Grade 11 Physical Education/ Health Education: Course Description

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Grade 11 Physical Education/ Health Education

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 667-8210 Ext. 4101

Mr. Goossen

Course Description:
Grade 11 and 12 Physical Education and Health Education (PE/ HE) is compulsory
and all students must complete the requirements of these courses in order to graduate.
Grade 11 and 12 students will be graded using a Complete/ Incomplete designation
rather than percentages or a letter grade.

The goal of this Physical Education/ Health Education course is to have parents,
students, and schools work together to help youth:

1. Take greater ownership of their physical fitness.

2. Promote the discovery of activities suited to their own individual interests.
3. Encourage active healthy lifestyles that persist into their futures.

MBCI has chosen to adopt the following model for course delivery:

Teacher Directed Core Component 25% (approx. 30 hours):

This represents one contact per cycle where students will be required to complete
the core modules and participate in physical activity blocks.

The core component focuses on the following modules: (12 Hours)

Module A: Physical Activity Practicum

Lesson 1: Personal Physical Activity Inventory

Lesson 2: Managing Risks Related to Physical Activity
Lesson 3: Implementation Safety and Activity Plan

Module B: Fitness Management

Lesson 1: Physical Activity for Optimal Health

Lesson 2: Changing Physical Activity Behaviour
Lesson 3: Understanding Personal Motivation
Lesson 4: Addressing Barriers to Physical Activity
Lesson 5: Making Physical Activity a Habit
Lesson 6: Planning for Physical Fitness

Module C: Mental- Emotional Health

Lesson 1: Mental Health, Health Habits and Exercise

Lesson 2: Stress and Body Image
Lesson 3: Anxiety and Depression

Module D: Social Impact in Sport

Lesson 1: The Roles of Sport

Lesson 2: Sport as an Agent for Social Change
Lesson 3: Sporting Behaviour

Module E: Substance Use and Abuse

Lesson 1: Legal and Illegal Substances

Lesson 2: Stages of Substance Use and Addiction
Lesson 3: Risk and Consequences of Substance Use
Lesson 4: Advocacy against Substance Use and Abuse

Fitness Research Project (Group of 3 or 4) (10 Hours)

a. Fitness Benefits of Physical Activity (1 page)

b. Health Benefits of Physical Activity (1 page)
c. Mental-Emotional Benefits of Physical Activity (1 page)
d. Title Page

Assignment and Teacher Meeting (5 Hours)

Each student will be required to hand in course material including fitness goals, module assignments, and
log hours with physical activity reflections. The assignments must include all items outlined in my website
in order to earn a complete designation for the course.

Physical Activity Practicum/ Flexible Delivery 75% (90 hours):

As part of the Grade 11 and Grade 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles course students
are required to plan, participate in, track, and certify their involvement in a variety of
physical activity experiences. A Physical Activity Log has been created for this purpose.
The Log component allows each student to Create a Plan that is unique to his or her
situation. Each student must complete a Physical Activity Plan through consultation
with their parents or guardians, their Physical Education teacher, and our Fitness
Coordinator. Each student’s plan is individualized and must meet the following


1. The Plan must account for a minimum of 55 hours of moderate to vigorous

physical activity that contributes to cardio respiratory endurance (heart, lungs,
circulatory system), plus one or more of the other health-related fitness
components- muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.

2. The Plan must account for each student spending 20 hours in a Fitness Center.
(A minimum of 10 hours must be completed in the MBCI’s Fitness Center.)

3. The Plan must include Out of Class and/ or Out of School activities that the
student has chosen to be involved in to fulfill the requirements of the remainder of
his or her 90 hours (70 hours).

There is an Eligible Activities Inventory List that can be found on my teacher

website. Take a look at possible activities for the Out of Class/ Out of School
component. The list includes safety considerations for each activity.

Physical activities selected for the Out of Class component do not qualify when the
activities are the result of employment or a situation where the student is receiving
credit in another course for that activity.

Evaluation- Course Material

The Course Material is a demonstration of your knowledge and skills and is a

reflection of who you are. You will present evidence to support this, and reflect upon
how this might affect your future lifestyle choices. The Course Material is a mandatory
component of the grade 11 and 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles course.

* The student must demonstrate that they have completed the coursework and the
required number of physical activity hours.

* Students will be given a Complete or Incomplete mark for their Grade 11 and 12
Physical Education/ Health Education courses.

Attendance Policy:


Four absences will result in the course credit privilege being placed in jeopardy for grade
11 & 12 Physical Education/ Health Education courses. Additional absences above the
aforementioned limit must be accompanied by a doctor’s note or the course credit may be

Late Policy:

Students in Grade 9 through 12 will have the credit for a particular course placed in
jeopardy upon their ninth late in a 1 credit course, fifth late in a .5 credit course and third
late in grade 11 & 12 Physical Education/ Health Education courses.

Please see handbook for more information.


Physical Activity Log Sample

Name: _________________________ Class: __________
Month: ________________ Week of: ________________

Activity Description Duration Intensity Personal Reflection

Walked to school 20 minutes Light

Felt great today. Had a good sleep.
Ate too much after dinner. Feel a
Example Jogged after school 30 minutes Vigorous
bit stressed about math test
Mowed the lawn 15 minutes Moderate

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7


Ways to increase physical activity:

 Add activity – find a new activity that you enjoy. Walk for 15-30 minutes before you sit
down to watch your favourite TV show or as a break during your work.
 Trade active time for inactive time – take a walk after dinner, ride an exercise bike or do curl
ups while watching TV, walk or ride a bike to return a video or pick up small grocery items.
 Do more of what you are doing – walk at a faster pace, walk for 30 minutes instead of 20, or
walk five times a week instead of three times
 Work a little harder – turn your walks into power walks or jogs

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