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Geochronology of Mexican mineral deposits. VI: The Tayoltita lowsulfidation

epithermal Ag-Au district, Durango and Sinaloa

Article  in  Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana · July 2018

DOI: 10.18268/BSGM2018v70n2a13


2 240

3 authors, including:

Antoni Camprubí
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018 / 531

Geochronology of Mexican mineral deposits. VI: the Tayoltita low-

sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district, Durango and Sinaloa

Erme Enríquez, Alexander Iriondo, Antoni Camprubí


[email protected]
Minera Canasil S.A. de C.V. Alhelí 142, Frac- The Tayoltita district (Durango, Mexico) is one of the El distrito de Tayoltita (Durango, México) es uno de los mayores
cionamiento Jardines de Durango, 34200 Du- major silver and gold producers in the world with over productores de plata y oro en el mundo con más de 745 millones de
rango, Dgo., Mexico. 745 million ounces of Ag and 11 million ounces of Au in onzas de Ag y 11 millones de onzas de Au producidos durante la
the entire lifetime of the mine. These high-grade Ag-Au historia de estas minas. Estos depósitos de alta ley de Ag-Au perte-
deposits are of low-sulfidation epithermal type, and necen al tipo epitermal de baja sulfuración, y se formaron durante
Alexander Iriondo formed during the final stages of igneous and hydrother- los últimos estadios de la actividad ígnea e hidrotermal de peque-
Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacion- mal activity of small Eocene quartz monzonitic and an- ñas intrusiones cuarzo monzoníticas y andesíticas del Eoceno. Las
al Autónoma de México. Boulevard Juriquilla desitic intrusions. The veins are hosted by tuffs, flows, and vetas se encuentran encajonadas por tobas, flujos, y aglomerados
3001, 76230 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., agglomerates of Paleocene age that belong to the Lower del Paleoceno, pertenecientes al Grupo Volcánico Inferior de la Sie-
Volcanic Complex of the Sierra Madre Occidental, and rra Madre Occidental, y son cubiertos discordantemente por rocas
Mexico. are unconformably overlain by the Miocene Upper Vol- más recientes de la Secuencia Volcánica Superior, del Mioceno. En
canic Supergroup. Three episodes of intrusion have taken el distrito se produjeron tres episodios de intrusiones. Las edades
Antoni Camprubí place in the district. The presently available ages of the Pi- actualmente disponibles de las intrusiones Piaxtla indican que el
[email protected] axtla intrusions indicate that the batholithic complex was
complejo se emplazó entre 46.31 y 45.1 Ma. El segundo evento
emplaced between 46.31 and 45.1 Ma. The second event
Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional is represented by the so-called Intrusive andesite, which
está representado por la denominada andesita Intrusiva, con edades
Autónoma de México. Ciudad Universitaria, entre 39.9 y 37.9 Ma. El último evento intrusivo está representado
yielded ages that range between 39.9 and 37.9 Ma. The
por la diorita Arana. Las edades K-Ar de estas rocas varían entre
04510 Coyoacán, CDMX, Mexico. last intrusion event is represented by the Arana diorite.
38.1 y 36.6 Ma. Las edades obtenidas en el presente estudio y
K-Ar ages of these rocks range between 38.1 and 36.6
Ma. Ages obtained in this study and in the available litera- en la bibliografía disponible permiten establecer que la formación
ture allow to establishing that the formation of epithermal de las vetas epitermales en el distrito se produjo entre 41.01 y
veins in the district ranged between 41.01 and 31.9 Ma. 31.9 Ma. Las alteraciones y mineralizaciones hidrotermales se
Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization occurred produjeron entre 0.3 y 3.4 millones de años tras el emplazamien-
within a 0.3 to 3.4 M.yr. time-span after the emplacement to de la andesita Intrusiva y la diorita Arana, respectivamente.
of the Intrusive andesite and the Arana diorite, respec- Se acepta generalmente que dichos eventos intrusivos detonaron la
tively. Such intrusive events are generally acknowledged to formación de menas en este distrito, lo cual implica la existencia
have triggered ore formation in this district, thus implying de una asociación genética entre las rocas intrusivas y los depósitos
the genetic association between the intrusive rocks and the epitermales. Las edades disponibles mediante 40Ar/39Ar y K-Ar en
epithermal deposits. The available 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar adularia procedente de vetas indica que la formación de las vetas
ages of adularia from vein material indicate that vein for- se produjo de forma episódica en diferentes periodos separados por
mation occurred episodically in distinct periods separated intervalos de unos 3.18 millones de años, aunque la actividad
by intervals of about 3.18 M.yr., albeit magmatic-hydro- magmática-hidrotermal en el área experimentó escasos periodos de
thermal activity in the area experienced few lull periods. inactividad. La duración total de la mineralización desde la perife-

The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

The total duration of mineralization from the margin to ria a la porción central del distrito de Tayoltita fue de ~10 millones
the center of the Tayoltita district was ~10 M.yr., which de años, lo que lo identifica como uno de los depósitos epitermales
makes it one of the longest lived known epithermal depos- conocidos más longevos en el mundo. Sin embargo, no se aprecia
its. However, there is no apparent correlation between the una correlación entre la longevidad de los depósitos y su tamaño.
longevity of epithermal deposits and their size. La edad de una toba inalterada del Supergrupo Volcánico Superior
The age of an unaltered tuff of the Upper Volcanic Su- que cubre de forma discordante al Complejo Volcánico Inferior de
pergroup that unconformably overlies the Lower Volcanic la Sierra Madre Occidental indica que el basculamiento de las
Complex of the Sierra Madre Occidental indicates that rocas y la actividad del paleo-sistema hidrotermal habían cesado
tilting of the units and the activity of the paleo-hydrother- en 20.3 Ma. La coincidencia temporal y espacial del volcanismo,
mal system had ceased by 20.3 Ma. The temporal and el fallamiento, y las mineralizaciones de alta ley puede ser el reflejo
spatial coincidence of volcanism, faulting, and high-grade de la importancia de las contribuciones de fluidos profundos con
mineralization may reflect the importance of contribu- componentes magmáticas o aguas meteóricas con un grado elevado
tions from deeper fluid reservoirs containing magmatic de interacción con el substrato. En este sentido, es destacable que el
components or highly exchanged meteoric waters. In periodo de 0.3 millones de años entre el emplazamiento de las rocas
this sense, it is worth noting that the 0.3 M.yr. time-span
hipabisales y el de las inmediatamente subsiguientes mineralizacio-
between the emplacement of hypabyssal rocks and im-
nes epitermales es mucho menor que el periodo de ~2 millones de
mediately subsequent epithermal mineralization is much
años común en muchos depósitos epitermales (de sulfuración baja
narrower than the common ~2 M.yr. time-span in most
e intermedia) en México en que se ha comprobado su asociación
(low and intermediate sulfidation) epithermal deposits in
con fluidos magmáticos, como en el caso de los depósitos gigantes
Mexico that are proven to be associated with magmatic
BOL. SOC. GEOL. MEX. 2018 fluids, as it is the case of the giant deposits in the Fres- del distrito de Fresnillo. Tal grado de proximidad temporal entre
VOL. 70 NO. 2 nillo district. The short time-span suggests that the em- el emplazamiento de rocas hipabisales y depósitos epitermales era
conocida hasta el momento sólo en asociación con depósitos de sul-
P. 531 ‒ 547 placement of hypabyssal rocks and epithermal deposits
was known to date to have occurred in association with furación alta.
high-sulfidation deposits alone.
Palabras clave: Tayoltita, epitermal, baja sulfu-
Keywords: Tayoltita, epithermal, low sulfidation, ración, edades Ar/Ar, temporalidad de miner-
Manuscript received: February 9, 2018. Ar/Ar ages, timing of mineralization, magmatic-hy- alización, ciclicidad magmática-hidrotermal,
Corrected manuscript received: March 5, 2018. drothermal cycling, Sierra Madre Occidental. Sierra Madre Occidental.
Manuscript accepted: March 11, 2018.
532 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018

1. Introduction stages), which constitute one of the largest deposits

of their kind in Mexico. In the view of the co-evo-
The Tayoltita district is located on the central-west- lution in time and space of Cenozoic magmatism
ern margin of the Sierra Madre Occidental volca- and magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits in Mex-
nic province, about 125 km northeast of Mazatlán, ico (Camprubí, 2013) the epithermal deposits at
Sinaloa, and 150 km west of Durango City (Fig- Tayoltita, not unlike other large epithermal de-
ure 1). Mining activity began with the Spaniards posits (i.e. those in the Pachuca–Real del Monte
in 1757, who operated the mines on a small scale district), may be regarded as some sort of “anom-
until the War for Independence in 1810. By 1883, aly”. They are counted among the oldest known
American investors took control of the mining op- in Mexico (Eocene), although the most prospective
erations and exploited all the mines in the district. epoch for epithermal deposits is the Oligocene.
In 1978, the properties were acquired by Mexican Also, the most prospective areas for magmatic-hy-
miners, and mining operations have been kept ac- drothermal deposits are the fault zones around
tive until the present. Total production from the the Mesa Central region (Nieto-Samaniego et al.,
district is estimated to exceed 23.2 x 106 kg Ag, 2005, 2007; Camprubí, 2013), which are the result
and 3.53 x 103 kg Au (Henshaw, 1953; Smith and of the reactivation of older structures, possibly as-
Hall, 1974; Enriquez, 1995; Albinson et al., 2001; sociated with the suture zone between the Guerre-
Enriquez and Rivera, 2001). ro composite terrane and the Mexican mainland
The mineral wealth in the Tayoltita district is (Camprubí, 2013, 2017). In contrast with the lat-
found in epithermal veins (dominantly of low sul- ter, the Tayoltita deposits are seemingly associated
fidation type with minor intermediate sulfidation with Laramide structures (Horner and Enriquez,
The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

Figure 1 Map showing the location of the Tayoltita (or San Dimas) district, at the central-western edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental
Volcanic Province.
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018 / 533


1999) that have no visible link with such important Volcanic Supergroup (UVS). All the major faults
crustal discontinuity. Thus, the Tayoltita deposits exhibit NE-SW extension, and dips that vary from
is in need of additional structural, petrogenetic, nearly vertical (Peña Fault) to less than 55° (Gua-
and geochronologic studies. muchil Fault; Horner, 1998). They also vary in
Although the Tayoltita district is an important their magnitude of displacement, between 150 m
producer of precious metals, scarce research has (Peña and Arana faults) and more than 1500 m
been conducted concerning the age of mineral- (Guamuchil Fault).
ization. Previous reports include those by Ran- The veins were formed in association with rela-
dall (1971), Henry (1975), Henry and Fredrikson tively low salinity fluids (Albinson et al., 2001) in
(1987), and Enriquez and Rivera (2001), which two distinct fault systems: the first comprises E-W
summarized the district geology and some ages of striking veins (Figure 2), and the second is rep-
the host rocks and epithermal vein material. Our resented by NNE-SSW striking veins (Horner,
study relies upon new ages of the host Piaxtla in- 1998). Pinching and swelling, horse tailing, split-
trusive bodies and veins that lacked proper dating ting and sigmoid structures are frequently ob-
and can constrain the temporal and genetic rela- served throughout the district. The thickness of
tionship between magmatism and epithermal pre- mineralized structures ranges between centimetric
cious-metal mineralization in the Tayoltita district. veinlets and 15 m thick veins, with an average of
about 1.5 m. They can be followed between a few
meters and more than 1500 m underground. Ore
2. District geology and ore deposits shoots exhibit variable strike lengths that range
between 5 and 600 m. However, most ore shoots
The general geology of the area has been the average 150 m along the strike and 200 m down
subject of careful studies by Davidson (1932), dip. Three major stages of mineralization have
Henshaw (1953), Nemeth (1976), Smith and Hall been recognized in the district (Davidson, 1932;
(1974), Smith et al. (1982), Clarke (1986), Clarke Henshaw, 1953; Smith et al., 1982): (1) early stage,
and Titley (1988), and Enriquez (1995). Two volca- (2) ore stage, (3) late quartz stage. Three distinct
nic successions of overall ~3500 m in thickness are sub-stages of the ore stage have been identified
separated by an erosional and depositional uncon- in the veins of the district: (1) quartz-chlorite-ad-
formity (Figure 2). The Lower Volcanic Complex ularia, (2) quartz-rhodonite, and (3) quartz-cal-
is formed mainly by andesites and rhyolites of Pa- cite (Clarke, 1986; Enriquez and Rivera, 2001).

The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

leocene age and is intruded by younger members Ore grade mineralization always occurs in these
of a granitic to granodioritic batholithic complex. sub-stages.
Two younger quartz monzonitic and andesitic in- Overlying and postdating the LVC and the epith-
trusions cropping out and exposed underground ermal deposits in this area is the unaltered UVS.
are called locally the Arana diorite and Intrusive The UVS consists of 2000 m of post-ore andesites
andesite respectively (Smith and Hall, 1974). and ignimbrites (Henshaw, 1953; McDowell and
Five major north-northwest trending normal Keizer, 1977) that are locally known as Capping
faults divide the district into four tilted fault blocks Rhyolite. Enriquez and Rivera (2001) obtained
generally dipping 35° to the east (Figure 2). The K-Ar ages for the lower andesitic unit of 24.5 ± 0.9
faults are in most cases post-ore in age, and offset Ma, and 20.3 ± 0.8 Ma for the upper ignimbrite
the Lower Volcanic Complex (LVC) and Upper unit. Radiometric ages ranging from 28.3 to 32.1
534 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018
The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

Figure 2 Geologic map of the Tayoltita district showing the distribution of Tertiary igneous rocks, major faults, and epithermal veins.
Stars denote the location of samples from which geochronological data are available. Modified from Henshaw (1953), Smith and Hall
(1974), and Clarke (1986).
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018 / 535

Ma have been reported for this volcanic sequence Aliquots of each sample (~20 mg) were packaged

70 km south of the Tayoltita district (McDowell in copper capsules and sealed under vacuum in
and Keizer, 1977). quartz tubes. The samples aliquots were then ir-
radiated in package number KD29 for 20 h in
the central thimble facility at the TRIGA reactor
3. Sampling and 40
Ar/39Ar dating (GSTR) at the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver,
Colorado. The monitor mineral used in the pack-
Sampling was performed at the surface and un- age was Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine (FCT-3) with
derground. Localities are shown in Figure 2. Also, an age of 27.79 Ma (Kunk et al., 1985; Cebula et
samples are shown in the diagrammatic geologic al., 1986) relative to MMhb-1 with an age of 519.4
section of the district to indicate the relationship ± 2.5 Ma (Alexander et al., 1978; Dalrymple et al.,
between rocks and veins (Figure 3). Pure mineral 1981). The type of container and the geometry of
separates of biotite from the Piaxtla intrusive and the samples and standards were similar to that de-
adularia from vein material of the Santo Niño and scribed by Snee et al. (1988).
Cristina epithermal veins of the Tayoltita district The samples were analyzed at the U.S. Geological
was dated by 40Ar/39Ar geochronology (Figure 4 Survey Thermochronology lab in Denver, Colora-
and Table 1). Adularia and biotite crystals that do, using the 40Ar/39Ar step-heating method and a
ranged in size from 250 to 180 µm were separated VG Isotopes 1200B mass spectrometer fitted with
using heavy liquids and hand picking to a purity of an electron multiplier. For additional information
> 99%. The samples were washed in acetone, al- on the analytical procedure see Kunk et al. (2001).
cohol, and deionized water in an ultrasonic clean- The analyzed samples yielded isochron ages at
er to remove dust and then re-sieved by hand using 46.30 ± 0.68 Ma for the Piaxtla intrusive (total
a 180-µm sieve. fusion age of 46.31 ± 0.13 Ma in biotite), hereby

The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

Figure 3 Diagrammatic section across the San Dimas district, illustrating the relative position of dated units and veins. Vertical scale
has been exaggerated. Horizontal distances are to scale. Ages of rocks in the Tayoltita district as of Enriquez and Rivera (2001) are also
listed in Table 2.
536 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018

Table 1. Ar/39Ar step-heating data for host and mineralization in Tayoltita, Durango, Mexico.

Step Temp. %39Ar Radiogenic

Ar* Apparent Apparent Apparent Error
°C of total Yield (%) (moles) Ark K/Ca K/Cl Age (Ma) (Ma)
EE-2002-2 Biotite Piaxtla granite J = 0.003742 ± 0.50% wt = 19.3 mg #80KD28
A 800 3.1 86.8 2.00E-14 6.539 10 65 43.61 ± 0.69
B 900 19.4 97.8 1.23E-13 6.930 81 76 46.19 ± 0.12
C 1000 12.6 99.4 8.02E-14 6.935 52 76 46.22 ± 0.20
D 1100 10.2 95.7 6.48E-14 6.872 11 72 45.81 ± 1.45
E 1200 54.7 96.1 3.48E-13 6.877 76 70 45.84 ± 0.05
Total Gas 100 96.5 6.36E-13 6.930 65 72 46.19
77.5 % of gas on plateau in 1000 through 1200 °C steps Plateau Age = 45.86 ± 0.25
EE-2002-2 Biotite total fusion Piaxtla granite J = 0.003741 ± 0.50% wt = 5.0 mg #79KD28
A 1650 100.0 98.0 1.96E-13 6.950 57 60 46.31 ± 0.13
EE-2002-4 Adularia Veta Santo Niño J = 0.003739 ± 0.50% wt = 22.3 mg #82KD28
A 850 9.0 88.8 1.07E-13 5.645 33 1237 37.68 ± 0.09
B 950 10.0 97.5 1.20E-13 6.121 70 3848 40.82 ± 0.08
C 1050 11.4 98.9 1.37E-13 6.231 101 6725 41.55 ± 0.07
D 1150 12.4 98.9 1.48E-13 6.253 120 6163 41.70 ± 0.06
E 1250 10.4 97.2 1.25E-13 6.212 96 250 41.42 ± 0.08
F 1300 8.1 92.4 9.68E-13 6.115 77 1504 40.78 ± 0.10
G 1325 10.3 88.5 1.23E-13 6.051 95 1766 40.36 ± 0.08
H 1350 14.5 87.7 1.74E-13 6.067 152 1709 40.47 ± 0.06
I 1375 13.8 88.2 1.65E-13 6.089 150 1850 40.61 ± 0.07
Total Gas 100 93.0 2.07E-12 6.159 105 2862 41.08
91.0 % of gas on plateau-like average in 950 through 1375 °C steps Average Age = 41.01 ± 0.23
EE-2002-1 Adularia Veta Cristina J = 0.003738 ± 0.50% wt = 21.0 mg #81KD28
A 850 8.9 88.5 1.10E-13 4.997 59 1839 33.39 ± 0.09
B 950 8.8 93.1 1.09E-13 5.587 61 2721 37.28 ± 0.09
C 1050 8.6 97.3 1.06E-13 5.841 83 3637 38.96 ± 0.09
D 1100 5.3 97.9 6.52E-14 5.849 60 2440 39.02 ± 0.13
E 1150 4.6 97.3 5.68E-14 5.809 42 1602 38.75 ± 0.15
F 1200 4.1 94.8 5.03E-14 5.699 39 87 38.02 ± 0.17
The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

G 1225 3.2 92.7 3.91E-14 5.692 32 590 37.98 ± 0.24

H 1250 3.0 90.2 3.75E-14 5.645 37 1182 37.67 ± 0.24
I 1300 6.0 84.3 7.39E-14 5.683 151 1014 37.92 ± 0.39
J 1350 17.3 77.0 2.14E-13 5.556 141 1086 37.08 ± 0.05
K 1400 25.6 76.7 3.17E-13 5.620 301 1093 37.50 ± 0.05
L 1450 4.7 75.4 5.85E-14 5.743 31 826 38.32 ± 0.14
Total Gas 100 85.1 1.24E-12 5.625 138 1542 37.54
82.3 % of gas on plateau-like average in 1050 through 1450 °C steps Average Age = 37.83 ± 0.21

Ages calculated assuming an initial Ar/36Ar = 295.5 ± 0.


All precision estimates are at the one sigma level of precision.

Ages of individual steps do not include error in the irradiation parameter J.
No error is calculated for the total gas age.
Ar/39Ar DATING /
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018 / 537

Table 2. Ages of volcanic/subvolcanic rocks and epithermal deposits in Tayoltita, Durango, Mexico.

Sample Number Lithology Material Method Age ±  (Ma) References

Ag-Au veins
M-11151 San Antonio vein sericite K-Ar 31.9 ± 0.8 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
F-11296 San Luis vein adularia K-Ar 32.7 ± 0.9 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-22 Arana vein system adularia K-Ar 34.5 ± 0.9 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-25 Castellana vein adularia K-Ar 35.8 ± 1.0 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-2002-1 Cristina vein adularia Ar/Ar 37.83 ± 0.21 This study
EE-24 Patricia-2 vein adularia K-Ar 38.5 ± 1.0 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
Arana vein system adularia K-Ar 40 ± 0.3 Henry (1975)
EE-2002-4 Santo Niño vein adularia Ar/Ar 41.01 ± 0.23 This study

Intrusive and volcanic rocks

EE-8 Andesite LVG plagioclase K-Ar 33.7 ± 0.9 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
F-11298 Arana diorite K-feldspar K-Ar 36.6 ± 1.0 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-20 Intrusive andesite K-feldspar K-Ar 37.9 ± 1.0 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-19 Arana diorite K-feldspar K-Ar 38.8 ± 1.0 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-18 Intrusive andesite K-feldspar K-Ar 39.9 ± 1.0 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-14 Rhyolite LVG K-feldspar K-Ar 39.9 ± 1.1 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-12 Piaxtla intrusion biotite K-Ar 45.1 ± 1.0 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
12092 Corral stock biotite K-Ar 45.9 ± 1.0 Enriquez and Rivera (2001)
EE-2002-2 Piaxtla intrusion biotite Ar/Ar 46.31 ± 0.13 This study
Key: LVG = Lower Volcanic Complex of the Sierra Madre Occidental.

The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

interpreted as its age of crystallization, at 41.20 ± that are considered to be older than the Piaxtla
0.53 Ma for the Santo Niño vein (plateau-like av- batholith. Economic epithermal mineralization
erage age of 41.01 ± 0.23 Ma in adularia), and at occurred throughout the district in this package of
37.90 ± 0.49 Ma for the Cristina vein (plateau-like rocks. An attempt to date the rocks of the Lower
average age of 37.83 ± 0.21 Ma in adularia). Volcanic Complex resulted in younger ages than
the Piaxtla batholith, a reflection of the extensive
and pervasive hydrothermal alteration of the LVC
4. Discussion throughout the district. Similar andesites belong-
ing to the LVC were dated close to Durango City
4.1. AGES OF VOLCANIC AND INTRUSIVE ROCKS at 51.6 Ma by McDowell and Keizer (1977). At
the Tayoltita district, the age of the so-called Pro-
The Lower Volcanic Complex (LVC) is formed ductive andesite reported is 33.7 ± 0.9 Ma, but
mainly of andesites and rhyolites cropping out in this age is more likely to be related to some hy-
a package of more than 1500 meters in thickness drothermal alteration of the rock than to a repre-
538 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018

Age spectrum diagram Inverse-isotope correlation diagram


A) A
#80KD28 B)
EE-2002-2 0.0048
Piaxtla granite
Apparent Age (Ma)



Plateau Age 0.0032
50 45.86 ± 0.25 Ma
Piaxtla granite
40 D


30 Biotite Total fusion Age 0.0016 Isochron Age = 46.30 ± 0.68 Ma D

[40Ar/36Ar]i = 250 ± 158
20 46.31 ± 0.13 Ma MSWD = 0.019
Steps B through E with 96.9% of 39ArK
10 #79KD28

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15

Cumulative % ArK Released 39 39

Ar/ Ar 40

#82KD28 C) #82KD28 D)
90 H

80 0.00042
Apparent Age (Ma)

70 Veta Santo Niño



50 Average Age
0.00028 adularia F

41.01 ± 0.23 Ma Veta Santo Niño

40 B C D E H

Average Age 0.00014 Isochron Age = 41.20 ± 0.53 Ma

41.01 ± 0.23 Ma [40Ar/36Ar]i = 261 ± 26 E

20 B
MSWD = 0.448
10 Steps F through I with 46.8% of 39ArK D
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15

Cumulative % ArK Released 39 39

Ar/ Ar
The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

#81KD28 E) #81KD28 F)
90 L
0.0008 J

Apparent Age (Ma)

70 Veta Cristina
0.0006 EE-2002-1


50 Average Age
37.83 ± 0.21 Ma 0.0004 Veta Cristina A

30 A
Isochron Age = 37.90 ± 0.49 Ma B
20 Average Age 0.0002 [40Ar/36Ar]i = 290 ± 18 F

37.83 ± 0.21 Ma MSWD = 0.495
Steps G through L with 59.8% of 39ArK E C

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18

Cumulative % ArK Released 39 39

Ar/ Ar

Figure 4 Ar/39Ar age spectra (A, C and E) and isochrons (B, D and F) for host rocks (A and B) and the Santo Niño (C and D) and Cristina

(E and F) epithermal veins of the Tayoltita mining district, Durango.

Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018 / 539

sentative age of the volcanic ensemble. Dating the thermal activity in the central part of the district

LVC requires a different method for approaching began earlier than in the rest of the district (figures
the most likely age of the entire LVC. 2 and 5). The K-Ar data obtained by Henry (1975)
Three plutonic events are represented by several could be interpreted to represent the earliest stage
intrusive bodies. The Piaxtla batholith rocks in- of mineralization. Data from altered host rocks
truded the LVC in the canyons of the Barranca are consistent with the range of ages for the veins.
country. The compositions of the intrusions range It turns out that the available ages for epithermal
from diorite, granodiorite to granite. These rocks veins in the Tayoltita district (Table 2) span almost
were extensively examined by Henry (1975) and 10 M.yr. between the Bartonian (Eocene) and the
Henry and Fredrikson (1987). Their isotopic ages Rupelian (Oligocene; Figure 5), and are distribut-
range from 102 to 45 Ma in the western coastal ed in at least five intrusive-hydrothermal activity
area, and become younger eastward and inland to cycles or episodes (early and late Bartonian, early
45 Ma (Henry, 1975). At Tayoltita, Henry (1975) and late Priabonian, and Rupelian). This was al-
reported K-Ar ages that ranged between 45 and ready known to be the longest active single epi-
43 Ma. Two K-Ar ages of 45.1 ± 1.1 and 45.9 thermal deposit in Mexico (Enriquez and Rivera,
± 1.2 Ma were obtained by Enriquez and Rivera 2001), but the age determinations in this study
(2001) from the Piaxtla batholith and The Cor- imply that the formation of epithermal deposits
ral de Piedra stock, are consistent with the dates initiated at least ~2.6 M.yr. earlier than previously
obtained by Henry (1975). The Intrusive andesite recognized. The existing age determinations for
represents the second intrusive event. Two K-Ar the volcanic rocks of the Upper Volcanic Super-
ages for these rocks range between 39.9 ± 1.0 and group that cap the epithermal deposits (≤ 24.5
37.9 ± 1.0 Ma in fresh plagioclases (Enriquez and Ma; Enriquez and Rivera, 2001) and those of the
Rivera, 2001); however, these ages are uncertain underlying Corral stock and Piaxtla intrusive (≥
and may be more related to alteration due to wide- 45.1 Ma) still leave some room for further epith-
spread hydrothermalism in the region. The Arana ermal-producing paleo-hydrothermal activity in
quartz monzonite followed the Intrusive andesite, the area. The resulting minimum duration of the
and ages for these rocks range between 38.8 ± 1.0 known hydrothermal activity is, for instance, twice
and 36.6 ± 1.0 Ma (Table 2). the span of the available ages for the Zacatecas
intermediate- to low sulfidation epithermal dis-
4.2. AGES OF EPITHERMAL VEINS trict (~5 M.yr.; see figure 16 in Camprubí and Al-

The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

binson, 2007), whose duration is second only to
Seven ages are available for adularia- and seric- Tayoltita among Mexican epithermal deposits. In
ite-bearing high-grade veins in the Tayoltita dis- comparison, the duration of hydrothermal activi-
trict that provide an age range for the main stages ty for these deposits dwarves the ~2 M.yr. period
of mineralization (Table 2). A single date of 40 determined for other major epithermal districts in
± 0.3 Ma was obtained by Henry (1975) for the Mexico, such as the exceptionally large Fresnillo
Arana vein system. K-Ar data for the ore stage of deposit in Zacatecas (Lang et al., 1988; Velador
vein formation ranged between 31.9 ± 0.8 and et al., 2010), the Sierra and Veta Madre depos-
38.6 ± 1.0 Ma (Enriquez and Rivera, 2001). The its in Guanajuato (Martínez-Reyes et al., 2015),
Ar/39Ar data obtained in this study for the ore- Taxco in Guerrero (Farfán-Panamá et al., 2015),
stage of vein formation range between 37.83 ± and other deposits (Camprubí et al., 2003, 2016a,
0.21 and 41.01 ± 0.23 Ma. The veins from the 2016b). The uncannily prolonged formation of
western part of the district are younger than the epithermal deposits in Tayoltita was episodically
veins from the eastern area; however, 40Ar/39Ar fueled by re-activated magmatic activity, as the re-
data obtained in this study suggests that hydro- sulting intrusive bodies and veins intermingled in
540 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018
The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

Figure 5 Distribution of the available geochronologic determinations in host rocks (in red) and vein material (in green) from epithermal
deposits in the Tayoltita district, Durango. Circles represent average ages and bars standard deviations.

time (Figure 5). The reasons for such prolonged Ferrari et al., 2005, 2007). These deposits are part
intrusive activity have not been determined at a of a small Eocene belt in NW Durango, east of
local scale, but the minimum ~41 to ~31 Ma time the San Luis–Tepehuanes fault zone (SLTFZ) that
bracket for the formation of the epithermal de- includes both epithermal and porphyry-type de-
posits of Tayoltita coincides with the last stages of posits (figure 7 in Camprubí, 2013). They also har-
the Lower Volcanic Complex of the Sierra Madre binger the Oligocene metallogenic epoch, which is
Occidental and the thickest deposits of volcanic the most productive in terms of number and size
rocks at the time (Henry and Fredrikson, 1987; of ore deposits in Mexico (Camprubí, 2013), and is
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018 / 541

associated with the climactic stage of volcanism in span between the emplacement of the Arana in-

the Sierra Madre Occidental (Ferrari et al., 2005, trusive and the eponymous vein, with K-Ar ages
2007). Additionally, this region experienced im- at 36.6 ± 1.0 and 34.5 ± 0.9 Ma, respectively
portant E-W and ENE-WSW strike-slip and nor- (Enriquez and Rivera, 2001; see Table 2 and Fig-
mal faulting at the end of the Eocene (Horner and ure 4). The pertinacious recurrence of such time
Enriquez, 1999). Therefore, the long-lasting and bracket in many epithermal deposits can be in-
continuous, albeit episodic, hydrothermal activity terpreted as due to the progressive deepening of
that produced the epithermal deposits of Tayol- the emplacement sites of intrusive bodies as their
tita is associated with an exceptional (at its time) parental magmatism wanes, similarly to porphy-
hypabyssal and volcanic activity whose emplace- ry-type deposits (e.g., within ~0.7 M.yr. in Bing-
ment was seemingly controlled by a major strike- ham Canyon; Redmond and Einaudi, 2010) that
slip corridor. The paramount example in Mexico would be due to the cooling-down and exhaustion
of focused magmatic and hydrothermal activity is of the magmatic chambers that fed the intrusive
the neighboring SLTFZ (Nieto-Samaniego et al., cycles (see figure 4 in Sillitoe, 2010). Depending
2005, 2007). on the size of magmatic chambers and the region-
Similar long-lasting epithermal deposits are Yana- al structural dynamics, these cycles of intrusion
cocha in Perú (Longo et al., 2010) and Cerro and subsequent hydrothermal activity can extend
Bayo in Chile (Poblete et al., 2014). Yanacocha, the life of porphyry systems up to a few million
possibly the largest high-sulfidation epithermal years (Chiaradia et al., 2013). However, not even
deposit known hitherto, formed in five cycles of porphyry systems have been proven to attain the
volcanism/subvolcanism followed by hydrother- exceptionally long-lasting activity of the Tayoltita
mal activity that span no less than ~5 M.yr. Cerro epithermal deposits.
Bayo, a low-sulfidation epithermal district, formed Besides the general case mentioned above, the
during ~33 M.yr. (including long periods of in- study area contains compelling evidence for the
activity) as a result of long-lasting continental ex- simultaneous emplacement (within the range of
tension, and the duration of the longest episode uncertainty of geochronological data; Figure 5)
for the formation of epithermal mineralization is of several intrusive rocks and epithermal veins
~13 M.yr. The sizes or metal endowment of ep- at distances that range between 5 and less than 2
ithermal deposits do not correlate well with the km. That is the case of the so-called Intrusive an-
duration of the associated hydrothermal activity: desite and the Cristina and Castellana veins (up

The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

both relatively small or large resources may form to ~5 km distant), another andesite intrusive and
during very variable periods of time, regardless of the San Luis vein (~5 km distant) and, remarkably,
the subtype of epithermal deposit to which they part of the Arana diorite and the conterminous
belong (Table 3). Patricia-2 vein. Although there are no available
The dominantly low-sulfidation epithermal veins geochemical data that support the entrainment of
in Tayoltita, as other similar deposits in Mexico magmatic fluids into the epithermal environment,
(Lang et al., 1988; McKee et al., 1992; Camprubí et the Arana diorite and the Patricia-2 vein are as
al., 2003; Camprubí and Albinson, 2007; Velador nearly conterminous in time as they are in space:
et al., 2010; Martínez-Reyes et al., 2015) and else- the average age for the diorite precedes that of the
where (Warren et al., 2008; Li et al., 2016) typically vein by merely ~0.3 Ma. This tight relationship in
record a ~2 M.yr. bracket between the youngest time and space between the magmatic and hydro-
intrusive rock before the emplacement of the veins thermal activity that begot these epithermal de-
and the latter themselves. Such is the case of the posits can be attributed to a genetic link, although
542 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018

Table 3. Selected examples of duration of hydrothermal activity and size of the resources of the resulting epithermal deposits.

Subtype of Ages of
District or Approxi-mate continuous Deposit size, tonnage and grades
Location epithermal epithermal References
deposit age span (Ma) hydrothermal or known production
deposit deposits (Ma)

Large; >19 Mt @ 500 g/t Ag & 8 Henry (1975), Enriquez

Durango, 41.01 ± 0.23 to
Tayoltita LS (minor IS) 10 yes g/t Au; 10.2 Moz Ag & 6.5 koz Au and Rivera (2001), this
Mexico 31.9 ± 0.8
as of 2001 study.

Albinson et al. (2001),

Zacatecas, Large; >20 Mt @ 750 Moz Ag as of
Zacatecas IS to LS 35.5 to 30.8 5 yes Camprubí and Albinson
Mexico 2001

Very large; >60 Mt @ 296 g/t Ag &

0.77 g/t Au in current reserves; total
Zacatecas, 31.03 ± 0.05 to Lang et al. (1998),
Fresnillo IS (minor LS) 2 yes reserves of 201.6 Moz Ag, 525 koz
Mexico 29.68 ± 0.10 Velador et al. (2010).
Au as of 2015 (*); a 1 Goz resource

Albinson et al. (2001),

Guanajuato, 30.20 ± 0.17 to Large; >40 Mt @ 850 g/t Ag & 4
Guanajuato (**) IS to LS 2 yes Martínez-Reyes et al.
Mexico 28.47 ± 0.55 g/t Au as of 2001

Albinson et al. (2001),

Guerrero, 34.96 ± 0.19 to Large; >30 Mt @ 240 g/t Ag &
Taxco IS (minor LS) 2 yes Farfán-Panamá et al.
Mexico ~33 ~6% Zn+Pb as of 2001

13.56 ± 0.24 to Very large; 3125 Mt @ ~90 g/t Ag; Longo et al. (2010), Teal
Yanacocha Northern Perú HS 5 yes
8.40 ± 0.06 70 Moz Au as of 2008 and Benavides (2010).

(Overall 33 Ma)
Patagonia, 3 stages: Small; 1.6 Mt @ 3.2 g/t Au & 373 Poblete et al. (2014), and
Cerro Bayo LS a) 144 to 142 2 no
Chile g/t Ag as of 2014 references therein.
b) 137 to 124 13
c) 114 to 111 3

Large; 18 Mt @ 12.23 g/t Au &

52.95 ± 0.40 to
El Peñón Northern Chile LS 3 yes 343.4 g/t Ag; 7 Moz Au & 199 Moz Warren et al. (2008).
49.84 ± 0.24
Ag as of 2008
The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

Large; >47 Mt @ 4.8 g/t Au, 42 g/t Prokofiev et al. (1999),

Banská Štiavnica Slovakia LS 12.2 (?) to 10.7 1.5 yes
Ag & 5.4% Pb+Zn as of 1999 Chernyshev et al. (2013).

Medium-large; ~10 Mt @ 40 g/t Sanematsu et al. (2005),

Hishikari Kyushu, Japan LS 1.21 to 0.60 0.6 yes
Au; 10.6 Moz as of 2010 Tohma et al. (2010).

Nevada, 15.39 ± 0.02 to Small; 3.4 Mt @ 17.75 g/t Au as of

Midas LS 0.2 yes Leavitt et al. (2004).
U.S.A. 15.25 ± 0.05 2004

Key: HS = high sulfidation; IS = intermediate sulfidation; LS = low sulfidation; Goz = giga ounces; koz = thousand ounces; Moz = million
Notes: (*) Fresnillo PLC (2018).
(**) Veta Madre and Sierra groups of veins alone.
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2018 / 543

such implication is not proven. Until this study, ated with voluminous volcanic activity in the area
similar degrees of “nearness” between epithermal during the late Eocene, which was focused by a

deposits and their associated intrusive rocks have long-lived regional-scale strike-slip corridor.
been described in study cases that belong exclu-
sively to the high sulfidation subtype (e.g., Arribas
et al., 1995; Valencia et al., 2005). Acknowledgements

The authors wish to thank Michael Kunk for pro-

5. Conclusions viding access and guidance to perform the geo-
chronology studies at the U.S. Geological Survey
The new geochronological determinations for the Thermochronology Lab in Denver, Colorado.
Tayoltita epithermal deposit indicate that this de- Funding for this study was originally provided
posit was formed between 41.01 ± 0.23 and 31.9 by the Luismin S.A. de C.V. mining company,
± 0.8 Ma (late Eocene to earliest Oligocene), al- the former proprietary of the mines of Tayoltita.
though it is possible that these deposits are longer Primero Mining Corp., through Miguel Pérez, is
lived than the ~10 Ma bracket mentioned above. wholeheartedly thanked for granting permission
Therefore, the hydrothermal activity in Tayoltita to publish the original data in this paper. Thomas
records the longest duration known hitherto for Bissig is thanked for his handy insight of Andean
epithermal deposits in Mexico, and one of the epithermal deposits; Lisard Torró and Aldo Iza-
longest known elsewhere for this type of deposits. guirre conducted thorough formal reviews for the
However, no clear correlation can be drawn be- first version of this paper.
tween the duration of hydrothermal activity and
the size or metal endowment of the resulting epi-
thermal deposits. References
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The Tayoltita low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au district

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