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RATIO compressor
control for
screw compressors
Table of contents

Operating instructions
RATIO compressor control
for screw compressors

Postfach 10 07 13
D-33507 Bielefeld

Otto-Boge-Straße 1–7
D-33739 Bielefeld

Fon: ++49 / 52 06 / 6 01- 0

Fax: ++49 / 52 06 / 6 01-200
Mail: [email protected]
Net: www.boge.com

Issue: 08 / 2007
No. 596.0840.01
Nominal price: € 5,00

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page I

Inhalt.pm6.5 - GB
Table of contents

Page II BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

Inhalt.pm6.5 - GB
Table of contents


Part 1: 1.1 The BOGE control ........................................................................ 1.1

RATIO General .......................................................................................... 1.1
Microcontroller ................................................................................ 1.1

1.2 The BOGE control concept ......................................................... 1.2

Operating and control panel ........................................................... 1.2

1.3 Operating elements ...................................................................... 1.3

1.4 Operation ...................................................................................... 1.6

Parameterization of frequency converter without running motor .. 1.11

1.5 Control Parameterization ........................................................... 1.12

Error key table .............................................................................. 1.12
General ........................................................................................ 1.13
Parameterization .......................................................................... 1.13
Enter Parameterization Code ....................................................... 1.13
Set the compressor servicing interval and restart ........................ 1.13
Set the motor servicing interval and restart .................................. 1.14
Set load cycles dependent servicing / inspection and restart ....... 1.14
Change target pressure values (Pmax and Pmin) ............................. 1.14
External output enable ................................................................. 1.15
Proportional control ...................................................................... 1.16
Timer ............................................................................................ 1.16
Switching Local-Remote via key switch ........................................ 1.16
Remote On-Off control ................................................................. 1.17
Enable network independent ON-OFF memory (Auto-Restart) .... 1.18
Idling control for extremely short operating times
(Change after-running time) ......................................................... 1.18
Set continuous mode ................................................................... 1.19
Anti freeze operation (only in mode ready for operation) .............. 1.19
RS 485-Bus-Address ................................................................... 1.20
Parameter overview ...................................................................... 1.20

1.6 Faults – General ......................................................................... 1.21

Automatic monitoring of the control systems ................................ 1.21

1.7 Fault messages of the control ................................................... 1.22

Acknowledge messages ............................................................... 1.22

1.8 Warning messages of the control ............................................. 1.25

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page III

Inhalt.pm6.5 - GB
Table of contents

Page IV BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

Inhalt.pm6.5 - GB
RATIO 1.1 The BOGE control

These operating instructions contain a description of the RATIO con-

trol system.

General BOGE compressors are equipped with a modern control.

RATIO, an integrated control and monitoring concept, with two objectives:
– Energy savings and thus reduction of ongoing costs.
– Prolonging the service life of the compressor due to minimum wear.
All programmed data is stored in a memory module (EEPROM).
Thus the stored information is even available following a power failure.

Microcontroller The BOGE-RATIO control adapts dynamically to the respective operating

conditions. A micro-controller assumes the following three tasks:
1. Automatic selection of the most economical operating mode
The micro-controller calculates the optimum operating mode from the
current operating state and a programmed ideal value, also taking into
account the constant compressor system data (e.g. delivery quantity,
receiver volume, motor switching cycles) as well as the current variables
(e.g. compressed air consumption, supply and non-supply times, pres-
sure increase and decrease speed).
In order to save operating costs, it always strives for the most economical
intermittent operation.
2. Automatic optimization of the motor switching cycles
The micro-controller calculates the optimum number of motor switching
cycles. This protects the drive motor and prolongs the service life of the
3. Automatic reminder of the maintenance intervals
The microcontroller monitors the maintenance intervals.

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.1

RATIO.pm6.5 - GB
RATIO 1.2 The BOGE control concept

Operating and control panel

EMERGENCY OFF Indicator lamps

LC- Error: Ready:
Display red green

Enter OFF
Main display ON

Fig. 1.1: RATIO operating panel

Page 1.2 BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

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RATIO 1.3 Operating elements

Operating elements RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

EMERGENCY OFF switch To switch off the – Press the EMERGENCY OFF switch.
compressor The switch engages and interrupts the control
in an emergency voltage.
All displays are cut off from the power.

After rectifying the fault, unlock the EMERGENCY

OFF switch:
– Turn the EMERGENCY OFF switch a quarter
turn clockwise.
– Quit the display test by pressing OFF key .
– The compressor is ready to use.

Always switch the compressor off
with the OFF key. Only use EMER-
GENCY OFF in an emergency!

ON key To switch the – Press the ON key:

compressor on The operating status depends on the network
1. Network pressure greater than lower cut-in
pressure. Compressor remains ready.
2. Network pressure lower than lower cut-in
pressure. Compressor starts.

OFF key To switch the If necessary, continues to run in idle until decrease
compressor off in system pressure.

[Up] key Display selection The key has two functions:

in LC-Display 1. It shows the previous information, one step
2. It normally increases the parameter value.

[Down] key Display selection The key has two functions:

in LC-Display 1. It shows the next information one step for-
2. It normally reduces the parameter value.

INFO key Select desired main – Press the INFO key.

information The display shows the main information or fault/
warning message.

ENTER key For confirmation in – See parameterization section.

and acknowledge-
ment of messages

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.3

RATIO.pm6.5 - GB
RATIO 1.3 Operating elements

Operating elements RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

Lamp = green Ready The green indicator lamp indicates that the
machine is ready.

Lamp = red Fault The red indicator lamp indicates a fault.

Network pressure Pressure gauge or target value (network).


System pressure Pressure gauge system pressure (compressor).


Parameterization If parameterization has been started, this symbol

appears in the top left of the display.

3-digit 7-segment display Displays: Shown in bar with a decimal point between the
P: Pressure second and third digit.


3-digit 7-segment display Displays: In ° C.

T: Temperature


Compressed air parameterization start undergoing

parameterization or frost run = blinks.

Page 1.4 BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

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RATIO 1.3 Operating elements

Operating elements RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

OFF or The circle stands for three functions:

motor or 1. The compressor is switched off.
receiver 2. For motor servicing period.
3. Servicing symbol (receiver inspection)
(replace wearing parts).

Stand by Automatic standby.

Idle (Automatic) idling phase.

Load or load speed Output phase or output cycle.

Automatic operating Automatic mode with standby phases enabled.

mode selection

Continuous Automatic mode without standby phases enabled.


Total running time Total motor operating hours.

Idle operation time Idle operating hours.

Servicing due Information on current or impending servicing.

Auto-Restart Energy-independent ON-OFF save function set.

(automatic restart
enabled after
network failure)

External output Remote output enable (e.g., from master control).


Remote On-Off Remote ON-OFF (e.g., from control panel).


Online-Mode Serial interface activated.

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.5

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RATIO 1.4 Operation

Operation RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

Function control of – After unlocking the EMERGENCY OFF switch

display elements and turning on the supply voltage, all enablable
display elements of the control appear at the
same time – including the two indicator lamps.
– If standby was not saved (no Auto-Restart),
this status must first be ended by pressing the
OFF switch O, before the compressor can be
switched on.
– Otherwise it disappears automatically after a
set time and the compressor is on standby
again without touching the controls – see also
Power failure cycle protection.

green red

Main display – This display either appears after completion of

RATIO the network failure phase (as described under
display element function control) or by pressing
the i key or by scrolling via  or -keys:
– The network pressure is shown at the top left
(pressure gauge 21), and at the top right the
(final compression) temperature, in the centre
are the two operating mode curves: the left
arrow shaded (as shown here) = automatic
mode selection, right = continuous operation,
the circle left of this means: off here.
The symbol at the bottom left is for setting
Remote-On-Off and next to it the symbol for
external output enable, next to the right the
symbol online and at the extreme right at the
bottom the symbol for cut-in-save (Auto-Re-
start). These four symbols only appear when
the respective setting has been made.

Switch on the If no fault is reported, pressing will switch on the

compressor green indicator lamp (compressor on standby)
which means: the pressure control function is acti-
vated – see also Remote On-Off.


Page 1.6 BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

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RATIO 1.4 Operation

Operation RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

Run-up phase If required the pressure control starts the motor –

if the motor spinning time is finished, the system
bar °C pressure has decreased and no motor switching
limitation is necessary (otherwise the idling symbol
– blinks → the idling symbol appears during the
time-controlled run-up or star phase. For a star/
delta contactor combination the following applies:
the star contactor is switched on first followed by
the network contactor 20ms later. The idling symbol
signals the state of the electropneumatic control.
Thus it also appears after reaching the set maxi-
mum pressure – during the decrease phase of the
system pressure.

Load operation The run-up phase – or star phase – is automatically

! finished by switching the electropneumatical control
bar °C into load operation and the symbol appears
in the display – probably first a change to delta
connection takes place 60 ms after the star phase.
Once the set maximum pressure is reached, the
idling symbol appears. The system pressure
is reduced automatically.

Stand by If the network pressure (in idling mode) drops below

(Ready for operation) the max. start-up back pressure and the automatic
bar °C operating cycles monitoring allows it, the control
unit switches the motor off and the Stand by symbol
is shown in the display. If the network pressure
drops to the set minimum pressure within the idling
phase, the compressor switches back to load opera-
tion and the respective symbol is displayed again.
If this happens shortly after having switched to
stand still, it has to be waited in case of contactor
connection – cf. also motor spinning time – until the
compressors is switched off for 20 s, to be sure that
the motor stands completely still, before you may
start it again. If the pressure is below the switch-on
pressure this is signalled by the blinking of the
Stand-by symbol until the compressor starts again.

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.7

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RATIO 1.4 Operation

Operation RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

Switch off the Press O → Compressor Off → and the pressure

compressor control function is deactivated and the display
shows the idling symbol. During this time the green
indicator blinks. The symbol O then appears and
the green indicator lamp is extinguished.
bar °C

Fault messages If the control unit detects a fault, the compressor is

switched off immediately and automatically – with-
out an idling phase –, the fault relay drops and
a digit on the right of the current pressure blinks
together with the red indicator lamp.

The blinking digit indicates the detected fault

(see also message key table page 1.12).


Operating times,
output cycles,
maintenance dead-
lines, display test
and Software-No.

Compressor Press ↓-key → and the segment display shows the

system pressure compressor system pressure (pressure gauge 22).

Total operating time Press ↓-key a second time → and the segment
display shows the total operating time in hours
together with the total running time symbol: .

means: 124h total running time

Page 1.8 BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

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RATIO 1.4 Operation

Operation RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

Idling time Press ↓-key a third time → and the display shows
the Idling time counter in h (hours) and the Idling
symbol: .

means: 2hrs idling time

Output-cycle- Press ↓-key a fourth time → and the display shows

counter the 1000-output-cycles counter with the exponent
103 (x 1000), the load cycle symbol and the circle
(here: receiver).

means: 12 x 103 = 12000

output cycles

Compressor Press ↓-key a fifth time → and the display shows

servicing the operating time (in hours) until the compressor
servicing and the Running time and Servicing sym-
bols (spanner).

means: 500hrs until the next

compressor servicing

Motor servicing Press ↓-key a sixth time → and the display shows
the operating time until the next Motor servicing and
the symbols O (here for motor), running time and
servicing (spanner).

means: 1000hrs until the next

motor servicing

Next receiver Press ↓-key a seventh time → and the display

servicing/change shows the 1000-output cycle servicing counter with
of wearing parts the exponent 103 (x 1000), the Load-cycle symbol,
depending on the circle (here for receiver) and the servicing
output cycles symbol (spanner), meaning the number of possible
output cycles until the next receiver inspection or
change of wearing parts.
means: 20 x 103 = 20000 Load
cycles until the next receiver
servicing or change of wearing

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.9

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RATIO 1.4 Operation

Operation RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

Upper target Press ↓-key an eighth time → and the segment

pressure display shows the Upper target pressure and a
(network pressure) dash at the top right next to it.

means: PMax. = 10.0 bar

(cut out pressure)

Lower target Press ↓-key a ninth time → and the segment

pressure display shows the Lower target pressure and a
(network pressure) dash at the bottom right next to it.

means: PMin. = 9.0 bar

(cut in pressure)

Display Press ↓-key a tenth time → and the display shows

element test all symbols and segments together with the two
indicator lamps.

red green

Software-No. Press ↓-key an eleventh time → and the segment

display area shows the Software-No.

Software-Version Meaning
0xx xxx Screw compressor, all sizes
means Software-No. 1105 1xx xxx Screw compressor up to 22 kW
with frequency converter
2xx xxx Screw compressor bigger than 22 kW
with frequency converter
3xx xxx Piston compressor

Page 1.10 BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

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RATIO 1.4 Operation

Operation RATIO

Operating/control element Function Operation/Explanation

Press ↓-key a twelfth time → to return to the main

display. Press ↑-key - to watch the displays in the
reversed direction.
If no key is pressed for five minutes, the main
display automatically reappears.

Parameterization Normally the converter is under tension as soon as the I-key (On) is pressed
of frequency converter and the compressor motor starts. In case the frequency converter has to be
parameterized during motor stand-still – you only have to press the ↵-key
without running motor
– when the main display is shown – and the compressor is switched off.
Then the converter supply contactor starts up and the motor remains in stand-
still – the green LED is not illuminated.
By pressing the O-key (Off) the converter supply contactor drops out.

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.11

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RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

Error key table Error Meaning Compr.-

Each message is automatically No. cut-out
registered by the control, to- 1
0 Compr. air treatment (dryer or condensate drain gives error message) )
gether with the associated time,
thus putting an overview at the 1 Final compression temperature > 110°C, 230°F X
disposal of BOGE-Service. 2 Motor temperature too high X
3 Excessive current of vent. motor X
4 Incorrect direction of rotation X
5 Excessive compressor system pressure X
6 Excessive diff. pressure of intake filter
7 Excessive diff. pressure of oil filter
8 Excessive diff. pressure of oil separator
9 No output X
10 Motor servicing due
11 Compressor servicing due
12 System pressure decrease too slow
13 Frequency converter gives error message X
14 Temperature too low X
Suction control faulty (suction control or solenoid valve, if necessary clean
proportional controller)
16 Network pressure transmitter faulty X
System pressure increases too quickly (lack of oil, oil too old or even with
17 monitoring of the rotational direction a false rotational direction cannot be X
18 Master control tries to go below Pmin – cf parameterization "External output enable"
Previous net switch-on phase was too short (possible reasons: coil short-circuit
19 'solenoid valve', 'delta contactor' or 'ventilator contactor') → automatically
increased delay time in corr. with permissible number of motor switch cycles
20 Master control tires to exceed Pmax – cf parameterization "External output enable"
21 Receiver or wearing parts inspection due
22 Not assigned here
23 Not assigned here
24 Not assigned here
25 Control unit Reconciliation error X
26 Control unit O-key does not open X
27 Control unit I-key does not open X
28 Control unit i-key does not open
29 Control unit ↵-key does not open
30 Control unit "arrow up" does not open
31 Control unit "arrow down" does not open
32 Network pressure-transmitter wire breakage X
33 Compr.system pressure-transmitter wire breakage X
34 Compr.system pressure-transmitter faulty X
35 Excessive diff. pressure return valve
) adjustable
36 Bus Life-Bit did not toggle

Page 1.12 BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

RATIO.pm6.5 - GB
RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

General The control unit calculates from the current operating data the respective
best operating mode and automatically selects it.
The parameters are adjustable.
In order to prevent unintentional changes to pre-set parameters, these
parameters are codeword-protected.

Never change the value of a parameter if you do not know what it means!
This may cause incorrect behaviour of the control unit!
Do not experiment with parameter settings!
Always call BOGE-Service if you are unsure or have any doubts.

Parameterization In general the following is applicable: If a parameterization, as described

below, is started at the top right in the display the symbol appears and
the set value or status blinks.

Enter Parameterization 1. Display Software-No. (see Software No.).

Code 2. Press ENTER ↵ → and the parameterization symbol is shown on the
left, followed by three zeros, the left of which blinks.
3. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first digit.
4. Press ↵ → and now the middle zero blinks.
5. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the second digit.
6. Press ↵ → and now the right zero blinks.
7. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the third digit.
8. Press ↵ → the display will now branch off depending on the set number
– if the value is invalid the main display will reappear.
Each parameterization is automatically registered by the control, together
with the associated time, thus putting an overview at the disposal of BOGE-

Set the compressor The servicing interval memory can be set to a value between 300 and
servicing interval 9900 hours in one hundred hours increments as long as the interval time
and restart limit is monitored by the control – if it is not used it has to be set to 10000 h,
as it stops the down counter.
1. Enter Code 111 as described under coded parameterization → and the
display shows the compressor servicing interval in blinking digits (Com-
pressor servicing).
2. Press the ↑ or ↓-key to change the value in big steps.
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking
value, and the main display reappears.

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.13

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RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

Set the motor The motor servicing interval memory can be set to a value between 500 and
servicing interval 29900 hours in one hundred hours increments as long as the motor interval
and restart time limit is monitored by the control – if it is not used it has to be set to 30000 h,
as it stops the down counter.
1. Enter Code 222 as described under coded parameterization → and the
display shows the compressor servicing interval in blinking digits (Motor
2. Press the ↑ or ↓-key to change the value in big steps.
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking value,
and the main display reappears.

Set load cycles The output cycles servicing interval memory can be set to a value between
dependent servicing / 100,000 and 1,900,000 cycles in increments of onehundredthousand, as long
inspection and restart as the output cycles servicing interval is monitored by the control – if it is not
used it has to be set to 2,000,000 cycles as it stops the down counter.
1. Enter Code 333 as described under coded parameterization → and the
display shows the receiver inspection interval in blinking digits (receiver
inspection/change of wearing parts).
2. Press the ↑ or ↓ keys to change the value in big steps.
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking value,
and the main display reappears.

Change target If changes are made to these target values, the value of Pmin is automatically
pressure values held or brought outside any applicable minimum hysteresis range.
(Pmax and Pmin) 1. Enter Code 360 as described under coded parameterization → and the
display shows the upper target pressure value, but blinking.
2. Press ↑ or ↓-key to change the value.
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking value,
and the lower target pressure value apears (blinking).
4. This value can now be changed by pressing the ↑ or ↓-key.
5. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking value,
and the main display reappears.
6. It is not permissible to set the bottom pressure target value below the
stipulated pmin value. In case this should be necessary please contact
BOGE-Service beforehand.

Page 1.14 BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

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RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

External If the output of a compressor is to be enabled by a higher level control unit,

output enable its parameterization must be changed as follows:
1. Enter Code 210 as described under parameterization → and the display
! shows from Fig.  on the left. The 'zero' at the top right blinks. This dis-
 play means: no additional enabling device is programmed.
2. Press ↓-key to switch to Fig.  – ↑-key to switch back. Digit One and
the bottom symbol 'external output release' are blinking.
This display means: enabling device (e.g., MCS) is enabled via input
! 'Pressure control' (for potential-free contact) – see also 'Switching Local/
Remote via key switch' and 'RS485-Bus-address setting'. If the ↵-key is
 pressed during this, one of the following pictures appears  +  –:
Fig. 3: The three top dashes and the 1 are blinking. The P and the three
top dashes mean, that falling below the network pressure (Manometer 21)
Pmin starts a load operation, even with an open input 'Pressure control'
– number '18' is displayed and the "warning" relay is activated – thus ac-
 tuating the operating mode. Press ↓-key to switch to Fig.  – press ↑ to
toggle back –:
Fig. 4: The falling and rising (dotted) pressure curve and digit 0 are blink-
ing. This figures means that due to the open input 'Pressure control' a
falling below the network pressure Pmin is possible (as e.g. at night and
 over the weekend).
Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM as per the blinking
symbol, and the main display reappears.
In the bottom display the symbol appears. The following applies
even with external enabling: If the upper target pressure value in the
 compressor is exceeded, the output will be shut off. Only when the the
pressure drops to the lower target pressure value the external control
If the ↵-key under point 2 was not pressed, press ↓-key to change to Fig. 
– press ↑ to toggle back –:
Digit Two and the two bottom symbols 'external output release' and 'on-
line' are blinking. This display means: enabling device (e.g., master con-
trol) is enabled via a serial interface, if the input 'external output release'
is closed – see also 'Switching Local/Remote via key switch' and 'RS485-
Bus-address setting'.
3. Press ↓-key, if convenient (not with key switch function) to switch to Fig.
– press ↑ to toggle back.
Manometer '22' and digit 3 are blinking. This setting means that a limiting
suction pressure switch (continuous output control) is connected to the
input 'Pressure control'.
4. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM as per the blinking
symbol, and the main display reappears. If the compressor is set for an
output enabling device (e.g. mode 2), the bottom of the main display shows
the appropriate Symbol . The following applies even with exter-
nal enabling: If the upper target pressure value in the compressor is ex-
ceeded, the output will be shut off. Only when the the pressure drops
to the lower target pressure value the external control resumes.

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RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

Proportional control The limiting suction pressure switch (min. output) of a proportional control is
(not in the case of frequency – in case of a single compressor (without higher-level pressure control ) –
regulated compressors) connected to the input external output enable – cf point 3 (external output
If the proportional control is used in connection with a suitable higher-
level control, the limiting suction pressure switch is connected directly to the
higher-level control and this control subsequently to the input external output
enable, which then has to be parameterized correspondingly – cf point 2 and
3 (external output enable).

Timer A timer can either be connected individually or in combination with a propor-

tional control or a higher-level control. The parameterization has to be done
according to the following table:

Timer at input 'external output enable' External output enable

alias 'Pressure control' – ... Parameteriz. Sub-
no. parameteriz. no.
single 1 0
series connection with higher-level control 1 0
and pressure control via RS485 (as e.g. Profibus DP) 2 not available
series connection with limiting suction
3 not available
pressure switch for proportional control

Switching If a key switch is switched to 'Remote' for the first time or if Code 770 was
Local-Remote entered after the control unit was able to register a key switch, one of the
via key switch figures on the left appears.
1. Number One and the symbol 'Remote On-Off' are blinking. Fig.  means,
! that the key switch exclusively refers to the selection of switching sources
for the readiness for operation of the compressor (green LED). If this set-
 ting is selected, the parameterization 'Remote On-Off Switching' automati-
0 I
cally appears – otherwise to be reached via Code 451.
2. Press ↓-key to switch to Fig.  – ↑-key to switch back. Number Two and
the symbol 'external output release' are blinking. This figure means, that
the key switch exclusively refers to the selection of control sources for
 the network air pressure (master control or individual pressure sensor).
If this setting is selected, the parameterization 'external output release'
appears automatically – otherwise to be reached via Code 210.
3. Press ↓-key to switch to Fig.  – ↑-key to switch back. Number Three
and the symbole 'Remote On-Off' and 'external output release' are blink-
 ing. This figure means, hat the key switch refers either to the selection
of switching sources for the readiness for operation of the compressor
0 I
(green LED) or to the selection of control sources for the network air
pressure (master control or individual pressure sensor). If this setting is
selected, the parameterization 'external output release' appears auto-
matically – otherwise to be reached via Code 210 – and 'Remote On-Off
Switching' automatically appears – otherwise to be reached via Code 451.

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RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

4. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM as per the blinking

symbol and the corresponding additional parameterization figures, as
described under the respective headlines, appear. Mode '0' does not make
any sense here and is therefore not displayed.

Remote On-Off Each time the control is activated by parameterization, afterwards a blinking
control time value appears, which is described under Network independent On-Off-
memory (Auto-Restart). Likewise it can be changed after having selected the
! On-Off-memory function.
This value is used as a start delay time, if the control was set to 'Remote' –
c via key switch or parameterization – with closed control room contact directly
after a power failure.
If the compressor has to be switched on and off from a control room, the
parameterization has to be set to the 2nd, 3rd or 4th of the following figures:
1. Enter Code 451 as described under parameterization and the display
d shows Fig.  on the left: The Zero on the top right blinks. This display
means: On/off switching is only possible using the keys of the control
0 I
2. Press ↓-key to switch to Fig.  –↑-key to switch back. Digit One and the
symbol 'Remote On-Off' are blinking. This display means: Neither the key-
e board of the control unit nor the serial interface but exclusively the Input
for Remote On-Off switch (continuous contact) are used for cut-in and
cut-out (green LED) – see also Switching Local-Remote via key switch.
3. Press ↓-key to switch to Fig  –↑-key to switch back. Digit Two and the
symbol ‚online‘ are blinking. This display means: the compressor is exclu-
f sively switched on or off via the optional serial Interface 'RS485', plug-
able into the control unit – the keyboard and the input for Remote On-Off
0 I switch (continuous contact) are not considered – see also 'Switching Local-
Remote via key switch' and 'RS485-Bus-Address setting'.
4. Press ↓-key to switch to Fig  –↑-key to switch back. Digit Three and the
symbole 'Remote On-Off' and 'online' are blinking. This display means:
The compressor is either switched on or off via the Input for Remote
On-Off switch (continuous contact) or via the optional serial Interface
'RS485', plugable into the control unit, but not by the keys of the control
unit. If the continuous contact is opened, the compressor cut out – see
also Switching Local-Remote via key switch. If the continuous contact is
closed, switching on/off is possible via the serial interface – see also
'Switching Local-Remote via key switch' and 'RS485-Bus-Address setting'.
5. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM as per the blinking
symbol and if the above figure is selected the main display reappears.
Otherwise, the figure shown under Network independent On-Off-Storage
(Auto-Restart) point 3 appears.
If the compressor is set to a Remote-On-Off switch, at the bottom of the main
display the corresponding symbol is shown. Then the compressor
can only be switched on/ff from Remote. The Emergency Off function is not
concerned. It remains unchanged.

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.17

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RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

Enable network Normally a compressor always assumes an OFF status directly after an
independent ON-OFF electrical power failure.
memory (Auto-Restart) However, after a power failure there is an option to automatically restart the
compressor with a set delay time, also acknowledged in combination with a
parameterization Remote On/Off – after mains return, automatically delayed
– see also power failure protection – repair. This is done as follows:
 1. Enter Code 134 as described under parameterization → and the display
shows Fig.  on the left: The 'line' at the top right blinks.
This display means: no remembering of On-Off status (no automatic
standby) after a power failure.
2. Press ↑ or ↓-keys to switch to figure  on the left (press again to toggle
 back...): The 'curve' at the top right blinks. This display means: Remember-
ing of the On-Off status even after a power failure (Auto-Restart).
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM acc. to the blinking
symbol. If the top symbol was selected, the main display is shown. Other-
wise figure  on the left appears: The number 120 blinks. The quotation
 mark symbol here stands for seconds. Press the ↑ or ↓-key to change the
4. Press ↵-key to overwrite the EEPROM with the blinking value and the
main display appears with the at the bottom right.

Idling control for After an output phase the compressor switches to an idling phase before
extremely short decreasing the system pressure and finally switching into stand-by. For com-
operation times pressors with special ventilation an additonal after-running time is necessary
to avoid the formation of condensate in the compressor. The after-running
(Change after-running time can be adjusted as follows:
time) 1. Enter Code 019 as described under parameterization → and the display
shows Fig.  on the left: The digit (here 1) blinks. The quotation mark
symbol here stands for seconds. A run-out curve is indicated on the two
right positions.
2. Press the ↑ or ↓-key to change the value. Above 119 minutes appear and
the apostrophe symbol instead of the quotation mark symbol.
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking value,
and the main display reappears.

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RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

Set continuous mode If pressure drops in relatively small receiver/pneumatic network volumes must
be avoided at any price, continuous operation can be set as follows – if no
continuous control was parameterized in connection with a single compressor:
 1. Enter Code 733 as described under parameterization → and the display
shows Fig.  on the left.
The shading of the left arrow blinks.This means: automatic power economy
operating mode selection.
2. Press the ↑ or ↓-key to change to Fig.  on the left. (press again to toggle
The shading of the right arrow blinks. This means: continuous operation.
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking sym-
bol, and the main display from the selected symbol appears.

Anti freeze operation The compressor is set to automatically start an idling phase – in star mode
(only in mode i.e. without switching on a probably existing ventilator motor – from standby
ready for operation) when the temperature drops to below + 4°C. During this phase in the main
display a thermometer blinks left of the temperature display. The idling phase
is finished as soon as the min. after-running time or + 20°C final compression
temperature are reached.

This anti-freeze function can be switched off as follows:
1. Enter Code 056 as described under parameterization → and the display
shows Fig.  on the left: the 'curve' left of the thermometer blinks.
This display means: automatic idling phase in frost.
2. Press ↑ or ↓-key to change to Fig.  on the left (press again to toggle

back...) The 3x dotted line left of the thermometer blinks.
This display means: no automatic running phase in frost, shown by means
of the right dash as to the thermometer.
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking sym-
bol, and the main display from the selected symbol appears.

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RATIO 1.5 Control Parameterization

RS 485-Bus-Address The control is already set for a bus coupler (BOGE-Bus-Address 32) for each
compressor according to customer specifications – as e.g. for Profibus. If
! used another communication of RS485 then the following action is necesarry:
 1. Enter Code 830 as described under parameterization → the display shows
one of the following fig.  or .
2. Press ↑ or ↓-key to select the picture (bobus = BOGE-Bus, rtu = Modbus
type RTU) and quit by ↵-key. Depending upon selection one of the two
! following fig. appears  or :
 With the BOGE-Bus only the desired address (flashing here 32) is to be
selected and quit by ↵-key, while with the Modbus-RTU after confirmation
of the address (flashing here on 0 = offline) by the key ↵, if address >0,
still additionally the Baud rate and the data format are adjustable as fol-
! lows fig. :
first the number 96 (= 9600 Baud) flashes – after confirmation by the ↵-
 key 8E1 flashes (8E1 = 8 data bits, parity check of Even and 1 stop bit).
By means of key ↑ or ↓ then the necessary combination can be selected
(n = not parity check, o = odd).
3. Press ↵-key to overwrite the non-volatile EEPROM with the blinking value,
and the main display reappears.
 A blinking Online symbol refers to a fault in the RS485 connection.

Parameter overview Code Function Page

019 Idling control for extremely short operation times 1.18
056 Anti freeze operation (only in mode ready for operation) 1.19
111 Set the compressor servicing interval and restart 1.13
134 Network independent ON-OFF memory (Auto-Restart) 1.18
210 External output enable 1.15
222 Set the motor servicing interval and restart 1.14
Set load cycles dependent servicing / inspection
333 1.14
and restart
360 Change target pressure values (Pmax and Pmin) 1.14
451 Remote On-Off control 1.17
733 Set continuous mode 1.19
770 Switching Local-Remote via key switch 1.16
830 Set RS 485-Bus-Address 1.20

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RATIO 1.6 Faults – General

General The tables on the following pages give information on the possible causes of
operating faults and measures for their rectification.

Ensure that any work required to rectify faults is only carried out by trained
personnel or specialists.
Ensure that components which have a safety function are only set, repaired
or exchanged by BOGE Service!

Please contact BOGE-Service at the following telephone number, if you have

any questions.
 ++49 / 52 06 / 6 01-0

Automatic monitoring All data is stored in a memory module (EEPROM), which can be electrically
of the control systems written on and deleted.
If a fault occurs while the data stored in the EEPROM is being read, the con-
trol system will react as follows:
– The compressor is switched off.
– The following fault message appears in the display.

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.21

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RATIO 1.7 Fault messages of the control

Fault If the control unit registers an Error, the compressor is immediately and
without an idling phase – automatically shutdown, the error Relay drops and
on the right next to the actual pressure value there blinks a number next to
the red indicator lamp:
– the blinking number indicates the registered cause (see also message
key table under error messages).


Acknowledge Display the message – e.g. by pressing the i-key. Press ↵-key to cancel
messages the display and acknowledge the message. The main display appears, if the
cause for the fault was rectified.

Fault Possible cause Rectification
Excessive final Ambient temperature too Employ suitable measures to improve the air inlet
1 compression
high and ventilation in the installation room
Cooling unit soiled Clean cooling unit externally
Insufficient cooling air Keep air inlet opening to the compressor clean;
quantity check to ensure that any existing cooling air duct
systems are adequatly dimensioned
Insufficient oil quantity Top up oil
Temperature sensor defec- Replace temperature sensor or repair the wire
tive or wire break break

Frequency Motor overload! Ensure correct voltage conditions:

13 converter /
Power input too high
caused by undervoltage
Constant voltage in accordance with IEC 38

Insufficient cooling Ensure better cooling of motor / frequency con-

of motor / verter:
frequency converter improve ventilation of the installation room;
clean cooling unit and supply air filter
Motor soiled Clean motor cooling air supply
Excessive system pressure Exchange oil separator cartridge
Network pressure Psoll / Pmax Reduce net pressure to prevent compr. building up
too high a compr. load above approved max. pressure
PTC resistor defective or Overhaul motor

Compressed air Malfunction of the Service or repair compressed air treatment unit
0 treatment
connected compressed air
treatment unit
This message does not lead to a switch-off of the
compressor in the standard configuration

Page 1.22 BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors

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RATIO 1.7 Fault messages of the control

Fault Possible cause Rectification
Rotational 2 phases of power cable Change the 2 phases of the power cable
4 directio (option) incorrectly poled (incorrect
rotary field connected)

Pressure Excessive pressure due Replace oil separator cartridges

5 limitation to soiled oil separator
Ball valve at compressor Open ball valve
outlet closed

Suction filter Soiled filter cartridge Clean or replace cartridge

6 (option) Defective low pressure Replace pressure switch

Oil filter Soiled filter cartridge Replace cartridge

7 (option) Defective differential Replace pressure switch
pressure switch

Oil separator Soiled filter cartridge Replace cartridge


System pressure Air relief valve does not Check air relief valve and replace, if necessary
9 build-up close
Suction controller does not Check suction controller and replace, if necessary
Leakage in system Check system, eliminate leaks

Temperature Ambient temperature too Apply anti-freeze measures

14 too low low

Suction con- Vent valve / quick acting Clean valves or replace wearing parts
15 trol defective starting valve does not close

Network Network pressure trans- Replace network pressure transmitter or

16 pressure trans-
mitter faulty
mitter defective or wire
re-establish electrical connection

BOGE RATIO compressor control for screw compressors Page 1.23

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RATIO 1.7 Fault messages of the control

Fault Possible cause Rectification
Master Master control defective Check supply voltage of master control
18 control
Parameterization of external output enable

Control unit Error loading software Reload software or replace control unit
25 EPROM / recon-
ciliation error
Control unit defective

Control unit Control unit defective Replace control unit

26 Key (Off) O
does not open

Control unit Control unit defective Replace control unit

27 Key i
does not open

Control unit Control unit defective Replace control unit

28 Key (ON) I
does not open

Control unit Control unit defective Replace control unit

29 Key Enter ↵
does not open

Control unit Control unit defective Replace control unit

30 Key
does not open

Control unit Control unit defective Replace control unit

31 Key
does not open

Network press. Network pressure trans- Replace network pressure transmitter or

32 transmitter
mitter defective or wire
re-establish electrical connection

System press. System pressure trans- Replace system pressure transmitter or

33 transmitter
mitter defective or wire
re-establish electrical connection

System press. System pressure trans- Replace system pressure transmitter

34 transmitter
mitter faulty

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RATIO 1.8 Warning messages of the control

Warning Possible cause Rectification
Compressed air Warning See operating instructions for compressed air
0 pre-processing

Motor Servicing intervals See operating instructions for servicing

10 servicing due

Compressor Servicing intervals See operating instructions for servicing

11 servicing due

Suction control Warning Check suction controller

15 and / or
Check solenoid valve
Check continuous output control (option)

Receiver Servicing intervals Inspect receiver acc. to local rules and / or replace
21 inspection
due or replace
wearing parts

wearing parts

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