Electronic Spin Inversion: A Danger To Your Health
Electronic Spin Inversion: A Danger To Your Health
Electronic Spin Inversion: A Danger To Your Health
Many people suffer these days from chronic fatigue, also inversion, those electrons start turning the other way,
called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), or Fibromyalgia. around their own axis.
There does not seem a cause for it; at least not one that can This event is very detrimental to the body. The first
easily be found by the medical profession. symptoms are:
There are theories that it is caused by a virus. Some a. You are tired even after a good night sleep, and
experts claim it is the Coxsackie virus; others claim it is b. You get ever more environmental allergies.
caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. But these remain theories.
The two viruses can definitely cause a lot of problems, If this is the case, people are absolutely therapy-
but chronic fatigue does not seem to be one of them. Of resistant. They will not react positively to any therapy.
course, these viruses may be found in those who have They may react the opposite way on medicine, on
chronic fatigue, but they may not be there as the causal massage, on acupuncture, on homeopathy; simply on
factor, but as a result. everything. The body works against itself. It does not
The helicobacter bacteria is often regarded as a absorb any nutrients anymore. Simply nothing will
possible cause of stomach ulcers, but is not. The two work, or works the other way. All kinds of things that
are often found together, but cause and effect have been patients used to enjoy, are not enjoyable anymore. These
confused. The same applies to smoking and lung cancer, patients often become electro-sensitive, meaning that a
or heart and vascular diseases. ‘Specialists’ say smoking is TV or a computer puts them down.
the cause of those illnesses. Again, they often go together, This electron spin inversion is always caused by an external
but not in a cause-effect relationship. Lung cancer, heart magnetic field. It can be electromagnetic or geo-magnetic,
and vascular diseases, and smoking are all a result of the meaning it can be produced by electrical appliances, or wires,
same thing; namely stress. or by disturbances in the field of the earth.
You experience stress because you are not capable of
doing the things you need to do, or think you have to do Electromagnetic Fields 31
them. You may do them on will power alone. Willpower In our present civilization, we are confronted with
is often seen as something very positive, but it does not more and more appliances: TVs, computers, stereo sets,
have to be like that. If it is not coupled to being stark clock radios, electric stoves, waterbeds, etc. Furthermore,
and powerful with a lot of drive, then it is useless. Then we have the power cables (also of trams, trains and trolley buses)
will power takes energy of which you do not have enough and the high voltage cables. All these appliances and
anyway. This willpower causes stress, which takes away wires create a huge magnetic field. And this field attacks
even more energy. the body. If the body is strong, it might be able to resist,
But how can such a thing get into motion at all? or will not be affected by it. But if it gets weakened by a
We hear ever more of the chronic fatigue syndrome. simple cold or by an emotional shock, then the field is
More and more people seem to suffer from it. It definitely suddenly strong enough and gets a hold on the body; it is
is a civilization problem. But what is the main cause? It is like a terrier – it does not let go. Then the magnetic field
electron spin inversion. What is this? stops the electrons and pulls them the other way round.
Every atom has its own nucleus, and around the You might not be aware that you are in such a magnetic
nucleus turn the electrons. Just like the planets turn environment.
around the sun. Every planet also turns around its own Television sets, computers, etc. do not radiate much at
axis, as do the electrons. If one has an electron spin the front. But at the back and sides!!! The magnetic field
Voll (EAV), whereby you measure the acupuncture points. instrument. Your EAV specialist, Kinesiologist or
There are 3 meridians which react most immediate on a Chiropractor will tell you how the other ways work, and
spin inversion and they are the Triple Warmer, Heart and what he or she can do for you. Many Chiropractors are
Circulation meridians. Other meridians might react too, also Kinesiologists or EAV therapists, so they will have
but not always. Normally when measuring the readings various ways of doing things. The important thing is
are steady or show a slow drop. that they pay attention to this phenomena, because it
When a body is suffering from spin inversion, most of happens in about 25% of the patients that are coming 33
the points on the fingers will show a sharp drop. If one for treatments, in the about 1000 practices where I have
sees such a drop further diagnosis is of no use, because trained practitioners.
bodies in this condition cannot be diagnosed properly.
Correction by Means of
Bio- or Photon Resonance
The treatment is very easy when you have the right
instrument to do it with. The instrument needed has to
Healthy reading be a bioresonance or photonresonance device, like the
Disturbance present Health Angel StarLight.
You take a drop of blood from the finger and put
it on a paper tissue. (With blood it works always immediately; you
may also take saliva, but then results are mixed.) You put it in a cup
Spin inversion connected with the input of the device. In this cup sits a
copper or brass spiral, which turns clockwise downwards.
Sometimes, unfortunately ever more, people show no This blood has a 100% resonance with the patient,
and mattress with items that do not contain any metal, is of a lower vibration itself. The light that is emitted
change the set up of your computers or TVs. You simply by all the cells gets chaotic instead of coherent, thereby
have to look at what could be the cause – But the real losing its capability to communicate properly.
cause is of course YOU. You should be able to withstand
those fields. Responsibility
The strength of our bodies’ own magnetic field is You are the only one responsible for your body – for
34 dependent on the energy that we have available. The your life. You cannot place that burden on the shoulders
speed at which the electrons turn is also dependent on the of medical doctors, government, churches, trade unions,
energy that they have. The more energy, the faster they insurance companies, etc. We have all been led to believe
turn. And the faster they turn, the more difficult it is for that they could take that responsibility, but now we are
such an external magnetic field to get a hold on them. finding out that they cannot, and have never been able to.
So, in that case, we have to accumulate energy. We can Take the responsibility back into your own hands.
do that by eliminating a lot of disturbances in our bodies. That is going to be accompanied by a fear, simply to
The cleaner we are, the more energy we have. We have trust yourself. Do not go by what you think, because in
to be open for the light. If we are not open to that, we your brain is only what others have programmed you to
remain in the dark ages with all the consequences. think. Go by your intuition, by what you feel.
Imagine yourself as a tree. The insects come and are Do not confuse this feeling with emotions. Those are
a real plague to you. Why are they there? Where do they totally different. w