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Characteristic Investigation Impulse Radiation of Two UWB Antennas

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ISBN 978-952-5726-10-7

Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Computer Science and Computational Technology(ISCSCT ’10)
Jiaozuo, P. R. China, 14-15,August 2010, pp. 116-119

Characteristic Investigation Impulse Radiation of

Two UWB Antennas
Li Bao-ping 1, Wang Yan 2
College of Computer Science & Technology, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo Henan, China
Email : [email protected]
Wanfang College of Science & Technology HPU, Jiaozuo Henan, China
Email : [email protected]

Abstract—This paper compares the characteristics in the performance, we usually used numerical simulations add
time-domain of Ultra-wide Bandwidth (UWB) monopole actual measurement based on antenna theory. Because of
antenna and wide slot antenna. Whether the UWB antenna the antennas structure is complex and diverse, it is
is suitable for the signal transmitting is not only measured difficult to use analytical method to the theoretical
by antenna’s width but also by the characteristics of the
time domain. These two antennas are proved to be fit for
prediction. At present, the numerical methods are finite
sending and receiving signals in frequency domain. In this element method, finite integral time-domain (FDID)
paper, the relationship of the excitation and the radiation method, finite difference time domain (FDTD) method,
signals is studied in time domain. And the distortion and and moment method (MoM). In above methods, FDID
fidelity results of the two kinds of antenna are compared. and FDTD methods are better to analyze antennas
characteristics of time-domain. The CST simulation
Index Terms—UWB, monopole antenna, wide-slot antenna, software used in this paper is based on FDID method.
time-domain characteristics, fidelity In this paper, we take the short-pulse voltage signal fed
monopole antenna and microstrip feed line wide-gap
I. INTRODUCTION antenna as the examples, the antennas structure shown in
UWB systems usually use UWB short electromagnetic Figure 1.
pulse, and the single pulse signal has two prominent
characteristics. One is the excitation signal waveform
with a steep leading edge, the other is the excitation
signal with an ultra wide bandwidth, from DC to
microwave band. So they must be UWB as transmit
antennas or receive antennas [1]. The fidelity in time-
domain as the most important characteristic of UWB
antennas is defined as the maximum correlation of the
normalized input voltage and the normalized electric field
strength in far region[2]. In order to reduce the radiation
ultra narrow pulse waveform distortion, minimize the
frequency dispersion and spatial pulse dispersion, the
mid-phase in whole work frequency band of UWB
antennas must be kept unchanged. When an ultra short
pulse (UWB signal) is used to stimulate antennas, there 1-1 the Monopole Antenna Structure.
will appears ringing effect, so the response signal has
dispersion in time domain. How to avoid UWB antennas
ringing effect is one of the bottlenecks in need to resolve
The following two characteristics of antennas in time
domain were studied usually: 1. the pulse response,
which is an important indication of the UWB antennas
performance. 2. The radiation signals wave form with
different angles. 3. The antennas gain with different
frequency. How to insure the antennas gain in whole ultra
wide bandwidth is one of the most important factors in
UWB antennas design [4].


1-2 the Wide-Gap Antenna Structure
In order to design UWB antennas with excellent
Figure 1. the Antennas Structure
Li Bao-ping (1981- ), Lecturer, Research area: Mobile
communication and radio frequency technology.


AP-PROC-CS-10CN007 116
This monopole antenna using a new type of feed simulation, as shown in Figure 4.
matching technology, on the back of the ground plane From the Figure 4 we can see, the monopole antenna
opened a gap corresponding to the positive microstrip and the wide-gap antenna “ringing” are not very serious,
feeder line. Its role is to regulate coupling between and suitable for UWB system. The following calculated
positive radiation element and negative ground units to a the antennas waveform fidelity factor, the fidelity factor f
certain extent. The antenna’s bandwidth would be is the maximum correlation value with the normalized
broadened when choose right gap size. The wide-gap radiation pulse p and the excitation p0. Mathematically
antenna choose semi-circular and circular feed microstrip expressed as
line for enhancing coupling between the wide-gap and the ∞ ∞ ∞
f = maxτ ( ∫ p(t ) p0(t + τ )dt ) / (∫ p 2 (t )dt )( ∫ p02 (t )dt )
feed patch. −∞ −∞ −∞
so the radiation field signal must be normalized when
III. COMPARISON OF FREQUENCY-DOMAIN calculate the fidelity factor. The fidelity factors are shown
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TWO ANTENNAS in table 1 through MATLAB programming calculation.
As shown from Figure 2, the monopole antenna and
the wide-gap antenna is similar to work in 3-10GHz, the TABLE I. THE MONOPOLE ANTENNA ANT THE WIDE-GAP
following radiation field analysis about the two antennas
is based on similar work band. Angle/Fidelity factor monopole wide-gap

0,90 0.98501 0.95196

90,90 0.97095 0.88736

180,90 0.98291 0.94872

270,90 0.94547 0.90607

15,90 0.98619 0.95033

30,90 0.98095 0.99325

45,90 0.97425 0.98503

60,90 0.97099 0.9732

75,90 0.9397 0.97074

105,90 0.96708 0.9686

Figure 2. Comparison of work frequency of the two antennas 120,90 0.97146 0.95915

135,90 0.97446 0.97988

150,90 0.97934 0.98929

165,90 0.98447 0.9385
In this simulation, the excitation signal is Gaussian 90,0 0.81703 0.75626
pulse, the frequency range 3-10GHz, time-domain
waveform shown in Figure 3. 90,90 0.97095 0.88736
The radiation waveforms with 30m distance in 90,180 0.81703 0.75626
different angles can be obtained through CST software
90,270 0.94547 0.90607

90,15 0.83155 0.89545

90,30 0.90844 0.91765

90,45 0.94712 0.90776

90,75 0.96487 0.91068

45,45 0.92584 0.77214

This paper analyzes the two antennas distortion under
the same excitation in the time-domain. As table 1 show,
these two antennas have good fidelity characteristics for
the 3-10GHz Gaussian pulse. When the frequency range
is extend to 2-12GHz, the fidelity decline significantly.
Figure 3. Excitation signal in time-domain Thus, waveform fidelity factor with excitation pulse
shape is sensitive. During the research, we found that the

4-1 theta=0, phi=90 4-2 theta=30, phi=90

4-3 theta=60, phi=90 4-4 theta=90, phi=90

4-5 theta=180, phi=90 4-6 Coordinate Diagram

Figure 4. the Radiation Field of the Monopole Antenna and the Wide-Gap Antenna in Different Angles

distance change has small influence in fidelity factor with that the main radiation fidelity superior to the other
the same antenna and in the same direction, and the directions.
different antenna structure will affect the fidelity. In most
directions of radiation, the monopole antenna fidelity is REFERENCES
better than the wide-gap antenna. Calculated by the other
[1] Z.Q. Peng, Transient electromagnetic field, Higher
antennas, we found that the symmetrical structure Education Press.
antenna fidelity is better than asymmetrical structure
antenna. During the research in radiation field, we found

[2] D. Chen and C. H. Cheng, A Novel Ultra-Wide Microstrip- [4] Sergey N. Makarov, Antenna and EM Modeling with
Line Fed Wide-Slot Antenna, Microwave and optical MATLAB, Beijing University of Posts and
technology letters, vol. 48, No. 4,April 2006. Telecommunications Press.
[3] C.Y. Huang and W.C. Hsia, Planar elliptical antenna for
ultra-wideband communications, Electronics Letters 17th
March 2005 Vol. 41 No. 6.


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