Rubric (Chapter 1)_PLATO

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Authors: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________________________

Category Exceeds Standard (5 points) Meet Standard (4 points) Nearly Meet Standard (3 points) Does Not Meet Standard (2 No evidence (1 Score
points) point)
Introduction The introduction is engaging, states The introduction states the main The introduction states the main There is no clear introduction Absent,
the main topic and previews the topic and previews the structure topic but does not adequately or main topic and the structure no
structure of the paper. of the paper. preview the structure of the paper. of the paper is missing. evidence

Statement of the Objectives/problem statements are Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem Absent,
Problem/Objectives clearly stated, manageable and are clearly stated, with slight are clearly stated, with 1 question statements are irrelevant to no evidence
attainable. problem in attainability (time irrelevant to the topic chosen; the topic chosen.
allotment and resources). Objectives/problem statements
are unattainable.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical and Paragraph development present Logical organization; organization No evidence of structure or Not
Structural subtle sequencing of ideas through but not perfected. of ideas not fully developed. organization. applicable
Development of well-developed paragraphs;
the Idea transitions are used to enhance
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in punctuation, Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
capitalization and spelling.
Depth of Discussion In-depth discussion & elaboration in In-depth discussion & elaboration The writer has omitted pertinent Cursory discussion in all the Absent, no
all sections of the paper. in most sections of the paper. content or content runs-on sections of the paper or brief evidence
excessively. Quotations from discussion in only a few
others outweigh the writer’s own sections.
ideas excessively.
Sources More than 5 current sources, of Five (5) current sources, of which Fewer than 5 current sources, or Fewer than 5 current sources, None of the
which at least 3 are peer-review at least 2 are peer-review journal fewer than 3 of 5 are peer- or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer- sources are current
journal articles or scholarly books. articles or scholarly books. All reviewed journal articles or reviewed journal articles or or relevant to the
Sources include both general websites utilized are authoritative. scholarly books. All websites scholarly books. Not all research topic.
background sources and utilized are credible. websites utilized are credible, Not all websites
specialized sources. Special- and/or sources are not utilized are
interest sources and popular current. credible, and/or
literature are acknowledged as such sources are not
if they are cited. All web sites current.
utilized are authoritative.
Citations Cites all data obtained from other Cites most data obtained from Cites some data obtained from Cites some data obtained Does not cite
sources. Prescribed citation style is other sources. Prescribed citation other sources. Citation is used in from other sources. Citation sources.
used in both text and bibliography. style is used in both text and text only, but not evident in the style is either inconsistent or
bibliography. bibliography. incorrect.


Statement of the

Development of
the Idea

Depth of Discussion


Authors: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________________________
Category Exceeds Standard (5 points) Meet Standard (4 points) Nearly Meet Standard (3 points) Does Not Meet Standard (2 No evidence (1 Score
points) point)
Introduction The introduction is engaging, states The introduction states the main The introduction states the main There is no clear introduction Absent,
the main topic and previews the topic and previews the structure topic but does not adequately or main topic and the structure no
structure of the paper. of the paper. preview the structure of the paper. of the paper is missing. evidence

Statement of the Objectives/problem statements are Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem Absent,
Problem/Objectives clearly stated, manageable and are clearly stated, with slight are clearly stated, with 1 question statements are irrelevant to no evidence
attainable. problem in attainability (time irrelevant to the topic chosen; the topic chosen.
allotment and resources). Objectives/problem statements
are unattainable.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical and Paragraph development present Logical organization; organization No evidence of structure or Not
Structural subtle sequencing of ideas through but not perfected. of ideas not fully developed. organization. applicable
Development of well-developed paragraphs;
the Idea transitions are used to enhance
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in punctuation, Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
capitalization and spelling.
Depth of Discussion In-depth discussion & elaboration in In-depth discussion & elaboration The writer has omitted pertinent Cursory discussion in all the Absent, no
all sections of the paper. in most sections of the paper. content or content runs-on sections of the paper or brief evidence
excessively. Quotations from discussion in only a few
others outweigh the writer’s own sections.
ideas excessively.
Sources More than 5 current sources, of Five (5) current sources, of which Fewer than 5 current sources, or Fewer than 5 current sources, None of the
which at least 3 are peer-review at least 2 are peer-review journal fewer than 3 of 5 are peer- or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer- sources are current
journal articles or scholarly books. articles or scholarly books. All reviewed journal articles or reviewed journal articles or or relevant to the
Sources include both general websites utilized are authoritative. scholarly books. All websites scholarly books. Not all research topic.
background sources and utilized are credible. websites utilized are credible, Not all websites
specialized sources. Special- and/or sources are not utilized are
interest sources and popular current. credible, and/or
literature are acknowledged as such sources are not
if they are cited. All web sites current.
utilized are authoritative.
Citations Cites all data obtained from other Cites most data obtained from Cites some data obtained from Cites some data obtained Does not cite
sources. Prescribed citation style is other sources. Prescribed citation other sources. Citation is used in from other sources. Citation sources.
used in both text and bibliography. style is used in both text and text only, but not evident in the style is either inconsistent or
bibliography. bibliography. incorrect.

Authors: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________________________

Category Exceeds Standard (5 points) Meet Standard (4 points) Nearly Meet Standard (3 points) Does Not Meet Standard (2 No evidence (1 Score
points) point)
Introduction The introduction is engaging, states The introduction states the main The introduction states the main There is no clear introduction Absent,
the main topic and previews the topic and previews the structure topic but does not adequately or main topic and the structure no
structure of the paper. of the paper. preview the structure of the paper. of the paper is missing. evidence

Statement of the Objectives/problem statements are Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem Absent,
Problem/Objectives clearly stated, manageable and are clearly stated, with slight are clearly stated, with 1 question statements are irrelevant to no evidence
attainable. problem in attainability (time irrelevant to the topic chosen; the topic chosen.
allotment and resources). Objectives/problem statements
are unattainable.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical and Paragraph development present Logical organization; organization No evidence of structure or Not
Structural subtle sequencing of ideas through but not perfected. of ideas not fully developed. organization. applicable
Development of well-developed paragraphs;
the Idea transitions are used to enhance
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in punctuation, Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
capitalization and spelling.
Depth of Discussion In-depth discussion & elaboration in In-depth discussion & elaboration The writer has omitted pertinent Cursory discussion in all the Absent, no
all sections of the paper. in most sections of the paper. content or content runs-on sections of the paper or brief evidence
excessively. Quotations from discussion in only a few
others outweigh the writer’s own sections.
ideas excessively.
Sources More than 5 current sources, of Five (5) current sources, of which Fewer than 5 current sources, or Fewer than 5 current sources, None of the
which at least 3 are peer-review at least 2 are peer-review journal fewer than 3 of 5 are peer- or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer- sources are current
journal articles or scholarly books. articles or scholarly books. All reviewed journal articles or reviewed journal articles or or relevant to the
Sources include both general websites utilized are authoritative. scholarly books. All websites scholarly books. Not all research topic.
background sources and utilized are credible. websites utilized are credible, Not all websites
specialized sources. Special- and/or sources are not utilized are
interest sources and popular current. credible, and/or
literature are acknowledged as such sources are not
if they are cited. All web sites current.
utilized are authoritative.
Citations Cites all data obtained from other Cites most data obtained from Cites some data obtained from Cites some data obtained Does not cite
sources. Prescribed citation style is other sources. Prescribed citation other sources. Citation is used in from other sources. Citation sources.
used in both text and bibliography. style is used in both text and text only, but not evident in the style is either inconsistent or
bibliography. bibliography. incorrect.

Authors: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________________________

Category Exceeds Standard (5 points) Meet Standard (4 points) Nearly Meet Standard (3 points) Does Not Meet Standard (2 No evidence (1 Score
points) point)
Introduction The introduction is engaging, states The introduction states the main The introduction states the main There is no clear introduction Absent,
the main topic and previews the topic and previews the structure topic but does not adequately or main topic and the structure no
structure of the paper. of the paper. preview the structure of the paper. of the paper is missing. evidence

Statement of the Objectives/problem statements are Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem Absent,
Problem/Objectives clearly stated, manageable and are clearly stated, with slight are clearly stated, with 1 question statements are irrelevant to no evidence
attainable. problem in attainability (time irrelevant to the topic chosen; the topic chosen.
allotment and resources). Objectives/problem statements
are unattainable.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical and Paragraph development present Logical organization; organization No evidence of structure or Not
Structural subtle sequencing of ideas through but not perfected. of ideas not fully developed. organization. applicable
Development of well-developed paragraphs;
the Idea transitions are used to enhance
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in punctuation, Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
capitalization and spelling.
Depth of Discussion In-depth discussion & elaboration in In-depth discussion & elaboration The writer has omitted pertinent Cursory discussion in all the Absent, no
all sections of the paper. in most sections of the paper. content or content runs-on sections of the paper or brief evidence
excessively. Quotations from discussion in only a few
others outweigh the writer’s own sections.
ideas excessively.
Sources More than 5 current sources, of Five (5) current sources, of which Fewer than 5 current sources, or Fewer than 5 current sources, None of the
which at least 3 are peer-review at least 2 are peer-review journal fewer than 3 of 5 are peer- or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer- sources are current
journal articles or scholarly books. articles or scholarly books. All reviewed journal articles or reviewed journal articles or or relevant to the
Sources include both general websites utilized are authoritative. scholarly books. All websites scholarly books. Not all research topic.
background sources and utilized are credible. websites utilized are credible, Not all websites
specialized sources. Special- and/or sources are not utilized are
interest sources and popular current. credible, and/or
literature are acknowledged as such sources are not
if they are cited. All web sites current.
utilized are authoritative.
Citations Cites all data obtained from other Cites most data obtained from Cites some data obtained from Cites some data obtained Does not cite
sources. Prescribed citation style is other sources. Prescribed citation other sources. Citation is used in from other sources. Citation sources.
used in both text and bibliography. style is used in both text and text only, but not evident in the style is either inconsistent or
bibliography. bibliography. incorrect.

Authors: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________________________

Category Exceeds Standard (5 points) Meet Standard (4 points) Nearly Meet Standard (3 points) Does Not Meet Standard (2 No evidence (1 Score
points) point)
Introduction The introduction is engaging, states The introduction states the main The introduction states the main There is no clear introduction Absent,
the main topic and previews the topic and previews the structure topic but does not adequately or main topic and the structure no
structure of the paper. of the paper. preview the structure of the paper. of the paper is missing. evidence

Statement of the Objectives/problem statements are Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem Absent,
Problem/Objectives clearly stated, manageable and are clearly stated, with slight are clearly stated, with 1 question statements are irrelevant to no evidence
attainable. problem in attainability (time irrelevant to the topic chosen; the topic chosen.
allotment and resources). Objectives/problem statements
are unattainable.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical and Paragraph development present Logical organization; organization No evidence of structure or Not
Structural subtle sequencing of ideas through but not perfected. of ideas not fully developed. organization. applicable
Development of well-developed paragraphs;
the Idea transitions are used to enhance
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in punctuation, Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
capitalization and spelling.
Depth of Discussion In-depth discussion & elaboration in In-depth discussion & elaboration The writer has omitted pertinent Cursory discussion in all the Absent, no
all sections of the paper. in most sections of the paper. content or content runs-on sections of the paper or brief evidence
excessively. Quotations from discussion in only a few
others outweigh the writer’s own sections.
ideas excessively.
Sources More than 5 current sources, of Five (5) current sources, of which Fewer than 5 current sources, or Fewer than 5 current sources, None of the
which at least 3 are peer-review at least 2 are peer-review journal fewer than 3 of 5 are peer- or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer- sources are current
journal articles or scholarly books. articles or scholarly books. All reviewed journal articles or reviewed journal articles or or relevant to the
Sources include both general websites utilized are authoritative. scholarly books. All websites scholarly books. Not all research topic.
background sources and utilized are credible. websites utilized are credible, Not all websites
specialized sources. Special- and/or sources are not utilized are
interest sources and popular current. credible, and/or
literature are acknowledged as such sources are not
if they are cited. All web sites current.
utilized are authoritative.
Citations Cites all data obtained from other Cites most data obtained from Cites some data obtained from Cites some data obtained Does not cite
sources. Prescribed citation style is other sources. Prescribed citation other sources. Citation is used in from other sources. Citation sources.
used in both text and bibliography. style is used in both text and text only, but not evident in the style is either inconsistent or
bibliography. bibliography. incorrect.

Authors: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________________________

Category Exceeds Standard (5 points) Meet Standard (4 points) Nearly Meet Standard (3 points) Does Not Meet Standard (2 No evidence (1 Score
points) point)
Introduction The introduction is engaging, states The introduction states the main The introduction states the main There is no clear introduction Absent,
the main topic and previews the topic and previews the structure topic but does not adequately or main topic and the structure no
structure of the paper. of the paper. preview the structure of the paper. of the paper is missing. evidence
Statement of the Objectives/problem statements are Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem Absent,
Problem/Objectives clearly stated, manageable and are clearly stated, with slight are clearly stated, with 1 question statements are irrelevant to no evidence
attainable. problem in attainability (time irrelevant to the topic chosen; the topic chosen.
allotment and resources). Objectives/problem statements
are unattainable.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical and Paragraph development present Logical organization; organization No evidence of structure or Not
Structural subtle sequencing of ideas through but not perfected. of ideas not fully developed. organization. applicable
Development of well-developed paragraphs;
the Idea transitions are used to enhance
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in punctuation, Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
capitalization and spelling.
Depth of Discussion In-depth discussion & elaboration in In-depth discussion & elaboration The writer has omitted pertinent Cursory discussion in all the Absent, no
all sections of the paper. in most sections of the paper. content or content runs-on sections of the paper or brief evidence
excessively. Quotations from discussion in only a few
others outweigh the writer’s own sections.
ideas excessively.
Sources More than 5 current sources, of Five (5) current sources, of which Fewer than 5 current sources, or Fewer than 5 current sources, None of the
which at least 3 are peer-review at least 2 are peer-review journal fewer than 3 of 5 are peer- or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer- sources are current
journal articles or scholarly books. articles or scholarly books. All reviewed journal articles or reviewed journal articles or or relevant to the
Sources include both general websites utilized are authoritative. scholarly books. All websites scholarly books. Not all research topic.
background sources and utilized are credible. websites utilized are credible, Not all websites
specialized sources. Special- and/or sources are not utilized are
interest sources and popular current. credible, and/or
literature are acknowledged as such sources are not
if they are cited. All web sites current.
utilized are authoritative.
Citations Cites all data obtained from other Cites most data obtained from Cites some data obtained from Cites some data obtained Does not cite
sources. Prescribed citation style is other sources. Prescribed citation other sources. Citation is used in from other sources. Citation sources.
used in both text and bibliography. style is used in both text and text only, but not evident in the style is either inconsistent or
bibliography. bibliography. incorrect.

Authors: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________________________

Category Exceeds Standard (5 points) Meet Standard (4 points) Nearly Meet Standard (3 points) Does Not Meet Standard (2 No evidence (1 Score
points) point)
Introduction The introduction is engaging, states The introduction states the main The introduction states the main There is no clear introduction Absent,
the main topic and previews the topic and previews the structure topic but does not adequately or main topic and the structure no
structure of the paper. of the paper. preview the structure of the paper. of the paper is missing. evidence

Statement of the Objectives/problem statements are Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem statements Objectives/problem Absent,
Problem/Objectives clearly stated, manageable and are clearly stated, with slight are clearly stated, with 1 question statements are irrelevant to no evidence
attainable. problem in attainability (time irrelevant to the topic chosen; the topic chosen.
allotment and resources). Objectives/problem statements
are unattainable.
Organization- Writer demonstrates logical and Paragraph development present Logical organization; organization No evidence of structure or Not
Structural subtle sequencing of ideas through but not perfected. of ideas not fully developed. organization. applicable
Development of well-developed paragraphs;
the Idea transitions are used to enhance
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in punctuation, Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Not
capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, applicable
capitalization and spelling.
Depth of Discussion In-depth discussion & elaboration in In-depth discussion & elaboration The writer has omitted pertinent Cursory discussion in all the Absent, no
all sections of the paper. in most sections of the paper. content or content runs-on sections of the paper or brief evidence
excessively. Quotations from discussion in only a few
others outweigh the writer’s own sections.
ideas excessively.
Sources More than 5 current sources, of Five (5) current sources, of which Fewer than 5 current sources, or Fewer than 5 current sources, None of the
which at least 3 are peer-review at least 2 are peer-review journal fewer than 3 of 5 are peer- or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer- sources are current
journal articles or scholarly books. articles or scholarly books. All reviewed journal articles or reviewed journal articles or or relevant to the
Sources include both general websites utilized are authoritative. scholarly books. All websites scholarly books. Not all research topic.
background sources and utilized are credible. websites utilized are credible, Not all websites
specialized sources. Special- and/or sources are not utilized are
interest sources and popular current. credible, and/or
literature are acknowledged as such sources are not
if they are cited. All web sites current.
utilized are authoritative.
Citations Cites all data obtained from other Cites most data obtained from Cites some data obtained from Cites some data obtained Does not cite
sources. Prescribed citation style is other sources. Prescribed citation other sources. Citation is used in from other sources. Citation sources.
used in both text and bibliography. style is used in both text and text only, but not evident in the style is either inconsistent or
bibliography. bibliography. incorrect.

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