Alex Miller Resume

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1649 Lorraine Court  

Atwater 95301 
1(209) -201-8998  
[email protected]  

Alexander Miller  

. I am a diligent worker  

. Competent writer  

. Extended skills in computers and digital modeling  

. Extensive machining and mechanical applications.  

. Extremely patient and tolerant of others  



Engineering Courses, Buhach High School​- Student 

August 2014- June 2016  

● I completed two courses of engineering at Buhach Colony High School which enabled 
me to adopt a broadened knowledge of computer oriented modeling. The applications 
learned in these courses transcend engineering and have allowed myself to 
implement a heightened sense of computer familiarity.  
● The communal society that is engineering, has reinforced my abilities to 
communicate ideas with others and likewise, collaborate with others to achieve a 
mutual goal.   

Practical Applications of Mechanical Skills, Buhach High School ​ — Student  

August 2014- September 2017  

● My experiences with practical applications and technical design were further 

perfected through several courses on the principles and maintenance of internal 
combustion engines.   
● These courses coupled with proficient experience outside of school, have 
highlighted my exemplar efficiency in troubleshooting electrical and mechanical 
problems, as well as safely and effectively operating machinery.  

English language and Literature, Buhach High School​ — Student  

August 2014 - June 2017   

● My pursuing of advanced placement literature and English language has emboldened 

by skill of analytical composition.  
● Through these courses, I have attained a degree of eloquence that should prove to 
be convincing in a variety of occupations.   


Buhach Colony High School, Atwater​— Student  

August 2014- June 2017 Buhach Colony High School, Atwater   

Throughout my education at Buhach Colony high school, I have maintained a grade point 
average exceeding 4.0 by working diligently and managing my time in a responsible manner, 
that I believe to be reflective of a moderate degree of intelligence. Even in courses that 
require a considerable degree such as AP Chemistry, I have found that hard work triumphs 
such difficulty and has equated in me receiving exemplary scores in science testings and 

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