Superformance in Gas Guns
Superformance in Gas Guns
Superformance in Gas Guns
Superformance ammunition was developed in the Hornady ballistics lab utilizing state of the art test equipment in
accordance with SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute) guidelines for pressure, velocity
and accuracy utilizing test barrels with SAAMI minimum specification chambers and bore and groove dimensions.
All ammunition is extensively tested for pressure and velocity deviation at temperatures from - 20˚F to + 140˚F.
All Superformance loads exhibit extremely stable performance with very little if any deviation in pressure and
velocity at extreme temperatures.
Superformance propellants provide a longer duration/application of peak pressure in the pressure time curve that
occurs within the barrel (see Fig. 1 pressure curve). In other words, both Superformance and standard propellants
provide an equally powerful “push” applied to the base of
the bullet, but with Superformance propellants, the “push” Pressure Time Chart
Fig. 1
is applied for a longer period of time.
Due to the longer duration of peak pressure produced by Superformance™, the post peak/declining port pressure
at common carbine and mid-length gas port locations is still higher than that produced by standard propellant.
This has a tendency to flood the system with a larger volume of gas, at a higher velocity, that tries to open the bolt
of the gun too fast. It’s a timing issue. The cartridge case is still swollen from the application of pressure during
firing while the gun is simultaneously trying to extract the cartridge case before it has had an opportunity to settle
back to its original size, or more simply: the gun is still in the process or firing while it’s trying to extract the
cartridge case.
If the firearm and the ammunition are not in sync, there can be what is commonly identified as “pressure signs”
on the cartridge case. This is exhibited by the movement/marring of the head of the cartridge case, cratered
primers, flat primers, ripped or ruptured cartridge cases, “popped primers”, and/or any combination of these
(continued on next page)
effects. If any of these “pressure signs” are apparent, stop firing immediately. If an adjustable gas system is
installed, it is advisable to reduce the amount of gas flowing through the system by closing the gas port until
the gun operates correctly.
With the installation of an adjustable gas system, gas pressure can be metered to a point that enough gas is
applied to open the bolt, but at a slower rate to allow the cartridge case to return to its original diameter prior to
the movement of the bolt, and thus allow for proper extraction.
Gas Port
Bolt Chamber
Gas port is approx 7.8” from the breech
Gas Port
Bolt Chamber
Gas port is approx 9.8” from the breech
Gas Port
Bolt Chamber
Gas port is approx 13.17” from the breech
Pressure (Superformance™)
Pressure (Standard Propellant)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Due to the longer duration of peak pressure produced by Superformance™, the post peak/declining pressure
at common carbine and mid-length gas port locations is still higher than that produced by standard propellant.
However, there is very little difference in port pressure between Superformance™ and standard propellants at
the rifle length port location.
To counteract this back pressure, the use of an adjustable gas system is advised. By metering the gas system to
ensure that it will cycle the firearm correctly and not flood the system with gas/pressure, the gun will work properly
and will still benefit dramatically from the increased velocity potential of Superformance ammunition.
Bolt Chamber
Barrel w/Suppressor
= Back Pressure