Learning Area: P.E.H Quarter: 2
Learning Area: P.E.H Quarter: 2
Learning Area: P.E.H Quarter: 2
Name of Teacher RIZZA MEA DOLOSO Date:
Learning Area: P.E.H Quarter: 2nd semester
Quarter Duration: One Hour ( Good for one week) Topic: Modern Arnis Essentials
Competencies: The learner
1. Discuss the nature of the different sports activities (PEH11FH-II-a-18)
2. Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment. (PEH11FH-
Students will have a deeper understanding towards the different types of
Essential Understanding
active physical activities.
The learners demonstrates understanding of fitness and exercise in
Content Standard optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for physical education
performance and as a career opportunity.
The learners lead fitness events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
Performance Standard independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.
Elements of the
Lesson Plan
- How will I make the
learners ready? The teacher will show a video about Arnis that
- How do I prepare the shows the different strikes and if they already done
learners for the new with the video presentation, ask the following
lesson? questions:
- How will I connect my What can you say about the video being shown?
new lesson with the past How it is related to our topic?
The teacher will group the students in to 4 groups.
Presentation The students will compare and contrast the
- (How will I present the characteristics of Arnis in the different combative
new lesson? sports.
- What materials will I Ask students the following questions:
use? What do you observe about the strikes of
- What generalization Arnis. Discuss it.
/concept /conclusion
/abstraction should the The students should be able to answer the
learners arrive at? following questions:
What are the different strikes of Arnis?
Where does Arnis originated?
Abstraction Modern Arnis Essentials
Assessment Matrix
Assessment What will I How will I
Based on DepEd Memo How will I score?
assess? assess?
No. 8, S.O 2015 Written Work Knowledge Identification Points system
Performance Task
Name of Teacher JR D. AMANTE Date:
Learning Area: P.E.H Quarter: 2nd SEMESTER
Quarter Duration: One Hour( Good for one week) Topic: Basic Rules in Arnis
Competencies: The learner
1. Enumerate the mechanics and rules and regulations in playing arnis.
2. Explain the mechanics and rules and regulations in playing arnis.
Assessment Matrix
Assessment What will I How will I
Based on DepEd Memo How will I score?
assess? assess?
No. 8, S.O 2015 Written Work Knowledge Identification Points system
Performance Task
Reseacrh about the volleyball essentials and write its origin and backgroud
in a one whole sheet of paper.
Re-teach Modify some aspects/processes Proceed to the next
Instructional Decision
Others (Please specify):
Name of Teacher JR D. AMANTE Date:
Learning Area: P.E.H Quarter: 2nd SEMESTER
Quarter Duration: One Hour( Good for one week) Topic: Basic Rules in Arnis
Competencies: The learner
3. Enumerate the mechanics and rules and regulations in playing arnis.
4. Explain the mechanics and rules and regulations in playing arnis.
Assessment Matrix
Assessment What will I How will I
Based on DepEd Memo How will I score?
assess? assess?
No. 8, S.O 2015 Written Work Knowledge Identification Points system
Performance Task
Reseacrh about the volleyball essentials and write its origin and backgroud
in a one whole sheet of paper.
Re-teach Modify some aspects/processes Proceed to the next
Instructional Decision
Others (Please specify):
Name of Teacher JR D. AMANTE Date:
Learning Area: P.E.H Quarter: 2nd SEMESTER
Quarter Duration: One Hour (Good for one week) Topic: Volleyball Essentials.
Competencies: The learner
1. Discuss the History of Volleyball.
2.Identify the equipment and terminology used in Volleyball.
Assessment Matrix
Assessment What will I How will I
Based on DepEd Memo How will I score?
assess? assess?
No. 8, S.O 2015 Written Work Knowledge Identification Points system
Performance Task
Name of Teacher JR D. AMANTE Date:
Learning Area: P.E.H Quarter: 2nd SEMESTER
Quarter Duration: One Hour (Good for one week) Topic: Volleyball Rules and Regulations
Competencies: The learner
1.Engages in moderate physical activities for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a
variety of settings in a school.( PEH11FH-IIa-t-8)
2.Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of rules and facilities.
Assessment Matrix
Assessment What will I How will I
Based on DepEd Memo How will I score?
assess? assess?
No. 8, S.O 2015 Written Work Knowledge Identification Points system
Performance Task