The Fundamentals of C# Part 1: Programming Languages

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The Fundamentals of C# Part 1

Programming Languages

Ahmad Mohey | Full Stack Developer

E-mail : [email protected]
Twitter : ahmadmohey85
Programming Languages

Low Level High Level

• Difficult to learn
 • Easier to learn

• Far from human language
 • Near to human language

• Fast in execution
 • Slower in execution

• Hard to modify
 • Easier to modify

• Hardware level
 • Not much facility at hw level

• Used to write hardware programs
 • Used to write programs

• E.g., machine language and assembly
 • E.g., C++, C#, Python and Java

Programming Languages

English: How are you?

Human languages
German: Wie geht’s dir?

High-level programming language Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

mov eax,0
Low-level programming language
add edi,1

Machine language 0100100001101111011101110010000001100

Programming Languages

A 01000001            a 01100001

B 01000010            b 01100010
The Fundamentals of C# Part 1


Ahmad Mohey | Full Stack Developer

E-mail : [email protected]
Twitter : ahmadmohey85
The Compiler

A compiler is computer software that transforms computer code written in one

programming language (the source language) into another computer language
(the target language). Compilers are a type of translator
The Compiler

Compiler Interpreter

• Compiled Languages: C++, C#,Swift, TypeScript • Interpreted Languages: JavaScript, Python, PHP

• Takes an entire program as input
 • Takes a single line of code as input

• Executes faster
 • Executes slower

• Requires more memory
 • Requires less memory

• Not cross-platform
 • Cross-platform


The Fundamentals of C# Part 1

Installing Visual Studio

Ahmad Mohey | Full Stack Developer

E-mail : [email protected]
Twitter : ahmadmohey85
Visual Studio

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that provides

comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development

The Fundamentals of C# Part 1

Types and Variables

Ahmad Mohey | Full Stack Developer

E-mail : [email protected]
Twitter : ahmadmohey85
Types and Variables


Name given to a storage area that our programs can manipulate.

int x = 1;
string name = “Jon”;
Types and Variables

int : used to store integer numbers (3 or 2000)

float : used to store floating point numbers (3.5 or 9.8)
double : used to store floating point numbers
decimal : used to store money values (2000$)
string : used to store text (“Ned” or “Vienna”)
bool : used to store true or false

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