2012-1014 God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us

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Third Exodus Assembly

God Has Already

Chosen The Mate
For Us
A Prudent Wife Is From The Lord

14th October 2012

Third Exodus Assembly


A Prudent Wife Is From The Lord
14th October 2012

Bro. Vin A. Dayal

A Prudent Wife Is From The Lord

Betrothal Ceremony of Bro. Dwayne Balladin

And Sis. Devika Sankar


Bʀᴏ. Vɪɴ A. Dᴀʏᴀʟ

[# 270 - Songs That Live –Ed.]

No, He’ll never let go of my hand
Till I stand…
Till I stand in heaven’s fair land,
Till I’m safe forever more,
On that happy golden shore,
No, He’ll never let go of my hand.

That should be a strong consolation. That should give

blessed assurance. If we express that as a divine
revelation, surely it gives us peace in our hearts that He
will never let go. Well, that’s just exactly what He said,
“All that the Father hath given Me, I will lose none of
them. No man is able to pluck them out of My Hand.” If
your hand is not there, that’s the place you want to put
your hand, this morning, amen. You want to put your
hand in the Master’s Hand. He will uphold you with the
right hand of His Power. What a great thing.
I am so happy to be in His house today. We have a
little betrothal, this morning; that would be the service.
I take the opportunity to speak a little bit to the young
people again but in this form. Not just talking maybe
like we did in the back but with the betrothal taking
place also.

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

It’s a great time for us when we could be perceptive to

see how God plans things for us in our earthly journey,
in our journey as a church; the places where He passes
us. When we could be perceptive of these things, we
know what to pull for, because we know what God is
doing. You must first know what God is doing, what is
His desire. That’s why He said, “The Spirit of the Lord is
upon Me to bind the broken hearted, to open the eyes of
the blind, to open the prison doors, to set the captive
free.” When you know what the Spirit is anointing the
Word for, that’s the time to pull for those things.
Because it will show that your heart and mind are in
alignment with what God wants to give, because not
everyday God wants to do those things. But God
knowing our needs, makes a way, provides a way, gives
us the opportunity to draw from Him what we have need
of. What a great thing.
Let’s bow our hearts this morning, as we go to pray
once again. Take this moment to remember what you
have need of. Take a few seconds and pause and look
into your heart and mind and see where you are in life’s
journey. Some might be sick, some might be going
through difficult times, some might be oppressed. Some
might seem as though everything is shut before them;
they can’t seem to have access. Yet they see so many
needs in their lives.
But that’s why this is such a good place to be in today
because ‘where two and three are gathered together in
His Name…’ and we certainly have gathered in His
Name today because we know no other Name. There is
no other Name given under Heaven whereby a man
could be saved, but in the Name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. The family in Heaven and the family in earth, in
this Hour when He’s gathering all things in Christ, in
this great gathering time, we know He is in our midst.
When we have this opportunity, we want our
thoughts to be clear. We want our mind to be discerning
to know exactly what our real need is right now. Don’t
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think about some temporal thing that will just pass

away. Think about something that will give you grace
and power to overcome. To walk closer to Him, to come
under His full control in your life, to be able to trust Him
and believe Him. To know this great mighty God that
has come down in this Day and unveiled Himself; that
we might not walk with some theory in our mind. We
might not walk with some superstition or some fable
that may have influenced us that we hold as Truth. But
when God would come down and vindicate His Word
and prove that He is the one true and living God, what
a blessed opportunity that is; to Recognize our Day, to
Recognize our Message, to recognize the Presence of
Gracious Father, we are so grateful, so appreciative,
for this time that we could come and assemble in Your
Presence, on this first day of the week honouring Your
resurrection. Thinking of the significance and the
meaning of the day, yet not worshiping the day but
knowing we are in the Presence of the resurrected
Christ; the living God Who set aside this day. This day
that commemorates that You are alive forever more and
have the keys of death and hell because on this day You
rose triumphantly. The sun has risen this morning. It
was so dark through the night and as the day dawned
it became even darker, because the coming of that sun.
The rising of that sun was pushing the darkness to one
side. Now we look around and we can’t even see the
darkness; it’s so bright because the sun has risen.
Lord God, to know that You did this when You created
that sun; the light of the world, that gives life to
everything that is upon the face of the earth. It was just
a symbol of You, the Son of God, the Son of Man
(hallelujah), the Light of the world that gives Life to Your
people, those that live under the Rays, the Life-giving
Rays of the Quickening Power of this Risen Son. Blessed
be Your wonderful Name.

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

May this Divine Presence sweep across this

congregation today; this congregation that is scattered
throughout this region, from here all the way up into
Canada, where the saints of God are in attendance,
journeyed from their homes to the places where they
assemble, Lord. But now, we are gathered together in
Heavenly Places, linked up, oh God, with one mind and
one accord in anticipation of what You will do in our
midst today.
We realize, dear God, that there are so many needs
amongst us because we are such a diverse people, living
under different conditions, faced with different
circumstances. But the one assurance we have is that
our God shall supply all our needs according to His
riches in Glory. You promised this, and that’s why dear
God, it gives us confidence because we know You are
faithful Who promised. You are the God of the unfailing
Promise. You said Heaven and earth will pass away but
Your Word could never pass away because it is
impossible for You to lie. There is nothing impossible
with You. There is nothing too hard for You. You are a
God that keeps Your Word. That’s how we know You,
Father. That’s where we stand, tied to the Absolute of
Your unfailing words of Promise that You will make it
Let that faith be in every heart today; knowing
without faith it is impossible to please You, but You give
faith to Your children. You increase faith when they will
ask like Your disciples asked, “Lord, increase our faith?”
instead of looking at themselves and condemning
themselves and worrying that they don’t have enough
faith, and they are unstable in their minds and they are
wavering. How we waste our time so many times, Lord,
just thinking of what we don’t have, when all we have
to say is, “Lord, increase our faith?”
Jesus, may You have Your blessed way. Take full and
complete control in this service. Bless this gathering
today. Bless everything that is to be said. May You meet
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

every need. Those that would believe in their hearts and

confess with their mouths; those that would look to You
now and trust in You and know, dear God, if they ask
for a bread they will not get a stone and when they stand
praying, if they believe that they have received what
they asked for, You said they shall have it, that should
cause them to go rejoicing. Grant it, Lord.
We depend on You to lead and direct us in everything
that is to be said and done. And we pray that it will be
pleasing and acceptable in Your sight because our
desire is to please You, Lord, to let go and let You have
Your way; to get out of the way that You can come in
and do what You know because we don’t know, Father,
but we know that You know and we are grateful that
You know.
Lead us, Lord, and we will follow. Order our steps in
Your Word. Get Glory to Your great and mighty Name,
the Name of Jesus Christ in which we pray and ask all
these mercies. Amen.
God bless you. Before you have your seats, I would
like to read a little Scripture. I want to welcome all the
family and friends of the Sankar family and the Balladin
family. Our Bro. Dwayne Balladin and Sis. Devika
Sankar is to be betrothed this morning. And we are very
happy that God has planned this for them in their lives.
And the Hour has come and God is bringing it to pass.
I’m sure they are very happy, and we are happy, and
God is happy. Amen.
To all the other strangers and visitors, may God bless
you. I pray that it would be a blessing for you, being
here today.
Proverbs... I would like to read from Proverbs 19,
verse 14. And also you could find Ecclesiastes Chapter
3. I want to take for a little title and call it, “GOD HAS
how to lead you into it, when to lead you into it because
all things... all His works were finished before the
foundation of the world. God is not doing anything new;
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

there is nothing new under the sun, but what we need

is leadership. What we need is direction. What we need
is to line up with the plan of God, so that God can bring
to pass in our lives the thing He has planned for us.
When you serve a God like that, it gives you peace, it
settles you. If you think God doesn’t know what He’s
doing so you have to take things into your own hands,
you have to run ahead of God, you have to do
something; you know you’d just make more trouble for
yourself because God changeth not. What He has
already done, nobody is going to influence Him to do
anything else that He didn’t plan. But when you are
satisfied that God knows what is best for you, and
knows how to bring it to pass for His glory and to be a
blessing to you, it’s planned with you in mind then
you’re just so thankful. You could have that kind of
confidence in God this morning. Amen. This is the way.
Proverbs 19, verse 14, It says:
14 House and riches are the inheritance of

It’s great when fathers could store up things in this
earthly life; build a house, build two houses, leave one
for you as one of his children, leave some money in the
bank. You’re glad that, maybe things are kind of hard
with you and your family, and your father was mindful
of you that when he divided his inheritance for his
children, he allotted a portion for you. Jesus said, “If the
earthly parents know how to give their children good
gifts, and they are evil, how much more the heavenly
Father” because He is the real extreme Parent. The
earthly parent is just a shadow of the real Parent.
It says:
14 House and riches are the inheritance of

fathers: and a prudent wife is from the

‘A prudent wife is from the Lord’. You see earthly
fathers could leave these things, but it takes the Lord
Who planned your life to know the right mate for you,
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

and ‘a prudent wife is from the Lord’. In other words,

it’s a gift from the Lord. Salvation is a gift from the Lord,
and the next best gift that God has after salvation is a
prudent wife, a virtuous woman. This is a wonderful
thing. Do you believe that? [Congregation responds amen –Ed.]
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, verse 1:
1 To every thing [everything] there is a

season, and a time to every purpose… [to

everything and to every purpose]
To every thing there is a season, and a
time to every purpose under the heaven:
‘Under the heaven’ means ‘on earth.’ That is under the
heaven; that is on earth.
Verse 8, He gives us a whole list of things: a time to
be born, a time to die. All these things, giving you
contrast: birth and death, embrace and not embrace,
break down and build. It is contrast continually, but I
am coming to verse 8.
8 A time to love...

There is a time to every purpose. God’s purpose is for

you to have happiness, to bring love into your life. God
doesn’t want to fill your life with sadness. God doesn’t
want to fill your life with heartaches. We can’t blame
God for our heartaches. Half of the time, our own
heartaches are our own selfish doing. Do you get that?
These are what are called the wisdom Books of the
Bible. It teaches us about the wisdom in which we
should live our lives on earth; that we on earth know
that God has a plan and to everything there is a time.
There is a time when God made the man. There’s a
time when He gave the law. There’s a time when Christ
came and died. There’s a time when He sent the Holy
Ghost. There’s a time when the church went into the
ground and died. There’s a time, it is restored in the last
days. There’s a time for the Rapture. There’s a time
when the Bride is going to be changed. There’s a time
for the Millennium. Is that right? And God has a

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purpose, ‘you are the called according to His purpose.’

8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time

of war, and a time of peace.

Verse 11,
11He hath made every thing beautiful in

his time:
There’s a time when He makes things beautiful.
There’s a time it doesn’t look...You don’t even know
what He is doing. You see, like a man just comes and a
big truck pulls up in your yard and drops a load of sand.
Next truck comes, you know, and drops a bunch of
BRC, [wire mesh -Ed.] you know, steel and these things. And
if you don’t know what is happening, you would think
somebody is littering your yard. Do you understand?
But then you see a construction starts to take place and
when it’s finished you see something beautiful at the
end of all of that. And it’s something that you can enjoy
and be blessed with. But it didn’t look so enjoyable at
the time when that was coming. Do you understand?
But as it goes on, you see what God’s thought was.
11 He hath made every thing beautiful in

his time: also he hath set the world in their

heart, so that no man can find out the work
that God maketh from the beginning to the
The world there, is not talking about the world… The
word there doesn't mean like the world, like cosmos; it
is speaking of Eternity. And so, God’s Work it can’t be
found out by man because these things have to be
revealed by God.
May the Lord bless the reading of His Word. You may
have your seat.
Flexibility is a great thing in serving God. Sometimes if
you are not flexible you could get so set in your ways.
You could get so set in your understanding, so set in
your opinion, so selfish in your own desire that when
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

God reveals to you, “I don’t have that plan for you,” then
it is hard to change around. And then self-will begins to
clash with God’s will. And you know who’s going to win,
If you are one of God’s children, you throw your hand
up in the air, you surrender and you humble yourself
under the mighty hand of God. Otherwise if you are not
one of God’s own you’ll fight your way to hell. No man
goes to hell, he fights his way to hell. God said, “My
spirit shall not always strive with man,” because that’s
God fighting a man to keep him back like He was trying
to push Balaam back. Angel stood with the drawn
sword, but when a man has his own desire, he has his
own self-will, and he wants the permissive will more
than the Will of God, then he’s going to get in real
And that’s where a lot of people, many times, need to
have their thinking filtered. Because you see, your eyes
see through your heart. What the desire in your heart
is, that’s the thing you are going to be influenced to go
after. “But the heart of man,” the Bible tells us, “is
deceitfully wicked.” God said, “I’ll take out the stony
heart and I’ll give you a new heart,” because “as a man
thinketh in his heart, so is he.” See? And this world that
we live in is what shapes and molds the way we think.
From the time you’re born in this world and you start
to talk, they would put you in kindergarten. You start
to know ‘Sesame Street’. You start to know this, you
know that. Then you come into elementary school. Then
you go into Junior Secondary. By the time you get there,
your mind is so perverted because there are drugs in
the school, there are guns in the school. They’re beating
teachers, children are getting pregnant. Do you
understand what we’re saying? The system is gone. So
before you could even come out of there...Some people
don’t even survive coming out of there. By the time they
come out, they’re a wreck in society.

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But thank God for the mercy of God that the Gospel
can go and reach down and pick one up, amen, that
though they were a piece on the scrap heap pile along
the road...And that’s where God took us from. 1973
that’s where we were, on the scrap heap pile at the side
of the road but thirty-nine years after, He grows sweeter
as the days go by, amen. Each day you want to live
closer to Him. You want to live everyday as though He’s
coming today. Why? Because His Promise is true “Lo, I
am with you always.” And I have seen that for thirty-
nine years, twenty-four seven, seven days a week, He is
there. Sometimes your mind tells you, maybe like God
has left. He hasn’t gone anywhere, amen. It’s just the
curtain fell between you and Him but a little repentance
and sincerity, He pulls the curtain back and you get
restored fellowship.
You see, sin breaks fellowship, but repentance
restores fellowship. “If you walk in the light as He is in
the Light, the Blood of His Son cleanseth you from all
sin,” because God cannot fellowship with sin; but God
made a provision to remove sin so He could keep in
fellowship with us. We didn’t make the provision, God
made the provision. So it shows who really wants
fellowship with whom. God wants fellowship with us
more than we want fellowship with God. See? This is
where church people many times they fail to realize how
much God wants to fellowship with them. They think,
it’s they seeking God. Man is not seeking God, friends.
Jesus said, “The shepherd leaves the ninety and nine
and goes and looks for the lost sheep.” The shepherd is
not lost; it’s the sheep that is lost. The Shepherd is the
One who is redeeming; delivering the sheep from
So it’s a beautiful thing. GOD HAS ALREADY
CHOSEN THE MATE FOR US. I want to maybe just
talk to you a little bit this morning and see if I can put
that in your heart to what we’ve being speaking on,
Marriage by Appointment and Marriage by Circumstance
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

[2012-0930 -Ed], and The Heat of Unholy Passion [2012-1007 -

Ed]. Can a man take fire in his bosom and not be burnt?
And now this morning, GOD HAS ALREADY
CHOSEN THE MATE FOR US - A Prudent Wife Is From
The Lord. It’s hard to change my mind from that. I
certainly believe God has already chosen the mate for
us. There is not one Scripture where a man could say
he chooses his mate for himself. We are only choosing
after He already chose. Jesus said, “You didn’t choose
me, I chose you.” So when you come back and making a
choice, it is because He is the One behind that choice
that you are making because, “no man could come
except the Father draws him.” He puts something in you
to hear. “He that has an ear to hear what the Spirit is
saying.” He puts something in you to hear His voice.
You see sometimes we look at life, you know, like
religion confuses us where God is concerned many
times. We want to go to church, we want to worship
because man is made to worship. Cain wanted to
worship. Men of all religions want to worship because
there is something about...That is why some people
worship the stone. Some people worship an idol. Some
people worship the sun, the moon, and the stars. Some
people worship a tree. Some people worship their job.
Some people worship their car. Some people worship
their house.
People can worship anything because there is a desire
to worship. Some people worship people. You’d see all
these rock stars and all these different things, hundreds
of thousands of people gather there and they will have
such a sway over those people. And those people are so
fanatical under that kind of influence.
So you look at those things, you realize that man is
made to worship something. But since man is made to
worship something, you see, there’s something... that
he wants to go to church. He wants to go to some form
of religious gathering and so on. But because he doesn’t
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

realize religion and God are two different things. What

happens is... And religion doesn’t really have a plan for
Religion is like a guide. It’s like somebody trying to
give you direction. Just like a man on the street and
you’re looking for a place and you say, ‘am…’ —You
want to know where the General Hospital is in San
Fernando. You have never been to San Fernando before.
He said, “Well I think it is somewhere down by the wharf
you know. I think it is somewhere in the South if you go
down this way.” Next man may tell you, “Where are you
coming from?” If he is coming from, let us say, Cross
Crossing or somewhere there, he is coming up
Independence Avenue. If the man is coming down from
High Street side, he may be coming down the
Promenade. If the man is coming from the wharf, he is
coming up Chancery Lane. So you know it’s where
you’re coming from and what you’re looking for.
So, that is like somebody trying to give you a direction
to find somewhere. Every religion is trying to tell
somebody they’re going to get some hereafter, some
eternal life, something you’re going to come into, but
nobody knows. They can’t tell you. They all have a
theory. They are trying to point you to a place, a location
Like the scientists, they are looking for life and they
are trying to go from planet to planet. So they went to
the moon, they didn’t see anything there. So they sent
something on Mars and they are kind of looking around.
They are looking for life through science. Some people
are looking for life through religion. Some people are
looking for life through health, eating and drinking and
these things. Some people are looking for the wonder
drug that will lengthen life but life is in none of these
things. “He that hath not the Son hath not life.” All life is
in Jesus Christ. All life is in the Creator of the universe.
And this is the One that promises: “I will come to you. I

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will manifest Myself to you. I will lead you and guide you
into all truth. I’ll make my abode with you.”
Now, nobody really promises these things because if
you want to be safe, you wouldn’t make such a promise.
You will say, “Do this...” And this is the best you can do.
And somebody will have compassion on you or pity on
you and they give you something to do. But this One is
not up there on a Throne somewhere, He said, “I will
come to you.” He said, “Know you not you are the temple.
I want to dwell in you and walk in you. I will be your
God and you shall be My people.”
And this is what so many people miss because to do
this, this takes surrender. This takes obedience. And
the first thing you discover in yourself is; you’re born
with a nature that makes you desire the things in the
world you are born into. That’s why the Bible says, “We
were dead in sins and trespasses. We walk after the
course of this world. We walk in the vanity of our minds.”
Because we come into a world and that world already
has a plan waiting for you. And you’re going to look real
odd, if you don’t line up with that plan very quickly.
Because the very parents and they will say, “This child
has to go to school. It's time for the child to be in school.
It's time for the child to do this, time for the child do
this.” And the world has ordered a way for you but God
also has a plan for you too. I am talking by experience,
I’m not only talking about a theory.
My mother and they sent me to Queen’s Royal College
(QRC). I’d passed the exam. I didn’t know what school
I should go to. I was a little boy ten years, eight months,
when I write the exam back there in 1962. And, you
know, she made the choice; Queen’s Royal College. I
used to go to St. Stephen’s A.C. in Princes Town. When
we get there, the school already... now wanted to know,
—this is a prestige school. Dr. Eric Williams, Sir Arthur
Mc Shine and Rudranath Capildeo all these different
people were in the school—had gone through the
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

So the thing now is like, ah...The teacher comes over,

“What do you want to be?” When you look around, it’s
all these white boys in those days and you know, high-
coloured people and all kinds of different things.
Everybody is saying, “I want to be a doctor. I want to be
a pilot. I want to be this.” Well, I grew up in the estate.
We know climbing up on the train, pulling the cane,
coming with the cane on our backs. We know playing
‘Stick’em up’ [a cowboy western game -Ed.] in the bush, we know
riding horse, we know walking in the dairy among all
the cows and these things.
So when he asked me what I wanted to be, I didn’t
know what I wanted to be. And then I felt stupid in this
environment. Do you understand what I mean? I’m
trying to figure out what I want to be. I want to be a
doctor, but I don’t know how to be a doctor. In my mind
I want to be a doctor, but I am not seeing hospital; the
kind of hospital. I want to be a lawyer, but I’m not seeing
that kind of court house. Something in me wants to help
people. I want to stand up for the weak. I want to help
the sick and dying but I didn’t know there were
‘spiritually’ sick. And I didn’t know there was a
‘spiritual’ court. And all these natural things are only
shadows of the real thing. It’s only this civilization I
So when God came now, then I started to realize,
they’re preparing you for the shadow. God is preparing
you, not for the shadow. God does not deal with
temporal things. God prepares you for the Eternal. And
earth is a school...earth is a school. This life is a
temporal life. God only allotts so much time for a man
on earth. And when a man goes through this time, if he
leaves without recognizing what was his purpose on
earth, why is this happening on earth, what is his
destination when he leaves this place and he doesn’t
know these things, he could be in real problems. But
here we are seeing in the Scripture that to everything

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

there is a time. There was a time to be born. That makes

you think.
I am the fourth. Now my father married before. I don’t
know why I am saying this, but I am saying this… All I
need is to follow Him. I don’t even know where it is going
from here. I’ve left off ‘my thing’ already. My father’s first
wife died. He had two children (with her). And I never
would check my position in the family from my father’s
first two children. I’ve grown to sixty years and just
recently here God showed me, “You would have check
from your mother; your mother has six children, you
are the fourth but you came from your father. You were
in your father’s loins. Your father’s first wife died and
he married a second time. And when he married your
mother you came.” So I am really the third boy in the
Now when things start to... I was preaching for you
recently, Breaking of the Seals on the Book of Your Life.
That is why I got into some of these (things). Do you see?
Because there are things in your life that you need to
see and understand because your life is pre-planned.
That’s why I wonder how people pursue education that
doesn’t help them for when they leave this world. And
they leave this world ignorant of where they’re going.
Yet, while they are on earth, they will never make a
journey not knowing where they are going. They will find
the thing [Education –Ed.] useless.
You jump in your car and you say, “I’m going by the
sea.” And you’re taking off somewhere where the sea is
They say, “What sea do you want to go to?” They say,
“That is not the way.”
You say, “I have my children here, we are going to
spend the day by the sea.”
They say, “You’re going up San Fernando Hill; you
will see the sea from up there, but there is no beach to
walk in. You are going to the refinery or something?”

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

So the thing is, if you wouldn’t even make a journey

on earth ...You get on a plane and you say, “Where is
this plane going?”
They say, “Well, we don’t know. We are going up to
You say, “What does it take to go there?” They tell you
to buy a ticket to go to Miami. When you get to Miami,
you don’t know where to go from there. You realize now,
you want to go to Africa. And they say, “Okay, you want
to go to Africa. Why didn’t you take another route?
Because here now, the fare you are paying…the place
you’re going to, you might need a visa. Then you
should’ve applied for that visa in your country.” You’ll
run into problems. You would want to know where
you’re going.
They put so much emphasis on an earthly journey
while they’re on earth. And life itself is a journey that
comes to an end, and then you have to continue on that
journey in another World. The body that was formed in
your mother’s womb —you came into this world and you
came into that body. And then you drop that body when
your school is over. That is your school clothes, you take
off your school clothes. Am I making sense to you?
You see, it shows the mind has shrunk, so people
think small, they think right here. And Trinidad is
seventy miles by forty miles. Look at the size of the
universe. And man is made in the image and likeness of
God. So that’s why, on earth, you want to know if God
has a plan for you. Before you start off, at least...
planning for yourself, get an idea, a little bit of what God
has planned for you. Maybe some of the things you’re
planning for yourself and trying to get, you realize God
has already planned that for you. And God said, “The
time for that is this time.”
And when you’re running planning for yourself; you
marry, you divorce, you remarry, you end up with
somebody’s wife, you get into all kinds of problems. And
then now you get old and you’re loaded with sin and you
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don’t know how to come out of it. That is a horrible

condition. And when you get there now, you don’t know,
you say, “Maybe I was born in this religion or born in
that religion or something.” And you aren’t sure of what
that religion teaches and you never keep the teaching of
that religion. So you can’t even say well you have the
assurance of what that religion promised or try to
provide or point you to that you’re going to get There.
Do you understand?
And this is where at this stage of your life... And if
you are a young person and you’re unmarried, marriage
is a big, big thing in the plan of God. Marriage is not a
little thing like your job. Marriage is not a little thing
like your house. Marriage is not a little thing like your
money. All of that are little things. You hear what he
says here, “Houses and land are the inheritance of your
fathers…” earthly man could give you that, “…but a
prudent wife is from the Lord.” To prove what I am
saying, the Bible opens with marriage and the Bible
ends with marriage.
So marriage is not a temporal thought. It is not some
passing idea of God. The whole Mystery of God is about
marriage; that God has chosen a people called the Bride
before the foundation of the world and put their names
on the Lamb’s Book of Life and God came down. And
the reason He went to Calvary is to bring this Bride into
expression because God was lonely by Himself way back
There. So then you start to realize now, “Well, if He
planned this for me and this is His whole Mystery about
The reason God planned that for his sons...The first
thing you see God giving the son when He comes on the
earth was a wife. Because before the son came, God
made everything and put it there but the one thing he
was lonely for was the wife. And though he had all those
things, it never satisfied something inside of him (for
this wife) because that wife she was made and designed
by God for him. She held a very important part in him
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being able to relate to the greatest love that there is.

Because the greatest love is God’s Love for His elected
people. And that is the Mystery of marriage. He choose
a people, a people who could comfort Him.
It says, “And when Rebekah came Isaac was
comforted in the days after his mother died.” [Genesis 24:67 -
Ed.] He was comforted. She is the Holy Ghost; she is also
a type of the Holy Ghost. That’s why I’m talking about
the dove, the female dove, coming at evening time. It’s
she; the mate. The Blood of the Male was put on the
female dove and she is flying ‘holy, holy’. Why? Because
that Blood was the Love of the Male that took the
judgment so the female could fly free. Look at this great
mighty God, taking little things like a bird that He made
but you see this is the highest form of wisdom.
Where was I teaching this? Oh, in the funeral, in
Omega Wilson’s funeral, and talking also about an ant.
And when Jesus came; the wisest of all, God Himself in
the flesh, the Divine Wisdom, the Infinite Wisdom, He
started to teach about “Be ye not anxious for anything;
consider the lily of the field, consider the fowls of the air.”
[Luke 12:27 -Ed.] Solomon said, “Consider the way of the
ant.” [Proverbs 6:6 -Ed.] I said He could have quoted
something Plato said. He could have quoted something
Socrates or Aristotle said, who were the wise learned
men of the day. But he never quoted them, he said,
“Pastor Lily here has a message for you.”
Job, the wisest of man in his day, couldn’t catch the
mystery of life after death. And the flower starts to
preach to him, and the tree starts to preach to him, and
the rain starts to preach to him, and then he rose up
with inspiration. Today when they’re trying to teach
somebody, they tell you about Business Management;
you have to take a course in that. They would bring
down these motivational speakers who’re successful in
business. That is joke. Jesus says, “Consider the way
of the ant,” man. The ant will put them to shame. Do
you see that?
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But you see man is always elevated in some way that

people can look and be mesmerised by some man,
maybe his personality or his educational achievement
or something. But there is a wisdom of God that makes
all of that foolishness because the wisdom of God
teaches us the way of life. I’m not against if you’re a
teacher in here this morning. Don’t feel bad, I am not
against you because I am a teacher too so I am teaching
my subject. You know that?
But really and truly, in there, they tell you about
higher education. Well higher education is just a little
more complicated than what the lower education is. But
when you’re talking about higher education, it’s
knowing God. There is no higher education than that
when you’re coming to know God because when you
come to know God, you become like God.
If you’re just thinking it’s a book some man wrote and
that man isn’t saved, he could only give you a
knowledge that might be good for here and you can use
that knowledge maybe to help somebody work in
Satan’s Eden. But that knowledge doesn't prepare them
for where they’re going. So that knowledge, if it is just
for temporal life, it is not fit for Eternal Life. But when
God came that’s why He didn’t bring us that kind of
knowledge. God brought us knowledge to know Him
because He is the source of our life.
Look at man with all the wisdom today. We have the
best hospitals, we have the best medicine, we have more
highly trained doctors. Through technology and
science, they have more refined instruments and
everything else. And you have more diseases, and you
have more sick people, and you have more people dying
every day. That’s right. That is not the solution.
So, we come back to God’s Plan. God has a Plan.
“Houses and riches are the inheritance of fathers: but a
prudent wife is from the LORD.” You see this Book of
Proverbs is wisdom. It’s showing you, this is a gift from
the Lord. Now, many times, people, because this seems
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

so opposed or not magnified in this physical world, they

bypass that quick like it has no importance. But when
you stay and you look at that Word, you are going to
find the secret to success in life. And successful life
doesn’t necessarily mean you increase in your riches,
because in the end, if the goal is to accumulate riches,
“naked you come in the world and naked you are going
to leave” [Ecclesiastes 5:15 -Ed.] and who are you going to take
it with?
That is why Jesus said...That is the Scripture I used
when I preached the funeral. It said, “This rich man, he
built bigger barns and everything. And then God said,
“Thou fool, tonight your soul is required of you.” [Luke 12:20
-Ed.] And he was saying, “Now I have all this and I have
enough for many days to come.” And while he’s thinking
he had many days God says, “This night.” Why?
Because “Is a time to be born and a time to die.” A lot of
people get the impression you die because of sickness.
That is wrong, you die because your time on earth is up.
The Bible tells us that. That is why he said, “Teach me
to number my days and apply my heart to wisdom. A
man’s life is like a handbreadth on the earth.”
The Bible tells us, “Moses was neither,” you know,
“his eyes weren’t dim neither was his natural force
abated.” [Deuteronomy 34:7 -Ed.] And God said, “Moses, your
time is up, go up on the mountain and die.” [Deuteronomy
32:48-50 -Ed.] He lived a hundred and twenty years. His
life was in three cycles of forty: first forty years, he grew
up in Egypt. Second forty years, God emptied out that
education in the wilderness. Third forty years, he
delivered the people. He became God. When God got the
education of Egypt out from him, he became God to the
people. God said, “Moses, you be God and let Aaron be
your prophet.” He could speak into existence.
Hallelujah! It is God we’re talking about.
So you see how far God’s plan for us is. This is a great
thing. I am not saying leave your job. I am not saying
that. Work, make as much money you can, give as
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

much as you can and save as much you can. John

Wesley had that motto about money that that’s the way
to use it. What we’ll call money today is not riches; it’s
paper. You spend your life working for fifty years. You’ll
gather up a lot of paper. You’ll build a big house. One
grain of match will put that out of existence, all of that.
How could one grain of match remove labour for forty
years? This is a world of illusion. People don’t take time
to look at reality to see what is real.
The Bible tells us, when Sarah died Abraham had a
revelation in his heart. He bought a burying place and
he put Sarah there. He buried her where Job was
buried. Then when he died, he was buried right there
where Sarah was. He didn’t let Keturah and they
handle that funeral. He didn’t let Hagar and Keturah
come together and plan that funeral. No! No! No! Isaac
was in charge of everything in that funeral. He didn’t
even let Ishmael…He had some gifts for Ishmael but he
left everything for Isaac. Is that the Bible?
Then when Isaac died and Rebekah died, they were
buried there too. Why? When Jacob died, he was buried
there and Leah was buried there. Is that right? Why?
They knew that they were going to continue in the other
World. The mate God gave them was the plan for them.
Remember the dream? William Branham he is coming
up the ivory staircase to receive the reward to go into
the New World. His wives in life were there. He said,
“They bore children for me on the earth.” God told him
by revelation, “Go and marry this person.” Is that right?
This is the thing, “A prudent wife is from the LORD.”
God doesn’t give you things for the temporal. When
God plans for you...You see, you have a will and you
have a desire. You have self-will and then that self-will
makes you desire God’s permissive will. But when you
conquer self-will, then you come to the place where God
can reveal to you His perfect will. Real joy, real
satisfaction, real happiness, lies in what God has
planned for you.
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That’s why God, in bringing the first woman, He

planned it like that. He put the man to sleep. He doesn’t
even know how tall she’s going to be. He doesn’t even
know what colour of skin she’ll come in. He doesn’t even
know the size. He knows nothing. He didn’t even know
the world he was coming into. God is doing this to show,
“I planned for you. I know you. It’s I that made you. I
am your Creator. It’s I that designed you.
You ever see when you buy an appliance, they tell you
“Keep this stored in temperature this way —don’t let it
exceed this temperature. Use this in this manner.” The
manufacturer of the appliance gives you the brochure;
the manual, and shows you, “If you want to get the
service this was designed to give, it must be according
to these principles of this manual.” Because the
manufacturer knows that you don’t fully understand
what was in their thoughts when they were making
that. And they made that because they know you have
a need and they’ve provided that to supply your need.
But they’re giving you instructions for you to enjoy the
appliance, for them to be happy for you, for it to serve
you well, for you to appreciate it—how it must be used.
Well, this is the same thing God did. God who made
us has a Book here. The Bible is God’s manual; this is
God’s manual. And in that now God said, “Husbands
love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself for it.” [Ephesians 5:25 -Ed.] You know. “Wives,” you
know, “be in submission to your own husbands, as the
church is in submission to Christ.” [Ephesians 5:24 -Ed.] That
is the Creator in the manual telling you how you ought
to relate in these things, so that you could enjoy the
benefits and the blessings of what He has planned for
you concerning this part of your life.
Is everybody here happily married? Who is married?
Well, if you are not happily married, I am sure He can
put some happiness into your life. You might require a
few adjustments. Some of you might be tight; you might
be bolted down in your ideas in some place. You might
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

be a little strained in your attitude over here, but you

know, the Holy Ghost, He is the Chief Technician. He
could come in now, and you know, pour some oil of the
Holy Spirit in there, kind of get the rust out in all the
places that kind of...aren’t functioning as they should.
And then you could leave here with a spring in your step
by the grace of God. You could feel the butterflies in
your heart. You could feel the joy bells ringing again,
you know, this is how it is.
I want to go on a little bit and read a little more. I
want to move into the Song of Solomon. So far we’re
talking about how a prudent wife is a gift from the Lord
and that God designated a time and a season for His
purpose in our lives, because to everything there is a
season. There is a time for love. And this young couple
is coming into a place of ‘a time for love’. And, you know,
I just want to show you how people in love know that
You know nature is a Bible. Nature is the expression
of God’s Intelligence because God is the One Who
created the world. God is the One Who designed it. God
is the One Who brings the seasons. God is the One Who
created botany life, marine life, bird life, animal life;
from little humming bird to the big eagle. From the little,
you know, sardine to the big gigantic whale. From the
little hyssop that grows in the wall to the great cedars
of Lebanon. From the ant to the big elephant. God
created millions and millions of species in each kind of
life, and why is He doing this? He wants to show how
great He is. He wants to show, He is all powerful. He
wants to show that in these things there are mysteries
of the Creator —of God, that we could know Him.
People think today...Look what the devil does to
people. They say, “You want to know about God, you
have to go theology school. You have to learn Greek, you
have to learn Hebrew, you have to learn the Bible, you
have to learn homiletics and different things.” And
they’ll teach you about religion and all these different
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

things. No! When God made that, there was no Bible

school for Adam to God to. There was no homiletics.
There was no Greek. Nobody’s talking Greek yet
because they haven’t reached Babel yet. But God,
teaching in nature; he (Adam) could name every tree, he
could name every bird, he could name everything. Why?
Because he is aligned with God. He is an offspring of
God. He was in God when God was creating it.
Watch how in God’s time and season just like
the...What we call autumn, they call fall in the States.
Because... They call it fall because the leaves fall off the
trees. But just before the leaves fall off the tree, the
leaves are green all through spring and summer. But
when it comes autumn, it starts to turn brown, it starts
to turn red, it starts to turn yellow. Oh, and the place is
pretty and lights up. The same tree, but it is prettiest
when it’s dying. And all those beautiful leaves now start
to fall off the tree. Why? Because that tree knows the
season is changing. It knows the winter is coming on
because autumn foreruns winter. And the life in the tree
goes down in the root and waits until the winter is
passed. And when the winter passes and the earth
comes back around and aligns with the sun again, then
that sun begins to melt off all the snow. And that water
gets down into the root and the life in the root begins to
come back up and push out new leaves again; a type of
the resurrection. New Life is coming forth in the
springtime. That tree knows the time and the purpose.
It says, the ant… Now that is botany life but watch in
animal life. The ant now, knows winter is coming too,
so he is storing up food in the colony because when that
winter comes they would burrow deep into the ground.
And they’re in their colony but they have all the food
they need down in there to go through the winter. And
that’s why you see those ants and they’re busy, busy,
busy. And you see two of them carrying something ten
thousand times their size.

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Did you ever see two or three ba-chacs [local word for a leaf
cutting ants -Ed.] with some big branch and a leaf? Watch the
size of the ba-chac and watch the size of the leaf they’re
carrying. And nobody’s sitting down and saying, “This
is unjust! We are not getting enough pay for this.” And
nobody jumps up and says, “I will be the union leader
and we’re going and strike because we have to get better
conditions.” No! They have harmony and unity. They are
not arguing among themselves. They’re courageous,
they’re industrious, they are influenced by a vision of a
time coming when they wouldn’t have and they wouldn’t
be able to go out and work and get, so they’re storing it
up. They know there are little ones in the colony that
will need food too. They aren’t influenced by how big a
task they have. They know, “We are ants, we are built
courageous, we don’t have fear. No matter how big the
problem, we have what it takes to work in harmony and
unity and get the job done.” That is right.
That is why God is telling man who is in God’s image
and likeness but who got away from God, who is at the
top of the food chain, who has all the education and the
degree, God is saying, “Consider the way of the ant.”
“Look at your home in shambles, you have all these
degrees, you are the big person there. Look at you with
some young girl messing up your mind, an old man like
you.” Do you understand? “Look at your house in
shambles! Look at that ant! He doesn’t have that
problem.” God, God, God. God is real, God is real.
You would see some ants in your house. You would
walk in the grocery pushing your trolley; you come
down that aisle, you see insecticide. You’re already
planning a chemical war to wipe out a civilization. You
know why? You’re growing up in a society where they
say, “No, we are going and deliver this country. We are
going and deliver Iraq.” Or “We are going to bring
democracy in Afghanistan.” Making up your own lie and
believing in it. But they’re planning to go and kill and
wipe people out to control territory.
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And you’re thinking you’re living a social, you know,

civilized life. You come home with that big tin, and by
the time you see those ants, you don’t care where
they’re living, how many other ants are with them. You
go in your cupboard, in your arsenal and you pull out
your bomb and you start to spray. And you feel good
when you kill them because you tell yourself you have
delivered this place…pest control. They are not pests;
God sent teachers to teach you, but you can’t humble
yourself to that teaching. You go out in the big school
and you have your iPad and you’re taking notes. And
you have video thing, and you’re on ‘i education…’ This
is it. This is reality. This is reality.
So you don’t see the world so. That sounds
humorous but it just shows, in the end all you do, is
that you are trying to keep conformity to what you call
being scientific. Because science, they killed all the
trees. God made them for...If we don’t have those trees,
brother, this whole earth will be destroyed. They turn,
(what?) carbon dioxide into oxygen…Photosynthesis
and all these things. And then they pollute all the water.
All of this is science. They destroy the rivers, they
destroy the sea. Look at all this Horizon Deepwater
[Deepwater Horizon] thing that went through couple
years ago.
Look at this...What is it? The Japanese, Fujima? Is it
Fujima? [Fukushima]…where they had the earthquake
and the radiation, all the nuclear facilities. Man kills
everything. And now they even bring it down to a
domestic level, with that same kind of ‘killing
everything’ in the domestic environment. Because they
breed a race of killers to make us feel, “No, we are
civilized; I don’t want that around my house. I don’t
want that around my house. No, I don’t want that
around my house.” But God wants to show to us, God
created that. And man with all their wisdom can’t create
one of that. But man invents this thing here with

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

chemicals to kill. And you now under that influence —

I don’t want to get too deep into that, next thing some
of you get fanatical because people live in so much of
fear. They fear a spider, they fear this, they fear that.
And the devil makes them fear all that and the thing
they’re really are supposed to fear they don’t fear. They
are running headlong into it because that again too, is
culture. Do you understand? That is culture.
You see civilization has messed up the way people
think. And man has been so deceived in thinking he’s
becoming more educated and more built up and a better
person, has really become an educated unbeliever. He
has been desensitized from the reality of God. But
watch. In the simplicity of the Word God designated a
time and season for His purpose in our lives.
He knew when He wanted us to be born. You had no
choice whether you wanted to be male or female. You
had no choice which race you wanted to be born in. You
had no choice which time you wanted to live in. You had
no choice which family you wanted to live in. God
planned all that, you had no choice. The reason God
planned it without you having a choice is because God
had a plan for you.
Some people say...Like Michael Jackson, he didn’t
like being black, he didn’t like how his hair was. So he
started to bleach his skin, take operation, make his
nose straight; do different things. Why? To blend into a
next set of people. So when you look and see how people
—science is deforming them and changing the way they
are and giving them a false feeling. It is better to be that
way. Only to realize, they are missing God’s purpose
for their life because the only thing to change defects is
the Blood of Jesus Christ, not operations.
Some people don’t like themselves the way God made
them. Again, because of the images they’re seeing that
are glamorized and put out there as, “that’s nice, that is
the in-thing, that is what the crowd wants, that is what
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

people admire.” So they have this pressure now upon

them; they want to be accepted.
Now that ‘accepted’ they want to be ‘accepted’, they
are accepted in the Beloved. That is the real acceptance.
When God accepts you, you are well accepted. But
Satan has blinded them. And what they are looking for
and the satisfaction and the joy that they think that that
would bring, is what only the Holy Ghost can bring in a
life. Man was made to thirst for God. But Satan is giving
people things in a false way and the joy and the
satisfaction are only temporal.
But in Song of Solomon here, watch and see how, just
like the tree knows the winter is coming, just like the
ant knows, just like when a season is coming in where
God wants to do something in the lives of people
because God designated a time and season for His
purpose in our lives. And because a prudent wife is a
gift from God, when God is bringing this into the life of
a son, and a son into the life of a daughter of God, look
how it has a season and a time for that. And look how
in God’s time and season this love comes about.
Do you know it was a time and season when Adam
started to feel lonely? Do you know it was a time and
season when God made the Bride and brought her to
him? Do you know it was a time and season when Isaac
needed to be comforted? And Abraham being a prophet;
receiving the thoughts of God knowing where that bride
is. How did he know where the bride was? He said,
“Don’t take from here, go over there and take. Eliezer,
go in there,” And he said, “The Angel will lead you.”
When he goes in there, Eliezer prayed a certain way for
the one appointed, because there is one planned and
waiting and preserved and kept back for him. But
watch how he’s coming into true divine leadership.
Watch how God is bringing to pass the things He
planned for us because all things are provided for us in
Christ. Your life is pre-planned.
Verse 10, Song of Solomon, chapter 2:
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

My beloved spake, and said unto me,


Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come

My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise
up, my love, my fair one, and come away.
11 For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is

over and gone;

If the winter is passed, what season is it? Spring,
Spring. Watch how they knew time and season. Why,
“Come, let us go now.” Because now is the time and
season to go. Now is the time of love. Let me break it
down for you a little bit. You see... Some of you are
watching me in a strange way like if you don’t know the
Rebekah was married in the evening time. She
received the bridegroom in the evening time. Is evening
time a season, and morning time a season, and midday
a season? That is right. Ruth... Boaz was an old man
and his bride is leaving Moab coming with Naomi. She’s
coming with Boaz’s family. She is married into that
family and became kin to him, but doesn’t know all of
this as yet. And all that time Boaz is waiting. Do you
understand? She was married at harvest time.
Why didn’t the marriage take place in the days of
Luther? Because God had a time for it. Why was it at
evening time the Messenger went out to choose a Bride
for Christ? Because God foreshowed it in the Scripture;
it had an appointed time for the marriage. Why does the
Bible say, “The marriage of the Lamb is…” What? —is
come. Is come; the time is come, now! This is the
preparation now for the Bride. Why is the Bride in this
Hour coming to perfection and has the fullness of the
Word to be dressed and could only marry in this Hour?
Because for the two to become one, She has to be in the
image and it didn’t have enough Word yet to make Her
into the Image. It was a growing Body of the Word; from
the feet all the way up to the head, that when She comes
into His Own image in order to be united with Him.
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That’s why the marriage couldn’t take place before;

She is being formed. She is changing from glory unto
glory, from glory unto glory. She is becoming like Christ
until She becomes what? Jesus in Bride form. She is
Life of His Life, Spirit of His Spirit, Word of His Word.
She is the matching piece to the Masterpiece. Now the
marriage could take place in the Uniting Time and Sign,
in the Hour of the invisible union, in this time, at
evening time, at harvest time, the marriage can take
Adam was reflecting this because the first marriage
was God brought that marriage. And God formed a bride
from the feet all the way up to the head. And when she
stands, she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh;
then the marriage could take place. Is that right? And
what happened when they were married? They went
and had dominion in the Garden over everything.
What is going to happen after the marriage here?
Christ and the Bride will have dominion in the
millennium over everything. Even the Promise in the
last Age, “You will sit with Me in My Throne”, “You will
share My dominion with Me.” What were they singing
when the Book was opened? “We shall reign as kings
and priests on the earth.” Amen.
So it’s tremendous when you think of... God has a
season for this too. God has a season for that. And the
natural marriage is a type of the Spiritual Marriage. God
gives marriage to His sons because He has planned
marriage for Himself. And He gave them; being a son
made in His image and likeness to be a little one like
Him. Because the first man…He changed His Name
from Elohim to Jehovah which means He who exists
with His family. He made a little one like Himself. So
man now comes and God gives him a wife. But the wife
God gives— the first wife God gave, she was part of the
very man. And I am going to show you how God never
changed and God can never change. And every wife God

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

has, God has that missing rib somewhere and knows

how to bring it back.
Watch the Bride of Christ. Some are in this island
seventy miles by forty miles. Some are in Grenada
smaller than that. Some are in Barbados smaller than
that. Some are in a big continent like Africa. Some are
in a big continent like Europe. Some are in a big
continent like North America and South America. Some
are in a big continent like Australia. But was God able
to find them all? Would one be lost? Would there be a
name that wouldn’t come up? And all of them make up
Christ’s rib; Christ’s missing rib. Of course, of course!
So no matter where a man’s bride is, God knows how
to move those two people together. Does God move the
planets around? Does God move those constellations
and bring them to a certain place? Does God do that?
Did God move that Message from there and sent it
around the whole world to get the Bride everywhere?
That’s right, because God planned all of this. Why can’t
we believe Him? Why can’t we believe Him? Why can’t
we trust Him and have faith in Him? Why do we take
things into our own hands and bounce our heads, and
trip and fall, and disfigure ourselves and scar ourselves.
And then try to behave like —you know? Why won’t we
let Him lead us?
Don’t you want Him to lead you? Don’t you want to
put your life in His hands? Let His Word be a Lamp unto
your feet and a Light unto your pathway? Don’t you
want to open your heart that the entrance of His Word
could bring Light and illumination to your mind?
Wouldn’t it be a great thing, if God has a plan He could
reveal that plan to you?
Now by a simple look in the Bible, in every Age God
had a plan for people and people came to the plan. God
had a plan for Moses. Is that right? God had told
Abraham, “In the fourth generation; four hundred years
from now...” He says, “I will deliver the people with a
mighty hand.” When Moses was born, did Pharaoh have
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

a plan? Did Satan have a plan to kill Moses? Did he kill

a lot of children, but couldn’t get Moses? Moses’ mother
puts him in a little ark, floats him down that river with
all those crocodiles. Passed different houses, ends up
right where Pharaoh’s daughter was bathing. She had
no children, she takes him, hides him. He’s raised up in
the palace. He learned all the ways of Egypt. And when
the time for God’s plan comes, he refuses to be called
the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He esteemed the
reproach of Christ greater riches. He laid aside all that,
went down in the mud to help God’s people. And when
the time comes to die…Is God who saved him from those
crocodiles, tells him now, “Go in the mountain and die,”
not even sickness could take him and he went and died.
Fourteen hundred years after, he was with Jesus Christ
on Mount Transfiguration.
God has a plan for us. Nothing could stop God’s plan
for us. God planned your salvation, how you’re going to
come to receive the Word. God planned your marriage.
God planned your future home. He already showed you
the plans. God already showed you the kind of man you
are going to become when He unveiled The Stature of a
Perfect Man; how you are going to get in the Rapture in
the next World. What you are actually seeing is God has
His timetable. He is right on time, and He’s working
everything together for your own good. Now who has a
better plan than that, that you want to take things into
your own hands? No.
We are in a betrothal here this morning, two young
people. At one time they didn’t know each other. At one
time, maybe they saw each other and maybe went
through something and didn’t know what they were
going through, and think that is the devil and shut it
down, and say, “Satan, get thee hence.” Maybe at that
time, Satan’s trying to tie up somebody with the wrong
person too. Do you understand what I am saying? But
God now is working. God is working. Why?

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

Because...And which I am proving to you here by

Scripture, “A prudent wife is from the Lord.”
In other words, God...That’s in Proverbs. Now I could
have started in Genesis where God says, “I will make a
help meet for him,” [Genesis 2:18 -Ed.] you know. Not “He will
give Me his plans and I am going to say, am…I have a
workshop here. You want a bride? How tall must she
be? Give me your blueprint, I’ll see if I could make it like
the way you want it.” No, God planned it for you.
Some girls say, “I grew up so hard and that boy likes
me, you know. And he is a nice boy but he is poor. And
this rich boy is interested in me and maybe I could have
a better life!” No, you grew up poor there because God
is preparing you. You are overcoming inside of there.
And if God is giving you one there, he is showing you
“Life does not consist of the abundance of things a person
possesses.” And, “Godliness with contentment is great
gain.” And in there it's going to be faithfulness and
Because this rich fellow like Shechem, he figures his
money could give him what he wants. And he could take
what he wants and have what he wants. And then, you,
who were like a no class, think you land a big fish, are
going to realize that, you know, he is seeing that you
should be very much grateful that he paid some
attention to you. Somebody of his caliber and stature
would allow a nobody like you to come into his world.
So you come in there as property with a little more
privilege than the dog and a little more privilege than
the maid in the house and so on. Do you understand?
But watch how God works. You see the thing is, the
reason people get motivated and influenced to take
things into their own hands and go looking are two
things: one, society’s impact and influence upon their
minds. They get caught in that fairytale world that they
see on television, on billboards and magazines and
these things. And then the next thing, out there, they
don’t realize, “No, God already has this for me.” If they
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

knew God has this for them, then they wouldn’t go

trying to get it for themselves. They would realize God
leads this and God brings it in time and season because
to everything there is a season and a time to every
And so in Solomon here, we are reading; in Song of
Solomon, we are reading, she is saying:
My beloved spake, and said unto me,
Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come
This is not an elopement, you know. This may sound
like it’s an elopement, but this is not an elopement.
For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is
over and gone;
There’s a season when the rain comes and there’s a
season when the rainy season is over. And there, the
winter is passing. He says:
12 The flowers appear on the earth; the

time of the singing of birds is come, and the

voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
All of that happens when the winter is passed. And
now the spring is come and the first rain has fallen,
because it takes two rains to bring that mature grain.
And when the winter is passed now the life comes out
of the earth. See? The flowers appear on the earth. This
is poetic language describing time and season, but
showing, now, it’s the time of love because in nature
there’s a time of love. Nature has a time; a mating
season, when the deep calls to the deep. And God who
is writing that first Bible in nature, the deep calling...
Have you ever seen when the dogs are mating —
mating season for dogs come? You would see that male
dog in that yard, [Brother Vin makes a sound like a dog in mating season]
and he’s making all that noise. And you may say...You’d
take up a big stone and hit that dog, “Keep quiet, I want
to sleep.” But that fellow now, he is in mating season
and that is a love call but that is not...You don’t see that
as any love call.
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That is why when the Message came and Seven

Thunders uttered their voices, denomination said, “Ah,
that is false, that is of the devil, that Message.” That is
the love call for the Bride: “Behold the Bridegroom
cometh, go ye out to meet Him.” It’s a time of love, the
Headstone is coming with shoutings of grace. It’s a time
of joy and expectations in the Church. That is why they
say, “Fast and pray, fast and pray, fast and pray,” you
know, “We want a revival.” The Prophet said, “Watch
them, watch them; still hang over with that Age; fast
and pray, we want a revival.” He said, “They failed to see
the awakening of the Bride. They fail to see the
Bridegroom has come. There is a Man here that could
turn on the Light.” Romeo is on the scene; He’s taking
Juliet away, “Arise, My love,” The Easter Seal is opened,
the resurrection is here. The Quickening Power is
quickening our minds to our Promise, quickening our
lives to our Age, raising us up in a spiritual Atmosphere
in heavenly places. We, who were dead in sins and
trespasses, raised up to New Life. It’s Easter time.
Hallelujah! The resurrected Christ, the living One, the
Son of Man is among the people. The Ranch-boss’ Son
is here. Hallelujah! Glory be to God in the highest! He’s
come for His Bride. The Shout is gathering them
together! Hallelujah!
When that deep starts to call; that’s a longing for
union. God puts it in the animals, He puts it in the
birds. They’re saying...This is two lovers, human beings
but they’re seeing the rain. “And look the rainbow in the
sky; look at the seven colours, look, it’s speaking of a
covenant.” They’re seeing...They say, “The voice of the
turtle…” which is turtle dove, not turtle like you get in
the water; “…turtle dove is in the land.” You’re hearing
the Dove. The Dove flew into my heart. I know that He
did. See, it starts to coo. The Seventh Dove has
descended, she’s gentle. She came unto us at evening
time and lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf. What is it?
It’s the time coming now, to enter into the New World.
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

We are on the last mountain before the other Country.

Do you see?
And these lovers who’re coming into union are
looking at nature and seeing, “Look, the flowers are
appearing, look, the birds are singing.” When you’re in
love everything gets beautiful. Because why? When a
man and a woman that God planned together to be
married, and in that season of union He is drawing
them, and He has awakened that longing and desire
inside of them; longing for fellowship. Do you see?
Longing for fellowship…That is what Adam was longing
And when God saw that longing getting intense and
Adam began to cry out, (see?) and that call went out,
God heard that call. “Hear my cry, oh Lord, attend unto
my prayer. From the ends of the earth I cry unto thee.”
And God came down and God tranquilized him. God
tranquilized him; God is getting ready for surgery. God
is getting ready to bring the bride out. God is getting
ready to bring the feminish [feminine] spirit into
expression. God is seeing marriage, God is seeing
The whole Garden started to rejoice, all the animals
and they. Brother, it was couples’ meeting. Male lion
and the female lioness, the male dove with the female
dove, the male eagle with the female eagle, the ram with
the ewe; they were all there in the Garden. It was a great
thing because here was coming forth the crowning
thing. Why? Because a virtuous woman is the crown of
her husband, hallelujah! The husband was there, God
crowned him with glory. Yes, he had power and riches
and everything else but the real crowning was coming
when the virtuous woman came. When is Jesus really
going to be crowned? The Bride; the saints will crown
Him. Amen! The Bride will crown Him, friends! Glory be
to God! You see the reality of this God.
And watch Solomon because remember Solomon is
only a type of Christ. Solomon had the kingdom. That’s
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

right. Solomon had a bride made up of many, (Is that

right?) typing this Bride in this Hour. Solomon built the
house that it took seven years, like a type of the Church
built in Seven Church Ages. Then the Throne is
established and all the kings of the earth bring their
glory into Jerusalem. Hallelujah!
...lo, the winter is past, the rain is over
and gone;
12 The flowers appear on the earth; the

time of the singing of birds is come, and the

voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
13 The fig tree…

He has gone from the rain; the seasons to botany life:

the flowers to bird life: the turtledove singing, the
nightingales, all the other singing of birds. And then the
fig tree, he goes down now into the fig tree, a time when
Israel who is the fig tree is putting forth its buds. Is that
what Jesus said? “When the fig tree puts forth its
buds...” He said, “And the fig tree putteth forth her green
figs.” Hallelujah! What is it? You see Israel is going back
in the homeland. Boaz is getting ready to be married.
Boaz is coming down in the field, Boaz sees that Gentile
when Naomi; Israel, comes back in the homeland. It’s a
Mystery of Christ; the Bride is being married in this
Hour, so He could go and bring full redemption to them.
Oh my! “Shall I not seek rest for thee?” Shall I not seek
rest for you? Hallelujah!
Do you want to labour, labour, labour in the energy
of the flesh or do you want God to lead you into rest?
Get the real rest first, the Holy Ghost, then you’ll come
into marriage rest. Glory be to God in the highest!
…and the vines with the tender grape give
a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one,
and come away.
Do you hear communication? This is two
people...This is Jesus and the Bride talking. This is the
Lord Who descends, skipping over the mountains, those

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

Seven Mountain Peaks there, drops down. That’s right.

Watch, watch where this goes. Watch where this goes.
Verse 10, he starts off, he says:
… Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come
Now he tells us about all the winter is passed, the
rain is over, the flowers appear and the time of singing
of birds. The fig tree, the grape vine, the vines where the
tender grapes give a good smell; the fragrance, the
atmosphere there.
…my love, my fair one, and come away.
He says,
14 O my dove, O my dove, that art in the

clefts of the rock,

Where is the Bride? Is She in the cleft of the Rock?
Rock of ages cleft for me; let me hide myself in thee!
That’s where She is; this Rock in a weary land, this
Shelter in the time of storm, this Rock of Ages, this
Ever-present Water that we’re getting from the Rock.
That is where the dove is because doves go into a secure
place. They’re tender, but it's like in a fortress; “A
Mighty Fortress is our God. He is my Refuge and my
Strength. He is my strong Tower.”
He tells them, “My dove, thou art in the cleft of the
Rock.” What is the cleft of the Rock? An opening in the
Rock. What is the Rock? That represents the brother’s
dream. That represents the Bible in the brother’s
dream. The Rock is the Word, and there is an opening
in the Word. And the Dove goes in the opening, and the
Dove lives in the opening. She is not out there in the
First Pull and Second Pull. In the Third Pull, in the
Opening, She comes into Him. She comes back into the
place where she came from. He had a cleft in His side
where She is taken out from. That rib came back inside
to make them one, “Father, that they may be one as I
and You are One.” This is uniting time. Arise, my love
my fair one and come away! Hallelujah!
… in the secret places of the stairs,
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

In this Pyramid Rock, there are seven steps. And each

one of those seven steps is a secret; it’s a Seven-fold
Mystery of how you come from flesh to Word. And in
every Age you had the Holy Spirit; the Dove:“He that
hath an ear to hear,” was a Seal opened and a Mystery
unfolding. He said, “And you're hiding in the cleft of the
Rock and in the secret places of the stairs.”
In that Pyramid there are seven steps; the great grand
gallery that brings you to the Prophet’s chamber, where
you will enter into the Throne Room where there is an
empty coffer, where the transformation of the body is to
take place. And the Fourth Guard, the Eagle standing
there, to bring the comer into the Presence. To usher
them into the Presence of the King at the end of the Age,
to bring them into union with the Headstone. Because
that Pyramid is a Mystery of Christ in the Bride! Christ
is the Headstone and that Bride is the New City. The
Lamb and His wife. “And I saw a Bride adorned and He
showed me the City; Heavenly Jerusalem, as a Bride.”
And He said, “This is the Lamb’s wife and the Headstone
was Christ Himself. The Lamb is the Light of the City.”
Hallelujah! He is the Head. He is the Capstone of that
And look at Solomon with this wisdom. He said:
Oh my dove,
Now watch me. The Rain has been poured out in this
day, the Former and the Latter Rain in the last days.
The winter has passed: that denominational Age is
gone. This is the resurrection time under the Easter
Seal when He’s come to us; the Mighty Angel came down
on the Sunday at Easter Time. That’s right!
Watch. And that’s the time He is calling Her, “Come
with Me now, we’re going. Come, My fair one, let’s go.”
Romeo is taking Juliet. Solomon is taking the bride;
Christ is taking the Bride in this Hour; taking us out
from here. My faith in Him will take me out from here;
I’ve never heard a Promise like this. It is He, Himself,
who comes down among His people in this Hour.
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

…O my dove, that art in the clefts of the

He is telling her where she is. You tell me if I’m not in
the cleft of the Rock this morning here; that’s where I
am. You tell me I’m not in those secret places of the
seven stairs. Hallelujah! You tell me this is not the
Mystery, that this is the time of love when the
Headstone came, (amen) when Agapo Love comes down,
the greatest Power there is. The Church comes to know
this Love in this Hour that we...We have always thought
it was some kind of mighty power. One told us, “This is
Divine Love; It will make and bring to pass the
tremendous Victory in the Love Divine.” Hallelujah! The
Third Pull, this is what it is. The Spoken Word that
could bind that devil in a knot.
…let me see thy countenance, let me hear
thy voice;
“I give you a Voice.” You can’t be in the cleft of the
Rock and in the secret places of the stairs, and you don’t
have a Voice. You are the Final Voice to the Final Age.
“Let me hear your Voice. Let me see if your Voice is
saying the same thing I’m saying.” Hallelujah! “Let me
see if it’s the Spirit speaking through you. Let me see
you. Let me hear you say, ‘amen’ to the Word. Let me
hear thy Voice.” He said, “Let me see your countenance
to see if My face is in your face so that we could see face
to face.” That’s fellowship. That’s fellowship. “The angels
behold the Father’s Face…” and “when that which is
perfect is come, (the Bridegroom) that which is in part
shall be done away…we will know as we were known…
we will see face to face…let Me see your countenance.”
Did we see His countenance? It shines like the sun in
its full strength. His eyes were like a flame of fire. Is that
right? Who was that? The Son of Man. When? Between
His Priesthood and His Kingship in the Lord’s Day.
What time are we living in? When did He came down?
Between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpets? At the Last
Trump where shall we go? To the Marriage Supper. The
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

Rapture. Is the Rapture unfolding? Is the Rapture a

Mystery that is unfolding? Is it a threefold Mystery that
is unfolding? Are you part of the Mystery? To be part,
you must see the Bridegroom. Did you hear the
Midnight Cry, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh?” Did
Eliezer introduce you to Him? Are you in the tent with
Him? Are you having face to face fellowship with Him?
“A prudent wife is a gift from the Lord.” God
designated a time and season for His purpose in our life;
a time of love…to everything there is a time and season.
The Song of Solomon showed, in God’s season, in the
time of love, deep calls to deep, they’re longing for
What am I doing, young people? I’m giving you steps.
I’m giving you the steps how God brings you into what
He planned for you. If you can’t see these Scriptures in
your experience, you are going in a way that seems
right, but there is only one way provided by God for
everything. When you’re coming God’s way, it’s a gift
from the Lord.
That brother or that sister will be a gift from the Lord
to you. And for Him to give you the gift of a husband or
a wife, it means to say, He knows your need. He knows
the time this is to be introduced in your life. He knows
the benefit this is designed to bring to you. He knows
that from here on in your life, at this junction, you
needed this because of the challenges that await you.
And now, a twofold cord is not easily broken because
now He unites you all together. Your gifts and your
talents in your life, and her gifts and talents in her life,
putting you all together to come forth to show God’s
Mystery of oneness. To bring forth fruit out of this
union, to raise a family that you two can become a
Jehovah; you’ll make a little one like yourself. You are a
little one like your papa. You are living out the same
Mystery of Christ. God is beautiful, I think. I think God
is wonderful.

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

Because in Genesis 2:18 the Lord said, “It is not good

for the man to be alone; I will make a help meet for him.”
So if a prudent wife is a gift from the Lord, and the first
time God is giving the first son a gift of a prudent
woman; a virtuous woman... It is God Who makes it. He
said, “I will make the help.” The help is a prudent
woman. The help is a virtuous woman. And this is what
God is making for His son. And what He does the first
time He must do every time. Because why? Marriage is
a Mystery of Christ and the Church. And God has to
give you something to reflect that Mystery of what He
and His Church is. That is why Isaac and Rebecca, Boaz
and Ruth, Ahasuerus and Esther, Salmon and Rahab,
(that’s right!) all of them were a type of Christ and the
Church because those are the Mysteries of Christ and
the Church coming together. And everything that’s
happening here is also a further Mystery in our Age, in
our time. But now, the reality is not far off; it’s like the
shadows and the substance are becoming one. Now,
this Mystery can be revealed in such a reality.
You see God made the first bride with three sacred
virtues for His son and brought her to him. God made
the bride and brought her unto him. God took the rib
out of him, went into His workshop, made her and
brought her out and presented her to him faultless,
without spot and without wrinkle. Three sacred virtues:
the bedding ground was sacred; the womanhood was
sacred; the motherhood that she was going to come
into, (because God had given the commission to
multiply and replenish the world) was sacred. God
didn’t present a halfway bride. God presented a perfect
bride to him there. She was chosen in him and she was
blessed in him. And she went with Him and had
dominion and reigned over God’s Eden. That’s exactly
what’s happening in this Hour.
Bringing it to a close here now. God made that first
bride with three sacred virtues. You want to be a bride
with three sacred virtues. You want to keep those
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

virtues sacred. Do you know why those virtues are

marred and fall into disrepute? It is people trying to go
their own way to get what they want, not being led by
God into what God has planned for you. Did you get
God has planned for you and only God can lead you
into what He has planned for you. Not, Eliezer found the
girl. No. Eliezer prayed because he was instructed that
the Angel of God...Abraham said, “This Angel will go
with you and He’ll prosper your way.” Because the
Angel knows the appointed one. But he is praying in
accordance with the plan because he grew up under a
prophet (name) ending with H-A-M, of seven letters. Do
you understand? It’s a great thing. It’s a great thing,
friends. How beautiful God is.
Now hear... Look what the Scripture is now. Proverbs
31:10 says:
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her
price is far above rubies.
Now remember, the woman is a gift from God.
Remember God is the One Who made the help. God is
the One Who made the virtuous woman, the prudent
woman. Prudent means discretion... Circumspect rather,
discerning, perceptive, enlightened. God wants to give a
man a prudent wife: circumspect, discerning,
perceptive, enlightened. God wants to give a man a
virtuous wife: sacred womanhood, sacred motherhood
and the bedding ground sacred. Because remember,
30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain:

but a woman that feareth the LORD, she

shall be praised.
So many men become charmed by a woman showing
them favour but that favour is just to get that person.
Beauty is vain.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain:
A beautiful woman who is very charming and she can
offer a man what he wants. Sometimes she would even
go to the extent to give up her virgincy [virginity] just to
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

get him and seal the deal. And when the marriage takes
place she is a different woman all together because she
got what she wanted.
And you know the old people say, “The way to a man’s
heart is through his stomach.” A woman could be
hospitable, a woman could make nice things, a woman
could be charming, a woman, you know, she could be
so many things. And if that man does not know what
God has planned for him and is leading him
into...Because most marriages today, they come about
through some woman who knows how to treat a man
well, being a good hostess.
You ever travel on the airline? “Oh, would you mind
if I take that coat for you? I’ll hang it up here so you can
relax.” You know. Then, they recline the chair and they
turn it back for you so. “Oh well, would you have some
red wine or white?” Or, “We also have apple juice and
we also have, you know, something of your choice.” You
know. And you kind of find you start to feel nice already.
But that’s a course she takes, that’s a training she gets
for a job. She does that as long as the flight lasts. And
notice, they’re all attractive too because beauty and
attractiveness are part of the package to get the job.
Because it’s a way...There is nothing designed as a
woman in God’s creation. And every feature and every
aspect of her design is so visually stimulating to a man.
And that’s why today, the whole world is hypnotized and
being pulled into pornography and all these things.
Why? Because it exposes the woman to the eye of the
viewer; but “…he that looketh upon a woman to lust have
already committed adultery in his heart.” [Matthew 5:28 -Ed.]
So when we look and we see how these things are,
friends ...There’s a way people try to come into things.
And a lot of marriages take place because it’s a beautiful
woman who’s treating somebody nice. Because that
beauty is so visually stimulating that a man wants to
land the big prize. And he’s not looking for loyalty, he’s
not looking for compassion. He is not looking to see if
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

that woman prays; he is not looking to see if she reads

the Word. He’s not looking to see if she is dedicated
there, to see if she is teachable, if she can take
correction, if she could humble herself when she is
wrong. And you just get carried away with a nice
straight nose and a nice smile and dimples and curly
hair or something. You’re in problems. Because that
doesn’t make a marriage. A man must choose with
But you see beauty is glamour. We’re in an Age where
the beauty of women is most glamorized. So that’s why
most young men growing up today are swept and it’s
hard for them to keep a control because in the last days
women have become more fair through cosmetics and
science and cosmetic surgery and all kinds of different
things. Because a woman could get what shape she
wants with cosmetic surgery today. You’re walking
along there, you don’t even know how much silicone
and airbag you’re dealing with.
Apart from being in that condition spiritually and
then physically, well sometimes in this Age of
transvestite and sex operation, turning woman into
man and man into woman, you better check her papers
real clear when you think you’re going...Because they
can enter —now with the laws, they could enter beauty
But what God planned for you God leads you into it.
And sometimes you’re looking for it in the environment
and getting frustrated, and it is not in your immediate
environment. God told Jacob, “Go by your family.” God
tells this one, Isaac, “Go by your family.” Did you hear
that? Family; I hope you get that; family! How do you
know the family? They better have the same Seed and
the same Blood your daddy has. If they don’t have the
same Seed and the same Blood, that is not family.
Family is blood relation. This is Apostolic Blood. This
is the Blood, the faith of the fathers. Get that clear.

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

So you know when I say ‘family’ what I mean. And I

know the family; you don’t know the family. You don’t
know the family at all. You think you know the family
because I am sent to go into all the world and preach
the Gospel. I preach the Gospel among family and not
among family and some is pumpkin vine family and
some are other kinds of family; but I know the real
family. I know the House. The kinsman is the nearer
Kinsman. Redemption is really the nearer Kinsman
where the Blood is thicker and the obligation is greater.
I am making life simple for you. I am making life so
simple for you that you could see how clear God
planned this for you. He gives that wife, right? We went
through that. That’s His gift, His best gift after
salvation, “A prudent wife is a gift from the Lord.” Then
God has a time and season. A time for love and God
brings that season. And just like the Bride is going
through hers now, I read it in Song of Solomon, the two
people know. They are able to read the signs in nature,
read the signs in their experience, read the
identification and know ‘this is the time’, because this
is deep calling unto deep. This is the time of union.
That’s right.
Then we find God made the first bride with three
sacred virtues for His first son and brings her to Him.
Then in the Scripture I just read now:
Who could find a virtuous woman for her
price is far above rubies?
God knows where to find the woman with the three
sacred virtues, God knows where she was. Abraham
said, “Put your hand on my thigh and swear. She is not
here among the Canaanites! Go where my family is.” Did
you get that? The point I am making, God knows where
they are. Don’t get frustrated, “I can’t find my mate.” No,
God knows where it is. Start to talk to God in the line of
His Word. Say, “Lord, am I overlooking my mate here?
It’s right here; You already brought it to me and I can’t
see it because my mind...I’m trapped in a concept. And
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

my concept has me looking for something and I can’t

recognize You amongst us.”
Remember, everybody was looking for Jesus to come
in the sky? And then he says, Presence of God
Unrecognized - True Sign Overlooked, right in their
midst. For four thousand years, they looked for the
Messiah and when He came in their midst, they called
Him Beelzebub. The Mate had come to them and He had
found the wife in such a condition. Remember
Jehovah? He says, “Israel’s treacherous sister…Judah,
a next treacherous one.” What they did to Him? He said,
“But yet I say come back.” But they were going after
many lovers. That’s right. God works this.
Then finally God came down, right among them and
they humiliated Him, they rejected Him, they ill-treated
Him. Look what they do to Him in this day, the same
thing; a second crucifixion. Yet they’re talking about
Jesus, “We love Jesus, we love Jesus.” And Jesus comes
right there and they call Him a Beelzebub again. They
say He’s fortune telling, He’s reading the people’s minds
and hypnotizing them. They did just what their fathers
did back there, because their organizational fathers
were back there.
The organizational fathers of these denominational
churches today are Sadducees and Pharisees because
they come together to reject the Message, the same way
these today reject the same Son of Man. And the
Apostolic fathers say, “We are the children whose hearts
are turned back to them.” They recognized the Son of
Man and received the Spirit of the Son of Man and that
Ministry was continuing in them; the same thing. My!
That is Word. That’s the Word going forth there. That’s
the Word.
God designated the time and the season and the
provided way. He designated the time; a time for love,
a time to marry, a time to embrace. And the season,
because to everything there is a season and to every
purpose there’s a time. And God also provided the way;
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

there’s only one way provided by God, for the bride,

which He appointed and made for you. Because God
made the first bride, and He appointed the bride.
Rebekah was the bride appointed for Isaac. Eve was the
bride made for Adam. God made her; she was a
compliment to him. God is making one who is a
compliment to you and God knows how to bring them
to you.
Watch. Just let me read verse 14, then Genesis 24.
You don’t have to turn with me, you could listen. If you
want to turn, that’s fine. I’ll call the Scripture. This is
Eliezer by the well praying.
14 And let it come to pass, that the damsel

to whom I shall say,

Look at Isaac; Isaac is there lonely looking for the
bride. No bride, he can’t see the bride, he’s only seeing
Canaanite women. But the bride is down there waiting.
And the ‘deep’ starts to call and little Rebekah down
there is keeping herself in the midst of all those
Babylonian spirits down there; obedient, full of service,
full of industry (industrious). And then now, the
messenger now is going. Because God is getting ready
to bring his missing rib to him; the one that God
planned for him, the one that God designed for him, the
one that God appointed for him. Look how God, through
prayer and divine leadership (are you catching that?)
Marriage by Appointment...Through prayer and
leadership, God appointed the virtuous bride for His
God designed the virtuous woman for the first son. In
the Garden, the Father is preparing the bride for the
son; Genesis 2. Genesis 24, Abraham, the father is
sending out the servant to get the bride for his son.
That’s right. In the Evening time, the Father sends out
the Messenger to get the Bride for His Son. God is
consistent, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today,
and forever.” [Hebrews 13:8 -Ed.] God doesn’t change His
pattern. God has a time and season (The time and
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

season have come for these two young people…Let the

musicians come for me) and a provided way for the bride
which he has appointed and made to be found.
And Eliezer prayed:
14 And Let it come to pass...

Watch the prayer. The prayer is proving he

understands that the bride is already there. He is being
led by the Spirit, by the Angel, to the very place. And he
has the faith. He’s been instructed and he knows he is
carrying out the instructions as it had been given to
14 And let it come to pass, that the damsel

to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I

pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall
I shall say and she shall say.
...Drink, and I will give thy camels drink
also: let the same be she that thou hast
appointed for thy servant Isaac; (let the
same be she that thou hast appointed…)
and thereby shall I know that thou hast
shewed kindness unto my master.
And verse 50; it says,
50 Then Laban and Bethuel answered and

said, The thing proceedeth from the LORD:

we cannot speak unto thee bad or good.
51 Behold, Rebekah is before thee, take

her, and go, and let her be thy master's son's

wife, as the LORD hath spoken.
Laban and Bethuel, the brother and the mother, say,
“We cannot speak unto thee bad or good.”
He says: But,
Behold, Rebekah is before thee, take her,
and go, and let her be thy master's son's
wife, as the LORD hath spoken.”
“We cannot speak because the Lord hath spoken.”
“We cannot speak but the Lord hath spoken.”
“Let her be that one that is appointed.”
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

My last Scripture here, showing how God has a bride

appointed for His son, but He brings her into
manifestation in the time and season of the son’s life.
She came in at a time and season in Isaac’s life. We are
coming in, in a time and season in Christ’s Life. Christ
had to wait for Seven Church Ages before He gets His
Bride. But God built up this Bride, the growing Body of
His Word, from faith to Perfect Love in Seven Church
And now, a Bride is coming in His very own Image in
order to be united with Him. And we see the first mature
one waved that was Life of His Life, Spirit of His Spirit,
Work of His Work. One that was...Everything was Jesus
except the corporal body. Christ was formed in Him as
He is being formed in every member. And every member
is being brought to their position and established in
their place in this Hour. She was appointed as Rebekah
was appointed.
She is brought into manifestation in the time and
season of the Son’s Life, as Eve came in that time and
season of Adam’s life. As Ruth came in the time and
season of Boaz’s life. As Rahab came in that time and
season of Salmon’s life in the Hour when the iniquity of
the Amorites was full and the wrath of God was going
forth at Harvest time, at Evening time, at the end of the
Seventh Age. Look how God has a time appointed in the
son’s life, ‘as he has need of her’. It’s when Adam had
need of her, when Isaac had need of her and as it
becomes needful for her to know him and come into
union with him. Did you get that?
When it becomes needful for you to know him, God
will make him known to you. He has never failed. Ruth
didn’t even know who the husband was going to be. She
just came to serve. She just wanted to serve. She was
about service. She didn’t arrange, “It was her hap to
light upon a field that belongs to Boaz, a kinsman of
Naomi.” It was her hap to light…It is like by chance, by
opportunity, by Divine Providence. She just keeps on
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

walking and not realizing, she walks into this field

today, when previously she wasn’t in that field.
And then in that field, she witnessed something.
There was a Chief Reaper telling his life story how the
Pillar of Fire came in the springtime –in the spring time
and hang over the crib. And how the Angel came and
commissioned him and gave him gifts to go out. It was
the beginning of the barley harvest. The Bible is very
clear, it was an appointed time, a set time in the
economy of God and Naomi was coming back to her
homeland. God is painting a picture because every son
and daughter that is truly married by God is a Mystery
of Christ and the Bride; Ephesians 5: 30-32.
From the very first son and the first wife was a
Mystery of Christ. And God, down through the Age has
brought every son and daughter into union, whom He
has planned to be together. A lot of people, they don’t
like to submit to God’s Word because they don’t have
faith, and without faith it is impossible to please God.
They lean on their own understanding. But the Word
says, “Acknowledge the Lord in all thy ways and He
shall direct thy paths…Trust in the Lord with all thy heart
and lean not on thine own understanding.” [Proverbs 3:5-6 -
Ed.] This God loves you and this God has planned for
you. But this God planned your time and season
because this God has a story to unfold in your life.
That’s why Boaz and Ruth is not the whole Mystery.
Neither is Isaac and Rebekah the whole Mystery.
Neither is Ahasuerus and Esther the whole Mystery.
Neither is Salmon and Rahab the whole Mystery.
Neither is Judah and Tamar the whole Mystery. You are
not the whole Mystery either; you are part of the
Mystery. You are part of Christ; you’re just a part of the
Word. You are a feminish [feminine] part taken out from
Him. But watch how wonderful this God is.
Nowhere that we look at...It’s a gift from God. He
made the first one, “I will make him a help.” What is a
help? A prudent wife, a virtuous woman, “I will give him
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

the gift.” Why? “It’s not good for him to be alone.” He is

in the season where he is longing for union. The deep
is calling for union. And now, God is bringing it in the
season. Because God had a season, that’s why He didn’t
make them separate from the beginning. God had an
appointed season when that Mystery was to be made
We had an appointed time to be here on the earth
when the Seals will be opened, when the Mystery of the
Bride will come forth. Because we have had churches,
churches, brides, brides, just the Word in part, but the
real Bride is to come forth in this Age. Just like down
through the Age, each messenger bringing part of the
Word to reveal the Bridegroom, but then all seven spirits
become the Mighty Angel coming down, Himself, on the
earth. And all seven parts of the Mystery that each Age
produced, is all gathered up in the Bride. And now, a
greater than Esther is here and a greater than Ruth is
here, a greater than Sarah is here just like in this day,
when the very Person Himself came down in human
flesh to reveal the Son of Man again. What a great thing,
How beautiful when we look and see that God has
planned for you. And watch when God does all this
planning, in Matthew 19 God is the One Who designed
the bride, “I will make a help.” God is the One Who
appointed her. God is the One Who knows how to, by
His divine leadership, find her, ‘Who can find a virtuous
woman?’ No man could find her. God is showing, it’s He
Who brings her to you. You can’t find her in your own
self. It is not within man to direct his own steps. “The
footsteps of a good man, is ordered of the Lord.” [Psalms
37:23 -Ed.]
God brings to pass what He has planned for you, just
like you couldn’t find the salvation for yourself. No! But
God... because “No man could come except the Father
draws him.” [John 6:44 -Ed.] How beautiful. God had a
designated time and season. A provided way for the
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

bride, which He appointed, which He made for you, to

be found through His divine leadership, through prayer,
through the working of the Spirit, bringing the bride out
to recognize the day of visitation.
Then when God brought the two; the one He
designed, the one He appointed for Adam —God had the
blueprint; God knew how he wanted her. God knows
how to please us, friends. God is confident. You might
like a lot of things but when God provides for you, your
thoughts go back, and you see the wisdom of God and
how God’s thoughts are higher than your thoughts and
how God’s ways are higher than your ways and how
your carnal mind is in enmity to God but it’s God’s grace
and power to bring His goodness to you.
As he had need of her and as it became needful for
her to know him, it was time for Eve to come into
expression and know who her head is going to be and
come into union with him. And when God brought them
together God joined them. God joined the man and the
woman together in the designated time and season
according to His purpose, according to His plan.
God is the One Who joins; God designs, God leads to
find, God appoints. God brings her to him and then God
joins them together. God put the deep, the longing to
call on the deep, “Arise, my love, my fair one, come
away,” the time of love…when that season comes.
[Matthew 19]
3 The Pharisees also came unto him,

tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it

lawful for a man to put away his wife for
every cause?
4 And he answered and said unto them,

Have ye not read, that he which made them

at the beginning made them male and
5 And said, For this cause shall a man

leave father and mother,

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

Father and mother are the closest of relationships a

woman or man could have because we all are a product
of the union of father and mother. Father had a sperm
and mother had an egg. And when the father’s sperm
and the mother’s egg united, we were formed in the
mother’s womb, this body. And we have to leave that,
“For this cause shall a man leave father and mother,”
and cleave to the one God appoints for him, to the one
God ordained for him, to the one God planned for him,
to the one that God...Why? Because in God’s time and
season, now, God is ready to express this Mystery one
more time in the earth, to show His glory, to show His
wisdom, to show the great Love He had for the Church.
God does this.
And “For this cause,” he says, “they shall leave father
and mother and shall cleave to each other.”
…and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but

one flesh. What therefore God hath joined

together, let not man put asunder
What God joined together let not man put
Friends, God only joins Word with Word. God only
joins a man with his own rib. That is why Rebekah is
blood relation. That’s why Eve was blood relation. That’s
why we are blood relation with Jesus, because in the
thoughts of God, we were already part of Christ, chosen
in Him and blessed in Him and predestinated to the Age
we’re coming in, to manifest the Word for the Age.
There’s a great mistake in desiring a partner that God
hasn’t plan for you. You are being influenced with
favour which is deceitful and beauty that is vain;
outward beauty. But God leads you to the one He
planned for you and then God identifies and confirms.
That the parents could say, “This thing proceedeth forth
from the Lord.” And the parents could let go and say,
“Take her and go,” because when God plans God is
working in everything.
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

What a confidence we could have in God. We don’t

have to take things our own way. We don’t have to be
motivated by lust and desire and carnal human
influence or a mind bombarded with Hollywood and
Bollywood and all these different things. We don’t want
Hollywood, we want Holy Word. We want Holy Word by
the grace of God.
We have these two families here, today. Bro. Baldath
and his wife, their daughter, and they know that she’s
in love. They remember when they were in love. Her time
has come and they have given consent. And I was
hearing some of the little testimony how the brother has
been building the place there. And you know, the two
families they’re so happy. Sis. Tolly and her husband
are happy for Dwayne. And these are happy for Devika.
The families come and they’re working in support
because they could recognize that God has done
something here in the lives of these two people. They
feel a sense of peace.
Parents knows... parents knows —parents who love
their children knows. You know why? Because God is a
Parent and God made a parent, a parent because He is
a Parent. And God knows all of this goes with
parenthood. Because God is the same way, He doesn’t
let go of His children so too. He checks them. The Holy
Ghost convicts them and gives them a witness and says,
“No, no, don’t get involved in that.” And pulls them
back. And it’s the same way God does and parents do
because they come from them. They were an attribute
in the parent like we were an attribute in God. You see
it is laws of life.
That’s why these things are not carnal fleshly things;
they are spiritual things. It becomes carnal and fleshly
because it isn’t revealed to us what we’re tampering
with. We get in the way, we misinterpret things, we do
things and then we lose direction. But these things
allow God even to further convince us, He chose us, He
ordained these things in our lives. And no matter what
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

Satan tries to do, God works it to the fulfilling of His will

to bring Glory to His Name, to be the same. To prove He
is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Because
the same way Eve had that problem in the Garden, God
made Adam like Himself, so Adam threw himself in the
gap because this is God. God passes people’s lives in
places to reveal Himself.
That’s why when we come to things like this, it’s a
special time. It’s an important time in the lives of two
young people. May God bless them today on the day of
their betrothal. They are about to be betrothed. I ask
them to stand; our Bro. Dwayne Balladin and Sis.
Devika Sankar. They could come forward by God’s
grace. Praise His wonderful Name. Glory be to God.
It’s always a joy to have nice, young people in the
Assembly. When they come in times like these, their
family could come and even see what they believe. The
things they stand for, the principles that they grow
under, that they are a part of the household of faith.
Here the Gospel is clear. The motives are transparent.
This is not...It might be a little strange to secular people
but it is very, very Scriptural. It is something not shaky
and loose but it’s something straight. And something
where there is still parental influence here, to watch
over the children of their parents. And nothing happens
here outside the parents knowing because that is the
way I believe.
I believe God has a principle He started with in the
beginning and God has never altered His principle. If
God has to do it over again a million times, He will do it
over the way He did it the first time.
Sometimes as human beings, we get down to a place
we want to fix this and make this to get a shortcut;
discard people and move people’s children a certain
way. I always believe you come into this world through
parents. And sometimes parents do not understand
children and children may not understand parents but
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

you respect your parents. You “honor your father and

your mother that your days may be long, in the land
which the Lord, thy God, giveth thee.” [Exodus 20:12 -Ed.]
And if you are a Christian and you have the Holy
Spirit, then how much more you know how to represent
Jesus Christ in His Word, in integrity, in sincerity, in a
virtuous way, in a way that reflects Light and not
darkness. Because the Holy Ghost in you gives you faith
and faith stays with the Word. It’s so beautiful.
And I think they have a little song. I was studying last
night and hearing the song being practiced... (They
could come forward.) sounds like Hadassah and David.
Yes? Praise the Lord. The turtle...The birds are singing.
That is what Solomon says, the birds are singing and
the voice of the turtledove is in the land. And we know
that. The Seventh Dove and the Rains have been poured
out and the Wheat is maturing. The figs are coming
forth and the grapes and it is such a beautiful
Are you happy this morning? [Congregation says, “Amen” –Ed.]
Don’t get like you are in funeral. This is a time of joy,
you know, by God’s grace. This is a time of celebration
here. Praise...Just give them another hand of
appreciation, amen, a good support by the grace of God.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise Him. [Blank spot –Ed.] It is
going to be something that will motivate and inspire
them to continue to be real ambassadors for Jesus
And their family is here with them, you know, today.
And we are very, very happy for that. We trust that, you
know, it has been a blessing for all that is here.
[Bro. David Dayal and Sis. Hadassah Noel sings God brought me to you –Ed.]
[Song # 1083 Song That Live -Ed]
In the beginning, Adam was alone
He needed fellowship
That he could get from his bones
God laid him to sleep
Took a rib from his side
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

And when he awoke he beheld his bride

God brought me to you
The rib that I have been looking for
I stand before you
God brought us together
To walk with you to that Bright City
God brought me to you

’Cause God is your head

You can be my head too
I know you will rule with love
So I submit to you
With a Christ-like nature
I’ve no need to fear
I know we can have a home
You lead in prayer

God brought me to you

The rib that you were looking for
I found it in you
God brought us together
To walk with you to that Bright City
God brought me to you
I have found a virtuous woman
In you, I see the mystery of Christ
God brought us together
God brought us together
And I love you,
God brought me to you

Hallelujah! Amen. Amen. When God arranges things,

there is always something special about it. Feels so nice,
the Holy Spirit just...Who wrote that song? Who?
Hadassah? Whooo! That was a masterpiece. I’m hearing
the words and I’m, you know, and the... It’s really
tremendous. This also is a gift from God for them.
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

Amen, praise His wonderful Name. Guess God has

something good in store for Hadassah somewhere along
the line. Oh, praise His wonderful Name.
Join your right hands together. Let’s have a prayer in
our hearts for them. We certainly desire that the Lord
will truly give them all that they have need of. And help
them from here and the way that this would be
consummated and be brought to His glory, great honor
unto the Lord Jesus.
Father, we are so thankful today, to feel Your great
august Presence come down. Lord, it touches our hearts
so deeply, to see how You always show up to give
witness to Your children because You know our hearts,
dear God. You know the love that we have for You and
the desire deep within to serve You and to walk in all of
Your Will. It makes us feel so small, dear God, when we
realize that, sometimes we just can’t seem to come to
the place to give You all that You desire. And all that we
should truly give to You we find ourselves so insufficient
at times. But oh God, just knowing that You know and
You understand this, Lord, it brings an assurance in
our hearts that Lord, You know our hearts, dear God.
And You know that You will make a way. And how to
make that way, that what is in our hearts can come out
in a way to glorify You and honor You and become an
influence for You in the earth, dear God.
We thank You, Lord, for Bro. Dwayne and Sis. Devika.
Lord, a young man and a young woman that You
brought to know each other during their sojourn in the
Assembly here. You drew them to this place, dear God.
Lord, their parents who saw them grow from birth and
raised and matured to this very time and season, and
who also desire to see them come into rest, come into a
settled state of married life and to see You provide for
They, dear God, it’s such a wonderful thing that You
have so arranged it, that family and friends of theirs can
be here also to share this blessed moment, this special
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

moment in their lives. And Lord, even to witness that

You are here, Father. That You have drawn near today
and overshadowed this place with Your Presence and
especially this couple at this time, Father.
They walked down the aisles here and take their
place. And this song being ministered, Lord, to them; a
song that You gave such inspiration to write. Such
beautiful words reflecting the Scriptures, such a sweet
atmosphere of love, the way, Lord, it was ministered,
Father. We are certainly happy because it brings the
Scripture alive that this is the time; “Arise, my love, my
fair one and come away.”
Oh gracious God, truly Lord, we rejoice to see the
Scripture fulfilled once again. Even the Word that You
gave, Father, to show You have already chosen the
mate. You have planned these things. You have
planned every aspect of our lives. And through Your
divine leadership, You’ve brought them to this junction
as they see Your will unfold, as they can see how You
work, Father. May it be so illuminated before them, that
they can realize this is the handy work of the Almighty
God. “This is the Lord’s doing. The thing proceedeth
forth from the Lord,” as the family of Rebekah said as
Eliezer gave his testimony how the Angel of God directed
things, the prayer that was prayed.
And in the presence of all these young ones, Father,
we spent these last three Sundays, Lord, talking to them
along these lines that these words would be engraved
upon the tables of their heart. That it will from this day
govern and influence their lives, even as You have
worked it in the lives of this young couple.
Bless them, dear God. May they continue to see Your
great Will and purpose, and all that You have planned
for them. Seeing, oh God, on this day of their betrothal,
the first climax of bringing this union to a consummated
state. Knowing that next month, Lord, is the time
appointed for the marriage that Lord, You will continue
to unfold Your Will and open every way and provide and
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

supply every need, just as You have done thus far. And
just as it has inspired them and given them such a joy
and a happiness that they can see how You have
provided, how You have supplied things like You’re just
working miracle after miracle for them, dear God. And
Lord, how You provided the help that they had need of.
And truly, all these things have been such a great
blessing to hear them tell the story of what You have
done and are doing for them, Father.
May this influence cause them to be so rooted and
grounded, so established and settled in the faith of
Jesus Christ that they would carry themselves with a
holy dignity, with such a sacred responsibility, Father.
Lord, walking as a young man, a prince, and a princess
in this house, oh God, leaving footprints in the sands of
time, that all these hundreds of others, Lord God, just
like them, coming behind, Lord, will see fresh footprints,
clear, marked out, the Word of God. Lord, something to
let them know that, Lord, You are a God that truly keeps
Your Word.
And may You make them a great blessing and a great
influence. And Lord, may their lives tell this great story,
that dear God, it will bring glory and honor to Your
Name. Keep them, oh God, Lord, growing in grace and
in knowledge. And keep Your love being shed abroad in
their hearts, coming to know each other by revelation,
Father. Coming to understand Your Will and Your
purpose more clearly in their lives. And dear God, seeing
Lord, all that You have planned for them come into full
We commit them into Your Hands this day. And we
pray that You will keep them, Lord, unspotted in every
way. And Lord, God, bring it to a great climax that when
the time appointed for the marriage next month, Lord,
it will be a great and glorious time for them and their
people. Grant it, we ask. We commit them into Your
mighty Hands.

God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

We so appreciate You, Father. And we so appreciate

what You have done for them. And we appreciate them,
to know dear God, that You could bless them in this
way because of the love that they love You and
separated from the world and turned their backs on the
world to walk with You.
May You ever keep them faithful and they will always
live for You. And their lives would always be a
testimony, written epistles read of all men. That Lord, it
will be just like Isaac and Rebekah in the Bible, just like
Boaz and Ruth and things that we read of. Stories that
You put to celebrate the love, the time of love and the
way You planned these things, that it might cause You
to be seen that You are still that God who joins a man
and a woman together. And You join them for all
eternity and that nothing could put them asunder when
You join them, Father.
Just like You built Your Church, You said, “Upon this
Rock, I will build My church and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against it.” So you’ve established them and
joined them in this love and on the basis of Your
infallible Truth that no powers, as it is written “what
shall separate us from the love of God that’s in Christ
Jesus.” May they be so bound with the Love of God and
the Word of Truth. We pray and we ask it on the day of
their betrothal, in the Almighty and precious Name of
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
God bless you, you are betrothed. God bless you.
Congratulations. Amen. Praise His wonderful Name.
God bless them and God be with them. Praise His
wonderful Name. To God be the glory. Amen. What a
great mighty God we serve.
Let’s sing a little chorus:
I love You, I love You,
I love You, Lord today,
because You cared for me, in such a special way.
And remember me, I’m getting ready to leave, you
know, on Wednesday I leave for Brazil. I have meetings
God Has Already Chosen The Mate For Us 2012-1014

in Campo Grande, seven churches or more gathering

there for that meeting. And then to Brasilia the following
week, another group of churches down there. And God
help me that...It’s been such a crunch time for me, I've
been preaching since, (I think,) I came back from Brazil
in April and almost every service. You know, we just feel
kind of tired sometimes to get on a plane and go into
more meetings but you know, God knows. But I
certainly need His grace and help and strength and
support in prayer that everything will go fine by the
grace of God. And God makes it a great success and
blessing for His people there.
I trust you’ve enjoyed the service today, amen.
Everyone is happy to be in the house of God. God bless
you. And to all the visitors and strangers and all the
friends and the family, I say, come back again, amen.
Come back again and hear a little more by God’s grace.
I’m sure that you are going to find that it’s something
that will do you good. Amen.
As the song leader comes,

[Song # 430 Song That Live -Ed]

I love You, I love You, I love You Lord, today.
I love You, I love You
I love You, Lord, today
Because You cared for me
In such a special way…


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