Day Who Will, by Faith, Follow His Lead!

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Pg. 1.

Abraham goes home!

Lech L’cha 2010.
Gen. 12: 1 – 17:27.

I. This particular Torah portion, Lech L’Cha; has much insight that
is pertinent to us in this Last Day. First, the phrase, “Lech L’cha”
is literally interpreted as: You go for yourself or more accurately,
“it is for your benefit that you go”. In actuality, it deals with
Abram going home and is a shadow picture of all those in the Last
Day who will, by Faith, follow his lead!

ֹּֽ ‫מ‬
ִ ‫צָך ּו‬
ְ ‫אְר‬
ַ‫מ‬ֵ ‫אְבָרם ֶלְך־ְלָך‬
ַ‫אל־‬ ֶ ‫מר ְיהָוה‬
ֶ ‫ַוֹּיא‬
‫אָּך‬ֶֽ ‫אְר‬
ַ ‫שר‬ ֶׁ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫אֶרץ‬ ָ‫ה‬
ֶ ‫אִביָך‬ ָ ‫מֵּבית‬ִ ‫ּו‬
Vayomer YHVH el-Avram lech lecha me'artsecha umimoladetecha umibeyt
avicha el-ha'arets asher ar'eka.

Lech L’Cha.

If we note the numerical value of this phrase: looking at the Hebrew letters
Lamed (30) Kaph (20) + Lamed (30) Kaph (20) it equals 100. This is the same
as the Hebrew word Kaph, #3709, kaph, which is the palm of the hand or the
sole of the foot. Abraham is promised in Gen. 13: 17 ownership of every place
where he walks and this is again confirmed in Deut. 11: 24 to Israel, …every
place where the sole of their foot would tread…

Additionally, 30+20 = 50, the number of the Hebrew letter Nun, meaning life,
all that pertains to it, and is used twice here, forming the word nun, a verb
meaning to continue, to increase, to strengthen, like the Righteous King of
YHVH’s People in Ps. 72:17.
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His name shall endure forever: his name shall be continued as long as
the sun: and [men] shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him

The word ‘continued’ is originally written ‘nun – nun’! This indicates to be

doubly prospered. How ironic that two of Jacob’s sons, Joseph and Ephraim,
(The Scattered 10 tribes) both can mean doubly fruitful! Hmmm?

From this phrase, Lech L’Cha, we can surmise that Abraham is being
promised if He is obedient to leave this place, that he will be given every place
where his food treads and will be doubly prospered! If this shadow picture is
applicable to us today, then we should expect to exercise the same Faith and
experience the return of what rightfully is ours in the earth during our
Exodus from Babylon/Egypt and subsequent wilderness journey – all the
while walking in a level of prosperity that will parallel Israel leaving Egypt!

I also want to call your attention to another word in Ps. 72:17, name, #8034,
Shem, meaning name. It was also the name of the Patriarch Shem who
became the first High Priest of the Earth after the flood. He is considered, by
many, as the person who was called Melchizedek in Gen. 14: 18. Melchizedek,
#4442, Melek-Zedek, King of Righteousness, a.k.a. king and high priest of

By the way, Gen. 9:26, 27 have some unique language. The phrase Blessed be
the Elohiym of Shem could also read to Shem - the same as Gen.14:19,
Blessed, where blessed be Abram of Eloywn, could be read blessed be Abram
to Eloywn! Inferring the office of Priest hood. Furthermore, YHVH says He
would dwell, (#7931, ‫ שכן‬shakan, tabernacle, abide, it is where we get the
word Shekinah) in the tents, #168, ‫' אהל‬ohel, tent, tabernacle, from #166, ahal,
to be bright, to shine, to be the light! It is closely related to #175, aharon, the
Light Bringer. Thus, His promise? To manifest Himself in the Tabernacle and
to shine through the Light Bringer – High Priest!

Pg. 3
There is a subtle, hidden connection being made here! Remember the age of
Abraham as he leaves his home - land? 75! This number is the value of #4405,
millah, word, speech, utterance, covenant AND #3548, kohen, priest!!! His
leaving evidently involves the Priestly Covenant! Let’s put this on hold for a
moment and get back to it shortly to tie some other parts together!

A Controversial subject!

We’ve been taught based upon a passage of scripture in the book of Hebrews
(Heb. 6:20 – 7:10) that Melchizedek had no lineage, no beginning, no end. This
cannot be substantiated from Torah as he is only mentioned twice; here in
Gen. 14 and in Ps. 110, neither of which mention his genealogy or lack of it.
Additionally, the author of Hebrews infers that his line (Melchizedek) did
away with the Aaronic Priesthood. What does Torah say? Ex. 29:9, Numbers
25:13, Mal. 2:7, 4:5. What about Psalm 110 which says in the KJV “thou are a
priest forever after the order of Melchizedek”, which is taken to mean after
him rather than Aaron. The word after, #1700, ‫ דברה‬dibrah, means in the
same manner, mode, cognate with #1697, dabar, word, speech, matter –
indicating an OATH cut with Melchizedek! Thus, he was priest upon an oath
rather than being from a specific Tribe. Thus, Yahshua, who was not from
Aaron’s line, could be High Priest because of the Oath to the FirstBorn cut
before the foundation of the world and as first seen in Adam! One of two
things can be deduced then from the passage in Hebrews: Either Anti-Semitic
bias introduced through translations or a lack of proper understanding by the
writer. Melchizedek was both King and Priest, as was Yahshua – because of
the Right/Oath of the FirstBorn!

Where was home and why leave?

II. To find this out we must look at Gen. 11: 28 the place Abram’s
father Terah, and grandfather Nahor lived.

And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in
Ur of the Chaldees
Pg. 4
‫תו ְּבאּור‬ ֹּ ‫מוַלְד‬
ֹ ‫אֶרץ‬
ֶ ‫אִביו ְּב‬
ָ ‫תַרח‬
ֶּ ‫על־ְּפֵני‬
ַ ‫הָרן‬
ָ ‫מת‬
ָ ‫ַוָּי‬
ׂ ‫ַּכ‬
Vayamot Haran al-peney Terach aviv be'erets moladeto beUr Kasdim.

This place, Ur of the Chaldees, would also have been the place of Abram’s
nativity. Perhaps we should dissect this verse carefully! First, let’s look at this
word ‘Nativity’ and then the other pertinent words.

• Nativity, #4138 ‫ מולדת‬mowledeth, birth, family background.

It has the basic sense of origin. If you’ll notice, there is a
combination of the word Molad – birth and eth – oath. This
word can then infer, the birth of the/a Covenant!
Incidentally, a related word is #4135, mul, to cut off, to
circumcise and #4136, mul, a preposition meaning against,
in front of, opposite. How ironic that the language hints at
the Covenant of circumcision – I.E. the cutting away of the
flesh, that caused Abram to stand opposite of his family. He
became known as the first Hebrew, Ivriy, which also means
to cross over, to be opposite! Opposite of whom, Nimrod,
the Rebellious One! Each Hebrew word can have a mirror
opposite – if one infers blessing – the other infers curse.
Thus, the root of mowledeth, molad, indicating the birth of
the moon, and eth – oath, can be rendered the place of the
birth of the Moon worship Covenant.

This is significant, as such worship is directed to ONE whom, like the Moon
has no Light of his own, Lucifer! This also affects the Divine calendar. Now,
let’s consider also, the name of Abram’s father, Terah.

• Terah, #8646, ‫ תרח‬Terach, station, waiting-stopping place,

to delay, to wander. His name is cognate with #8641,
terumah, a lifted up offering & #8643, teruah, a shout of
joy, alarm, battle, etc. & #8644 terupah, healing,
The natural progression of these related words hints, that Terah was
instrumental in delaying the Shout of Joy at the Restoration of the
Covenant! It is helpful to remember that Terah was known in the ancient
Pg. 5

world as a Pagan Idol maker. Additionally, he and Abram are

contemporary with Nimrod who rules this locale.

• Ur, #218, ‫' אור‬Uwr, flame, from #217, light. The plural form
of the word is seen specifically in the Hebrew breastplate
oracle (Urim & Thummim Ex. 28:30) and ma’or, the
celestial light(s) Gen. 1:14.

• Chaldees, #3778, ‫ כשדימה‬Kasdiy, a synonym for Babylon.

Some teach that the word is the same as the Hebrew plural
form of Chesed, I.E. Chesedim, mercy, grace, kindness. This
is an affront to YHVH and His “Light(s) that bring Mercy”.
Gen. 1: 14. The Chaldean astronomers studied the signs in
the Stellar Heavens and perverted them. Just as the
Breastplate Lights served as an oracle, the stellar heavens
were themselves the Breastplate of YHVH – the Urimm &
Thummim, Lights & Perfection/Truth. These Lights – The
Breastplate and the Stellar lights revealed the plan of
YHVH and would give answers to those who studied them.
Example: Gen. 15: 5 … Look now toward heaven, and
tell the stars…Two words in English – Tell & number –
are the same word in Hebrew, #5608, ‫ ספר‬caphar, a verb
meaning to number, to recount, to relate, to declare, to
score with a mark, literally, to cipher what has been etched
in the heavens. A related word, #5609, sepher, book. YHVH
was telling Abram to look and see what the Heavens said
regarding his seed - if he could read. The word So, #3541,
‫ כה‬koh, means, in this way, this is what, accordingly, your
seed will become! In other words, the LIGHTS WOULD
seed - just like the Urimm & Thummim!

More interesting Numbers:

III. We’ve seen that Abram was 75 when he leaves Babylon. The
Sages teach that he was 48 at the Tower of Babel incident. 75-
48=27. This number, 27 is real important. It is the gematria of
#3518, kabah, a verb meaning to put out, to
Pg. 6

quench, as a fire being extinguished or a source of a line of descendants being

cut off. Kabah, is cognate with #3519, kabod, the word for glory, majesty,
wealth and weighty. Incidentally, if you look at the ordinal value (order of
appearance) of the Hebrew word for Light, #216, owr, Alef – 1, Vav – 6, Resh
– 20, the total is that of 27. By leaving this Pagan Place, UR (False light –
flame) The Kabod or glorious Presence of YHVH enables Abraham to work
to extinguish the strange fire that is the source of light for the generations who
engage in this perversion!

Remember Abram’s relative named Eber? The 14th generation from Adam?
Eber, #5677, from the other side, one who has crossed over. #14 is written
with the ‫ –דא‬Alef, Dalet. The Strong One (who is) the Door. This spells the
word Ed, #108, ‫' אד‬ed mist, vapor, (Gen. 2: 6) from the root of #181, ‘uwd, a
firebrand, faintly burning (Amos 4:11) (Zech. 3:2), Eber was a prophetic
promise of YHVH to produce a Firebrand [from among those about to die
out] to re-ignite His Chosen. (See Abraham-Isaac) This “Firebrand” is likened
also to the Mist that watered Eden. Thus, since both terms can apply to
Messiah - the Living Water – The Brand plucked from the fire. It is the
symbolic fiery mist that waters the seed in the earth and keeps it alive until
the RAIN. Torah was the mist until the Rain – Messiah came! The Rain
enables man to till the ground. Giving us broader understanding. What then
is the source of this genuine fire that Abraham possess and the counterfeit
fire/light of Ur? One lineage is dying out another is being rekindled!

Who’s dying out?

Because of the way Torah is written we can assume those dying out would
have been the participants in the Tower of Babel incident. After all, this
portion immediately follows Gen. 11, the Babel incident. Since they didn’t
physically die out the only conclusion is their separation from the Holy
language – the mist – the fire – that causes their spiritual dying out, except for
Abram to whom the language is exclusively passed at the Tower of Babel
incident when he is 48.

A. Gen. 14: 1 defines Abram as the “First Hebrew” indicating his

decision to stand on the other side against the pagan idolatrous
Pg. 7

practices of his day. This pattern can be seen initiated in the days of
his forefather Eber. The succeeding names of sons reveal the first
occurrence of this division. Gen. 11: 18 – 24.

• Peleg, #6389, division, from #6385, palag, to split, be divided.

Gen. 10: 25. This verb tense hints at division taking place during his
days. It could have been both the land and/or the people over the
pagan practices! He and Shem were united at Jerusalem against
Nimrod at Babylon, the exact same battle lines that are being drawn
now! Literally, his name means “Divider”, hinting that he was one
who stood on the other side.
• Joktan, #3355, small, to diminish.
• Reu, #7466, rehu, friend, from #7462, ra’ah, “a Shepard”.
• Serug, #8286, Branch, to be intertwined with.

This division that diminished (produced a remnant) revealed

the SHEPARD – Messiah! The Branch who would intertwine-

Abraham is the 20th generation from Adam, 20 is the gematria of the word
#1961, hayah, a verb meaning, to exist, to be, to come to pass, to be done.
Thus, it was this generation in which the promise of YHVH to Abraham to
deliver him from Babylon would occur and ironically, the same name given to
Moshe when YHVH declares HE is the Hayah who would also deliver them!

• #20 is the number represented by the Hebrew letter kaf, ‫כ‬, depicting the
palm of the hand or sole of the foot. Authority, ownership. Is. 49: 16 YHVH
declares He has graven, (#2710, chaqaq, to score, etch, inscribe, cut out) us in
the Palm of His hand. Thus, Abram, as the 20th generation, reminded us of the
Promise to keep the inscription (The spoken language written) in His Palm (a
place hidden & protected) of His

• promise as a sign of the authority & inheritance of YHVH for His


Zeph. 3: 8,9. A promise to restore the pure language. *Note Acts 2 and the
cloven tongues of fire!

• Pure, #barar, to purify, purge, cleanse, to separate, sever, as in “I

will purge the rebels from among you” Ezek. 20: 35 - 38. Just as Nimrod’s
rebellion was purged by a confounded language. The restoration of the Pure
Tongue will define us as “those who stand against on the other side”!

The Faith of Abraham.

IV. Abraham is a unique foreshadow. Not only was he the Father of

the Hebrews, but, he became the Father of Faith. Thus, his
leaving Babylon and journey to

Canaan is a picture of the Whole House of Jacob and the House of Faith,
those who may not be part of the lineal descent of Jacob/Israel, who have by
Faith, been grafted into the Kingdom of Messiah! The Names provide a
chilling prophetic reminder: We will only “cross over” to the extent that we
stand in opposition to the Rebellious One – Nimrod – Anti-Messiah and leave
Babylon, (Rev. 18:4) in Faith trusting YHVH to deliver us!

We can surmise thus far, that Abram has been entrusted with the Holy
Language – Hebrew, the DNA of YHVH as shown in Proverbs 20: 27. The
spirit of man is the Candle, #5216, ‫ ניר‬niyr, the same smoking furnace that
went between the pieces of sacrifice in Gen. 15:17. Abraham also has been
anointed as High Priest in the place of Shem, the Melek-Zedek (Melchizedek)!
The Rabbis teach that Shem gave Abraham the Mantle of Adam, transferring
the priestly anointing as well! It is not coincidental that upon changing his
name from Abram to AbraHam, YHVH inserts the letter Hey from His own
name forming the word Hayah – the eternal, ever existing One. The Hey =
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grace and is represented by the #5, the Number of Revelation! It is the

responsibility of the End Times Believers to stand in opposition to the
Rebellious One, To learn the Holy Language in order that we may experience
the Revelation of YHVH regarding His message to the People. As such, we
stand as Priests before Him! However, like Abraham, it is only when we leave
Babylon, that the Covenant of the Priest can be fully manifested!

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