Philo Essay

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Topic: Humanity and Environment

Do Kagay-anons Really Care?

Plastic waste has become a major problem in the environment we live in. This is
because such waste do not decompose. Thus, people are forced to burn them and
release harmful gases into the atmosphere, otherwise, there would be plastic pollution.
Recently, the city of Cagayan de Oro banned the use of plastic bags in malls,
convenient stores,and groceries. This lead to people being forced to bring their own
“ecobags”,cloth bags, and other possible alternatives to plastic bags. I overheard many
people complaining about the inconvenience of placing their purchases in paperbags
that easily tear apart. Even with the banning of plastic bags, fastfood chains still use
plastic straws, and plastic utensils and beverage is still placed inside plastic bottles.
With this in mind, we come to question; do people really care for the environment
The philosophical point of view entails a holistic approach towards caring for the
environment. What makes this perspective different from others is the fact that it
considers the survival of human race. In line with this, deep ecology and ecological
consciousness is considered as a course of action. Deep ecology is destroying the view
that humans are separate from nature. Thus, it seeks to answer our problems in a
holistic manner. In the present time , due to human selfishness, our planet is on the
verge of destruction. The painful truth lies on the mere fact that humans tend to focus
on economical and material progress instead of the actual preserving and sustaining of
the planet. This is where the current situation of our city comes into place. Yes, Kagay-
anons are observing the city’s policies. But, do we really have the intentions of saving
our planet for the succeeding generations? Even I, as a citizen of Cagayan questions
my own intention towards our environment. I also question the city official’s intention of
implementing such policy. I think that the banning of plastic bags in our city only
contributes to a minor loss of plastic waste. Our city no longer uses plastic bags, but it
still uses straws, plastic cups, and other plastic materials. In other words, Kagay-anons
are too focused on trying to follow the rules set by our city officials, but actually, we did
not know that there are far more things we had done which majorly contributed to the
release of greenhouse gases, global warming, and climate change. We tend to say that
we care for the environment, but do we really help preserve and sustain it? There is a
huge difference between caring and actually putting into action the awareness we
encountered as inhabitants of the earth. Most people are aware but do not act. With
this, we should consider ourselves as stewards of the environment, we must care for it,
not manipulate it. But people nowadays manipulate the environment to their urge of
fulfilling economical and material desires. Moreover, we are practicing an act we call
“anthropocentrism”, wherein we focus on the fact that natural resources serve the
interest of man. In other words, we become insensitive towards the feeling of our own
environment. Yes, we acquire our personal needs from nature, but do we give
something good in return?

The answer to this question is engraved in the palms of our hands. As

inhabitants of this planet, we must know our footprints. It is up to us to change our
selfish mindsets into a more holistic approach. If we want to leave a habitable planet for
the succeeding generation, we must consider the consequences of our actions and how
it affects other people, especially the future generation. If we do not want our children to
experience massive destruction and environmental degradation, we must act, starting

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