2012-1014 God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us
2012-1014 God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us
2012-1014 God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
It’s great when fathers could store up things in this
earthly life; build a house, build two houses, leave one
for you as one of his children, leave some money in the
bank. You’re glad that, maybe things are kind of hard
with you and your family, and your father was mindful
of you that when he divided his inheritance for his
children, he allotted a portion for you. Jesus said, “If the
earthly parents know how to give their children good
gifts, and they are evil, how much more the heavenly
Father” because He is the real extreme Parent. The
earthly parent is just a shadow of the real Parent.
It says:
14 House and riches are the inheritance of
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
his time:
There’s a time when He makes things beautiful.
There’s a time it doesn’t look...You don’t even know
what He is doing. You see, like a man just comes and a
big truck pulls up in your yard and drops a load of sand.
Next truck comes, you know, and drops a bunch of
BRC, [wire mesh -Ed.] you know, steel and these things. And
if you don’t know what is happening, you would think
somebody is littering your yard. Do you understand?
But then you see a construction starts to take place and
when it’s finished you see something beautiful at the
end of all of that. And it’s something that you can enjoy
and be blessed with. But it didn’t look so enjoyable at
the time when that was coming. Do you understand?
But as it goes on, you see what God’s thought was.
11 He hath made every thing beautiful in
God reveals to you, “I don’t have that plan for you,” then
it is hard to change around. And then self-will begins to
clash with God’s will. And you know who’s going to win,
If you are one of God’s children, you throw your hand
up in the air, you surrender and you humble yourself
under the mighty hand of God. Otherwise if you are not
one of God’s own you’ll fight your way to hell. No man
goes to hell, he fights his way to hell. God said, “My
spirit shall not always strive with man,” because that’s
God fighting a man to keep him back like He was trying
to push Balaam back. Angel stood with the drawn
sword, but when a man has his own desire, he has his
own self-will, and he wants the permissive will more
than the Will of God, then he’s going to get in real
And that’s where a lot of people, many times, need to
have their thinking filtered. Because you see, your eyes
see through your heart. What the desire in your heart
is, that’s the thing you are going to be influenced to go
after. “But the heart of man,” the Bible tells us, “is
deceitfully wicked.” God said, “I’ll take out the stony
heart and I’ll give you a new heart,” because “as a man
thinketh in his heart, so is he.” See? And this world that
we live in is what shapes and molds the way we think.
From the time you’re born in this world and you start
to talk, they would put you in kindergarten. You start
to know ‘Sesame Street’. You start to know this, you
know that. Then you come into elementary school. Then
you go into Junior Secondary. By the time you get there,
your mind is so perverted because there are drugs in
the school, there are guns in the school. They’re beating
teachers, children are getting pregnant. Do you
understand what we’re saying? The system is gone. So
before you could even come out of there...Some people
don’t even survive coming out of there. By the time they
come out, they’re a wreck in society.
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
But thank God for the mercy of God that the Gospel
can go and reach down and pick one up, amen, that
though they were a piece on the scrap heap pile along
the road...And that’s where God took us from. 1973
that’s where we were, on the scrap heap pile at the side
of the road but thirty-nine years after, He grows sweeter
as the days go by, amen. Each day you want to live
closer to Him. You want to live everyday as though He’s
coming today. Why? Because His Promise is true “Lo, I
am with you always.” And I have seen that for thirty-
nine years, twenty-four seven, seven days a week, He is
there. Sometimes your mind tells you, maybe like God
has left. He hasn’t gone anywhere, amen. It’s just the
curtain fell between you and Him but a little repentance
and sincerity, He pulls the curtain back and you get
restored fellowship.
You see, sin breaks fellowship, but repentance
restores fellowship. “If you walk in the light as He is in
the Light, the Blood of His Son cleanseth you from all
sin,” because God cannot fellowship with sin; but God
made a provision to remove sin so He could keep in
fellowship with us. We didn’t make the provision, God
made the provision. So it shows who really wants
fellowship with whom. God wants fellowship with us
more than we want fellowship with God. See? This is
where church people many times they fail to realize how
much God wants to fellowship with them. They think,
it’s they seeking God. Man is not seeking God, friends.
Jesus said, “The shepherd leaves the ninety and nine
and goes and looks for the lost sheep.” The shepherd is
not lost; it’s the sheep that is lost. The Shepherd is the
One who is redeeming; delivering the sheep from
So it’s a beautiful thing. GOD HAS ALREADY
CHOSEN THE MATE FOR US. I want to maybe just
talk to you a little bit this morning and see if I can put
that in your heart to what we’ve being speaking on,
Marriage by Appointment and Marriage by Circumstance
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
will manifest Myself to you. I will lead you and guide you
into all truth. I’ll make my abode with you.”
Now, nobody really promises these things because if
you want to be safe, you wouldn’t make such a promise.
You will say, “Do this...” And this is the best you can do.
And somebody will have compassion on you or pity on
you and they give you something to do. But this One is
not up there on a Throne somewhere, He said, “I will
come to you.” He said, “Know you not you are the temple.
I want to dwell in you and walk in you. I will be your
God and you shall be My people.”
And this is what so many people miss because to do
this, this takes surrender. This takes obedience. And
the first thing you discover in yourself is; you’re born
with a nature that makes you desire the things in the
world you are born into. That’s why the Bible says, “We
were dead in sins and trespasses. We walk after the
course of this world. We walk in the vanity of our minds.”
Because we come into a world and that world already
has a plan waiting for you. And you’re going to look real
odd, if you don’t line up with that plan very quickly.
Because the very parents and they will say, “This child
has to go to school. It's time for the child to be in school.
It's time for the child to do this, time for the child do
this.” And the world has ordered a way for you but God
also has a plan for you too. I am talking by experience,
I’m not only talking about a theory.
My mother and they sent me to Queen’s Royal College
(QRC). I’d passed the exam. I didn’t know what school
I should go to. I was a little boy ten years, eight months,
when I write the exam back there in 1962. And, you
know, she made the choice; Queen’s Royal College. I
used to go to St. Stephen’s A.C. in Princes Town. When
we get there, the school already... now wanted to know,
—this is a prestige school. Dr. Eric Williams, Sir Arthur
Mc Shine and Rudranath Capildeo all these different
people were in the school—had gone through the
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
Did you ever see two or three ba-chacs [local word for a leaf
cutting ants -Ed.] with some big branch and a leaf? Watch the
size of the ba-chac and watch the size of the leaf they’re
carrying. And nobody’s sitting down and saying, “This
is unjust! We are not getting enough pay for this.” And
nobody jumps up and says, “I will be the union leader
and we’re going and strike because we have to get better
conditions.” No! They have harmony and unity. They are
not arguing among themselves. They’re courageous,
they’re industrious, they are influenced by a vision of a
time coming when they wouldn’t have and they wouldn’t
be able to go out and work and get, so they’re storing it
up. They know there are little ones in the colony that
will need food too. They aren’t influenced by how big a
task they have. They know, “We are ants, we are built
courageous, we don’t have fear. No matter how big the
problem, we have what it takes to work in harmony and
unity and get the job done.” That is right.
That is why God is telling man who is in God’s image
and likeness but who got away from God, who is at the
top of the food chain, who has all the education and the
degree, God is saying, “Consider the way of the ant.”
“Look at your home in shambles, you have all these
degrees, you are the big person there. Look at you with
some young girl messing up your mind, an old man like
you.” Do you understand? “Look at your house in
shambles! Look at that ant! He doesn’t have that
problem.” God, God, God. God is real, God is real.
You would see some ants in your house. You would
walk in the grocery pushing your trolley; you come
down that aisle, you see insecticide. You’re already
planning a chemical war to wipe out a civilization. You
know why? You’re growing up in a society where they
say, “No, we are going and deliver this country. We are
going and deliver Iraq.” Or “We are going to bring
democracy in Afghanistan.” Making up your own lie and
believing in it. But they’re planning to go and kill and
wipe people out to control territory.
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
get him and seal the deal. And when the marriage takes
place she is a different woman all together because she
got what she wanted.
And you know the old people say, “The way to a man’s
heart is through his stomach.” A woman could be
hospitable, a woman could make nice things, a woman
could be charming, a woman, you know, she could be
so many things. And if that man does not know what
God has planned for him and is leading him
into...Because most marriages today, they come about
through some woman who knows how to treat a man
well, being a good hostess.
You ever travel on the airline? “Oh, would you mind
if I take that coat for you? I’ll hang it up here so you can
relax.” You know. Then, they recline the chair and they
turn it back for you so. “Oh well, would you have some
red wine or white?” Or, “We also have apple juice and
we also have, you know, something of your choice.” You
know. And you kind of find you start to feel nice already.
But that’s a course she takes, that’s a training she gets
for a job. She does that as long as the flight lasts. And
notice, they’re all attractive too because beauty and
attractiveness are part of the package to get the job.
Because it’s a way...There is nothing designed as a
woman in God’s creation. And every feature and every
aspect of her design is so visually stimulating to a man.
And that’s why today, the whole world is hypnotized and
being pulled into pornography and all these things.
Why? Because it exposes the woman to the eye of the
viewer; but “…he that looketh upon a woman to lust have
already committed adultery in his heart.” [Matthew 5:28 -Ed.]
So when we look and we see how these things are,
friends ...There’s a way people try to come into things.
And a lot of marriages take place because it’s a beautiful
woman who’s treating somebody nice. Because that
beauty is so visually stimulating that a man wants to
land the big prize. And he’s not looking for loyalty, he’s
not looking for compassion. He is not looking to see if
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014
God brought me to you
The rib that I have been looking for
I stand before you
God brought us together
To walk with you to that Bright City
God brought me to you
supply every need, just as You have done thus far. And
just as it has inspired them and given them such a joy
and a happiness that they can see how You have
provided, how You have supplied things like You’re just
working miracle after miracle for them, dear God. And
Lord, how You provided the help that they had need of.
And truly, all these things have been such a great
blessing to hear them tell the story of what You have
done and are doing for them, Father.
May this influence cause them to be so rooted and
grounded, so established and settled in the faith of
Jesus Christ that they would carry themselves with a
holy dignity, with such a sacred responsibility, Father.
Lord, walking as a young man, a prince, and a princess
in this house, oh God, leaving footprints in the sands of
time, that all these hundreds of others, Lord God, just
like them, coming behind, Lord, will see fresh footprints,
clear, marked out, the Word of God. Lord, something to
let them know that, Lord, You are a God that truly keeps
Your Word.
And may You make them a great blessing and a great
influence. And Lord, may their lives tell this great story,
that dear God, it will bring glory and honor to Your
Name. Keep them, oh God, Lord, growing in grace and
in knowledge. And keep Your love being shed abroad in
their hearts, coming to know each other by revelation,
Father. Coming to understand Your Will and Your
purpose more clearly in their lives. And dear God, seeing
Lord, all that You have planned for them come into full
We commit them into Your Hands this day. And we
pray that You will keep them, Lord, unspotted in every
way. And Lord, God, bring it to a great climax that when
the time appointed for the marriage next month, Lord,
it will be a great and glorious time for them and their
people. Grant it, we ask. We commit them into Your
mighty Hands.
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014