Shipping Level
Shipping Level
Shipping Level
Controlled Shipping is a demand being made by Wittur that a supplier put in place a
redundant inspection process to sort for a specific nonconformance, while implementing
a root-cause problem solving process. The redundant inspection is in addition to normal
controls. The data obtained from the redundant inspection process is critical as both a
measure of the effectiveness of the secondary inspection process and the corrective
actions taken to eliminate the initial nonconformance.
The CSL process does not replace the normal nonconformity management and in particular
the fact that failures should be communicated to the Supplier, who then has the duty to put in
place containment actions for all similar defects
CSL is applied to Suppliers of direct parts not able to deliver right levels of quality or
Suppliers that are generating repetitive issues (rejected lots, ppm spikes, inappropriate
corrective actions, etc.).
CSL Process is divided in 2 steps, with an escalation level based on the effectiveness
of corrective actions put in place by the Supplier.
The SQD Engineer with the approval of the SQD Manager bears the responsibility of
initiating, monitoring and exiting suppliers into CSL I , CSL II processes. A Wittur
supplier of direct parts can be placed on CSL I, CSL II process as per the part quality
issues described in this section. CSL I , CSL II process generally will be requested by
the Wittur plant quality manager based on part quality performance.
PROCESS OWNER Supplier Quality Development
Corporate Purchasing, Supplier Quality Development
Local Plant Quality Manager
WHQ_SQD_PR001 – Problem Solving Procedure
Procedures WHQ_SQD_PR002 – Supplier Qualification, monitoring and evaluation
WHQ_SQD_PR006 – Supplier Escalation Procedure
Instructions NA
FR001 [WHQ_SQD_PR007] CSL entry letter
FR002 [WHQ_SQD_PR007] CSL exit letter
FR003 [WHQ_SQD_PR007] CSL Audit checklist
FR001 [WHQ_IMS_PR009] – Non Conformance Report (NCR)
Other WHQ_SQD_MAN001 – Supplier Manual
0. FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. CSL I STATUS ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1.1.CSL1 OPERATIVE PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. CSL II STATUS ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1.CSL2 OPERATIVE PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 4
2. ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS FOR DURATION ................................................................................................................ 5
3. CSL KPIs .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
CSL I and CSL II will be required to the supplier in order to assure certified deliveries while awaiting the full recovery of the conformance
on the production process or /and the product.
Conditions to start a CSL I are the occurrence of major or repetitive quality issues, like:
- Repetitive defective batches for the same type of defect (2nd time defect occurs)
- PPM spikes, epidemic failures or failures in multiple Wittur sites
- Blocked products in warehouses
The normal definition for repetitive defect is the second time when the same defect occurs. If the first defect is judged so critical that
CSL I is needed, the Factory Quality Manager can choose to start it anyway.
Note: not all rejected batches will automatically lead to opening of CSL Process. Factory might still reject some batches and manage
them in a standard way, without the need to start a CSL I.
When a Supplier is put in CSL I status for a specific code, the Supplier is requested to add an extra 100% control on CTQ or
characteristic linked to the defect on finished components for the next 3 months after CSL I start. The extra control must be
certified on every part with green label or similar.
Wittur factory might decide to stop the application of “free pass”, charging the supplier for the controls to be done in Incoming Inspection
during the CSL I.
Start of CSL I
Following a formal request (Invitation letter reference) from WITTUR, the supplier will implement a CSL I in addition to the
sorting and control plan of his serial production.
The supplier formally guarantees the conformance of goods delivered for each delivery that takes place while CSL I is in the
process of implementation.
Evaluation according to CSL Audit Checklist will be done by Supplier/Wittur before starting.
The cost of sorting will be borne by the supplier. Any batch delivered without the agreed marking will be rejected applying the
normal procedure for rejected batches.
Final Decision
CSL1 status is closed if no defects are found in next 3 deliveries (or during a period of time agreed with SQM).
If only 1 defect is found in one of these 3 deliveries, the item code is moved to CSL II status.
If 1 defect of a different type is found (different from the defect that led to CSL I opening), the SQM will inform the Supplier and
ask to extend the CSL I for additional 3 shipments, including 100% controls on both the types of defects (last one found and
former that generated CSL I opening).
Conditions to warrant the move to CSL II are quality issues found during CSL I, or ineffectiveness of corrective actions (reoccurrence of
problems after CSL I closure).
When a Supplier is under CSL II status, the same requirements for CSL I remains as well with an additional control made by another party
due to the fact that Supplier did not demonstrate to be effective in the 100% certified controls.
CSL II status applies for a specific code. The Supplier is requested to add an extra 100% control on finished components for the next 3
deliveries after CSL II start. The extra control must be certified on every part with green label or similar.
An external company (Service Provider) selected by Wittur and paid by supplier, will check 100% of incoming parts in dedicated area at
Wittur plant (or any place defined by Wittur).
Start of CSL II
Following a formal request (Invitation letter reference) from WITTUR, the supplier will implement a CSL II in addition to the CSL I,
sorting and control plan of his serial production.
The supplier is required to put in place a sorting activity by an external company in WITTUR facilities, validated by WITTUR, in line
with criteria defined along the CSL I (* and **).
Sorting results will be communicated to both WITTUR and the supplier and material identified.
Evaluation according to CSL Audit Checklist will be done by Supplier/Wittur before starting.
WITTUR and Supplier will agree sorting company which will be required to work with.
Final Decision
In case of no problems in next 3 deliveries (or during a period of time agreed with SQM), CSL status is removed, in agreement
with Supplier Quality Development. The code status is restored to status preceding the CSL I.
In case of problems found by Service Provider in next 3 deliveries, CSL II status is prolonged: if there is only 1 non conforming
part, CSL II status is extended to additional 3 deliveries. Non conforming parts will be sent back to Supplier and the batch will be
released for production.
In case of prolonged CSL II, there are business consequences for the Supplier and a review of sourcing strategy.
The standard CSL II procedure foresees the use of an external Service Provider as independent third party.
The following alternatives are also allowed, to be agreed case by case among the parties (Wittur and Supplier):
Supplier can send its own people to Wittur factory (not recommended, this is only an extraordinary option to ensure continuity to
Wittur might request the Service Provider to execute the CSL II at Supplier premises
Type and duration of CSL (both CSL I and CSL II) will be managed by SQM and SQD.
In specific situations, both SQD and SQM can agree to have CSL Process based on time duration or number of batches delivered. It could
be agreed between SQM/SQD and Supplier to start a CSL Process based on time duration or number of batches under CSL status.
CSL KPIs are tracked in the CSL tracking file and managed by SQM. Most important ones are:
KPIs should be regularly shared with Purchasing to ensure continuous improvement and follow up with most critical Suppliers.