crevices E. Masses on interior walls
C. Table tops F. None of the Above

88. They also can occur in attics, _______________, crawl spaces, foundation cracks, garbage
areas and around the landscape. May spread food contaminants.
A. Microwave ovens D. Coffee machines
B. Window sills E. Wall voids
C. Muffler pipes F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
89. Some people have allergic reactions to cockroaches or __________________(e.g., feces,
body extracts).
A. Infestations D. Cockroach residues
B. Allergic reactions E. Droppings
C. Eggs F. None of the Above

90. One of the most common household cockroach pests in the U.S.; presence in homes is a
nuisance and they may spread food contaminants. Some people have ______________ to
cockroaches or cockroach residues (e.g., feces, body extracts).
A. Infinity D. Desire
B. Attraction E. Move immediately from
C. Allergic reactions F. None of the Above

91. The German cockroach has approximately six generations per year and _____________is
completed in 50 to 60 days.
A. Crepuscular D. Dimorph
B. Will live E. Each generation
C. Internode F. None of the Above

92. The adult German cockroaches have a______________. This roach cannot fly but may glide
very short distances if disturbed.
A. Instar D. Life expectancy of twelve months
B. Internode E. Life expectancy of six months
C. Malformation F. None of the Above

93. German cockroaches can live in almost any room of a home or building. Because these
roaches require water, they prefer a ________________, such as around kitchen and bathroom
sinks, appliances, furnaces, water heaters and furnace ducts.
A. Warm dry area D. Warm moist environment
B. Dark cold area E. Source of water
C. Home F. None of the Above

94. A roach does not need head to breathe -- they ______________through their bodies and can
survive for a month without food. A headless cockroach will live for about a week until it dies of
A. Absorb oxygen D. Metamorphose
B. Will live E. Overwinter
C. Estivate F. None of the Above

Brownbanded Cockroach
95. Both nymphs and adults of this species are _____________and can be distinguished easily
by the presence of two angled or transverse bands across the base of the wings and abdomen.
A. Black D. Internode
B. Red E. Detritivore
C. Light brown F. None of the Above

96. Adult males are 1/2 to 5/8 inch long; the female is slightly shorter. Though both have wings,
only the _________________ can fly.
A. Male D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Instars
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
97. The ____________ carries each egg capsule for only a day or two before attaching it to a
protected surface.
A. Adult males D. Dealates
B. Female E. Phytotoxemia
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

98. The egg capsules are usually______________________, and most of the eggs hatch within
50 days.
A. Diapause D. Deposited in clusters or rows
B. Cursorial E. Deposited in frass
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

99. Approximately 5 to 18 egg capsules are produced per female, each containing 19 eggs.
About 3 to 9 months are required to complete the ______________________.
A. Diapause D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Estivation E. Reproductive cycle
C. Metamorphosis F. None of the Above

100. ____________________ prefer a dry, warm environment. They are generally found on
ceilings, high on walls, and in light switches, closets and furniture. In some places they are known
as "TV roaches" because of their frequent presence in living-room furniture and appliances.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

101. The wings of ___________________ cover their abdomens, while the females’ wings are
shorter. The yellow bands across the back are more pronounced on nymphs than on adults.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Dealates
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

102. These cockroaches are quite active, and the adults, especially the males, fly rapidly when
disturbed. Both ________________may jump to escape danger.
A. Adult males D. Adults and nymphs
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. Dealates F. None of the Above

103. The ________________carries her egg capsule for only a day or two before gluing it to a
protected surface underneath or inside furniture, in a closet or on the ceiling in a darkened room.
They can also be found in televisions and other appliances.
A. Adult female D. Nymphs and adults
B. Detritivores E. Dealates
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

104. Brownbanded cockroaches are more apt to be found in homes, apartments, hotels, motels,
nursing homes and hospitals than in restaurants, grocery stores and other commercial
establishments. They prefer starchy foods and appear to have lower water requirements than
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
105. They can occupy drier locations within a building. _________________ frequently are found
on ceilings in dark or dimly lit rooms, behind picture frames, in light switches, in upper walls of
cabinets and closets, or on undersides of furniture and inside upholstered furniture. Because
brownbanded cockroaches are found in so many locations they may be more difficult to control.
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)

106. The American cockroach is the largest of the common species, growing to a length of 1 1/2
to 2 inches. It is reddish-brown with a light yellow band around the edge of the _____________.
A. Petiole D. Exoskeleton
B. Proboscis E. Crepuscular
C. Head shield F. None of the Above

107. Adults of both sexes have__________________, but seldom fly. They are, however,
capable of gliding flights.
A. Pedipalps D. Well-developed wings
B. Forbs E. Pronotums
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

108. ___________________ are smaller than adults, grayish-brown in color and less fully
A. Instars D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

109. The adult female usually drops her egg capsule within a day after it is formed. She often
places the capsule near a food or water source or in a location where it can be covered with
A. Frass D. Miscellaneous debris
B. Endosperm E. Poikilotherm
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

110. Occasionally, she glues the capsule to some surface with secretions from her mouth. The
capsule may be _____________________in moist wood, in cracks in bark or in whorls of plants.
A. Ovipositor D. Overwinter
B. Diapause E. Deposited outdoors
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

American Cockroach
111. ___________________of this species are 1 1/2 to 2 inches long. They are the largest of all
the cockroaches common in the World.
A. Adult males D. Adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Instars F. None of the Above

112. Both _________________ are shiny, reddish brown with a pale brown or yellow band
around the edge of the head and back. The wings of both the male and female extend slightly
beyond the body.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Male and female
C. Instars F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
113. The female produces 15 to 90 egg capsules, each containing 14 to 16 eggs. Egg capsules
are deposited near a _________________ where the majority of eggs hatch within 60 days.
A. Dactyl D. Endosperm
B. Internode E. Scutellum
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

114. The ________________ is completed in 12 to 18 months.

A. Overwinter D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Dealate E. Reproductive cycle
C. Overwinter F. None of the Above

115. The ________________ can survive 2 to 3 months without food and for a month without
A. Adult D. Internode
B. Ovipositor E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Malformation F. None of the Above

116. ______________________are not typically found in homes; however, in commercial and

industrial establishments they can be found in damp, warm basements, in furnace or boiler
rooms, and storage rooms.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Females E. American cockroaches
C. Ovipositors F. None of the Above

117. Because of their preference for _________________, they are notable as a problem in
urban commercial districts.
A. Finances D. Heat
B. Dry areas E. Sewers and heat tunnels
C. Food F. None of the Above

Oriental Cockroach
118. This dark reddish brown to black roach is commonly referred to as the
"________________." It is considered the most repulsive of all of the roaches and has a strong
A. Roach D. Chinese roach
B. Sewer bug E. Blackie
C. Water bug F. None of the Above

119. The adult females are 1 1/4 inches long and______________.

A. Carries an egg capsule D. Is a reproductive
B. Lives in sewer drains E. Almost wingless
C. Has 8 legs F. None of the Above

120. The _______________are 1 inch long and have wings that are about half as long as their
body. Neither males nor females can fly or glide.
A. Dealates D. Adult females
B. Instars E. Adult males
C. Nymphs F. None of the Above

121. The ______________carries an egg capsule for about 30 hours and then drops or attaches
it to a protected surface near food. On average, a female produces eight egg capsules, each
containing 16 eggs which hatch within 60 days.
A. Dealates D. Reproductives
B. Nymphs E. Female
C. Roach F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
122. The __________________ of this roach is completed in 6 to 9 months.
A. Egg capsule D. Reproductive cycle
B. Mating E. Life cycle
C. Completion F. None of the Above

123. ________________ prefer damp, cool, dark areas. They are generally found in sewer
drains, crawl space areas, basements, cellars, or on the first floor of buildings.
A. Nymphs D. Dealates
B. Roaches E. Adult males
C. Water bugs F. None of the Above

124. Infestations by this roach are most frequently found during spring (_______________) and
fall (October). They may spend considerable time outdoors during warm weather.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

Wood Cockroach
125. This group of roaches causes occasional problems in homes and public places. They are
seen in late _______________, especially after rains.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

126. This roach is often confused with both adult American and________________. However,
the wood roach is chestnut brown and has a dull white band around the edges of the head and
A. Females D. Oriental roaches
B. Roaches E. One generation per year
C. Adults F. None of the Above

127. Adults are 1 to 1 1/4 inches long. ____________ have wings covering only about half the
body and do not fly. Males have wings longer than the body and are excellent fliers.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Instars
C. Adults F. None of the Above

128. Females produce about 30 egg capsules, each containing about 32 to 36 eggs. This roach
completes _________________.
A. Her work D. The life cycle
B. Nymphet stage E. One generation per year
C. Egg laying F. None of the Above

129. Wood cockroaches are usually found in wood piles, hollow trees or under loose bark.
Buildings in wooded areas are prone to have problems with wood roaches during rainy periods.
Although this roach prefers to live outside, __________________ are attracted to light and may
enter buildings. They are sometimes brought in along with firewood, but do not usually survive or
multiply inside buildings.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Dealates
C. Adults F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
130. The _______________is slightly more than 1 inch long and is a uniform, very dark brown to
black. The head shield is a solid dark color.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Nymphs
C. Adult F. None of the Above

131. Both ________________have wings longer than their bodies and are capable of flying or
A. Dealates and Instars D. Nymphs and Adults
B. Roaches E. Males and females
C. Adults and Instars F. None of the Above

132. Nymphs are smaller than adults and have only partially developed wings. ______________
usually carry their egg capsules for a day or two before attaching them to the outside surfaces of
buildings and other protected sites near the ground.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Adult females
C. Adults F. None of the Above

133. These ________________ live primarily outdoors and prefer wood, leaf litter, trash piles
and other humid sites with abundant organic matter. They also hide under rocks, ground cover
and building materials. They may enter homes with infested firewood during seasonal migrations.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Cockroaches
C. Adults F. None of the Above

134. The Smokybrown cockroach has a great tendency to lose moisture through the cuticle and
thus requires water every two to three days. These requirements are important to remember
when implementing your _____________________.
A. Treatment D. Control program
B. Monitoring E. Roach extermination program
C. Penetration F. None of the Above

135. This pest is most likely found in areas which are protected, moist, dark, relatively warm and
free from the _____________________. In nature, tree holes and the canopies of palm trees
offer the ideal environment in which this bug can thrive.
A. Pesticide D. Desiccating effects of air flow
B. Dry habitat E. Treatment
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

Control Smokybrown Cockroaches

136. Eliminate or alter any conditions which encourage the ________________ of the roaches.
These pests thrive in dark, humid areas which have little or no air flow.
A. Life cycle D. Presence and/or reproduction
B. Moist habitat E. Removal and destroying hiding areas
C. Deeper penetration F. None of the Above

137. Spray exterior of structure with Suspend SC, Demon WP or Cynoff WP. These odorless
insecticides will give a quick knockdown of bugs while lasting for several weeks, usually yielding
about a ___________________.
A. 90 day residual D. 30 day residual
B. 10 day residual E. 50 day residual
C. 1 inch penetration F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
138. Spray any crack, crevice or entry point on the outside of the structure. This includes
treating around all windows, doors, vents and in ____________________ of brick veneer. Also
spray tree trunks, from ground to crotch of tree, but no higher than six feet.
A. Areas D. Areas roaches like to hide
B. Weep holes E. And outside
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

139. All ____________________ should be sprayed with insecticide. These exterior surfaces
should be treated 3 to 4 times each year.
A. Interiors D. Grass and bushes
B. Moist habitats E. Roaches
C. Mulched areas F. None of the Above

140. If necessary, _________________ in the following areas: basements, garages, carports,

attics, closets, laundry rooms.
A. Trap D. Dust
B. B and G E. Spray indoors
C. C/C F. None of the Above

141. Also treat beneath and behind large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, etc.) or other areas
where these ________________. (Spraying all of your baseboards with any bug spray is not
A. Thrive in the dark D. Pests live
B. Have a moist habitat E. Roaches prefer to hide
C. Penetrate F. None of the Above

142. Indoor areas should be treated_____________.

A. Indoor areas D. 2 to 3 times per year
B. Delta Dust E. 1 to 2 times per year
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

143. Hollow blocks or other areas such as behind brick walls and along plumbing lines should be
treated with __________________.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

144. Although many dusts will kill roaches, ________________ is water-proof and will not be
destroyed by the moist habitat of the Smokybrown as would other dusts.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

145. For deeper penetration and better distribution of insecticide dust, use a _______________.
Delta Dust should be used once each year or as needed.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

Asian Cockroach Blattella asahinai

146. The Asian cockroach was identified as a __________________to the United States in 1986
when a professional pest control operator collected these insects in Lakeland, Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Newly introduced species
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
147. He referred to them as German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), but noted that their
behavior was unlike any other _________________ that he had previously encountered. Upon
further investigation the cockroaches were found to be B. asahinai, Asian cockroaches.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

Distribution and Habits

148. The Asian cockroach was first described in 1981 from insects collected on Okinawa Island,
Japan. It is most likely that ____________was introduced into the United States through imports
from Japan.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. B. asahinai
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

149. Since the first identification of ________________in Lakeland (Polk County), it has been
reported from Marion County in central Florida to Broward County in southwest Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. B. asahinai
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

150. The primary habitat of the ____________________ is outdoors in shaded mulched or

composted areas, such as landscaping and gardens, where fresh plant litter accumulates.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Water bug
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

151. Populations of 30,000 to 250,000 insects per acre have been reported. Members of this
species are strong fliers, unlike their close relative, the ___________________.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Polish cockroach
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

152. They may invade structures but indoor infestations are rare occurrences. They become
_______________________and are attracted to light-colored surfaces and brightly lit areas.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

153. _____________________ will take flight during the day if disturbed. The presence of this
pest is obvious since their peak activity period coincides with our leisure time.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Males
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

154. _____________________ are almost identical to German cockroaches. Chemical analysis
by gas chromatography will confirm the species.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
155. However, there are also slight morphological differences between B. asahinai and B.
germanica. _______________ adults have longer and narrower wings than those of German
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. Black F. None of the Above

156. There are also differences between ___________in the shape of the male tergal glands.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Female tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. The species
C. Adults F. None of the Above

157. Asian cockroach females produce _____________and nymphs are smaller than that of
German cockroaches.
A. Females D. Smaller egg capsules
B. Roaches E. Wings
C. Adults F. None of the Above

158. Asian cockroach first instars have 23 antennal segments while German cockroach first
instars have 24 to 25. Finally, margins of the abdomen and spots along the abdominal midsection
of B. asahinai late instars _____________, whereas those areas are lightly pigmented in B.
A. Appear red D. Are small
B. Appear white E. Are large
C. Appear black F. None of the Above

Life Cycle
159. Female Asian cockroaches have a lifetime reproductive potential for producing
approximately four egg capsules, each averaging____________.
A. 137 nymphs D. 3700 nymphs
B. 100 nymphs E. 370 nymphs
C. 37 nymphs F. None of the Above

160. Immatures take approximately 67 days to reach adulthood. Females can then live for 104
days and males can live for_______________.
A. 49 days D. 149 days
B. 49 weeks E. 490 days
C. 49 years F. None of the Above

161. Females can produce their first egg capsule ____________after adult eclosion, and can
drop another 20 days later.
A. 23 days D. 10 days
B. 33 days E. 13 days
C. 3 days F. None of the Above

162. Adults are abundant ________________and again August through September. Nymphs
predominate May through August.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. February through May F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
163. _______________ of Asian cockroaches is difficult due to their mobility and abundance of
population sites.
A. Typically treatment D. Management
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Tracking F. None of the Above

164. Traditional treatments using _______________inside and around the perimeter of a

structure are ineffective due to numerous infestations in mulched and wooded areas.
A. Traps D. B and G
B. Control E. Residual sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

165. Plus, adults enter homes through windows and doorways, avoiding areas typically treated
for ____________________of German cockroaches.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

166. Sodium vapor lamps for security lighting and yellow incandescent bulbs for porch lighting
are both less attractive to adults and would thereby __________________of adult insects to
lighting near buildings.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Reduce attraction
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

167. Although Asian cockroaches are susceptible to all pesticides, toxic pelletized baits scattered
outdoors have___________________.
A. Typically been treated D. Are less attracted
B. Been controlled E. Provided the most reliable control
C. Been susceptible F. None of the Above

168. The ________________for a pesticide or herbicide to enter the body are: inhalation, skin
and eye contact, ingestion, and injection.
A. Prevention techniques D. Direction
B. Basic cycle E. Methods
C. Basic routes F. None of the Above

169. The prevention of entry by one of these routes can be accomplished by control mechanisms
such as engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and ________________________.
A. Prevention D. Can be minimized
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Safety F. None of the Above

170. Each route can be minimized by a variety of _____________________depending on the

hazard and operation.
A. Prevention methods D. Techniques
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Control measures F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Madagascan Giant Hissing Roaches
171. The cockroach family, to which Madagascan roaches belong, is among the most primitive of
the winged insects. The nearest relatives to ________________include mantids, grass-hoppers,
stick insects, and termites.
A. Bees D. Beetles
B. Cockroaches E. Bed bugs
C. Winged insects F. None of the Above

172. There are at least 3,500 known species living today, in__________________, most of
which originate in the tropics.
A. 500 genera D. On this planet
B. 450 genera E. USA
C. 400 genera F. None of the Above

173. As a group, cockroaches exhibit a __________________of sizes, colors, and habits.

A. Diurnal D. Wide diversity
B. Small diversity E. Cornucopia
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

174. Although they have an infamous reputation as household pests, in reality only about half a
dozen species (less than one percent of all known forms) have __________________with
A. Diurnal skills D. Negative associations
B. Exhibited hostility E. Toxic relationships
C. Made friends F. None of the Above

175. Many species are diurnal, some are_______________________, and others live in the
ground or are wood-boring. Some, such as the Madagascan roach, do not have wings.
A. Intellectual D. Scavengers
B. Semiaquatic E. Toxic
C. Hostile F. None of the Above

176. About a dozen or so species live _______________________ in the nests of ants, wasps,
or termites.
A. Diurnal D. As scavengers outdoors near
B. Near and E. As friends
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

177. There are also roach species that inhabit caves with bats or live in the desert. The majority
of cockroaches in tropical countries exist as scavengers outdoors, feeding on vegetation and
organic matter in_________________________.
A. Their nests D. Outdoors
B. The tropics E. An apparently harmless fashion
C. Dry areas F. None of the Above

178. The toxicity of the Thailand and Middle-Asian cobra venoms as well as of their isolated
components (_____________________and some others) for cockroach Gromphadorhina
portentosa was studied.
A. Poisons D. Neurotoxins, cytotoxins, phospholipases
B. Sugars E. Toxic
C. Vapors F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
179. It was found that, as compared to mammals, cockroaches are _______________to cobra
venoms and their components.
A. Diurnal D. Scavengers
B. More resistant E. Toxic
C. Related F. None of the Above

Cockroach Management Strategies

180. ___________________of roach colonies can be prevented by close inspection of incoming
merchandise, such as food boxes, beverage cartons, appliances, furniture and clothing.
A. Entry and establishment D. Avoid unnecessary control
B. Elimination E. Developed resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

181. Caulking or puttying areas such as cracks and crevices around kitchen cabinets, bathtubs,
water and plumbing pipes, cracks on floors and walls, and exterior windows and doors can
eliminate most hiding places and__________________.
A. Cannot elevate growth D. Help reduce the cockroach population
B. Can eliminate E. Helps develop resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

182. Other structural modifications, such as weather stripping and pipe collars, also help to
A. Increase protection D. Avoid unnecessary growth
B. Can eliminate E. Reduce cockroach entry and establishment
C. Kill the pests F. None of the Above

183. Good housekeeping is the most important factor in preventing and ___________________
A. Cannot forgotten D. Controlling cockroach populations
B. Elimination E. Reducing resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

184. Cockroaches___________________, water and shelter. Do not allow food particles to

remain on shelves or floors.
A. Cannot live without food D. Avoid unnecessary food stuffs
B. Can eliminate E. Have developed resistance
C. Storage areas should not be left F. None of the Above

185. Dishes should not be left unwashed after a meal, particularly overnight. Clean areas under
refrigerators, stoves, sinks and furniture regularly to remove bits of food that have accumulated. If
pets are fed indoors, _______________________, especially overnight. Store pet food in tight
containers, and clean litter boxes frequently.
A. Use baits D. Avoid unnecessary food
B. Use dusts E. Teach pets to deal with the cockroaches
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

186. Keep all food items covered or in a refrigerator at all times between uses. Empty garbage
and _____________________and keep refuse in a covered container away from the residence.
A. Burn it D. Avoid unnecessary
B. Eliminate extra humans E. Develop control methods
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
187. If possible, _____________________. Common sources include leaking faucets and pipes,
drains, toilet tanks, wash basins and sink traps, aquaria and water-filled tubs. Pets' water dishes,
beverage bottles or cartons, and pipe condensation can provide an adequate water supply for
roaches. Roach breeding is encouraged by clutter.
A. Move D. Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities
B. Use dusts E. Use DDT
C. Call pest control F. None of the Above

188. Avoid unnecessary storage of corrugated paper boxes, piles of paper bags, newspaper,
magazines, and ________________________________.
A. Concrete D. Metal
B. Beer E. Motor oil
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Chemical Control
189. Cockroaches have been the target of many insecticides over the years but they have
_________________________________to several of them.
A. Cannot escape D. Learned to avoid eating
B. Eliminated E. Developed resistance
C. Evolved F. None of the Above

190. Attempts to use pheromones as sex lures or to sterilize male cockroaches have thus far not
__________________ on a large scale.
A. Proved practical D. Proved cost effective
B. Worked E. Developed resistance
C. Impressed F. None of the Above

191. ___________________such as diatomaceous earth to penetrate their protective cuticles

may work in individual households as a nonpoisonous alternative.
A. Dusts D. Avoid unnecessary dusting
B. Salts E. Spraying pesticides
C. Sprinkling abrasives F. None of the Above

192. Once the cuticle is abraded, the roaches die of dehydration. Also effective is ___________,
which is both abrasive and poisonous to cockroaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Boric acid powder
C Application method F. None of the Above

193. ________________cockroaches from multiplying is to keep a clean house and block their
access to water, which they need to survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. The best way to prevent
B. Drione Dust will control E. Crusader Hand Dust will kill
C Application of pesticide to F. None of the Above

194. American cockroaches are very easy to keep and rear in the laboratory and make excellent
subjects for experimentation because of their large size and___________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Treatment Methods
195. The disadvantage is that the treatments need to be where the roaches are hiding.
Cockroaches have been seen thriving less than a foot away from__________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. A treated surface
C Application method F. None of the Above

196. Their path of feeding and moving to and from shelter never crossed the_______________.
This enabled them to live virtually on top of treated areas and yet still survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Treated surfaces E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cracks and Crevice

197. When roaches began to build resistance to chemicals and manufacturers designed their
products with less volatility, new packaging and treatment techniques became necessary. These
new trends became known as "_______________".
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

198. Basically, ____________ means applying the chemical into the cracks and crevices
suspected of harboring roaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

199. There are two types of products commonly used for this purpose: _______________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

200. In fact, a good pest control technician should be able to get roach control with nothing more
than _____________ if he or she knows where to do the application.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

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Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Cockroach Control Assignment #5
For Students Names T-Z
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2. You will need to pick one of the following five assignments to complete. This selection
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Multiple Choice, Please select one answer and mark it on the answer key. The answer must
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Label Requirements
1. When these requirements appear on pesticide labels, all end-users must meet them unless
exempt. Exempt end-users should voluntarily obey the requirements because of the dangers of
A. Pesticide exposure D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Exempt end-users
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

2. ___________________are intended to eliminate exposure to pesticides and to inform

employees about the occupational hazards of pesticides. These require employers to make sure
that employees are provided with:
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide
B. Pesticide residues E. Generic requirements
C. Display of information F. None of the Above

3. ____________________at a central location (WPS safety poster, the location of emergency

medical facilities, and a list of recent pesticide applications).
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Display of information
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

4. __________________exchanges between employers of agricultural workers and employers of

commercial (for-hire) pesticide applicators.
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Details of information E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

5. ___________________ about pesticide applications and information about pesticides used.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
6. _____________________ of handlers who are using highly toxic pesticides.
A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

7. Instruction on equipment safety, including__________________.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Inspection and maintenance E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

8. _________________ on the cleaning, inspection, and maintenance of PPE.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

9. ______________for handlers, including labeling information and safe operation of application

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Special instructions
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above

10. _________________ restrictions in nurseries and greenhouses.

A. Instruction D. Special application
B. Notice E. Monitoring of handlers
C. Generic requirements F. None of the Above


11. Employers are responsible for making sure that workers and handlers receive the protections
required by the pesticide labeling and the WPS. The term “employer” has a special meaning in
the WPS — you are ___________________even though you are self-employed or use only
members of your own family to do the work on your establishment.
A. Handler employer D. An employer
B. Pesticide user E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Adviser F. None of the Above

12. The WPS has very specific definitions for two types of employers. WPS requirements apply
only to ______________who meet those definitions.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide applicator
B. Pesticide user E. Exempt end-users
C. Employers F. None of the Above


Worker Employers:
Worker employers are people who:
13. Employ or contract for the services of workers (including _____________and members of
their family) for any type of compensation to perform tasks related to the production of agricultural
A. Handler employers D. Themselves
B. Pesticide applicators E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

14. Own or operate an agricultural establishment that uses such ____________. (See definition
of “owner,”.)
A. Workers D. Themselves
B. Pesticide applicators E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
15. If you are a______________________, you are responsible for providing your agricultural
worker employees with the protections that the WPS requires for workers. (In the WPS itself,
“worker employers” are called “agricultural employers.”)
A. Handler employer D. Worker employer
B. Crop Adviser E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide applicator F. None of the Above

Handler Employers:
Handler employers are people who:
16. Employ _________________(including members of their family), for any type of
compensation, or
A. Handler employer D. Workers
B. Pesticide handlers E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

17. If you are a handler employer, you are responsible for providing the ____________you
employ with the protections that the WPS requires for handlers.
A. Handler employer D. Pesticide handlers
B. Pesticide workers E. Exempt end-users
C. Crop Advisers F. None of the Above

If You Employ Supervisors

You must:
18. Require them to make sure the _________________they supervise comply with the WPS
and receive its protections.
A. Handler employees D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

19. Give them enough information and directions about the WPS requirements to make sure that
the __________________ they supervise receive the protections required by the WPS.
A. Handler employees D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

20. Tell them who is responsible for all actions necessary for compliance with the WPS. Even if
you assign _____________________ to carry out the duties required by the WPS, you are
responsible for making sure that all those duties are performed.
A. An employee D. Workers and handlers
B. Pesticide employees E. Exempt end-users
C. Pesticide handlers F. None of the Above

General Duties of WPS

The general duties of the WPS require an agricultural employer or a pesticide handler-employer

21. Assure that each ___________________ subject to the standard receives the required
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
22. Assure that _______________subject to the standard is used in a manner consistent with
the labeling of the pesticide, including the requirements in the standard.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Any pesticide F. None of the Above

23. Provide sufficient information and directions to ________________or handler to assure that
each worker or handler receives the required protection. The information and directions must
specify which persons are responsible for actions required to comply with the standard.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Each person who supervises any worker
C. Workers F. None of the Above

24. Require each person who supervises any worker or handler to assure compliance by the
worker or handler with the provisions of this standard and to assure that the _________________
receives the required protection (40 CFR).
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

25. The general duties also prohibit ________________from taking any retaliatory actions
against workers attempting to comply with this standard, or from taking any action that prevents
or discourages any worker or handler from complying or attempting to comply with the WPS.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Agricultural and handler employers F. None of the Above

26. Requires everyone applying pesticides to ____________________on the pesticide
container's label.
A. Obey instructions printed D. Safely apply pesticides
B. Decontaminate supplies E. Wear personal protective equipment as noted
C. Find emergency assistance F. None of the Above

Summary of WPS Requirements

27. _______________________-- Applicators are prohibited from applying a pesticide in a way
that will expose workers or other persons. Workers are excluded from areas while pesticides are
being applied.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Protection during applications
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

28. _____________________ must be specified on all agricultural plant pesticide product labels.
Workers are excluded from entering a pesticide-treated area during the restricted-entry interval,
with only narrow exceptions.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

29. _____________________ must be provided and maintained for handlers and early-entry
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
30. __________________-- Workers must be notified about treated areas so they may avoid
inadvertent exposures.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Notification to workers
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

31. __________________ -- Handlers and workers must have an ample supply of water, soap,
and towels for routine washing and emergency decontamination.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

32. _____________________ -- Transportation must be made available to a medical care facility

if a worker or handler may have been poisoned or injured. Information must be provided about
the pesticide to which the person may have been exposed.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

33. __________________ Training is required for all workers and handlers, and a pesticide
safety poster must be displayed.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Applying pesticides
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above

34. Access to labeling and site-specific information -- Handlers and workers must be informed
of__________________. Central posting of recent pesticide applications is required.
A. Restricted-entry intervals D. Pesticide label requirements
B. Decontamination supplies E. Personal protective equipment
C. Emergency assistance F. None of the Above


35. The WPS requires employers to take steps to protect two types of agricultural employees:
A. Worker and Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Worker and Person E. Worker and Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers and Supervisors F. None of the Above

36. The terms “worker” and “pesticide handler” are defined very specifically in the WPS, and
_________________who meet these definitions must comply with the WPS.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Employers of persons E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

37. Depending on the tasks being performed, you may need to provide the same __________
with worker protections on some occasions and pesticide handler protections on other occasions.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Employee F. None of the Above

38. ______________of agricultural establishments and members of their immediate family are
exempt from many WPS requirements.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
39. A worker is anyone who: (1) is _______________for any type of compensation and (2) is
doing tasks, such as harvesting, weeding, or watering, relating to the production of agricultural
plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse.
A. Agricultural employer D. Employed (including self-employed)
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

40. This term does not include persons who are employed by a commercial establishment to
perform tasks as_______________.
A. Agricultural employer D. Worker and/or handler
B. Crop advisors E. Crop advisors
C. Workers F. None of the Above

41. A pesticide handler is anyone who: is employed (including self-employed) for any type of
compensation by _______________or a commercial pesticide handling establishment that uses
pesticides in the production of agricultural plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Use of soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

And is doing any of the following tasks:

42. Assisting with the ______________, including incorporating the pesticide into the soil after
the application has occurred.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

43. Entering a greenhouse or other enclosed area after application and before the inhalation
exposure level listed on the product labeling has been reached or one of the WPS ventilation
criteria have been met to: – operate ventilation equipment, –________________, such as tarps,
used in fumigation, or – check air concentration levels.
A. Product labeling D. Entering an agricultural establishment
B. Adjust or remove coverings E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

44. Entering a treated area outdoors after _____________to adjust or remove soil coverings,
such as tarpaulins.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Application of any soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. Restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

45. Performing tasks as a crop advisor: – during any pesticide application, – before any
inhalation exposure level or ventilation criteria listed in the labeling has been reached or one of
the WPS ventilation criteria has been met, –____________________.
A. Product labeling D. An agricultural establishment
B. Soil fumigant E. Application of pesticides
C. During any restricted-entry interval F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
46. A person is not a _______________if he or she only handles pesticide containers that have
been emptied or cleaned according to instructions on pesticide product labeling or, if the labeling
has no such instructions, have been triple-rinsed or cleaned by an equivalent method, such as
pressure rinsing.
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

47. A person is not a ____________ if he or she (1) is only handling pesticide containers that are
unopened and (2) is not, at the same time, also doing any handling task (such as mixing or
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

48. You are not a _____________ if you: purchase pesticides and transport them unopened to
an establishment. Carry unopened containers into a pesticide storage facility. Transport
unopened containers to the site where they are to be mixed, loaded, or applied.
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

49. You are a _____________if you are loading unopened water-soluble packets into a mixing
tank (because you are mixing and loading the pesticide).
A. Agricultural employer D. Handler
B. Person E. Pesticide handler-employer
C. Workers F. None of the Above

Four Basic Requirements of WPS

These regulations contain four basic requirements:
50. Workers are___________________.
A. Not allowed to drink pesticide(s) D. Not allowed in the restricted entry intervals (REI)
B. To wear PPE E. Not to be sprayed with pesticides
C. Allowed to preform handling activities F. None of the Above

Brownbanded Cockroach
51. Both nymphs and adults of this species are _____________and can be distinguished easily
by the presence of two angled or transverse bands across the base of the wings and abdomen.
A. Black D. Internode
B. Red E. Detritivore
C. Light brown F. None of the Above

52. Adult males are 1/2 to 5/8 inch long; the female is slightly shorter. Though both have wings,
only the _________________ can fly.
A. Male D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Instars
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

53. The ____________ carries each egg capsule for only a day or two before attaching it to a
protected surface.
A. Adult males D. Dealates
B. Female E. Phytotoxemia
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
54. The egg capsules are usually______________________, and most of the eggs hatch within
50 days.
A. Diapause D. Deposited in clusters or rows
B. Cursorial E. Deposited in frass
C. Scutellum F. None of the Above

55. Approximately 5 to 18 egg capsules are produced per female, each containing 19 eggs.
About 3 to 9 months are required to complete the ______________________.
A. Diapause D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Estivation E. Reproductive cycle
C. Metamorphosis F. None of the Above

56. ____________________ prefer a dry, warm environment. They are generally found on
ceilings, high on walls, and in light switches, closets and furniture. In some places they are known
as "TV roaches" because of their frequent presence in living-room furniture and appliances.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

57. The wings of ___________________ cover their abdomens, while the females’ wings are
shorter. The yellow bands across the back are more pronounced on nymphs than on adults.
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Dealates
C. Ovipositor F. None of the Above

58. These cockroaches are quite active, and the adults, especially the males, fly rapidly when
disturbed. Both ________________may jump to escape danger.
A. Adult males D. Adults and nymphs
B. Female E. Reproductives
C. Dealates F. None of the Above

59. The ________________carries her egg capsule for only a day or two before gluing it to a
protected surface underneath or inside furniture, in a closet or on the ceiling in a darkened room.
They can also be found in televisions and other appliances.
A. Adult female D. Nymphs and adults
B. Detritivores E. Dealates
C. Pedipalps F. None of the Above

60. Brownbanded cockroaches are more apt to be found in homes, apartments, hotels, motels,
nursing homes and hospitals than in restaurants, grocery stores and other commercial
establishments. They prefer starchy foods and appear to have lower water requirements than
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

61. They can occupy drier locations within a building. _________________ frequently are found
on ceilings in dark or dimly lit rooms, behind picture frames, in light switches, in upper walls of
cabinets and closets, or on undersides of furniture and inside upholstered furniture. Because
brownbanded cockroaches are found in so many locations they may be more difficult to control.
A. American Cockroaches D. Nymphs and adults
B. German cockroaches E. Other cockroaches
C. TV roaches F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
62. The American cockroach is the largest of the common species, growing to a length of 1 1/2
to 2 inches. It is reddish-brown with a light yellow band around the edge of the _____________.
A. Petiole D. Exoskeleton
B. Proboscis E. Crepuscular
C. Head shield F. None of the Above

63. Adults of both sexes have__________________, but seldom fly. They are, however, capable
of gliding flights.
A. Pedipalps D. Well-developed wings
B. Forbs E. Pronotums
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

64. ___________________ are smaller than adults, grayish-brown in color and less fully winged.
A. Instars D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Imagoes F. None of the Above

65. The adult female usually drops her egg capsule within a day after it is formed. She often
places the capsule near a food or water source or in a location where it can be covered with
A. Frass D. Miscellaneous debris
B. Endosperm E. Poikilotherm
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

66. Occasionally, she glues the capsule to some surface with secretions from her mouth. The
capsule may be _____________________in moist wood, in cracks in bark or in whorls of plants.
A. Ovipositor D. Overwinter
B. Diapause E. Deposited outdoors
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

American Cockroach
67. ___________________of this species are 1 1/2 to 2 inches long. They are the largest of all
the cockroaches common in the World.
A. Adult males D. Adults
B. Female E. Nymphal cockroaches
C. Instars F. None of the Above

68. Both _________________ are shiny, reddish brown with a pale brown or yellow band around
the edge of the head and back. The wings of both the male and female extend slightly beyond the
A. Adult males D. Nymphs and adults
B. Female E. Male and female
C. Instars F. None of the Above

69. The female produces 15 to 90 egg capsules, each containing 14 to 16 eggs. Egg capsules
are deposited near a _________________ where the majority of eggs hatch within 60 days.
A. Dactyl D. Endosperm
B. Internode E. Scutellum
C. Capsule F. None of the Above

70. The ________________ is completed in 12 to 18 months.

A. Overwinter D. Defoliate, defoliation
B. Dealate E. Reproductive cycle
C. Overwinter F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Oriental Cockroach
71. The ______________carries an egg capsule for about 30 hours and then drops or attaches it
to a protected surface near food. On average, a female produces eight egg capsules, each
containing 16 eggs which hatch within 60 days.
A. Dealates D. Reproductives
B. Nymphs E. Female
C. Roach F. None of the Above

72. The __________________ of this roach is completed in 6 to 9 months.

A. Egg capsule D. Reproductive cycle
B. Mating E. Life cycle
C. Completion F. None of the Above

73. ________________ prefer damp, cool, dark areas. They are generally found in sewer drains,
crawl space areas, basements, cellars, or on the first floor of buildings.
A. Nymphs D. Dealates
B. Roaches E. Adult males
C. Water bugs F. None of the Above

74. Infestations by this roach are most frequently found during spring (_______________) and
fall (October). They may spend considerable time outdoors during warm weather.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

Wood Cockroach
75. This group of roaches causes occasional problems in homes and public places. They are
seen in late _______________, especially after rains.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. August F. None of the Above

76. This roach is often confused with both adult American and________________. However, the
wood roach is chestnut brown and has a dull white band around the edges of the head and back.
A. Females D. Oriental roaches
B. Roaches E. One generation per year
C. Adults F. None of the Above

77. Adults are 1 to 1 1/4 inches long. ____________ have wings covering only about half the
body and do not fly. Males have wings longer than the body and are excellent fliers.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Instars
C. Adults F. None of the Above

78. Females produce about 30 egg capsules, each containing about 32 to 36 eggs. This roach
completes _________________.
A. Her work D. The life cycle
B. Nymphet stage E. One generation per year
C. Egg laying F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
79. Wood cockroaches are usually found in wood piles, hollow trees or under loose bark.
Buildings in wooded areas are prone to have problems with wood roaches during rainy periods.
Although this roach prefers to live outside, __________________ are attracted to light and may
enter buildings. They are sometimes brought in along with firewood, but do not usually survive or
multiply inside buildings.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Dealates
C. Adults F. None of the Above

80. The _______________is slightly more than 1 inch long and is a uniform, very dark brown to
black. The head shield is a solid dark color.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Nymphs
C. Adult F. None of the Above

81. Both ________________have wings longer than their bodies and are capable of flying or
A. Dealates and Instars D. Nymphs and Adults
B. Roaches E. Males and females
C. Adults and Instars F. None of the Above

82. Nymphs are smaller than adults and have only partially developed wings. ______________
usually carry their egg capsules for a day or two before attaching them to the outside surfaces of
buildings and other protected sites near the ground.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Adult females
C. Adults F. None of the Above

83. These ________________ live primarily outdoors and prefer wood, leaf litter, trash piles and
other humid sites with abundant organic matter. They also hide under rocks, ground cover and
building materials. They may enter homes with infested firewood during seasonal migrations.
A. Females D. Adult males
B. Roaches E. Cockroaches
C. Adults F. None of the Above

84. The Smokybrown cockroach has a great tendency to lose moisture through the cuticle and
thus requires water every two to three days. These requirements are important to remember
when implementing your _____________________.
A. Treatment D. Control program
B. Monitoring E. Roach extermination program
C. Penetration F. None of the Above

85. This pest is most likely found in areas which are protected, moist, dark, relatively warm and
free from the _____________________. In nature, tree holes and the canopies of palm trees
offer the ideal environment in which this bug can thrive.
A. Pesticide D. Desiccating effects of air flow
B. Dry habitat E. Treatment
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

Control Smokybrown Cockroaches

86. Eliminate or alter any conditions which encourage the ________________ of the roaches.
These pests thrive in dark, humid areas which have little or no air flow.
A. Life cycle D. Presence and/or reproduction
B. Moist habitat E. Removal and destroying hiding areas
C. Deeper penetration F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
87. Spray exterior of structure with Suspend SC, Demon WP or Cynoff WP. These odorless
insecticides will give a quick knockdown of bugs while lasting for several weeks, usually yielding
about a ___________________.
A. 90 day residual D. 30 day residual
B. 10 day residual E. 50 day residual
C. 1 inch penetration F. None of the Above

88. Spray any crack, crevice or entry point on the outside of the structure. This includes treating
around all windows, doors, vents and in ____________________ of brick veneer. Also spray tree
trunks, from ground to crotch of tree, but no higher than six feet.
A. Areas D. Areas roaches like to hide
B. Weep holes E. And outside
C. Deep penetration F. None of the Above

89. All ____________________ should be sprayed with insecticide. These exterior surfaces
should be treated 3 to 4 times each year.
A. Interiors D. Grass and bushes
B. Moist habitats E. Roaches
C. Mulched areas F. None of the Above

90. If necessary, _________________ in the following areas: basements, garages, carports,

attics, closets, laundry rooms.
A. Trap D. Dust
B. B and G E. Spray indoors
C. C/C F. None of the Above

91. Also treat beneath and behind large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, etc.) or other areas
where these ________________. (Spraying all of your baseboards with any bug spray is not
A. Thrive in the dark D. Pests live
B. Have a moist habitat E. Roaches prefer to hide
C. Penetrate F. None of the Above

92. Indoor areas should be treated_____________.

A. Indoor areas D. 2 to 3 times per year
B. Delta Dust E. 1 to 2 times per year
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

93. Hollow blocks or other areas such as behind brick walls and along plumbing lines should be
treated with __________________.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

94. Although many dusts will kill roaches, ________________ is water-proof and will not be
destroyed by the moist habitat of the Smokybrown as would other dusts.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

95. For deeper penetration and better distribution of insecticide dust, use a _______________.
Delta Dust should be used once each year or as needed.
A. Indoor areas D. Hollow blocks
B. Delta Dust E. Crusader Duster
C. Spraying F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Asian Cockroach Blattella asahinai
96. The Asian cockroach was identified as a __________________to the United States in 1986
when a professional pest control operator collected these insects in Lakeland, Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Newly introduced species
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

97. He referred to them as German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), but noted that their
behavior was unlike any other _________________ that he had previously encountered. Upon
further investigation the cockroaches were found to be B. asahinai, Asian cockroaches.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

Distribution and Habits

98. The Asian cockroach was first described in 1981 from insects collected on Okinawa Island,
Japan. It is most likely that ____________was introduced into the United States through imports
from Japan.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. B. asahinai
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

99. Since the first identification of ________________in Lakeland (Polk County), it has been
reported from Marion County in central Florida to Broward County in southwest Florida.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. B. asahinai
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

100. The primary habitat of the ____________________ is outdoors in shaded mulched or

composted areas, such as landscaping and gardens, where fresh plant litter accumulates.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Water bug
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

101. Populations of 30,000 to 250,000 insects per acre have been reported. Members of this
species are strong fliers, unlike their close relative, the ___________________.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Polish cockroach
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. American cockroach(es) F. None of the Above

102. They may invade structures but indoor infestations are rare occurrences. They become
_______________________and are attracted to light-colored surfaces and brightly lit areas.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

103. _____________________ will take flight during the day if disturbed. The presence of this
pest is obvious since their peak activity period coincides with our leisure time.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Males
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
104. _____________________ are almost identical to German cockroaches. Chemical analysis
by gas chromatography will confirm the species.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Wood cockroach(es)
B. German cockroach(es) E. Indoor infestations
C. Adults F. None of the Above

105. However, there are also slight morphological differences between B. asahinai and B.
germanica. _______________ adults have longer and narrower wings than those of German
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Male tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. Wood cockroach(es)
C. Black F. None of the Above

106. There are also differences between ___________in the shape of the male tergal glands.
A. Asian cockroach(es) D. Female tergal glands
B. German cockroach(es) E. The species
C. Adults F. None of the Above

107. Asian cockroach females produce _____________and nymphs are smaller than that of
German cockroaches.
A. Females D. Smaller egg capsules
B. Roaches E. Wings
C. Adults F. None of the Above

108. Asian cockroach first instars have 23 antennal segments while German cockroach first
instars have 24 to 25. Finally, margins of the abdomen and spots along the abdominal midsection
of B. asahinai late instars _____________, whereas those areas are lightly pigmented in B.
A. Appear red D. Are small
B. Appear white E. Are large
C. Appear black F. None of the Above

Life Cycle
109. Female Asian cockroaches have a lifetime reproductive potential for producing
approximately four egg capsules, each averaging____________.
A. 137 nymphs D. 3700 nymphs
B. 100 nymphs E. 370 nymphs
C. 37 nymphs F. None of the Above

110. Immatures take approximately 67 days to reach adulthood. Females can then live for 104
days and males can live for_______________.
A. 49 days D. 149 days
B. 49 weeks E. 490 days
C. 49 years F. None of the Above

111. Females can produce their first egg capsule ____________after adult eclosion, and can
drop another 20 days later.
A. 23 days D. 10 days
B. 33 days E. 13 days
C. 3 days F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
112. Adults are abundant ________________and again August through September. Nymphs
predominate May through August.
A. March to June D. April and May
B. June and July E. May or June
C. February through May F. None of the Above

113. _______________ of Asian cockroaches is difficult due to their mobility and abundance of
population sites.
A. Typically treatment D. Management
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Tracking F. None of the Above

114. Traditional treatments using _______________inside and around the perimeter of a

structure are ineffective due to numerous infestations in mulched and wooded areas.
A. Traps D. B and G
B. Control E. Residual sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

115. Plus, adults enter homes through windows and doorways, avoiding areas typically treated
for ____________________of German cockroaches.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Numerous infestations
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

116. Sodium vapor lamps for security lighting and yellow incandescent bulbs for porch lighting
are both less attractive to adults and would thereby __________________of adult insects to
lighting near buildings.
A. Typically treated D. Less attractive
B. Control E. Reduce attraction
C. Susceptible F. None of the Above

117. Although Asian cockroaches are susceptible to all pesticides, toxic pelletized baits scattered
outdoors have___________________.
A. Typically been treated D. Are less attracted
B. Been controlled E. Provided the most reliable control
C. Been susceptible F. None of the Above

118. The ________________for a pesticide or herbicide to enter the body are: inhalation, skin
and eye contact, ingestion, and injection.
A. Prevention techniques D. Direction
B. Basic cycle E. Methods
C. Basic routes F. None of the Above

119. The prevention of entry by one of these routes can be accomplished by control mechanisms
such as engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and ________________________.
A. Prevention D. Can be minimized
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Safety F. None of the Above

120. Each route can be minimized by a variety of _____________________depending on the

hazard and operation.
A. Prevention methods D. Techniques
B. Basic routes E. Administrative controls
C. Control measures F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Madagascan Giant Hissing Roaches
121. The cockroach family, to which Madagascan roaches belong, is among the most primitive of
the winged insects. The nearest relatives to ________________include mantids, grass-hoppers,
stick insects, and termites.
A. Bees D. Beetles
B. Cockroaches E. Bed bugs
C. Winged insects F. None of the Above

122. There are at least 3,500 known species living today, in__________________, most of
which originate in the tropics.
A. 500 genera D. On this planet
B. 450 genera E. USA
C. 400 genera F. None of the Above

123. As a group, cockroaches exhibit a __________________of sizes, colors, and habits.

A. Diurnal D. Wide diversity
B. Small diversity E. Cornucopia
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

124. Although they have an infamous reputation as household pests, in reality only about half a
dozen species (less than one percent of all known forms) have __________________with
A. Diurnal skills D. Negative associations
B. Exhibited hostility E. Toxic relationships
C. Made friends F. None of the Above

125. Many species are diurnal, some are_______________________, and others live in the
ground or are wood-boring. Some, such as the Madagascan roach, do not have wings.
A. Intellectual D. Scavengers
B. Semiaquatic E. Toxic
C. Hostile F. None of the Above

126. About a dozen or so species live _______________________ in the nests of ants, wasps,
or termites.
A. Diurnal D. As scavengers outdoors near
B. Near and E. As friends
C. Commensally F. None of the Above

127. There are also roach species that inhabit caves with bats or live in the desert. The majority
of cockroaches in tropical countries exist as scavengers outdoors, feeding on vegetation and
organic matter in_________________________.
A. Their nests D. Outdoors
B. The tropics E. An apparently harmless fashion
C. Dry areas F. None of the Above

128. The toxicity of the Thailand and Middle-Asian cobra venoms as well as of their isolated
components (_____________________and some others) for cockroach Gromphadorhina
portentosa was studied.
A. Poisons D. Neurotoxins, cytotoxins, phospholipases
B. Sugars E. Toxic
C. Vapors F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
129. It was found that, as compared to mammals, cockroaches are _______________to cobra
venoms and their components.
A. Diurnal D. Scavengers
B. More resistant E. Toxic
C. Related F. None of the Above

Cockroach Management Strategies

130. ___________________of roach colonies can be prevented by close inspection of incoming
merchandise, such as food boxes, beverage cartons, appliances, furniture and clothing.
A. Entry and establishment D. Avoid unnecessary control
B. Elimination E. Developed resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

131. Caulking or puttying areas such as cracks and crevices around kitchen cabinets, bathtubs,
water and plumbing pipes, cracks on floors and walls, and exterior windows and doors can
eliminate most hiding places and__________________.
A. Cannot elevate growth D. Help reduce the cockroach population
B. Can eliminate E. Helps develop resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

132. Other structural modifications, such as weather stripping and pipe collars, also help to
A. Increase protection D. Avoid unnecessary growth
B. Can eliminate E. Reduce cockroach entry and establishment
C. Kill the pests F. None of the Above

133. Good housekeeping is the most important factor in preventing and ___________________
A. Cannot forgotten D. Controlling cockroach populations
B. Elimination E. Reducing resistance
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

134. Cockroaches___________________, water and shelter. Do not allow food particles to

remain on shelves or floors.
A. Cannot live without food D. Avoid unnecessary food stuffs
B. Can eliminate E. Have developed resistance
C. Storage areas should not be left F. None of the Above

135. Dishes should not be left unwashed after a meal, particularly overnight. Clean areas under
refrigerators, stoves, sinks and furniture regularly to remove bits of food that have accumulated. If
pets are fed indoors, _______________________, especially overnight. Store pet food in tight
containers, and clean litter boxes frequently.
A. Use baits D. Avoid unnecessary food
B. Use dusts E. Teach pets to deal with the cockroaches
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

136. Keep all food items covered or in a refrigerator at all times between uses. Empty garbage
and _____________________and keep refuse in a covered container away from the residence.
A. Burn it D. Avoid unnecessary
B. Eliminate extra humans E. Develop control methods
C. Should not be left F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
137. If possible, _____________________. Common sources include leaking faucets and pipes,
drains, toilet tanks, wash basins and sink traps, aquaria and water-filled tubs. Pets' water dishes,
beverage bottles or cartons, and pipe condensation can provide an adequate water supply for
roaches. Roach breeding is encouraged by clutter.
A. Move D. Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities
B. Use dusts E. Use DDT
C. Call pest control F. None of the Above

138. Avoid unnecessary storage of corrugated paper boxes, piles of paper bags, newspaper,
magazines, and ________________________________.
A. Concrete D. Metal
B. Beer E. Motor oil
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Chemical Control
139. Cockroaches have been the target of many insecticides over the years but they have
_________________________________to several of them.
A. Cannot escape D. Learned to avoid eating
B. Eliminated E. Developed resistance
C. Evolved F. None of the Above

140. Attempts to use pheromones as sex lures or to sterilize male cockroaches have thus far not
__________________ on a large scale.
A. Proved practical D. Proved cost effective
B. Worked E. Developed resistance
C. Impressed F. None of the Above

141. ___________________such as diatomaceous earth to penetrate their protective cuticles

may work in individual households as a nonpoisonous alternative.
A. Dusts D. Avoid unnecessary dusting
B. Salts E. Spraying pesticides
C. Sprinkling abrasives F. None of the Above

142. Once the cuticle is abraded, the roaches die of dehydration. Also effective is ___________,
which is both abrasive and poisonous to cockroaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Boric acid powder
C Application method F. None of the Above

143. ________________cockroaches from multiplying is to keep a clean house and block their
access to water, which they need to survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. The best way to prevent
B. Drione Dust will control E. Crusader Hand Dust will kill
C Application of pesticide to F. None of the Above

144. American cockroaches are very easy to keep and rear in the laboratory and make excellent
subjects for experimentation because of their large size and___________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
Treatment Methods
145. The disadvantage is that the treatments need to be where the roaches are hiding.
Cockroaches have been seen thriving less than a foot away from__________________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. A treated surface
C Application method F. None of the Above

146. Their path of feeding and moving to and from shelter never crossed the_______________.
This enabled them to live virtually on top of treated areas and yet still survive.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Treated surfaces E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cracks and Crevice

147. When roaches began to build resistance to chemicals and manufacturers designed their
products with less volatility, new packaging and treatment techniques became necessary. These
new trends became known as "_______________".
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

148. Basically, ____________ means applying the chemical into the cracks and crevices
suspected of harboring roaches.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

149. There are two types of products commonly used for this purpose: _______________.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

150. In fact, a good pest control technician should be able to get roach control with nothing more
than _____________ if he or she knows where to do the application.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

151. ________________ has solved many roach problems. Apply it in cracks and crevices,
behind cabinets and major appliances, in wall voids and electric outlets.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

152. This requires a lot of work and this product can be messy to work with, but provides the
____________________ when used properly.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

153. Use a _______________ for the application. Since dust can be messy to work with,
aerosol products became popular throughout the 1980's.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
154. The professional line of products which is discussed are truly effective and not commonly
available. Their ________________ are effective because insects have not been able to build
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Active ingredients E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

155. There are several stories of super roaches and the fact that "even the bugman" couldn't get
rid of "my" roaches, but what it all boils down to is the ___________________ and the choice of
product. If the products used are the ones as mentioned above and the treatment is thorough
and complete, there is little chance of any roach surviving nor of re-infestation.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

156. Most insects, certainly roaches, cannot live where _____________has been applied. That
being said, all you need to do is apply it wherever roaches want to be. This process of
eliminating their nest sights eliminates their population.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

157. The reason they appear to be "resistant" in most cases is that they are simply avoiding
treated areas. This can happen when products are mixed at higher rates or when applicators fall
victim to treating the same areas over and over again. The roaches which survive all these
____________ are the ones which are going where the applicator has failed to treat.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Applications
C Application method F. None of the Above

158. Today, these problems have been all but eliminated with the____________. These new
methods are both safer and easier to do.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Latest treating methods E. Crusader Hand Duster
C Application method F. None of the Above

159. Although _____________has long been the main method to get roach control, baiting has
become a legitimate method as new baits hit the market. These products have been tested and
proven effective.
A. Crack and crevice or C/C D. Dust and aerosol
B. Drione Dust E. Spraying
C Application method F. None of the Above

Residual Sprays
160. These formulations are oil-based or water-based emulsions and water-based suspensions
(_______________). They are available in ready-to-use pressurized containers or non-
pressurized containers with built-in spray pumps.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

161. __________________ also can be purchased as concentrates to mix with water before
applying with a compressed-air sprayer, plunger-type sprayer or paint brush.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
162. Be careful when using _______________; they may stain, dull or damage certain floor tiles,
linoleum, painted surfaces, plaster, plastics, houseplants, carpets and carpet backing.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

163. ________________ can create a fire hazard when used near an open flame (pilot lights,
gas stoves, furnaces). Water emulsions may stain wallpaper, light-colored carpets, draperies or
other materials.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

164. They can short out electrical circuits, and are inferior to _______________ on impervious
surfaces such as glass or metal.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

165. ________________ must be frequently agitated in the spray tank, but they leave the most
active residues, especially on porous surfaces such as unpainted wood, mortar or concrete block.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

166. ________________ are generally easy and fast to apply. The spray should wet or dampen
the treated surface; do not allow spray to puddle or run off. When treating for cockroaches, pay
particular attention to cracks and crevices. Exposed surfaces, especially those used to prepare
foods, should usually not be treated with sprays.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based insecticides
B. Wettable powders E. Oil-based sprays
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

167. _________________sometimes suffices as the only treatment for cockroaches, but is most
often a supplemental treatment.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Insecticide dust
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

168. _____________ generally have longer residual action than sprays, but are ineffective if they
become damp.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

169. Dusts are useful in cockroach control because they can be placed deep in cracks, crevices
and wall voids; under refrigerators and furniture; around pipes, tunnels and conduits; on very
smooth or very rough surfaces; and in other places not treatable with_______________.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Other formulations
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
170. Do not use dusts for treating large surfaces because they leave unsightly deposits. Also,
cockroaches avoid ____________________and will not walk through thick layers of the material.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Heavy deposits F. None of the Above

171. Use light pressure on the application device to minimize the amount of dust in living areas.
Apply _____________________as light, even residues that are barely visible.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

172. Several cockroach ____________________ are sold in ready-to use containers. They also
can be made using a combination of food attractants and a toxicant. If cockroaches will not feed
on the bait, the insecticide has no effect.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

173. Thus, it is important not to contaminate stored _________________ with organic solvents,
other insecticides, fungicides and fertilizers.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Bait
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

174. Baits are usually long lasting and often work well in areas that cannot be effectively sprayed
or dusted. ___________________ are often most useful when used in conjunction with a residual
spray or dust.
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

175. ___________________ give best results in buildings where there are few alternative food
A. Residual sprays D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

176. Always use a sufficient number of ______________to adequately treat an area where
cockroaches are to be controlled. Examine the bait containers frequently to ensure they remain
fresh and the bait is not depleted.
A. Residual sprays D. Bait containers
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

177. Baits have always been available, but roaches seemed to be indifferent to them. Although
some roaches would feed and die, it was not likely that you would be able to _______________
with baits alone. Now, we have products like Maxforce and Avert. These materials are deadly for
A. Residual sprays D. Control infestations
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
178. If you spray several properties or apartments and intend on doing a lot of baiting you should
consider getting the________________. It uses the same Maxforce Gel in smaller cartridges
which are loaded in the gun allowing for precise controlled applications and placements.
A. Maxforce Bait Gun D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

179. They have been formulated with attractants which roaches cannot resist. You should be
able to get complete control in homes, apartments and townhouses without having to do any
___________________. The advantage of these products is that you are able to apply them with
a minimum of preparation.
A. Spraying D. Oil-based
B. Wettable powders E. Baits
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

180. If you are careful, you should be able to apply Maxforce without having to remove anything
from cabinets. _______________comes in an aerosol can which enables you to deliver the bait
deep in wall voids where the roaches are hiding. The amazing thing about these products is that
roaches love them to death.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

181. In fact, roaches will ignore bait placements that have been made over treated surfaces, so
make sure to apply Maxforce or Avert where you are certain _______________has been applied.
In general, make your placements about 2 – 3 feet apart.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. No residual pesticide F. None of the Above

182. In the average cabinet, you will need to make 6-8 placements with Maxforce. Since
Maxforce comes out like toothpaste, it is difficult to penetrate voids with it. Use _____________
for these hard to penetrate nest sites.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

183. Avert is a different flavor than __________ and when the two are used together, you will get
the quickest results. This is achieved because you are offering the insects a variety of food.
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

184. By having___________, the roaches are more likely to find one of the products. Since
roaches will change their diet, having an option ensures they will find one if they don't' like the
A. Spray D. Maxforce
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

185. Aerosol insecticides may or may not have_________________.
A. Spray power D. Maxforce
B. Residual activity E. Aerosol insecticides strength
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
186. A non-residual spray alone may not provide a high degree of control, but when used with a
_________________, a high degree of control can be achieved.
A. Spray D. Residual spray or dust
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

187. ______________ are useful for determining the location and extent of a cockroach
infestation. Small amounts of pesticide applied to hidden areas and shelters force cockroaches to
evacuate and move across previously treated surfaces.
A. Sprays D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Avert E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

188. Residual aerosols should be used in the same manner as other types of______________.
A. Sprays D. Residual aerosols
B. Residual sprays E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Dusts F. None of the Above

Inorganic insecticides
189. Boric acid and powders of _______________ and diatomaceous earth are examples of
inorganic insecticides that can be used effectively for cockroach control in homes.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Chemicals E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

190. These ____________________to humans and pets, and retain their effectiveness long
after initial application. Usually, a longer period of time is required to achieve control, but
reapplications are greatly reduced.
A. Silica aero gel is safe D. Non-residual aerosols are safe
B. Chemicals E. Chemicals are low in toxicity
C. Boric acid is safe F. None of the Above

191. Apply boric acid, silica aero gel or ____________________in a light film to cracks and
crevices and other cockroach hiding places. Avoid applications to moist or damp areas, especially
when using silica aero gel or diatomaceous earth.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Diatomaceous earth E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

192. If cockroaches become established, ______________may be needed in combination with

good sanitary practices.
A. Silica aero gel D. Non-residual aerosols
B. Chemical control E. Aerosol insecticides
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Insect Growth Regulators

193. Some synthetic __________________mimic natural hormones found in insects. When
applied to cockroaches during their early developmental stages, they cause nymphs to molt into
sterile adults.
A. Compounds D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017
194. _________________ have low human toxicity, but have long residual effectiveness.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

195. For best results they must be applied along with residual insecticides to eliminate existing
adults or other non-susceptible stages. Over-all population reduction with _____________ usually
takes several months.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

Roach Traps
196. Regardless of the treatment method you choose, another tool which can be a great help
when treating roach infestations is the__________________.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Use of Roach Traps F. None of the Above

197. These rely on __________________to attract all types of roaches but they work particularly
well for German and several of the large roach species.
A. Silica aero gel D. Roach pheromones
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

198. Place them where roaches have been seen. The _______________will attract males ready
to reproduce, females in search of nest sights (the odors emitted signal a roach gathering place
or nest) and young roaches which are looking for a colony to mix and mingle.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemical E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Pheromones F. None of the Above

199. Several types of ________________are commercially available. Traps capture roaches,
and are a good monitoring device. While the traps can be useful to reduce light infestations, they
do not effectively control heavy cockroach infestations.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Cockroach traps
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

200. Place ________________ against a vertical surface, preferably a corner, where

cockroaches are usually found. They are most effective when placed under sinks, in cabinets,
near the kitchen stove or refrigerator, in basement corners or near floor drains.
A. Silica aero gel D. Insect growth regulators or (IGRs)
B. Chemicals E. Monitoring device(s) or Trap(s)
C. Boric acid F. None of the Above

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Cockroach Control Assignment 11/1/2017

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