Pre-Board EST Glen

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Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. 11. Delaying the received signals in the MTI system permits them to be
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to combined with the next set of received signals so that only desired
the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
signals are displayed. The signals displayed are formed by which of the
Strictly no erasures allowed. Use pencil no. 1 only. following methods?
A. Addition C. Multiplication
NOTE: Whenever you come across a caret (^) sign, it means
exponentiation. B. Subtraction* D. Division
12. The maximum range at which a radar receiver can detect an object is
1. A one-hop transmission of a tropo-scatter system can travel what limited by which of the following factors?
maximum distance? A. Distance C. Power
A. 500 miles* C. 600 miles B. Noise* D. Distortion
B. 450 miles D. 700 miles 13. What component in a receiver AFC circuit produces an output voltage
2. Target resolution is the ability of a radar to distinguish between targets proportional in amplitude and polarity to any change in the intermediate
that are at nearly the same range and/or bearing. Range resolution is frequency?
dependent on which of the following factors? A. Mixer C. Demodulator
A. Pulse Amplitude and Target Size B. Discriminator* D. All of the above
B. Pulse Width and Target Size* 14. What constitutes the single most useful measurement you can make
C. Pulse Amplitude and Target Speed with the echo box?
D. Pulse Width and Target Size A. Call Time C. Voltage
3. The frequency of the returned signal increases when a target is B. Current D. Ring Time*
approaching and decreases when a target is moving away in which of 15. Fiber optics uses what medium to send information?
the following types of radar systems? A. EM Waves C. Light*
A. Hertzian Rule C. Doppler Effect* B. Sound D. All of the above
B. Field Effect D. None of the above 16. If a fixed-frequency radar transmitter is found to be off its normal
4. The type and method of scanning used a radar system depend upon operating band, which of the following corrective actions should be
which of the following radar system design considerations? taken?
A. Antenna Size C. Purpose of Radar A. Replace the defective part causing the error*
B. Type of Radar D. All of the above* B. Shield the end of the transmitter
5. Frequency-modulated radars transmit a wave that continuously C. Ensure proper branching between the transmission line and the
changes in frequency about a center frequency. Using frequency transmitter
modulation, the range to a target is determined by using which of the D. All of the above
following methods? 17. If a light wave passes from a less dense medium to a more dense
A. By comparing the frequency of the transmitted signal with the medium, how does the angle of refraction compare to the angle of
returned frequency from the target* incidence?
B. By comparing the frequency of the received signal with the A. More than the angle of incidence C. Both A and B
returned frequency from the target B. Less than the angle of incidence D. Neither A or B
C. By adding the frequency of the transmitted signal with the 18. A radius of curvature is larger than the fiber diameter in which of the
returned frequency from the target following types of fiber bends?
D. By comparing the frequency of the received signal with the A. Microbend C. Both A and B
returned frequency from the target B. Macrobend* D. Neither A or B
6. For proper operation of the magnetron, the modulator pulse must have 19. Compared to a low-order mode, the electrical and magnetic fields of a
which of the following characteristics? high-order mode are distributed more toward the center of a fiber.
A. A flat top C. A steep leading edge A. True C. Both A and B
B. A steep trailing edge D. All of the above* B. False D. Neither A or B
7. Which of the following components determines the pulse width of a 20. A step-index multimode fiber and a gradedindex multimode fiber have
power amplifier transmitter? the same core and cladding sizes and the same refractive index
A. The Mixer C. The Modulator* difference. Which fiber type, if either, will accept light more easily and
B. The Transmitter D. The Receiver have more propagating modes?
8. Using a frequency synthesizer instead of a heterodyning mixer as the A. Graded Index* C. Step Index
frequency generating source for a power-amplifier transmitter is an B. Intermodal Index D. Multimode Index
advantage because the frequency synthesizer 21. The total loss of a fiber optic connector should always remain below
A. Produces discrete frequencies over a narrow band which of the following values?
B. Produces discrete frequencies over a wide band * A. 4 dB C. 3 dB
C. Produces analog frequencies over a narrow band B. 2 dB D. 1 dB*
D. Produces analog frequencies over a wide band 22. When the distance between the ends of a fiber is measured with an
9. Why is it desirable that the duplexer quickly connect the receiver to the OTDR, the initial cursor should be placed at what point along the OTDR
antenna after the transmitted pulse? trace?
A. So that the transmitter power dissipated will be maximum A. Just before the connector or the splice at the beginning of the
B. So that the transmitter power dissipated will be minimum * fiber*
C. So that the receiver power dissipated will be minimum B. Just after the connector or the splice at the beginning of the fiber
D. So that the receiver power dissipated will be minimum C. Just before the connector or the splice at the end of the fiber
10. The action of TR-ATR circuits depends upon the impedance D. None of the above
characteristics of which of the following lengths of transmission line 23. Which of the following terms is defined as the current produced by an
segments? optical detector because of the optical energy incident on its active
A. ¼ wavelength* C. ½ wavelength area?
B. ¾ wavelength D. one wavelength A. Thermal Current C. Photocurrent*
B. Field Current D. All of the above

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24. What topology consists of equipments attached to one another in a A. Uniform Loading C. Bottom Loading
closed loop? B. Current Loading D. Top Loading*
A. Bus Topology C. Star Topology 37. What principle that states that the properties of an antenna are
B. Mesh Topology D. Ring Topology* independent of whether it is used for transmission or reception.
25. In what topology is each equipment connected to a common center A. Zoning C. Reciprocity*
hub? B. Antenna D. Reverberation
A. Bus Topology C. Star Topology* 38. The ratio comparing the power density generated by a practical
B. Mesh Topology D. Ring Topology
antenna in some direction, with that due to an isotopic antenna
26. What topology consists of a single transmission line that is shared by a
radiating the same total power.
number of equipment?
A. Directive Gain* C. Beamwidth
A. Bus Topology* C. Star Topology
B. Mesh Topology D. Ring Topology B. Polarization D. ERP
27. What is a diversity scheme that uses two (2) separate antennas and 39. The difference in dB between the loudest level of sound and the
receivers for each single transmitter? softest passage of sound is known as ____.
A. Frequency Diversity C. Space Diversity* A. Dynamic Range* C. SPL
B. Path Diversity D. Polarization Diversity B. Capture Range D. Fade Range
28. What is a diversity scheme that uses two (2) different frequencies in a 40. The highest frequency that can be used for skywave propagation
simplex path? between two specific points on earth’s surface.
A. Frequency Diversity* C. Space Diversity A. MUF C. OWF
B. Path Diversity D. Polarization Diversity B. Critical Frequency* D. All of the above
29. As per Philippine standard, frequency allocation of AM Radio 41. What is the bit rate of STS – 1
Broadcasting is from _____ to _____. A. 1.414 Mbps C. 51.84 Mbps*
A. 565 to 1605 kHz C. 120 to 1575 Hz B. 127.53 Mbps D. 200.53 Mbps
B. 526.5 to 1705 kHz * D. 300 to 1650 Hz
42. It is used in wireless applications in which stations must be able to
30. An ionosphere layer also termed as “absorption layer” because it
share the medium without interception by an eavesdropper and
absorbs most of the frequencies above 100 kHz is known as the ____
without being subject to jamming from a malicious intruder.
A. D- Layer* C. E Layer A. Spread Spectrum* C. Frequency Hopping
B. Es Layer D. F Layer B. Code Spreading D. All of the above
31. The lowest portion of the ionosphere that is useful for long-distance 43. It is a phenomenon caused by any support insulators used at the ends
communication by amateurs; about 100 to 115 km above the earth is of the wire antenna.
known as the ____ layer. This is often termed as the Kennelly-Heaviside A. End Effect* C. Field Effect
layer. B. Yield Effect D. Thermal Run-away Effect
A. D- Layer C. E Layer* 44. It is a modulation and multiplexing technique that distributes the signal
B. Es Layer D. F Layer and its sidebands over a very wide bandwidth.
32. A graph which shows the radiation in actual field strength of A. Spread Spectrum* C. Frequency Hopping
electromagnetic fields at all points which are at equal distance from the B. Code Spreading D. All of the above
antenna is known a _____. 45. A series of pulses, in which the timing of each pulse represents the
A. Beamwidth C. Gain amplitude of the information signal at a given time.
B. Radiation Pattern* D. Directivity
33. A satellite-dish owner has a 3 meter dish designed for C-band (4 GHz)
operation. The owner wants to use the same dish with a new feedhorn,
46. It is often defined as the loss incurred by an electromagnetic wave as
for Ku-band (12 GHz) satellites. What effect will the change in frequency
have on the gain and beamwidth of the antenna? it propagates in a straight line through a vacuum with no absorption or
A. Gain increases by 9.54 dB, beamwidth decreases to 1/3 of its reflection of energy from nearby objects.
former value. * A. Free Space Path Loss* C. Fade Margin
B. Gain increases by 12 dB, beamwidth decreases to 1/3 of its B. System Gain D. Receiver Loss
former value. 47. It is the only error-correction scheme that actually detects and corrects
C. Gain increases by 9.54 dB, beamwidth decreases to 1/4 of its transmission errors when they are received without requiring a
former value. transmission _____.
D. Gain increases by 12 dB, beamwidth decreases to 1/4 of its A. LRC C. FEC*
former value. B. VRC D. All of the above
34. Refers to the direction in space of electric vector of the 48. This OSI Layer is responsible for network availability, data storage and
electromagnetic wave radiated from an antenna and is parallel to the processor capacity. It also determines the type of dialogue available.
antenna itself. A. Network Layer C. Presentation Layer
A. Beamwidth C. Polarization* B. Session Layer* D. Physical Layer
B. Radiation Pattern D. Directivity 49. What means that 2 or more bits in the data unit have changed?
35. In Mobile Communications, IMSI stands for: A. Dibit C. Binary Digital Error
A. International Mobile SIM Identification B. Frame Error D. Burst Error*
B. International Mobile Subscriber Identification* 50. Line of sight communications is not a factor in which frequency range?
C. International Mobile Subscriber Identity A. HF* C. VHF
D. International Mail Service Identification B. UHF D. EHF
36. Placing a metallic array on the antenna effects to increase the current 51. Light transmission along an optical fiber is described by two theories.
at the base of the antenna, and also to make the current distribution Which theory is used to approximate the light acceptance and guiding
more uniform. What is this called? properties of an optical fiber?

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A. Reflection Theory C. Refraction Theory A. Fade Margin C. Free Space Loss

B. Ray Theory* D. Diffraction Theory B. Faraday Rotation* D. Field Resistance
52. Will an optical fiber's attenuation coefficient vary with changes in 66. Moving tube electrodes apart to decrease interelectrode capacitance
wavelength? causes an increase in the effect of what property?
A. Yes* C. Moderately A. Transit Time* C. Storage Time
B. No D. Depends on the situation B. Capacitive Resistance D. All of the above
53. In Manchester encoding, does a low-to-high light level transition 67. When the repeater potential is constant, what property of the electron
occurring in the middle of the bit duration represent a determines how long it will remain in the drift space of the reflex
A. Binary 1 C. Both A and B klystron?
B. Binary 0* D. None A. Electron Density C. Field Propagation
54. In NRZ code, does the presence of a high-light level in the bit duration B. Velocity* D. None
represent a 68. What is the primary difference between the pump signal of a simple
A. Binary 1* C. Both A and B parametric amplifier and the pump signal of a nondegenerative
B. Binary 0 D. None parametric amplifier?
55. When a wave is reflected from a surface, energy is transferred. When A. The pump signal of a nondegenerative parametric amplifier is
is the transfer of energy greatest? higher than twice the input signal.*
A. When the incident wave is nearly perpendicular with the surface. B. The pump signal of a nondegenerative parametric amplifier is
B. When the reflected wave is nearly perpendicular with the higher than four time the input signal.
surface. C. The pump signal of a nondegenerative parametric amplifier is
C. When the incident wave is nearly parallel with the surface.* lower than twice the input signal.
D. When the reflected wave is nearly parallel with the surface. D. The pump signal of a nondegenerative parametric amplifier is
56. A cavity that vibrates at its natural frequency produces a louder sound lower than four the input signal.
than at other frequencies. What term is used to describe this 69. The point on the current curve of a galliumarsenide semiconductor at
phenomenon? which it begins to exhibit negative resistance is called what?
A. Oscillation C. Resonance* A. Threshold* C. Inclination
B. Echo D. Feedback B. Inflection D. Fading
57. When a wide band of frequencies is transmitted simultaneously, each 70. There are not enough combinations of the fiveunit code to handle the
frequency will vary in the amount of fading. What is this variable fading alphabet, symbols and so forth. What is used to increase the number
called? of available code combinations?
A. Selective Fading* C. Tropospheric Fading A. Alternative Signals C. Shift Signals*
B. Terrain Fading D. All of the above B. Hidden Figures D. Fading
58. What type of polarization should be used if an antenna is mounted on 71. Why do earth terminals require highly sensitive receivers?
a moving vehicle at frequencies below 50 MHz? A. To provide a higher gain when the signals from the terrestrial
A. Horizontal Polarization C. Circular Polarization microwave system arrives
B. Vertical Polarization* D. Random Polarization B. To overcome satellite transmitter low power and permit
59. When more than two elements are used in a broadside array, how are extraction of the desired information from the received signal.*
the elements arranged? C. To ensure that the information will be received and converted
A. Parallel and in the same plane.* back to its original state
B. Series and in the same plane. D. All of the above
C. Parallel and in the different plane. 72. What are the effects of adverse weather on the laser beam?
D. Series and in the different plane. A. It absorbs it* C. It reflects it back to earth
60. What is the advantage of adding parasitic elements to a Yagi array? B. It provides a refraction D. All of the above
A. Increased Beamwidth C. Decreased Beamwidth 73. Overmodulating an rf carrier in amplitude modulation produces a
B. Increased Gain* D. Decreased Gain waveform which is similar to what modulated waveform?
61. Assuming the wall of a waveguide is perfectly flat, what is the angular A. Pulse Modulation* C. Distortion
relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of B. Aliasing D. Tracing
reflection? 74. What is the time constant of the resistor and capacitor in a peak
A. All angles are perpendicular C. All angles are parallel detector for PAM?
B. All angles are equal* D. Can’t be determined A. At least four times the period
62. What device is used to produce a gradual change in impedance at the B. At least ten times the interpulse period*
end of a waveguide? C. At most four times the interpulse period
A. Horn* C. Transmission Line D. At least ten times the period
B. Parabolic Dish D. Dipole 75. Rotation of an RF-feed source to produce a conical scan pattern is
63. The number of half-wave patterns in the "b" dimension of rectangular identified by what term?
waveguides is indicated by which of the two descriptive subscripts? A. Faraday Effect C. Nutation*
A. First C. Second* B. Elevated Rotation D. Feed Shift
B. Third D. Fourth 76. The effect on magnetron operation if the magnetic field strength is too
64. The basic principle of operation of a klystron. high?
A. Buncher Modulation C. Field Modulation A. The Magnetron will oscillate faster
B. Propagation Modulation D. Velocity Modulation* B. The Magnetron will start to create magnetic field around its core.
65. Rotating the plane of polarization of a wavefront by passing it through C. The Magnetron will produce higher efficiency
a ferrite device is called what? D. The Magnetron will not work*

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77. Receiver bandwidth is defined as those frequencies spread between 89. A parallel wire line spaced at 1.27 cm has a diameter of 0.21 cm.
what two points of the receiver response curve? What is the characteristic impedance?
A. Half-Power points* C. Full-Power points A. 200 Ohms C. 400 Ohms
B. Twice the Half power points D. None B. 300 Ohms* D. 500 Ohms
78. The end of the usefulness of a tr tube is indicated by an increase in 90. Calculate the velocity factor of a coaxial cable used as a transmission
what quantity? line, with the characteristic impedance of 50 ohms, capacitance is 40
A. Gain C. Loss pF/m, and inductance equal to 50 uH/m.
B. Forward Time D. Recovery Time* A. 0.0443 C. 0.0897
79. When the power input to your equipment is missing then the B. 0.0657 D. 0.0745 *
procedure should be ____. 91. The effective radiated power (ERP) of a repeater with 450 W
A. Attach a power source at the beginning to identify the fault transmitting power output, 4 dB feedline loss, 6 dB duplexer loss, 7 dB
B. Work backwards from load to source* circulator loss and feedline antenna gain of 25 dB?
C. Test each block for signal output A. 2839.31 W* C. 3456.77 W
D. Purchase a new equipment B. 1907.54 W D. 5632.45 W
80. Four telephone circuits are connected in tandem. What is the overall 92. Calculate the electric field intensity in millivolts per meter at 30 kW
S/N ratio if each circuit has a S/N of 30 dB. from a 5 km source.
A. 120 dB C. 24 dB* A. 673.4 mV/m C. 89.77 mV/m
B. 30 dB D. 48 dB B. 189.74 mV/m* D. 674.53 mV/m
81. The effective noise bandwidth of a parallel resonant circuit that has a 93. A certain earth station transmitter output power is 10 kW, transmitting
Q factor of 100 and resonant frequency of 5 MHz. antenna gain 100 dBi, receiving antenna gain 75 dBi, uplink and
A. 89.43 kHz C. 58.90 kHz downlink frequency of 2.4 GHz and 2 Ghz respectively. What is the
B. 78.54 kHz* D. 28.78 kHz received signal level at the satellite?
82. The effective noise bandwidth of a parallel tuned circuit with 5 k-ohms A. 7.71 uW * C. 8.81 uW
and 250 nF? B. 9.91 uW D. 10.1 uW
A. 200 Hz* C. 400 Hz 94. A mobile radio system base station is installed 50 meters above the
B. 300 Hz D. 500 Hz ground and transmits 150 W at 54 MHz. If the transmitting antenna
83. An AM receiver uses a double tuned IF transformer with coupling gain is 5.17, how far will the receiving antenna height is 30 m and the
constant of 1.5kc. The quality factor of the primary and secondary received field strength is 22 uV/m.
winding is 60 and 30 respectively. What is the bandwidth of the A. 283,773 m C. 153,313 m*
transformer if the IF is 455 MHz? B. 567,432 m D. 328,997 m
A. 12.87 kHz C. 19.87 kHz 95. The antenna beam 30 degrees above the ground for optimum
B. 15.90 kHz D. 16.38 kHz* transmission. Determine the transmission range, if ionospheric
84. A 200 V without modulation and 250 V with modulation is measured transmission is used and virtual height is 200 km. Assuming, the earth
across a 50 ohms resistive load using true RMS reading meter. What is flat.
is the overall efficiency without modulation if the transmitter draws 1.0 A. 787 km C. 534 km
kW of power from the AC line? B. 693 km* D. 882 km
A. 60% C. 80%* 96. A TV broadcast station has a transmitting antenna located 20 m above
B. 70% D. 90% the ground. What is the height above the ground of the receiving
85. An AM mobile transmitter supplies 5 kW of carrier power to a 50 ohms antenna 30 km from the transmitter?
load. The carrier signal is modulated by a 3 kHz sine wave to a depth A. 6.9 m C. 8.9 m
of 80% at a frequency of 10 MHz. Determine the peak voltage of the B. 7.9 m* D. 9.9 m
modulating signal. 97. Tw halfwave dipole antennas are positioned for optimum transmission
A. 565.7 V* C. 687.3 V and reception. Calculate the open circuit voltage induced in one half
B. 983.2 V D. 243.98 V wavelength dipole when 20 W of power at 250 MHz is radiated from
86. An FM receiver detects a 100 mV signal. A spurious signal is also another half wavelength dipole 100 km away.
detected by the receiver that resulted to an S/N of 40 dB at the A. 119.32 uV* C. 114.87 uV
detectors output. Determine the minimum S/N ratio at the detectors B. 200.78 uV D. 125.78 uV
output if the modulating frequency is 2 kHz and frequency deviation of 98. The phase separation of two antennas 3/8 wavelengths apart is ____.
50 kHz. A. 120 degrees C. 290 degrees
A. 15 dB C. 14 dB B. 135 degrees* D. 180 degrees
B. 13 dB D. 12 dB* 99. Consider a space diversity microwave radio system operating at an
87. A superheterodyne receiver uses two uncoupled tuned circuits, each RF carrier frequency of 2.4 GHz. Each station has a 2.4 meter
with a Q of 60. What is the image frequency rejection ratio of the diameter parabolic antenna that is fed by a 200 m of air filled coaxial
receiver if the signal frequency is 95.7 MHz and the IF is 10.7 MHz? cable. The terrain is rough, mountainous and dry. The distance
Assume high side injection is used in the mixer. between stations is 100 km. A reliability factor of 99.999% is desired
A. 24.62 dB C. 88.76 dB Determine the system gain. The air filled coaxial cable has a feeder
B. 55.70 dB* D. 62.35 dB loss 6.9 dB/50 m and branching loss of 3 dB.
88. A PLL has a VCO with a capture range of 6 MHz and a lock range of A. 114.77 dB C. 115.88 dB
14 MHz. Determine the free running frequency if the input is gradually B. 161.75 dB D. 171.75 dB*
raised from zero then the loop locks at 10 MHz. 100. What happens to the frequency of the wave and to its wavelength
A. 11 MHz C. 13 MHz* when a sound wave produced in one medium enters another medium
B. 12 MHz D. 14 MHz with a different speed?

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A. The frequency of the wave stays the same while the wavelength
stays the same
B. The frequency of the wave stays the same while the wavelength
C. The frequency of the wave changes while the wavelength
D. The frequency of the wave stays the same while the wavelength
is distorted

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