When Trust Has Been Betrayed
When Trust Has Been Betrayed
When Trust Has Been Betrayed
BYU Conference
October 19, 2012
Dan Gray, LCSW, CSAT
LifeSTAR Network
[email protected]
In order to tolerate their own ambiguity and lies they devalue and
diminish their partners.
They externalize and blame their unmet needs on the spouse. thereby feeling entitled to act out.
They deny their spouses reality - leaving the spouse doubting
When caught, theyre terrified of abandonment - and will use
seduction, regret, lies, blame or manipulation to try to keep the
Their needs, wants and desires often come before relationship and
They dont understand what broken trust means as they think of it in
limited terms.
Your Sexually Addicted Spouse, How Partners can Cope and Heal, Barbara Steffens, Phd & Marsha Means, MA, 2009, New Horizon
Relational Trauma
Relational trauma overwhelms the coping strategies and
can define the relationship as a source of danger rather
than a safe haven in times of stress.
Fear of abandonment is the fundamental
human fearit is so basic and so profound that
it emerges even before we develop a language
to describe it. It is so powerful that it activates
our bodys autonomic nervous system, causing
our hearts to race, our breathing to become
shallow and rapid, our stomachs to quiver, and
our hands to shake. We feel a sense of panic
that will not be assuageduntil we regain a
feeling of security.
Your Sexually Addicted Spouse, How Partners can Cope and Heal, Barbara Steffens, Phd & Marsha Means, MA, 2009,
New Horizon Press
Symptoms of Trauma
Outburst of anger or rage
Hyper-vigilant (excessive alertness or watchfulness)
Worrying or ruminating
Intrusive thoughts of the trauma
Tendency to isolate
Difficulty concentrating or remembering
Feelings of detachment
Concern over burdening
Under or overeating
Shock and disbelief
Diminished interest in
everyday activities
Preoccupation with body
Mistaken Responses to
Trauma and Triggers
The Victim Stance
Turn the Table
Ignore and Avoid
Stuck in Logic and Reason
Open and Shut Case
Creating Safety
When Trust Has Been
Creating Safety
Achieving Sobriety
Doing Whatever it Takes
Becoming Intentional and Proactive
Battling for your Partners Heart
Achieving Sobriety
Re-traumatized by Others
She can be traumatized by family, friends and
church leaders. Some husbands allow her to be
seen as the problem. He needs to champion
her by acknowledging to others his
responsibility for her trauma.
Your Sexually Addicted Spouse, How Partners can Cope and Heal, Barbara Steffens, Phd & Marsha Means, MA, 2009, New Horizon Press
He Restoreth My Soul, Dr. Don Hilton
Confronting Pornography, Chamberlain, Gray, Reid
Dont Call It Love, Dr. Patrick Carnes
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, The Journal of Treatment and Prevention
The Toolbox: Ready Reference Guide for Recovery, LifeSTAR Network, 2005.
Ted Talks.com video, Brene Brown
Workbook, Connections: Shame Resiliance Curriculum (2007,2009, Hazel.org bookstore, Brene Brown.
Cybersex and Social Networking
Smart Phones, Social Networking, Sexting and Problematic Sexual Behavior, Robert Weiss, Charles Simonows 2010,
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, The Journal of Treatment and Prevention
Cybersex Users, Abusers and Compulsives, Cooper, Delmonico, Burg 2000, Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, The
Journal of Treatment and Prevention
Mindfulness/The Brain
Mindsight, The New Science of Personal Transformation, Daniel J. Siegel, MD, 2010, Bantam Books
He Restoreth My Soul, Dr Don Hilton
Surviving Withdrawal, LifeSTAR Network, 2005
Your Brain on Joy, Dr. Earl Henslin
Dharma Talks.org
Amenclinics.com, Dr. Daniel Amen
Resources continued
Your Sexually Addicted Spouse, How Partners can Cope and Heal, Barbara Steffens, Phd & Marsha Means, MA, 2009,
New Horizon Press
Intimate Treason, Healing the Trauma for Partners confronting Sex Addiction, Claudia Black, PhD & Cara Tripodi, LCSW,
2012, Central Recovery Press
Creating Safety, LifeSTAR Network 2005
Confronting Your Spouses Pornography Problem, Reid, Gray
The Toolbox for Partners: A Ready Reference Guide for Recovery, LifeSTAR Network, 2005.
Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Reid, Carpenter, Spackman and Willes, 2008; 34 (2): 133-49
Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20)
Trauma/Attachment/Affect Regulation
Addiction as an Attachment Disorder, Phillip J. Flores, PhD, 2004, Roman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Hold Me Tight, Susan Johnson
Schore & Schore; Modern Attachment Theory: The Central Role of Affect Regulation in Development and Treatment
Affect Regulation Allan N. Schore
Bowlby (1991) On Emotion, Non-verbal Communication, Attitude and Action
Still Face Video, You Tube