Community Management
Community Management
Community Management
Executive Summary
The aim of the report aims to investigate and examine the citizens of Baranggay Laligan
regarding with the garbage in their community. Since the problem are those people who lacks of
discipline in segregating their garbage properly. Another objective to our action plan is to serve
as a guide on how to segregate garbage in a proper way to avoid any calamities with the use of
our report. Lastly, one of our main goal is to give any possible solutions about the problem of
garbage in their community. And conduct a survey about limiting the throwing of garbage. It is
biodegradable wastes from non biodegradable wastes. By this means, the wastes can be sorted
and decomposed accordingly. The simplest way we can contribute as an individual is having two
waste bins at home one for bio-degradable wastes another for non biodegradable wastes.
Wastes are materials that can be recycled on a regular basis. But because of our
ignorance, a lot of waste gets dumped in landfills and pollution hits the planet finally. Only if we
start creating awareness and take self responsibility we can clean our environment. For this, we
have to learn to segregate our wastes on a daily basis. It is quite important to separate plastic
wastes from bio degradable wastes. Plastic wastes should be totally separated from natural
wastes. Plastic wastes do not decay like biodegradable wastes. Instead they take many years to
breakdown even after which it is dangerous. On the other side, we cannot destroy plastic wastes
by burning. Plastic wastes emit poisonous smokes when they are burnt. So, it is high time we
avoid using synthetic materials. If not, we should try to segregate wastes and help in lessening
Most often wastes are taken for recycling. But for the same, the wastes need to bio
degradable. Biodegradable wastes are the wastes that include fruit peels, animal waste, egg shells
and other such materials that breakdown easily when put in contact with the soil. But, what
people do is littering Here and there and mixing all wastes in the bin. The problem starts when
we put plastic bottles, plastic bags and other non bio degradable wastes along with the natural
wastes. Irrespective of what it is made up of, all wastes can be either reused or recycled. People
instead throw away wastes after a one time use. Similarly, papers are wastes enormously. Lot of
trees can be saved if we effectively make use of the left over papers and used notebooks. Only
when we separate wastes, we can enrich the soil by filling it with biodegradable wastes alone.
Such an act will help making our environment more Clean and pollution less.
There are already ways of getting rid of garbage so people won’t have to see it or smell it.
For example there is incineration, in which trash that can’t be recycled is burned. Although this
meets the requirements mentioned above it has a downside. The burning itself causes waste and
eventually it will have a bad effect on the environment. Recycling is a good process that reuses
materials so they won’t be wasted and cause waste. But many products are not recyclable, like
plastics. There are a number of ways to solve the dilemma of collection and transportation of
municipal solid waste. An underground system of conveyor belts to the dump is a possibility.
Obviously, it is evident that this form of disposal does not even dispose of the garbage as
much as just simply putting the trash in a garbage can. I think the average person would say that
it would be a lot easier to, instead of mining ourselves out of our resources, that it would be more
efficient to recycle the parts in our automobiles. That is easier said than done. I think if our
politicians were aware of statistics like that, then they would probably be more involved in
helping our environment. Laws should be passed that instead of selling a dead car to a junkyard
for a couple hundred dollars, that people should have to recycle the materials used on those cars.
Maybe there would be perks for doing so, but that would definitely help out this crisis. Before all
that can happen though, research needs to be made on how to successfully recycle these
materials. Once this can be done, through the cooperation of politicians, scientists, and
There are already ways of getting rid of garbage so people won’t have to see it or smell it.
For example there is incineration, in which trash that can’t be recycled is burned. Although this
meets the requirements mentioned above it has a downside. The burning itself causes waste and
eventually it will have a bad effect on the environment. Recycling is a good process that reuses
materials so they won’t be wasted and cause waste. But many products are not recyclable, like
plastics. There are a number of ways to solve the dilemma of collection and transportation of
municipal solid waste. An underground system of conveyor belts to the dump is a possibility. It
would. But that raises other questions. Obviously, it is evident that this form of disposal does not
even dispose of the garbage as much as just simply putting the trash in a garbage can. I think the
average person would say that it would be a lot easier to, instead of mining ourselves out of our
resources, that it would be more efficient to recycle the parts in our automobiles. That is easier
said than done. I think if our politicians were aware of statistics like that, then they would
probably be more involved in helping our environment. Laws should be passed that instead of
selling a dead car to a junkyard for a couple hundred dollars, that people should have to recycle
the materials used on those cars. Maybe there would be perks for doing so, but that would
definitely help out this crisis. Before all that can happen though, research needs to be made on
how to successfully recycle these materials. Once this can be done, through the cooperation of
politicians, scientists, and automobile owners, we will soon be living in a better environment.