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Gen. 28: 10 – 32: 3.

Pg. 1.

I. Although this Parsha begins with Jacob leaving Beersheba to go to

Padanaram, it is tagged to the previous verse that mentions Esau and the
taking of his 3rd wife in his frustration and rebellion against Isaac sending
Jacob away to seek a wife. This connection lends understanding to the ever-
widening chasm between Jacob and his brother Esau. *Note Gen. 28: 9.

Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto the wives, which he had
Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son, the sister of
Nebajoth, to be his wife.

Let’s look at pertinent Hebrew words to get the “real story”.

• Mahalath, #4258, ‫ מחלת‬Machalath, means, ‘a stringed instrument’. The

root stem is actually, Chalal which means to profane, the Mem prefixed
indicates, out of.

• Ishmael, #3458, ‫ ישמעאל‬Yishma`e'l, God will hear.

• Abraham, #85, ‫' אברהם‬Abraham, Father of Nations.

• Nebajoth, #5032, ‫ נביות‬Nĕbayowth, Strong’s translates it as ‘heights’,

high place, but it is from the root of #5030 nabiy, prophet & the owth suffix
meaning oath.

The expanded definitions of these Hebrew words reveal a hidden Prophecy.

“Out of my profaning, I will hear (g)od and father many nations with an oath
to the Prophet!” What Prophet? Hmmmm? Mohammed perhaps?
Pg. 2
This is Esau’s’ 3rd wife, thus the names of the first two are also helpful in
determining the hatred & jealousy toward his brother Jacob as Jacob leaves.
Gen. 26: 34 reveals this even further. And Esau was forty years old when
he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and
Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite:

Again, we look at the Hebrew names:

• Judith, #3067, ‫ יהודית‬Yĕhuwdiyth, the plural form of Judah, to praise.

However, the suffix on the end adds again, the word ‘owth’, oath, sign,

• Beeri, #882, ‫ בארי‬Bĕ'eriy, my well.

• Hittite, #2850, ‫ חתי‬Chittiy, terror, destruction, devastation.

• Basemath, #1350, fragrance, however, it literally says: B = in - the shem

– owth. In the name of the oath!

• Elon, #356, ‫' אילון‬Eylown, Terebinth, long-lived tree, from the root ‘ayil,
meaning ram.

• Hittite, #2850, ‫ חתי‬Chittiy, terror, destruction, devastation.

The expanded definition here is: With an oath I will praise (my well, my
source has been shattered). In the name of the oath/covenant of the Ram, I am

These two declarations have only served to increase the antipathy between the
two brothers! Esau waits the day for revenge upon Jacob! Let’s continue…

VaYetze – And he went.

II. What follows is the literal, physical, acting out of the Future of
Pg. 3.
Gen. 28: 10: Incidentally, we need to contrast Jacob with Esau again, because
the previous verse and this one, declares both WENT! Two separate words
are used. Let’s look at Esau first. (28:9):

Esau went.

• Went, #3212, ‫ ילך‬yalak, to go, walk, come. It has related words (#3211,
yaliyd, indicating descendants of those born, one born & #3213 – 15 which
denote a wail, to howl, deep mourning of despair or distress, because of
YHVH’s judgment). These words indicate the action of Esau’s rebellion would
cause those born in his house to wail and mourn in deep agony under the
judgment of YHVH! It hints at Esau being pregnant with the Seed of the
Serpent who would strike at the Seed of the Woman – Jacob, with its’ heel.

Gen. 28:10 And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward

ָ ‫שַבע ַוֵּיֶלְך‬
ָׁ ‫אר‬
ֵ ‫מְּב‬
ִ ‫עֹקב‬
ֲ ‫צא ַי‬
ֵ ‫ַוֵּי‬
Vayetse Ya'akov mi-Be'er Shava vayelech Charanah

• Went out, #3318, ‫ יצא‬yatsa', this word means to go forth

from one’s homeland into exile or slavery. It is closely
related to a Chaldee word, which means to germinate, to
expand, as a plant. It hints that Jacob is going to be
expanded - his seed germinating by the coming adversity!

• Beersheba, #884, ‫ באר שבע‬Bĕ'er Sheba`, the well of the

seven-fold oath. Well, here symbolizes the eye, womb, and
source of revelation. Thus, Jacob is intentionally leaving the
place of the source of revelation.
Pg. 4

Hmmm? The Sages teach that Jacob had spent the previous 14 years in
the tents of Shem & Eber learning Torah at this very location and now
chooses to leave?
• Went, #3212, yalak, *Note the above definition regarding Esau. The
usage of this word also hints that Jacob’s descendants would go into bondage
and howl at the judgment of YHVH. The House of Joseph, the 10 Northern
tribes scattered into the earth have only just been released from their bondage
of 2730 years!

• Haran, #2771, ‫ חרן‬Charan, mountaineer, from #2787, charar, to burn,

be hot, to scorch, to kindle. There is another closely related word, #2030,
harah, a feminine adjective meaning pregnant. It describes the state of being
pregnant, having conceived.

What we have is a juxtaposition of Esau & Jacob! They mirror each other,
one the Yetzer rah, the other the Yetzer Tov (evil vs. good inclination). Both
are impregnated with the Prophetical declaration of the Seed sown in them!

The two words above, Yatsa, and Yalak have an interesting gematria. Yatsa
(101) – Yalak (60). 101 is the gematria of #3610, kil’ayim, meaning a mixing of
two kinds, two seed and 60 is the gematria of #5112, nod, to wander, to flee, to
mourn. Thus, the mixing of the Seed of the Serpent and that of the Woman
would cause one to wander, to flee from the Presence of YHVH as did Cain
who dwelt in the land of Nod! This is also prophetic regarding both Esau and
Jacob both of whom have seed have mingled with the Serpent Seed through
spiritual adultery and are facing judgment.


III. Jacob’s story is one of transformation. He pictures Messiah, who

came in the flesh to “Yacov”, catch the heal of the Serpent who
would attempt to bruise (Gen. 3: 15) his head, the sign of
authority, power, the kingdom. *Note the word bruise:

Pg. 5
• Bruise, #7779, ‫ שוף‬shuwph, to bruise. Let me call attention to the Hebrew
letters. Shin, tooth, teeth, to destroy. Vav, the humbled man, Pey, the mouth.
Hmmm? To bite the humbled man with the mouth! Gen. 33: 4 is where you
find Jacob meeting Esau again after leaving Padanaram whereupon, Esau
“kisses” him.

Jacob/Messiah goes to Padanaram and returns as “Israel”, One who stands

upright/ has power with YHVH. Let’s look at Padanaram.

• Padan, #6307, ‫ פדן‬Paddan, Strong’s defines it as ‘field’, however, it is more

closely related to #6299, padah, a verb meaning to ransom, redeem and to

• Aram, #761, Aramean, from #759, Armon, a masc. noun meaning fortress,

Interesting, though not yet with a wife or children, the prophetic picture
here is that of Jacob/Messiah battling with the Serpent and Jacob/Messiah
going down into the Fortress or citadel of Satan, leading a company of
Redeemed – His Bride to Liberty! Eph. 4: captivity captive!

Ironically, the gematria of Padanaram = 375, Asah, the Hebrew word

meaning to make or do, to labor, to form a contract. But, it also means
shaggy, hairy, and is the basis for the Name Esau! Those who remain in
Padanaram have formed a contract with the Hairy One, a.k.a. haSatan.
Incidentally, this place was known as Syria, indicating that perhaps the
Hairy One, a future Esau – Anti-Messiah, the one who will exalt the
Fortress or Palace of Satan and attempt to enslave all Israel, will come
from here.

The Place.

IV. It is not accidental that Jacobs’ transition takes place at his first
stop after leaving Beersheva, the “Well of Oaths”. In Gen. 28:19 the
verse reads: And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name
of that city [was called] Luz at the first. The wording has brought some
confusion. Jacob calls the name of it ‘THE PLACE’:

‫מֹקו ם‬
ָּ ַ‫שם־ה‬
ֶ the hyphen connects all these words, thus it is Alep-Tav
(Messiah) – Shem – maqowm, #4725, sanctuary, the Place, I.E. where
Abraham offered Isaac. The gematria of maqowm #4725 ‫מקום‬ is 186,
the same as the words Is. 8: 14, stone of stumbling, ‫אֶבן ֶנֶגף‬
ֶ the same
verse declares Yahsua is the Sanctuary – the Miqdash, #4720, a cognate
of Maqowm! Jacob could have been describing the place – this is the
Sanctuary of the Aleph-Tav, or a Person, this is the Sanctuary – the

Luz is the Hebrew word for Almond tree or wood, and also means bone,
as in the Luz bone. This, I believe, along with other scholars, separates
it from the place known as Bethel, which would
have been west of Luz. (Josh. 16: 2)I also believe this place to be the
same as the location of Mt. Sinai where the Oath is again confirmed.
Sinai is known for its almond trees and is today called ‘Jabel al Lawz’.
The Mountain of the almonds! Interestingly, a direct line bisects the two
mountains, Sinai and Horeb and runs through Jerusalem! The Picture
of Jacob being laid upon the earth would fit that of Messiah being
offered upon the earth as well!

In conclusion, Jacob – Messiah leaves the Well – Source of the Oath –

Covenant, he carries “IN” him the seed of the Redeemed, he defeats the
Serpent who seeks to destroy his family, nation, kingdom, leading those
who were held in the Fortress of the Hairy, Shaggy One, (those who
were previously white (Laban # 3835) with leprosy) to their
Jubilee/Freedom, making them truly without spot or blemish – leprous,
white (laban) with righteousness!

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