MECH3410 Lab Report
MECH3410 Lab Report
MECH3410 Lab Report
The mechanics regarding the streamline and fluid flow around an aerofoil is significant in various applications
that are frequently seen in today’s technology. With the advantage of wind tunnel technologies, we can
further analyse the aerodynamic forces for a scale model and later on be applied to a full scaled design. With
this experiment, we hope to gain a better understanding of the surface pressures acting on complex shapes
caused by the fluid. Similarly, concepts such as separation, boundary layer growth and stagnation points are to
be investigated and analysed.
This experiment aims to investigate the effects of numerous air speeds and angle of attack on the lift and drag
forces of an aerofoil, thus justifying the concept behind the pressure distribution over the surface of a two-
dimensional aerofoil. Certain objectives for the experiment include:
Experimental Equipment
1. Low speed wind tunnel
2. CLARK Y 14% aerofoil
Experimental Procedure
1. The demonstrator will first discuss the general features of the wind tunnel and its operating
2. By eye, set the aerofoil to zero angle of attack.
3. If available, insert the Pitot-static tube and locate the tip of the probe on the tunnel centreline.
4. In steps of 100 RPM increase the fan speed and record the pressures from the differential pressure
transducer and the pitot tube. Stop when pressure reaches 500 Pa Use the formulae developed in
your pre-work to create a chart of fan speed vs velocity.
5. Run the tunnel to a stable speed of 10 m s−1
6. Set the wing to zero angle of attack and confirm that air speed is correct. You may have to adjust fan
speed to account for blockage created by the wing.
7. Record pressure readings for all the pressure tappings.
8. Plot a line of pressure vs chord position on the provided chart.
9. Repeat steps 6. to 8. at the following angles of attack: α = 0 deg, 10 deg, 15 deg.
10. Find and record the angle of attack αs at which stall occurs. A good indicator are the tufts attached to
the wing suction side.
11. Repeat steps 5. to 10. at the following speeds 20 m s−1 , maximum attainable. During the process,
check repeatability by returning to at least one setting and taking a second set of readings. Time
permitting take extra readings at α = 5◦
12. If available introduce the smoke rake just upstream of the wing. Observe and sketch the flow patterns
at various angles of attack, including at stall. NOTE: Anyone with respiratory sensitivity to the smoke
should inform the demonstrator and leave the laboratory.
13. (Optional) Determine the sensitivity of αs to U. (Choose values of speed, U that you think are
appropriate. Feel free to experiment carefully but do not exceed the maximum pressure difference of
500 Pa).
To calculate the fluid velocity associated with a desired fan speed desired, the differential pressure transducer
is measured from the machine and equation 10 was used. The equation was modified to look like this:
1 2
∆𝑃𝑝 = 𝜌𝑈 − (10)
𝑈= √ − (10𝑏)
The velocities acquired from the fan speed increments are shown in Table 1.
Fan Speed (RPM)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Velocity (m/s)
To run the wind tunnel at 10 m/s equation 10b could be used. Using the fan speed and velocity trendline from
the graph shown in Figure #, a linear equation was established to predict the fan speed with a given velocity
(i.e. 10 m/s). Doing this yields the fan speeds indicated in Tables # and # below.