Research Review 1966
Research Review 1966
Research Review 1966
cant refinement to this definition which or if our observations were made well above
makes it possible to calculate the effects of the atmosphere, cosmic -ray maximawould be
the geomagnetic field more accurately. This found near the geomagnetic poles, as expected .
new definition is called an " effective cutoff Why then do we not observe these conditions
rigidity ." At the magnetic equator, where on the ground ? It has to do with the particle 's
the particle must perpendicularly traverse cutoff rigidity - - which can be thought of as
the geomagnetic field , the " effective vertical a kind of threshold energy . All particles
cutoff rigidity " is more than 15 billion volts , above 1 by are able to penetrate the earth 's
while at the magnetic poles , where the magnetic field in all regions above 55 de
particles are essentially parallel to the grees geomagnetic latitude, All particleswith
field lines , it is theoretically zero . rigidities lower than 1 bv are absorbed by
From this one would expect to observe the earth ' s atmosphere (without creating the
(by detecting a cascade of secondaries at cascade of secondaries ), and are not detected
the earth 's surface ) a minimum cosmic - ray on the earth ' s surface . This applies whether
intensity at the magnetic equator, and a max they enter at 55 degrees or at 90 degrees
imum intensity at the geomagnetic poles. geomagnetic latitude, or atany pointbetween .
This minimum is in fact observed at the Because cosmic - ray trajectories are di
magnetic equator; but the maximum intensity rectly influenced by the configuration of
is not correspondingly observed at the geo the magnetic field, which varies diurnally,
magnetic poles. Contrary to expectations, seasonally, and with solar -cycle variations,
there is no localized area of maximum it is possible to derive information on the
intensity . The maximum is rather uniform changing magnetic field byobserving cosmic
ally distributed throughout the entire regions ray events. Also , because the calculations of
above 55 degrees geomagnetic latitude. cosmic - ray rigidities are equally valid for
However, if the earth had no atmosphere, solar protons, the calculation techniques
Michael Hawes. .. . . 5
QAR RESEARCH REVIEW is published monthly by the Of.
fice of Scientific and Technical Information (RRYC ), HaOf. Space Physics Laboratory , AFCRL .. .
fice of Aerospace Research , USAF , 4th and Independence BAND STRUCTURE OF ZnO
Avenue, S . W . , Washington , D . C . 20333. The objective of this
publication is to make a positive contribution to the exchange Y . S . Park ......
of information concerning Air Force conducted and sponsored TOMORROW 'SWEAPONS AND BASIC RESEARCH
research activities.
Dr. William L. Ruigh... ..
COSMIC -RAY TRAJECTORIES John P . Castelli........ ..... ...
Space Physics Laboratory , AFCRL ............. 1 POLYMER DEFORMATION STUDIES
(Electromagnetic Radiation) ANATOMY OF A SEVERE STORM
Upper Atmosphere Physics Laboratory , AFCRL . . . 3 Meteorology Laboratory , AFCRL .....
Space Physics Laboratory , AFCRL..... Upper Atmosphere Physics Laboratory , AFCRL..... 22
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U . S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D . C . 20402 - $ 2 .75 per year domestic, 75 cents additional for
foreign mailing, 25 cents per single copy and 15 cents per Annual Index,
Back issues will not be furnished .
developed under this study can be used to waiting to absorb the emission , is actually
evaluate the trajectories of these solar a part of the emission process. This is
particles as well. an intriguing concept- -but there is nowhere
The three investigators have thus far used on the horizon any approach to an experiment
about 1500 hours of computer time on a to prove or disprove it.
Philco 2000 computer to make their cal The whole matter falls under the general
culations. This work is now being extended heading of quantum electrodynamics (where
to produce a world -wide grid of cutoff the equations of classical electrodynamics
rigidities. A 15 - by - 15 -degree grid has al are recast into quantum mechanics). Leading
ready been completed, and is currently being theoretical physicists have devoted inordinate
refined to include latitude intervals of 5 de effort to refining these equations during the
grees. With this vertical cutoff rigidity map , past several decades. In fact, Schwinger,
the trajectories and rigidities for cosmic Feynman and Tomonaga received the 1965
rays detected at any point on the earth may be Nobel Prize in physics for work in this field .
determined. But, in spite of the wondrous formulations
that have evolved , the fact remains that
radiation theory is still not a complete and
consistent part of physics ,
SPONTANEOUS EMISSION In a recent AFCRL report, " A Discussion
of the Wheeler - Feynman Absorber Theory of
HOW SPONTANEOUS Radiation, " Dr. Ronald G . Newburgh exam
ines one theory of radiation and provides
some extensions. In another paper, soon to be
(Electromagnetic Radiation) issued as an AFCRL report, " A Survey of
UPPER ATMOSPHERE PHYSICS Classical Radiation Theory," Dr. E . J. Post
LABORATORY, AFCRL surveys the accumulated product of our
knowledge in quantum electrodynamics. Both
Most of us at one time or another have papers provide interesting new perspectives ,
examined the old question as to whether but only the Wheeler -Feynman theory will be
or not, if a tree fell in the forest and no one touched on here.
was around to hear it fall, there would be Reduced to its simplest terms, quantum
sound - - a question that , on analysis , really electrodynamics is concerned with the inter
doesn 't have much meaning . action of an electron and an electromagnetic
A superficially related question exists in field . And the primary theoretical problem is
electromagnetic theory - - but with the differ that of explaining how an accelerating elec
ence that the question has realmeaning and tron can emit an infinity of photons. So the
is of major theoretical importance . The object of the theorist is to envision a system
question is this : if there is no absorber of in which energy and momentum are con
electromagnetic radiation , can electromag served ; one approach is to invoke radiative
netic radiation be emitted? In 1922 it was reaction . The problem takes him into that
first postulated (by Tetrode) that there can be grey area in which physical entities merge
no emission from a particle if there is not into purely mathematical and even meta
a second particle to absorb the emission . physical constructs ,
In his paper , Tetrode stated, " The sun
would not radiate if it were alone in space The Wheeler -Feynman theory fuses a num
and no other bodies could absorb its radi ber of concepts: 1 ) the field is not an inde
ation , . . One might accordingly adopt the pendent entity with degrees of freedom of
opinion that the amount of material in the its own ; the motion of a given particle is
universe determines the rate of emission . " determined by the sum of the fields produced
Wheeler and Feynman extended this concept by all other particles ; 2) a particle cannot
in the late 1940 's , showing that the absorbing act on itself - -that is, an electron cannot
particle, instead of sitting passively and spontaneously
S P emit a photon ; 3 ) the sym
metry between past and future prescribes more realistic system in which , for every
the fields . Here we find ourselves confronted emitter, there may be something on the
with the conceptionally difficult notion of order of 1023 absorbers. In the natural sys
retarded and advanced potentials . The very tem , one may consider the effects of the
definition of " potentials" varies from dis absorbers as consisting of many small im
cipline to discipline with only loose unifying pulses transferred to the emitter . Because of
threads. In one sense , potentials can be the large numbers of absorbers ( 1023 ), one
considered only as mathematical additives - - may visualize many tiny effects continuously
involving differentials , vectors and tensors - - arriving at the emitter. This is analogous to
needed to show conservation of energy mo the Brownian motion of molecules in fluids,
mentum , At the moment of emission , these effects
To satisfy energy -momentum relations , " sum ," thus " causing " the electron to emit
one must have , in addition to the emitting its stream of photons and providing fuel for
electron and its emitted photon, a third their continuous emissions.
body - -which , as we have said , is the ab
sorber. Together these comprise a system , On first meeting the concept of advanced
but a system that, through the mechanism of effects and the necessity of an absorber for
retarded and advanced potentials , operates emission , one feels that common sense
forward and backward in time. Of course , has been violated . After we grow accus
in the real world , we don 't have just one tomed to this precept, it offers the satis
absorber. Newburgh , in his commentary on faction of logical economy and does not
the Wheeler -Feynman theory, considers the appear physically unreasonable.
With the delivery of a special video tape Time-lapse photography of sunspots has
recorder built by RCA , stop-motion video been made previously at the observatory on
tape pictures of suns pots will soon be made motion -picture film , Delays involved in film
at AFCRL 's Sacramento Peak Observatory. processing, however, have resulted in cor
The video tape produces time- lapse photog responding delays in making predictions ,
raphy of the type sometimes used to speed up Since a magnetic -tape record of TV pictures
slowly evolving processes such as the growth needs no processing , the observatory staff
of plants. can replay a sequence of stop -motion pic
tures immediately , and make judgements ,
The new equipment will permit Sacra When the TV recorder is in operation,
mento Peak astronomers to analyze with it will record two television frames every
greater speed and precision the growth and 30 seconds. A replay of only 15 seconds of
movement of sunspots. It is difficult for such a recording represents 112. 5 minutes of
the astronomer to be aware of the many actual observation , or a speed -up of the
changes in sunspot development that take scene of 450 times .
place when these are viewed on a real- time The machine being modified for the assign
basis . The new equipment will help advance ment is RCA 's type TR -4 , a fully tran
AFCRL ' s over - all program for predicting sistorized unit widely used by the TV net
safe periods during which there is an absence works and stations for recording and playing
of solar proton showers. These high - energy, back programs and commercials. It will
ionizing particles erupt periodically from record pictures made by a vidicon camera
the sun and are closely associated with connected to observation instruments on
sunspot activity . a 12- foot telescope.
electrofluid dynamic working media for direct
energy-conversion processes
MICHAEL HAWES, Thermomechanics Research Laboratory , ARL
One highly interesting electrofluid dynamic desirable properties of the gas are a high
(EFD ) process is the direct conversion of dielectric strength and a low molecular
fluid dynamic energy into electricity . The weight, Unfortunately, the low - density gases ,
basic process involved can be summarized hydrogen and helium , do not have a very good
briefly (see Fig. 1 ): charged particles of one dielectric strength , If, however , it should be
polarity are transported in a fluid working possible to find someadditive which increases
medium through a conversion section against the dielectric strength of one of these gases
an electrostatic field produced by the deposi to a value nearly equal to that of air , while
tion of charge on the collector electrode. It is increasing the molecular weight only slightly ,
similar to the process in the Van de Graaff a very desirable medium would be achieved ,
electrostatic generator except that a flowing The following table illustrates the improve
gas replaces the mechanically driven belt. ments that could be gained in power density
Using a gas has severaladvantages ; the trans and efficiency at an operating pressure of 20
port speed of the charges can be far higher , atmospheres :
and the charges are distributed throughout a
volume space rather than being limited to a POWER STAGE
+ H2+ 10 % SF6
r H2+ 5 % SFG
- H2+ 2% SF6
> H2+ 1% SF6
An investigation was carried out at ARL values as well as other favorable properties.
to try to synthesize a good working medium It is known that there is a disproportional
of low molecular weight by increasing the increase in dielectric strength of a gas at
dielectric strength of hydrogen or helium , low additive concentrations ; this implies
Sulfur hexafluoride and dichlorodifluoro large increases in strength at small density
methane (Freon - 12) areattractivesubstances increases, a welcome trend ,
to employ as the breakdown inhibitor additives Dielectric strength values are not amenable
because of their high breakdown voltage to calculations; they must be determined
- He + 10 % SF
- He + 5 % SF6
r - He + 2 % SF6
mtoto He + 1 % SFG
Et He
0 200 400 600 800 9,000
Fig. 3. Breakdown Voltages of Helium -SF, Mixtures
experimentally for each substance of interest. up to this level. Actually, the investigation
Dielectric strengths were determined for the was extended to cover the pressure range
parent gases , hydrogen and helium , with 0 - 1 ,000 p . s . i.
additive percentages of 0 , 1 , 2 , 5 and 10 in The experimental apparatus consisted of
each case. Furthermore, as pressures up to two 1 3 /8 -inch diameter spherical electrodes
600 p .s . i, have been used in the conversion mounted within a 6 - inch diameter stainless
section of the ARL experimental EFD genera steel test chamber. Spacing was maintained
tor, it is necessary to determine the dielectric constant at .010 - inch in all tests so that an
strength of each mixture at pressures at least essentially uniform field resulted. The
VHz+ 1% SFG
E a gas H2+ 2 % SF6
El o' gir H2+ 5 % SF6
0 .6
H2+ 10 % SFG
\ H2 + 1 % SF6
H2 + 2 % SF6
H2+ 5 % SF6
- Ha + 10 % SFG
be somewhat more effective than Freon - 12 at strength and a the speed of sound in the gas,
all pressures. The curve for air as deter is the criterion for selecting the best gas
mined experimentally during the investigation or mixture for power- production purposes
is also shown on these graphs for comparison in an EFD generator. Similarly , the gas with
purposes . the highest value of the product E2a2 yields
the best stage efficiency for the process .
It is seen that a hydrogen - 10 % SF6mixture These parameters are plotted in Figures
has a dielectric strength approximately equal 4 and 5 over the pressure range investigated ,
to that of air in the low -pressure regime up and are nondimensionalized by dividing by the
to 300 p .s .i., but that this mixture has a corresponding value for air at the same
molecular weight of 16 . 4 , which represents pressure. It can be seen that a gas composed
an appreciable increase over the value of 2 of hydrogen - 1 % SF6 is an attractive mixture
for hydrogen . However, the magnitude of the to employ as an EFD working medium over a
product Eża, where E is the gas dielectric wide pressure range.
construction of solar vacuum telescope
Construction of a unique solar telescope scope, the Sacramento Peak Observatory,
at the Air Force Cambridge Research Labo already a major solar research center , will
ratories ' Sacramento Peak Solar Observa become one of the most complete facilities
tory, Sunspot, New Mexico , will begin in the in the world for the study of solar phenomena .
spring of 1966. Design concepts for the The above- ground portion of the telescope
telescope were established by an AFCRL will consist of a truncated, cone -shaped tower
scientist, Dr. Richard Dunn . Plans call for and associated laboratory buildings. The base
its completion early in 1968. of the 126 - foot tower will have an inside
The $ 3 . 16 -million telescope will be 326 feet diameter of 40 feet. The diameter will narrow
long; 200 feet of this length will be beneath to 20 feet at the top .
ground level. The above- ground segmentwill Atop the tower will be a rotating turret for
rise 126 feet on a peak of the Sacramento tracking the sun in elevation and azimuth ,
Mountains, which are 9 ,200 feet above sea Light from the sun will pass through a quartz
level. With the completion of the new tele- window having a 30 - inch aperture onto flat
This is a model of the solar vacuum telescope. This modelwas photographed at its proposed location
atop Sacramento Peak .
mirrors mounted in the turret. The mirrors
will direct the light down a long 320 - foot tube BAND STRUCTURE OF
to a spherical mirror at the bottom . This
spherical mirror will have a diameter of 64 Zno
inches and focal length of 180 feet. By tilting
the mirror, light can be directed upward to Y. S. PARK , Solid State PhysicsResearch
any one of 5 observation ports in the asso Laboratory , ARL
ciated ground facilities.
Two design features should give the tele A detailed study of the absorption and
scope exceptional flexibility and resolution . reflection spectra of ZnO crystals has re
The first is in the mounting of the optical cently been made in the region of intrinsic
system . The entire optical system , including absorption in this Laboratory . ( 1) From these
the 320 - foot interior tube and associated results, we have proposed an alternate band
instrumentation , will rotate as the sun is assignment different from that previously
tracked . This system will weigh approxi reported by Thomas. (2 )
mately 250 tons. The second feature is that According to group symmetry studies by
the optical system and associated instru Birman , (3 ) the fundamental exciton absorp
ments will be placed in a vacuum . The pur tion bands of the wurtzite structure in II - VI
pose of the vacuum is to eliminate air compounds at k = 0 consist of the s - like con
turbulence , which can greatly affect the reso duction band and the p - like valence band.
lution of the telescope. An added advantage of The valence band is split into three doubly
the vacuum is the elimination of dust from degenerate states due to the spin -orbit and
optical surfaces thatwould degrade resolution crystal field effects. The conduction band has
and sensitivity. Two vacuum pumps will evac al symmetry. The top valenceband ( A -band)
uate the entire optical system and associated has ſo symmetry while thetwo lower valence
instruments to working pressure in about six bands ( B and C - bands) have ry symmetry .
hours , displacing 17, 000 cubic feet and obtain The selection rules allow a rom , tran
ing a vacuum of . 25 torr , which corresponds sition for light polarized in the orientation
to an altitude of 180, 000 feet. ElC ; 57 -59 transitions are allowed for
The new facility is closely linked to the both modes of polarization (ElC and Ell C ).
nation 's space programs. Of prime concern On the basis of this model, the optical
are high proton showers associated with sun spectra of CdS(4 ), CdSe(5 ) and ZnS(6 ) crys
spot activities. These showers provide a tals were successfully explained .
great potential hazard to man in space, and The fundamental exciton spectra of
degrade electronic equipment. The study of Zno crystals were first investigated by
characteristic features on the surface of the Thomas. ( 2) On the basis of polarization
sun which give rise to these showers will experiments, he proposed that in Zno ,unlike
receive special emphasis. From these in other II -VI compounds, the symmetries of
studies , AFCRL scientists hope to extend the two top valence bands were reversed . We
period over which they can predict the onset have found that the line interpreted by Thomas
of proton showers . Predictions can now be as the ground - state A exciton transition is
made with considerable accuracy over a actually of impurity origin , and that the band
10 - day period . symmetries and valence band ordering in
In addition to research leading to themore ZnO are the sameas in other II- VI compounds ,
precise prediction of dangerous proton Figure 1 shows the absorption spectrum of
showers, the new telescope will be used for ZnO taken at 1 . 20K in polarized light. The
research on a range of solar phenomena , essential feature of this spectrum is the
Solar activities have a profound effect on existence of three intrinsic exciton bands
the earth 's weather and on communication (the A - , B - and C -bands) with the associated
and detection systems, AFCRL scientists excited states (n = 2 ,3,4 ) observed for the
hope to obtain a clearer picture of solar A - Band. The line at 3653 .42Ă (A , n = 1) and
terrestrial relationships. the A , n =2 , 3,4 states of exciton A are seen
1.2° K
A ( n = 1)
A (n = 2 )
A (n= 3)
Toto A (n = 4 ) EIC
cin = 1)
VB(n =1)
3600 3575
3675 3650
36753650 W 3625 ,
Fig. 1. Absorption Spectra of a Vapor-Grown ZnO Platelet at 1 .2° K in Polarized Light.
only in EIC . The A , n =4 state and the B , n = 1
state are very close together and are not Conduction
resolved . The lines at 3610 .81Ă ( B , n = l ) and
3572.86Ă (C , n = 1) appear strong for light Band
polarized with Ell C . The absorption of the
C exciton for Elc is weak ,
The impurity line at 3669.66X (In ), con
sidered as the ground - state A exciton tran
sition by Thomas, is preferentially polarized
for Elc . We interpret this line as a bound 3 .435
exciton line resulting from an ionized donor
complex. Some of the experimental evidence
that points to the extrinsic nature of the line
a ) The intensity of line Ib is always less
than that of the 3653.42A (A , n = 1) line, The
ground - state A exciton would be expected to
be the most intense transition ,
b) Line Ib splits in a magnetic field as
would be expected for a charged donor com
plex arising from a ry rotransition . (7)
c) The variation of the strength of Ip in 0400G A
different crystals of Zno . In the hydro 0378v Valence
thermally grown crystal, it is completely - B Bands
- C
d ) The very different temperature de
pendence of line Ip from that of the ground
state exciton . At 1800K , Ip line disappeared
while the A - exciton line persisted . If these
two lines were due to the A and B intrinsic > K
exciton transitions in Zno , it would be rea
sonable to assume that they would both show
K = 0 ,0 ,0
very similar temperature dependence . Fig. 2 . The Experimental Values of the Band
e ) The fact that line Ib disappears when the Structure of ZnO at k =0.
crystal is baked in Zn vapor demonstrates
the extrinsic nature of the line,
From the intrinsic exciton energies , a num
ber of relevant parameters relating directly
to the band structure can be determined .
Using the ground -state exciton energy ( A , n = 1 ) (1) Park, Y. S., C . W . Litton , T. C . Collins and D . C .
and the first excited -state energy ( A , n =2 ), Reynolds, to be published in Phys. Rev.
and assuming the exciton has a hydrogen -like (2) Thomas, D . G ., J. Phys. Chem . Solids, 15, 86, 1960.
( 3 ) Birman , J . L . , Phys. Rev. Letters, 2 , 157 , 1959.
set of energy levels, the exciton binding ( 4 ) Thomas, D . G . and J . J . Hopfield , Phys . Rev ., 116 ,
energy is calculated to be Ep = 0 . 042 eV , At 573, 1959.
1 . 20K , the energy gap is 3 .435 eV. Thomas, D . G . and J . J . Hopfield , Phys. Rev., 122 ,
From these results , we conclude that the 35 , 1962.
band symmetries and valence band ordering (5) Wheeler, R. G . and J. 0. Dimmock, Phys. Rev.,
125, 1805 , 1962.
in Zno are the same as in other II -VI ( 6 ) Wheeler, R . G . and J . C . Miklosz , Proceedings of
compounds. The band structure of ZnO at the 7th InternationalConference, Paris , 1964 , p. 873.
k = 0 , together with the band symmetry , is ( 7) Reynolds, D . C ., C . W . Litton and T . C . Collins,
shown in Fig . 2 . to be published in Phys. Rev .
tomorrow ' s weapons
and basic
Directorate of Chemical Sciences, AFOSR
Tomorrow ' s Weapons is the title of a
recent book by Brig. Gen. J. H . Rothschild ,
USA (Retired), former Commanding General,
U . S . Army Chemical Corps. , which is re
sponsible for research in chemical, biological
and radiological warfare (CBR ). This book
discusses the tabooed subject of CBR weap
ons and points out that, in recent years ,
practically none of our responsible military
or civilian governmentalofficials have openly AFOSR , has supported research efforts in
discussed the subject of CBR warfare. In the those categories which sustain and strengthen
introduction to his book , General Rothschild our capabilities in certain forseeably impor
says that Russian officials discuss the subject tant areas. More specifically , the Directorate
freely, and openly state that these weapons of Chemical Sciences has usually supported
will probably be used on a large scale in a modest program of three or four investi
future wars . These being the facts of life, gations in the chemistry of phosphorus com
not to be prepared to defend our troops and pounds. Part of the reason for its support is
civilian population against CBR weapons the long -range interest of the Air Force in
would be folly indeed. phosphorus compounds , since some of them
One of the most important areas of re are potent toxic war gases .
search in gas warfare is the measurement The research effortofDr. K . Darrell Berlin
of gas dispersal and the rate at which the at Oklahoma State University, entitled "Nucle
concentration changes with many factors. ophilic Displacements on Trivalent Phos
Thus , some of the toxic materials are sen phorus," is far from the field of toxic
sitive to water and are decomposed by it, phosphorus war gases, but is good interesting
whereas others are sensitive to light. To phosphorus chemistry. While working in this
measure the minute concentration of these area, a need arose for versatile analytical
materials in the field is an extremely difficult methods; the principal one used was gas
problem . What complicates the picture is chromatography . Dr. Berlin published a paper
that the analysis often has to be done in the recently called " Gas Chromatographic Analy
presence of relatively nontoxic degradation ses of Organophosphorus Compounds Using
products which contain the same elements as a Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detector. The
the original material. Where does basic Use of Chromosorb Gas as a Solid Support."
research enter into the picture ? The question This paper was published in the Journal of
is sometimes difficult to answer ; but it seems Gas Chromatography for August 1965. The
obvious that highly technical weapons, like abstract of this paper follows:
chemical gas weapons, need a very highly " The analyses of several classes of
developed state of technology to solve prob organophosphorus compounds are
lems associated with their use. For this rea described. Some of the problems
son the Directorate of Chemical Sciences, usually associated with the chroma
tography of these compounds are with which the analysis of toxic war gases
evaluated , and methods used to cir can be made. We feel this is a good example
cumvent these difficulties are dis of how basic research in mission -oriented
cussed . This report arose as the areas of science can help to back up a strong
result of an attempt to analyze , technology for defense in this day of " Tomor
both qualitatively and quantitatively , row 's Weapons."
several different types of reac
tion mixtures containing phosphorus
compounds . Results indicate that REFERENCES
commercially available equipment 1. Janz , George J., Bibliography on Molten Salts ,
(gas chromatograph and packed col Second Edition , June 1961. [Contract AF49(638 )
umns) is sufficient, without modifi 978 , TechnicalReport 2, AFOSR No. 786 , Depart
cation , to give good resolution and ment of Chemistry , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
rapid analysis of a large variety of Troy, New York . ]
organophosphorus substances." 2. Janz , George J ., Anthony T. Ward and Roger D .
Reeves, Molten Salt Data Electrical Conductance,
This paper has substantially improved Density and Viscosity), July 1964 . [Grant AF
our knowledge of the analysis of micro AFOSR - 181-63, Technical Report, AFOSR No. 64
amounts of phosphorus compounds, and may 0039 , Department of Chemistry, Rensselaer Poly
serve to increase the accuracy and facility technic Institute, Troy, New York .]
The 28 -foot radio telescope (foreground ) will be used to record emissions from sunspots between
1415 and 10 , 000 mc. AFCRL 's 150-foot radio telescope is shown in the background. These telescopes
are located at the Sagamore Hill Radio Observatory at Hamilton, Mass., which is one of the most com
plete radio observatories in the country .
to the sun 's visible surface. In addition to the two radio telescopes to be
Sunspot regions have, historically , been of permanently assigned to the solar- noise
primary interest. From these centers of monitoring program , other receivers will be
activity , flares are generated . Those studying used periodically for special observations .
prediction techniques hope to be able to An 84 - foot antenna , for example, will be used
distinguish unambiguously between those cen for more precise analysis of radiation from
ters of sunspot activity that produce geo the corona and the chromosphere.
magnetic events and those that have no ter This research was funded under the Air
restrial effects , Force Independent Research Fund.
Dr. Richard B. Dunn is a physicist at the Sacramento Peak Observatory , Sunspot, New Mexico , Air
Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. From the University ofMinnesota he received the degrees of
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering in 1949 and Master of Science in 1950. In the fall of 1950, he be
came a teaching fellow and graduate student in astronomy at Harvard University . Upon completion, in
1960, of his thesis entitled " Photometry of the Solar Chromosphere, ” Harvard University awarded him
the degree of Ph. D . Dr. Dunn joined the staff of Sacramento Peak in 1953, and has been with AFCRL
ever since. He is now engaged in work concerned with designing and constructing optical instruments
for solar research.His observationalwork on the structure of the solar chromosphere and limb darkening
profile in the continuum is outstanding for the meticulous care and ingenuity displayed in the elimina
tion of instrumental and " seeing'' effects . In addition to publishing a number of articles, Dr. Dunn
has provided the design concepts for a unique solar vacuum telescope, which is described in this issue
of the Review in the article, " Construction of Solar Vacuum Telescope to begin in 1966 ."
Dr. Denny D . Watson of the General Physics Research Labora
tory , ARL , was author of " Some Nuclear-Structure Studies Using
Gamma-Ray Angular Correlations" which appeared in the December
1965 issue of the OAR Research Review . (His " profile " is re
published here because of an error in the December 1965 " OAR
Profiles." The photo used in that issue was not of Dr. Watson ,
but of Dr. J. H . Winicour.) Dr. Watson is currently concerned with
properties of excited states of C135, new and improved methods
forthe analysis of gamma-ray angular correlation data , and the de
sign of mechanical and electronic systems to provide for gamma
ray polarization measurements. He received his B .S . (Engineering
Physics) in 1960, and his Ph.D . (Physics) in 1965, both from the
University of Kansas. Prior to joining ARL , he was a research
assistant, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, University of Kansas,
from 1958 to 1964 .
Dr. Yoon Soo Park has been a research physicist with the Solid
State Physics Research Laboratory, ARL , from 1962 to the present.
Prior to that, he was a research physicist with the D . H . Baldwin
Company , a teaching assistant at the University of Alberta, and
an instructor at Pusan University . He has a B . S . in Physics from
the Seoul National University (1952), an M . S. in Physics from the
University of Alberta (1955), and a Ph. D . in Physics from the
University of Cincinnati (1963). He also has a number of publica
tions to his credit. Currently, he is conducting research on the
optical electrical properties of 11-VI-compound semiconductors . In
this issue of the Review , he writes on the " Band Structure of ZnO."
DR . ANTHONY J.MATUSZKO, Directorate of Chemical Sciences , AFOSR
With grant support from the Directorate of molecules, crystals, and crystalline super
Chemical Sciences, AFOSR , Dr. Richard Stein structure in a polymer. If the sample is
and his co -workers at the University of mechanically vibrated at a frequency cor
Massachusetts have developed and applied responding to a period shorter than the
a new method for the study of polymer orientation time of a particular structural
deformation . The method involves the meas mechanism , that mechanism will not con
urement of " dynamic birefringence" (double tribute to the birefringence change at the
refraction ) of a polymer film in which the particular frequency. As the frequency is
stress , strain and birefringence are simul lowered , more mechanisms contribute, and
taneously observed . The mechanical and the birefringence increases in a manner
optical data obtained serve to characterize dependent upon the time dependence of poly
the deformation mechanism of the polymer , mer mobility.
thereby yielding information about the molec
ular nature of structural changes which is not A thorough study was made of the dynamic
obtainable from mechanical spectra alone. mechanical and optical properties of a num
A diagram of the type of apparatus used is ber of polymeric systems such as poly
shown in Figure 1. ethylene, polypropylene, etc . Through the
results obtained by the dynamic birefringence
and related techniques, a new picture of the
deformation of crystalline polymers has
QQQQ Q .10 @ @ evolved , involving the rapid deformation of
the crystalline superstructure as the sample
X -RAY G .M .
75 KVP
G .E . XRD -6 #4
Photo 2. The three domes of the aircraft can be seen here . The first dome at the left contains a mirror
system for spectrographs separating in the visible and infrared regions. In the center, the tip of the
periscope is shown surrounded by an airfoil to give aerodynamical stability . The dome at the far right
houses the photometer.
Photo 3. Here maybe seen the heart of the instrumentation aboard the aircraft. The various racks con
sist primarily of power stages for transmitters and various recording devices.
Most of today' s high-enthalpy arc-heating devices utilize vortex flow around the arc column. How
ever, the effects of the vortex flow on heat transfer from the arc to the gas are not at all understood,
and strong controversies exist as to its value. Thus, ARL's Thermomechanics Research Laboratory ,
under an in -house study as the first phase of the program on gas-arc interaction , is investigating the
effect of a vortex flow field on arc characteristics and on the heat transfer from a coaxial arc column.
For this study, the simplest possible arc model was chosen: a very long arc column drawn coaxially
within a cylindrical tube of 2 " diameter through which nitrogen gas flows at controlled speed with a
continuously variable rotational component. Through adjustments of the gas-injection angle , the vor
tex strength of the flow field may be changed without affecting the mass flow through the system . The
arc, drawn up to 33 inches in length between movable cooled electrodes, is operated with alternating
current at a power level up to 150 kw at about 1200 volts.
Request for further information should be directed to the individual or laboratory of origin
(except for those from Latin America ).
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to :
U . S. Department of Commerce, Springfield , Virginia 22151
research review
LAPR 1966
earthquake - triggering mechanisms
Tests of rock behavior under conditions of occurred . Laboratory measurements of the
high temperature and pressure have sug strength of rocks indicate that much greater
gested two new mechanisms that may trigger forces are needed to deform rocks than are
earthquakes. In a recent series of laboratory associated with deep earthquakes. But in the
experiments using a large shear press, absence of experimental data , there was
Dr. Robert E . Riecker of AFCRL found that nothing to replace the fault theory as an
the strength of a water - bearing mineral was explanation of deep earthquakes.
drastically reduced when the mineral was Such considerations led Dr. Riecker to
dehydrated by heat. In another case, the study the behavior of silicate minerals, like
crystal structure of a material changed sud those in the earth ' s mantle, at temperatures
denly under certain conditions. Dr. Riecker and pressures comparable to those found as
believes that such internal changes in rock deep as 200 km in themantle , Eighty per cent
structures, rather than their slippage along of deep earthquakes originate in the region
faults, may be the main cause of "deep above 200 km . Previous studies of rock
earthquakes ' - -those originating below the strength had mostly been conducted at lower
earth ' s outermost layer or crust. temperatures and pressures. Only with
Geologists have realized for some time AFCRL ' s high - temperature, high -pressure
that the fault theory, though adequate to ex shear press has it been possible to simulate
plain " shallow " earthquakes (those origi simultaneously the pressures and tempera
nating in the earth 's crust), had severe tures found in the earth ' s mantle.
shortcomings when applied to deep earth In Dr. Riecker 's hydraulic press, thin
quakes. In the earth 's mantle , where deep wafers of various minerals are squeezed
earthquakes originate , pressures ofhundreds between flattened dips of two tungsten - carbide
to thousands of atmospheres squeeze adjoin anvils . Samples are heated by an induction
ing rock structures together too tightly for coil. The strength of the samples is tested by
them to slip along faults.Under greater pres slowly rotating the shaft on which one of the
sures, deformation of the rock structures anvils is mounted . At low pressures , the flat
would absorb these forces before slippage tip of the rotated anvil slides across the sur
Figure 2. Patterns obtained after exposure to oxygen. a ) 1 /4 monolayer adsorbed; note presence of01,
10 and 1/ 2 1/2beams(140 volts );b) 1/ 2 monolayer coverage; note absence of 01 and 10 beams (140 volts);
c ) pattern due to 3 / 4 monolayer; note reappearance of 01 and 10 beams (95 volts). Dark balls represent
oxygen atoms, light ballsmolybdenum atoms.
the neutrino together with what everyone
else had to say during the period 1960 - 1962.
People have idiosyncrasies. They mani
fest some of the most idiosyncratic behavior
with respect to information storage and
retrieval. They keep their books in highly
personalized arrangements. They file re
ports and tables and correspondence in ways
that may be meaningful only to them . They
have ways of putting together a sentencehere
with a numerical value there, and designing
an entire experiment or building a theory
based on what they synthesize from a few
bits and their own mental store.
Information systems are supposed to be
designed for people. They are supposed to be
able to use ideas on how to arrange informa
Figure 3. Photograph of diffraction pattern ob tion , and devices for storing and manipu
tained after heating in oxygen ( 140 volts). lating marks to relieve people who use
A number of outstanding problems in the information from the necessity ofalso having
use of LEED for these studies remain . Chief to code and file it . Libraries have long done
among these is adequate accounting for in the collective job of serving a community of
tensity variations of these beams. As such people . Books are easy to find in a library,
problems are overcome, LEED will doubt either through card catalogs or knowing
less be used more and more to obtain funda where groups of them are filed on shelves.
mental information about important solid But the library catalog is not usually so
surface properties. detailed as to tell everything about a Charles
Slosh or about work on neutrinos during the
period 1960– 1962. This is what thenew gene
tailoring information ration of storage - and - retrieval schemes,
called " information systems, " is supposed to
do .
systems to people It would be possible to design an informa
Directorate of Information Sciences, AFOSR tion system to serve a single person . This
would be a rather expensive system , since
People have memories, rather good ones. it could require a system designer to observe
They can recall a yellow - covered book , a the total information - gathering and using
magazine with a particularly appealing cover, habits of that person . In addition , it could
a graph in the upper right corner of a page, require a documentalist to establish a clas
or the fact that some data were interpre sification scheme for arranging and sorting
tively reviewed in a report read about six the information , a subject specialist to read
months ago . and evaluate the information , a coder and/ or
People have nesting instincts . The house filer and/ or machine for storing the infor
wife arranges food, clothing and jewelry in mation , and a reference librarian for re
ways that help her find what she wants fairly trieving it.
quickly . The manager, the scientist, and the The practical approach for serving groups
secretary try to do this too - -but the number of people has been to establish information
of items they have to file and find keeps centers. The success of these centers in
growing . One day one might want to find tailoring their services to the individual has
everything Charles Slosh has ever said- -but varied . One of the outstanding networks of
the next day only what he had to say about such centers is that at the Oak RidgeNational
Laboratory (ORNL ). But the ORNL complex them ? How do you use them ? How often ? How
is the exception rather than the rule. If the do you up -date them ? Jahoda is also trying
system for the single person is not eco to integrate the information specialist with
nomically practical, and if the system for the information user to help them both . The
groups of people appears to be the necessary hypothesis is that the information specialist
compromise, it becomes desirable to do what can relieve the scientist from the time- con
the system designer would do for the indi suming chores of journal and document scan
vidual, i. e., try to assess individualpractices ning, indexing, and filing . But the scientist
and attempt to extrapolate from a sufficient must learn to have confidence in the ability
sampling to satisfy group needs. This , in of the information specialist to select, sort,
effect, is what has been done and is being and file. The information specialist, in turn ,
done at ORNL , and is at least one of the cannot perform adequately unless he knows
reasons for the success of the ORNL centers. the behavior and interests of the scientist,
This assessment is what is also being done Jahoda has set out to show that this interac
for a more general population of scientists tion can work, and he plans to specify how it
by Prof. Gerald Jahoda at Florida State Uni can work , based on data he is gathering in
versity under AFOSR grant 895– 65 . Prof. his experiment.
Jahoda has sampled the individual informa A further hypothesis relevant to informa
tion - gathering and storing behaviors of about tion systems might also be made . This con
75 university professors and graduate stu cerns the generalizability of Jahoda's data to
dents who are teaching and doing research . the design of large- scale , machine- based
He is asking such questions as: How do you systems that can accommodate various and
arrange your personalfiles ?How do you index varying needs of many users in such a fashion
as to give each the impression that the system
(1) Several of ORNL ' s information centers are described is tailor -made. The proof of this hypothesis
in " Infomation Centers at the Oak Ridge National depends not only on Jahoda's data , but also
Laboratory (A Study in Diversity),” by FrancoisKertesz, on the results of a number of studies being
ORNL- TM - 996 , 13 Nov 64 . sponsored by AFOSR and other agencies. *
Fig. 1. Sheet of permalloy with underlying aluminum everywhere, except in channels.
magnetic fields, the magnetization direction underlying aluminum pattern . In (c), the
of the permalloy would change only in the channel is returned to its initial state except
channels . for a small tip at the bottom vertex , Now in
(d), the tip in the bottom vertex is allowed
One application of domain -tip propagation to propagate in the next channel. Part (e ) is
is a shift register , i. e., a device that stores the same as (c ), and the operation is com
a number of bits of information and can plete .
shift the information from one location to
another . The shift register shown in Figure 2 At the tip of a reversed region , there is
has the underlying aluminum everywhere, a gradient of magnetization which gives rise
except in the zigzag pattern . One bit of in to a magnetic field. The reversed region
formation can be stored in every other can be thought of as a bar magnet with
vertex . The transfer of a bit is shown in north and south poles at the ends. The well
Figure 2. In part ( a), a bit of information is known principle of like poles repelling and
stored in a vertex of the shift register. It opposite poles attracting is the basis for
will now be transferred to the next vertex another application of the domain -tip
to the right. In part (b ), a magnetic field is phenomenon . The device shown in Figure 3
applied to grow the tip along the channel, is a simple switch . If a tip is in the left-hand
Only the channel is reversed because of the channel, no tip may pass by in the right-hand
(c )
Fig. 2. Shift register with underlying aluminum everywhere, except in zigzag pattern .
channel. Other more sophisticated arrange principle , this enables one to construct an
ments of this type are possible (e .g ., Fig - entire computer with these domain - tip
ure 4 shows a NOR ( logic) gate ); thus, in propagation devices.
Photo 2. This is a standard view of the Arecibo lonospheric Observatory which is an intrinsic part
of the sporadic E test.
AFOSR chemists probe Air Force
technical problems
The mission of the Air Force Office of Thiokol Chemical Corp, to start the ball
Scientific Research (AFOSR ), Office of Aero rolling , spoke on the role of basic research
space Research (QAR ), is to sponsor basic in a mission -oriented organization , and the
research by awarding grants and contracts need for adequate communication between the
to support deserving unsolicited proposals. research organization and the user com
In the area of chemistry, the Directorate of mands.
Chemical Sciences, AFOSR , evaluates these Col D . R . Jones, Defense Intelligence
proposals for scientific merit, novelty and Agency, discussed the intelligence require
import, originality , cost effectiveness, and ments to which chemical technology may
significance to long -range Air Force objec apply - -specifically , the need formore sensi
tives. Always a goal, the relevancy of basic tive sensors such as those for infrared ,
research programs to, and the feedback into , ultraviolet, and sound .
development programs of the Air Force is Col E . R . Davies, Deputy Chief, Biological
being increasingly reflected in these selec Chemical Division , Directorate of Armament
tions. Development, Air Force Systems Command ,
One approach in this direction was a recent covered three main points: (1) synthesis of
conference in which selected Air Force de compounds with desired characteristics ;
velopment personnel and members of the (2) investigation of detectable body effluents
Directorate of Chemical Sciences, AFOSR , for location of concealed persons; and ( 3 ) in
intensively probed Air Force requirements vestigation of the chemistry and physics of
to which chemical research might contribute. fine material basic to the development of
Their aim was to identify , by joint effort, incendiary weapons .
the basic - research areas most likely to yield Maj Jerome G . Bricker, Chemical and
significant advances in terms of operational Biological program monitor, Weapons and
needs . Weapons Effects Division , Research and
According to Dr. Amos G . Horney, AFOSR 's Technology Division , AFSC , pinpointed the
Director of Chemical Sciences, " The purpose need for rapid chemical methods for the
of this exploratory meeting was to help de detection of biological agents and binary
velop a clearer concept of new and outstand biological agent techniques.
ing chemical problem areas in the Air Force. Mr. J. Paul Cali, Chief, Properties and
We intend to include more applicable re Analysis Branch , Solid State Sciences Lab
search in our future program , while main oratory, Air Force Cambridge Research
taining the scientific merit and originality Laboratories, OAR, emphasized that new
approaches are required for the determina
of the present program . "
tion of the light elements in electromagnetic
The conference, chaired by Dr. Horney,
was attended by more than 25 representa materials . No satisfactory methods are
tives from various Air Force installations , presently available for the determination of
15 of whom spoke on selected topics. More such elements as O , N , or C in less than
important, the discussions brought to light part -per -million amounts in semiconductor
specific technical requirements and promis materials. These trace elements affect radia
ing areas for chemical research . Some of tion resistances in electronic devices.
these are highlighted below .
Dr. J . T . Grey, Jr. , Assistant to the Mr. Frank Rehm , Group Leader in the
President for Research and Development, Antenna and Coherent Optical Section , Rome
Air Development Center , AFSC , pointed out ical Sciences , AFOSR , provided details on
the need for more intensive investigation of the AFOSR chemistry program . Research
the laser aspects of organometallic com interest has developed recently in the better
pounds and of spectral cross relaxation in understanding of bonding between organic
neodymium glass media . molecules and metals. This has resulted in
Mr. Karl Kyselka, Directorate of Arma at least three international symposia on
ment Development, AFSC , discussed the organometallics, in the past three months.
requirement for an exploratory -development Among Air Force interests in organometal
program directed toward advanced explosive lics may be listed adhesion , polymeriza
systems- - specifically, the development of an tions, propellant ingredients, and lasers.
explosive to withstand a temperature of Significant contributions in organometallic
350 degrees F for 15 minutes, and with chemistry in the AFOSR program were
about 1. 25 the explosive force of TNT. cited .
Lt Col George F . Babits, Chief, Propellant
Division, Rocket Propulsion Laboratory , Dr. William L . Ruigh , program chief for
AFSC , spoke about low -molecular -weight inorganic chemistry , Directorate of Chemical
metallic elements , such as Be , B , Al, and Sciences, AFOSR , emphasized inorganic
Mg, which are of current interest in high chemistry and new techniques in the AFOSR
energy propellant systems. Gaseous mole chemistry program . The program in phos
cules such as H2, F2, O2 and 03 are the phorus chemistry has resulted in both a
most interesting oxidizers, and the noble general advance in the field and, more spe
gases and their derivatives are now receiv cifically, a marked advance in the gas
ing emphasis. More investigation is needed chromatographic detection and analysis of
on: (1) energetic species, including metasta phosphorus compounds. An improved gas
ble atoms, ions, andmolecules; free - radical, chromatographic detector has been developed
and unstable ions; ( 2 ) oxidizer structural which will be of value in defense against
studies - NMR (nuclearmagnetic resonance) , toxic phosphorus gases. New techniques in
IR ( infrared), UV (ultraviolet), EPR (electron infrared spectroscopy supported by AFOSR
paramagnetic resonance), and spectral have led to the first chemical laser, thus
studies of possible energetic rocket oxi providing a powerful new tool for studying
dizers; and (3) chemical kinetic studies -- high -speed chemical reactions.
reaction - rate studies on chemical rocket
propellant candidates . Dr. Alfred Weissler, program chief for
Dr. H . A. Tanner, Assistant for In -House physical chemistry, Directorate of Chemical
Research , Air Force Materials Laboratory, Sciences, AFOSR , provided details on the
AFSC, discussed their research program , AFOSR program in physical chemistry, with
especially energy dissipation in solids and special attention to the structure of matter
the surface phenomena of metals. and the interactions between energy and
Dr. J. Bierlein, Chief, Chemistry Branch , matter. This included photochemistry , radia
Aerospace Research Laboratories, OAR , tion chemistry, and shock -wave and other
covered the ARL program and , in particular, high -temperature research . Chemical ultra
current efforts on the separation of ele sonics was pinpointed as a promising new
ments with gas chromatography . field ,with ramifications ranging from stand
Col Charles K . Arpke, Director, Chemistry ard methods for evaluating the efficiency of
Division , Frank J. Seiler Research Labora ultrasonic cleaners used by the Air Force,
tory, OAR , highlighted FJSRL 's research to novel syntheses for propellants.
program and the research which cadets and
faculty of the Air Force Academy are en As the result of this conference and similar
couraged to perform . such efforts, AFOSR research in chemistry
will reflect a steadily increasing emphasis
Dr. Anthony J. Matuszko, program chief on immediate and long - range Air Force
for organic chemistry , Directorate of Chem - technical problems.
Mr. K . S. Nagaraja, Hypersonic Research Laboratory, ARL, is
currently concerned with studies of the physics of condensation,
particularly with reference to wind-tunnel condensation in hyper
sonic flows. The shock structure problem and the transition from
the noncontinuum to continuum flows also are being investigated ,
together with related problems in rarefied gas flows. Mr.Nagaraja
has submitted the thesis for his Ph .D . (Aeronautical Engineering
and Astronautics) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy,
New York. In 1958, he received an Associate ship of the Indian
Institute of Science ( A .1.1. Sc.), Bangalore , India. His M .S . in
Mathematics was obtained in 1954 from Banaras Hindu University ,
India . His B . S . in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry ( 1951),
and his Diploma in Intermediate Science (1949) both were ob
tained from the University of Mysore, India . Mr. Nagaraja was
awarded scholarships by the Government of India and the Indian
Institute of Science for conducting theoretical studies in applied
aerodynamics, particularly in wing design in subsonic and super
sonic flows. He has also published many articles. In this issue
of the Review , he writes on " The Linearized Rayleigh Problem
According to Kinetic Theory ."
a.a al
. . .. . . ..
The article, " Cosmic-Ray Trajectories," which appeared in the March 1966 issue of the Review ,
reflected work by Miss M . (Peggy) Ann Shea (left) and Mr. Don F . Smart (right), both with the Cosmic
Radiation Branch, Space Physics Laboratory, AFCRL .
Miss Shea attended the University of New Hampshire, Durham , N .H ., receiving in 1958 a B .S. in
Physics from the College of Engineering, and in 1961 an M .S. in Physics. From July to October 1962,
she worked as a physicist atthe University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii and, from October 1962 until
January 1964 , as an associate scientist in the Geophysics Section of the AVCO Corporation , Wilming
ton , Massachusetts. Currently, as a research physicist at AFCRL , Miss Shea conducts investigations
involving the behavior of solar-flare particle radiation, primary cosmic radiation , and intensity-time
variations. She has a number of publications to her credit. Miss Shea is a member of the American
Geophysical Union , the American Physical Society, and Sigma Xi.
Mr. Smart has a B .S. in Physics ( 1957) from Utah State University. He is presently taking graduate
courses in physics in his spare time. After graduation from college, Mr. Smart worked for the U .S.
Naval Ordnance Laboratory at Corona, California on guided-missile fusing until ordered to active duty
as a Lieutenant in the Air Force. He was assigned to the Air Force Cambridge Research Center (now
AFCRL ), becoming project scientist for the IGY Project 1.24 at Thule, Greenland. After completion of
his active duty in February 1960 , Mr. Smart remained at AFCRL as a civilian physicist. Currently, he
is Acting Chief of the Cosmic Radiation Branch. He has been working on the problems of the “ optics".
of cosmic radiation , including the asymptotic direction of approach allowed through the earth 's mag
netic field and cosmic-ray cutoff rigidities. He is further concerned with data-processing problems en
countered in utilizing satellite vehicles for geophysical research. Mr. Smart is amember of the Ameri
can Geophysical Union and American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Mr. John P. Castelli is Supervisory Research Electronics Engineer with the Radio Astronomy Branch ,
Space Physics Laboratory, AFCRL. He attended Boston College, Newton, Massachusetts where, in
1938 , he received his A . B . ( cum laude) in the Romance Languages. In 1939, he received his M . A . from
the same college. During 1943-1946 , Mr. Castelli served in the U . S. Army Air Forces as a radar of
ficer. From 1946 to 1949, he was engaged in rocket instrumentation for the V- 2 and aerobees. Cur
rently, Mr. Castelli is project engineer for the Sagamore Hill Solar Radio Observatory, for microwave
solar research, and microwave radio -astronomy research in the Space Physics Laboratory utilizing
1200 MHz through 35,000 MHz. He supervises the layout of the project, implementation of equipment,
data collection , and analysis. Mr. Castelli led a group in Florence , Italy in 1961, and in Bangor, Maine
in 1963 during total solar eclipses. Presently , he is preparing to conduct further eclipse experiments
in Greece (May 1966) and in Peru (November 1966 ). He was author of the article , " Solar Radio Noise:
Potential Index to Environmental Prediction, " which appeared in the March 1966 Review .
First Lt. William F . King, III is a member of the Logic Technology Branch, Data Sciences Lab
oratory , Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. He received a B . S. E .E . with high honors from
the University of Florida in 1963 . Upon entering the Air Force, he was assigned to the Air Force In
stitute of Technology and was graduated from Stanford University with an M .S . degree in 1964. He is
currently working in the area of modular sequential machine design . Also he is teaching advanced
mathematics at Northeastern University . Lt. King is a member of Sigma Tau . In this issue of the Re
view , he describes a " Thin Magnetic Film Logic Device."
K . S. NAGARAJA, Hypersonic Research Laboratory, ARL
Recent advances in the flights ofmissiles retically as well as experimentally, of the
and space vehicles in regions far above the flow characteristics in the entire transition
" dense " atmosphere have accelerated region . It is evident that the Navier - Stokes
efforts toward understanding the basic flow equations cannot be used as a tool for
phenomena in low -density regions . The analysis when the flow departs from con
aerodynamic problems associated with the tinuum . A " global" equation which can pre
flight of subsonic and supersonic aircraft dict the macroscopic behavior in the entire
in dense regions of the atmosphere can be transition region, and which is derived on
analysed theoretically by using the so -called the basis of statistical mechanical and
continuum equations. They are either the molecular interaction laws, has to be
Navier- Stokes equations or equations of adopted . The classical Boltzmann equa
motion derived from them . The flow fields tion ( 1 ) (written hereafter as B -equation )
around bodies, either in flight or under for electrically neutral particles which , on
laboratory testing conditions, are char the one hand , predicts the free -molecular
acterized by a large number of collisions behavior and, on the other hand, yields the
(on the order of 1010 per second) among Navier - Stokes equations , has been success
the molecules themselves. However , as the fully used for obtaining solutions in the
flight altitude is increased, the atmosphere neighborhood of free -molecular or continuum
becomes thinner , and the fluid medium can conditions. With the advent of high -speed
no longer be treated as a continuum . The computers, it has become possible, using the
degree of rarefaction of the medium can B - equation , to obtain solutions in the entire
reach such a limit that free -molecule flow transition region , provided the problem can
ensues which , by definition , is free of inter be suitably formulated.
molecular collisions. However, the occur
rence of a few intermolecular collisions in The unknown function (to be determined
the free -molecule limit does not influence as a solution of the B -equation ) is the velocity
the macroscopic (or the average ) flow field distribution function (or the probability func
around a body surface. The aerodynamic tion ) which expresses the probability value
forces on a body in a free -molecule flow of a certain number ofmoleculesor particles
are entirely due to the momentum and being present in a given cell in " phase
energy transfer resulting from the impact space ." The two " classes" (or " species"').
of the molecules on the surface. of molecules which densely fill the phase
The flow regime between the continuum space , each of which can be described by a
and the free -molecule limits is known as characteristic distribution function , collide
the " transition region , " which is char between themselves. The change in the num
acterized by the influence , in varying de ber of molecules of one " class" in the cell
grees , of both the molecule -molecule due to collisions, together with the change
collisions and the molecule - body collisions. in the same class in the cell due to flux , is
If the latter alone is dominant, the flow is shown to be equal in the B - equation to the
near -free -molecular. The preponderance of time variation of the number of molecules
the molecule-molecule collisions describes belonging to the same class. The resulting
continuum or near - continuum flow . integrodifferential equation is nonlinear and
One of the major problems in rarefied partial. Once the solution of this equation is
gas dynamics is the determination , theo - obtained, subject to the appropriate boundary
conditions, the macroscopic (or the average) B - equation involves a modification of the
flow properties can be obtained by taking collisional integral. One of the models which
the higher moments of the velocity distribu involves replacing the collisional integral in
tion function . the B - equation is called the BGK model, or
The collision - free flow is characterized the so - called Krook model ( 2) . The model
by Maxwell's velocity distribution function has been widely discussed and its usefulness
which is of the form of the Gaussian proba established by applying the BGK equation for
.bility distribution . The flow becomes non solving the problems of Couette flow , the
isentropic when the velocity distribution shock structure in a monatomic gas, transi
function deviates from the Maxwellian . It is , tional drag on a sphere, etc . Another simpler
therefore, necessary to consider the B - equa boundary -value problem , which is investi
tion . However, as the equation is formidable, gated by using the BGK equation , is the
some approximation techniques becomenec classical Rayleigh problem ( 3 ). The problem
essary in order to obtain the solutions . can be stated as follows; an infinite flat plate
The first method of solving the B - equation suddenly moves with an impulsive velocity
depends on perturbing the velocity distribu V , which is small compared with the local
tion function around the Maxwellian ; the speed of sound. The disturbance velocity as
solutions obtained in analytical form are well as the shear stress in the flow field
generally valid in the neighborhood of the must be determined. The original Rayleigh
free -molecule or the continuum flow . solution was derived for an incompressible
The second approach for solving the flow . However, subsequent works included
2 .2 .
rdt = 0
1.000 11t = 10
0.8 x R x = 25
0 .61 a ods. Ya sdt=50
0.4 kit Aoa t=100
0 .21 A -
_ Gold
Fig. 1.
At high temperatures, T > op , phonon deviations from Matthiessen 's rule, a con
assisted impurity scattering should result clusion could only be reached through a
in values of A proportional to T . Such de comparison of the resistivities of alloys
viations from Matthiessen 's rule are fre with different solutes and thus different
quently observed, but need not necessarily local-mode frequencies.
arise from this cause . For example , over a Measurements of the resistivity of Au
100 to 200°K range of temperatures for alloys containing either Al, Cu (fo ~ 2fp ),
samples with Pi and Po of the same order Zn (F . 2fp ) or Pt (no local mode) were
of magnitude, the two -band model would also made between 800K ( ~ 0D / 2) and 5000K
predict that A should be roughly propor (See Figure 3). The results showed no
tional to T. systematic differences that could be ascribed
In order to investigate the importance of to phonon - assisted impurity scattering via
inelastic impurity scattering at high tempera the local modes, though there were sub
tures , Damon and Klemens carried out an stantial deviations due to other causes,
other series of measurements in which they probably the " two -band" effects .
made use of the special vibrationalproperties The measurements at higher temperatures
of light mass impurities in a heavy mass are inconclusive . One cannot say that in
solvent. A light atom in a crystal of heavy elastic impurity scattering is absent athigher
atoms can vibrate with a frequency, fo , temperatures, since it may be overshadowed
considerably higher than the Debye, or cutoff by other effects. At low temperatures, how
frequency, fp . This vibration cannot propa ever, where the overlapping factors are less
gate through the crystal and is called a complicating, the presence of strong in
local mode. Most of the local strain field elastic scattering has been established .
surrounding the impurity (which is a measure Although it is believed that the electrical
of the relative displacement of the impurity resistivity of metals and alloys is , in the
and thus determines the strength of the main , understood today, there are many
inelastic impurity scattering) is associated minor effects which still await an explana
with the local mode . If measurements of the tion. The latter can, in principle , throw light
resistivity of Au containing Al (fo ñ3p ) on the electronic and vibrational properties,
were made from a temperature of ~ 0p / 2 if only theoretical understanding can be
(hfp = k od ) to a temperature correspond adequately refined.
ing to the local-mode frequency, To = hfo,
one might expect A to increase faster than REFERENCES
linearly with T since , over this temperature
range, the local mode would change from (1) Matthiessen , A . and C . Vogt, “ Uber den Einfluss
being only feebly excited to being fully excited. der Temperatur auf die elektrische Leitfahigkeit
Since there are other possible causes of der Legierungen ,” Pogg Ann., 122, 19, 1864.
Fig. 1. Values of p - po vs. T. For each specimen, pis the total electrical resistivity and Po is the
residual resistivity . A log scale is used for p - p and a linear scale for T only for convenience in dis
playing the results . The lower curve shows the behavior of two pure-gold specimens whose residual
resistivities were 7 .79 x 10°° and 9 . 10 x 10 -9 ohm - cm . The upper curves show the results for the al
loys and are distinguished in the legend . Open symbols show the results obtained using hydrogen va
por pressure as a thermometer; the full symbols show the results obtained using Au-Co thermocouples
for thermometers. With the exception of the specimen with P = 0.223 x 10 -6 ohm -cm , the residual re
sistivity of each of the other samples was independent of temperature between 1. 3 and 4 .2°K . The
resistivity of this exception showed a slight minimum so that its Po is somewhat uncertain . For the
two pure-gold specimens, it is assumed that I = P - Po - P: = 0 , i.e., P - Po = p; where Pi is the
ideal resistivity of pure Au. Below about 10°K , e; is very nearly proportional to T5; however, P; is not
exactly proportional to any power of T even over the restricted range 7° < T < 16°K . The results
clearly show that a > 0 for the alloys, and that is an increasing function of po .
CURVE 571479- 8
• Pt
0 .6F
0. 4 0. 8 1. 2
po x 10° , ohm -cm
i ,
0. 4 -
Temperature, OK
Fig . 2 . The insert shows p - po plotted against po at 14 and 17°K . The results show that A = p - e - e .
as a function of Pois equal to (constant + Boc ) if po > 80 p . The constant is equal to ap, with a only
feebly temperature-dependent for T < 16°K . The main portion of the figure shows Bas a function of T .
It is clear that Bat4 for T < 15°K .
CURVE 569206 - B
0. 4 Sample
• 2 - 1% Pt
A 3 - 1. 6% Pt
A 4 - 1. 8% Zn
o 5 - 2. 4% AI
06 - 2.6% Cu
(3) Koshino, S., " Scattering of Electrons by the Ther (6 ) Damon , D . H . and P . G . Klemens, “ Inelastic Im
malMotion of Impurity lons,” Prog . Theoret. Phys ., purity Scattering of Electrons in Gold Alloys at
24 , 484 , 1960 . Low Temperature, ” Low Temperature Physics,
LT9 , (Edited by J. G . Daunt, D . 0 . Edwards, F . S .
(4 ) Klemens, P . G ., “ Electron Phonon Interactions Milford , and M . Yaqub ), New York : Plenum Press ,
Induced by Lattice Defects in Metals, ” J . Phys. 1965, p. 996 .
Soc . (Japan ), 18, Suppl. II, 77 , 1963.
(7) Damon, D . H . and P . G . Klemens, " Electrical Re
(5) Taylor, P . L ., “ The Inelastic Scattering of Elec sistivity of Some Gold Alloys: A Search for Ef
trons at Impurities in Metals ,” Proc . Phys. Soc. fects Due to Local Modes,” Phys. Rev., 138 , A
(London ), 80, 755, 1962; and Taylor, P . L ., 1390 , 1965.
1 Single CdS crystals grown at ARL . In addition to bulk crystals of cadmium sulfide, the Solid State
Physics Research Laboratory also grows platelet and whisker- type crystals. These crystals are in
herently of higher purity than bulk crystals. The mechanical properties of the se crystals also indicate
that they are far superior to bulk crystals with respect to lattice defects.
2 Cds film (solar) cell measuring 2 3 / 4 " x 2 3/ 4 " . It has an open circuit voltage of 0 .5 volts and a
short circuit of 0 .52 amps. These characteristics were measured in sunlight at an intensity of 1000
watts/ m2. Cells of this type have been produced at ARL ' s Solid State Physics Research Laboratory
with power- to-weight ratios of 33 watts per 1b .
Request for further information should be directed to the individual or laboratory of origin
(except for those from Latin America ).
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to :
U . S. Department of Commerce, Springfield , Virginia 22151
1 1 800 4050
of TheUnited States Air Force
JAN 20 1967 MAY 1966
dences for the symmetrization postulate. His quantum theory is that the indistinguishability
collaborator in the study was A . M . L .Messiah of the particles being considered does not
of the Center of Nuclear Studies at Saclay, imply the need for the symmetrization postu
France, Messiah and Greenberg investigated late; rather, it restricts the interactions
the foundations of the postulate from two which they will undergo.
viewpoints : particle quantum mechanics and Based on this more general quantum me
quantum field theory. These two approaches chanical viewpoint, experimental results ofall
are known to be equivalent in the cases of particle collisions presently available in
fermions and bosons ; whether this would hold high - energy particle accelerators indicate
true for the possibility of particles not clas that the symmetrization postulate is valid .
sifiable as fermions or bosons remains an These experiments are somewhat limited ,
open question . since the colliding particles are always
either fermions or bosons. For other cases ,
Messiah and Greenberg show thatparticles convincing tests ofthesymmetrization postu
which do not obey the symmetrization postu late are very hard to obtain , mainly due to
late can be accommodated in quantum theory the lack of detectable interference between
without violating any of the basic principles. interactions that obey and interactions that
The major change in the structure of the violate the postulate. For example, the sym
theory is that the wave function , which gives metrization postulate is well established for
the mathematical description of a quantum electrons, nucleons, and photons; strong evi
state, must be generalized . One of the dence is accumulating that pions (pi mesons )
interesting conclusions of this " generalized" are bosons , Messiah and Greenberg discuss
research review
fice of Scientific and Technical Information (RRYC ), Ha 01. Captain Karlheinz 0 . W . Ball ... .................. 8
fice of Aerospace Research , USAF, 4th and Independence IMPERFECT BY ONLY FIVE PARTS IN TEN MILLION !
Avonvo , S.W ., Washington , D .C . 20333. The objective of this
publication is to make a positive contribution to the exchange (Or Long Live Crystal Defects )
of information concerning Air Force conducted and sponsorod Max Swerdlow ............ 10
rosearch activities .
Editor Dr. Wolfgang G . Braun ...... .......... 16
1st Lt Donald R . Lehman ...... ..... .... " Microwave Physcics Laboratory, AFCRL .................. 19
Meteorology Laboratory , AFCRL ...... ............ Space Physics Laboratory, AFCRL ....................... 20
Dr. R . G . Pohrer .......... .......... 5 BALANCED ELECTRIC ARCS IN TRANSVERSE GAS FLOWS
Dr. T. W . Myers .. ......... 22
Attwell M . Adair ............... . 6 Microwave Physics Laboratory , AFCRL ....... .. ... 25
o imm
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
heat-transfer measurements utilizing instrumented
Four test panels, each 3 X 3 X 1 / 4 inches,
honeycomb panels were manufactured from type 321 stainless
steel. Two of the panels had cover sheets of
CAPTAIN KARLHEINZ O .W . BALL 0 .010 - inch thickness , while the other two
Hypersonic Research Laboratory , ARL
had sheets of 0 .019- inch thickness as the
The study of flow separation at hypersonic panel outside cover and 0 .010- inch thick
speeds represents a major research effort ness as the panel inside cover. In each of
of ARL ' s Hypersonic Research Laboratory . these two sets of panels, one of the panels
A segment of this program is directed at was ofhoneycomb- sandwich construction with
a cell cross section having a dimension of
measuring the aerodynamic heating rates to
a compression corner model at a Mach num 0 . 25 inch and a web thickness of 0 .0015
ber of 12 and stagnation temperature up to inch. The second panel of each set did not
1900°R . Stainless- steel honeycomb- sand have the honeycomb, but the front and rear
wich panels are to be utilized for the sheets were separated by 0 .25- inch spacers
instrumented sections of the model. at each corner . The honeycomb material was
This note describes the work done to de also of 321 stainless steel. A sluggishly
termine the response to heat flux of a honey flowing silver alloy with a low thermal con
comb- sandwich panel and an unsupported face ductivity was used as the brazing alloy for
sheet. Heating rates up to 5 BTU /ft2 - sec the honeycomb to cover sheet joints . Each
were encountered at a time of 1.5 seconds honeycomb cell wall contained small holes to
after exposure to temperature up to 21000R . provide pressure relief during the manu
The results are presented in terms ofheating facturing process and during testing .
rate correlation between the honeycomb In order to spot weld two thermocouples
sandwich panel and the unsupported thin sheet. (chromel/ alumel) to the rear face of the out
Several experimental techniques have been side cover sheet, each test panel had two
developed for obtainingheat- transfer rates in sections removed from the back sheet. The
wind - tunnel testing. The " thin - skin " or tran opened section in the honeycomb panel con
sient temperature method is commonly used . sisted of a 4 - cell cutout.
The method is obtained by equating the heat The heat flux was obtained from an oven
transferred to the skin , h (Taw - T ), with the having a maximum temperature capability of
heat stored per unit area, pcdcat / at), in the 2500°R . A test consisted of raising the oven
skin of thickness d . In the above, h is the to a specific temperature, rapidly inserting a
heat- transfer coefficient, Taw the adiabatic test panel into the oven manually , about 0. 2
wall temperature, T the surface temperature, second, and recording the temperature of the
p the skin density, c its specific heat, and t is oven as well as the temperature of the test
time. The more important assumption in panel as a function of time on a strip chart
herent in the ''thin - skin " method is that the recorder operating at a rate ofabout 5 inches
heat conduction is across the skin and none per second. The temperature of the test panel
is along the skin , i. e . , the temperature is was recorded on a 75°F to 2000F type scale
assumed to be uniform across the skin (6 inches ), and the oven temperature on an
thickness . In addition , the material prop 800°F to 1700°F type scale (6 inches).
erties are usually assumed constant. Ex For data reduction , the starting timewas
perimentally, the method requires that the taken at the point where heating of the test
model be constructed with as thin a skin as panel actually began after insertion into the
possible to obtain a fast response, but yet oven . This point was clearly defined on the
thick enough to maintain structural integrity . test panel temperature versus time traces .
Honeycomb- sandwich panels appear to meet The slope of the traces 1.5 seconds after
both requirements , depending of course on the the start of heating defined dT / dt. Heating
panel geometry. rates were then obtained through the use of
o n
k o
A - Thermocouple
o m Imbedded
TU comb
K - * -T
1 2 3 5
Atbin - skine BTU / ft“ - sec
w Liquidus
- - - - -
640 640 H
49.99990 50.00000
49.99985 49.99995
Atomic Per Cent Antimony
(b )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Atomic per cent Antimony
(a )
Fig. 1. (a) Ordinary phase diagram for the Ga- Sb system . (b ) Greatly expanded abscissa scale reveal
ing fine structure in the solidus aa '. Due to the narrowness in over-all composition now covered by
the expanded abscissa, the deviations in the liquidus from horizontal are too small to be seen. The
data sensitive enough to delineate the fine structure were obtained by analysis of electricalmeasure
ments .
Am. Phys. Soc. 2, 646 , 1964. 12. " Imperfections in Nearly Perfect Crystals" (Proc.
of Symp. held at Pocono Manor, October 12- 14 ,
8. Baxter, R . D ., R . T . Bate and F. J. Reid , " Ion 1950, Editors: W . Schockley, J. H . Hollomon , R .
Pairing Between Lithium and the Residual AC Maurer, and F . Seitz ), New York: John Wiley &
ceptors in GaSb," J. Phys. Chem . Solids 26 , 41, Sons, Inc ., and London : Chapman & Hall, Lim
1965 . ited , 1952.
Baxter, R . D . and F . J. Reid , " Solubility and 13 . Van Bueren , H . G ., " Imperfections in Crystals, ”
Electrical Behavior of Li in N - type GaSb , ” Bull. Amsterdam : North-Holland Publishing Company,
Am . Phys. Soc. 10 , 599 , 1965. 1960 ,
14 .
For an illustration of the degrading effect of in “ Electron Microscopy and Strength of Crystals "
creased impurity scattering--which is a result of Editors: G . Thomas and J. Washburn, New York
compensation --upon charge carrier mobility, con and London: Interscience Publishers, 1963,
sult: Beer, A . C ., Galvanomagnetic Effects in 15 . Rhodes, R . G ., “ Imperfections and Active Cen
Semiconductors, Supplement 4 to Solid State Phys ters in Semiconductors,” Oxford : Pergamon Press,
ics, Fig . 16 , p . 141, Academic Press, New York ,
New York: Macmillan Company, 1964 .
16 .
Kröger, F . A ., “ Chemistry of Imperfect Crystals,”
11. Greenfield , 1. G . and R . L . Smith, " Gallium -Anti Amsterdam : North -Holland Publishing Company,
mony System ,” J. Metals, 7, 351, 1955 . and New York: Interscience Publishers, 1964.
Dr. Keith A . Browning is a research physicist with the Weather Radar Branch, Meteorology Labora
tory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. He attended the Imperial College of Science and
Technology (London University ) where, in 1959, he received his B .Sc. (Special) and A . R . C . S. in
Physics, and subsequently, in 1962, his Ph .D . and D .I. C . in Meteorology. Currently, Dr. Browning is
principally concerned with the use of radar to investigate the interrelation of air motions and precipi
tation development. He is a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society , and a Professional Member of
the American Meteorological Society . In the March 1966 issue of the Review , Dr. Browning ' s work as
editor of an AFCRL comprehensive report on a family of storms is described in the article , " Anatomy
of a Severe Storm ." .
Captain Karlheinz 0 . W . Ball at the Hypersonic Research Lab
oratory , ARL , is currently conducting research on hypersonic
boundary - layer separation with heat and mass transfer. He re
ceived his B .S . (Aeronautical Engineering) from the University of
Alabama in 1957, his M .S . ( Aerodynamics ) from the Georgia Insti
tute of Technology in 1958, and a Certificate (Exper. Aero.) from
the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in 1959. Captain Ball
is presently a candidate for a Ph. D . in Aeronautical Engineering
at the University of Southern California. His experience includes
18 months as an aerodynamicist with the Army Ballistic Missile
Agency, Huntsville , Alabama, and 3 years as a project officer,
3rd Stage Minuteman , AFBSD , Los Angeles, California. In this
issue of the Review , Captain Ball discusses "Heat-Transfer
Measurements Utilizing Instrumented Honeycomb Panels . "
Fig. 1. Optical Arrangement for the Measurement of the Transmission Factor of a Plasma Column.
out + Ilx )
- . - . - . - .
mirror is derived from the lateral motion of proportional pulse rate which is counted for
the table with a simple but precise linkage. periods of one tenth of a second upon com
When determining the transmission factor mand by a sync signal obtained from the
of a slab of matter which radiates itself, it is chopper . Thus, digital readings of the in
necessary to subtract the emitted energy tensities are formed and subsequently re
from the total emerging amountbefore form corded on magnetic tape during the scanning
ing the transmission ratio of the probing of the arc column. This data - recording sys
intensities alone. A chopper wheel is inserted tem has the noise - suppressing character
in the mirror path which provides for the istics of a phase sensitive signal amplifier.
alternate observation of the emitted radiation
alone and the superimposed direct and re The solution to Abel's integral equation is
flected radiation . found numerically ; it is assumed that the
absorption coefficient within narrow ring
The relation between the transmission zones in the source is constant and varies
profile and the local absorption coefficient only incrementally from zone to zone. Once
can be reduced to thewell- known Abel integral the distribution of the absorption in the
equation . As the solution involves a logarith plasma has been found , the local coefficient
mic scale, rather accurate data points are of the volume emission coefficient can be
needed. These are obtained with a digital computed from the brightness profile of the
data - acquisition system , which was as column . The brightness of a self - absorbing
sembled from commercially available com plasma column as a function of the parallax ,
ponents . The current from the photomultiplier x , the normal distance of the ray of obser
in the spectrograph is transformed into a vation from the axis of the plasma column,
Temp =
1 . 104
moed o
1 - r[mm ] 2
Fig. 3. Distribution of the Coefficients of Emission and Absorption and the Temperature in a Hydrogen
The question is not whether the use of the space vehicle approaches the horizon be
millimeter waves is feasible in earth - space cause the signal must then pass through a
communications. It is one of defining system larger segment of the lower atmosphere .
limitations and parameters . With the in The performance of an earth - space milli
creasing demand for band width in thealready meter - communications system is thus seen
crowded spectrum of lower frequencies, there to be heavily dependent on atmospheric con
is no way of satisfying needs except in the ditions, on the angle of the space vehicle
millimeter region . After three years of with respect to the observer, and on trans
planning, equipment accrual and tests, mission frequencies. These are the features
Dr. Edward E . Altshuler and his group at that Dr. Altshuler and his groupwill measure
AFCRL have recently begun a program to in the investigation of the characteristics of
define limitations and parameters for earth earth -space communications paths. Em
space communications. phasis will be given to two frequencies, 15
The AFCRL program centers around a and 35 gc.
high -precision paraboloidal antennadesigned To make these measurements, one of the
to operate at 35 gc - -or at higher frequencies system terminals- - either the receiver or the
with reduced efficiency. The reflector con transmitter - -must be above the atmosphere
sists of 30 precision segments , each in in space . Until a satellite transmittingmilli
dividually adjustable to an over- all surface meter waves is placed in orbit, the AFCRL
accuracy of about 0 .012 inch of a true group will use such natural radio sources as
paraboloid . The antenna is located in the Sun , Venus , Jupiter and Taurus A . Be
Waltham , Mass . cause these sources emit incoherent radia
Millimeter -wave communications for tion , the 29 - foot antenna will operate with a
earth - space systems offer two prime ad radiometer instead of a conventional
vantages, One is the unexploited wealth of coherent-signal receiver. But without a
band width. Large band widths are needed millimeter -wave transmitting satellite, it
for high - rate data transmissions - - such as will not be possible to derive true system
television photos . The overcrowded spectrum performance- -particularly band -width infor
below the millimeter region now places a mation . For this , a coherent signalis needed .
serious constraint on the ambitions of those
instrumenting space vehicles. The second This limitation will be mitigated somewhat
advantage is that high gain and resolution by using point- to - point transmissions over a
are possible with antennas ofmoderate size 10-mile path between two ground terminals .
With this path it will be possible to derive
and these, together with compact system com information on the effects of temperature,
ponents , are important considerations in
pressure and relative humidity , and resultant
space- vehicle construction .
refractive- index gradients. Also , it will be
Against these advantages there are, of possible to investigate such related effects
course, disadvantages. Millimeter waves are as signal scintillation and multipath effects ,
strongly attenuated by atmospheric gases,by Multipath refers to a situation where 2 or
clouds and by rain . Other problemsare at more components of the transmitted wave
mospheric noise, atmospheric refraction and arrive at the receiver over different paths .
multipath effects resulting in signal fading . When this happens, wave interference results
All of these disadvantages are enhanced as and signal fading occurs .
Noctilucent clouds, which four years ago (Some have recently been sighted in the
presented a host of mysteries, may be pretty Southern Hemisphere. ) Occurring at altitudes
well explained. If the theory which Dr.Robert of 80 km .- - above 99. 9 per cent of the earth 's
K . Soberman of AFCRL discussed at the atmosphere- - they are by far thehighestofall
Noctilucent Cloud Symposium held lastMarch clouds . But why do they occur only at high
in the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic latitudes , and only during the local summer ?
(U . S .S .R .) is correct, some of the residual What is their composition ? In the past,
mystery - -namely , the mechanism of their scientists tended to discount the presence of
formation - -will have been cleared up . water vapor at the extreme altitudes where
These glowing clouds are seen at un the clouds were observed.
predictable intervals during the summer in The first step toward explaining these
the high northern latitudes - -across Alaska , clouds was a series of rocket flights con
Canada, Scandinavia and the Soviet Union . ducted from Sweden by Dr. Soberman in 1962.
Photo 1. This schematic depicts the mechanism of noctilucent cloud formations as explained by
Dr. Soberman 's theory .
Photo 2. Noctilucent clouds form at an altitude of about 80 km . and are made visible by sunlight
formed below the horizon. This photo was taken during Dr. Soberman's expedition to Sweden in 1962.
These rockets , with extendable collecting The reason is that only under these con
surfaces, were flown into the clouds and ditions does the atmosphere undergo the con
gathered samples of noctilucent cloud par tinual heating by the sun necessary to sustain
ticles for later analysis. Flights during sub an updraft persisting for weeks. It is only at
sequent summers (the last being in 1965 or near the poles during the local summer
from Ft. Churchill, Canada ) established the that months of continuous daylight make this
fact that noctilucent clouds were composed possible,
of meteoritic dust particles which , in some At lower latitudes, on the dark side of the
cases, were covered with ice . earth , there would be a corresponding down
With this fact established , the chief re draft caused by the falling of the air cooled
maining problems were explaining what in the earth 's shadow . Thus , a closed system
processes could produce concentrations of of circulation , much like a storm cell , would
this dust at such extreme altitudes , and why exist between 50 and 80 km . The sunlit up
noctilucent clouds form only at high latitudes drafts of this cell would keep the meteoritic
in summer . dust from falling, but would not be strong
The mechanism proposed by Dr. Soberman enough to lift this dust " over the top " and
provides an explanation of these character into the downdraft in the earth ' s shadow
istics and a number of other aspects of unless acted on by some outside disturbance ,
noctilucent -cloud behavior aswell. Basically , Hence, the dust would collectand concentrate
Dr. Soberman ' s idea is that a small updraft in the updraft until such a disturbance oc
between 50 and 80 km , keeps meteoritic dust curred . When this happened the particles
from drifting to earth . Over a period of days. would be raised from around 50 km . to about
or weeks a large concentration of the dust 80 km ., the altitude at which noctilucent
accumulates in this altitude region. An up clouds are seen .
draft lasting long enough for such an ac
cumulation to take place, however , could Since this altitude change involves a cor
occur only under certain conditions. These responding temperature drop from a few
conditions , summer and high latitude , are degrees above zero (centigrade) to - 100
exactly those under which noctilucent clouds degrees C ., any water vapor present would
occur. freeze on the condensation nuclei provided by
the meteoritic dustparticles. They would then
be carried along the top of the convection ON INVESTIGATIONS OF
cell from the sunlit side into the earth 's
shadow . These particles , illuminated by the
sun 's rays coming from far below the ob BALANCED ELECTRIC ARCS
server's horizon , would be seen from the
ground as noctilucent clouds as they pass IN TRANSVERSE GAS FLOWS
through the twilight region . * DR. T. W .MYERS, Thermomechanics
Direct observation of this circulation Research Laboratory, ARL
pattern is unlikely since updrafts of less The interaction of a gaseous electrical
than half a meter per second are required to conductor , such as an electric arc , with a
keep meteoritic dust particles (which are a gas flow in the presence of a transverse
few tenths to a few hundredths of a micron magnetic field is currently of considerable
across ) from falling . However, the mecha technological interest. The arc- type dis
nism for noctilucent- cloud formation charge in crossed convective and magnetic
proposed by Dr. Soberman makes testable fields is common to a number of magneto
predictions. One of these, that the clouds fluid -mechanic devices, e.g ., J x B accel
should move from southeast to northwest in erators and arc heaters using magnetically
the Southern Hemisphere because of the ef rotated arcs. The configurations which may
fect of the earth ' s rotation on the circulation be used to study this threefold interaction
pattern , has already been verified. Another may be basically reduced to two types; those
way of testing Dr. Soberman 's hypothesis in which the arc is moved along electrodes
would be to track the clouds by means of through a stationary gas by an externally
laser radar during the daytime when they applied transverse magnetic field ; and those
would be otherwise invisible. A number of in which the arc is held stationary with
researchers are presently setting up laser respect to the electrodes by a transverse
experiments to make this test. magnetic field of suitable strength to balance
the aerodynamic forces on the arc caused by
the gas flow past the arc . (1) It has been
PROCEEDINGS OF 1964 found that, in many cases, the motion of an
AMD SYMPOSIUM arc along electrodes may be influenced by
processes within the anode and cathode
AVAILABLE regions of the arc. This renders fundamental
studies of the interaction between the arc
The proceedings of the Third International Sym column, the gas flow and the magnetic field
posium on Bioastronautics and the Exploration very difficult. Therefore, the magnetically
of Space, sponsored by the Aerospace Medical balanced stationary - arc configuration , with
its stationary electrode roots , appears more
Division , AFSC, at the Granada Hotel, San An attractive and was chosen for experimental
tonio, Texas, 16 -18 November 1964, have been re
investigations of the interaction phenomena ,
ceived from the printer and are being distributed . The balanced -arc configuration shown in
Thirty - three presentations by scientists represent
ing the U .S . Air Force, U .S . Navy ,NASA, and var Fig . 1 was used with a 20 - to - 100 - ampere
arc in a rectangular test section through
ious civilian institutions, both national and inter
which argon gas was flowing at approxi
national, are collected in this publication . Topics
range from the life support of the astronauts to mately atmospheric pressure and velocities
astrophysics, astronomy, and primordial organic up to 300 ft / sec , Magnetic - field strengths
up to 30 kilogauss were required to stabilize
chemistry . Qualified individuals may obtain copies the arc in the argon stream . This study
of these proceedings by submitting their request
to DDC ( AD 627686 ). Others may obtain them from proved the feasibility of holding an arc sta
the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Tech tionary in a subsonic transverse argon flow ,
nical Information . * Dr. Myers is a visiting research associate at ARL .
and showed that the balancing magnetic field ,
B , was proportional to the square of the gas
velocity , V , as shown in Fig . 2. The same
relationship would be obtained by equating the
aerodynamic force on a cylindrical conductor
POSITION OF with the magnetic balancing force at constant
current. This balance of forces gives
where Cd is the coefficient of drag, R is an
arc radius, and p is the free- stream gas
JZINSULATOR density . By the experiments, no dependence
ANODE on the arc current, I, was found. Due to
Fig. 1 limitations of the experimental configuration
Sketch of test section showing orientation of arc of the electromagnet and the gas- flow channel,
current,magnetic field, and argon-gas velocity it was only possible to make over - all meas
3. 0
2. 5
/m, ebers
P = 19 + 1.5 psia
1oy AI < 30 amperes
0. 5 E OI = 35 £ 5 amperes
DI> 40 amperes
0 2 4 6 8 10
( Argon velocit
Fig . 2 Dependence of the balancing magnetic field on the square of
the argon velocity for a 5 /8- inch electrode spacing
urements on the balanced arc; only the arc pected . If in first approximation the
current and voltage, and the gas properties resistance of the discharge in the electrode
at stations considerably upstream and down vicinity may be considered independent of
stream of the arc, could be measured. The current and magnetic field, the indicated
arc diameter could not be measured and, trend reflects the expected decrease of the
therefore, the drag coefficient could not be resistance with increasing current (arc diam
directly determined from the experiments , eter) and temperature and reflects an in
Thus , the observed independence of the other crease of the resistance due to a frequently
variables on the arc current could be due to observed increase of arc length . Since arc
compensating changes in the arc diameter length , arc diameter or temperature distri
or the drag coefficient. bution throughout the arc column are not
Measurements of the over - all electrical known , values of the plasma conductivity
resistance of the investigated arcs are indi cannot be deduced from these experiments .
cated in Fig . 3 for various levels of current The follow - up research program at ARL
and magnetic- field strength . The values will be concerned with such questions as:
shown are integrated over the arc cross How much flow passes around the arc, and
section and the arc length , including the elec how much passes through it ? How is the arc
trode sheaths for which considerable devia column conductivity affected by the combined
tions from the integrated values may be ex presence of the magnetic field and the gas
AB = 0.51w /m .
OB = 0.92w /m .
VB = 1. 31w /m .
OB = 1.64w /m .
DB = 1.99w /m .
OB = 2. 31w /m .
B = 2.61w /m .
OB = 2. 84w /m
040 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Arc current, amperes
Fig . 3 Dependence of arc resistance on arc current at different constant magnetic fields for a balanced
argon arc at a static pressure of 19 psia with a 7/8 -inch electrode spacing
flow ? How efficient is such a magnetically transmission - line theory . Coupling exists
balanced arc device for adding energy to a when power can be transferred from one
gas stream ? How does thedrag exerted by the line to another .
arc on the gas stream compare with that of Sethares ' model consists of two coupled
a solid cylinder ? How do the arc diameter transmission lines, one for themagnon mode ,
and currentdensity depend on the flow velocity the other for a phonon mode. This model is
and magnetic - field strength ? What is the believed to be the first of its kind . The unique
effect of the electrode regions on the inter feature of the model lies in the choice of
action of the arc with the flow and magnetic variables used to describe magnon wave
fields ? How do the electrode effects differ propagation . The variables are chosen in
in the balanced - arc configuration from those analogy to those for phonon wave propaga
when the arc moves over the electrode sur tion . Phonon waves are generally described
faces ? The answers to these questions will by force and velocity fields, proportional,
give a greater degree of fundamental under respectively, to spatial and temporalderiva
standing to the present empirical procedure tives of displacement. The product gives the
necessary in the design of devices where this energy density carried by the phonon .
threefold interaction is present. Magnon waves may also be described by
REFERENCE two vector fields , proportional, respectively ,
to spatial and temporal derivatives of mag
( 1) Myers, T . W ., C . N . McKinnon andJ. C . Lysen, " Ex netization . The product of the fields gives
perimental Investigation of a Magnetically Balanced
Arc in a Transverse Argon Flow , ” ASME Preprint the energy density carried by the magnon .
65- WA /ENER - 1. Voltage and current along the transmission
lines are taken to be proportional to the
PHONONS, MAGNONS AND spatial and temporal derivatives ofmagneti
zation and displacement. Distributed induc
COUPLED TRANSMISSION LINES tive and capacitive couplingmay existbetween
MICROWAVE PHYSICS LAB . , AFCRL One of the benefits of the model is that it
A new insight into magnetic -wave propa permits the microwave physicist to draw
gation in single- crystal materials has been from known results of coupled transmission
described by James C . Sethares of AFCRL . line theory and to apply these known results
Sethares' model involves a coupling process to the prediction of new magnetoacoustic
phenomena .
between the magnetic and acoustic waves in
an energized ferrite crystal, Essentially , the The generation , detection, amplification ,
model provides a more convenient mathe control, and propagation of magnons and
matical method for calculating the energy phonons is a relatively new and rapidly
density of magnetic waves . evolving field of investigation . The physicist
The quantum terms for magnetic and working in this field enjoys the best of the
acoustic waves are magnons and phonons, two worlds of science and technology. As a
respectively. Only microwave magnons and scientist, he finds himself in a relatively
phonons are of interest in the Sethares study- - uncrowded field with new analytical tech
wave lengths on the order of 1 to 10,000 niques for exploring the internal forces and
angstrom units. When magnon and phonon energies of matter in the solid state. But if
waves are of equal length , energy exchange he is at the same time associated with a
between them is possible . Because of the mission - oriented laboratory (as most
small wave lengths involved, a very large scientists in fact are),he sees a readymarket
number can be accommodated in a single for the application of the new knowledge in
crystal specimen an inch or so long . The electronic devices and equipments. The work
crystal can thus be considered a transmis has high potential for improved delay lines,
sion line. Propagation conditions ofmagnons pulse compressors, and for the generation of
and phonons in the crystal are found to be coherent radio energy well beyond the 50 - gc
similar to those encountered in coupled range .
Request for further information should be directed to the individual or laboratory of origin
(except for those from Latin America ).
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to :
U . S . Department of Commerce, Springfield , Virginia 22151
1 1 800 4050
research review
OAR : The Research Agency
of The United States Air Force
JAN 20 1967Y
ROWENA SWANSON, Directorate of Information Sciences, AFOSR ENGINEERIM
The information sciences, as embodied in objective for the information sciences in the
the program of the Directorate of Informa- coming years. " Also, ''information," as
dion Sciences, AFOSR , and in the programs Claude Shannon and others have demon
of several other agencies ( e . g ., Office of strated , has its quantitative aspects . Signals
Naval Research and Advanced Research Proj of various sorts can be measured and, once
ects Agency) , aim toward the specification a determination has been made as to what is
of systems of men and machines that opti to constitute a signal, methods can be devel
mize the acquisidon , processing , and use of oped for optimizing the transmission and
information . Products of the information reception of signals embedded in noise. The
sciences are methods of manipulating and methods can be very innovative and in
using information and designs for systems corporate routines that automatically adapt,
and hardware to implement the methods. The based on input and feedback . When , how
information sciences are exploiting, or trying ever , the question is , " What is to be meas
to exploit, not only computers but also all ured ? " or " What is the significantbit of infor
devices or machines that can be used to mation in a given context? " - - answersare too
quantify , store, and transmit information . frequently qualitative and subjective. It is this
The information sciences, thus, encompass realm that must be emphasized in research .
(or are expected to encompass) not only The information sciences draw on knowl
areas concerned with classifying and storing edge from many of the more traditional
information , but concerned also with tech sciences to study problems connected with
niques for processing this information and information . Classification systems and in
making effective use of it . dexing methods derive from library science
The nub of the problem in the information and documentation. How man learns and proc
sciences is the definition or meaning of the esses information is an inquiry of the be
word, " information . " As Oliver Selfridge has havioral scientist and the educator. How man
said, "Clarification of the concept of infor and other living systems code and store
mation may be the single most important information is being increasingly examined
by the neurophysiologist and the molecular vide knowledge for future Air Force systems,
biologist in one dimension , and by a newly and the Directorate ' s assessment of the
developing corps of information specialists range and scope of this new field of science .
in another. Mathematicians, logicians, and As stated in the introduction , the program
a newly forming group of programmers are does not include all of the areas of the in
exploring theories and methods of repre formadon sciences, both because of budget
senting information and procedures by which limitations and because of overlap with other
machines can solve problems, and learn , and AFOSR and Air Force laboratory programs.
be creative in ways peculiar to algebraic and However , the coverage does attempt to high
symbolic manipulation as well as in ways light fundamental areas where research is
peculiar to man . The common thread is the needed. These include: information- system
relevance of these efforts to the identification organization , classification and indexing
and handling of information . methods, methods of transmitting informa
The annual report of the Directorate of tion , methods of representing adaptation and
Information Sciences, AFOSR , Information learning, models and measures for language,
Sciences, *1965, (1) summarizes 68 research and systems of logic that could lead to new
efforts that constituted the Directorate' s machine designs and new ways of describing
program in calendar year 1965. It exempli and processing information . The annual re
fies both what the Directorate considered port includes a statement of research ob
significant for sponsorship in order to pro jectives, a summary of research results ,
- - -(5 )- - - - - - -
- o'
A tatá (6) Cov- - Cs
Figure 1 . A model of the energy -level scheme for the photoelectronic processes in ZnS:CI crystal at
77 K . Arrows drawn with solid or broken lines represent optical or thermal transitions of
electrons, respectively . The luminescence transitions (1 ) are caused by the host excitation
(2 ) or by the characteristic excitation ( 3 ) or (4 ). Process (5 ) represents trapping and thermal
ionization of electrons in the trap levels, which is responsible for the thermoluminescence
and glow currents.Infrared quenching process is assumed to be the hole transitions (6 ) from
the ionized center into the valence band .
dme observed while heating at a known rate. or impurities probably occupy sites in the
A detailed study of the photoelectronic crystal, each of which has a unique sym
behavior of Y20g has been started . Single metry axis as is required to produce the
crystals are cut into thin sections with effects. Even if the measured polarization
faces parallel to crystallographic planes effects cannot be interpreted from simple
and optically polished . These sections in dipole models , they should beuseful in estab
turn are placed in an optical cryostat, lishing relationsbetween charge sources such
cooled to liquid -nitrogen temperature, and as A1 and centers such as E .
irradiated with ultraviolet light of known In accordance with the objectives stated at
intensity, spectral distribution and polariza the beginning, an attempt will be made to
tion for a measured time. ( This " excitation " correlate data from these experiments with
causes the occurrence of processes such as data obtained by other means. The experi.
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, shown in Figure 1.) Upon ments described will be performed on crys
heating at a constant rate , the total light tals as received , in an oxidized state and in a
emission (thermoluminescence resulting reduced state, in order to attempt identifica
from processes 1 and 5 ) is measured as a tion of the defects responsible for the high
function of time. The spectral distribution temperature semiconductive properties of
and polarization of the thermoluminescence nonstoichiometric Y203 which were obo
are measured by inserting filters and a served by other measurements made in this
polarizer between the crystal and detector. laboratory. ( 2 ) In addition , nonstoichiometric
To supplement the information gained from and doped crystals will be subjected to com
the thermoluminescence measurements , bined thermoluminescence - spin resonance
transparent electrodes will be fixed to the studies being conducted at the Franklin Insti
crystal sections which will then be treated as tute under an Air Force contract. ( 3 )
above , except that a constant voltage will be The continued study of yttria is considered
applied to the electrodes and thermally stim to be of practical interest to the Air Force
ulated current (glow current), rather than because it is representative of a class ofma
thermoluminescence , will be measured as a terials which have potential use as lasers (4 )
function of time, Peaks in the observed cur and as efficientphosphors. ( 5 ) Yttria may also
rent would correspond to electronic transi be of use in the future as an inert infrared
dons from traps to the conduction band window material; it is already an important
(process 5 ). Absence of a current peak when structural material for nuclear reactions. ( 7 )
compared with thermoluminescent peaks Furthermore, as a result of the increased
would suggest that the undetected trap is a interest in yttria , the growth of larger and
nonradiative state associated with a lumines higher - purity crystals for continued study can
cent center. be anticipated . (8 )
The polarization and spectral distribu REFERENCES
dion of fluorescence resulting from exposing (1) Koda, T. and S. Shionoya, Phys. Rev., 136, No.
2A , A541, 1964.
crystals to ultraviolet of known spectral (2) Tallan , N . M . and R . W . Vest, " Electrical Prop
distribution and polarization will bemeasured erties and Defect Structure of Y207, " submitted
at selected temperatures (processes 1, 2 , 3 , to J . of Am . Ceramic Society .
and 4 ). (3 ) AF 33 (615 )-3594, “ Defect Studies in Ionic Crys
Quenching effects will be investigated by tals by EPR and NMR ."
exposing the crystals to visible and infrared (4 ) Chang, N . C ., J. Appl. Phys., 34 , No. 12, 3500,
radiation . Thermoluminescence and glow (5) Bril, A ., W . L . Wanmaker and C . D . J. C . de Latt,
current peaks may be quenched if the radia J. Electro . Chem . Soc., 112, 111, 1965.
dion empties traps which were filled by (6 ) Wickershein , K . A . and R . A . Lefever, J. Opt. Soc.
stimulation at an earlier time, while proc Am ., 51, 1144 , 1961.
esses such as (6 ) in the figure may quench ( 7 ) Marlowe, M . O . and D . R . Wilder, J . Am . Ceramic
Soc ., 48 , No. 5 , 1965.
thermoluminescence and fluorescence . (8 ) AF 33 (615 )-3369, " Growth of Single Crystals of
Yttria should exhibit polarized lumi Doped and Undoped Y203 and Yttrium Aluminate
nescence since interstitials , metal vacancies in a Hollow Cathode Zone Refiner . "
DR . DEMETRIOS G . SAMARAS, Directorate of Engineering Sciences, AFOSR
Certain general laws are valid for all 49(638 )758 , under the guidance of Professor
branches of fluid dynamics, including aero Frank Marble of the California Institute of
dynamics and plasma (ion flow ) dynamics; Technology, was to investigate certain as
others are valid only for a specific branch . pects of boundary layers between plasmas
To extend the validity of a law from one and electrodes as well as between plasmas
branch to another, drastic changes in the and side walls . These boundary layers appear
law are sometimes needed . For example, in direct- current machines, such as plasma
the concept of the " boundary layer, " a accelerators and electrical- power genera
fictitious , discrete transition region first tors ,
applied in aerodynamics , has been extended Professor Marble' s early experiments in
to plasmadynamics , though not without con dicated that the assumption of a single fluid
siderable modification . having a local equilibrium temperature could
The boundary layer, so named by Ludwig not account for the lower heat transfer and
Prandtl , is the transition region between the higher electrical conductivity observed .Con
surface of a solid and the main flow around sequently, a mixture of two or three compo
the solid ; it has the important characteristic nent fluids was necessary to account for the
wherein the forces of interaction between observed heat transfer and conductivity . In
fluid and solid are transmitted through it. this model, the temperature of the electrons
In aerodynamics , the boundary layer re was considerably higher than that of the ions
lates to the viscosity of the fluid . Thus its or neutral atoms.
structure depends both upon the geometry As the presence of electricity considerably
and the Reynolds number . modified the boundary layer, the voltage cur
In plasmadynamics, the boundary layer rent characteristics were measured. These
relates to more dissipation phenomena than experiments showed that two differentmodes
is the case in aerodynamics. These phe of operation exist for a steady - state current
nomena include viscosity , electrical and conduction between high - temperature elec
thermal conductivity , and the diffusion of trodes in a potassium - seeded argon plasma.
various particles. It should be emphasized In both modes of operation, the electron
that, in most cases, the flow consists of a emission from the cathode was caused by
mixture of three or more component fluids , thermionic emission . With tungsten elec
such as electrons, ions, and neutral species . trodes at an average temperature of 17000K ,
In addition , the solid walls carry electric the steady- state current densities measured
currents and produce sheaths in the flow were over 2 megamp/m2.
with more- or - less steep voltage gradients . In the first or normalmode of operation ,
As early as 1929, Irving Langmuir dis the current density measured was smaller
covered that a plasma flow does not approach than that corresponding to the thermionic
the wall unaltered but forms space charge emission limit. However, in the second or
regions. Subsequently , it was established current- limited mode it was equal to the
that a unipolar layer forms close to the limit. Again , in the first mode, the cathode
wall, and that a transition layer appears sheath potentials were on the order of a few
between it and the main plasma flow . This kB Tw (where kB = Boltzmann 's constant
generation of space charge layers may be and Tw = wall temperature), whereas in the
attributed to the fact that one of the charged second mode they were considerably larger .
species components diffuses faster than the Dr. Marble 's achievement brings us a step
other . closer to the attainment of nuclear space
The initial objective of contract AF propulsion .
that arises in optical experiments is simply
exploring optics theory that optical wave lengths are so short that
that optical wave lengths are so short that
the apertures (pinholes) in the experimental
apparatus must be correspondingly micro
with microwaves scopically small - -much too small to be easily
MICROWAVE PHYSICS LABORATORY fabricated . But when the experiments are
AFCRL conducted atmicrowave frequencies, the wave
lengths are long enough so that the apertures
A classic experiment in optics is the can range in size from six inches to a foot or
" two- pinhole" experiment first performed so , and a variety of aperture geometries of
around the beginning of the 19th century . precisely known dimensions can be used .
This experiment demonstrated the wave The experimental apparatus used by the
nature of light. In the experiment, light three AFCRL scientists to conduct the micro
passes through two pinholes placed side wave studies does not differ in essence from
by side, and is projected onto a screen . that used in the optical pinhole experiments.
Where the light diffracted from each of the There is an emitter of incoherent radiation
two pinholes overlaps, a series of inter and, depending on the particular study, a
ference fringes or bands appears on the shield containing one or two apertures at
screen . The contrast between the light and some distance from the source . Instead of a
dark bands is closely related to the co screen , two moveable microwave horns are
herence of the light. Thus, interference is used. Signals from these horns are combined
simply another way of looking at coherence. and fed into amplifying and filtering devices .
AFCRL scientists J. L . Poirier, W . Rotman By moving the horns farther apart or closer
and R . A . Shore have repeated the classic together, the experimenters are able to map
pinhole experiment- - but at microwave fre the interference fringes as a function of the
quencies. The AFCRL experiment is an horn spacing. The intensity variations are a
important bench mark in the new and rapidly measure of the degree of coherence, Aper
growing field of microwave optics. This tures of differing sizes and geometries can
hybrid field combines and , in many instances, be used to obtain radiation of any desired
makes interchangeablemicrowave and optical coherence. Close agreement was found
theories . between the experimental results and what
Superficially related experiments with had been predicted by optical theory .
microwaves have been carried out for many The key to the experiment, however , was
years . But in all cases , themicrowave radia finding an extended source of incoherentradi
tion was coherent. The AFCRL group is the ation atmicrowave frequencies . Such a source
first to use an extended source of incoherent exists in standard fluorescent tubes- - butuntil
microwave radiation , Only when the source the AFCRL experiment, no one had any
is incoherent do we have a macroscale thought of applying this source to the study
replication of the optical situation . And only of microwave diffraction . The source , in the
with such an incoherent source of micro AFCRL experiment, consisted of a 1.22
wave radiation is it possible to demonstrate meter -square array of fluorescent lights.
experimentally the validity of applying the ( The light emitted is of no interest to the
well - developed body of optical- diffraction experimenters .) Before the Poirier, Rotman
theory to microwaves- - and to examine and Shore experiment, the only way to obtain
experimentally certain aspects of diffraction incoherent microwave radiation from an ex
theory itself. tended source was to heat a metal plate. How
One area of interest is to extend diffrac ever, the radiation from such a source is not
tion theory developed from cases in which much greater than the thermal background
apertures are much larger than the wave noise .
length of the diffracted radiation to cases This research is of interest to the Air
in which the apertures are of the sameorder Force because of the new insight it provides
of magnitude as the wave length . Theproblem into the behavior of antenna systems. This
insight could in turn result in improved de the- horizon scatter communications and, in
signs for use in such areas as radio astron short, any microwave system that involves
omy, airborne reconnaissance radar, over the properties of partially coherent fields.
In photo # 1, one of the two horns used to detect microwave radiation is shown facing an aperture
placed before an array of fluorescent lights (photo # 2).
The AFCRL study shows that it is possible
model to derive information on the dimensions of
ionospheric irregularities by using a single
for scintillation receiver if the angular diameter of the source
is known .
DR . JULES AARONS In passing, itmight be noted that different
Space Physics Laboratory , AFCRL investigators have estimated the mean size
of ionospheric irregularities as ranging from
Stars scintillate (that is, they twinkle ), but about 0 .5 km to 7 .5 km or greater . The size
planets do not. Radio signals from satellites varies with latitude, season , ume of day,
and from radio stars also scintillate, but solar cycle , and even with the direction in
some radio sources scintillate more than which the observer is looking . The AFCRL
others. Why ? measurements showed the irregularity size
Scientists from the AFCRL Radio Astron to average about 1.1 km .
omy Branch, using the 1000 - foot radio tele
scope at Arecibo , Puerto Rico, have shown Why sources with small angular diameters
that scintillation of both optical and radio
scintillate, while those with large angular
diameters do not, can be explained equally
sources is primarily a function of the angular well by diffraction theory and by scattering
diameter of the source. By angular diameter concepts . Using diffraction theory, we can
is meant the apparent size- - or, more pre consider a small - angular- diameter source
cisely , the angle of two lines extending from as consisting of one or a limited number of
either side of the source and converging at pinholes through which electromagnetic
the point of observation .
The AFCRL study shows that the smaller energy passes. Phase interference produces
a series of interference fringes on the
the angular diameter of the source, the ground. If the ionosphere were stable and
greater the scintillation . Thus , stars with
small angular diameters twinkle; planets uniform , no scintillation would be observed .
But because it is not stable and uniform , the
with larger angular diameters do not. The energy passes through a medium whose index
study also indicates that the rate of scintilla
of refraction is continuously varying, thus
tion does not in general vary with frequency. causing a continuous oscillation in the dif
Eight signal sources above the atmosphere
were studied , Angular diameters ranged from
fraction pattern . This produces the amplitude
variations that we know as scintillation . A
less than one second of arc to 29 minutes of large extended source, on the other hand, can
arc . Observations were made with radi be considered as consisting of many point
ometers operating in the 22. 3 to 38 .75-Mcps sources of radiation . The addition of shadows
range ,
from each of these many discrete points
There would, of course, be no scintillation
averages out the amplitude variations, there
regardless of the angular diameter of the
source if the signal did not pass through the by cancelling scintillation .
uneven and irregular layers of the ionosphere. However, scattering concepts can explain
It is possible, therefore, to learn something the phenomena equally well- - and scattering
of the dimensions of ionospheric irregulari concepts are in fact more useful in deter
ties by ar.alyzing scintillations- -and, in fact, mining ionospheric irregularities. Under
many researchers have done just that.Usually scattering concepts we can imagine the
this has involved a number of receivers opposite edges of an extended source as
spaced over a large area on the ground . vertices of scattered cones of radiation ,
Because scintillation itself is nothing more The correlation of the scintillation pattern
than variations in the amplitude of the from extreme parts of the source will
received signal, it is possible to compare the diminish if the phase - path differencebetween
signals received at these spaced receivers the length of the generator of one cone and
and to derive information on ionospheric that included by the other measured along the
irregularities. same path length exceeds one radian .
Dr. H . Stuart Muench, research physicist with the Upper Atmosphere Branch, Meteorology Laboratory ,
AFCRL , is presently studying the circulation of the stratosphere. In particular, he is interested in the
effects of tropospheric disturbances on stratospheric circulation, and the effects of solar heating and
infrared cooling. Dr. Muench received his B .S . (1952) and M .S. ( 1956 ) in Meteorology from M .I. T . From
1961 to 1963, he studied and taught meteorology at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,
receiving the Ph . D . in Atmospheric Science from that institution in 1964. While an Air Force weather
officer assigned to Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D . C ., from 1952 to 1954, Dr. Muench served
for several months at the Analysis Center of the Weather Bureau. He is a member of the American As
sociation for the Advancement of Science and of the American Meteorological Society . An article on
Dr. Muench ' s work , “ Explosive Warming in the Stratosphere , " appeared in the May 1966 issue ofthe
Review .
Dr. Robert E . Riecker, Wave Propagation Branch, Terrestrial
Sciences Laboratory, AFCRL, is engaged in a program to de
termine the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and min
erals, under geophysically realistic conditions of high tempera
ture and pressure, in order to learn more about the phenomenology
of earthquake sources and to develop data useful for distinguish
ing between natural earthquakes and underground nuclear explo
sions, as part of the Advanced Projects Research Agency's VELA
UNIFORM Project. Dr. Riecker received the B . A . cum laude in
Geology (1958 ), and the Ph.D. in Geology (1961) from the Univer
sity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. He holds membership in the
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Phi Beta Kappa,
Sigma Xi and other organizations. An article describing his work ,
" Earthquake-Triggering Mechanisms, " appeared in the April 1966
OAR Research Review .
Anomalies in Electron -Density Probes
Can Be Caused by Rocket Outgassing
Contamination of the ionosphere by rocket effects were the result of rocket outgassing .
outgassing - -the leakage and diffusion of left Since that time, they have developed a theory
over fuel after burnout- - can be a major to account in detail for the outgassing effect,
source of error for electron - density probes and have instrumented a number of probes to
according to J . C . Ulwick and Dr. W . Pfister test their theory and to determine which
of AFCRL . In a recent article in Radio rocket- vehicle types are most susceptible
Science, they show how rocket outgassing to outgassing.
explains some puzzling anomalies that have In the Aerobee- 150 rockets which Ulwick
appeared in ionospheric sounding data ever and Pfister used extensively in their iono
since the early V - 2 flights when rockets were spheric studies , the oxidizer (nitric acid ) is
first used extensively to probe the upper used up before the fuel (a mixture of aniline
atmosphere, and furfural alcohol). Outgassing occurs when
These anomalies generally showed up as the residual fuel escapes through the valves
discrepancies between the electron density which are left open after burnout. As the
measured at a given altitude on the upward liquid fuel passes into the near- vacuum of
portion of a probe's trajectory, and that the ionosphere, it is vaporized and diffuses
measured at the same altitude during the around the vehicle. The free electrons in the
downward leg. In early experiments , in which ionosphere become attached to themolecules
the delay times of radio pulses transmitted of vaporized fuel, while the positive ions re
from the rocket were used to measure elec main unaffected . This accounts for the local
tron density, delay times on the upward leg reductions in electron densities that are
would be smaller, indicating a reduced elec observed .
tron density. When this effect was first ob Since this " hole " is somewhat directional - -
served , it was interpreted as evidence that that is , it becomes more pronounced toward
the ionosphere' s E layer was actually two the rear of the rocket- -the measured effects
layers, with a sharp minimum in electron are different on the upward and downward
density between them . Later, this effect parts of the trajectory . Outgassing effects
was reinterpreted as having been produced occur primarily above 100 km . At lower
by local irregularides in the ionosphere; but altitudes, the surrounding air is dense enough
the man -made nature of these irregularities so that the outgassed fuel is swept com
was not recognized until rockets were in pletely behind the rocket.
strumented with probes for measuring am
bient electron and ion densities directly. Once the effect of fuel outgassing was dis
covered , it was fairly easy to correct in the
When such probes were flown , the surpris case of the Aerobee 150 . A valve that simply
ing result was that the data telemetered back shuts off the flow of fuel after burnout was
indicated a local deficiency of electrons, while activated . And, in fact, this solution is appli
the positive ion count remained unaffected . cable to any liquid - fuel sounding rocket. But
In addition , the electron count on the downward what about solids ? Residual vapors may or
portion of the trajectory was less than that on may not be left inside the combustion chamber
the upward leg , though both were less than after burnout, depending on thetype ofmotor;
electron densities obtained from ionosonde but stopping solid motor outgassing when it
measurements . In 1961, Ulwick and Pfister does occur may prove a more difficult
first recognized the likelihood that these problem than with liquids.
Outgassing-- leakage and diffusion of fuel remaining after burnout--in rockets such as this Aerobee
150 has been found by AFCRL scientists to contaminate the ionosphere and to be a major source of
error in electron -density probes.
Ulwick and Pfister are currently studying Fortunately, the 4 -stage (all- solid ) Blue
data from solid - fuel sounding rocket flights Scout rocket, which is used extensively for
to determine which vehicles show outgassing. measuring charged particles in the radiation
So far, they have found it occurs with the belts, showed no indication ofoutgassing .Data
Astrobee 200, a solid - fuel rocket similar to from flights of a number of other solid - fuel
the Aerobee 150 in performance, and the sounding rocket types (particularly the Nike
Black Brant, a single- stage rocket used boosted series ) have not provided conclusive
to loft heavy pay loads to moderate altitudes . evidence one way or the other .
Instron testing machine used by the Metallurgy and Ceramics Research Laboratory , ARL, in the
study of flow and fracture characteristics of metals over a wide temperature range.
Request for further information should be directed to the individual or laboratory of origin
( except for those from Latin America ).
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to:
U . S . Department of Commerce , Springfield , Virginia 22151
are further reasons to believe that the funda - from the values indicated by the dashed lines
mental band -to -band transition in Zno does in Fig. 1, are 2.67 and 2.78 x 10 -6 eV /bar + 2 %
not occur toward the same type of conduction for the maxima near 3 .385 and 3 .425 eV ,
band or to the same point in k - space as in respectively.
other II -VI compounds. In our experiments , The pressure coefficients of the band gaps
we are using the reflectivity maxima near of II - VI compounds , which have been reported
3 . 385 eV, observable with Ec, and 3 .425 eV , by other authors ( 5 ), were mostly obtained
observable in both modes of polarization , at through the shift of a constant absorption
770K as indications of the separation of the value as a function of pressure. The middle
conduction band with the upper two levels of value of the pressure shift of Zno , found
the valence band. Similar to that of other thusly by Edwards , is 0.6 x 10 -0 eV /bar in
II-VI compounds of wurtzite structure, the the pressure range of 1 to 10 kbars. This
valence band is split threefold due to the spin discrepancy, as compared to our results ,
orbit and crystalline field interaction . might be due mainly to an inability to obtain
When hydrostatic pressure is applied (the hydrostatic conditions in this pressure region
apparatus has been described previously) (4 ), with his experimental technique. Wealso feel
the shape of the reflectivity structure is that the reflection maxima, which coincide
largely unchanged , but it is shifted toward with high absorption coefficient values, are a
higher energies. Figure 1 shows 3 typical more reliable indication of the absorption
measurements out of 53 made between 10 edge in II -VI compounds than the normally
kbars and atmospheric pressure at 77°K . used comparatively low values of the absorp
The pressure coefficients , as determined tion edge, which might be influenced by
- - 7 - 2 . 7 . 10 N / bar
3575 3600 3625 3650
Figure 1 . Typical unpolarized reflectance spectra of ZnO at 77°K and various pressures. The coefficients
are determined by the intersectionwith the dashed lines. They are 2 .67 meV/kbar for peak A (El c) and
2 .78 meV /bar for peak B (Elc and E || c).
impurity or strain broadening. ZnTe and CdTe are of zinc- blende struc
We determined , similarly , at 77°K and up ture, and their pressure coefficient is of
to 5 kbars , the pressure coefficient of the about the same magnitude as that of transi
1 . 7 eV maximum in wurtzite case. The tions of the ri point of the conduction band
pressure coefficients and those of other II - VI in III- V compounds of zinc -blende structure ,
compounds, determined previously (3 , 6 ) by which is in agreement with Paul' s rule, Cds,
the same method, are listed below for com CdSe, ZnS and ZnO are of wurtzite structure
parison with the coefficient of Zno : (the ZnS samples were stack - faulted ) and
should be expected to exhibit , similarly , a
Pressure Coefficients of the Fundamental
common pressure coefficient for conduction
Band Gap in II- VICompounds (in 10 - 6 eV /bar) band minima of the same symmetry. The
coefficients for cds, CdSe and ZnS seem to
agree fairly well with each other , i. e . , within
Zno 2.7 CdS 4 .5 Wurtzite the range of scatter usually observed between
ZnS 6. 3 cdse 6 Structure different compounds ( 2 ). The pressure co
efficient of Zno , however , is remarkably
Znte 11.3 cdte 8.0 Zinc blende lower than that of the other wurtzite II - VI
compounds . On the basis of Paul's rule , this
furnishes independent reasons for the suspi composed entirely of metallic ions .
cion that a conduction band of different These are the results and implications of
symmetry or transitions to different points rocket data collected and analyzed by Dr.
in k - space might be involved in the electronic R . S. Narcisi, A . D . Bailey, and L . Della
transitions at the fundamental band gap of Lucca of AFCRL. Their investigations were
Zno . reported in three separate papers presented
at the Seventh Annual Space Science Sympo
REFERENCES sium in Vienna , Austria , on 12 and 17 May
( 1) Ebina, A ., T . Koda and S. Shionoya, J . Phys. These three papers covered different
Chem . Solids, 26 , 1497, 1965.
aspects of two rocket flights that took place on
Balkanski, M ., E . Amzallag and D . Langer, J . 16 and 17 November 1965 during the annual
Phys. Chem . Solids, 27 , 299 , 1966 . Leonid meteor shower . The two Nike-Cajun
rockets carried unique and highly precise
(2) Paul, W ., J. Appl. Phys., 32, 2082, 1961. mass spectrometers to sample the compo
(3 ) Langer, D ., Proceedings of the VIIth International sition of the D and lower - E regions of the
Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, Paris , 1964 ionosphere. It is in these regions, which
(Dunod & Cie , Paris , 1964 ), p . 241. extend from about 50 to 110 km ., that atmos
pheric friction heats and vaporizes mete
(4 ) Langer, D . and D . M . Warschauer, Rev. Sci. Instr., orites , Metallic ions of meteoric origin were
32, 32, 1961.
found to make up a sizeable portion of the
(5 ) Edwards, A . L ., T. S. Slykhouse and H . G . Drick content of the lower ionosphere.
amer, J. Phys. Chem . Solids, 11, 140, 1959. During the 1965 Leonid shower, Narcisi,
Bailey , and Della Lucca found that at altitudes
Edwards, A . L . and H . G . Drickamer, Phys . Rev .,
122, 1149, 1961.
between 85 to 100 km ., the positive ions of
sodium , magnesium , aluminum , calcium ,
(6 ) Langer, D . W . and W . R . Lauterbach , Bull. Am . ion , nickel, and silicon - - all substances found
Phys. Soc ., 6 , 111 , 1961. in meteorities - -constituted 30 to 50 per cent
of the total ionization (the remainder being
ions of nitric oxide and molecular oxygen ).
In addition , the AFCRL scientists found that
METALLIC IONS IN THE metal- ion concentrations were much lower
between 100 and 110 km ., the altitude im
mediately above that at which maximum
LOWER IONOSPHERE meteor vaporization occurs ,
UPPER ATMOSPHERE PHYSICS Data from the 17 November flight, made the
LABORATORY, AFCRL night after the shower, also proved signifi
During meteor showers , metallic atoms cant. On this flight, using a rocket-borne
from vaporizing meteors are subsequently mass spectrometer, sporadic - E layers were
ionized by the normal photochemical and sampled - -the first time such a feat has been
collisional processes of ionospheric forma accomplished. The two layers of sporadic E
tion . The addition of these ions may greatly so sampled were found to be composed ofthe
alter the composition ofthe lower ionosphere. positive ions of iron , magnesium , calcium ,
In fact, this addition may be correlated with and nickel- -again , metals found in mete
increased sporadic - E activity. * For example, orites .
in one series of rocket flights into sporadic Although some metallic ions were first
E layers , it was shown that sporadic E was detected in the lower ionosphere by other
experimenters , the AFCRL scientists were
* Sporadic E is a highly localized layer of increased
the first to identify the ions of all seven
electron and ion density sometimes a fraction of a major metals normally found in meteors , and
km . thick , occurring at unpredictable times, and to measure their altitude distributions as
having a pronounced effect on communications. well.
The sun rotates once every 27 days - -more groups slow down ,
or less. Actually , the rate varies from about The validity of using sunspots as tracers
25 days at the equator to about 31 days at of velocity might be questioned on several
the poles. But at any given latitude, we points. One factor is that the sunspots are
don 't know the exact rotation rate with continually exchanging material with their
decimal-point precision because no one has surroundings and , therefore, do not neces
come up with a completely satisfactory way sarily move with the velocity of the ambient
to measure it . fluid. Since there may be variations in the
A simple and widely used method of velocity of this ambient fluid , sunspots may
measuring the rotation rate is to observe be particularly associated either with fluid
the movement of sunspots. But the problem in relatively rapid motion or with fluid in
is that a given sunspot at a given solar relatively slow motion . Still another un
latitude does not necessarily move with the certainty in the use of sunspots as tracers
same velocity as another sunspot measured of solar - rotation rates involves thedetermi
at a later time at the same latitude. nation of the center of gravity of a sunspot
A host of difficulties and uncertainties group . During the early stages of formation ,
crop up in the use of suns pots to measure this center of gravity shifts counter to the
rotation rates . These uncertainties are ex direction of rotation . In the decay stage, the
amined in a recent paper , " The Determination center of gravity shifts in the opposite di
of the Solar Rotation Rate from the Motion rection . The center of gravity itself is dif
of Identifiable Features ," by Dr. Fred Ward ficult to compute because it is not always
of AFCRL . In this paper, Dr. Ward reviews possible to observe very small sunspots with
the many past studies of others who have at in a group, or around its periphery .
tempted to derive solar - rotation rates from After his examination of themany problems
sunspot data and re - examines data on sun in using sunspots as tracers of the sun 's
spot movements going back almost 100 rotations , Dr. Ward concludes that the un
years . certainty in measuring the rotation rate is
These measurements show that sunspots an order of magnitude larger than previously
near the solar equator have an averagemove assumed . This uncertainty is between 0 . 1 and
ment of about 14. 5 degrees of longitude each 0 . 2 degrees per day . Because of thesystematic
day, while those in the latitude region of 30 errors that arise from previous methods of
to 35 degrees have a relatively slower move measurement, Dr. Ward proposes that the
ment, about 13 .7 degrees each day. It is solar- rotation rate be derived simply from
shown, however, that sunspot groups which the day -to -day motions of a random selection
have long dimensions many times their short of sunspot groups . With this relatively simple
dimensions move as much as 2 per cent approach , he finds that the solar - rotation
faster than groups of roughly circular shape; rate is about 1 per cent higher than that
this difference is independent of latitude. arrived at by Newton and Nunn whose cal
Also , small sunspot groups move faster than culations of rotation rate are presently the
large groups - - this implies that " mature " accepted values.
waves of ionization
in low -pressure gas discharges
DR . A. GARSCADDEN, Plasma Physics Research Laboratory , ARL and
DR . D . A . LEE , Applied Mathematics Research Laboratory , ARL
Electrical discharges in gases at low pres structures are visible near the cathode end ,
sures have been of interest to physicists and and there may be irregularities very close to
others for nearly 200 years. They have pro the anode. In their most common pattern ,
vided much of the experimental basis of our these irregularities are called anode spots .
knowledge of atomic physics , especially The major portion of the discharge appears
through spectroscopy. Today they are studied to be a homogeneous glow and is referred to
with these aspects still in mind, as well as as the positive column. This region of the dis
newer interests such as electromagnetic charge has usually been considered to be an
wave propagation through the gas - discharge ideal plasma and to be in equilibrium , i. e .,
plasma, plasma instabilities , the properties the rate of ionization is equal to the losses
of the solar and interplanetary plasmas , by ambipolar diffusion and by recombination,
and , more recently , gas lasers. and there is only a very small excess positive
Let us consider a glow discharge in a long charge (hence the nomenclature). It is nor
cylindrical tube having two plane electrodes mally assumed that quantities such as the
at its ends and filled with a pure atomic gas electric field and the ion and electron densities
at low pressure (0.5 to 20 torr ). The dis are independent of longitudinal position along
charge may carry a current in the range of the tube,
10 milliamperes for a cathode- anode potential However, although the positive column of a
difference of the order of a few hundred volts low - pressure glow discharge may appear
depending on the length and radius of the tube, visibly homogeneous , very often , when the
the gas used and the cathode material. The light emitted is examined with methods
discharge regime considered is characterized capable of time resolution , the light is found
by a constant voltage across the tube as the to be fluctuating at frequencies in the order
current is increased. To an observer this of kilocycles . These fluctuations are in the
discharge has the appearance shown sche form of waves travelling in the anode - to
matically in Fig. 1. Some bright and dark cathode direction with velocities typically of
_ - 71
- T - -
tion to the discharge electric field. This will charge electric field and thus create a new
then reduce the electron density to the anode region with increased electron density. Thus ,
side of the original disturbance. However , by this mechanism the disturbance propa
this region of reduced electron density will gates .
create an axial ambipolar space charge field Our experimental results have been com
to its anode side which will add to the dis - pared with the results of calculations derived
from a solution of equations using the above the direction of the onset of the constriction
model, Rather good agreement has been ob being in the direction of the group velocity
tained. ( 2) The onset of the instability , its of the striations. We are continuing our
frequency, wave length and velocities are all studies to describe experimentally and
obtainable from the basic parameters of the theoretically the onset of the striations as
discharge (gas pressure, electric field , elec there appears to be a causal relationship
tron temperature, and the electron ionizing between the onset of the constriction and the
efficiency for the gas utilized). The theory high -pressure band of moving striations. *
gives the dispersion relation shown in Fig.
5 . Recently, at higher pressures, we have
found a type of moving striations which ap ( 1) Garscadden , A ., et al, “ Moving Striations in a
pears to correspond to the forward wave He-NeLaser," J.App . Phy., 35, 3432, Dec. 1964 .
branch of the diagram . We have observed
that these oscillations are associated with the
(2) Lee, Wave Nature of 1966
(2 ) Lee, D . A ., A . Garscadden and P . Bletzinger,
“ The Wave Nature of Moving Striations, ” J . App .
onset of radial constriction in the discharge , Phys., 37 , 377 , Jan . 1966 .
- -- --
W : C20
- - -- --
C2 o
0,2 + O2
: -
0 : a,
4140 STEEL
Warga hp
K 4340 STEEL
Figure 1. A section of the pressure bomb used to Figure 2. CdS:Mn + +
produce the phase transition Sample as removed from bomb
Spectrum at 77°K
ing zinc -blende structure. The one which has 500 Gauss at 3270 mc
disappeared was that due to the ''table - salt "
phase which is not stable at room tempera
ture. Six major lines are present in a Mn + 7
spectrum due to the six possible orientations
of the nucleus. Usually , as is true in the case
of Mn + t , the interaction between the electron
spin and the nuclear spin is greater when -500 –
the crystal is more ionic in character .
In this example, the more ionic situation of oppupupune
the " table - salt " form of cadmium sulfide has
given the expected larger interaction , which
is manifested in a larger splitting for the
six lines . The other smaller lines are the
result of electron flips accompanied by nu
clear flips . These transitions are forbidden
and do not occur in the high symmetry of the
" table - salt " phase, -224 - IWiWiWin
The work described here for manganese
doped cadmium sulfide has been expanded at
ARL. Currently, work has been done on the
paramagnetic ions, chromium , and vanadium
at liquid -nitrogen and liquid -helium tempera
tures , Figure 3. CdS:Mn+ +
REFERENCE Sample after anneal at room temperature
Spectrum at 77°K
( 1) Gale, K . A . and B . A . Kulp , Bull. Am . Phys . 500 Gauss at about 3270 mc
Soc ., Ser II, Vol 11, AH 7 .
Dr. Dietrich Langer , senior physicist, Solid State Physics Re
search Laboratory, has been with ARL since September 1957 . As
leader of a group concerned with pressure effects in semiconduc
tors, he is responsible for giving broad general direction to the
research in that field . Dr. Langer attended the Technische Uni
versitat in Berlin where he received the “ Diplom - Ingenieur" de
gree in 1957. Under the “ paperclip " program , he then immigrated
into the United States, later to join ARL . Having completed the
necessary course work leading to the Ph.D . at Berlin , Dr.Langer
worked on his thesis while at ARL and, in December 1960 , re
ceived his doctorate at the Technische Universität of Berlin .
Dr. Langer is a member of the American Physical Society and is
well known to the national and international scientific communi
ty for his work . He is author or coauthor of some 20 technical
reports and journal articles in his field . In this issue of the Re
view , he discusses“ Band-to -Band Transitions in ZnO and Their
Pressure Dependence. "
Mr. Donald R . Locker, an ARL scientist with the Solid State Physics Research Laboratory, is cur
rently working on Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Hehas perfected electron-paramagnetic-resonance
equipment with superior characteristics, and is using this with a new electron -bombardment cavity to
assess radiation -damage centers in ZnSe. Mr.Locker has a B . S. and M . S. (1960 ), both from the University
of Washington . He has several publications to his credit. He writes in this issue of the Review on
" Electron -Paramagnetic-Resonance Studies in Three Crystalline Forms of Cadmium Sulfide. "
Captain John F . Schaefer was assigned to the Aerospace Me
chanics Division , Frank J. Seiler Research Laboratory , in March
1965. Prior to this assignment, he attended Stanford University
where he received the Ph. D . degree in Electrical Engineering
(1965 ). Captain Schaefer is a member of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers, and is the author of the article , " Con
trol of Unstable Mechanical Systems, " which appears in this
issue of the OAR Research Review .
Yw = 9 16 / Ft3
n = 0 .606
3 .5
3 .0
1 = 0 .679
2 .5
1000 2000 3000
BT U )
Ft2 sec /
X 0, * ܕܗ
la ) (b ) (c )
Figure 1 . Illustration of Isoaxial Bicrystals Investigated Showing Primary Slip Planes ana Elastic Strain
Compatibility Due to Anisotropy: (a ) Symmetric Case, (b ) Pseudosymmetric Case, ( c ) Pseudoidentical
Case .
- -
elastic strain calculation show that the rxz 's on the primary slip system in each com
are of considerable magnitude and, further ponent crystal. The bulk slip behavior of the
more, that these strain components are other two bicrystals was also characterized
compatible for the symmetric case but are by single slip on the primary system in each
not compatible for the other two cases , as component but, in addition , secondary slip
indicated in Figure la - c. occurred at the grain boundary at and near
Each of these bicrystals is plastically the lateral bicrystal faces as shown in
compatible; that is , plastic deformation can Figure 2b and c. This secondary slip was
occur solely by slip on the primary slip homogeneously distributed along the entire
system in each component crystal since the length of boundary on the lateral bicrystal
resulting plastic strain components éx, z . surfaces and occurred on slip systems on
Yxx are equal for both component crystals in which the applied resolved shear stress
each bicrystal. There is no requirement for alone was insufficient to cause this slip . This
the operation of additional slip systems in the secondary slip is satisfactorily explained in
vicinity of the grain boundary plane in order terms of a self -stressed condition arising
to satisfy plastic deformation compatibility from the elastic incompatibility in Yxz . This
requirements . kind of incompatibility results in a twisting
Each of the bicrystals were deformed in of the bicrystal about the Z axis as it is
compression to a plastic strain of about elastically compressed along the Z axis .
0 .001. The slip that occurred was then This leads to the development of shear
examined by a dislocation etch - pitting tech stresses + Tyz which are at a maximum at
nique following an annealing treatment at the grain boundary at the lateral bicrystal
160°C for 1 hour which allowed carbon surfaces , Figure 3 . These additional stresses
impurity atoms in the alloy to segregate to assist the applied stress in causing plastic
the slip dislocations, rendering them as pre deformation to occur on the observed
ferred sites for formation of etch pits during secondary -slip systems. An analysis of the
electrolytic etching of the sample. The slip way in which the stresses + Tuz are resolved
which occurred is shown schematically in onto all the possible slip systems for these
Figure 2a -c . two bicrystals is consistentwith thesecondary
Slip occurred in the symmetric bicrystal slip actually observed.
feet of the atmosphere are of considerable large amounts of data in the field . This
importance to micrometeorologists . It is here difficulty however, is now overcome through
that heat and water vapor are transferred the use of MMOS, which automatically con
The 2-MeV Van de Graaff particle accelerator operated by ARL' s General Physics Research Laboratory
Control panel and instrumentation consoles for the 2-MeV Van de Graaff particle accelerator
New OAR center of activities
Near the Virginia ends of Francis Scott Key Bridge and Theodore Roosevelt Bridge, the building over
looks the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington and is opposite Georgetown University across the Potomac.
Request for further information should be directed to the individual or laboratory of origin
(except for those from Latin America ) .
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to :
U . S . Department of Commerce, Springfield , Virginia 22151
• 1 1 800 4050
UN CA 94305
O ch review
2. C
1 -
- - - Nat o X
- ci A tX o
650 X
700 X
Xx Xx + Monocrist
1. 0 o Diam moyen 1000 m
- A " " 110 u
750 o x ox X
- 04 " 50 u
1040 D, cm² sec
23 - logo
Figure 1. Diffusivity for Nat and Cl- in NaCl as a function of particle size and temperature (after
Laurent and Bénard ').
mains constant, i.e., the slopes of the curves In any fabrication process which requires
for various particle sizes are parallel. the bulk diffusion of both ions, the elapsed
Autoradiographic measurements showed the time to equilibrium may be drastically re
movement of the anion to be primarily in duced just by decreasing the particle size
the grain boundary region . This layer is of the compact. The shorter time at ele
deep compared to the interatomic spacings vated temperatures , in addition to saving
and has been estimated at one hundred to tens time and reducing cost, also has the added
of thousands of atom layers , depending on the benefit ofdecreasing grain growth - - a process
material. which is normally detrimental. Also, the
The difference in the energies of forma ultimate density of a material may be in
tion of the positive and negative defects creased. Since the removal of pores trapped
may be responsible for the formation of within grains requires the bulk diffusion
the layer . ( 4 ) For Schottky disorder the of both defects to a sink, the presence of
energy of formation of the cation vacancy a large volume per cent of enhanced mate
is generally less than the anion ' s . There rial will increase the volume in which rapid
fore, for a pure material, the number of transport of the slowermoving ions occurs.(6 )
cation vacancies in this layer will be greater As a result, a fine grained compact will
than the equilibrium concentration found reach a given density in this last- stage
in the bulk far below the surface. This of densification process much faster than a
course, in turn , drives the anion vacancy large grained compact.
concentration below its bulk value. Im The fact that a surface layer of single
purities, both on the surface and in the crystal or polycrystalline material may
lattice, will modify the distribution of de equilibrate with the atmosphere much more
fects within this layer. rapidly than the bulk has been shown to lead
Normally , the total diffusion flux for a to quite significant changes in the electrical
polycrystalline material is the sum of con properties of the material. ( 7)
tributions from the bulk , the surface, and It is also obvious that the possible con
from the presence of grain boundaries . tribution of enhanced surface - layer diffusion
Since the contribution of any mechanism must be considered in the region of basic
will be proportional to the product of the research dealing with the intrinsic prop
defect mobility and the number of defects erties ofmaterials . (8 )
in that region , the volume per cent of each REFERENCES
region is important. In Figure 2 the increase
in the anion diffusion coefficient is shown ( 1) Laurent, J. F . and J . Bénard, " Autodiffusion des
lons dans les Halogemures Alcalius Polycristal.
to be directly proportional to the decrease lius, ” J. Phys . Chem . Solids, 7, 218 , 1958 .
in particle size for several alkali halides. (2) Cabané J., “ Intergranular Diffusion and the Struc.
Assuming a constant layer thickness, this ture of Grain Boundaries in the Alkali Halides,
would correspond to an increase in the Part 1: Method of the Study of Intergranular Diffu
sion Sintering, Part 2: Diffusion ," J. Chem . Phys,
volume per cent of the region of enhance 59, 1123, 1962.
ment. Recent electrical polarization meas (3 ) Paladino, A . E . and R . L . Coble, " Effect of Grain
urements on Naci have confirmed this de Boundaries on Diffusion -Controlled Processes in
pendence . (5 ) Several oxides have likewise Aluminum Oxide," J . Am . Ceram . Soc., 46 , 133,
been observed to have processes requiring (4 ) Lehovic, K ., “ Space-Charge Layer and Distribution
bulk movement of both ions, such as sintering of Lattice Defects at the Surface of Ionic Crystals, "
and creep in which the rate -controlling step J . Chem . Phys., 21, 1123, 1953.
is the movement of the normally faster cation (5 ) Graham , H . C ., “ Particle-Size Dependence of the
defect. ( 3 ) Electrical Conductivity of NaCl," Thesis , Ohio
Recognizing now that solids may have sub State University, Columbus , Ohio, 1965 .
surface layers which have different transport (6) Burke, J. E., “Role of Grain Boundaries in Sinter
ing ;” J . Am . Ceram . Soc ., 40 , 80 , 1957.
properties than the bulk material, there are (7) Tallan , N . M . and H . C . Graham , “ Interfacial
several immediately obvious consequences Polarization and Electrical Conductivity in Sap
of such layers. phire, ” J . Am . Ceram . Soc., 48, 512, 1965.
( 8 ) Graham , H . C . and N . M . Tallan , " Enhanced Sur Technical Report ARL 66 -0058, Aerospace Re
face-Layer Diffusion in Nonmetallic Compounds,” search Laboratories , February 1966 .
Accroissement de Da
1 / dans KI
dans KBr
ci dans Na CI
Cl" dans KCI
ci dans Cs CI
Cs dans CS CI
A theory of nuclear structure that is proton that happens to enter the target
successful in predicting all eigenvalues for nucleus would not be able to pass through
nuclear states ( energy levels ) is still not without undergoing some kind of strong
at hand. While a list of the eigenvalues interaction with the other nucleons . As the
necessary and sufficient to describe the incident proton continues further into the
nuclear eigenstates must await the arrival nucleus, it will continue to lose energy
of the complete theory itself, there are at through subsequent interactions until the
least three quantum numbers that must proton and target nucleus merge into a
appear in any theory . These are the energy , compound nucleus. It is now in terms of the
spin , and parity of the nuclear state. Much " virtual states" (i.e., those nuclear - energy
of the effort of the Nuclear Structure Group levels from which nucleon emission is ener
of the General Physics Research Laboratory getically possible) of this compound nucleus
at ARL has been directed toward experi that the resonance phenomena in the capture
mentally determining these three quantities cross section can be viewed .
for excited states of nuclei in the medium When an incident proton , A, is captured
mass region (25 < A < 40) of the periodic by a target nucleus, a, a certain amount of
table, using the methods of gamma- ray energy is made available to excite the re
spectroscopy . sulting compound nucleus , B *. This excitation
The spin and parity of nuclear states can energy , Ex, is just: (See also Fig. 1)
be obtained using the rather complicated
method of measuring the angular correla Ex = Q + EA ( 1)
tions and polarization of the gamma rays
emitted when nuclei de -excite to lower - lying where EA is the kinetic energy of the proton
energy levels. The determination of the in the center - of -mass coordinate system , and
energy of excited states, however, is rela Q is the binding energy of the proton in the
tively straightforward, and the methods in compound nucleus and can be calculated from
volved are more amenable to a short dis the mass excess, Q = Ma + Ma - Mpe .
cussion .
The energy of a nuclear state is most
often determined at the same time that VRTUAL ENERGY LEVEU
cross section for the incident proton sharply
increases, allowing that particular nuclear
)/1( 440
energy level to be excited. The nụcleus is
now free to de- excite by emitting either
nucleons or gamma rays, or both . Consider
ing de -excitation by gamma-ray emission
only, we observe the following phenomenon :
if a beam of energetically homogeneous - SCALANT
Radio Observations
of 20 May Eclipse
During a solar eclipse, as the sharp edge spot ? Does the intensity of emission at
of the moon moves across the face of the different frequencies vary with sunspot age ?
sun , smaller and smaller areas of the sun Are hot localized radio regions not asso
are isolated for radio observation . If sun ciated with sunspots found on the solar
spots are present during the eclipse , it is surface ? Is the radio sun , like the visible
then possible to observe radio emissions sun , circular ? If not, to what extent is its
from a single sunspot. By observing emis circularity distorted ?
sions from localized regions on the sun This is the background for AFCRL ' s expe
at several radio frequencies, it is possible dition to Greece recently to observe the
to derive information that may lead to a solar eclipse of May 20th . This eclipse took
better understanding of solar dynamics. place across the eastern Mediterranean and
For example, at what frequencies are the Grecian mainland, and was observed by
radio emissions from sunspots most pro - AFCRL scientists from AFCRL 's KC - 135
nounced ? Does the intensity of emission ionospheric aircraft, and from a temporary
vary with frequency from sunspot to sun ground site near Olymbos, Greece.
The AFCRL KC - 135 aircraft was equipped
with a variety of instrumentation for looking
at the ionosphere. During last year' s Pacific
eclipse, measurements made with this air
craft showed that, during the brief period
of the eclipse, there is a marked decrease
in ionospheric density in the lower regions
of the ionosphere. The airborne measure
ments this year in Greece were under the
direction of Dr. George Gassmann of AFCRL.
On the ground, five AFCRL astronomers
and technicians participated in the program
under the direction of John P . Castelli. Two
equipment trailers , shipped to Greece from
AFCRL , were used. The AFCRL scientists
were particularly interested in determining
the sizes of small intense radio regions,
their heights in the solar atmosphere, and
an estimate of the magnetic - field strengths
found in or near the sources of radio emission . Photo # 1. An annular eclipse showing a thin
The eclipse last May 20th was an annular ring of solar light exposed . The eclipse observed
eclipse, which means that the moon does 20 May was of this type.
Photos # 2 and # 3 . AFCRL astronomers and technicians with their equipment. Photo # 2 shows four
people standing beside the equipment trailers used for the expedition to Greece. These are, from left
to right, John P . Castelli, Director of the expedition, Vernon Remillard, Carl Ferioli,and Ronald Straka .
Photo # 3 was taken inside the equipment trailer and shows Ronald Straka on the left, and John P .
Castelli on the right.
not completely cover the visible solar disk sources of radio noise can provide the
and thus leaves a thin ring of solar light foundation on which physical models can be
exposed. But this fact did not alter the basic postulated to explain the mechanisms for
purpose of the measurements because even the generation of radio noises.
in a total eclipse the radio sun is never In the data analysis , AFCRL will be
obscured by the moon. The size of the radio collaborating with the Greek , Italian , British,
sun increases at lower frequencies . Dutch , French, German and other American
Measurements were taken using an 8 - foot scientific groups who also made measure
diameter radio telescope. Changes in solar ments of this eclipse. Preliminary results
radio noise during the eclipse were moni obtained by AFCRL have already been pre
tored simultaneously at 4 frequencies- - 1,415 sented to part of the scientific community
Mcps ( L band), 2 ,695 Mcps (S band), 4,995 through the NATO Advanced Study Institute
Mcps (C band), and 8,800 Mcps (X band). on Solar Eclipses and the Ionosphere held
Knowledge of the spectra of the localized in Athens the week following the eclipse. ☆
corners, or that the coefficients have singu
SOME ASPECTS OF ELLIPTIC larities, or that the boundary -value problem
DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS is of an unconventional type . Hence , the re
searcher is left to his own devices. However,
CAPT JOHN F . GANDER the general theory points out the way. It shows
Directorate of Mathematical Sciences,AFOSR what methods one may use, what results are
A statement to the effect that science is to be expected , what is likely to happen , and
continually becoming more mathemtical sur what seems plausible in the present state of
prises no one who is in tune with current knowledge.
events. Indeed, modern physics is highly The mathematician's job is to supply the
mathematized. And the other physical researcher with a rich mathematical theory .
sciences, as well as the social and life Recently , Shmuel Agmon (1) of the Hebrew
sciences , are utilizing mathematicalmethods University , Jerusalem , with the support of
more and more . A thorough grounding in the Mathematics Division , AFOSR , completed
mathematics is already an essential pre an extensive study on some aspects of
requisite for fruitful work in any field of elliptic differential operators. Utilizing the
the physical sciences, and is rapidly be close connection between the asymptotic
coming a necessary prerequisite for work properties of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
in the social sciences and the life sciences of elliptic problems, and the asymptotic be
as well. Thus, this relationship of mathe havior of the corresponding Green 's functions,
matics with science bears directly on its Professor Agmon describes a method of
importance in modern civilization . estimating Green 's kernels which has the
We can say that mathematics is human advantage that it yields, pointwise, esti
reasoning on the highest level. Every field mates which hold uniformly in all space
of investigation, be it political, economic , variables. Moreover , his method uses very
or military, has felt its influence andmodeled little of the properties of elliptic differential
itself on mathematics to some extent. How operators and applies to a general class of
ever, one should not conclude that mathe integral operators which need not be con
matics gives its all to the sciences and nected with differential problems.
receives nothing in return . Indeed, the funda As an application of the estimates derived,
mental concepts of many branches of mathe Agmon establishes the formula of the asymp
matics are the ones suggested by physical totic distribution of positive (and of negative )
experiences. For example, the theory of eigenvalues for very general self -adjoint
elliptic partial differential equations is a elliptic problems whose spectrum may ex
discipline of mathematics which developed tend to infinity on both sides of the real line.
under the influence of, and in intimate The corresponding asymptotic results for
connection with , mathematical physics. the eigenfunctions (spectral function ) are
Elliptic differential equations occur in mathe also established .
matical physics either in their own right, The results of Agmon 's paper could, of
e . g ., the all-too - familiar Laplace equation course, also be used to study the eigenvalue
and its nonhomogeneous form , the Poisson distribution of nonself - adjoint problems.
equation , or in connection with hyperbolic Using the methods outlined in Agmon 's paper,
and parabolic equations, since these equa it is possible to estimate the remainder
tions usually involve an elliptic operator. term in the asymptotic formula for the
Solving an elliptic , in all but the classical eigenvalue distribution of very general
text- book examples, more often than not higher -order self -adjoint elliptic problems.
proves to be a major task . In most cases,
a problem of real physical significance will
be too specialized to satisfy the broad re ( 1) Agmon, Shmuel, " On Kernels, Eigenvalues, and
quirements considered in the general theory . Eigenfunctions of Operators Related to Elliptic
The difficulty might be that the domain con Problems, ” Communications on Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. XVII, 627 -663, 1965.
sidered is unbounded, or that the boundary has
Basic to the method is a comprehensive
historical record of winds atvarious altitudes
over the U . S. This record (Statistics of
Vertical Resultant Winds), compiled by the
U .S. Weather Bureau and the Sandia Corpora
tion , consists of 5 - year daily recordings of
winds at 15 pressure altitudes over the
continental U .S . up to 10 millibars, or the
equivalent of about 100 ,000 feet altitude.
Within this altitude regime, the wind changes
direction many times, and varies in velocity
and persistence with altitude - - the jet stream
being an example of strong persistent winds
over a broad altitude stratum .
The report is concerned with just two
predicting where altitude regimes - -60,000 feet and 100 ,000
feet- -these being representative balloon
balloons will be float altitudes. The procedures give the
balloon - launch crew a probabilistic estimate
AEROSPACE INSTRUMENTATION that the balloon , when it reaches float altitude ,
LABORATORY , AFCRL will be located within a well -defined geo
graphical area . They do not provide a plot
of the trajectory taken by the balloon to get
When a balloon is launched, it is at the The first step in accomplishing this is
mercy of the winds . This doesn 't mean that to reduce the statistics of the Weather
the launch crew crosses its fingers and Bureau - Sandia study to a form that could
hopes for the best. Predictions can be made be treated probabilistically. The product of
with a high degree of accuracy as to just this work is 12 isopleth charts for each of
where the balloon will be when it reaches 2 altitudes - -60,000 and 100 ,000 feet. The
altitude. This must be known for several charts give lines of equal value for 3 basic
reasons: air safety, positioning of recovery factors to be used in making probability
crews and ground -support equipment, and the estimates. Although Nolan 's report deals
determination of the probable line- of -sight primarily with the meaning and use of these
angle above the horizon when the balloon factors, they will only be noted here. They
is at altitude. To make predictions, data are: mean ascent trajectory components,
are gathered on upper -atmosphere winds angle of rotation of major axis of distribu
and computations are made. But data are tion of ellipse, and standard deviation of
not always available when needed , and the major and minor axis components of the
computational work is difficult. ellipse . These values change with season ;
In an AFCRL report (AFCRL -66 -98), therefore, separate charts for each of the
" Balloon - Ascent Trajectory Dispersion Over 3 factors for each of the 4 seasons are
the United States at 60 ,000 Feet and 100 ,000 necessary .
Feet," George F . Nolan of AFCRL presents In using the charts to plot dispersion
a new and simpler method for obtaining patterns at different parts of the U . S ., some
probabilistic estimates of balloon dispersion . interesting , but not totally unexpected infor
This method , based on a series of reference mation was uncovered :
charts plus the constants and procedures 1. The geographical disperson pattern is
developed by Nolan , can be used to obtain always in the form of an ellipse inclined
dispersion probabilities for balloons launched in a northeast direction .
anywhere in the continental U . S . during any 2. The center of the ellipse dispersion
season . pattern is always east of the launch point
and, in most cases, is both north and east AFCRL launches more high - altitude , con
of the launch point- - on the order of 50 to stant - level balloons than any other agency
100 miles from the launch point. in the country. AFCRL ' s 2 principal launch
sites are at Holloman AFB, New Mexico ,
3. The mean ascent trajectory increases and Chico , California. Other major users
in stability (resulting in a smaller dis of large research balloons are the National
persion area ) with decreasing latitude during Center for Atmospheric Research, with fa
all seasons. A ridge of maximum stability cilities at Palestine, Texas, and the Air
is located along longitude 110 degrees (which Weather Service' s balloon group at Good
crosses Arizona), with minimum stability fellow AFB, Texas. Together, these 3 groups
occurring in the northeast and northwest launch more than 500 large research bal
U . S . Greatest stability over the U . S . occurs loons each year.
during the summer months. Tropospheric Nolan 's study of balloon -ascent trajectories
winds are probably responsible for most of will be of great value to all balloon -launch
the instabilities. groups .
Each year, some 500 high -altitude, constant-level research balloons are launched in the United States.
AFCRL, from its permanentlaunch sites atHolloman AFB, New Mexico , and Chico , California ,launches
about 175 of these. Other major users of research balloons are the National Center for Atmospheric Re
search , and the AirWeather Service, both of which have facilities in Texas.
ments for aircraft position , speed, flight
TERRESTRIAL SCIENCES LABORATORY direction , and horizontal and vertical ac
AFCRL celerations.
Aboard the test aircraft were three air
borne gravimeters- - a La Coste - Romberg ,
an Askania -Graf, and a miniaturized quartz
meter. These were mounted on precision
stabilized platforms that kept them in true
vertical position regardless of aircraft
attitude. These units measured changes in
The most sensitive and complete airborne the vertical component of the gravity field
gravity -measuring instrumentation ever as as small as one part in one million .
sembled was tested recently in a month - long The present instrument-evaluation pro
series of flights over the North Central gram began in 1965 . Since then , the AFCRL
United States. For these tests, a KC - 135 flying laboratory has flown more than 500
aircraft, highly instrumented by AFCRL hours over selected test areas in the United
scientists, was flown from Ellsworth AFB, States and over the North Atlantic . A second
South Dakota .
ary goal of the AFCRL program is to estab
Although the AFCRL tests were concerned lish the optimum altitude for making airborne
with the development and evaluation of air gravity surveys. In this program , about 10
borne gravity instrumentation , they were flights of approximately 7 hours ' duration
part of a broad goal to establish world - wide were flown at 25 ,000 feet. On each flight,
gravity coverage. Such coverage will con the KC - 135 flew in an east-west,north - south
sist of a system of gravity profiles related grid configuration of one -degree spacing.
to reference stations on the ground. Further If the earth were a perfect sphere and its
in the future is a graphic representation mass distributed uniformly throughout,
showing lines of equal gravity intensity all gravity values would be the same the world
over the world . over. But because the earth bulges slightly
at the equator, gravity is slightly lower
World -wide gravity surveys have lagged in the lower latitudes. Superimposed on
because of the lack of international stand this general situation are many gravity
ards and an absolute reference system .
Another reason has been theneed for reliable anomalies caused by the uneven internal
distribution of the earth ' s mass .
airborne gravity survey instrumentation to From the analysis of the data acquired on
make essential surveys over isolated land the AFCRL airborne gravity flights and
masses and ocean bodies. the development and evaluation of gravity
AFCRL has steadily improved airborne meters of increasing precision , it is hoped
gravity instrumentation since its program that techniques and standards will be set
began in 1958. One obvious difficulty in for precise measurement of the external
making airborne gravity surveys is that of gravity field of the earth .
correcting for aircraft motion . Very slight The airborne gravity -measuring program
vertical accelerations, for example, register is directed by Bela Szabo of AFCRL , Robert
strongly on gravity meters. An airborne Perry, also of AFCRL , is flight director
computer is used to plot and make adjust- for all the aerial tests.
Photo # 1. These two 60 -foot antennas at Wallops Island, Virginia , are being used by AFCRL sci
entists in experiments to detect clear air turbulence (CAT). The antenna in the foreground serves 2
radars . The 34-foot solid center of the dish is illuminated by the 3. 2-cm radar, and the entire dish by
the 71.5-cm radar. The 10 .7 -cm S-band radar antenna is seen in the background.
Experiments that may lead to a ground
based radar network for clear -air - turbulence
(CAT) warning are being conducted by AFCRL
scientists. Radar echoes from clear air
under a variety of atmospheric conditions,
including one instance in which an aircraft
actually encountered moderate turbulence
near an echo layer observed at 27,000 feet,
have been detected .
The experiments are being conducted at
the joint Air Force -NASA radar facility at
Wallops Island, Virginia . Instrumented air
craft are being used to obtain correlations
between radar echoes and atmospheric con
ditions. Working with AFCRL in these studies
are the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns
Hopkins University, the MITRE Corporation ,
and the Naval Research Laboratories .
One curious result was the detection under
RADAR cloudless - sky conditions of bands ofcircular
cells with echo- free holes in their centers
DETECTION at altitudes of 5, 000 - 6 ,000 feet. This was
the first time such phenomena had been ob
served. Although these cells were invisible
OF to the eye, on the radar scope they had the
appearance of certain types of cells fre
CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE quently observed in alto - cumulus and strato
cumulus clouds.
Previously , Dr. David Atlas, Kenneth
METEOROLOGY Glover, and Dr. Kenneth R . Hardy of AFCRL ,
LABORATORY and Isadore Katz and Thomas Konrad of
AFCRL Johns Hopkins University, had detected the
tropopause using the Wallops Island radar.
This was also significant because they be
lieve that the tropopause , the boundary layer
between the atmosphere' s lowest layer (the
troposphere ), and the stratosphere must
have been mechanically turbulent at the
time- -meaning that it contained regions of
hazardous CAT.
Photos # 2 and # 3. The clutter seen in these radar-scope photographs is a reflection from clear air.
Not a cloud was in the sky at the time these photographs were taken . In the scope photographs there
can be seen a very interesting band structure of the clear air off the Virginia coast. The range was
about 50 miles, the altitude about 6,000 feet.
to detect the more reflective regions of in the direction of another antenna. Any
CAT . One suggested radar -network con - CAT in the air corridor between the two
figuration would have ground stations spaced antennas would cause some of the energy
about 100 to 200 miles apart. The beam from one antenna to be reflected to the
from one antenna would scan at a low angle other.
Combustion of Metal Vapor
Directorate of Engineering Sciences High -speed streak and framing records
AFOSR of the expanding metal vapor indicate that
it is completely opaque even when expanded
to near- atmospheric density . The combus
A unique investigation of the combustion tion reactions are highly luminous owing to
of metal vapor is now in progress at the the radiation from excited species and from
United Technology Center Division of United hot metal-oxide particles. Emission spectra
Aircraft Corp . under contractwith the AFOSR of metal- vapor combustion show strong con
Propulsion Division . The study focuses at tinuum radiation with the atomic lines of
tention on the reactions occurring at high the metal in absorption and well-defined
pressure between metal vapors and various bands of the diatomic metal oxides in emis
oxidizing gases to form condensed metal sion . These diatomic oxides, BeO and A10 ,
oxide particles. Primary interest is in are the only intermediate species thatappear
beryllium and aluminum because of the use in the spectra.
of these metals as high -energy rocket - fuel Samples of condensed Al, O , particles
ingredients. This work represents the first formed by the combustion of aluminum vapor
study of the combustion of metal vapors at have been collected and photomicrographed.
high pressure. These particles are observed to be spherical
Specific objectives of the investigation with diameters ranging from 0 .01 to 0 . 6
are to determine over - all reaction rates, micron . This is somewhat smaller than
significant metal- containing or oxidizing A1, 0 , particles collected from the com
species that act as reaction intermediates , bustion chamber of a rocket burning an
and the mechanism of the combustion re aluminized solid propellant. These particles
action . The effects of different oxidizing have a mass median diameter of 0.7 to 0 .8
atmospheres such as oxygen , water vapor, micron . The average particle size increases
carbon dioxide, and inert diluents in vari at higher oxygen concentrations and when
ous mixtures are being investigated as well water vapor is present, but is insensitive
as the effect of total pressure up to about to total pressure.
15 atmospheres. The study includes both Beryllium -oxide particles have been found
theoretical and experimental work. to be regular hexagonal prisms rather than
Electrically vaporized wires are used in spheres. This surprising result is not well
the experiments as a source of high -tem understood at present, but agrees with re
sults obtained for beryllium - oxide particles
perature, high - pressure metal vapor. The collected from rocket -motor exhausts . It
apparatus is capable of vaporizing 1 gram appears that these particles must be formed
of aluminum or 1 / 2 gram of beryllium in
less than 20 microseconds by the rapid by a direct gas -to - solid reaction , or re
verse sublimation process, in which the
discharge of a 15 -kilojoule low - inductance particle temperature is less than 28000K ,
capacitor bank . Peak currents during the
discharge are of the order of 2 x 10 amperes , the melting point of beryllium oxide. It is
planned to test this hypothesis by measuring
and peak power input to the wire is of the the particle temperature using a spectro
order of 10 ' watts . Following the discharge,
scopic technique.
the metal vapor expands, mixes with the
oxidizing atmosphere and burns. Combustion Studies based upon the classical theory
reactions are observed optically using high of nucleation of condensed phases indicate
speed photography and total emission spec that a minimum stable particle size exists
troscopy. for metal-oxide particles. A critical diameter
of the order of 0.01 micron was predicted at which the very large heat of condensation
for both BeO and AL 0g, which agrees with may be transferred away from the growing
the smallest- size particles produced in the particle, or by the rate of surface reactions.
experiments. Theoreticalconsiderations have The regimes in which each of these effects
led to a model for the combustion process is important are being further investigated .
in which the over -all combustion rate is This study of metal-vapor combustion is
controlled by the rate of formation of the
condensed metal- oxide products Bed and of great importance in the prediction of
AL0g. A theoretical description of the rate rocket performance losses resulting from
of formation and growth of the condensed incomplete combustion and from the presence
metal- oxide particles has been developed. of metal- oxide particles in the rocketexhaust.
The research may also point out ways in
Experimental verification of the theory is which rocket performance may be improved
now in progress.
through greater combustion efficiency and
Results obtained so far in the study indi by controlling metal-oxide particle size.
cate that the over -all combustion process Such information is needed by the Air Force
is controlled by the rate of formation of in the development of high -energy propellant
the condensed oxide product. The rate of systems employing light metal ingredients
nucleation and growth of the oxide particles whether as metallic particles , as slurries,
is, in turn , controlled by either the rate or as metallic compounds.
When a solid -state laser is energized , tortion pattern in any two rods differs
heat momentarily distorts the laser rod . to some slight degree.
In operating high - power lasers, the induced Dr. C . Martin Stickley and Richard Lee
strain may contribute to fracture or to Townsend, Jr ., of AFCRL are investigating
Chipping of the laser- rod faces. But even this distortion phenomenon . These studies
when no permanent damage to the rod oc have led to at least one method of com
curs, the distortion greatly decreases the pensating for distortion effects , and have
efficiency of the laser. Among the effects suggested other methods for alleviating these
are frequency shifts , uneven emission of effects and thus increasing the efficiency of
radiation from the laser face , loss of co lasers. The AFCRL studies have important
herence in the emitted energy, and increased implications for many high -power laser ap
beam divergence . plications- -optical radars, range finding ,
The sequence of thermal events in a laser welding , and communications.
system leading to rod distortion is complex .
The sequence differs in degree - -but not in Specifically, the AFCRL study deals with
kind--for different laser - rodmaterials. Even the changes that take place in optical length
for laser rods of the same material, the and in distortion as a function of pump
patterns of distortion differ significantly. energy and radius of the solid - state laser
For example, thermally induced distortions rods . Many different rods have been tested
are much more severe (when averaged over to date, although they consisted of only two
the whole cross section ) in a highly polished basic types - - ruby with polished sides, and
ruby rod than they are for ruby rods with a ruby with ground sides. A neodymium - in
ground surface . But even when wetry to make glass rod with polished sideswas also studied .
rods of exactly the same material and Purpose of the study is to determine what
geometry , we find that the induced dis solid - state laser materials are least sus
ceptible to heat - induced distortions, to find During the pump pulse there is general
the optimum geometries of the laser rod expansion throughout the rod. But the ex
itself, and to devise methods for reducing pansion is not completely uniform because
the effects of distortions, of the uneven illumination of the flash pump.
To measure the distortions that take place After the flash , the surface of the rod is
during and after the pump flash , the AFCRL heated by residual infrared radiation propa
scientists used a Twyman -Green interfer gating from the flash pump. Because the
ometer to produce fringes , the fringe move surface is heated faster than the center, the
ment being correlated with changes in optical rod ends show a concave curvature . Most
length . Movement and distortion of fringes of the distortion occurs after the pumppulse.
were observed using a multiframe image When the laser is repetitively pulsed , the
converter camera . distortion persists from pulse to pulse .
Although the most pronounced distortion
effects occur on a dime scale measured in The AFCRL study points up several
milliseconds, some distortion of the rod due methods of dealing with these problems. The
to absorbed heat energy remains for as long first problem of distortion during the pump
as five minutes after the pump flash . During flash can be helped by using rodswith ground
the flash, the laser rod shows an equivalent surfaces ( to scatter the pump illumination )
convex curvature. After the flash , the ends and designing rods that compensate for or
show an equivalent concave curvature . minimize the effects. The second problem of
The heat which induces the distortions has distortion after the flash can be helped by
two distinct sources , according to the model filtering out the infrared energy resulting
derived by the AFCRL scientists. First, from the flash pump, designing pumping
during the pump flash , heat is absorbed by schemes that minimize heat transfer by
the doping agent in the rod, then by radiation conduction and convection , or by immersion
and conduction from the flash tube and sur of the rod in an index -matching, infrared
rounding air . absorbing fluid.
Typical fringe pattern of the type used by AFCRL scientists to measure distortions in laser rods.
This photo shows a fairly uniform fringe pattern .
13 T
Captain Rinaldo F . Vachino, Aerospace Mechanics Division, FJSRL , and GeorgeLommel, a researcher
from the von Karman Institute ofBrussels, Belgium , are shown discussing the results of a jointresearch
project conducted by them at the Frank J. Seiler Research Laboratory. The two spent a month recently
translating problems involved in returning a lunar probe to the earth into a computer program . The re
search reported in this issue of the Review by Captain Vachino in the article, “ A Computational Pro
cedure for Optimum Trajectory and Optimal Control Problems," formed the basis for this computer pro
gram . Captain Vachino is a research associate at the Frank J. Seiler Research Laboratory . Prior to
his transfer to FJSRL,he worked with the Synthesis and Analysis Division ,Directorate ofEngineering,
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, where he participated in studies of the stability and control of winged
andre-entry vehicles, operational evaluationsofSTOL and VTOL aircraft, and B -70 penetration studies.
He received his B .S. in Electrical Engineering from the Newark College of Engineering, and his M .S.
from the Air Force Institute of Technology. He is a Ph.D . candidate at the University of Michigan .
Dr. Henry C .Graham is a research physicistwith the Metallurgy
and Ceramics Research Laboratory , ARL , and is currently con
ducting research on the measurement of the dielectric loss and
capacitance of ceramic materials at 102, 10 %, 10 , and 105 cycles
per second over the temperature range from - 195°C to 1 ,000°C.
These materials include both single-crystal and polycrystalline
samples. Dr. Graham has a B . S . in Ceramic Engineering (1956 ),
and an M .S . in Ceramic Engineering (1958), both from Alfred Uni.
versity. In 1965 he received his Ph. D ., also in Ceramic Engineer
ing, from Ohio State University .He has several publications to his
credit. In this issue of the Review , Dr. Graham coauthors the oro
ticle, " Enhanced Surface-Layer Diffusion ."
ferent experimental parachute systems. The
vehicle will be released by radio command
and accelerated horizontally by 12 rocket
motors to test parachute deployment. The
tests are a prelude to the ultimate goal of
landing a survivable instrument package on
Mars . Such a landing is scheduled for 1973.
Launch Balloon
Inflated Diameter
84 Feet
Balloon Main Balloon
815 Feet Inflated
Washington Diameter
Monument 456 Feet
555 Feet
! !
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to :
U . S . Department of Commerce , Springfield , Virginia 22151
OAR : The Research Agency
of TheUnited States Air Force
7 R O
JAN 20 196 ENGICN T 1966
less than the circumference of the jet -- The phenomenon of plate or disc formation
transverse vibration of the (circular) orifice on a mercury jet had been demonstrated by
can drive instability of the capillary type, J. Hartman in Denmark around 1933. He
first analyzed by Rayleigh (4) and then by modulated the jet velocity electromagneti
Weber (5). In fact, Professor McCormack cally, and the liquid " bunching " that ensued
was able for the first time to check the produced remarkable discs. By applying
validity of the Rayleigh -Weber theory. With vibration with extremely high " g" values
in the context of first-order disturbance (over 200 ), Professor McCormack was able
amplitude, he found that the theory accurately to produce similar disc formation on laminar
described this type of instability . liquid jets. The discs were not so large as
The theory of elliptic partial differential Today the theory of nonlinear elliptic
equations can be divided into two main equations is a collection of results,methods,
areas. The first area deals with linear ideas, and points of view . Recent contribu
problems. The second area , more closely tions to this steadily growing store of knowl
associated with physical reality, deals with edge on nonlinear theory were presented at
nonlinear problems, Nonlinear equations give the American Mathematical Society ' s sym
a more accurate mathematical representa posium entitled " Applications of Nonlinear
tion of the world we live in than do their Partial Differential Equations in Mathe
linear counterparts . However, they are in matical Physics," (1) jointly supported by
comparably more difficult to solve. Atpresent the Army Research Office and the Mathe
there are many powerful tools and penetrat matics Division of AFOSR .
ing theorems for dealing with nonlinear It is now well established that the ex
equations, yet we are nowhere close to tremals of multiple integral variational prob
formulating a general theory , lems of a suitable form are the solutions of
a particular class of nonlinear elliptic equa LARGE SINGLE
tions. Also, existence and differentiability of
solutions of this class of equations has CRYSTALS OF
recently been brought to a certain degree of
completeness . Very little effort,however, has SELENIUM
been spent in determining the type of singu
larities which solutions may have. MAX SWERDLOW
One of the significant contributions on this Directorate of Physical Sciences, AFOSR
subject was presented at the symposium by
Professor James Serrin of the University of There will be few readers of this article
Minnesota, a principal investigator in a re who do not realize that the science of single
search program supported by the Mathe crystal preparation is one of the mainstays
matics Division of AFOSR . Professor Serrin ' s of our materials- research effort. Our
paper , entitled ''Singularities of Solutions of present- day electronics and space technology ,
Nonlinear Equations, " deals with thebehavior with its spectrum of semiconductor products,
of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations depends ultimately upon the preparation of
near isolated singularities . Themain theorem single- crystal semiconducting material. The
of Serrin 's paper states conditions under development of single - crystal preparation
which the solution to the equation in a suit from an art into a science has been a long
able domain has a removable singularity at and difficult process for, like the Pilgrim 's
the origin , A corresponding treatment of the way, the path of crystal growth has been
behavior of a positive solution defined in an beset with a wide variety of difficulties .
exterior domain is also included. Many of the problems are common to all
Another similar and significant contribution crystals: dislocations, lineage boundaries,
to the theory of nonlinear elliptic differential impurity fluctuations and the like. Themeans
equations is contained in a joint paper (2) by of circumventing these are usually similar,
Professor P . Hartman of the Johns Hopkins at least within a given family ofmaterials ,
University and Professor G . Stampacchia of For example, the reduction of thermalgradi
the University of Pisa , Italy. The authors ents during cooling of a grown crystal is
obtain existence and uniqueness theoremsfor always beneficial, and homogenization of the
(weak) uniformly Lipschitz continuous solu growth medium ahead of the solid interface
tions of Dirichlet boundary - value problems is a common practice. The challenge of
associated with a class of nonlinear elliptic crystal growth is always greatest when these
differential- functional equations. Existence problems are first encountered , for then the
theorems for the solutions of certain non task appears as an intrinsic property specific
linear functional inequalities are also estab to the crystal being grown. At this stage the
lished , and a priori estimates for quasi demands may be more than science alone
solutions are developed . One of the novel can meet, and one looks to the art of crystal
features of the results of the paper is the growth for the initial solution .
fact that the equations considered involve
nonlinear functionals rather than functions AFOSR has recently cosponsored a re
of the unknown function . search program with Westinghouse Research
Laboratories , part of which included a study
REFERENCES of the crystallization of selenium , an ele
mental semiconductor which fails to grow at
( 1) American Mathematical Society, “ Applications of adequate rates under conventional laboratory
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Mathe conditions. The selenium molecule in the
matical Physics,” Proceedings of Symposia in
Applied Mathematics, Vol. XVII, 68-88, 1965. liquid has polymer - like properties and, what
(2 ) Hartman , Philip and Guido Stampacchia, “ On Some ever the method of crystallization , the ex
Nonlinear Elliptic Differential-Functional Equa perimentalist must deal with the fact thatthe
tions, ” Acta Mathematica , Vol. CXV , 271 -310, molecules in the medium ahead of the crystal
1966 . may be in the form of chains of varying
lengths and varying degrees of kinkiness, or figuration in the liquid would increase , and
in the form of closed rings of eightSe atoms. obtained polycrystalline ingots with a maxi
In order to grow a single crystal, the inter mum grain size of about 0.5 cm in diameter.
face must be able to select the appropriate These still had to be pried or cut loose
molecular - entity length from this mélange. from the mass , and were so damaged that
At room temperature the selection process little meaningful data could be obtained
is sluggish and the crystal growth slow , from them . The crystal growth rate was
whatever the means. The purpose of the re some three orders ofmagnitude higher than
search was to develop a means of growing that experienced at atmospheric pressure ,
really large selenium crystals at reasonable thus providing the first insight into themeans
rates, and to make these available for study. of accelerating the growth of this elemental
For selenium is , at present, one of the least semiconductor .
known elemental semiconductors.
The culminating step in this story was the
production of single crystals of selenium ,
Prior to the work at Westinghouse Re 1 cm in diameter and 10 cm long, at West
search Laboratories, the largest selenium inghouse under the cosponsorship of AFOSR .
crystals that had been grown were 1.5 x For atmospheric pressures, it is experi
. 7 x .6 cm over all , in the form of imperfect mentally not too difficult to make the transi
hoppers . These were prepared by the Russian tion from a polycrystalline ingot to single
investigator, P . T . Kozgrev (1), from the crystal growth . The furnace is adjusted to
vapor phase, taking two months to grow to have gentle temperature gradients , and the
this size. Because of the long time of growth ingot mold is made with a tapered end so
and the poor habit, Kozgrev turned to melt that a single grain may predominate over the
growth . At one atmosphere , selenium melts many that are initiated there. The optimum
at about 217° C ; but the liquid is a glass rate of normal freeze is then determined .
former and may be readily undercooled The final important condition in the growth
several degrees below themelting pointwith of the resulting single grain is that the
out any visible sign of nucleation . If the interface remain more or less planar , and
undercooled liquid does nucleate, or if it is that supercooling be avoided in the liquid .
deliberately seeded, the growth rate of the If supercooling does occur, stray grains
resulting solid is exceedingly slow . Kozgrev nucleate ahead of the interface, either in the
found that, to controlmelt growth , he had to body of the melt or in the walls of the con
allow it to proceed at the same rate as the tainer . To grow selenium , these same criteria
vapor process , about a quarter of a milli had to be met, not at 1 but at 5 ,000 atmos
meter a day. Even at this low rate he was pheres pressure.
unable to obtain single- crystal ingots , al
though occasionally large grains could be
separated from the solidified mass . The dif Fig . 1 shows the apparatus developed by
ficulty in this procedure is that selenium is Dr. D . E . Harrison and W . A . Tiller (3) for
very susceptible to mechanical damage, the growth of large crystals. Selenium was
slipping readily on the {1012} planes. From contained in an open quartz vial within a
the sluggish rate of melt growth , Kozgrev Stellite pressure bomb. The system was
rightly deduced that the limitation lay in pressurized by pumping argon at 2,000 kbar
the nature of the molecular configuration into this bomb (and a second bomb, not
presented for attachment to the freezing shown) which was cooled to liquid - nitrogen
interface. Nasledov and Kozgrev (2 ) then temperatures to liquify the argon. The second
tried to grow selenium under pressure, to bomb was then warmed to evaporate the argon ,
take advantage of the increase in the freezing driving the pressure to its operating value
point with increasing pressure. They reasoned and maintaining it there for the duration of
that, with increasing temperature , the prob the experiment. During this time, heaters
ability of finding the correct molecular con (B - B ') and a water- cooled quench tank (C )
were moved slowly up the first bomb. These
initially carried a constanttemperature zone,
some 30° C above the melting point, through
the selenium , melting the sample. This was
followed by a region in which the tempera
ture dropped about 45° C / cm . The rate of
growth was typically10- ) cm /sec, with the
growth front essentially planar.
Fig . 2 shows large ingots of single -crystal
selenium . For the top ingot, initial growth
(B ') was from the tapered end and was poly
crystalline; but single - crystal growth pre
vailed over the bulk of the ingot. The growth
direction was 10 to 40 degrees off the
rhombohedral " C " axis , and detailed obser
vations have shown that a certain amount of
lineage structure is present. Although X -ray
rotation photographs about the " c " axis gave
well- defined layer spots, " a " axis rotation
showed considerable (4) streaking . The small
pits on the sides of the ingots were caused
by bubbles of the high - pressure medium ,
argon . The selenium melt was outgassed
(H ) prior to each experiment to avoid other
freezing point decreases with higher pres possible candidate , Single crystals of poly
sures and temperatures. Since the ring ethylene may be grown from solution ; but
chain equilibrium and chain length are but their size is such that they must be ex
little affected by pressure, the selenium melt amined in the electron microscope . Their
in these growth experiments is notonlymore dimensions are thought to be related to a
fluid at 342° C , but also has simpler, shorter chain - folding process occurring in attach
chains than selenium liquid at its melting ment to the solid , the chain - folding length
temperature at ambient pressure, Crystal determining the thickness of the lamellae
lization is thus faster . that form the basic structural unit of these
The selenium melt, with its ring - chain tiny crystals, Westinghouse has recently at
equilibrium , is essentially polymeric in char tempted to crystallize polyethylene in the
acter ; in common with other polymer melts, high - pressure apparatus . A transition from
selenium may crystallize as spherulites at spherulitic to extended grain growth has been
atmospheric pressure. This spherulitic observed , suggesting that the freezing process
growth may be entirely suppressed at high has been substantially altered . Of course,
pressures. It thus seems likely that a pres the chain length in polyethylene and related
sure variable may be useful in obtaining compounds is considerably greater than that
crystals of other materials with polymeric of selenium , and the problem of growing
melts. Polyethylene, for example, may be a large single organic polymer crystals is
thus much more formidable; but it does ap scientists concerned with basic structure
pear that the use of elevated pressures is a sensitive properties of materials now have
step in the right direction. Polymer crystals pure single crystals of ample size on which
would be widely welcomed for they would they can perform reproducible experiments
make possible the determination of accurate and controlled measurements of the elec
bulk properties, quantities which at present tronic structure and the semiconducting prop
are not known with any precision . erties of selenium ,
Crystal growth from the melt at high
pressures is still in the very early stages REFERENCES
of development. Although it is tempting to (1) Kozgrev, P . T., Sov. Phys. Tech. Paper, 28, 470,
speculate on the possibilities, we must, as 1958 .
always, await the outcome of our experi (2) Nasledov, D . N . and P . T. Kozgrev, J . Tech . Phys.
ments . Nevertheless, the achievement of the (USSR ), 24 , 2124 , 1954 .
Westinghouse researchers' in the field of ( 3) Harrison, D . E . and W . A . Tiller, J . Appl. Phys.,
crystal growth and of solid - liquid kinetics is 36 , 1680, 1965.
(4 ) Harrison , D . E ., J. Appl. Phys., 36 , 3154 , 1965.
a signal demonstration of progress in 15 (5 ) Eisenberg, A . and A . V . Tobolsky, J . Polymer
years of growing semiconductor crystals by Sci., 46 , 19 , 1960 .
well - established techniques. Solid - state (6 ) Harrison , D . E ., J . Chem . Phys. , 41, 844 , 1964 .
PAUL W . SCHREIBER , Thermomechanics Research Laboratory, ARL
The major problem associated with the ometer. In addition , setup and alignment
evaluation of energy - exchange processes in may be accomplished in a very short time,
plasma- flow systems is obtaining detailed usually several hours. A simplified optical
information on the state of the plasma and diagram of the interferometer is shown in
its surroundings . The desired information Figure 1 . In operation, rays from a high
may include temperature and particle- density pressuremercury source are plane- polarized
distributions as functions of space and time. and focused on Wollaston prism 1 . As shown
Although laser and Mach - Zender interfer for the sample ray in the diagram , this
ometers are available, these instruments prism , when properly oriented , splits an
are expensive and require considerable effort incident ray into two diverging rays of equal
to set up . In addition , the laser - type interfer intensity with electric - field vectors at right
ometer requires lateral scans and stable angles to each other (see Reference 2 ). A
operation of the plasma system for long spherical mirror , located very near the
periods of time. Because many engineering arc plasma, focuses the two rays back on
plasmas are time-dependent, temporal as Wollaston prism 1 which lies at themirror' s
well as spatially resolved measurements are center of curvature. The two rays emerge
required. For these reasons, an in - house as a single ray with a difference in phase of
experiment, in conjunction with the Physics the E vectors . This difference in phase ,
Department of the Air Force Institute of combined with the lateral distance (Ax)
Technology, was initiated to study the ap between the two rays as they pass through
plicability of the differential interferometer the plasma, gives a measure of the lateral
to plasma diagnostics. (1) gradient in the optical path of the plasma
The interferometer developed was con source. This information is sufficient to
structed from component parts, and is much determine the index of refraction as a func
less expensive than a Mach -Zender interfer tion of the arc radius. This is explained in
26 .51
25 .
Date the
7. 61003
Tots • 23 .3°C - 2, 41013
The • 22 .4°C 41014
4 . 41005
P . 748 mm Hg
Relative Humidity ma 50%
Calculated values ! 1. 2. 3.
ny. - 1 - 3 . 19 x 10 "
narr -1 • 26 .48 x 10°5 Arc Radius ~ mm
For a number of years, AFOSR has been membership of ASHA (American Speech
supporting work on phonetics and acoustics and Hearing Association ). It is probable
by Drs. Gordon E . Peterson and June E . that the combined presentation of ' A
Shoup at the University of Michigan . A Physiological Theory of Phonetics' and
great deal of important research has flowed ' The Elements of an Acoustic Theory of
from this work . In the March 1966 issue of Phonetics' with their associated 'Glos
the Journal of Speech and Hearing Research sary of Terms' will constitute an impor
(JSHR ), Drs. Peterson and Shoup published tant theoretical and practical phonetic
a group of three articles, summarizing milepost. It seems both appropriate and
their work to date . These were " A Physio mandatory that they be published together
logical Theory of Phonetics, " " The Ele and made available to the entiremember
ments of an Acoustic Phonetic Theory," and ship.
" Glossary of Terms from the Physiological " The 'Physiological Theory of Pho
and Acoustic Phonetic Theories ." netics ' incorporates much thathaswith
To describe the significance of these stood the tests of time, and amalgamates
articles, the Chairman of the Publications that information with newer concepts
Board of JSHR, Dr. Paul Moore of the De that have come from recent research and
partment of Speech , University of Florida, investigations. The physiologicalparam
wrote a foreword which is reprinted below with eters of descriptive phonetics have been
the permission of both Dr. Moore and JSHR . recast within the concepts of modern
linquistics to form a consistent theory
FOREWORD that can serve as a base for instruction
and research . The presentation is de
"Histories of the sciences and aca tailed and meticulously complete ; it
demic disciplines contain numerous ex relates theoretically to all probable
amples of discoveries and theoretical language sounds and to their production.
functions that have become recognized It is not easy reading, but it is essential
as reference points in the development reading and forms a background for the
of the field to which they belong . Some meaningful study of the acoustic theory
times these events lie dormant until set forth in the second article .
later findings reveal their significance;
sometimes they gradually infiltrate the " Acoustic theories of phonetics as well
field; and sometimes they are heralded as physiological theories have been
at their inception for their recognized available for various purposes for a long
potential contribution and are put to use time; but, as the authors point out, the
immediately . It is my opinion that the relationships between these two ap
phonetic theories presented in this issue proaches have not been closely drawn
by Peterson and Shoup add significantly and, in fact, have notbeen clearly identi
to the essential knowledge of all fields fied . The philosophy of the writers con
concerned with oral communication , and cerning the distribution of the acoustic
that they should be specifically recog theory and its relationship to thephysio
nized for their potential worth to the logical information is clearly revealed
in the following statement from the
* Contributed by Major Joseph P . Martino, AFOSR . second article . 'It is hoped that this
present paper will show the extent to down . A discontinuity appears between the
which the acoustical characteristics of flow conditions upstream and those down
speech can be used as a basis for de stream . This discontinuity is called a shock
scriptive phonetics . In this sense the wave, and has been studied extensively by
paper is concerned with the essential authors too numerous to mention . Because
properties of a general acoustic pho of their relevance to blast effects and the
netic theory. Such a theory is needed design of aircraft and spacecraft, shock
for many purposes, but it cannot stand wave phenomena up to hypersonic speeds
independently of a physiological pho have been thoroughly investigated . This leads
netic theory. In fact, a physiological us from the developments in what might be
theory must provide the basic reference called classical shock waves to a new kind
for an acoustic phonetic theory. As the called the strong ionizing shock wave.
following pages suggest, it is not likely Since a shock wave is the transition area
that an acoustic phonetic theory can be between two vastly differing regions in
constructed independently , without ref space, it can be expected that, as its speed
erence to physiological phonetics .' increases, major physical changes will occur
" The simultaneous presentation of two across the shock front itself. The shock front
distinct but related papers enables the is the region of very steep temperature
authors to focus separately upon the gradients separating the cold gas (preshocked )
unique features of the physiological and from the hot gas (postshocked ). It is usually
acoustics concepts, and concurrently to a few mean free paths thick . As the Mach
indicate the interrelationships that exist. number increases, the temperature of the
There can be little doubt that the avail postshocked gas increases roughly as the
ability of both papers within the same square of the Mach number until about Mach
issue not only increases understanding, 5 . (See Fig. 1 ). Using hydrogen , dissociation
but will also enhance the usefulness of begins at this point, and the hydrogen be
the theories. comes 100 % dissociated at speeds of Mach
"'It is hoped that this publication will 20. At this latter Mach number ionization
constitute a significant service to the begins, and if the Mach number is increased
membership ." further to Mach 56 , the gas will consist
only of electrons and protons. Increasing the
Mach number still further will provide enough
energy to the particles to produce nuclear
reactions. About Mach 20, therefore, the gas
ionizing shock waves becomes a conducting plasma; and it is here
that electromagnetic (EM ) effects become
in an electromagnetic important. In the ordinary gas dynamic shock
tube, pressure forces drive the shock front.
shock tube In the EM shock tube, the ionized plasma
may be considered as a conductor, and the
MAJOR RUSSELL G . LANGLOIS shock is driven electromagnetically . (See
Directorate of Engineering Sciences, AFOSR Fig. 2 ) Two kinds of shock waves should
be distinguished at this point, Shock waves
The propagation of waves in gases has that ionize the gas and make it a conductor
been studied as early as themid - 19th century as they pass through it are called ' ionizing
by Stokes and Challis. They learned that shock waves ." Shock waves that propagate
sound waves or acoustic waves propagate at through a gas already ionized and conducting
a characteristic velocity, and can be de are called magnetohydrodynamic (MHD )
scribed as a small disturbance in a com waves,
pressible fluid . As the amplitude of the Research sponsored by AFOSR at Columbia
disturbance becomes large, the wave front University has been centered on generadng
becomes steep, and the simple theory breaks ionizing shocks using an electromagnetic
110 dielectric medium in front and a highly
(1 B . V )
Initial State: Hydrogen conducting plasma behind , the ionizing shock
102LP : 0.10 Torr wave behavior would be a mixture of an
T : 273°K ordinary gas dynamic shock (no conductivity
8 :1,38 W /m2 Thermonuclear
on either side of the shock ) and a pure
En:3.50x10 cm ? Shock 710 ? magnetohydrodynamic shock (high electrical
0 =1,25x10 m /sec conductivity on both sides). This is not quite
0 :3.58x10 m /sec the case, since the electric field ahead of an
J : 10
(1 MeV ) ionizing shock influences the shock behavior
markedly . The source of the electric field
Shock originates in the ionizing shock structure . In
pursuing the theory further, four new features
Shock which distinguish ionizing shocks from MHD
J=10 ' amp/m
a ). For ionizing shocks, one cannot arbi
trarily specify the preshock electric field .
Properties of manganese luminescence tion with similar but more pronounced data
centers have been studied extensively in the in Zns:Mn, (3 ) this structure may be inter
past, but the major emphasis has been on preted in terms of phonon -assisted tran
powders in sulfide and silicate compounds . ( 1 ) sitions and zero - phonon transitions within
The present report deals with some char the Mn + + ion , at a site of cubic symmetry.
acteristics of Mn in a ZnSe single- crystal The resulting crystal field terms have been
host lattice. fitted by least squares to the centroids of
The spectral distribution of the lumines the observed Mn absorption bands in ZnSe.
cence of a 1 % Mn sample at 4 .2° K is shown The relevant constants thus can be derived
in Fig . 1 An identical distribution is obtained and the best fit furnishes the values F2 =
from excitation either by UV light or current 55454, F4 = 34520 , and Dq = 405 cm - l . The
injection . At lower Mn concentration ( < 0 .1 % ) , Stokes shift between the 41, - a , zero
structure can be detected at the short- wave phonon line and the centroid of the emission
length edge of the emission band (Fig . 2) . is approximately 825 cm - l in ZnSe.
When considered in connection with cor Electrically, ZnSe:Mn ( 1 % ) shows a sur
responding absorption data (2 ) and in conjunc prisingly low resistivity both at room
1. 0
Zn Se:Mn
4 .2°K
K 67 (TA )
- 158cm *'(LA )
80 s
).U RB
20 40
Fig. 3. Dashed Line: Voltage- current characteristic. Solid Line : Emitted intensity as function of injec.
tion level. Dot-dash Line: Emitted intensity as function of input power.
ZnSe :Mn
).( NITS
50 100 150
Fig. 4. Decay of the luminescence of ZnSe:Mn at different temperatures .
A helicopter pilot often doesn 't know he' s An ingeniously simple system that enables
being fired on from the ground until his heli air- crew members to hear and to determine
copter is hit. If the hit isn 't vital, he then the direction of ground fire has been de
begins to take evasive action . The problem veloped and field - tested by AFCRL scientists .
is that the noise of the helicopter masks the It is illustrated by block diagram in Figure 1.
sound of the small - arms ground fire. With this system , the pilot can begin evasive
and Filters
" Head "
Connecting and Level Control
Microphone Preamplifier
and Filters
Fig. 1. Block diagram of ground-fire detector. Two microphones are mounted in the aerodynamic head
at normalhuman interaural spacing. The head also houses two preamplifiers and two high-pass
filters. A cable supplies power to the aerodynamic head and connects it with the control unit
containing level and balance controls and output amplifiers . The user listens through binaural
maneuvers - - or take offensive action against signal-to -noise ratio approximately 30 db for
the source of ground fire- - as soon as he most helicopter and certain fixed -wing air
knows he's being shot at. The concept was craft .
conceived and largely developed by Dr. Philip Through either electronic or acousticmix
Lieberman . ing, the pilot and air crew can monitor the
The system consists basically of two ground - fire detector and the aircraft inter
microphones, positioned beneath the heli com simultaneously. Electronic mixing in
copter (or aircraft) , and a high - pass filter . volves channeling both inputs into a single
Figure 2 shows the main components of the binaural headset. Acoustic mixing involves
prototype. Critical to the system is the use of the wearing of two headsets and requires no
an artificial head. The microphones are modification of existing equipment. Tomoni
mounted in either side of this head, thus tor the ground - fire detector by the latter
simulating human ears. (Actually a teardrop method, the user inserts into his ears small
configuration for the head has proved most binaural phones of the hearing -aid type, and
effective.) The signal from each microphone wears an intercom headset or a normal fly
is channeled separately to each phone of the ing helmet over them .
pilot' s binaural headset. This gives the pilot The detection system has been tested in an
natural directional information . H - 13 helicopter, a C - 47 , and liaison air
Signals received by these microphones are craft at Fort Devens, Mass., Eglin AFB ,
high - pass filtered at 3. 5 kc. The filtering Florida, and at Camp Edwards, Mass. It was
removes the major frequency components of found that the position of a 7 .62- mm machine
the helicopter noise, leaving half ofthe sound gun firing short bursts of live ammunition
energy of gunfire, which is then amplified. could be located from the helicopter at
This amplification enhances the gunfire altitudes that ranged from 100 to 400 feet,
Fig. 2 . First prototype of ground-fire detector. Left to right: binaural headset; aerodynamic head con
taining two microphones, one on either side; and control unit.
and at distances up to 200 yards during unit. It will be especially useful for heli
normal combat maneuvers. Figure 3 shows copters, C - 47s, and forward air -controller
the detector head installed on an HU - 1B aircraft. It should prove to be of value in
helicopter . almost any aircraft engaged in low - level
The detection system is rugged , self flight over hostile forces.
powered , and uncomplicated . Its electronic The system was conceived , designed and
components can be miniaturized to less than built, laboratory - tested , and field - tested
10 cubic inches, if desired . The system can within the remarkably short period of two
be produced at a cost less than $ 100 per months.
Request for further information should be directed to the individual or laboratory of origin
( except for those from Latin America).
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to:
U . S. Department of Commerce, Springfield , Virginia 22151
OAR : The Research Agency
of TheUnited States Air Force
NOV 1966
15 1966
When radio energy is propagated through interparticle collisions. This is themecha
a plasma, part of the energy is absorbed nism by which part of the electromagnetic
by the plasma. This absorption of energy field energy is deposited into the medium .
can lead to the plasma's modification , Just Continuing with the 10 factors described by
how such modifications come about is a Papa, the 3 relaxation times describing col
nonlinear process of great complexity . lision processes are : (4 ) the Maxwellianiza
Absorption of electromagnetic energy by tion time which relates to the self- interaction
the plasma is another way of saying that the of electrons; ( 5 ) the momentum - relaxation
plasma particles are heated. An approach time, which is the time it takes the drift
to understanding the heating mechanisms velocity of the electrons to decay when the
involves the study of the basic relaxation electromagnetic field is removed; and (6 ) the
time- - that is , the time it takes perturbed energy - relaxation time which is the time it
plasma to revert to its unperturbed state , takes for energy transfer between the dif
Robert J. Papa of AFCRL has recently ferent constituents comprising the plasma.
completed a study of the basic plasma Now if we send a strong radio signal
relaxation processes. He shows in this study through the plasma, we then change the
that a very wide class of interactions of distribution in velocities of the electrons .
electromagnetic fields with plasmas may be This change in the density and spatial dis
described in terms of 10 basic relaxation tribution of the electrons requires the con
times . sideration of three more relaxation times :
The three fundamental factors in all elec ( 7 ) a total density - change relaxation time,
tromagnetic - field interactions with plasmas and (8 ) a characteristic diffusion time. If
are : ( 1) the radio -wave period , or roughly , ionization by electron impact on neutrals
the reciprocal of the signal frequency; ( 2 )the and attachment are significant processes ,
plasma oscillation period; and ( 3) theLarmor then it is important to consider (9 ) the rate
period, which concerns the motion ofcharged of ionization and attachment.
particles in magnetic fields. Finally, if the plasma is exposed to the
Next, interparticle collisions must be con high - power electromagnetic field for only
sidered. The electromagnetic field itself is a finite length of time, then (10 ) an exposure
coupled to the plasma through the process of time must be considered. This of course is
important in cases where the electromagnetic temperature. The magnitude of some of the
field is pulsed . relaxation times can be greatly altered by
Papa points out that seldom is it neces raising or lowering the electron temperature,
sary , when studying electromagnetic - field Altering the relative order of magnitude of
interactions with plasmas , to consider all the relaxation times can change the nature
of the 10 factors . Furthermore, their effects of the response of the plasma to a strong
vary in relative magnitude. Contrary to what radio - frequency field .
might be expected from the standpoint of
understanding plasma absorption mecha The Papa study is important in that it
nisms, a physical process associated with a classifies the types of nonlinear interactions
particular relaxation time becomes more of electromagnetic fields with plasmas . This
important when this relaxation time is classification gives the plasma physicist a
smaller than the relaxation times of other clearer understanding of the exceedingly
competing processes. One of themost impor complex pattern of events that take place
tant single factors in the many processes in a plasma during and immediately after
of excitation and relaxation is thatof electron the absorption of radio energy .
research review
fice of Scientific and Technical Information (RRYC ) , Hq Of. BOUNDARY- LAYER EQUATIONS
fice of Aerospace Research, USAF, 1400 Wilson Boulevard, Capt. Howard E. Bethel ........
Arlington, Vo . 22209. The objective of this publication is to
moke o positive contribution to the exchange of information HYPOTHESIS BY A MARTIAN ASTRONOMER
concerning Air Force conducted and sponsored research Meteorology Laboratory, AFCRL. .
Rowena Swanson . . . . . .
Max Swerdlow .. ... .. . . . . . . .
2 separate tests carried out in June 1966
ANNA from AFCRL 's Balloon Launch Facility at
AND PROGENY Holloman AFB, New Mexico , balloons with
flashing strobe lights were sent to altitudes
OWEN W . WILLIAMS as high as 100,000 feet. The results of these
Terrestrial Sciences Laboratory, AFCRL tests indicate that the balloon -borne strobe
light technique will provide a means for
With the launch of the ANNA geodetic accommodating this middle range. In the
satellite in 1962, geodesists for the first AFCRL tests , a 3 -million -cubic - foot balloon
time had an effective means for measuring was used to transport the flashing beacons .
distances between widely spaced locations Three PC - 1000 stellar cameras located in a
on the earth ' s surface, AFCRL has been a triangle, with approximately 150 -mile sides ,
major participant in the satellite geodetic photographed the flashing light against the
programs that have taken place since then , stellar background for approximately 4 hours
including participation in the latest of these during each of the 2 tests, Exposures were
programs which centers around NASA 's taken simultaneously at the 3 stations every
PAGEOS satellite launched in June 1966 . 15 minutes. Tracking of the strobe light at
With these satellites , distances are deter 100 , 000 feet presented no problem either with
mined by triangulation methods from infor a theodolite or with field glasses. The time
mation obtained by photographing the satellite of each flash was recorded on a dual- channel
against a background of stars. tape recorder , with the National Bureau of
When distances to be measured are large - - Standards ' Station WWV providing the real
a thousand miles or so - - satellites are ideal. time standard. Recovery of the lamp and its
But when we want to measure distances on associated electronics package was made by
the order of a hundred miles , we find our parachute with a minimum of damage. Both
selves in an awkward range where thedistance were in working order upon recovery and
is too short for satellite triangulation and were readied for flight within a few hours .
too long for conventional ground surveys. Preliminary examination of the data shows
This has led AFCRL to test a new tech that a balloon -borne beacon can be a rela
nique (or, more precisely , a new configura tively inexpensive and effective tool for mak
tion of the satellite phototriangulation tech ing geodetic surveys at intermediate ranges
nique) for measuring shorter distances. In and in accessible areas.
0 .8730
0 .8725
0 .8720
0 .8715 LIT
5 7 8 9 10
Figure 1. Wall Shear Stress Values for Stagnation Point Flow .
GKD Method
Ref. 11 Order of Approximation
_ 3 2
xg / R 1 . 823 1 . 82349 1 . 82322 1 . 81116
0 . 30
0 . 25
0 . 20
0 . 15
0 . 10
0 .05
10 - 49
Fig. 3. Plot of chlorine-to-hydrogen ratio versus temperature (in degrees K ). The contour linesrepre
sent constant values of the silicon -to-chlorine ratio. The total pressure is one atmosphere.
by adding the appropriate amount of dopant of gas - phase mixtures , In fact, no treatment
to the melt. It turns out, however, that the of the problem existed in theliteraturebefore
doping problem in vapor growth is different the analysis of the Ge-Ga-I system discussed
and more complex than in melt growth , here. (6 ) This analysis was made by con
since it involves both the thermodynamics sidering thermodynamic equilibrium and gas
of solid solutions and the thermodynamics eous diffusion, and was confirmed experi
mentally by showing that it predicts correctly will remain available for the transport of
the concentration and growth rate of heavily germanium . In other words , the gallium
gallium - doped germanium by iodide vapor " crowds out" the germanium . One conclu
transport. sion, then, is that in order to vapor -grow
One of the results of this study is shown heavily gallium -doped germanium , one must
in Fig . 4, which depicts the mole fraction add an appropriate excess of gallium iodides
of the species present in the gas phase as a to compensate for the portion that must re
function of the total pressure of the gas in main in the gas phase under equilibrium
the system at a temperature of about 900°F . conditions , Another conclusion is that growth
The gas phase is in equilibrium with solid at low temperatures would be impractically
germanium containing about 25 ppm of gal slow . The analysis allows one to choose the
lium . The figure shows, then , that at pres appropriate independent parameters for the
sures close to one atmosphere , the gas successful growth of heavily doped ger
phase consists preponderantly of gallium manium . Experiments confirm the theoreti
bearing species . This is due to the fact cal predictions in a satisfactory way.
that gallium has great affinity for iodine and Another aspect of vapor growth that was
goes into the gas phase in the form of iodides , considered in the AFOSR - sponsored research
Consequently, the gallium atoms will tend to discussed here is the more fundamental one
remain in the gas phase bound to iodine atoms, of what is going on in the gas phase and at
leaving only little gallium available for in the surface of the growing crystal, Growth
corporation into the solid. Another conse is obviously the result of at least two proc
quence of the above fact is that little iodine esses operating in series: (A ) vapor trans
port and ( B ) surface reactions. Process
TOTAL PRESSURE (atmospheres) ( A ) literally involves the transport of gas
nos 104 103 102 10 ' 1.0 molecules from a given point (which could ,
Ga Iz of course, be the source) to the seed loca
tion . The gas phase, as we have seen in our
discussion above, is often quite complex ,
in the sense that it involves a large number
of species originating often from several
It- R .x.
Figure 1.
Location of D - 10 Units in Gemini Vehicle.
this , with much of the complexity centering charge that builds up on the spacecraft,
around methods for electrically biasing the which might interfere with the detector sys
system to reject electrons , enhance ion tem ,
collection , and reduce the emittances from The electronics system , consisting ofpre
grids and collectors. The sensors must be cisely balanced addition , subtraction, and
located on extendible booms in order to ratio circuits , is mounted on 5 printed cir
minimize spacecraft shadowing and the cuit boards which , in turn , can be fitted into
a small aluminum container measuring about tem , it would be particularly suited to dock
4 by 6 by 8 inches. ing and maneuvering in space,
The attitude- control system carried aboard The Gemini 10 astronauts devoted more
the Gemini 10 and 12 vehicles is an experi time to testing the attitude -sensing system
mental system and is not a part of the Gemini than to any other of the 15 experiments
primary control system itself. The astro carried aboard. The 16 - pound AFCRL sys
nauts aboard the Gemini vehicles are simply tem was found to be more accurate than the
testing its potential effectiveness for future Gemini 10 's 150 - pound operational gyro sys
operational systems. As an operational sys tem ,
Photo # 1. This shows the two rings through which the positive ions pass, creating a current. Two
of these systems, exposed on the end of an extendible boom , were used on the Gemini 10. The same
equipments will also be used on Gemini 12. One such system is used for pitch, the other for yaw .
Air Force Institute of Technology MIXTURE
The study of detonation waves that propa in the latter ) . Studies in the past have been
gate in a flowing combustible mixture is of concerned primarily with thedetonation wave
great interest today because of the occur propagating into a static mixture.
rence of such waves in some combustors , This research included a theoretical study
Studies have indicated that undesirable com of detonation parameters for various initial
bustion instability in rocket motors has conditions that corresponded to those en
characteristics of detonation . Also , it may countered in the flowing gas . It was expected
be possible that some type of a detonation that the detonation -wave velocity relative to
process could be used in supersonic com the unburned gas should be independentofthe
bustion. In both of these areas , thedetonation speed of the flowing gas, and the profile of
wave would be in an environment of flowing the wave should be altered from a planar
gas (subsonic in the former and supersonic front to a shape similar to the velocity
profile of the oncoming flowing gas .
*Lt. Col. McKenna performed this research under the A stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen and
auspices of the Fluid Dynamics Facilities Research oxygen gas was used. Flow velocities were
Laboratory , ARL , in partial fulfillment of the Ohio varied throughout the subsonic range , and
State University requirements for the Ph . D . degree . flows from Mach 2 , 3, and 4 nozzles were
o o
1. Stagnation Chamber 6 . Mixing Chamber
2. Nozzle 7. Transition Section
3. Tonization Probes 8 . Diaphragm Assembly
4. Flowing Gas Detonation Tube ( FDT ) 9. Initiation Detonation Tube
5. Viewing Section 10.Exhaust Duct
11. Ignition Assembly
properties of materials
in solid -state form SOLID STATE SCIENCES
Mrs. Rita C . Sagalyn (left) and Dr. Michael Smiddy (right), both physicists in the Upper Atmosphere
Physics Laboratory, AFCRL , have collaborated on the design of the ''Satellite Attitude-Sensing System
Based on Positive- lon Detection, " described in this issue of the Review .
Mrs. Sagalyn received a B .S . in Physics from the University of Michigan in 1948, and an M . A .in
Physics from Radcliffe College in 1950 . She has been with AFCRL since that time. From 1950 to 1958
she was engaged in an investigation of electrical phenomena in the troposphere, and received the
Guenter Loeser Award in 1958 for her work in the lower atmosphere . Since 1959 she has been studying
the electrical properties of the upper atmosphere, and the interplane tary gas. Mrs. Sagalyn has published
several papers on the results of her research .
Dr. Smiddy received a County Scholarship in Physics and Applied Mathematics to Durham University
(England), where he took his B .Sc. in Honours Physics. After serving for two years as a lieutenant in
the R . E .M . E . Corps of the British Army, he returned to Durham and received his Ph. D . there in 1958.
Dr. Smiddy has been with AFCRL since that time. Presently, he is working on direct probe measure
ments of electric field and positive- ion density in aerospace .
Captain Howard E . Bethel is assigned to the Hypersonic Re
search Laboratory , ARL. He has recently completed a detailed
study of the solution of the laminar boundary -layer equations with
the Galerkin -Kantorovich- Dorodnitsyn method , and is continuing
his research on computational methods in boundary- layer theory.
His article, “ On the GKD method for the Laminar Boundary
Layer Equations," appears in the OAR Research Review this
month. Captain Bethel received a B .S. in Aeronautical Engineer US . .
ing, with distinction, from Purdue University in June 1961. He
was commissioned in the Regular Air Force at the same time, and
stationed at Purdue.While there , he received an M .S. in Engineer
ing in June 1963, and satisfied the Ph .D . residence requirements .
After coming to ARL, he completed his dissertation in absentia ,
and was awarded the Ph.D . degree in June 1966 .
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to:
U . S. Department of Commerce, Springfield , Virginia 22151
MAJOR JOHN P . THOMAS, Hypersonic Research Laboratory , ARL
A study of the effect of aerodynamic con - significance for the aerospace engineers1956
trol surfaces on hypersonic vehicles has and scientists .
been in progress for some time at ARL , The Problemsare encountered in thelypersonisy
investigation encompasses various shaped speed range which have not affected vehitres
fins on a blunt flat plate, Figure 1 shows the flying at slower speeds. Some of the minor
experimental test model. The fins a3 well as problems which are present at lower speeds
the blunt flat plate were tested at different become magnified as the vehicle increases
angles , Chordwise pressure distributions its flight velocity . One of the problems
were recorded on the surface of the blunt which becomes more pronounced at hyper
flat plate for the various configurations. An sonic speeds is the separation of the flow
analytical approach to the same problem about the vehicle due to adverse pressure
was conceived , and its results were com gradients caused by shocks in the flow field.
pared to the results of the experimental If the position and magnitude of the adverse
work , pressure gradient may be estimated , then the
The need for this type of study becomes effect on the over -all vehicle performance
apparent when one realizes that the next can be approximated . The present study was
generation of re-entry vehicles, HL- 10, SV undertaken to examine the possibility of
5 , and scramjet, are lifting configurations predicting the pressure gradients caused by
with aerodynamic control surfaces for guid control surfaces as well as to gain experi
ance in the earth 's atmosphere. Figure 2 mental data needed by the designer .
gives an artist' s conception ofsuch a vehicle. The experimental work was accomplished
In addition, before too long, the USAF will in one of ARL ' s 4 - inch hypersonic wind
be flying aircraft at hypersonic speeds. With tunnels. Four different fins were tested on a
these two important advancements in flying blunt flat plate. The fin yaw angle and plate
vehicles just over the horizon, a study of angle of attack were varied during the testing.
the flow patterns , pressure distributions , Pressures at the surface of the flat plate
and heating on the vehicles caused by the were mapped for somedistance on either side
movement of control surfaces assumes great of the fin and from the leading to the trailing
edge of the plate. Figure 1 gives a view of x / d = 10 .2 . For the viscid case, the dis
the blunt plate with a blunt unswept fin continuity is not possible because the ad
installed. In Figure 3, the circles are the verse pressure gradient is carried upstream
measured pressures of the plate shown as through the subsonic portion of the boundary
a ratio with the free - stream pressure versus layer which exists for viscid flow . An ad
the distance aft of the leading edge of the verse pressure gradient, if strong enough ,
plate nondimensionalized by the thickness will cause the boundary layer to separate
of the plate. (Figure 3 represents data for from the surface of the plate. Downstream
a wing attack angle of0°, fin yaw angle of 0° , of the separation point the boundary layer
and a spanwise distance on the plate of 0. 1 has two alternatives, depending on the flow
inch from the fin centerline.) conditions. First, the boundary layer may
For the analytical approach to the predic remain separated downstream of the original
tion of the pressure distribution on the blunt separation point, or second, the layer may
plate, it is first necessary to establish an reattach to the plate downstream of the
inviscid solution which represents the flow separation point. In the case shown in Figure
if no boundary layer existed on the plate, 3, the experimental pressures indicate a
The results of the inviscid estimation are separation and reattachment of the flow . To
shown by the dotted curve of Figure 3. The approximate analytically the experimental
method is given in Ref. 3. Note the dis flow conditions, a method by Lees and
continuity in the pressure distribution at Reeves (Ref. 1), with simplifying assump
Dr. Tapan K . Mukherjee
LtCol Barnett R . Agins.
fice of Scientific and Tochnical Information (RRYC ), Ha Of. MAGNETIC FIELDS
Wicusinformado (RoyBlue
fice of Aerospace Research , USAF, 1400 Wilson Boulevard , Max Swerdlow ..
Arlington , Va. 22209. The objective of this publication is to A STEP FORWARD IN CERAMIC STORAGE
moke o positive contribution to the exchange of information
concerning Air Force conducted and sponsored research
Norman E . Scaggs . .. .. 14
JACOB SEIDEN J. W . Goresh .. . .. .. 18
Electronics Division, AFOSR . . . ... 21
Major John P. Thomas .. ... . Data Sciences Laboratory , AFCRL . . . .............
Figure 1.
Photograph ofWing-Fin Wind-TunnelModel.
tions by Hankey and Cross (Ref. 2 ),wasused .
The complete method of establishing the
analytical flow field on the plate about the
fin is shown for blunt leading-edge fins with
and without sweep in Ref. 3. The procedure Figure 2.
consists of a strip method which allows the
two - dimensional Lees and Reeves approach Artist's Concept of Lifting Hypersonic Vehicle.
O Experimental Data
- - Inviscid Equation
- Interaction Equation
X Separation Point
A Reattachment Point
--- -- |
į býtoto
Figure 3. Flat Plate Pressure A = 0°, a = 0°, = 0°, y = 0.1 inch .
DR . TAPAN K . MUKHERJEE , Space Physics Laboratory, AFCRL
In recent years , research on the phenome electron affinity of the acceptors and the
nological and electronic application aspects ionization potential of the donors. When an
of organic charge- transfer complexes has acceptor of high electron affinity reacts with
greatly intensified. These complexes are a donor of sufficiently low ionization potential,
formed when an acceptor molecule reacts one electron may be completely transferred
with an appropriate donor molecule, Com from the donor to the acceptor, resulting in
pounds with electronegative substituents the formation of paramagnetic ion - radicals.
function as acceptors, whereas aromatic Electrical conductivities of solid charge
hydrocarbons, amines, etc. , with available transfer complexes and ion - radicals have
a - electron clouds or lone pairs of electrons become an exceedingly interesting property,
constitute the donors. The stability of charge especially for their potential semiconductor
transfer complexes depends largely on the applications. Although organic molecules are,
in general, poor conductors of electricity, it the 2,4 ,7-trinitro derivative (e ) and the
is now well established that the presence of 2 , 4 ,5 , 7 - tetranitro derivative (f) are found to
free - radical species causes an enhancement be strong acceptors (2 ) ( 3 ). These compounds
of conductivity . Thus, ion- radical complexes form highly colored, insoluble complexes
in the conductivity range, 10 to 10- ohm with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and
cm - have been synthesized . amines, and are useful as complexing re
At the Air Force Cambridge Research agents in analytical chemistry. The stability
Laboratories, a broad program has been of some of these complexes is of such high
under way aimed at deriving a meaningful order that they can be purified by recrystal
correlation between electronic conductivity lization . These acceptors do not undergo
and molecular structure. In this study , a displacement reactions with amines or Diels
mumber of electron acceptors derived from Alder type reactions with aromatic hydro
dicyanomethylene fluorene have been synthe carbons, thus showing distinct advantages
sized . (Fig . 1) over tetracyanoethylene, a more powerful
acceptor . Dicyanomethylene 2, 4, 7 - trinitro
fluorene (e ) has been marketed by Eastman
Chemicals as a complexing reagent.
Stable anion radical salts can be conven
iently prepared from the tri- and tetranitro
derivatives and suitable donors. Radical salts
with organic cations have also been synthe
sized by the metathetical reaction between
CN CN the lithium salts of these compounds and am
monium , arsonium or phosphonium iodides.
These salts show typical semiconductor propa
(a) R,,R21 = NO ; R3,R4,R5 = H erties, with conductivities in the 10
ohm -1 cm -l range.
(b) Ry,R3 = NO2; R2,RfrR5 = H In another aspect of the current research,
it has been found that these electron acceptors
(c) Ry,R4, = NO2; R2,Rz,R5 = H show variable photoconductivity. The conduc
tivity of the 2 , 7 -dinitro derivative (d ) is en
(d) Ry,R5, = NO2;R2,Rz,R4= H hanced by 4 orders of magnitude when this
material is illuminated by a 200 - watt lamp
(e) Ry,R2,R5 = NO2;Rg:R4= H from a distance of 7 cm . Contrary to the
general experience, the photocurrent maxi
mum lies considerably beyond the absorption
( ) R1,R2,R3,R5 = NO2; R4 = H maximum of the compound. This is the first
reported case of high photoconduction effi
Figure 1 çiency encountered in organic electron ac
ceptors. Its implication for the conduction
Electron affinities, relative to 2 , 4 , 7 - trini- phenomena in molecular crystals is being
trofluorenone , were determined from spectral actively investigated.
studies of the charge- transfer complexes of
these acceptors with a number of aromatic
hydrocarbons as donors ( 1) . The electron
affinities of the dinitro- isomers vary ac (1) Briegleb, G ., Angew . Chem ., 76 , 326 , 1964.
cording to the orientation of the substituents . (2 ) Mukherjee, T . K . and L . A . Levasseur, J . Org .
Increasing the number of nitro groups on the Chem ., 30 , 644, 1965.
basic acceptor structure causes marked (3 ) Mukherjee, T . K . and A . Golubovic , Abs. 149th
enhancement of the electron affinity . Thus , Meeting of Am . Chem . Soc., April 1965, p . 53P .
The walls of the channel are defined by
numerical y = + a and the inlet by X = 0 . The boundary
conditions are:
integration of
4 ( O, y) = .
the Navier -Stokes v (0 , y ) = 0
M ( x , + a ) = V(x ,+ a ) = 0 x > 0.
equation It was assumed that the velocity profile
at infinity was parabolic ; i. e ., as x + 00,
v + 0 and
Directorate of Mathematical Sciences , AFOSR
4 + 2 (a? -y²),
The motion of a disturbed viscous fluid is Integration was performed by establishing
important in many areas , such as flow about finite difference equations with boundary
aerospace vehicles in flight and flow in a conditions and using a relaxation system ,
tube or channel. The general representation The results were quite interesting , par
of this phenomenon is the Navier - Stokes ticularly with respect to the velocity profile.
equation , which is a nonlinear, elliptic , All approximate boundary - layer treatments
partial differential equation . A considerable of this problem assume a convex velocity
number of results have been obtained by profile with a maximum on the axis . For
analytic means on estimates and bounds of small values of x and finite Reynolds number,
solutions; however, for detailed results , it this is not true. For small x , the parallel
is necessary to turn to numerical methods. component of velocity k has a local mini
Working under a grant from the Applied mum on the axis y = 0 and two symmetrically
Mathematics Division , AFOSR , Prof. J. Gillis placed maxima on either side of the axis,
of the Weizmann Institute of Science hasbeen
developing techniques for the numericalsolu A physical argument can be made as fol
tion of this equation. To demonstrate his lows :
theory and obtain further insight, the
techniques were first applied to the problem
of the steady -state , two - dimensional flow of
a homogeneous, incompressible viscous fluid
in the inlet region of a straight channel. ( 1)
Values of Reynolds number ranging from 0
to 500 were used ,
The problem was formulated , using the
x=0 x3.2 x=.4 x=,6 x=.8 x=1.0 x=1.2 x=1.4 x=1.6 x=l.8 x =20
(a )
W 1. 00
Figure 1 . Idealized Mössbauer absorption spectra illustrating the appearance of: ( a ) an isomer shift,
( b ) a simple quadrupole interaction, and ( c ) a pure magnetic hyperfine interaction .
о b
о o
0 . 95
W 0.90 - H= 67.5 koe
o d
p O bo
0. 90 - H = 69 koe y
S olo
1.001 Beroun o
0 .90 H = 71koe I
-12 -8 -4 4 8 12
VELOCITY (mm /sec )
Figure 2. Absorption spectra using the same source and absorber as in Fig. 1, with an applied external
magnetic field : T =80° K for all spectra ; ( a ) Ho=64kOe, (b ) Ho= 66 kOe, ( c) Ho = 67.5 kOe,
( d ) Ho= 69 kOe, ( e ) Ho -71 kOe. The sequence shows the Mössbauer patterns in going through
the spin - flop region .
as shown in Fig . 2( b ). The 3: 2 : 1 :2 : 3 intensity at MIT , sponsored by AFOSR , Dr. Arthur J .
ratios shown in Fig. 1( c ) correspond to a Freeman , Associate Director, Dr. Norman
random (isotropic ) orientation of directions Blum and Dr. Richard Frankel, Research
for Hn . Staff Members, and Prof. Lee Grodzins, of
In materials which are not naturally mag the MIT Physics Department, have been
netically ordered, the application of an ex carrying on an extensive investigation of
ternal magnetic field produces a hyperfine these magnetic properties of solids using
spectrum by interacting directly with the Fe the Mössbauer effect and magnetic fields up
nucleus. In many substances of interest, the to 180 kilogauss.
external magnetic field H . adds vectorially The unique facilities for generating and
to an induced internal field ( in the case of using high magnetic fields at the National
paramagnetic iron ) or to the natural internal Magnet Laboratory have already been applied
field in an ordered system . The magnitude in an active program which has demonstrated
and direction of the resultant hyperfine field the usefulness and importance of high fields
Hn is measured in the Mössbauer experi for Mössbauer studies. External fields in
ments. At the National Magnet Laboratory combination with the Mössbauer effect allow
(a ) HEO T = 80°K
1: 0 T : 295 °K
0 .905
4 - 10 - 8 -6 -4 -2 © ¿ 4. • 10
VELOCITY (mm /sec)
Figure 3. Mössbauer absorption spectra for an unsplit Co 57 in Cu source vs. a single -crystal a-Fe ,Oz
sample oriented so that the gamma rays propagate along the crystallographic trigonal axis:
( a ) for Ho= 0 , T = 80° K ; ( b ) for Ho= 0 , T -295° K . This shows the effect on the Mössbauer pat
tern of going through the Morin transition (Ty ~ 260 ° K ).
measurements to be made of the sign of the the sublattice magnetizations will suddenly
hyperfine field acting at the nucleus. It is now rotate from along the [111] direction into the
well known that it was found to be, quite sur (111) plane; this sudden rotation ofthe direc
prisingly, negative in ferromagnetic metals tion of the sublattice magnetization at the
using the Mössbauer effect. Furthermore , critical field is the spin -flop phenomenon .
the high magnetic fields also simplify the An oriented single - crystal absorber was
analysis of experiments by eliminating lines prepared from a large number of small
from Mössbauer spectra when using longi single crystals cut from a sample of natural
tudinal fields, or by changing the relative hematite . The small crystals were oriented
intensities of the lines when using transverse by X - ray diffraction analysis , mounted to
fields. Using externalmagnetic fields , a tech form a tightly packed mosaic 5 / 8 inch in
nique for determining the sign of the hyper diameter, and polished to a thickness of
fine field relative to that in metallic iron has 0 .005 inch ; the crystallographic (111 ) direc
been developed, and used to show that the tion is normal to the plane of the disk . The
fields at FeS nuclei in Cr and Cu at low Mössbauer source was the unsplit line from
temperatures are positive, that is , opposite Co ” in copper . Figure 3 shows the velocity
in sign to that in metallic iron. spectra obtained in the absence of an applied
While external fields are useful in systems magnetic field: ( a ) for T = 80°K , and (b ) for
which are magnetically ordered in zero mag T = 295°K . The splitting is due to the internal
netic field , they are indispensable when one field Hint, which is 515 kOe for T = 295°K
wishes to study systems such asparamagnetic and 540 kOe for T = 80°K . The second and
metals, salts, and alloys ; impurities; and fifth lines of the spectra are nearly absent
hard superconductors. In these cases, the in Fig. 3(a ) and appear enhanced in Fig. 3 (b ).
magnetic field produces a polarization of the This result indicates that the internal fields
electronic - spin distributions thereby produc (and therefore the sublatticemagnetizations)
ing an effective magnetic field at the nucleus are parallel (or antiparallel) to the [ 111 ]
which , in general, is larger than the applied direction in Fig. 1 (a ), and perpendicular to
field . the [111] direction in Fig . 1(b ). This is the
As a typical and fairly simple example of Mössbauer - effect demonstration of theMorin
how external fields may be used to study transition .
magnetically ordered systems, we shall de In Fig. 4 , there are a series of spectra
scribe in some detail the results for one of similar to those in Fig. 1,butwith an external
the common oxides of iron . The magnetic field Ho, along the (111) direction which
properties of hematite (a -Fe203) have been varies from 64 kOe in Fig. 2( a ) to 71 kOe in
studied extensively by various workers using Fig . 2 ( e). The absorber temperature is 80°K ,
a number of different techniques over a well below TM . In Fig . 2 (a ), at 64 kOe, lines
period of several decades. Hematite has a one and six are split into resolved doublets ,
rhombohedral unit cell containing four iron with a separation between doublet components
atoms arranged with their magneticmoments corresponding to 2H . = 128 kOe; this comes
in antiparallel pairs so that (as a first ap about as a result of half of the Fe atoms
proximation ) the unit cell has no netmoment. having an internal field parallel to Ho, and
Below the Morin transition TM = 260°K , the half having an internal field antiparallel to
moments are, respectively , parallel and Ho. Lines 2 and 5 are missing,as is expected
antiparallel to the crystallographic (111] for Hn parallel to [111];Hn is the total (net )
direction. For T > Tm the moments lie in hyperfine field . The Inner pair of lines (3
the basal (111) plane; the moments of the and 4 ) are also doublets , but are unresolved
paired atoms are not precisely antiparallel, because the splitting is of the samemagnitude
but are slightly canted towards one another as the line width . In 2 ( e ), at 71 kOe, the
in the basal plane to produce a weak ferro spectrum appears qualitatively similar to
magnetic moment (the Dzyaloshinsky mo Fig . 1 ( b ). Here there is a single Hn =
ment). Also , it is well known that, for a (Hint 2 + H . 2 )/2 which is the vector sum of the
sufficiently large external magnetic field Hc, perpendicular components , Hint and Ho; we
see from the enhancement of the middle lines remaining spectra in Fig . 2, (b) , (c), and (d) ,
that the internal fields Hint have rotated show how the transition takes place as a
perpendicular to the [111] direction . The function of Ho; all the atoms do not undergo
1 . 00
(b )
Figure 4 . Relative intensities of the Mössbauer absorption lines for (a) Hn parallel to z, (b ) H , per
pendicular to z , and (c ) a random (isotropic ) orientation of Ho with respect to the z -axis.
simultaneous rotation , primarily because of weak moment which is consistent with either
Inhomogeneities in the alignment ofthe crys a canted spin model or a nearly compensated
tals making up the mosaic . This demon ferrimagnetic model. The external - field
strates the spin flopping, which for T = 80°K Mössbauer experiments give unequivocalevi
is seen to occur at Hc = 67.5 3 koe. dence that the latter model is correct,
The spin flop may also be inferred from The Mössbauer technique may be used
the Mössbauer spectra obtained with a poly together with external magnetic fields to
crystalline absorber. In this case , a sample elucidate the magnetic structure of matter.
consisting of commercial reagent grade A simple illustration of the technique has
a - Fe2O3 was bound into a Lucite matrix been given . There are magnetic systems in
having a density of 1. 0 mg/ cm2 Fe57 . The which some of the rare earths play the domi
Mössbauer spectra at 80°K for different nant role, and some of these too may be
values of H . are all qualitatively similar studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The re
to Fig. 1 (b ), except that the outer lines are cent development and availability of intense
noticeably broadened. A plot of the width of field large - bore magnets at the National
the outer lines vs. Ho reveals a maximum in Magnet Laboratory at MIT have made these
the vicinity of Hc = 65 koe. A qualitative experiments feasible , Research of this nature
understanding of this behavior for a poly is essential to a detailed understanding of
crystalline sample follows from the fact that certain types ofmagnetic phenomena .
the external field broadens the outer lines
by contributing components displaced from
the line center by as much as Hint + Ho for
those crystallites having their trigonal axes
parallel to Ho. When Ho = Hc the components
a step forward
contributing the most to the line broadening
suddenly rotate by 90°, so that Hint is per
in ceramic
pendicular to H . ; the contribution then ap storage-heater design
pears centered at a velocity corresponding to
(Hint2 + H 2 ) , which is almost at the line NORMAN E . SCAGGS , Fluid Dynamics
center and contributes very little to the Facilities Research Laboratory , ARL
broadening. The middle is only slightly
broadened because the parallel component, The ceramic storage heater has been used
which contributes the most to the broadening, for many years as a device for producing
is forbidden by the selection rules governing high -temperature gases with relatively small
the Mössbauer transition . Although not as amounts of contamination . One of the more
dramatic as the single - crystal experiments , recent applications of the ceramic storage
the Mössbauer experiments with a poly heater is a source of clean high -tempera
crystalline absorber also demonstrate that ture air for use as a test medium in high
the spin flop in hematite occurs at about 65 Mach -number ground- test facilities , Initi
kOe, for T = 80°K . ally , the available ceramics were adequate
in both materials and shapes. As the require
Similar techniques have been applied to ment for air at higher temperatures grew ,
Y3 Fe5012 (yttrium iron garnet ) which is a problems began to appear in the satisfactory
ferrite having two nonequivalent magnetic design of an appropriate heater. This ar
sublattices, to KFen1017 (potassium ferrite) ticle describes a solution to one of themajor
which is an " antiferrimagnet " having four problems encountered in ceramic storage
nonequivalent magnetic sublattices , and to the heaters .
magnetoelectric compounds Ga2- x FexO3 and The most critical region in a ceramic stor
A12-xFexO3 which were shown by external age heater is the storage matrix , since it is
field Mössbauer experiments to be ferri exposed to the highest temperatures , suffers
magnetic rather than canted antiferromag the most severe thermal shock , and is
nets . These latter two materials exhibit a cycled through the largest temperature
ranges. Consequently, both the material and - 0 . 22 " Dia
5.4 51
most ceramic heaters was assembled from
spheres , partly because this shape was
available and partly because the sphere is
an easy shape to manufacture. The storage
matrix is also very easy to assemble when
spheres are used . The spheres were quite
satisfactory until the ceramics were heated
to the softening temperature of the material,
At this point, the high stress on the spheres
caused them to fuse together to form a solid
mass of ceramic , thus preventing air passage
and, of course, making the heater unsatis
factory .
Due to the small area of contact between
two spheres, the slightest load produces a
very high stress at the point of contact. In
a ceramic storage heater, the load is gen
erated by the weight of the ceramics above Figure 1. Cored brick configuration.
each level in the matrix . The maximum bulk The lower portion of the heater is subjected
stress in most storage heaters is approxi to lower temperatures and, therefore, a
mately 20 psi; but, at the point of contact wider variation of materials can be con
between each sphere , this stress is several sidered for application in this region . How
orders of magnitude higher . An obvious ever, experience has shown that aluminum
solution to this problem is to utilize a shape oxide is the most efficient material to use
that provides a larger contact area . This is in this portion of the heater matrix . The
easier said than done because the shape material chosen must also be very dense to
must allow air to pass through it freely, facilitate a large amount of energy storage
must not fail from thermal shock , and must and to permit high mass -flow rates. The
have the capacity for storing a sufficient weight of the ceramics counteracts the drag
amount of energy . The shape should also of the air flow . The densities of the zir
be easily manufactured and easily assembled , conium oxide and the aluminum oxide in the
The shape that emerged from all these ARL heater are 343 lbm /ft3 and 241 lbm / ft ”,
considerations was a cored brick configura
tion as shown in Figure 1. The dimensions
respectively .
and material of the brick were determined The over - all size of the brick was deter
by the specific requirements of the Aero mined by the thermal-shock characteristics
space Research Laboratories ' heater . In the of the material and the manufacturer's size
case of the facility at theAerospace Research capability . The hole diameter and thenumber
Laboratories , an air temperature up to of holes were determined by balancing the
4 ,000°R for a duration of 300 seconds at a thermal-shock characteristics against the
mass - flow rate of 1 pound mass per second energy -storage capacity of the material.
was specified . Both the hole diameter and the number of
holes influence the resistance to air passage
The requirement for air at 4 ,000°R limits and these factors, coupled with the density
the choice of materials for the top portion of of the bricks, fix the maximum allowable
the heater matrix to two materials ; magne mass flow through the heater before the
sium oxide or zirconium oxide, Since mag bricks start to float . The bricks will start
nesium oxide slowly vaporizes in this tem to float when the drag is equal to the weight
perature range, zirconium oxidewas selected . of the bricks.
Figure 2. Cored brick storage heater.
Grating and
Insulation Assembly
The present configuration of the cored A specific example of an actual test on the
brick storage heater at the Aerospace Re ARL heater is shown in Figures 4 and 5 .
search Laboratories is shown in Figure 2. The heater temperature profiles before and
The top seven and one half feet of the storage after the test are shown in Figure 4 . Figure
matrix are made of zirconium -oxide cored 5 shows the variation in the air temperature
brick. The construction of the storagematrix produced during the test. The variation in
starts at the very bottom , and the holes in air temperature during this test was 40°R at
each successive layer of bricks are aligned a mass - flow rate of 0. 75 lbm / sec over a
so that finally the matrix is a cylinder of time duration of 250 seconds.
ceramic twelve and one half feet long with
air -passage holes through it . - - _Top of Storage Matrix
The operation of the heater consists of - 12
blowing combustion gases from a methane Mass Flow = 60 .75 LBM / SEC for
. 0 Minutes at 3360R
air -oxygen burner, which is installed at the
top of the heater, down through the storage
matrix where the energy is absorbed. When
the desired amount of energy is stored , the
burner is shut off and clean , dry air is blown Storage
through the heater from bottom to top, re
trieving the energy as it progresses through After
the heater. In this manner , the air will reach Blow - Down
| -- -'Top of storageMatrix
- Top of Storage Matrix
50 100 150 200 250 300
Q : 00
m = 0 .53 lbs / sec
0. = 4000°R.
Qw = 0
Po = 2000 psia
0 .2
X /D
- 32
Figure 2. Radial temperature profiles at different axial distances .
The fluid temperature, at the entrance
(i.e., x = 0) is given by the following : recent
0 (r,0) = 6. f(r). (2b)
AFCRL rocket firings
The equations (1), (2a), (2b), and the im Cosmic -Ray Measurements : An Aerobee
posed condition that no infinite temperatures
exist, constitute the mathematical statement 150 sounding rocket was launched by AFCRL
of the problem . from Fort Churchill, Canada, on August 8
The method used in obtaining a solution to to study cosmic - ray nuclei as a function of
equation (1) for the specified boundary condi solar activity . The experiment was designed
to learn more about the sun ' s contributions
tions was analogous to that first used by to the flux of high - energy particles reaching
Fettis ( 2) in solving the isothermal problem the earth . The rocket carried a 240 - pound
with a uniform entrance-temperature profile.
However , to obtain a nontrivial solution to payload to an altitude of 196 km . Approxi
the present case, it was necessary to assume
mately 90 seconds after launch , 4 doors on
that the fluid entering the pipe had a non the nose cone opened to expose photographic
emulsion plates to cosmic radiation . The
uniform temperature profile. The eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions remain unchanged for any nose cone was subsequently recovered by
entrance -temperatureprofile becauseneither parachute. Specific objectives of the test
depends on the initial temperature distribu
tion . In the chosen numerical example, the 1) To study primary cosmic - ray nuclei at
initial temperature distribution was repre
the very lowest energy during a period of
low sunspot number ,
sented by the following: 2 ) To compare relative numbers of low
energy cosmic - ray nuclei of differentatomic
(1,0) = 0 . f(1) = 6 , (1-5 %)?, numbers with cosmic - ray abundance.
where is the initial center -line tem 3) To determine if significant numbers of
perature and the nondimensional radius heavy nuclei are emitted by the sun during
i is the ratio of the radial variable r to pipe
radius R . quiet times .
The adjustment of the temperature from 4 ) To measure the primary flux of low
radial variation to a uniform distribution at energy protons and alpha particles .
succeeding axial stations is shown in Figure 2. Robert C . Filz is the project scientist for
The engineer is often required to design this experiment. (Space Physics and Aero
space Instrumentation Laboratories )
mixing tubes with varying degrees of wall
heat losses. Thus, these calculations pro
vide him with the length of a perfectly in Daytime Aurora : AFCRL launched an
sulated tube for turbulent flow . This is the Aerobee - 150 sounding rocket from Fort
minimum - length mixing tube, since any wall Churchill, Canada, on August 11 to study the
losses will require a greater length . Cal upper atmosphere during a daytime auroral
culations for imperfectly insulated pipes were event. The Aerobee carried a 225 - pound pay
presented in reference (3 ). load to an altitude of 210 km . Instrumenta
tion included a 1-meter Ebert instrument
REFERENCES with a photomultiplier - tube detector to
(1) Latzko, H ., NACA TM 1068, 1944, (original in measure the line- emission spectra of the
German ). upper atmosphere above 80 km . Purpose of
(2 ) Fettis, H . E ., “ On the Eigenvalues of Latzko 's the experiment was to confirm theoretical
Differential Equation , ” ZAMM , Vol. 37, Nos. 9 estimates of the intensity for several emis
and 10 , September/October, 1957.
(3 ) Goresh, J. W ., " Heat Transfer in CylindricalPipes sion lines. The nose cone was retrieved
with Fully Established Turbulent Flow and Ex by parachute. Project scientist for the ex
posed to a Uniform Temperature Environment, ” periment is Dr. Sam Silverman . (Upper
Journal of Heat Transfer, Paper No. 65 -WA /HT- 16 . Atmosphere Physics Laboratory)
AFOSR light-scattering homodyne
In the development of a theory of liquid tion Laboratory (CRL ), supported under the
behavior, a crucial test of propositions Joint Services Electronics Program have,
occurs at and near critical temperatures . for the first time, observed and measured
These are temperatures, for given condi the frequency spectra of time- dependent
tions of pressure and specific volume, where concentration fluctuations in liquids close
(often dramatic) state changes take place - - to the critical temperature .
for example, when water changes to ice or These results were made possible by the
when liquid helium becomes superfluid . In use of a special spectrometer, the laser
pursuit of experimental ways to evaluate homodyne spectrometer , designed and built
existing mathematical models for fluids , by the CRL staff in 1963. The spectrometer
research personnel of the Columbia Radia functions with light in much the same way
that a Doppler radar functions with micro
waves . In the present form of the apparatus
He - Ne Laser (see Figure 1 ) , the output of a helium - neon
laser of wave length 6328Ă is divided by a
(6328 Å )
Sample Container
( Thermostatically
Controlled )
Figure 1. Bench diagram of the homodyne spectrometer for measuring phase-change
characteristics in an aniline- cyclohexane mixture .
semireflecting mirror (M , ). Themajor beam appear and disappear in the medium . This
is given a small frequency offset of 18Mc/ sec parameter t now accessible to measurement
by reflection from traveling sound waves in may, in turn , be related to thermodynamic
water , and is then transmitted through the properties evaluated in the neighborhood of
sample under study via mirror Mg. Light the critical point. In this region some
scattered in a particular direction by the quantities - - e . g . , specific heat- - are strongly
sample is then recombined with the minor varying and poorly measured by conventional
beam (at mirror Me), which plays the part methods. By means of statistical mechanical
of the local oscillator in the analogous theory , thermodynamic quantities can be
microwave system . The recombined beams related to molecular forces. New accurate
form the input to a photomultiplier. Since data through the critical region are expected
the interference between the two beams is to provide a sensitive test for present and
modulated at the offset frequency, only that future statistical models for the liquid state.
part of the output from the photomultiplier Studies in one -component monatomic liquids
which lies in a narrow band of frequencies will provide the most tractable case for com
around 18 Mc/sec is amplified and processed parison with theory .
by the spectrometer . In effect, the spectrom
eter measures the coefficients in a plane Preliminary results on light scattered by
wave expansion for the scattered field . A pure carbon dioxide have been obtained . The
conventional spectrometer would measure program for the immediate future includes
intensity. a refinement of these measurements and
extension to the noble gases , xenon and argon ,
Light scattered from a liquid (Rayleigh or Understanding the behavior and properties
Tyndall scattering) is usually considered to
have a spectral distribution identicalwith the
of fluids is of particular interest to the Air
exciting radiation . The reason for this is that
Force, not only because our aircraft must
operate in the fluid of the atmosphere , but
the resolution required to observe the line also because the flow characteristics and
shape in such a case is about 1013 , which properties of fuels , combustion products ,
exceeds that provided by any classical spec coolants, etc., must be understood to advance
trometer. This high resolution , however, is the state -of - the- art of propulsion- system
easily attained with a laser source and
homodyne spectrometer. A successful dem
design , and because weather forecasting is
onstration of this was achieved by resolving so dependent upon understanding the phase
the spectrum of light scattered from a
changes of water .
cyclohexane- aniline mixture in a constant The homodyne spectrometer measure
temperature enclosure . The scattered light ments were made and reported by Drs. S, S.
was observed to have a Lorentzian line shape Alpert, Y. Yeh, and E , Lipworth ,members
of width proportional to the difference between of the Columbia Radiation Laboratory , which
the sample temperature and the critical is directed by Professor Robert Novick . *
temperature for the mixture. In addition , the
line width was shown to be proportional to
sin ? ( 0 / 2), where 0 is the scattering angle,
All of these observations are in qualitative
agreement with the theory first formulated REFERENCES
by Landau and Placzek. ( 1) Joint Services Electronics Program , Contract No.
Of perhaps more fundamental interest are DA 28 -043 AMC -00099(E ) .
similar measurements on single - component (2) Alpert, S. S., Y. Yeh and E. Lipworth , " Observa.
systems. The width of the Rayleigh line pro tion of Time-Dependent Concentration Fluctuations
vides a measure of a relaxation time t which in a Binary Mixture Near the Critical Temperature ,
characterizes the time scale on which spon Using a He-Ne Laser,” Phys . Rev. Letters, Vol.
taneous density or concentration fluctuations 14, 486 , 1965.
A crude stick figure of a dog (Figure 1 ),
traced on a computer cathode-ray tube (CRT)
output - input scope with a light pen , expands
and takes shape on the tube face to become
a full silhouette of a German shepherd. An
" X " traced on the tube is transformed into a
square, a single dot into a circle, and a
DATA SCIENCES LABORATORY , AFCRL series of apparently random lines of various
lengths and curvatures becomes a meaningful
arrangement of several objects .
Messrs. Otis Philbrick ( left ) and Harry Blum (right), of the Data Sciences Laboratory , AFCRL , are
developing a unique pattern-recognition technique described in " Dog Silhouettes and Other Arbitrary
Shapes by Computer," appearing in this issue of the Review . Mr. Philbrick , an electronics engineer,
received his B .S . from M . I. T . in 1964 and his M . S. from Northeastern University in 1966 . He began
working for AFCRL while a University Co-op student, in 1962. Recently, he has been designing, de
veloping, and operating special-purpose computer programming systems to simulate and test mathemat
ical models of picture-analysis and transmission systems. Mr. Blum , a physical scientist, received his
B .E . E . from Cornell University in 1949, and his M . E . E. from Syracuse University in 1958. From 1958 to
1960, while assigned to the SHAPE Air Defense Technical Center in The Hague, Netherlands, he built
and headed a group to handle problems of ballistic-missile warning and defense. Since 1960, he has been
doing research at AFCRL on a new class ofmachines for dealingwith shape and perception that depend
on propagative processes for the interaction and organization of information .
Major John P . Thomas, an aerospace research engineer in the
ARL Hypersonic Research Laboratory since August 1963, has
been studying heat transfer at the base of fins on hypersonic
model configurations. He discusses " The Effect of Aerodynamic
Control Surfaces on High -Speed Vehicles" in this issue ofthe
Review . Major Thomas was graduated from the University of
Colorado in 1949 with a B . S. in Aeronautical Engineering and a
B . S . in Mechanical Engineering. He also has an M . S . in Mechanical
Engineering (1957) from Purdue University , where he specialized
in propulsion , and a Ph. D . in Aeronautical and Astronautical
Engineering from The Ohio State University (June 1966 ). Major
Thomas entered the Air Force in January 1951 and completed his
Aviation Cadet training with a " distinguished rating. Commis .
sioned in 1952 in the regular Air Force, he flew B -29' s and B -47' s,
and was an instructor on the B -47 flight simulator. He is a mem
ber of several professional societies.
Request for further information should be directed to the individual or laboratory of origin
(except for those from Latin America).
Request for further information from institutions and individuals in Latin America should
be addressed to :
U . S. Department of Commerce, Springfield , Virginia 22151
11 800 4050
concerned with the origins of the knowledge particularly those associated primarily with
components themselves . technology. Important new knowledge, such as
Note in the figure that both applied science that being accumulated in the scientific fields
and engineering development are classified that AFOSR is helping to colonize, is known
as parts of technology . Applied science is to members of the ' invisible college ," that is,
so named because its goal is some sort of to those researchers active in a particular
application of scientific principles . Thus , segment of the research front, well in ad
the name comes from the goal. A phenomena vance of any formal written publication .
oriented scientist concerns himself with Thus, new science forges ahead, relatively
the elucidation of natural phenomena. Thus independent of an ambient technology .
his goal is the study of phenomena , and Similarly, technology usually feeds upon
consequently it is reasonable to call his technology, in the presence of an ambient
activity ''phenomena - oriented science." science. It has become increasingly clear,
As new phenomena are understood, this especially to the historians of science, that
new knowledge is made available to the technological events are usually initiated
scientific and technological communities in within technology . This means that it is
many ways. However, it is important to usually difficult to establish a unique corre
note that the new information becomes known lation between an important technological
by a scientist' s peers in the world scientific event and one within phenomena -oriented
community much sooner than by other groups , science . One well -known exception is nuclear
separation shocks , that were observed in observed in earlier works. The earlier
some of the shadowgraph pictures. The theories did not include theseparation shocks.
upper one emerges from step separation The stronger of these shocks is now pre
points and apparently is not very strong dictable as a result of the entropy variations,
since it was not detected in the pressure in the boundary -layer flow , that arrive at
probe data. It is probably generated by the the separation point. The bright line below
disturbed flow upstream of the separation the second separation shock starts at the top
point resulting from the influence in the sub of the shear layer and becomes a part of
sonic part ofthe boundary layer of the reduced the reattachment shock which realigns the
base pressure. The pressure - probe data flow towards the free - stream direction . This
would indicate that it does not have a great part of the reattachment shock is actually
influence on the flow . The second separation upstream of the flow reattachment, and has
shock emerges from the shear layer down not been observed before. In theneighborhood
stream of the separation point and is strong of the reattachment region , the shock bends
enough to be also observable in pressure through an arc and takes an attitude normally
data. At the lower Mach numbers it has observed and anticipated .
rather strong total head losses as it comes
from the shear layer ; but the losses decay Another point of interest in Figure 1 is
rather rapidly . This second separation shock the slip line which emerges at the intersec
can be important in the flow structure in tion of the second separation shock and the
volved . Single separation shocks have been reattachment shock. This flow structure has
h = 0. 75
P . : 54 . 5
M = 3. 5
1 2 3 5 6 7
Figure 2. Some characteristics of supersonic flow structure .
rapid changes in speed and density and no (2) Scherberg , M . G . and H . E . Smith , “ On the Super
changes in pressure . sonic Flow Structure for a Rearward-Facing Step ,”
Figure 2 is a detailed illustration of some Proceedings of the Fifth US National Congress of
Applied Mechanics, June 1966 .
of the characteristics that have been deter
mined. It shows shock and shear - layer posi
tions, shock total pressure changes
(Pt2 / Pt1), static pressures andMach speeds. hypersonic flow research
For design interest it was found that, for
the higher Mach speeds (3.5 and greater), at ARL DR. ROBERT H . KORKEGI
the base pressure may be estimated from Hypersonic Research Laboratory , ARL
the Reynolds number based on the step
height (h ), and maximum heat transfers may The research activity of ARL 's Hyper
also be estimated from this Reynolds num sonic Research Laboratory is designed to
ber . gain knowledge about basic phenomena in
There is much more to be done, however, fluid and flight mechanics, with particular
before a complete analytical model can be emphasis on the aerodynamics and the strong
constructed . viscous effects associated with lifting and
nonlifting hypersonic vehicle configurations.
The principal areas of research are :
REFERENCES ( 1 ) Aerodynamic stability of blunt- nosed
( 1) Scherberg, M . G . and H . E . Smith , " Experimental slender bodies.
Study of the Flow Structure and Heat Transfer for (2 ) Optimization of lifting re - entry con
a Rearward -Facing Step in Supersonic Flow , " Pro figurations .
ceedings of the Eighth Israel Annual Conference ( 3) Separated flows and viscous inter
on Aviation and Astronautics, February 1966 . actions,
( 4 ) Rarefied gas studies . Successful wind - tunnel measurements of
The research discussed below highlights static and dynamic stability derivatives in
some of the " in - house " efforts . pitch , at various trim angles of attack and
reduced frequencies, were made possible at
Aerodynamic Stability high Mach numbers by the development of a
model support system with torsion flexures
Research on aerodynamic stability at yielding very low structural damping . The
hypersonic speeds was stimulated by ex tests , utilizing the small- amplitude free
perience with actual flight vehicles during oscillation technique, were made in the ARL
re - entry, and is co -ordinated with other 20 - inch hypersonic wind tunnel at a Mach
Government agencies, universities, and in number of 14 ( 1) . The cone model with the
dustry through the " Technical Workshop on flexures developed for the tests is shown in
Hypersonic Dynamic Stability." Fig . 1. An experimental study presently
The Laboratory ' s work in this area , under under way is designed to determine the
the leadership of Mr. O . Walchner, centers phase lag of model surface pressures for
on both experimental and theoretical studies blunt-nosed cones in pitching oscillations.
of the stability characteristics of blunted Analytical studies are directed toward
slender cones at high Mach numbers . obtaining better theoretical predictions of
2 .090
- .33 0
5.6 DEG.
If - - - - - -
do 3 in 1
- .0838 RAD.
- 4 .33 0 - – 4 . 200
- - - - - 40
1 / 32 R .
--- -
Optimal Configuration
X - 20
Figure 3 . Decrease and eventual disappearance of separation zone with increasing suction .
qualitative indication of the influence of each 20- inch Hypersonic Wind Tunnel of the effect
individual constraint on the vehicle configu of suction on flow separation on a wedge
ration, thereby providing much -needed prac followed by a compression ramp, for various
tical guidelines for future designs. The ramp angles . Mass suction was varied by
optimization study is being extended to in varying the gap between wedge and ramp.
clude an air - breathing propulsion system . The results of this investigation (11) show
that the separation zone decreases markedly
Separated Flows and Viscous Interactions with increasing suction , and eventually van
ishes (Fig. 3) for relatively small mass
An aerospace vehicle travelling at high suction - -about 1% of the boundary- layer
Mach numbers during any portion of its flight mass flow .
will be subjected to complex aerodynamic
phenomena resulting from flow separation Other investigations presently under way
and viscous interactions. include a study of flow on the lee side of a
delta wing at hypersonic speeds, and a de
The Hypersonic Research Laboratory is tailed study of the flow structure resulting
engaged in several experimental and theo from the interaction of a blunt fin on a flat
retical efforts designed , on the one hand, to plate boundary layer.
gain better knowledge of the development
and the structure of boundary layers and Rarefied Gas Studies
criteria for flow separation at hypersonic
speeds (of practical importance for the Flight at very high altitudes where the
prediction of aerodynamic heating and skin atmosphere is rarefied is of increasing in
friction ) and, on the other hand, to gain terest to the Air Force, particularly in con
basic knowledge of complex interactions nection with the re- entry of potential lifting
related to lifting surfaces, and stabilizing hypervelocity vehicles , and also to determine
and control components (flaps and fins) for the orbital decay of satellites. At altitudes
lifting vehicles at hypersonic speeds. This exceeding 300 ,000 feet, the atmospheric den
research is being conducted under the lead sity is so low that there arise significant
ership ofmyself and Dr. Hankey. departures from continuum flow . Shock waves
and shear layers spread out until they finally
Analytical studies include the application lose their identity in approaching the so
of Dorodnitsyn ' s N - parameter method of called " free -molecule" flow regime.
integral relations toward a generalized solu
tion of the laminar boundary - layer equations. In - house research in the area of rarefied
The objective of this study was to obtain gases is theoretical and includes studies of
computational techniques for the solution of the structure of a shock wave reflecting from
the laminar boundary-layer equations (6 , 7) , a normal wall (12) (in connection with the
which can then be applied to investigate development of shock tubes for low - density
solutions to specific problems. flow research, notably at Cal Tech and the
Two experimental studies deal with aero USAF Academy), and the solution of the
dynamic control surfaces related to hyper Boltzmann equation with a simple collision
model for the classical Rayleigh problem
sonic vehicles . One of these studies is
designed to determine the control effec
(13, 14) -- the impulsively started infinite
tiveness of flaps (8 ) , and the other encom
flat plate. The latter study has yielded solu
passes an investigation of various shaped tions for the velocity profiles, wall shear
and convective heat transfer in the transition
fins on a blunt flat plate (9, 10). region from free-molecule to continuum flow
In view of the possibility of flow through for the case where the velocity of the flat
the gap between a flap and wing from the plate is much smaller than themean molecular
compression to the expansion side, a basic velocities. It is planned to extend this work
investigation was undertaken in the ARL to the case of large plate velocities.
In addition to " in - house" research , the
Hypersonic Research Laboratory supports
work in related areas through contracts with
leading universities and research organiza Scientific notes
tions, including the California Institute of
Technology, Princeton University , New York Ionospheric Attenuation of Radio Signals:
University , and the Cornell Aeronautical A Nike Iroquois (Niro) sounding rocket was
launched by AFCRL from the Eglin Gulf Test
Range in Florida on 3 October 1966 to meas
REFERENCES ure attenuation of radio signals by the
ionosphere. In this experiment, a 20 x l - ft .
( 1) Walchner, O ., F . M . Sawyer and S. J. Koob, “ A toroidal (doughnut- shaped ) balloon was re
Study of Dynamic Stability Testing in a Mach - 14
Blow -Down Wind Tunnel,” Journal of Spacecraft leased and inflated 80 seconds after launch
and Rockets, Vol. 1, No. 4 , Jul-Aug 64 ; also ARL at 300 , 000 feet. A metallic strip , serving as
64 - 221. a receiving antenna, was wrapped around this
(2) Walchner, O . and J. T. Clay, “ Hypersonic Sta . balloon . Normal transmissions from a
bility Derivatives of Blunted Slender Cones,” Pensacola radio station (980 kc) and an air
AIAA Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4 , April 1965; also
ARL 65 - 150 .
craft radio beacon (200 kc) were received .
(3 ) Quinn , B . P ., “ Blast- Wave Effects on the Pitch Ionospheric attenuation of these signals was
ing of Blunt Cones. ” Presented at the 13th An measured over a vertical profile of the
nual Air Force Science and Engineering Symposium , ionosphere up to the maximum altitude of
AEDC , Sept 1966 . about 140 km . Data were telemetered to
(4) Hankey, W . L . and L . J . Schroeder, " Optimization ground receiving stations. Theproject scien
of Lifting Re-entry Bodies,” Proceedings of 12th
Annual Air Force Science and Engineering Sym tist is Richard B . Harvey ; the field director
posium , Vol. 1, 1965 . is Robert 0 . Harrison . (Upper Atmosphere
(5 ) Hankey, W . L . and L . J . Schroeder, " Optimization Physics and Aerospace Instrumentation Lab
of Hypersonic Lifting Bodies,” OAR Research oratories )
Review , Vol. V, No. 5, July 1966 .
(6 ) Bethel, H . E ., “ On the Convergence and Exact
ness of the Laminar Boundary-Layer Equations Daytime Aurora : Three rockets were
Using the N -Parameter Integral Formulation of launched on 4 October 1966 from the Fort
Galerkin -Kantorovich -Dorodnitsyn , ” ARL 66 -0090 . Churchill Research Range in Canada to study
(7) Bethel, H . E ., “ On the GKD Method for the Lam the D - region of the ionosphere during a
inar Boundary-Layer Equations, ” OAR Research daytime auroral event. A Black Brant and
Review , Vol. V , No. 8, October 1966 . 2 Sidewinder Arcas rockets were used in
(8 ) Fiore, A ., “ An Investigation of Aerodynamic the experiment. The Black Brant carried a
Controls at Hypersonic Mach Numbers,” to be is
sued as an ARL report. pay load of 465 pounds, consisting of magne
(9 ) Thomas, J . P ., “ Investigation of the Pressure tometers, a photometer , a radiometer , re
Distribution on a Blunt-Fin Blunt-Plate Combina tarding potential analyzers, a solar-horizon
tion at a Mach Number of 11. 26 ,” ARL 66 -0142. sensor , and a Gerdian condenser used for
( 10 ) Thomas, J . P ., " The Effect of Aerodynamic Con positive- ion measurements. The 2 Sidewinder
trol Surfaces on High -Speed Vehicles, ” QAR Re
search Review , Vol. V , No. 9, November 1966 . Arcas rockets were fired in a secondary
( 11) Ball, K . O , W ., ARL report in preparation . experiment to calibrate the Gerdian con
(12) Petty, J . S., “ Reflection of a Plane Shock Wave densers. For this calibration , subsonic read
from a Normal Isothermal Wall,” presented at the ings from the smaller Sidewinder Arcas
Fluid Dynamics Divisional Meeting, American rockets were compared with supersonic read
Physical Society, 22 -24 November 1965. ings from the Black Brant. The Arcas
( 13) Nagaraja, K . S., “ The Linearized Rayleigh Prob
lem in a Rarefied Gas Flow According to the vehicles reached 95 km . The Black Brant's
BGK Model,” to be issued as an ARL report. apogee was 190 km . The project scientist
( 14 ) Nagaraja , K . S., " The Linearized Rayleigh Prob for these experiments is John A . Sandock .
lem According to Kinetic Theory, ” QAR Research (Upper Atmosphere Physics and Aerospace
Review, Vol. V , No. 2, April 1966 . Instrumentation Laboratories)
Nike Cajun And C - 130 Combine to Measure load weight for the vehicle was 75 pounds.
Sky Brightness: A Nike Cajun sounding rocket The rocket reached an altitude of about 250
was launched from the Eglin Gulf Test km . The project scientist is Dr. John W .
Range on 5 October 1966 to measure sky Salisbury. (Space Physics and Aerospace
radiance in 6 discrete spectral regions Instrumentation Laboratories)
near the visible band between 3 ,750 to
5 ,550 angstroms. The vehicle carried a
70 - pound pay load to an altitude of about
155 km . Instrumentation on the rocket con
climatic extremes and a
sisted of 6 photometers, each having a
narrow - band (75- angstroms) optical filter. 500- foot radome
One minute and 4 seconds into the flight, the AEROSPACE INSTRUMENTATION
nose tip was ejected, allowing the photom LABORATORY, AFCRL
eters to measure the zenith sky radiance Engineering work on a 500- foot radome
for the duration of the flight. Concurrently logically starts with data on climatic ex
with the rocket launch , an AFCRL C - 130 tremes - - snowfall, rain , winds, and so on - -
aircraft made opticalmeasurements over the that could be expected at the location of the
same spectral region for comparison with radome, Such data are more important in
the rocket measurements. The projectscien designing a radome than for other large
tist is Robert B . Toolin . (Optical Physics structures because the mass of the radome
and Aerospace Instrumentation Laboratories) must be kept at a minimum to avoid undue
Atmospheric Density: Two Nike Iroquois attenuation of radio waves passing through
(Niros) were launched from the Eglin Gulf it.
Test Range on 11 October 1966 to measure When the Cambridge Radio Observatory
atmospheric density from 95 to 140 km . The Committee, set up by MIT, the Lincoln
rockets released 3 - foot balloons at an altitude Laboratory, Harvard, and the Smithsonian
of 200 km where the balloons began a free Astrophysical Observatory, began last year
fall. Each balloon contained a 3 - axis ac to investigate the feasibility of a large, new
celerometer to measure drag deceleration . radio observatory in the Boston area, climate
Data were telemetered to the ground. On the was a major initial consideration . AFCRL
same day, AFCRL tested 2 Sparrow Arcas was asked by the Observatory Committee to
rockets as possible replacements for the supply data on climatic extremes within the
Niros on future atmospheric - density experi general commuting area of Boston ( two hours !
ments. The Sparrow Arcas rockets are surface travel) .
smaller and less costly than the Niro rockets. Norman Sissenwine and Irving I. Gringorten
The project scientist for the experiments is of AFCRL have recently completed and sub
Gerard A . Faucher . (Aerospace Instrumenta mitted a report to theObservatory Committee
tion Laboratory) on the climatic extremes for this area . The
New Rocket- Borne IR Spectrometer Used study covers extremes of rain , temperature,
for Moon Survey : An Aerobee - 150 rocket snow , hail, icing, wind and wind gusts , and
was launched on 29 October 1966 from the gives the odds that a given climatological
White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico condition will be reached or exceeded during
to obtain infrared spectral information from the 25- year expected lifetime of the radome.
the moon . Instrumentation on the rocket in Some of the findings are given below .
cluded a lunar pointing control device, and a Rainfall : The heaviest rainfall recorded
spectrometer. The spectrometer is much in the Boston area in the past 65 years for
smaller , lighter and more reliable than any any given hour was 2 .10 inches although , for
previously used. It has a device, called a a 5 -minute period , the rate was 6 .72 inches
Circular Variable Filter , mounted on a per hour. There is only a l - per cent prob
motor- driven disc in front of the lens. This ability that during the next 25 years more
feature gives much higher resolution without than 3 .09 inches of rain will fall during any
the necessity for mechanical scanning. Pay- 1 hour, or that the Boston area will witness
a Niagara - like torrent of a 12 - inch rate In their report, Sissenwine and Gringorten
during any 5 -minute period . devote more space to winds and to techniques
Extremes of Cold : In considering tem for their analysis than to any other aspect
of climate that might affect the radome.
perature extremes , Sissenwine and Grin
gorten used the 30 - year records of 11 New Although Mt. Washington , in New Hampshire,
was not included in their 8 - station study,
England Weather Bureau stations. Taking
the coldest period of the year , January 1
they note in passing that the strongest wind
through February 1, we find that the mean of record any place in the world occurred in
temperature for these 32 days is 25.4 de 1934 atop Mt. Washington - -a wind of 188
mph . The highest 5 -minute wind speed re
grees F . For any given year, there is a corded in the 8 - station study was 95 mph at
50 - per cent probability that the temperature
Providence, Rhode Island, during the 1938
will drop as low as minus 4 degrees F , and hurricane,
a 2 - per cent probability that it will go as low Winds are discussed in terms of 5-minute
as minus 15 degrees . But for a 25- yearperiod ,
averages . To these 5-minute winds, they add
there is a 50 - per cent probability that the a gust factor , which varies with height above
temperature will go below minus 15 degrees
F at some given time, and 2 - per cent prob
the ground . For example, if winds are
ability that it will go below minus 23 de measured at an elevation of 10 feet, the gust
grees F . factor at this altitude is calculated to be 1. 7.
Wind speeds increase with altitude, and at the
Extremes of Heat: The July average at
the 11 New England stations gives a typical same time the gust factor decreases.
station mean of 70 .6 degrees F . (Boston 's Following is a summary of the probability
readings are taken at Logan Airport, however, estimates for the maximum 5 -minute winds
where the mean is 72,2 degrees F .) In any over 25 years, averaged for the 3 coastal
given year, there is a 50 - per cent probability stations (Boston , Nantucket and Portland )
that the temperature will exceed 92 degrees and for 5 inland stations:
F (as it did in 1966 ), but only a l - per cent
probability that it will exceed 102 degrees F . Ht. Inland
For a 25 - year period , there is a 50 - per cent Coastal
probability that the temperature will exceed Ground 50% 1 % 0.1% 50% 1% 0.1%
100 degrees F at least once, and a 2- per cent
probability that it will exceed 107 degrees F .
50 ft. 72 112 130 | 55 82 96
Snowfall Extremes: In 35 years, theaver 100 ft. 80 124 144 61 91 107
age heaviest- of-the - year snowfall in Boston 250 ft. 91 141 164 69 103 121
was 9.9 inches in 24 hours. In a 25 -year 500 ft. 99 153 178 75 112 132
period, however, wemightexpect a maximum
of 18 .9 inches in 24 hours, with a l - per cent
probability that during at least one 24- hour Hail and Icing: A given location in New
period there will be a 30 - inch snowfall . England is subject to a hailstorm about 1.1
Winds and Wind Gusts : Data on winds and times a year near the coast and 1 . 2 times a
wind gusts are more difficult to analyze year inland. The largest hailstones for the
statistically than other climatological data . average storm are about a quarter inch , But
Averages vary with coastal and inland areas , over a 5- year period, hailstones as large as
in cities and adjacent airports, and with 1 .5 inches have been reported 5 times; and
height above the ground . Furthermore, it is there is one report during this period of a
necessary to distinguish between persistent 3 - inch hailstone. After analyzing the icing
winds of at least five-minutes' duration and problem , Sissenwine and Gringorten conclude
gusts which last a few seconds . Yet, from that the radome engineer should design the
the standpoint of designing a low -mass ra radome to support a weight of 1 inch of clear
dome, winds are the single most important ice (56 pounds per cubic foot) on a horizontal
climatological factor. surface, and 2 inches on vertical surfaces ,
Mr. Irving I. Gringorten is an atmospheric physicist with the De
sign Climatology Branch, Aerospace Instrumentation Laboratory ,
AFCRL . He has been with AFCRL or its predecessor organiza
tions since 1947 , and is engaged in work on applied climatology .
Currently, he is considering the problems of extreme value statis
tics, ballistic wind estimations, applications of the Markov chain
and methods of least squares to probability distributions of mete
orological parameters such as cloud cover and types. Mr. Gringorten
has a B . A . with First Class Honors ( 1935 ) and an M . A . ( 1936 ),
both from the University of Toronto. He took advanced studies at
the California Institute of Technology from 1937 to 1940. " Climatic
Extremes and a 500 -Foot Radome,” in this issue of the Review ,
describes the results of a climate study of the Boston area by
Mr. Gringorten and Mr. Norman Sissenwine .
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research review
OAR : The Research Agency
of The United States Air Force
FEB 196 8
MAR 15 1968 INDEX
VOLUME V - 1966
The Index of articles published in the OAR RESEARCH REVIEW , Volume V , encompasses
only 10 issues , from March 1966 to December 1966 , inclusive. This reflects a shift in the
volume year to permit it to coincide with the calendar year. Future Indexes will again
embrace 12 issues of the Review . This Index is divided into 5 parts :
The index numbers used throughout Parts II , III , IV and V identify the issues and page
numbers of the articles published in the Review ( e. g., 7 - 15 refers to the article in Issue
Number 7 , page 15 ).
research review
OAR RESEARCH REVIEW is published monthly by the Of.
fice of Scientific and Technical Information (RRYC), Ha Of.
fice of Aerospace Research , USAF, 1400 Wilson Boulevard ,
Arlington, Vo. 22209. The objective of this publication is to
make a positive contribution to the exchange of information
concorning Air Force conducted and sponsored research
activities .
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