The Hydrocarbon Potential of The Offshore Talara Basin, Peru

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Andean Geology 49 (1): 1-17.

January, 2022 Andean Geology

doi: 10.5027/andgeoV49n1-3383

The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru

*Eduardo A. Rossello1, Stephen P.J. Cossey2, Guzmán Fernández3

Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires (CONICET-IGEBA), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad
de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEN), Ciudad Universitaria, 1428, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ORCID: 0000-0002-6466-9956.
[email protected]
Cossey and Associates Inc., P.O. Box 1510, Durango, CO 81302, U.S.A. ORCID: 0000-0002-3393-6505.
[email protected]
Independent Consultant, Sanlucar 1491, Of. 201, Montevideo, Uruguay.
[email protected]

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

ABSTRACT. The offshore Talara Basin is the western extension of the hydrocarbon producing onshore fields since the
mid-1800s area of Peru and is also located above the subduction zone of the active continental margin of South America.
The offshore portion was evaluated using high quality 3D seismic where mapping horizons are all unconformities within
the Eocene as well as the unconformities at the top Paleocene and top Cretaceous. Possible source rocks are the Cretaceous
black marine shales of the Campanian Redondo Formation, the limestones of the Albian Muerto Formation, and the marine
shales of the Paleogene. The primary target offshore is expected to be deep-water turbidites of Paleocene/Eocene age with
a depositional source from the northeast from highlands created by the compressional uplift of the Andes. The main seals
offshore are expected to be shales of the upper Eocene Lagunitos Formation and shales in the Chacra Formation, which
are also seals in the onshore Litoral field. Thermal maturation modeling shows that two hydrocarbon kitchens exist in the
offshore portion of the Talara basin, one in the north and another in the south. The probable Cretaceous source rocks reached
the onset of maturity (VR=0.63%) at a depth of 3,250 to 3,285 m (10,663-10,778 ft) between 30 and 39 Ma (Late Eocene
to Oligocene). Importantly, the Cretaceous source rocks stay within the oil window once they enter it in the late Eocene.
Satellite studies show a large offshore present-day oil seep in the southern part of the basin and 3D seismic shows direct
hydrocarbon indicators (DHIs) imaged as flat spots and bottom simulating reflectors (BSR). Basin modeling suggests
hydrocarbon migration pathways would have been updip (to the east) into the onshore traps and would therefore have
first filled the offshore traps along the migration pathway. We conclude that the Talara Basin offshore offers excellent
exploration opportunities in a proven productive area where multiple prospects have been mapped.

Keywords: Hydrocarbon potential, Offshore exploration, Talara basin, Peru.

RESUMEN. Potencial de hidrocarburos de la cuenca Talara costa afuera, Perú. La cuenca Talara costa afuera es
la extensión occidental de su parte continental que contiene los campos petroleros productores de hidrocarburos desde
mediados del siglo XIX en Perú. Esta se encuentra sobre la zona de subducción en el margen activo de los Andes, donde
la placa oceánica de Nazca está subduciendo bajo la continental de América del Sur. La porción marina de la cuenca se
evaluó utilizando un relevamiento sísmico 3D de alta calidad donde los horizontes de mapeo interpretados son discordancias
dentro del Eoceno, así como del Paleoceno superior y el Cretácico Superior. Las posibles rocas generadoras son las lutitas
marinas negras del Cretácico de la Formación Redondo (Campaniano), las calizas de la Formación Muerto (Albiano) y
las lutitas marinas del Terciario temprano. Se propone que el objetivo principal de la exploración petrolera en alta mar
sean las turbiditas de aguas profundas del Paleoceno/Eoceno originadas por aportes desde las tierras altas del noreste,
2 The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru

creadas por la elevación compresiva de los Andes. Se considera que los principales sellos en el sector costa afuera sean
lutitas de la Formación Lagunitos del Eoceno superior y las lutitas de la Formación Chacra, que también son sellos en
el campo terrestre Litoral. El modelo de maduración térmica muestra que existen dos cocinas de hidrocarburos en la
parte costa afuera de la cuenca, una en el norte y otra en el sur. La fuente probable del Cretácico alcanzó el inicio de la
madurez (VR=0,63%) a una profundidad de 3.250 a 3.285 m (10.663-10.778 pies) entre 30 y 39 Ma (Eoceno tardío al
Oligoceno). Es importante destacar que las rocas generadoras del Cretácico permanecen dentro de la ventana de petróleo
al ingresar en el Eoceno tardío. Los estudios satelitales muestran una gran emanación actual de petróleo en alta mar, en
la parte sur de la cuenca y la sísmica 3D presenta indicadores directos de hidrocarburos (DHI) en imágenes como puntos
planos y reflectores de simulación de fondo (BSR). El modelado de cuencas sugiere que las vías de migración de los
hidrocarburos habrían sido ascendentes hacia el este, en dirección a las trampas en tierra y, por lo tanto, habrían llenado
primero las trampas en alta mar a lo largo de la vía de migración. Se concluye que la cuenca Talara costa afuera ofrece
excelentes oportunidades de exploración en un área productiva probada donde se han identificado múltiples prospectos.

Palabras clave: Potencial de hidrocarburos, Exploración costa afuera, Cuenca Talara, Perú.

1. Introduction present in the offshore portion. The basin is bounded

to the north by the Dolores-Guayaquil megashear
The undrilled deep-water Talara Basin is located and the Pillars of Zorritos (Kraemer et al., 1999;
along the northern Pacific margin of Peru (Travis et Higley, 2004).
al., 1975). It is the western extension of the Cretaceous The Talara basin covers at least 15,000 km2, less
and Paleogene-Neogene stratigraphy of the large, than half of which is onshore (Figs. 1, 2) (Fildani,
traditional reservoirs in the onshore Talara Basin 2004). The onshore sedimentary deposits range from
oilfields. Higley (2004) mentioned a production of Cretaceous to Eocene in age (Fig. 3) and consist of
1.68 billion barrels of oil in the last approximately 130 clastic fill that is in excess of 9,000 m thick (Carozzi
years. This basin is also located above the subduction and Palomino, 1993). Middle-late Eocene strata of
zone of the active margin of South America, where the Talara basin record a more complex story with
the oceanic Nazca plate is subducting under the a gradual deepening trend and deposition of deep-
continental South American plate (Diniz et al., 2010; water systems. There was periodic extension after
Espurt et al., 2018; Lemgruber-Traby et al., 2020). the Paleocene when subsidence was controlled by
Current daily production from onshore Eocene normal faulting allowing arc-related sediment to
sandstone reservoirs is around 15,000 boe from reach the basin only during periods of subsidence
more than 2,600 active wells in an area of 460 km² in the forearc region, probably related to plate
(Perupetro, 20201). Well depths range between 500 rearrangement and/or seamounts colliding with the
and 2,800 m. The average oil gravity is around trench (Fildani et al., 2008). This subsidence was
33° API (25°-42° range) (Hinoztrosa and Espinoza, filled by siliciclastic sediment from multiple origins,
2005) with very low sulphur content. The estimated predominantly from the east and the northeast (Fildani,
remaining potential recoverable volume could reach 2004). Limited carbonate facies are restricted to
almost 120 MMboe. Several secondary recovery parts of the Cretaceous and Pliocene-Pleistocene
projects have been implemented since 2003, with sections (Marsaglia and Carozzi, 1991; Carozzi and
excellent results. Palomino, 1993).
The western boundary and the unexplored The oldest rocks in the region are those of the
offshore portions of the Talara basin are poorly Amotape Formation (Fig. 3), which is exposed in
defined (Figs. 1, 2). The onshore (eastern) margin the Amotape Mountains and consists of deformed
is bounded by Paleozoic basement exposed in the Devonian to Permian age low-grade metamorphic
Amotape Mountains and the southern Silla de Paita. rocks (Shepherd and Moberly, 1981). These rocks form
The Amotape Mountains extend at a 60º angle from an uplifted block along the eastern sides of both the
the Andes and, along with the Tamarindo High, Tumbes and Talara basins and are also reservoirs in
separate the Talara basin from the Lancones basin the Talara basin (Fildani, 2004). Mesozoic rocks are
(Valencia and Uyen, 2002). The southern limit of not well exposed in any part of the basin and the few
the onshore Talara basin is the Paita high (Silla de known outcrops are difficult to access. The rocks of the
Paita) but there are no obvious equivalent barriers Cretaceous Muerto Formation unconformably overlie
Perupetro 2020. Statistics. (Last visit 20/02/2021).
Rossello et al. / Andean Geology 49 (1): 1-17, 2022 3

FIG. 1. The location of the Talara Basin, onshore Talara oil fields, Amotape Mountains and other features in northern Peru (SdP: Silla
de Paita; PoZ: Pillar of Zorritos; TH: Tamarindo High; DGMS: Dolores-Guayaquil mega shear; BW: Belco Wells). 1. Los
Organos-Peña Negra oil field; 2. Lobitos oil field; 3. Providencia oil field; 4. Litoral oil field. White arrow is the convergence
direction of the subducted Nazca plate. Red star is the location of Prospect A. (topo-bathymetry from https://maps.ngdc.noaa.
gov/viewers/bathymetry/ (Last visit: 12/06/2021)).

the Amotape Formation and consist of limestone and and Alarcón, 2002; Higley, 2004). Fildani et al.
bituminous marl. The Muerto Formation is overlain (2005) conclude that the main source rocks are not
by a series of Cretaceous and Paleocene siliciclastic the Upper Cretaceous limestones, marls and black
units. Limited data from onshore suggest that the shales, but we believe the negative correlation is
evolution is from a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic due to the fact that no Cretaceous rock samples were
environment in the Aptian to a more restricted analyzed from the offshore Talara basin.
environment during the Albian for the rocks of the The coastline is marked by a series of raised
Muerto Formation (Daudt et al., 2010). During the Pleistocene to Quaternary age marine terraces
Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian), alluvial (Tablazos) composed of transgressive limestone
fan and fluvial conglomerates and sandstones (i.e., and coquina beds and covering about 60% of the
Tablones Formation) were rapidly transgressed by onshore basin (Pedoja et al., 2006). These restrict
distal shelf shales of the Redondo Formation (Daudt the usefulness of onshore seismic in exploration
and Scherer, 2006). Various authors have suggested (De Vries, 1988; Fildani et al., 2008), but are not
that shales and limestones of the Cretaceous are the present in the surveyed offshore.
petroleum source rocks for the Talara basin, mostly Different tectonic models have been proposed
Muerto Formation bituminous marls and the Redondo for the coastal area of Ecuador and northwest Peru,
Formation black shales (Seranne, 1987; Zúñiga- reflecting the fact that the post-Paleozoic tectonic
Rivero et al., 1999a, b; Arispe 2001a, b; Gonzales history of the area is complicated and not simply
4 The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru

FIG. 2. The regional setting of the Talara Basin offshore portion immediately west of the traditional Talara oil fields, northern Peru.
Yellow lines indicate the locations of seismic lines shown in figures 9 and 12. Two white stars within former Block Z-34 (red
lines) show the locations of the two modeled pseudowells. Yellow rectangle is location of the Belco wells shown in figure 5.

related to subduction (Shepherd and Moberly, 1981; This paper documents the petroleum system and
Jaillard et al., 1995; Bourgois et al., 2007). Aizprua exploration potential of the offshore portion of the
et al. (2019) propose that the accretion of buoyant Talara basin using the extensive knowledge of the
oceanic terranes may have had a profound impact onshore portion, and presents some of the prospective
on the early margin configuration of SW Ecuador areas where success may be likely.
and NW Peru. This led to the development of
localized but genetically related forearc depocenters 2. Materials and methods
(sensu Dickinson, 1995) dominated by a Late
Cretaceous (Peruvian Andean phase, Cobbold et The structural architecture of the former Z-34
al., 2007) deforming outer wedge. This tectonic block in the offshore area was interpreted using a 3D
phase was governed by plate instability followed seismic reflection survey acquired in 2011 and wells
by re-establishment of the margin by early Eocene provided by Perupetro S.A. Seismic interpretation
(Incaic Andean phase: Cobbold et al., 2007). The was conducted using the Kingdom platform (Rossello
resulting margin configuration and the spatial et al., 2016).
distribution of the different tectonic elements seem We reconstructed the hydrocarbon generation
to have played a key role into the further Cenozoic and migration history in the offshore Talara Basin
(Quechua Andean phase) development of the forearc using the structure maps generated from the 3D
region. A more detailed account of basin evolution seismic survey and integrated available geological
and sedimentary successions can be found in Fildani and geochemical data into a georeferenced database.
(2004) and Fildani et al. (2005). A conceptual geological model of the basin, using
Rossello et al. / Andean Geology 49 (1): 1-17, 2022 5

FIG. 3. Stratigraphic column of the Talara basin showing horizons mapped in the offshore part of the basin, main reservoir and source
intervals. Seismic mapping horizons (1-4) are all unconformities. Modified from AIPC (no date), GonzalesTorres (1999),
Kingston (1994), Kraemer et al. (1999), Perupetro (1999), and Seranne (1987). Light green: productive section (in dark
green best reservoir levels). Lithology symbology from
lithology/Lithology-Symbols.html (Last visit: 12/06/2021).

only the major faults, was developed based on the 1994). Finally, an event chart was constructed
interpretation of the 3D seismic survey calibrated showing the critical moments for the petroleum
by well data from the shallow marine platform system.
and onshore oil fields. This model was then used The basin model (Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009)
to define a physical and temporal input necessary was constructed using two pseudo wells (Fig. 4),
for petroleum system modeling (Magoon and Dow, chosen in the northern (Pseudowell 1) and southern
6 The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru

FIG. 4. Basin modelling for the pseudowells (see location in figure 2). This was chosen in the depocenter area of the block. Note that
the Cretaceous enters the oil window (onset) at 39 Ma and stays within it until present-day.

(Pseudowell 2) parts of former Block Z-34 where generation window at the present-day. The maturity
the thickest section of sediments is expected. The at Pseudowell 2 is confirmed by the oil present in
onset of maturity in Pseudowell 1 at Vr=0.63% the offshore and onshore Paita area in the Paleogene,
was determined to be at 3,250 m (10,663 ft) depth Cretaceous and Paleozoic age reservoirs in the
bsl at about 39 My (Fig. 4). The onset of maturity Talara Basin.
at Pseudowell 2 at Vr=0.62% was determined to The chronostratigraphy for these pseudowell
be at 3,285 m (10,778 ft) bsl at about 30 My. Both points was derived from the seismic interpretation
the northern and southern kitchens are in the oil and the modelled heat flow used was from the
Rossello et al. / Andean Geology 49 (1): 1-17, 2022 7

Perupetro (2005). They derived a heat flow for the 3.2. Offshore reservoir rocks
present day of 32-37mW/m2 with heat flows as high
as 35-48mW/m in the early Eocene which were There are more than 40 oil and gas fields in
calibrated to vitrinite reflectance data in various the Talara basin province which produce from
wells. However, it is likely that heat flow is not up to 12 reservoirs per well (Higley, 2004). The
constant in the basin and may vary considerably primary reservoirs are the Eocene-age nearshore
from one area to another (Lemgruber-Traby et al., marine sandstones. The primary target offshore
2020). No sequence is identified which reaches gas is also expected to be the Eocene-age reservoirs,
maturity in the block. but their environment of deposition is expected to
be deepwater (turbidites) with a source from the
3. Petroleum system northeast to southeast from the highlands created
from the compressional uplift of the Andes.
3.1. Source rocks The Paleocene/Eocene sequence is expected to
be entirely deepwater clastic (turbiditic) in nature.
The main source rocks in the Talara basin are Eocene reservoirs have been penetrated by wells at
the Cretaceous (Campanian) black, marine shales of the Peña Negra, Lobitos, Providencia and Litoral
the Redondo Formation (with the Albian limestone fields nearby and are known to contain turbidite
of the Muerto Formation) and the marine shales sandstones (Laverde et al., 2010).
of the Paleogene (Lemgruber-Traby et al., 2020) Rock properties of the Eocene Members and
(Fig. 3). The Muerto Formation contains Type II and Formations are well documented onshore and in the
Type II-III kerogen and has a Total Organic Carbon shallow offshore areas (Table 1).
(TOC) content of 1-4.5 wt% (Perupetro, 2005). The rock properties of the reservoirs in offshore
The Campanian rocks of the Redondo Formation prospects may be better than those documented
are the most volumetrically significant source rock onshore because the Eocene turbidites should have
in thickness and quality (Gonzalez and Alarcon, better sorting and early migration of hydrocarbons
2002) and contain Type II and Type II-III kerogen may have preserved higher porosity and permeability
and 1-5.3 wt% TOC. It has excellent potential values. Some better rock properties in the Pariñas
for hydrocarbon generation with a Hydrocarbon Formation were observed in the Belco NHX-7
Index (HI) of over 400 mgHC/g TOC (Perupetro, well, where up to 25% porosity was encountered
2005). It was deposited in an area of coastal (see Fig. 5 for location).
upwelling and anoxic organic deposition (Pindell The Basal Salinas sandstones in the northern part
and Tabbot, 1995). of the onshore basin consist mainly of turbidite fans
The Oligocene rocks of the Heath Formation are and incised valley fills that prograde to the southwest
also believed to be a major source in the Tumbes and northwest (Gonzales Torres, 1999).
and Trujillo Basins, but have been shown by burial An additional reservoir target offshore is the
history modeling to be immature in the Talara sandstones within the source interval of the Upper
Basin (Lemgruber-Traby et al., 2020). Other minor Cretaceous Redondo Shale and the Upper Cretaceous
source rocks are known to be present in the Eocene Ancha and Petacas Formations (Fig. 3). Four Talara
(Higley, 2004). Basin onshore fields produce hydrocarbons from


Eocene Formation Porosity Permeability

Helico (Talara Group) 12-15% 2-5 mD

Pariñas 11-19% (25%) 60-120 mD

Manta (Mogollon) 8-11% 0.15 mD

Basal Salinas Sand 11-16% 14-20 mD

8 The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru

FIG. 5. A. Cross-section through five of the six Belco wells drilled in 1984 in shallow water on the eastern margin of Block Z-34
(Depths in feet). Note the gas shows within the Pariñas Formation which corresponds to U/C 3 mapping horizon. Log header:
Gamma ray shown in black; Resistivity shown in red. B. Relative position of these wells (see figure 2 for location).

sandstones within the Cretaceous Redondo Shale Lagunitos groups (Fig. 3). Shales in the early Eocene
and the Ancha and Petacas Formations and also Chacra Formation are seals in the onshore Litoral
from the basal Mal Paso Group (Fildani et al., 2005). field (Fildani et al., 2005). The Belco wells (Fig. 2)
The Pennsylvanian meta-quartzites and meta- drilled in 1984 encountered the Pariñas Formation
limestones of the Amotape Formation (Fig. 3) can rocks (lower Eocene) with freshwater salinities
be a commercial reservoir when they are highly indicating that the seals are intact.
fractured (Grosso et al., 2005) and capped by the
Cretaceous Redondo Shale. The now abandoned 3.4. Hydrocarbon kitchens
Zorro field produced about 100,000 bbls from
the Amotape Formation metamorphic basement Thermal maturation modeling combined with
(Petroconsultants, 1996). The overlying Muerto, structural mapping has shown that two hydrocarbon
Tablones and Redondo Formations contain probable kitchens exist in the offshore Talara Basin (one in
source rocks and these could be sources for oil in the the north and another in the south (Figs. 2, 4)).
Amotape reservoirs. When oil is found in the Amotape The probable Cretaceous source rocks (Muerto
Formation rocks (Perupetro, 2005) its properties are and Redondo Formations) reached the onset of
very similar to the Cretaceous-sourced oils which maturity (VR=0.63%) at a depth of 3,250 to 3,285 m
suggests it was sourced from the same marine shales (10,663-10,778 ft) between 30 and 39 Ma (Late
(Higley, 2004). Four Talara Basin fields produce Eocene to Oligocene). Importantly, the Cretaceous
hydrocarbons from quartzites of the Amotape Formation source rocks stay within the oil window once they
(Petroconsultants, 1996). Porosities and permeabilities enter it in the late Eocene and appear to stay within
will likely be low in the Amotape Formation. that maturity until the present-day.
The events chart (Fig. 6) indicates different
3.3. Seals potential source rocks in the Cretaceous (Muerto
Limestone and Redondo shales) and Paleocene,
The main seal overlying the early Eocene interval Eocene and Oligocene Formations, which were
would be the upper Eocene shales of the Talara and deposited into the transition between oceanic and
Rossello et al. / Andean Geology 49 (1): 1-17, 2022 9

FIG. 6. Petroleum systems event chart of the Talara Basin Province indicating the petroleum system elements (source rock, reservoir,
and seal), the timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, and the critical moment (taken from Higley,
2004). Letters a: AIPC (no author or date); b: Jaillard et al. (1995); c: Perupetro (1999); d: Petroconsultants (1996); e: Zúñiga-
Rivero et al. (1999a, b); f: Kingston (1994); g: Shepherd and Moberly (1981). E: early; M: medium; L: late; Olig.: Oligocene;
P.: Pliocene; Quat.: Quaternary.

continental lithosphere without direct influence of Migration is still occurring today, as indicated
the active subduction. The seal rock ranges from by the sea-surface oil slicks mapped from satellite
Cretaceous to Oligocene in age and consists mainly data (Fig. 8). Present-day oil seeps are shown to be
of shales. The critical moment, or peak generation, occurring where a large down-to-the-west normal
is at 10 Ma. fault is expressed as a scarp on the sea floor (Fig. 7).
These two hydrocarbon kitchens are the main
locations of oil generation for the onshore and offshore 4. Reservoir and target/prospect definition
in the Talara Basin. Cumulative oil production from
current fields in the Talara Basin amounts to over The Talara Basin contains a working petroleum
1,600 million bbl and a similar estimated amount system and has been producing from onshore fields
remains to be discovered and produced. Modeling such as Peña Negra, Lobitos, Providencia and
and source rock potential indicates offshore kitchens Litoral since the mid-1800s. All the elements of the
where few wells have been drilled in water depths petroleum system are present: source, reservoir, seal
exceed 100 m (328 ft). and overburden. The components of the petroleum
system are also present: the trap formation, generation,
3.5. Migration migration and accumulation.
The main potential Eocene reservoirs are
The onset of migration from the Cretaceous characterized by alternating marine shales, sandstones,
source rocks probably took place in the late Eocene and conglomerates deposited during the early
to Oligocene (39-30 Ma), as indicated by our basin Paleogene. Many of the Eocene sandstone intervals
modeling studies. Migration was mostly in an are producing reservoirs onshore (Daudt and Scherer,
updip and easterly direction from the two offshore 2006; Daudt et al., 2011). Normal faulting affected
source kitchens via vertical and sub-vertical faults the basin extensively during and after deposition of
(Fig. 7). Structural and stratigraphic traps along the basin-fill and created the traps. Offshore mapping
the migration pathway would have preferentially horizons are all unconformities within the Eocene as
filled first, before the traps of the onshore fields, well as the unconformities at the top Paleocene and
such as Peña Negra and Los Organos, were filled. top Cretaceous (Fig. 3). Correlation from onshore
10 The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru

FIG. 7. E-W schematic diagram showing the evolution of the hydrocarbon migration from the offshore source kitchens to the traps
in the Talara basin based on the figure 9 seismic lines (see location in figure 2). A. Early stage of migration (black arrows:
estimated migration routes). B. Present-day migration pathway (red arrows), traps shown in gray. Sea floor scarp at X is where
the present-day oil seep is located.

FIG. 8. Map showing radiating pattern based on satellite and radar scenes of present-day oil seeps on the water surface just to the south
of Prospect A, showing that migration is occurring at the present-day from a point-source about 15 km south of Prospect A.
Green line: eastern border of the former Z-34 Block.
Rossello et al. / Andean Geology 49 (1): 1-17, 2022 11

to offshore within the basin is difficult due to the high (Fig. 12). The older amplitudes are evident on
lack of seismic data onshore and a lack of published the west side of high and do not conform to structure
formation tops and time/depth data (Fig. 9). contours, suggesting a stratigraphic trapping element.
Many direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHIs) such Flat spots have also been identified at the downdip
as amplitude anomalies (AVO anomaly) and flat limits of the amplitude anomalies below U/C 3 and
spots have been observed in the offshore portion of U/C 1 (Fig. 11).
the Talara Basin. In Prospect A, located immediately The presence of gas hydrates offshore Peru was
west of the onshore Los Organos-Peñas Negras oil postulated by Miller et al. (1991) who evaluated
fields (Fig. 1) above the main prospective Eocene 2D seismic data recorded by Shell in deep water
interval, an AVO anomaly was also observed offshore Lima and noted the presence of a Bottom
above the top Eocene U/C 1 horizon (Fig. 10). This Simulating Reflector (BSR). The origin of this gas
anomaly appears on the southwest flank of Prospect is probably biogenic since the proposed Cretaceous
A and is about 105 m (345 ft) above the top of the source rocks are in within the oil window today.
Eocene prospective interval and crosses structural The 3D seismic data in former Block Z-34 also
contours, indicating there must be a stratigraphic shows clear evidence of BSRs in sediments that
component to the trap. appear to contain many sandstones of reservoir
At the U/C 1 mapped horizon on the same quality (Fig. 13). Mapping of the BSR and the
structure of Prospect A there is an amplitude anomaly water bottom on 3D data enabled the thickness
immediately below the crest of the structure on Prospect of the gas hydrate zone within the sediments to
A (Fig. 11). There are also Eocene-Paleocene strong be estimated. Figure 13 shows the gas hydrates
amplitude anomalies between horizons U/C 2 and to be between 525-579 m (1,722-1,900 ft) thick
U/C 3 which appear to onlap the U/C 3 structural over Prospect A, based on velocity measurements

FIG. 9. W-E interpreted (lower) and uninterpreted (upper) cross-sections showing the correlation from onshore producing oil fields
to the offshore Talara Basin and the position of the Prospect A. Well logs; Gamma ray in red and resistivity in black (LLD).
Insect shows the location of the section. Dashed line is the estimated top of the basement.
12 The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru

FIG. 10. Near and Far root mean square (RMS) amplitude anomalies on the southwest flank of Prospect A (see figure 1 for location).
The anomaly is about 105 m above U/C 1 (top Eocene), in the Oligocene section. It crosses the structural contours, indicating a
stratigraphic trapping component. Red line shows the position of the seismic line in figure 11. Red ellipse: strong AVO anomaly.

FIG. 11. Flat spots (yellow arrows) at the termination of the amplitude anomalies underlying U/C 1 (green line) in the XLine 4110
(see figure 13) at Prospect A (see location in figure 2). Vertical scale in milliseconds. Inset shows location of this line. Green,
red and black are faults.
Rossello et al. / Andean Geology 49 (1): 1-17, 2022 13

FIG. 12. North-South seismic line 1615 across Prospect A. This line shows the shape of the gravitational gliding toward west of the
block, where Prospect A is located. See location in figures 1 and 13. R: Reservoir, S: Seal (inferred from transparent seismic
facies). Yellow line: top Cretaceous; Violet line: U/C3 (top Pariñas Fm.); Blue line: U/C2 (top Talara Fm.); Green line: U/C1
(top Eocene).

FIG. 13. A typical Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) near Prospect A. Seismic line location is shown in figure 2.
14 The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru

from a group of wells with similar stratigraphy Several unconformities throughout the Eocene
in the Gulf of Mexico (Birchwood et al., 2007). reservoir section confirm that the structure started to
At least six different play types were identified form in the early Eocene. The four unconformities
during the mapping of 3D data in the offshore used in seismic mapping are also shown on figure 3.
Talara Basin: 1) Rollover anticline traps with Three are within the Eocene and one is at the top
Eocene reservoirs; 2) Tilted fault block closures of the Cretaceous. The structure is present on all
with Eocene reservoirs; 3) Deep-seated anticlinal mapping horizons down to the top Cretaceous. The
structures; 4) Stratigraphic traps with Eocene main reservoir section is the Eocene Talara Formation,
or Oligocene reservoirs; 5) Traps below the the top of which is at about 39 Ma. Therefore, the
BSR. At least 23 prospects were identified in reservoir and the trap formed at the ideal time,
the basin. just before the onset of maturity in the Cretaceous
One of the best prospects is a rollover anticline source rocks. Our thermal modeling presented here
(Prospect A) located within a mini passive-margin suggests it is unlikely that the Cretaceous source
setting, where a large down-to-the-west growth rocks have entered the gas window.
fault is mapped (Figs. 9, 13). Mapping shows that
the trap at Prospect A is a structural high where the 5. Conclusions
structure started to form during deposition of the
main Eocene reservoir section due to the movement The offshore Talara basin in Peru is an extension
of the large growth fault to the east of the prospect of the onshore working petroleum system that has
(Fig. 14). The trap is a rollover anticline modified been explored and has produced in excess of 1.68
by intra-Eocene unconformities, which were used billion barrels of oil in the last 130 years. During our
as the main mapping horizons (Fig. 14). It is located study of the offshore and based on the interpretation
less than 20 km west of the producing Litoral field of the 1,100 sq km of marine 3D seismic survey
onshore in a water depth of 1,800 m. (acquired in 2011) we identified at least 23 prospects

FIG. 14. Structure map on top of U/C 1 at Prospect A (see location in figure 9). Yellow star is the proposed well location. Red lines:
seismic lines shown in figures 11 and 14. Green lines: grid of the former Z34 Block. The thick black lines represent the large
normal fault, downthrown to the west.
Rossello et al. / Andean Geology 49 (1): 1-17, 2022 15

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