Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Relationships – a type of connection existing between people
related to or having communication with each other (could be
friendly, romantic or intimate).
We form relationships as we are born (parents, siblings, family)
As we move outside the home, friends, teachers and neighbours
become important
As we get older new relationships form (teacher, student,
employer, employee)
Involves a connection between people
We come into contact with many people but few will be
Healthy Unhealthy
Good communication Bad communication
Healthy friendships No trust
Good social life Unfair fights
Trust Other person tries to change
Happiness you/manipulation
Love Lies
Equality Lack of understanding
Mutual Respect No fun
Humour Jealousy
Be yourself/no fear Abuse – emotional, sexual,
Still independent people physical
Laughter Low self-esteem
Common interests Power issues
Support No common ground
Fair fights/arguments Judging
Benefits of Relationships
Sharing hopes and dreams
Someone is there for you
Shared culture or religion
Someone to have fun with
Love Companionship
Shared interests
Stages of Relationships
According to research, there are many stages that a couple goes
through in their relationship together. These stages are:
1. Attachment & Courting “Dating”
2. Differences & Power Struggles
3. Identity Formation
4. Balance & Unconditional Acceptance