Lab - 1 PH301
Lab - 1 PH301
Lab - 1 PH301
Mirate s11190270
Part 1:
1. The variable short was moved to its maximum receded position by rotating the adjusting screw.
2. The probe of the slotted line 16/3E was connected to the probe
3. The probe was moved along the slotted line and the rise and fall of the trace on the CRO was
noticed. Starting with the probe at the load end of the waveguide, each every 2mm the reading
was taken at every maximum and minimum at the CRO and recorded.
4. Graph was plotted of CRO reading versus distance
5. The wavelength was obtained from the graph
1. The probe was moved until the CRO reading reach maximum
2. Then the frequency meter was slowly adjusted until a sharp dip was seen at the signal on the
CRO. The micrometer on the frequency was recorded and used to calculate frequency. Using the
program called “Micrwav”. Knowing these values, the free space wavelength was calculated. This
wavelength was compared to the wavelength found inside the guide.
3. The velocity of wavelength in the guide was calculated using the guide wavelength and the
4. The inside dimension of the waveguide was measured with the calipers and compared with the
guide wavelength
5. After finding the dimensions of the waveguide the cut-off wavelength was calculated.
6. The theoretical value of 𝝀g and the experimental value were compared
7. Also, the impedance of the guide was calculated.
Part 3:
1. The micrometer of the variable short was adjusted to zero (short circuit)
2. The procedure in part 1 was repeated but instead of 2mm, 1mm is moved and from its result the
graph was plotted.
3. The variable short was receded and 5 readings were taken in-between the short position of the
variable short and the position and the position when the distance of 𝝀g/2 from the end.
4. The variable short was moved by the position of the 4 chosen in the above and the slotted line
position was noted of the second minimum from the load.
5. The maximum and the miximum were all measured in the slotted ling the average was calculated
6. VSWR was calculated using Vmax/Vmin.
7. Step 4 to 6 was repeated until the variable short is by 𝝀g/2 and results were recorded in table
8. Result was tabulated clearly showing the distance receded and VSWR
9. Graph of position 2nd minimum vs distance receded by the variable short was drawn
10. VSWR vs distance receded by the variable short was drawn
11. The variable short was removed and the wavelength was left open
12. The procedure in part 1 was repeated but the probe moved by 1mm
13. Graph was plotted and the 𝝀g was calculated accurately and VSWR was calculated. Then ith
graph was plotted and labeled as load = open circuit.
14. Each graph was compared and commented.
15. Now the termination 16/E was connected to the open end of the waveguide and the procedure
above was repeated.
Waves is a disturbance in a medium that carries energy and can take many forms example electric or
magnetic potential or temperature. They are used in communications and a waveguide is used to direct
transfer waves from one place to another. Waveguide is the physical structure that play the most
important part in transmission and manipulation of signals at microwave frequencies.
A waveguide works by making the waves travel in a organize path since waves travels in all directions as
they all should be. Therefore, a waveguide confined the electromagnetic waves into one or more path
that prevent interference and power loss. There are three types of waveguides; rectangular waveguide,
circular waveguide and dielectric waveguides. The most common type is the rectangular waveguide as
they are widely used in radar and can handle a wide range of frequencies. [1]
In Fiji, almost every aircraft is equipped with a microwave also called radio waves. This equipment are
shorter than 10cm long and is the most useful piece in aircraft as they provide communication in an
aircraft. This experiment will portray how to measure the wavelength in a waveguide, how to calculate
the velocity of the wave inside the waveguide and familiarize students on a ruff look on how the
waveguide works.
Part 1:
Table 1: readings at every 2mm
Slotted line distance
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
CRO voltage
Part 2:
Frequency: 10.278GHz
- Length 2.32cm
- Width 0.98cm
Part 3:
Table 2: CRO at every 1mm increment
Slotted line distance CRO voltage Slotted line distance CRO voltage
(+- 0.01) cm (+-0.0001) V (+-0.01) cm (+-0.0001) V
3.5 0.000 6.3 0.0095
3.6 0.000 6.4 0.008
3.7 0.002 6.5 0.0079
3.8 0.0021 6.6 0.0061
3.9 0.0032 6.7 0.005
4 0.0049 6.8 0.003
4.1 0.006 6.9 0.0021
4.2 0.0081 7 0.005
4.3 0.0092 7.1 0.006
4.4 0.0098 7.2 0.004
4.5 0.0095 7.3 0.003
4.6 0.009 7.4 0.002
4.7 0.0079 7.5 0.0035
4.8 0.0065 7.6 0.0055
4.9 0.0048 7.7 0.006
5 0.003 7.8 0.0073
5.1 0.0019 7.9 0.0085
5.2 0.005 8 0.0094
5.3 0.004 8.1 0.0098
5.4 0.006 8.2 0.0087
5.5 0.004 8.3 0.0075
5.6 0.0019 8.4 0.006
5.7 0.0032 8.5 0.004
5.8 0.005 8.6 0.003
5.9 0.007 8.7 0.0041
6 0.0083 8.8 0.006
6.1 0.0092 8.9 0.006
6.2 0.0098
Table 4: values of the variable short, position of the 2nd minimum and the VSWR
Position of 2nd minimum(V)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Variable short(cm)
Figure 1
Table 5: CRO values at 1mm increment for short variable open waveguide end
Slotted line Distance CRO Voltage Slotted line Distance CRO Voltage
(+-0.01) cm (+-0.0001) V (+-0.01) cm (+-0.0001) V
3.5 0.000 6.3 0.005
3.6 0.001 6.4 0.006
3.7 0.004 6.5 0.0062
3.8 0.0041 6.6 0.0053
3.9 0.0039 6.7 0.004
4 0.0029 6.8 0.003
4.1 0.0011 6.9 0.0015
4.2 0.001 7 0.006
4.3 0.003 7.1 0.002
4.4 0.0048 7.2 0.003
4.5 0.0055 7.3 0.004
4.6 0.006 7.4 0.004
4.7 0.0061 7.5 0.004
4.8 0.006 7.6 0.003
4.9 0.005 7.7 0.001
5 0.0035 7.8 0.002
5.1 0.0019 7.9 0.003
5.2 0.009 8 0.005
5.3 0.0015 8.1 0.006
5.4 0.003 8.2 0.006
5.5 0.004 8.3 0.0061
5.6 0.0041 8.4 0.0055
5.7 0.0035 8.5 0.0045
5.8 0.0025 8.6 0.0035
5.9 0.001 8.7 0.0025
6 0.001 8.8 0.002
6.1 0.003 8.9 0.0015
6.2 0.005 9 0.0015
Part 1:
= 2.6cm
𝝀g/2 = 2.6
𝝀g = 5.2cm
Part 2:
𝝀f = 2.919cm
Wave in the guide velocity
Vg = 𝝀gf
Vg = 5.344x1010cm/s
√( )()
m 2 n 2
Cutoff wavelength 𝝀c = 2/ + , m = 1 and n = 0
a b
√( 1 2
) ( )
𝝀 = 2/ +
2.32 0.98
𝝀c = 4.64 cm
𝝀g = 3.766cm
Zw = 377 x (3.766/2.919)
Zw = 490.38Ω
Part 3:
VSWR = Vmax/Vmin
VSWR = 0.0515/1
In the result section, part 1 is finding the wavelength by measuring the values in the CRO through an
increment of 2mm and was found after measuring the peak-to-peak point in the graph shown in figure 1.
This graph is formed from table 1. Part 2 of this experiment is finding the space wavelength which comes
to 2.919cm and was calculated by the obtained frequency and the measurement from the vernier
caliper. The velocity was then calculated and comes to 5.344x1010cm/s which is bigger than the free
space. The cut off frequency comes to 4.64cm which was calculated using the dimension of the guide.
Comparing the experimental values to the theoretical value there is a small different in between, the
value found during the experiment was 5.2cm compared with theoretical value is 3.766cm.
To conclude, after the experiment more knowledge was gained including understanding on the
characteristics of waves and how they are used and transferred. Throughout the experiment, the
experiment was considered a success since required results were gained in order to understand the work
of the waveguide in transferring wave. Velocity, frequency and wavelength found were prove that the
aim of this experiment was answered even though there is a slightly different in comparing this is due to
the fact of the equipment used