What To Do in College

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1. Do some 'light' social media research SLOW MORNINGS

2. Develop your exercise regimen now HYDRATE

3. Keep reading. This time on clubs MAKE THE BED

4. What is there to do in college town MORNING PAGES



1. Get on a sleep schedule STRETCH YOUR BODY

2. Stock up on food

3. School supplies

4. Update your wardrobe

5. Get organized


1. Know what materials you need up front

2. Put your professor's office hours on your calendar

3. Establish a good study location right away

4. Introduce yourself to your professor


1. Get the right information

2. Actually remember that information

3. Have more time for Smash Bros

1. Sit at the back of the classroom

2. Relying too much on notes

3. Complicate note-taking system

4. Not asking when needed


1. Give 110% during classes

2. Stop multitasking

3. Don't rewrite your notes

4. Create answer guides

5. Study out loud

6. Plan you study schedule ahead

6 Steps to Stop Procrastinating Now

1. Forgive yourself for procrastinating

2. Redefine what success means

3. Remove potential short-term distraction

4. Break your subject into sub-tasks

5. Reframe your task as input-based

6. Spend your session "setiing-up" the task

How to Break Your Procrastination Habit (For Good)


Observe your behavior

Common Causes:

1. Often Overwhelmed with Everything Need to Do

2. Belief that Procrastination is a Good Thing

3. Some Work Isn't Just Fun

4. Perfectionism

7 Things Organized People Do that You Don't Probably Do

1. Don't rely solely on your brain to store information

2. Label all the things

3. Build a Mindfulness Loop

4. Two is One, One is None

5. Organize by experience, not dogma

6. Respect the value of Mise En Place

7. Be done about the things you do

7 Quick Productivity Tips for Getting the Work Done Faster

1. Use text expansion to auto-paste long strings of text [AutoHotkey]

2. Use your computer's quick access area

3. Learn the keyboard shortcuts for the programs you use often

4. Put your commonly used tools within arm's reach on your workspace

5. Use a launcher tool

6. Use Clipboard Manager

7. Trying using virtual deskstops

8 Things I did right as a student
1. Taking jobs outside of major area

2. Serious about using calendar

3. Optimized schedule for extracurricular

4. Kept applying for scholarships

5. Efforts to meet professor's

6. Choose to live campus on the first two years

7. Always on the lookout for opportunities

8. Went to every career fair

Read textbooks:
1. Read everyday

2. What is it that I don't understand?

3. Input- Based & Output-Based

Study Effectively:
1. Use your study spot exclusively for studying

2. Study with natural lighting if you can, but also pay attention to the brightness and color temperature
of any artificial light

3. Adjust the temperature of your study space if you can

4. Make sure you have quick, easy access to any important materials before you start studying

5. Deliberately reduce access to anything that might distract you

6. Get ahead of anything that could potentially derail you

7. Try changing up your study location after finishing a big task, or after certain amount of time passes
8 Habits You Should Practice At least once a week
1. They text or call a friend in a while

2. Do an all-out workout

3. Clean up your productivity system and remove any entropy

4. Do a quick financial health check-up

5. Plan and lead a high density activity

6. Create something for yourself, not out of obligation

7. Do something on your own

8. Improve an existing process in your life, event by a small amount

Concentrated Bundle of Opportunities


The Competition is YOU

Face your Fears, When you do, you become more powerful


Because you're just thinking of your own and not contented of what you have

You make your own reality

Update ourselves


Softwares-System of Living

Wash your Minds just like you wash your bodies

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