Fall 2019 - Geometry Syllabus - Dombrowski
Fall 2019 - Geometry Syllabus - Dombrowski
Fall 2019 - Geometry Syllabus - Dombrowski
Mrs. Dombrowski
Quick Checks: Quick Checks will occur two or three times during a Homework (Referred to as Practice):
unit. They will occur at the conclusion of a concept (once all Homework is defined as specific tasks assigned by teachers to be
learning and practice have taken place). Quick checks will be completed on non-school hours. The purpose of homework may
graded for correctness and will only contain 2-3 questions. be practice, preparation and/or the extension of instructional
objectives aligned to the curriculum. The homework assigned will
Tests: Students will take a test over a “big idea” or “learning be at a level that students can complete independently whether
target” versus an entire chapter. Students can expect a test every done at home, a library, or other educational settings. Homework
1.5 to 2 weeks. will be assigned almost every night. Students are expected to
complete all of the homework before the next class period.
Semester Exam: A cumulative semester exam will be given at the Additional problems may be completed as needed for mastery of
conclusion of 1st and 2nd semester. The semester exam questions the material. Homework should be checked for correctness via the
will be organized by our learning targets. Students will have the blog. Any problems not understood should be asked in class the
opportunity to improve previous test grades if they do better on next day or during tutoring. The written homework will NOT be
individual learning targets on the semester exam. For example, collected and graded.
suppose a student earns a 50% on the learning target
“Congruence”. When they take the semester exam and say they Testing Procedure:
earn an 80% on the “Congruence” section of the exam, the 50% We take testing very seriously. Any talking, looking around, or
earned previously will be replaced with an 80% instead. possession of unauthorized “helpful” information or devices while
any tests are being taken may result in a score of 0 and/or the test
Textbook Used: Pearson Common Core Geometry. may have to be retaken before or after school. No loose leaf
papers may be on the student’s desk.
What you need for class:
1) One 2 or 3 inch 3-ring binder Tutoring:
2) Pencils (old fashioned or mechanical) Tutoring sessions are offered many times throughout the week.
3) College or wide ruled lined paper We will be more than happy to help you with material that you
4) Colored pens (at least 3-4 colors) find particularly difficult or challenging, however, you are
5) Markers or highlighters (at least 3-4 colors) expected to make the most of class time by taking notes, asking
6) Scientific or Graphing Calculator questions, using time wisely, etc. You must come to tutoring on
time, with your notes, homework, and questions/problems you
Extra Credit: would like to work. Please be proactive and schedule help before
Extra credit will NOT be offered. If you are doing poorly in the you fall behind.
class, you do not need extra credit; you need tutoring, more time
spent on learning and practicing, and reassessing the material. I am available for tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday mornings
from 8:00 to 8:25. I may be available occasionally on Friday
mornings, but I will communicate that availability via Remind and
in class. I may be available for tutoring after school by
“appointment only”.
Class Rules: Absences:
Rule #1: Be respectful – This includes myself, each other, and the In the event that you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to make
classroom environment. Nobody deserves to take away the up your work. You are responsible for getting the notes from
educational opportunities of others. someone in class or from the blog. Assignments will be in the
“Make Up Work” bin and on the website. It is not our
Rule #2: Be hardworking – Math is a subject that requires practice responsibility to make sure you complete your make up work. If
and perseverance. Come prepared to work from the start of class you have questions over the material, then you need to make
to the end. arrangements to see us during our scheduled tutoring hours.
Please do NOT ask us during class to re-teach you unless given the
Rule #3: Be prepared – Bring any materials necessary to be opportunity to do so.
successful in the class. This includes but is not limited to: binder,
pencil, paper, and calculator. Communication:
Education succeeds best when there is a strong partnership
Consequences for Violating the Rules: between home and school, a partnership that thrives on
• 1st offense – Verbal warning and/or parent/guardian communication. Parents/guardians are partners with teachers,
contacted students, and administration and are encouraged to check
• 2nd offense –Detention AND parent/guardian contacted academic progress on a regular basis via Infinite Campus, North
• 3rd offense – Office Referral Polk’s online grading software. Infinite Campus provides you with
**Repeated or major offenses may be subject to immediate the fastest way to check the academic progress in the class.
referral** Infinite Campus account information can be obtained from the
counseling department. In addition to Infinite Campus, the
Snacks and Drinks following means of communication have been set up to increase
Water is the only drink that is allowed to be brought into class. It parental involvement and student success:
must be in a closed container. Snacks are permitted as long as
trash is disposed of properly, crumbs are not left on the desk or 1) E-Mail: Communication via email is the best way to contact me
floor, and it does not cause a distraction. If issues arise, the with any questions or concerns. I try to check my email on a
opportunity to bring in snacks and drinks will be forfeited. regular basis and am usually able to respond within 24-48 hours.
Students are also encouraged to email me with questions,
Cell Phone Policy: concerns, to schedule tutoring/make-up sessions, or to inform me
1. Once the bell rings to begin class, students must place cell about upcoming absences. Additionally, I send out weekly emails
phones on silent and stow them in their assigned number caddy. to help keep parents informed of quizzes, tests, and anything
related to the course.
2. During class students will only use cell phones to complete 2) Blog: Lesson notes, homework assignments, homework answer
assignments that are related to the instructional lesson or any keys, tutoring hours, assessment dates, and upcoming events are
other approved activity WITH teacher permission. posted on my blog on a weekly basis.
3. Students will not record still or moving images or voices of 3) Remind: Remind is a text based program that allows me to
students or the teachers without permission from the teachers. send information about the class via text about last minute
changes or upcoming tests/quizzes. I do not have access to your
4. Failure to adhere to the cell phone policy will result in teacher phone information and you will not have access to mine. Text the
detentions and office referrals (progressive disciplinary message @npgeom1920 to the number 81010.
consequences). 4) Conferences: All efforts should be made to communicate with
the teacher via email prior to submitting a request for a
Hall Passes: conference.
You MUST have a pass with you to leave the classroom. Passes
may not be used the first 5 or last 5 minutes of class. Passes may
also not be used during instructional time.
You are ultimately responsible for your learning in this class. I will always be here to support you, but I cannot do it for you. You
MUST take ownership of your own learning in order to be successful.