05 - SACS2012ALL Software User Guide
05 - SACS2012ALL Software User Guide
05 - SACS2012ALL Software User Guide
July 2012
Version 2012.2.0
Table of Contents
GENERAL GUIDELINES........................................................................................1
MAILING ADDRESS...............................................................................................1
SACS SOFTWARE AVAILABILITY.........................................................................2
CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ACCOUNTING MANUAL (CSAM)...................................2
CHANGE ORDER FORM (CHG)...........................................................................2
WHAT'S NEW.........................................................................................................3
Revised Fund Forms....................................................................................3
Deleted Supplemental Forms......................................................................6
Revised Supplemental Forms......................................................................7
Revised Criteria and Standards.................................................................13
Technical Review Checks—New...............................................................14
Technical Review Checks—Deleted..........................................................16
Technical Review Checks—Revised.........................................................16
Revised Reports........................................................................................17
REPORTING PROCESS AND REQUIREMENTS..........................................................18
REPORTING PROCESS......................................................................................18
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS/DUE DATES.....................................................19
Budget Reports..........................................................................................19
What To File—Budget Adoption Documents...................................19
Unaudited Actuals Reports........................................................................20
What To File—Unaudited Actuals Financial Reports......................20
Electronically Submitting Unaudited Actual Data to the State
Interim Reports..........................................................................................21
What To File—1st and 2nd Interim Reports.......................................21
What To File—End of Year Projection Report (if required).............23
CHARTER SCHOOL FINANCIAL REPORTING..................................................23
Budget and Interim Reports.......................................................................24
Unaudited Actuals Reports........................................................................24
What To File—Unaudited Actuals Financial Reports......................26
Electronically Submitting Unaudited Actual Data to the State
DATA PROCESSING SEQUENCE.......................................................................27
Budget and Unaudited Actuals..................................................................28
Interim Reports..........................................................................................31
HARDWARE AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.............................................................35
LOCAL AREA NETWORK....................................................................................35
DATA REVIEW......................................................................................................64
Totaling Records........................................................................................64
Printing Records........................................................................................65
Sorting Records.........................................................................................65
DATA DELETION..................................................................................................65
Delete a Record.........................................................................................65
Delete Fund Group....................................................................................65
Delete Form Group....................................................................................66
COMPONENTS OF ENDING FUND BALANCE............................................................67
BUDGET AND UNAUDITED ACTUAL FUND FORMS........................................71
Summary Statement..................................................................................72
Fund Reconciliation...................................................................................76
Revenue Detail..........................................................................................77
Expenditure Detail......................................................................................77
Other Financing Sources/Uses Detail.......................................................77
INTERIM FUND FORMS......................................................................................77
Forms 01I Through 73I—Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Changes in Fund Balance...............................................................77
General Fund[CSSF] (Form 01I)....................................................79
Other Funds (Forms 09I Through 73I)............................................79
FUND DESCRIPTIONS........................................................................................79
Fund 01—General Fund[CSSF]................................................................79
Fund 09—Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund..................................83
Fund 10—Special Education Pass-Through Fund....................................83
Fund 11—Adult Education Fund................................................................83
Fund 13—Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund..............................................84
Fund 20—Special Reserve Fund for Postemployment Benefits...............85
Fund 49—Capital Project Fund for Blended Component Units.................85
Fund 52—Debt Service Fund for Blended Component Units...................85
Fund 61—Cafeteria Enterprise Fund.........................................................85
Fund 62—Charter Schools Enterprise Fund.............................................86
SUPPLEMENTAL DATA FORMS...................................................................................87
Form 76A—Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Warrant/Pass-Through). .89
Form 95A—Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Student Body).................90
Form A—Average Daily Attendance (not applicable for JPAs)..................92
School Districts...............................................................................92
County Offices of Education...........................................................92
LEA MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................212
SCHOOL MAINTENANCE............................................................................................213
UPDATE VALIDATION..................................................................................................214
DOWNLOADING THE MOST CURRENT TABLES...........................................214
RUNNING THE UPDATE....................................................................................215
UPDATE TABLES.........................................................................................................216
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................217
TECHNICAL REVIEW CHECKLIST.............................................................................218
RUNNING THE TRC...........................................................................................218
Types of Technical Review Checks.........................................................218
Display Technical Review Checks...........................................................218
Type of Data.............................................................................................218
Phase of Technical Review Checks.........................................................219
Start Technical Review Checks...............................................................219
Stop Technical Review Checks................................................................219
Print Technical Review Checks................................................................219
Explanations for Valid Technical Review Exceptions...............................220
TRC EXPLANATIONS........................................................................................220
Understanding the Explanations Screen.................................................220
Save Technical Review Explanations......................................................222
Print Technical Review Explanations.......................................................222
EXPORTING DATA.......................................................................................................223
EXPORTING DATA—OFFICIAL.........................................................................224
EXPORTING DATA—OTHER............................................................................226
PROGRAM BY RESOURCE REPORT..............................................................227
DETERMINATION OF MAJOR FUNDS.............................................................229
GOVERNMENT-WIDE REPORTING.................................................................229
Recommended Processing Sequence....................................................230
Specialized Function Codes and Definitions Used in Conversion Entries
and Government-Wide Reporting.................................................230
Overview of Conversion Entries (Menu Option ENTRY).........................231
Detailed Instructions for Beginning Balance Entries (ENTRY: Begin
Detailed Instructions for Conversion Entries (ENTRY: Detail).................233
Government-Wide Conversion (Menu Option CNVRT)...........................250
Government-Wide Statement of Net Assets (Report GSNA)..................255
Government-Wide Statement of Activities (Report GSA)........................256
In this SACS Software User Guide, instructions are provided as an aid to help local
educational agencies (LEAs) prepare 2012–13 budget and interim reports and 2011–12
unaudited actuals reports using the SACS software. We suggest you quickly review the
Table of Contents (beginning on page 1) to see how the user guide is organized. We
welcome suggestions for improving the user guide as well as the software. Please use
the Change Order Form (CHG), provided in the software, to convey your suggestions to
us, or you may e-mail your suggestions to us at [email protected].
The following legend will assist the preparer in understanding the user guide:
Reports that are to be filed with the California Department of Education (CDE) should
be mailed to:
Introduction – continued
The SACS software is available on the Internet and may be downloaded from:
The California School Accounting Manual provides the accounting policies and
procedures that LEAs are required to follow, as well as guidance in implementing those
policies and procedures, which include:
Basis of accounting
Revenue and expenditure recognition
Fund types
Types of transactions
Methods of posting transactions, including adjusting entries
Documentation required to substantiate certain transactions
Year-end closing process, including the recording of accruals and deferrals
You may download a copy of CSAM from the CDE Web page:
Hard copies of CSAM are available for $39.95 each plus shipping and handling charges;
California residents are charged sales tax. Orders may be sent to the California
Department of Education, CDE Press, Sales Office, 1430 N Street, Suite 3207,
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901; fax 916-323-0823. Information on credit card purchases
and cost estimates for shipping and handling charges may be obtained by calling the
Sales Office at 916-445-1260 or 800-995-4099. Questions may also be addressed to
[email protected].
The Change Order Form, Form CHG, is used by CDE to record and track suggestions
for improving our financial reporting software. The Change Order Form is incorporated
into the software within the Forms, Supplementals menu. Select the Change Order
Form, fill out your change request, save, print, and either mail it to the address on the
Introduction – continued
previous page or fax it to 916-324- 7141. If you have more than one change request,
identify each on a separate Change Order Form. Be sure to save a hard copy since,
each time you input a new Change Order Form, the prior one is overwritten in the SACS
This year our efforts were primarily focused on required changes, with some
enhancements, as summarized below. Many of the required changes relate to the new
fund balance classifications required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Statement 54 (GASB 54). For information on GASB 54 please see our January 7, 2011
letter, available at http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/ac/co/. For additional information on each of
the changes, refer to the relevant sections of this user guide.
Introduction – continued
Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 62/62I—Other State Revenue section. Added detail lines
for the following resources and removed them from the All Other Revenue line,
Object 8590:
Resource 6010, After School Education and Safety (ASES)
Resource 6030, Charter School Facility Grant
Form 10—Unshaded Object 9310, Due from Other Funds, and Object 9610, Due
to Other Funds, effective 2011-12.
Form 12/12I—Federal Revenue section. Added a detail line for the following
resource and removed it from the All Other Revenue line, Object 8290:
Resource 3010, NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and
Forms 17/17I, 20/20I—Opened Contributions section, with a shaded line for
Object 8990, Contributions from Restricted Revenues, effective 2011-12. This
object should always net to zero at the fund level, but any balance should be
Forms 51/51I, 52/52I, 53/53I, 56/56I, 66/66I, 67/67I, 71/71I—Opened
Contributions section, with shaded lines for Object 8980, Contributions from
Unrestricted Revenues, and Object 8990, Contributions from Restricted
Revenues, effective 2011-12. These objects should always net to zero at the
fund level, but any balance should be displayed.
Form 09—Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund (modified accrual basis of accounting)
Inactivated Fund 09 for separately reporting charter schools only, effective 2012-13,
because a separately reporting charter school should report a general fund and not a
special revenue fund. These changes do not apply to COEs or districts that use
Fund 09 to report their charter schools within their own financial statements.
In the SACS2012 software, for separately reporting charter schools only: Added
new fatal import technical review check CHK-FUND09-ACTIVITY to flag activity
in Fund 09 except objects 9791, 9793, and 9795, effective 2012-13 for budget
Introduction – continued
and interim data types. For 2012-13, CDE expects to see a Fund 09 beginning
fund balance and a restatement to zero out the beginning balance, by resource.
In the SACS2013 software, for separately reporting charter schools only:
Fund 09 ending fund balances reported in 2011-12 unaudited actuals will
be preloaded as Fund 09 in SACS2013 for use with technical review
CHK-FUND09-ACTIVITY will be modified to also run for actual data.
In the SACS2014 software, for separately reporting charter schools only:
Form 09 will be discontinued for all separately reporting charter schools.
CHK-FUND09-ACTIVITY will be modified to flag Fund 09 data for all
All Budget / Unaudited Actuals Fund Forms—Revised fund forms due to the
implementation of GASB 54:
All Funds
Deleted the following lines in the Components of Ending Fund Balance (Actuals)
section, which were valid for actual data through 2010-11:
Object 9711, Revolving Cash
Object 9712, Stores
Object 9713, Prepaid Expenditures
Object 9719, All Other Reserves
Object 9730, General Reserve
Object 9740, Legally Restricted Balance
Object 9770, Designated for Economic Uncertainties
Object 9775, Designated for the Unrealized Gains of Investments and Cash in
County Treasury
Object 9780, Other Designations
Object 9790, Unappropriated Amount
Introduction – continued
Funds 61-73
Unshaded the actuals column in the Components of Ending Net Assets/Position
(Budget) section for the following objects, which are valid effective 2011-12:
Object 9796, Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt / Net Investment in Capital
Object 9797, Restricted Net Assets/Position
Object 9790, Unrestricted Net Assets/Position
All Interim Fund Forms—Added a new “Restricted Detail” worksheet tab to list
restricted balance, by resource, for projected year totals data.
Form JUV-A
Unaudited Actuals period only, COE and coe-charters only: Deleted Form JUV-A and
replaced with JUV.
Introduction – continued
Introduction – continued
Introduction – continued
All Funds
Removed the following objects:
Object 9730, General Reserve
Object 9740, Legally Restricted Balance
Object 9770, Designated for Economic Uncertainties
Object 9775, Designated for the Unrealized Gains of Investments and Cash in
County Treasury
Object 9780, Other Designations
Object 9790, Unappropriated
Funds 61-73
Added the following objects:
Object 9796, Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt / Net Investment in Capital
Object 9797, Restricted Net Assets/Position
Object 9790, Unrestricted Net Assets/Position (calculated field)
Introduction – continued
Modified the severity of existing warning internal form check prompting users to enter an
explanation in Section D, Comments, if data exist in the shaded cells of the
Resource 6300 column. Modified this check’s severity from warning to fatal. The user
can still close the form without fixing the condition, but an explanation must be provided
in Section D to complete an official export.
Introduction – continued
District Only: Unrestricted Worksheet only, Section A, Revenues and Other Financing
Added new Line 1b, AB 851 Add-on (Meals, BTS, Special Adj.) (Form RL/I,
Line 5b, ID 0719)
Form MYPI only: Unrestricted Worksheet (COE and district) and
Unrestricted/Restricted Worksheet (JPA), Section E, Available Reserves.
Modified the following lines in Section E2, Special Reserve Fund—Noncapital
Outlay (Fund 17), Projected Year Totals column A, to only extract Fund 17
general ledger data and to no longer allow key entry. LEAs that have balances in
Fund 17 that should be counted in the interim Criteria and Standards calculation
of Available Reserves will now need to import Fund 17 data to populate the MYPI
and interim Criteria and Standards forms. (This does not add a new requirement
to present an interim report for Fund 17.)
Line 2a, Stabilization Arrangements, Object 9750
Line 2b, Reserve for Economic Uncertainties, Object 9789
Line 2c, Unassigned/Unappropriated, Object 9790
Introduction – continued
Section IV, ARRA State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) Expenditures and/or
Education Jobs Fund Expenditures to Meet MOE Requirement
Interim periods only
Removed Resource 3200, ARRA: State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF),
from all extracts and line references, effective 2012-13.
Introduction – continued
Introduction – continued
New warning supplemental TRC
Applies to Unaudited Actuals period only
Applies to Unaudited Actual data type only
Applies to all LEAs
If capital asset amounts are imported/keyed (Function 8500, Facilities Acquisition
and Construction, or objects 6XXX, Capital Outlay), then capital asset
supplemental data (Form ASSET) should be provided.
$100 rounding allowance
The severity of this check will be re-evaluated in the SACS2013 software.
Introduction – continued
New fatal import TRC
Applies to separately reporting charter schools only
Applies to all periods
Applies to Budget and Interim data types
Fund 09 activity in any object except objects 9791, 9793, and 9795 is invalid for
separately reporting charter schools, effective 2012-13.
No rounding allowance
In the SACS2013 software, this check will be modified to also run for actual data.
In the SACS2014 software, this check will be modified to flag fund 09 data for all
New supplemental TRC
Applies for Unaudited Actuals period only
Applies to Unaudited Actual data type only
Warning for COE, District, and charter schools
Informational for JPA
The indirect cost rate used in one or more programs (Form ICR, Exhibit A—
Highest Rate Used) exceeds the LEA’s approved indirect cost rate.
No rounding allowance
New warning general ledger TRC, due to the implementation of GASB 54
Applies to all periods
Applies to all data types except Interim actuals to date
Applies to all LEAs
Object 9790 in restricted resources must be zero or negative, by resource, in
funds 61 through 73.
No rounding allowance
The severity of this check will be changed to fatal in the SACS2013 software.
Introduction – continued
FUND51-IMPORT—Deleted warning TRC for all periods and data types. This TRC
required that LEAs complete supplemental Form 51A (Analysis of Bonded
Indebtedness) if Fund 51 (Bond Interest and Redemption Fund) general ledger amounts
EXCESS-DESIGNATIONSB—Deleted warning TRC for all periods and data types, due
to the implementation of GASB 54. This check verified that legally restricted and other
designation amounts reported in Fund 67, Self-Insurance Fund, objects 9740 through
9780 did not create a negative undesignated/unappropriated balance (Object 9790) by
Modified check to include Object 9796, Capital Assets - Net of Related Debt, and
Object 9797, Restricted Net Assets, in the calculation of Components of Ending Fund
Balance / Net Assets, due to the implementation of GASB 54.
Reinstated severity of this check from Warning to Fatal, for all LEAs, periods, and data
Introduction – continued
Activated this check for estimated/unaudited actual data, due to the implementation of
GASB 54.
Activated this check for estimated/unaudited actual data, due to the implementation of
GASB 54.
Activated this check for estimated/unaudited actual data.
Removed Object 8046 / ID 0660, Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation
Fund (SERAF) (valid 2009-10 and 2010-11).
Revised Reports
Local educational agencies (LEAs) throughout the State of California are required to
submit a series of reports and data to the California Department of Education (CDE).
In 1997, a standardized account code structure (SACS) was developed and
implemented over the next seven years by all LEAs. At the same time, the SACS
Financial Reporting Software was developed to accommodate SACS accounting. The
use of SACS and the SACS Financial Reporting Software helps facilitate consistency
among LEAs in recording and reporting financial information. Specifically, the SACS
The SACS reporting process begins with the LEA recording its financial information
using some form of computerized system. The LEA transfers the information, either
manually or electronically, from that system to the CDE SACS Financial Reporting
Software. Additionally, the LEA manually enters certain supplemental information not
already contained within their computerized financial system (such as designated
portions of ending fund balance). At this point, the LEA reviews the data for accuracy
and completeness according to the technical review specifications established by the
CDE. Once the data have passed the technical review checks and/or valid exceptions
have been properly documented within the SACS software, reports are printed and
signed by the LEA representative, and the data are exported. These items are then
forwarded to the LEA's reviewing agency, the COE[CDE]. [For unaudited actual
submissions only, the COEs electronically submit and certify all data to the CDE. See
"Electronically Submitting Unaudited Actual Data to the State (eTransfer)," on page 20
for details.] The reviewing agency's process of resolving exceptions varies by agency,
but the process generally involves an interactive dialogue between the LEA and the
reviewing agency.
This user guide provides the instructions for completing the budget, interim, and
unaudited actuals reports. Following is a recap of the reporting requirements for each
report type, including due dates. For a complete list of the specific forms required for
each reporting process, please see Attachment A.
Budget Reports
School districts[COEs] file their adopted budget and prior year's estimated actuals with
their COE[CDE] (for charter schools see page 23).
1 LEAs may use their own multiyear projection format, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it
provides current and at least two subsequent fiscal years; separately projects unrestricted resources, restricted
resources, and combined total resources; and shows the percent change between years.
COEs review the school districts' 2011-12 unaudited actuals financial reports for
accuracy and use the SACS eTransfer process to certify the school district and
COE unaudited actual data and to electronically submit the officially exported
unaudited actual data files, including the most current board approved budget
data, to the CDE.
year. This form and instructions for the eTransfer process are included in the letter
announcing the unaudited actual release of the SACS software. COEs may also obtain
this form by contacting the Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services at
916-322-1770 or sending an e-mail to the eTransfer e-mail address at
[email protected].
NOTE: Unaudited actual submissions to the state must be done as Official unless
the CDE has given the LEA permission, prior to submission, to use the
Other export option. A separate e-mail explaining all fatal exceptions and
the reason for not using the Official export must be sent to the CDE at
[email protected] when the unaudited actual submission (created with
the Other export option) is eTransferred.
NOTE: Before electronically certifying data files, the COE is required to have on
file the following signed and completed certifications for each LEA file
being submitted: Form CA and Form JUV (if applicable). The original
paper-copy certifications for the COE, districts, JPAs, and charter
schools are retained by the COE and are not forwarded to the state.
Interim Reports
School district interim reports shall be approved by the district governing board and
submitted to their COE (for charter schools see page 23).
COE interim reports shall be reviewed by the county board of education, approved by
the county superintendent of schools, and submitted to the CDE.
First and second interim reports are due within 45 days after the close of each interim
period (October 31 and January 31). School district[COE] interim reports are due to the
The COE must provide notification of the district certification types within 75 days
after the close of each interim period. Notification of district certification types is
COEs may change a district's certification and shall provide notice of that action to
the governing board of the school district and to the CDE.
COEs must notify the CDE and the SCO of the type of certification filed by each
district under their jurisdiction. Additionally, for those districts classified as
qualified or negative, the COEs must include their comments on those
certifications, including any action proposed or taken.
1 LEAs may use their own cashflow worksheet, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it provides a
monthly cashflow projected through the end of the fiscal year.
2 LEAs may use their own multiyear projection format, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it
provides current and two subsequent fiscal years; separately projects unrestricted resources, restricted resources,
and combined total resources; and shows the percent change between years.
3 LEAs may use their own multiyear projection format, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it
provides current and two subsequent fiscal years and shows the percent change between years.
1 LEAs may use their own cashflow worksheet, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it provides a
monthly cashflow projected through the end of the fiscal year.
2 LEAs may use their own multiyear projection format, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it
provides current and two subsequent fiscal years and separately projects unrestricted resources, restricted
resources, and combined total resources.
3 LEAs may use their own multiyear projection format, with the approval of their reviewing agency, as long as it
provides current and two subsequent fiscal years.
Due Dates (To the authorizing agency and to the county superintendent of
The following information pertains to the SACS format. For information about the
Alternative Form please see "Charter School Unaudited Actuals Alternative Form" on
our Web page:
For 2011-12, charter schools have several options for reporting their unaudited actual
financial data in SACS to CDE. The options are:
Charter school SACS financial data can be reported by the charter school,
separate from the authorizing agency, by using the charter school's
county-district-school (CDS) code to access the applicable forms. Charter
schools should report their data using one of the following as their main operating
fund: General Fund (Fund 01) or Charter Schools Enterprise Fund (Fund 62)
which allows accrual accounting for not-for-profit charter schools. Charter
schools using Fund 01 as their main operating fund may also report data in other
funds, as appropriate.
Charter schools should use the same accounting model and basis of accounting for
their unaudited actuals financial reporting to the CDE as they will use for their audited
financial statements. Charter schools using the modified accrual basis of accounting for
their audited statements (as school districts do), should use Fund 01 for unaudited
actuals financial reporting. Charter schools using the accrual basis of accounting for
their audited statements (as not-for-profit organizations typically do), should use
Fund 62 for unaudited actuals financial reporting. For more information about
governmental fund accounting and the differences between the accrual and modified
accrual models, see Procedure 101 in the California School Accounting Manual
Regardless of which option for reporting charter school financial data in SACS is
chosen, the data submitted for each charter school must be complete including
beginning balances, revenues, expenditures, and ending balances.
Charter school data included in the authorizing district's General Fund will be
subject to the calculation of compliance with the classroom teacher salary
percentage required by Education Code Section 41372. However, if a school
district fails the calculation, an explanation that the failure is due to the inclusion
of the charter school data can be provided within the TRC, if applicable. (This
calculation does not apply to COEs.)
Charter school data included in the authorizing agency's data will be included in
the calculation of the indirect cost rate for the authorizing agency. The charter
school may also use this rate. Charter school data reported separately from the
authorizing agency will be used to calculate an indirect cost rate for use by the
charter school.
Charter school data should not be duplicated in whole or in part in any other fund or
format. In past years, some authorizing agencies have reported the authorizing
agency's activities on behalf of a charter school in the Charter Schools Special Revenue
Fund (Fund 09), when the charter school was separately reporting its own financial
information, either in SACS or in the Alternative Form. The authorizing agency should
use Fund 09 only for reporting a charter school's complete financial information.
(More than one charter school may be reported in Fund 09 by an authorizing agency,
but the information must be complete for each charter school.) Any activities on behalf
of a charter school that are performed by the authorizing agency should be
reported in the General Fund[County School Service Fund] (Fund 01) of the
authorizing agency because these are the authorizing agency's activities, not the
activities of the charter school.
NOTE: Unaudited actual submissions to the state must be done as Official unless
the CDE has given the LEA permission, prior to submission, to use the
Other export option. A separate e-mail explaining all fatal exceptions and
the reason for not using the Official export must be sent to the CDE at
[email protected] when the unaudited actual submission (created with
the Other export option) is eTransferred.
NOTE: Before electronically certifying data files, the COE is required to have on
file the following signed and completed certifications for each charter
school file being submitted: Form CA and Form JUV (if applicable). The
original paper-copy certifications are retained by the COE and are
not forwarded to the state.
All data input into the SACS software, either through the import process or manual
entry, are stored in a database, enabling the software to extract directly from the
database into each applicable form. General ledger and supplemental data are
extracted into the fund, supplemental, and criteria and standards review forms, where
applicable, limiting the amount of manual input to complete the forms.
Below is the recommended sequence for completing the reporting processes within
the SACS software. While any order can be used, the following sequence will help to
prevent you from receiving technical review exception messages simply because
certain data have not yet been entered and/or verified. Detailed descriptions of each
of the tasks involved begin on page 63 in the User Data Input/Review section.
Form RL—To calculate the revenue limit sources and reconcile them to the
Principal Apportionment Software reports prior to reporting them in the general
ledger data. Complete, save, and print.
Form CAT (unaudited actual period only)—To calculate the year-end accruals for
categoricals prior to reporting them in the general ledger.
Import/User Data Input—Import general ledger budget and actual data from LEA
accounting system. Manually input, using the User Data Input/Review screen
(see page 63 for additional information), any general ledger data that are not
maintained in the LEA accounting system. See the Importing Data section on
page 56 for details about automatic recalculations done after the import,
reimport, and user data input processes.
Re-run TRC-Import and TRC-General Ledger to verify changes. See the Importing
Data section on page 56 for details about automatic recalculations done after
the import, reimport, and user data input processes.
Forms CEA/CEB.
Forms ASSET, DEBT, ICR, JUV, L, NCMOE, SEAS, and SEA, if applicable.
Forms CORR, GANN, and TRAN, if applicable (unaudited actual period only).
See the Importing Data section on page 56 for details about automatic
recalculations done after the import, reimport, and user data input processes.
Fund Forms—When the general ledger data are finalized, open, review, and print
fund forms as necessary. Save Form 01, most importantly during budget
periods, so applicable data will extract appropriately into Form 01CS and Form
Form CASH (budget period only, if using the SACS format for cashflow analysis).
Multiyear Projections (budget period only)—Complete, save, and print Form MYP if
using the SACS form for multiyear projections. Form 01, Form A, and Form
RL for districts, must be completed and saved first.
Criteria and Standards Review (budget period only)—Complete, save, and print
the Criteria and Standards Review form (applicable for the General
Fund[CSSF] only). Form 01, Form A, Form MYP (if using the SACS MYP
format), and Form RL must be completed and saved before completing
Form 01CS. County offices should complete and save Form JUV, if applicable,
before completing the Criteria and Standards Review. In addition, if using Form
MYP, open and save Form MYP after completing Form 01CS since data from
Criterion 8 are used in Form MYP.
Technical Review Checklist, All—To verify all Exceptions have been corrected, or
explained where applicable.
Table of Contents—Shows the fund and supplemental reports that contain data
and/or have been saved. Upon selecting this form, the software will automatically
generate the contents based on the information in the software database. View
or print the Table of Contents to ensure all applicable forms are completed. You
may find it helpful to compare the Table of Contents to Attachment A of this user
guide. In addition, all fund, supplemental, and criteria and standards review forms
can be printed from the Table of Contents window.
Export—Export data to disk using the Official option for submission to the
reviewing agency, if required.
Interim Reports
Preferences—Select the LEA and reporting period.
Prior Period Data—Import budget period data from the budget software
(SACS2012) so that applicable budget data can be extracted into the Criteria
and Standards Review form, thereby reducing the amount of key entry. Also, if
they are not already on the computer you are using, import the unaudited actual
data and first interim data during the second interim period. For additional
instructions see Import of Budget Period Data for Interim Use on page 61 and
Data Sources for the Criteria and Standards Review on page 182.
Re-run TRC-Import and TRC-General Ledger to verify changes. See the Importing
Data section on page 56 for details about automatic recalculations done after
the import, reimport, and user data input processes.
Fund Forms—When the general ledger data are finalized (including the
components of ending fund balance), open, review, save, and print the
applicable fund forms. Save Form 01I so applicable data will extract
appropriately into the Multiyear Projections (Form MYPI) and Criteria and
Standards Review (Form 01CSI) forms.
Multiyear Projections—Complete, save, and print Form MYPI if using the SACS
form for multiyear projections. Form 01I, and Form AI and Form RLI for
districts, must be completed and saved first. Also, complete and save Form
MYPIO, if using the SACS MYP format, for each fund other than the general
fund with a projected negative ending fund balance.
Criteria and Standards Review—Complete, save, and print the Criteria and
Standards Review form. Form 01I, Form AI, Form CASH (if using the SACS
format for cashflow analysis), Form MYPI (if using the SACS MYP format),
and Form RLI must be completed and saved before completing Form 01CSI.
County offices should complete and save Form JUV, if applicable, before
completing the Criteria and Standards Review.
Technical Review Checklist, All—To verify all Exceptions have been corrected,
or explained where applicable.
Table of Contents—View or print the Table of Contents to ensure all applicable
forms are completed. You may find it helpful to compare the Table of Contents
to Attachment A of this user guide. In addition, all fund, supplemental, and
criteria and standards review forms can be printed from the Table of Contents
Export—Export data to disk using the Official option for submission to the
reviewing agency, if required.
For the SACS software to function properly your system must meet the following
minimum requirements:
Pentium 233 MHZ PC-compatible computer running Windows XP
60–100 Megabytes of disk space available on the hard drive
16 Megabytes of available Random Access Memory (RAM)
The software will run very slowly using a PC with the minimum requirements. For
adequate performance, it is recommended to use at least a Pentium III class machine
running at 550 Megahertz with 6.44 Gigabytes of hard disk space and 128 Megabytes
of RAM. In addition, the display resolution should be set at a minimum of 800 x 600
pixels. At lower resolutions, some windows may not be completely visible on the
screen. To change your display resolution, go to your PC's Control Panel, select
Display, click on the Settings tab, then move the slide marker located in the Desktop
area to at least 800 x 600 pixels and click OK.
1 GHz processor
1 GB of RAM; 2 GB of RAM preferred
16 GB of available disk space (Windows XP)
The SACS software was designed as a single-user system. Some pieces of the
software must be PC resident (i.e., reside on the PC's hard drive). The installation files
may be copied to a networked drive for installation purposes; however, the software
must be installed on each user's PC individually. The installation to a network drive
could prove to be technically challenging and unsupportable. We hope to make the
SACS software multi-user, and therefore network ready, in the future.
For best results and for reliable performance, it is recommended that users and/or
network system administrators download and install the SACS Software onto a
computer with the Windows XP operating system. The SACS software will not function
on Macintosh or other non-Windows machines, and may not function properly on
Windows operating systems before XP. Some users have reported problems running
the SACS software on Windows 7. Also see “Installing on Windows 7” on page 37.
NOTE: Due to the restrictive nature of the Windows environment, some users
have had difficulty installing the SACS software. If the software is being
installed on a networked PC and the user does not have administrative
rights, it will likely require the assistance of a system administrator.
Consequently, we find it easier and less troublesome to install the
software by following these procedures:
If this process is not used and the software is installed using a user ID other than that
of the user (e.g., system administrator ID), system settings will need to be changed
before the user can use the software.
As with all software installations, make sure other programs on your computer are
closed before starting the SACS2012ALL installation. Also, SACS2012ALL will install
version 5.5.05 Build #2509 of Sybase SQL Anywhere. If you have an older version
already installed on your computer, the files will be overwritten during installation. If
you have a later version already installed on your computer, you may want to use the
Custom Installation option and make sure the "sqlany" component is not selected.
Right-click on sacs2012allsetup.exe, select "save link as" (or "save target as" or "copy
to folder"), then select the subdirectory into which the sacs2012allsetup.exe file will be
downloaded. Once the file is downloaded, you will be ready to start the SACS2012ALL
software installation.
Installing the Software Using the Downloaded File—Make sure all other programs
on your computer are closed before starting the SACS2012ALL installation. Once all
other programs are closed, use one of the following methods to install the software from
the downloaded file:
Start/Run—Click on the Start button, click on Run, then using the drop down
menu select the downloaded sacs2012allsetup.exe file.
Windows Explorer—Right-click on the Start button, click on Explore, then find
and double-click on the downloaded sacs2012allsetup.exe file.
My Computer—Double-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop, then find
and double-click on the downloaded sacs2012allsetup.exe file.
Installing on Windows 7
Some users have reported problems running the SACS software on Windows 7 PCs,
especially if the Windows 7 PC is 64-bit or has been upgraded from Windows XP. The
problems are not consistent among users, but they have been encountered while
importing, exporting, running the technical review checklist, updating the validation
tables, and printing, including printing from the Table of Contents. Although a
workaround is provided below, these problems are currently unresolved.
Workaround: Install the Windows XP Mode and the Windows Virtual PC (directions
follow). Then within the newly installed Windows XP with Virtual PC
window, install the SACS Software, print drivers, and printers. From this
point forward, all SACS software should be installed and accessed within
the Windows XP with Virtual PC window.
NOTE: We strongly recommend enlisting the help of your technical support staff
before attempting this workaround. The initial download and installation of
Windows XP with Virtual PC, print drivers, and printers may take
significant time, depending on the speed of your internet connection, the
level of your technical expertise, and the level of your PC’s user account
rights and privileges. For example, while installing the Windows XP with
Virtual PC, the user is prompted to review and accept a licensing
agreement, and the user must be logged on as an administrator and have
sufficient user account privileges. Please verify with your technical support
staff that you have authority to install the Windows XP with Virtual PC.
Any time the user accesses the SACS software, the user must first go into the
Windows XP Mode window and then open the SACS software icon.
When the SACS software is installed in the Windows XP Mode with Virtual PC, it
is installed to the VIRTUAL C:\drive.
As a result, all exported files are sent to the VIRTUAL C:\drive, as opposed to the
standard C:\drive on your physical PC. “Other” .dat files are exported to
C:\SACS2012ALL, and “Official” .dat files are exported to
Accordingly, when validation tables and fixes are downloaded, they should be
downloaded to and applied from the VIRTUAL C:\drive.
It is recommended that the software defaults be used to install the software. To accept
the defaults during installation simply choose Next when prompted. Following is a list
of the software defaults.
Readme File: Before using the software for the first time after a new installation, we
encourage you to read the Readme.txt file that has been installed in your
C:\SACS2012ALL directory. It includes a summary of the changes in the software and
any problems we have encountered. Also, you may want to refer to Attachment B—
SACS Software Questions and Answers (page 296) for additional information.
To start the SACS software, double-click on the SACS2012ALL icon on your desktop
(created during the installation) or click on the Start button, then Programs, then
SACS2012ALL, then SACS2012ALL again (or if the system defaults were not used, use
the appropriate folder names).
If it should become necessary to re-install the software, you must first uninstall the
current copy from your computer. Uninstalling and/or re-installing the software will
delete all of the data that were imported or keyed into the software. If you have
data you wish to save, you may use the Export/Other option (see page 226 of this user
guide) to save the data.
NOTE: If you have other versions of the SACS software on your computer, they
may not run after a SACS2012ALL uninstall until you have re-installed
SACS2012ALL. This is because drivers that the SACS software uses are
removed and must be re-installed.
Uninstalling the SACS98 through SACS2002ALL versions of the software may cause
the subsequent software releases (SACS2003 through SACS2012) to no longer open. If
you uninstall prior versions (SACS1999 through SACS2002ALL) of the software and
then install SACS2012 and find the subsequent software releases will not open, try this
workaround: After the prior versions are uninstalled, uninstall and then re-install the
SACS2012 software. If the software releases still do not open, uninstall and re-install
the SACS2012 software one more time.
After the SACS2012ALL software is installed, the budget period data may be exported
(we recommend Official export) from the SACS2012 Budget software and imported (we
recommend Official import) into the SACS2012ALL software. Once the budget period
data are imported into the SACS2012ALL software, the SACS2012 Budget software
may be uninstalled. This allows LEAs to maintain only one version of the SACS
software per year. In addition, this allows the budget period data to be available for
extraction into the interim Criteria and Standards Review form (Form 01CSI),
significantly reducing the amount of key entry required for that form. For detailed
instructions, see the "Import of Budget Period Data for Interim Use" section, page 61 of
this user guide.
Defining Preferences
The first time you open the SACS software, the Preferences screen will automatically
open to the LEA Preferences tab, enabling you to establish your LEA identity and the
reporting period. Once defined, the software will save the settings.
After the initial setup of the preferences, this screen may be accessed from the Setup
menu option from the Main Menu for any future changes.
LEA Preferences
The LEA Preferences screen is where the LEA, fiscal year, and reporting period are
defined. These preferences must be defined in order to access and work with the
correct data. County offices will need to change the LEA Preferences for each district
or charter school being processed. (Exception: It is not necessary to change the LEA
Preferences in order to import data into or export data from the SACS software, but
the preferences must be changed to view the data.)
LEA—Click on the drop down box arrow to open the list of active LEAs. You may
type in your 14-digit county-district-school code (CDS) or scroll down the list to
select it. The list is arranged by county, then by district code, and then by
school code. It is important to verify that the correct CDS code is selected since
duplicate district and charter school names exist.
Your CDS code can be found in the California Public School Directory. For
example, the code given in the directory for Lakeport Unified School District of
Lake County is 17-64030-0000000. Within that 14-digit code, 17 designates
Lake County, 64030 designates the district, and 0000000 designates that the
LEA is not a school. For an example of a charter school, the code given in the
directory for Circle of Independent Learning charter school is 01-61176-
0130534. Within that 14-digit code, 01 designates Alameda County, 61176
designates the charter-authorizing agency—Fremont Unified School District,
and 0130534 designates the charter school itself.
Once defined, the SACS software will automatically display the selected LEA
name and CDS code in the title bar of the Main Menu and in the header of each
printed report form.
NOTE: Five Blank LEA codes exist from which only blank forms can be printed:
To print blank forms, select the applicable Blank LEA from the Preferences
list, then open the Table of Contents from the Forms menu. It is from the
Table of Contents window that the blank forms can be printed. All other
functionality for these Blank LEAs has been disabled. Forms printed
from the Blank LEAs may contain zeros where extractions or
calculations normally take place.
Fiscal Year—The fiscal year automatically displays based on the reporting period
selected. If you select Unaudited Actuals, the fiscal year will be 2011-12. The
fiscal year can only be manually changed during the Interim period, to allow for
future year projections.
Click on the applicable reporting period. Notice that when selecting either July 1
Single Budget or July 1 Dual Budget, Estimated Actuals is automatically
selected and cannot be changed. However, when selecting September 8 Dual
Budget, you can select either Estimated or Unaudited Actuals.
System Configuration
The System screen displays the location of the template files (report forms) and the
ODBC database connection. Both are automatically configured to match the
installation defaults. If the installation defaults are modified during install, the template
files location may also need to be changed, as described below:
The Main window is a backdrop for the rest of the system and provides access to all
features via the menu bar. This window is displayed upon opening the SACS software
The first row of the Main window displays the LEA and reporting period, as defined in
the Preferences screen, as well as the open window or form. The second row of the
Main window is a drop-down menu bar. Each menu option and its functionality is
described below.
Forms: Contains the screens for data entry, data review, and forms printing
Table of Contents/Print Forms View and print the Table of Contents form,
print multiple forms
User Data Input/Review Enter or modify non-imported General
Ledger data; view, total, or delete
General Ledger and Supplemental data
Components of Ending Enter or modify Components of Ending
Fund Balance Fund Balances, by Fund and Resource
Funds… Access and print Fund forms
Supplementals… Access and print Supplemental forms
Criteria and Standards... Access and print Criteria and Standards
Review form
LEA Custom Info View LEA defined data
Help: Contains links to the SACS Software User Guide and information
about the SACS software
The user guide may not be printed from the Help window. To print the
user guide, open and print from the SACS2012ALL Software User
Guide.doc (installed at C:\SACS2012ALL\Calendars and Manuals with
the default installation).
Normal Printing
To print any of the forms or the TRC report individually, open the desired form or run
the type of TRC you wish to print then click on the Print button at the bottom of the
window, or select the File menu option from the Main Menu and then choose Print.
To print a form without opening it, click on the form name in the menu list to highlight it,
then right-click on the form name, and then click on Print Form. A window will display
where print options can be defined. (Be aware that the form is still loading in the
background so, depending on the form being printed, it may take a while for the Print
window to appear.)
To print blank forms, select the applicable Blank LEA from the Preferences list, then
open the Table of Contents from the Forms menu. Highlight the form(s) you wish to
print, and click on Print Selected Forms. A window will display where print options can
be defined. (Be aware that the form is still loading in the background so, depending on
the form being printed, it may take a while for the Print window to appear.) For those
forms containing multiple worksheets, such as the CAT and MYP forms, the system will
default to print the Entire Workbook.
NOTE: Forms printed from the Blank LEAs may contain zeros where
extractions or calculations normally take place.
From the Table of Contents (including blank forms using a Blank LEA)
To print multiple forms, open the Table of Contents, which is accessible through the
Forms menu. The Table of Contents window displays three Print buttons (only two
buttons for Blank LEAs):
Printing – continued
Be aware that each form is loading in the background before it is printed. If the printing
is canceled, the Cancel button must be pressed for each file originally sent to print.
Printing Orientation
The orientation (portrait or landscape) for each form within the software defaults
to the most appropriate for the form. The option to choose a different print
orientation is available; however, whether or not it works is dependent on the
user's computer system setup and printer driver. Unfortunately, we have little
control over printing in the software. Instead, the printing is controlled by
Printing – continued
Microsoft Windows, and a third party software used for the forms and reports.
We continue to work on printing issues as time permits.
Because the General Fund[County School Service Fund] form (Form 01) prints
portrait with very small font, we provide a mechanism for printing it landscape.
When printing Form 01, a message box will display the options of printing
portrait or landscape. Changing the orientation to landscape will increase the
font size, making the form easier to read.
CAUTION: Changing the print orientation may alter the form format
and/or page breaks, as well as increase or decrease the
number of pages.
The SACS software uses Microsoft Windows printer drivers. If you experience printing
problems, check to make sure you have the latest printer drivers by contacting the
printer manufacturer. If you are experiencing printing problems on a local area
network, contact your network administrator.
For printing problems where borders or lines are missing or not properly aligned,
please see Question 20 (page 302) and Question 21 (page 303) of Attachment B.
Following are guidelines to help you understand how data are contained and checked
in the SACS software, and to assist you in moving about quickly and efficiently:
Changes to Data
In the SACS software, data are tracked as one of three types:
Move by Row
To move down vertically within a form, use the Enter key. The cursor will move
down the page to the next entry field, bypassing any extracted, calculated, or
locked fields. Exception: The Enter key is disabled in forms 01CS/01CSI.
The arrow keys move the cursor to the next or previous field regardless of the
field type or whether data entry is allowed.
Move by Column
To move across horizontally within a form, use the Tab key to move to the right
and [Shift] [Tab] to move to the left. The cursor will move across the page to the
next entry field, bypassing any extracted, calculated, or locked fields. The arrow
keys will move the cursor to the next or previous field regardless of the field
Locked Fields
If data entry is attempted in a field that does not allow it, a "Locked cells cannot
be modified" message will be displayed. In those entry cells that are two rows
tall, simply move your cursor down to the next row to enter data.
key and click on each item. To select all items in a list, click on the first item
then press and hold the Shift key and click on the last item.
NOTE: Do not use the space bar to delete entries; it will cause problems
in the database and errors in the TRC.
Multiple Windows
Multiple windows (i.e., multiple supplemental forms) may be opened
simultaneously within the SACS software. However, we suggest you limit the
number of open windows since an excessive number of open windows may
cause the computer to run out of physical/virtual memory, causing the
application to error and close down. In addition, changes made to one form
may affect another open form, in which case the open form will not be updated
until closed and reopened.
To view the list of open windows within the SACS software, select the Window
menu option from the Main Menu. At the bottom of the resulting menu, you will
see the list of open windows. The checkmark indicates the current window.
View Sizing
Forms may be sized on the screen according to your individual viewing
preference by adjusting the view mechanism at the top of each form. To adjust
the view, either click the mouse to the point you would like the view sizer to
move, or drag the view sizer to the preferred size. After clicking on the view
sizer, the arrow keys on the keyboard may also be used to adjust the view size.
Internal form checks (IFCs), similar to technical review checks (TRCs), are used to
check for accuracy, completeness, and validity of the data, but IFCs are done within the
forms rather than outside of the forms like the TRCs. Unlike TRCs, IFCs are not visible
unless there is a condition that triggers the IFC. In most cases, when an IFC condition
exists, text will display in red on the screen and on the printed form identifying the area
in the form that needs attention, and an exception will occur upon running the Export
NOTE: Forms can be closed with outstanding IFC conditions, giving the user the
opportunity to research and correct the problems.
Upon exiting a form with an IFC condition, a message box will display with details about
the condition. That message box will also indicate whether the resulting TRC exception
will be warning or fatal. The warning TRC is CHK-UNBALANCED-A, for which the
condition should be corrected in the form or, if the data are correct, the TRC exception
must be explained. The fatal TRC is CHK-UNBALANCED-B, for which the condition
must be corrected in the form in order to clear the TRC and to complete an official
export of the data.
The following table lists the forms that contain internal form checks and the TRCs within
which the IFC exceptions will display. Note that some forms have both warning and fatal
checks and can therefore appear within both TRCs.
IFCs are also used in forms NCMOE and SEAS, and government-wide reports CNVRT,
ENTRY, and GSNA; however, they are informational only and do not generate either of
the above TRC exceptions.
This information will help you avoid the most commonly encountered problems.
Memory Usage
The SACS software may run more quickly with few or no other software
applications open at the same time.
Printing Forms/Reports
The SACS software uses Microsoft Windows printer drivers. If you experience
printing problems, check to make sure you have the latest printer drivers by
contacting the printer manufacturer. If you are experiencing printing problems
on a local area network, contact your network administrator.
For printing problems where borders or lines are missing or not properly
aligned, please see Question 20 (page 302) and Question 21 (page 303) of
Attachment B.
Importing Data
The Import module, accessed under the File menu option from the Main Menu,
enables users to incorporate financial system data or SACS data prepared on another
computer into the SACS software.
Use the Other option for importing data that were either exported from an LEA's
financial system or exported from another computer using the Export-Other option in
the SACS software. When data are imported using the Other option, the software
performs some automatic checks and calculations, depending on the reporting period
and type of data:
Period Data Type
Period Data Type
Asset and liability accounts (Objects 9100–9699) are All Budget/
ignored All Interim
Asset and liability accounts are ignored during import
and cannot be input. Therefore, amounts reported as
nonspendable for Revolving Cash, Stores, and
Prepaid Expenditures are not compared to the asset
amounts or modified by the software. Although not
required, assets and liabilities are allowed for
estimated/unaudited actual data.
Period Data Type
Nonspendable amounts are compared to asset Budget/ Estimated/
amounts Unaudited Unaudited
Amounts reported as nonspendable for Revolving Actuals Actuals
Cash (Object 9711), Stores (Object 9712), and
Prepaid Expenditures (Object 9713) are compared to
their respective asset amounts (objects 9130, 9320,
and 9330, respectively) during system recalculations
and, where different, are changed to equal the asset
amounts even when the asset amounts are zero.
The balances generated from the automatic calculations should be reviewed before
printing forms or exporting data.
To utilize the mainframe import feature, a program is necessary to deliver the mainframe
data in the file format recognizable by the SACS software (see Attachment C). Multiple
types of data (for example, actuals and budget or all four types of interim data) and data
for multiple LEAs may be included in a single import file. Once the data are available in
the correct format, import the data using the Other option. When importing Other, the
software defaults to delete any forms already existing in the software (funds,
supplementals, etc.) that are being imported.
The Import-Official option will primarily be used by the reviewing agencies to import data
that were previously exported from the SACS software using the Export-Official option.
(The Official export option is used to validate and submit data to a reviewing agency.)
Unlike the Import-Other option, this option does not perform any recalculations. Data
that have been Officially imported may be viewed and Officially exported without having
to rerun the Technical Review Checks as long as no changes are made. (For example,
a county office can Officially import a file that was Officially exported by a district and
can, if no changes were made, Officially export the data for submission to the CDE.)
Setting Preferences—Before importing, set your preferences to the same LEA and
reporting period as the data to be imported (see Defining Preferences on page
42). If either the LEA or reporting period in preferences does not match those in
the data, a mismatched warning message will display during the import process.
NOTE to COEs: Set preferences to your county office CDS code to avoid
receiving mismatched LEA warning messages when
importing your districts' data files.
File Name—Use the Browse button to locate the file(s) to import (multiple files may
be selected for import by pressing the key then clicking on each desired file),
or type in the path and file location.
Deleting Existing Data—Select whether all data or only those funds or forms
being imported should be deleted from the database upon import. When using
Import-Other, the software defaults to delete only those forms already existing
in the software (funds, supplementals, etc.) that are being imported.
CAUTION: Importing data using the Delete ALL Data option deletes all data in
the database for the particular LEA, Fiscal Year, Reporting Period, and Type of
Running the Import—Click on the Import button once the file name is
designated and the type of import is selected. On-screen messages will display
during the import process and may be printed using the Print button once the
import process is complete. If needed, click on the Stop button to discontinue
the import while the import process is running.
Budget period data exported from the SACS2012 Budget software may be imported into
the SACS2012ALL software. This allows LEAs to maintain only one version of the
SACS software per year, and it also allows for the budget period data to be available for
extraction into the interim Criteria and Standards Review form (Form 01CSI),
significantly reducing the amount of key entry required in that form.
While the budget period data may be exported using either the Official or Other option in
the SACS2012 Budget software, we recommend importing only OFFICIALLY exported
budget period data into the SACS2012ALL software to ensure the most clean and
accurate budget data extract into the interim Criteria and Standards Review form.
Open the SACS2012ALL software and choose the Setup menu option from the Main
Menu. Under the LEA Preferences tab, select the budget reporting period (e.g., Single
Budget, July 1), then Save/Close. Go to File Import, and click on the Official Import
option. Click on the Browse button to locate the budget period data file that was officially
exported from the SACS2012 Budget software, then click on the Import button.
To view the budget period data, keep the LEA Preferences set to the budget reporting
period. When you change preferences to the First Interim reporting period and open the
interim Criteria and Standards Review form, applicable data from the budget period will
extract into the form. (Budget period data will not extract into the unaudited actuals
reporting period.)
NOTE: For LEAs whose July 1st budgets are disapproved, they are required to
submit their revised budgets to their authorizing review agencies. Those
LEAs should overwrite their original disapproved budgets with their
revised budgets. They should first export their original disapproved
budget data if they want to keep the original disapproved budgets for
record. The revised budgets are what should, and will, pull into the
“Original Budget” column of their Interim Reports.
On the other hand, for LEAs whose July 1st budgets are conditionally
approved, they should keep the conditionally approved budgets as their
Original Budget, and treat the corrections as subsequent budget
revisions that will show up at the Interim Reports.
The User Data Input/Review screen is accessed under the Forms menu option from
the Main Menu. It is here that general ledger fund data can be entered if imported data
for the fund do not already exist. In addition, all general ledger fund data and
supplemental form data stored in the SACS software database can be reviewed and
deleted here.
The applicable types of available data for the LEA type and reporting period will be
displayed in the selection box in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Click on the
type of data you want to work with (e.g., Budget or Actuals). Then click on General
Ledger Fund Data to add, delete, modify, review, or total general ledger data, or click
on Supplemental Form Data to delete, review, or total supplemental data.
Upon closing the User Data Input/Review screen after adding, modifying, or deleting
data, the software recalculates actual reserves, budget and actual ending fund
balances (software-generated Object 979Z), and budget beginning fund balances, by
fund and resource. See the Components of Ending Fund Balance section on page 67
for further details.
NOTE: If estimated/unaudited actual ending fund balances exist for any fund,
beginning fund balances will be recalculated for all funds.
Add a Record
General ledger data may be entered for any fund where imported data for that fund do
not already exist in the database. EXCEPTION: General ledger data for Projected
Year Totals data during interim reporting periods may be added even if imported
Projected Year Totals data already exist. To add general ledger data, click on the
Add button at the bottom of the screen and a pop-up window will provide the fields to
be entered. Use the Tab key to move from one field to the next. For negative
values, use the "-" sign before the number. When all fields have been entered, press
Enter or click OK. To add a subsequent record, either press Enter or click on Add
again and the pop-up window will appear with the data from your previous entry.
Update all appropriate fields for the new record and click OK. Note that the software
will only allow one record per unique SACS account code string.
Modify a Record
If general ledger data have been entered rather than imported, the flag in the last
column of the User Data Input/Review screen will equal "E" and the data may be
modified, except for amounts entered through the Components of Ending Fund
Balance screen; those amounts must be modified in the Components of Ending Fund
Balance screen. Click anywhere on the record to be modified, then click on the Modify
button at the bottom of the screen. The pop-up window will display the record and
allow changes to be made. Use the Tab key to move from one field to the next. When
all fields have been modified, press Enter or click OK. Imported data (Flag equals "I")
may not be modified except for Projected Year Totals data during the interim periods.
Calculated data (Flag equals "C") cannot be modified directly; instead, the source data
used in the calculations must be changed.
NOTE: When adding or modifying general ledger data, the software will check
for valid codes but not for valid code combinations; valid code
combinations are checked during the Import phase of the Technical
Review Checks.
In addition to viewing the general ledger and supplemental data on the User Data
Input/Review screen, from this screen you can also total selected records and print
either all or a portion of the data.
Totaling Records
The Total button on the bottom of the screen can be used to quickly and easily total
selected records, either general ledger or supplemental data. To total records, highlight
the particular records to be totaled, then click on the Total button. A message box will
display the result of the calculation, including the number of records totaled. This is very
useful if you want to balance a particular account—for example, ending fund balance.
Just sort the records by object (by clicking on the Object column heading), click on the
first Object 979Z record, then Shift click on the last Object 979Z record. Once all
Object 979Z records are highlighted, then click on the Total button.
Printing Records
You may print the entire list of general ledger fund data records, an individual record, or
a group of records. To print the entire list, click on the Print button, then click on All for
the Page Range. To print an individual record, click anywhere on the record you wish to
print, click on the Print button, then click on Selection (this is the default) for the Page
Range. There are two ways to select a group of records to print: 1) Click on the first
record of the group you would like to print, press the Shift key and click on the last
record of the group you'd like to print, click on the Print button, then click on Selection
for the Print Range. As described above in Totaling Records, this is very useful if you
want to balance a particular account and print the results. 2) If there is no order to the
group of records you would like to print, press the key, then click on each record
you would like to print. Click on the Print button, then click on Selection for the Page
Sorting Records
General ledger fund data are automatically sorted by fund, resource, project year, goal,
function, and object. Supplemental data are automatically sorted by data element name.
You may re-sort the data by clicking on the heading above the column(s) by which you
wish to sort. For example, clicking on the Object heading will sort the data in order of
object code; clicking on Function, then Fund, will sort the data by function within each
fund. To return to the original sort order, either close and re-open the window, or click
backwards through the column headings beginning at Object.
Delete a Record
This selection is used to delete a single general ledger fund record that has been
manually entered; single records of imported general ledger data cannot be deleted.
EXCEPTION: Single records of imported general ledger data for the Projected
Year Totals data during interim reporting periods can be deleted. To delete a single
record, click anywhere on the record to be deleted, then click on the Delete button. A
delete verification message will display. Upon clicking Yes, the entire record will be
verification message. Upon clicking Yes, all records within the selected fund, and for the
type of data selected, will be deleted.
The Components of Ending Fund Balance screen is accessed under the Forms menu
option from the Main Menu. In the Components of Ending Fund Balance screen,
nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned, and unassigned components of the
ending fund balance can be changed or added; and multiple commitments and
assignments within a resource can be individually defined.
A list of the resources reported in your data is displayed at the top of the screen by data
type, then by fund. Resource x Fund combinations with zero ending fund balances are
not displayed. During budget and unaudited actuals periods, the actual data type is
listed first, followed by budget. During interim periods, budget data types are listed first,
followed by projected year totals; actuals to date data type is not applicable here.
For budget and interim general ledger data types, asset and liability accounts
are ignored during import, and data entry for these accounts is not allowed;
therefore, amounts reported as nonspendable for Revolving Cash, Stores, and
Prepaid Expenditures are not compared to the asset amounts or modified by
the software.
Components of Ending Budget and Unaudited
Fund Balance Interim Data Actual Data
Nonspendable Amounts Changes can be made to all Changes can
(objects 9710–9719) nonspendable amounts. only be made
for All Others
(Object 9719).
Restricted Amounts Unrestricted resources
(objects 9730–9749) Not applicable for unrestricted resources. No
amount can be input.
Components of Ending Budget and Unaudited
Fund Balance Interim Data Actual Data
Restricted resources
Restricted Balance (Object 9740) is a calculated
amount. No amount can be input. The
calculated amount can be positive or zero.
Committed Amounts Unrestricted resources
(objects 9750–9769) Changes can be made to all committed
Restricted resources
Not applicable for restricted resources. No
amount can be input.
Assigned Amounts Unrestricted resources
(objects 9770–9788) Changes can be made to all assigned amounts.
Restricted resources
Not applicable for restricted resources. No
amount can be input.
Unassigned/Unappropriated Unrestricted resources – for all funds except
Amounts (objects 9789–9790) funds 61 through 73
Changes can be made to Reserve for Economic
Uncertainties (Object 9789).
Components of Ending Budget and Unaudited
Fund Balance Interim Data Actual Data
All resources – Funds 61 through 73
Unrestricted Net Assets/Position (Object 9790)
is a calculated amount. No amount can be input.
Capital Assets, Net of Related Changes can be made.
Debt/Net Investment in
Capital Assets (Object 9796)
(Funds 61 through 73 only)
Changes made in the Components of Ending Fund Balance screen will be posted as
general ledger data in the database, replacing any existing values previously imported
or entered for those objects. Unassigned/Unappropriated (Object 9790) and Restricted
Balance (object 9740) will be recalculated to reflect changes made to components and
then saved to the database overwriting any existing values.
NOTE: Valid code combinations (resource with object) are not checked when
amounts are entered in the Components of Ending Fund Balance
screen; valid code combinations are checked during the Import phase of
the TRC.
If general ledger data are reimported after commitments or assignments have been
defined in the Components of Ending Fund Balance screen, general ledger amounts
for Object 9760, Other Commitments; Object 9780, Other Assignments; and
Object 9790, Unassigned/Unappropriated Fund Balance, will be automatically
recalculated by fund and resource to match the amounts defined in the Components
of Ending Fund Balance screen.
NOTE: Data entered on this screen will display on the applicable fund form. If
commitments or assignments are added for any resource within a fund
using the Add Commitments or Add Assignments feature, this feature
must be used for every resource within that fund that has an amount in
Object 9760 or Object 9780 in the database to ensure the detailed
commitments or assignments appearing on the fund form by resource
agree with the total Other Commitments or Other Assignments for the
entire fund.
To access the SACS fund forms, choose the Funds selection under the Forms menu
option from the Main Menu. Those forms that are applicable for your LEA type will be
displayed. For a complete list of forms, see Attachment A beginning on page 288. To
open the desired fund form either double-click on the fund, or single-click on the fund
and then click on the Open Form button.
Upon opening, the general ledger data previously imported or manually entered in the
User Data Input/Review screen, and any amounts detailed in the Components of
Ending Fund Balance screen, will be extracted from the database directly into the form;
this extraction process can take a few minutes. The data may be viewed and the form
printed from this screen; however, general ledger data cannot be entered, changed, or
deleted from this screen.
Some fields on the fund forms have been shaded to indicate that data in these fields
are not appropriate. We encourage you to review any data displaying in shaded cells
to determine if, in fact, they have been recorded correctly. The individual data records
for these amounts will also display in one or more of the import technical review
checks for valid account code combinations. If you believe the data are correct,
providing a brief narrative in the TRC explanations to support the use of the accounts
will help our office evaluate their appropriateness and to determine if they should be
included as valid accounts in the next validation table update.
NOTE: During the budget and interim periods, the General Fund[County School
Service Fund (CSSF)] forms (Forms 01/01I) must be opened and saved
in order for the data to be pulled into the criteria and standards review
and multiyear projections forms 01CS, 01CSI, MYP, and MYPI.
There are three different displays within the budget and unaudited actual fund forms;
Expenditures by Object, Expenditures by Function, and Restricted Detail.
Funds – continued
Summary Statement
Following is a detailed description of the information presented in the summarized
data of the Expenditures by Object and the Expenditures by Function formats, known
as the Summary Statement:
Revenues: Section A
Displays operating revenues that are of a recurring or ongoing nature and likely
to be received year after year. Does not include interfund transfers or
non-recurring sources (revenues), such as proceeds from the sale of sites.
Expenditures: Section B
Displays operating expenditures that are of a recurring or ongoing nature and
likely to be expended year after year. Does not include interfund transfers or
non-recurring uses of revenues (expenditures), such as transfers from lapsed or
reorganized districts.
Funds – continued
The Technical Review Checklist will check to ensure that your 2011-12
"July 1" beginning balances agree with the 2010-11 unaudited actual
ending balances, by fund and resource.
Funds – continued
Actual data reported in the asset accounts for Cash in Revolving Fund
(Object 9130), Stores (Object 9320), and Prepaid Expenditures
(Object 9330) are compared to amounts reported in the Nonspendable
Fund Balance for Revolving Cash (Object 9711), Stores (Object 9712),
and Prepaid Items (Object 9713) accounts, respectively. If the amounts do
not agree by fund and resource, the software recalculates the amounts
reported in the Nonspendable accounts to equal the asset amounts.
Funds – continued
Funds – continued
Fund Reconciliation
Displays the fund's assets, liabilities, and fund balance at June 30, 2012, for actual data
only. Budget information does not display, as asset and liability accounts do not apply
for budget data. Data are required for unaudited actuals only (optional for estimated
NOTE: Even though the Fund Reconciliation section (Assets, Liabilities, and Fund
Equity) is optional for estimated actuals in the budget period, the page will
print whether the LEA wishes to present it or not. We suggest that those
Funds – continued
LEAs who do not wish to present it replace the page with a blank that
says, "This page intentionally left blank." No Technical Review Checks are
applied to this section in the budget period.
Assets: Section G
Displays the general ledger assets as of June 30, 2012. Total Assets (Line G10)
must equal Total Liabilities (Line H7) plus Fund Equity (Line I).
Liabilities: Section H
Displays the general ledger liabilities as of June 30, 2012.
Revenue Detail
(Expenditures by Object format only)
This section presents the revenue detail for the fund.
Expenditure Detail
(Expenditures by Object format only)
This section presents the expenditure detail for the fund.
NOTE: Because of the level of detail on the General Fund[CSSF] forms (Form 01)
for districts and COEs, the font is much smaller for these reports.
Changing the printing orientation from portrait to landscape (see Printing
Orientation on page 49 for additional information) will increase the font
size. Be aware, however, that it may also change the form format and/or
page breaks, as well as increase the number of pages for the report.
Funds – continued
Original Budget is the current year budget adopted on or before July 1, or the
September 8 budget of an LEA using the dual budget adoption cycle, or the
revised budget of an LEA whose original July 1 budget was disapproved by its
reviewing agency (see Note on page 62).
Actuals to Date represents the actual revenue received and expenditures paid
as of the close of the interim reporting period.
Projected Year Totals represents the total projected revenue, expenditures, and
other activities for the entire year. It will include all required year-end accruals of
revenues and expenditures.
Funds – continued
NOTE: Form 01I must be opened and saved for the data to be pulled into the
criteria and standards review and multiyear projections forms 01CSI and
Funds – continued
Object 8011 should agree with the total of the following items from the
Principal Apportionment Software reports:
Funds – continued
Amounts should agree with those reported in the School District Local
Revenue report.
Funds – continued
Funds – continued
This fund is used only for pass-through revenues. Special education pass-through
revenues are those revenues received by the AU on behalf of the SELPA for distribution
to other member LEAs in accordance with the local plan.
Special Education revenues that are not passed through to other member LEAs, but
rather are retained for use by the AU in accordance with the local plan, are not
accounted for in this fund. Those revenues and the related expenditures are operational
in nature and are properly accounted for in the AU’s own general fund.
Funds – continued
Funds – continued
Funds – continued
The supplemental data forms are accessed under the Forms menu option from the
Main Menu and are based on the LEA type and reporting period selected in
Preferences. The supplemental data forms are designed to provide required
certifications, permit entry of specific information relating to certain programs, and
demonstrate compliance with particular requirements.
Since similarities exist among the forms, listed below are general pointers to enhance
the report processing. Unlike fund data, supplemental data can be entered, modified,
or deleted directly in the reports that allow data entry.
Entering Data
To record an entry, press the Enter or Tab key. Pressing the Enter key moves
the cursor vertically to the next entry field. (Exception: In the criteria and
standards review forms the Enter key is disabled due to the nature of the
forms.) Pressing the Tab key moves the cursor horizontally to the next entry
field. Both of these methods bypass any extracted, calculated, or locked fields.
The arrow keys move the cursor to the next or previous field (entry, imported,
calculated, or locked fields) in the form.
Entering Cents
Most dollar values display in the SACS software with two decimal places; whole
numbers will automatically have .00 added to them.
The default entry/edit mode is typeover. Move the cursor to the proper field and
type the new data.
Inserting/Editing Data
Pressing F2 or double-clicking on a field allows the entry to be edited. In this
mode the default is insert, rather than type-over.
CAUTION: It is best not to edit any of the input fields in the Interim period
forms. Doing so will not affect the edits to the current Interim period
form, but may affect the subsequent Interim period form. For
example, changing the formula displayed on a field in the 1 st Interim
AI form will not affect what is entered into the field on the open
form, but may affect the way that data are displayed on the 2 nd
Interim AI form. If pressing F2 or double-clicking on an Interim
period form input field results in the display of the formula and/or an
error message, press Escape to exit.
CAUTION: Do not use the space bar to clear an entry; it will cause problems
in the database and errors in the TRC.
The software automatically recalculates the forms with input fields, on-screen,
whenever you change the information in a cell and move to another cell via
Enter, Tab, or an arrow key.
Mouse Movements
Only the left mouse button is active within a form. Clicking the left button
anywhere in the form will move the cursor to that field. Double-clicking on a
field allows editing (see Inserting/Editing Data on previous page).
Pressing the Enter key moves the cursor vertically to the next entry field, while
the and keys move to the next (or previous) field in the column.
(Exception: In the criteria and standards review forms the Enter key is disabled
due to the nature of the forms.) Tab is used to move right and [Shift][Tab]
moves the cursor left to the next entry field.
Negative Amounts
Press the key before entering a negative number. To make a previously
entered number negative, either press F2 or double-click on the field and, with
the arrow key, move one space to the left of the first digit, type , then press
the Enter or Tab key.
The following supplemental data forms are fully extracted from the database (similar to
the fund forms), and need only be opened, reviewed, and printed if desired:
NOTE: As with the fund forms, invalid account codes in your database may
result in unexpected results in those supplemental data forms containing
extracted general ledger data. Be sure to clear all fatal import and
general ledger technical review checks before completing the
supplemental data forms.
This form is completed using a combination of extracted, entered, and calculated actual
data. Beginning with the Balance June 30 column on the right, the calculations are
completed from right to left, opposite of most columnar calculations that are completed
from left to right. The columns on this form are completed as follows:
Balance June 30
Fund 76 general ledger data are extracted into this column and represent what
are, or what are projected to be, your current year ending balances. If Fund 76
data do not exist in your financial system and, therefore, were not imported into
the software, data can be keyed into the User Data Input/Review screen so that
they can be extracted into the form.
Reductions of assets and liabilities are entered into this column and are added to
the amounts in the Balance June 30 column to calculate the amounts in the
Audited Balance July 1 column.
New or increases to assets and liabilities are entered into this column and are
subtracted from the amounts in the Balance June 30 column to calculate the
amounts in the Audited Balance July 1 column.
Audit Adjustments/Restatements
Audit adjustments and restatements are entered into this column. Adjustments
and restatements to the Unaudited Balance July 1 that result in an increased
Audited Balance July 1 are input as positive numbers. Adjustments and
restatements to the Unaudited Balance July 1 that result in a decreased Audited
Balance July 1 are input as negative numbers.
Amounts in the Unaudited Balance July 1 column should be verified with internal
accounting records to ensure that deletions, additions, and audit
adjustments/restatements have been input correctly, resulting in accurate
beginning balances.
This form is completed using a combination of extracted, entered, and calculated actual
data. Beginning with the Balance June 30 column on the right, the calculations are
completed from right to left, opposite of most columnar calculations that are completed
from left to right. The columns on this form are completed as follows:
Balance June 30
Fund 95 general ledger data are extracted into this column and represent what
are, or what are projected to be, your current year ending balances. If Fund 95
data do not exist in your financial system and, therefore, were not imported into
the software, data can be keyed into the User Data Input/Review screen so that
they can be extracted into the form.
Reductions of assets and liabilities are entered into this column and are added to
the amounts in the Balance June 30 column to calculate the amounts in the
Audited Balance July 1 column.
New or increases to assets and liabilities are entered into this column and are
subtracted from the amounts in the Balance June 30 column to calculate the
amounts in the Audited Balance July 1 column.
Audit Adjustments/Restatements
Audit adjustments and restatements are entered into this column. Adjustments
and restatements to the Unaudited Balance July 1 that result in an increased
Audited Balance July 1 are input as positive numbers. Adjustments and
restatements to the Unaudited Balance July 1 that result in a decreased Audited
Balance July 1 are input as negative numbers.
Amounts in the Unaudited Balance July 1 column should be verified with internal
accounting records to ensure that deletions, additions, and audit
adjustments/restatements have been input correctly, resulting in accurate
beginning balances.
School Districts
2011–12 Estimated/Unaudited Actuals
Use the P-2 Principal Apportionment attendance reports (Attendance School District,
School District ADA, and Attendance County Operated Programs COE) for the P-
2 ADA column.
Use the Annual Principal Apportionment attendance reports for the Annual ADA
Use the components of the total ADA from the School District Revenue Limit report
for the Revenue Limit ADA column. These components are shown in the School
District ADA report.
2012–13 Budget
Estimate the ADA for the P-2 and the Annual attendance reports.
Estimate the ADA to be used for the revenue limit calculation.
2012–13 Budget
Estimate the ADA for the Annual attendance report.
Estimate the ADA to be used for the revenue limit calculation.
Line 24a in the Charter Schools section of the district Form A is for the ADA of charter
school pupils who reside in a unified district and who would otherwise have been
eligible to attend a noncharter school of the district, and:
the unified district was a basic aid district in the prior fiscal year, or
the pupils attended a charter school of the unified district that converted to
charter status on or after July 1, 2005 (EC Section 47660[b][1]).
This ADA is included in the Principal Apportionment revenue limit calculation (Line A-21
of the PARS School District ADA report) and will generate a charter school general
purpose block grant offset that should be recorded on Line 30 in Form RL. It is also
used in the ADA-RL-COMPARISON technical review check that compares ADA from
Form A to the ADA reported on Line 5c in Form RL (Line 24b is not included in the
check). Line 24a applies to very few districts and should only be completed by
those few. All other block grant funded ADA should be included on Line 24b, All Other
Block Grant Funded Charters.
The schedule of capital assets is completed using extracted, entered, and calculated
data. The columns on this form are completed as follows:
Increases Column
Increases in capital assets are input as positive numbers. Increases in
accumulated depreciation are input as negative numbers. Amounts in the
Increases column are added to the amounts in the Audited Balance July 1
column to arrive at the Ending Balance June 30 column.
For example, the cost of equipment acquired during the fiscal year is recorded as
a positive number on the line for Capital Assets Being Depreciated: Equipment,
Decreases Column
Decreases in capital assets are input as positive numbers. Decreases in
accumulated depreciation are input as negative numbers. The amounts in the
Decreases column are subtracted from the amounts in the Audited Balance
July 1 column to arrive at the Ending Balance June 30 column.
For example, the original cost of equipment that is sold or otherwise disposed of
is removed from the aggregate balance of equipment and is recorded as a
positive number on the line for Capital Assets Being Depreciated: Equipment, in
the Decreases column. The accumulated depreciation associated with the
equipment disposed of is removed from the aggregate accumulated depreciation
balance for equipment, and is recorded as a negative number on the line for
Accumulated Depreciation for Equipment, in the Decreases column.
Amounts in the Ending Balance June 30 column should be verified to ensure that
adjustments, increases, and decreases to capital assets have been input
correctly and that ending balances agree to asset schedules and financial
statements. Ending balances are saved by CDE and used for external data
reporting purposes and are extracted into the subsequent year's Form ASSET as
beginning balances.
In addition to the certification page, Form CA also has a page titled Summary of
Unaudited Actual Data Submission (not applicable for charter schools). It provides a
summary of critical data elements that may have fiscal implications on the next year's
apportionments or recovery of indirect costs. Please verify the accuracy of these data
prior to filing the unaudited actuals financial reports.
Select either the PCA Number Query or SACS Resource Code Query and enter the
desired search criteria to access program information from the SACS Query database.
Form CAT worksheets are completed using data entry; there are no extractions. Click
on the tab at the bottom of the screen to access a worksheet (the horizontal scroll bar
may need to be used for the applicable worksheet tab to appear).
If zeros are used at the beginning or end of any of the codes entered into the column
headings, the software will "drop" them. In order to prevent the zeros from being
dropped, type a single quote mark (') before the number.
Insert column: Place the cursor in the column to the left of where you want to
insert a column, then click on the Insert Column button. New columns are
inserted to the right of the column with the cursor in it.
Move column: Place the cursor in the desired column, then click either the Move
Column Right or Move Column Left button. A message box will pop up when
attempting to move a column past the furthermost left or right side of the
worksheet; a column may not be moved past either of these points.
Delete column: Place the cursor on the desired column, then click the Delete
Column button. A message box will pop up asking to confirm the action; click Yes
or No. Note that the first data column of the worksheet and the Total column
cannot be deleted.
Use the Tab key to move across the columns and the Enter key to move down the
columns. Use a minus (-) sign to denote a negative number.
When printing, the default print selection is to print the current worksheet. To print all
worksheets at once, after clicking the Print button, click the Entire Workbook option
from the Print menu. The CAT form prints in landscape orientation, allowing up to
seven columns to be printed on each page.
Column Provide for each program the official name of the program, the five-digit
Headings number from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (federal
programs only), the resource code used to record the program, the
revenue object, and the local description of the program, if any.
Line 13a If the computed amount on Line 13 is positive and the program
allows for unused funds to be retained and used in the next year,
report the amount on Line 13a, Deferred Revenue. The deferred
revenue is the amount of categorical funds, which have been
received as of June 30, but have not been spent and, therefore,
have not been earned.
Line 13b If the computed amount on Line 13 is positive and the program
does not allow unused funds to be retained and used in the next
year, report the amount on Line 13b, Accounts Payable. This
amount is owed back to the grantor agency.
Line 13c If the computed amount on Line 13 is negative, report the amount
on Line 13c, Accounts Receivable. This is the amount of revenue
earned but not received from the grantor agency.
Column Provide for each program the official name of the program, the five-digit
Headings number from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (federal
programs only), the resource code used to record the program, the
revenue object, and the local description of the program, if any.
Matching Funds/Other (Line 3). This amount represents the total available
to be spent this year.
Supplemental Information, and Additional Fiscal Indicator items from the Criteria and
Standards Review (Form 01CS). The Met/Not Met and No/Yes indicators in Form CB
are automatically completed based on information in Form 01CS.
Criteria and Standards that are “Not Met” and supplemental information and additional
fiscal indicators that are “Yes” may indicate areas of potential concern for fiscal solvency
purposes and should be carefully reviewed.
Separate categories are available for those school districts[COEs] that are members
of a workers' compensation JPA. Select the category that is most appropriate for your
The software will automatically generate all sections of this form except optional
adjustments reported in Part I, Column 4b and Part II, Line 13b (see below for entering
data on these lines).
Line 13b: Report the salaries and benefits of teachers and instructional aides that
were deducted in Column 4b (see note above in Column 4b text).
The Budget Act specifies growth funds will be allocated as first priority funding to
programs with 20 or fewer units of ADA in the prior year, up to an additional 20 units of
ADA. Second priority funding will be allocated to programs with over 20 units of ADA.
Any funds remaining will be used for third priority funding to fund new programs,
pursuant to Education Code Section 41841.8.
The software automatically extracts and calculates the majority of data reported on
Form CORR. Data entry is required in the Pupil Data section if ADA is being claimed
pursuant to Education Code Section 46191(b). In addition, key entry is necessary if
choosing to use the Alternative Charge Cost instead of using direct support and indirect
costs to calculate the total cost for adults in correctional facilities (see below for
additional information).
Pupil Data
Average Daily Attendance – Adults in Correctional Facilities ADA is calculated by
dividing the total days of pupils' attendance in such classes by 175 (180 minutes are
considered one day of attendance) and is extracted from Form A, Annual ADA column
(Line 18 for counties, Line 17 for districts).
Pursuant to Education Code Section 46191(a), no pupil will be credited with more than
one day of attendance in any calendar day nor with more than 15 clock hours of
attendance during any one school week. However, pursuant to Education Code
Section 46191(b), a pupil may be credited with more than one day and more than 15
clock hours of attendance as long as the total ADA calculated on that basis does not
exceed the total ADA for which the local educational agency was actually reimbursed for
the 1992-93 fiscal year (as adjusted for any authorized statutory growth). However, no
pupil in independent study will be credited with more than one day of attendance in a
calendar day.
If an Alternative Charge Cost is entered that exceeds eight percent of the annual
revenue deposited for Adults in Correctional Facilities program expenditures
(Object 8311), "Excessive" will display in red on the screen (and will also display on the
printed report). Upon closing the form a message box will display stating that the user
can close the form or return to the form to modify the “Excessive” Alternative Charge
Cost. The condition must be fixed in order to complete an official export.
Increases Column
Increases in the amounts of long-term liabilities are input as positive numbers.
The amounts in the Increases column are added to the amounts in the Audited
Balance July 1 column to arrive at the Ending Balance June 30 column.
For example, the amount of general obligation bonds issued during the fiscal
year is recorded on the line for General Obligation Bonds Payable, in the
Increases column.
Decreases Column
Decreases in the amounts of long-term liabilities are input as positive numbers.
The amounts in the Decreases column are subtracted from the amounts in the
Audited Balance July 1 column to arrive at the Ending Balance June 30 column.
For example, the amount of general obligation bond principal payments made
during the fiscal year decreases the balance of bonds payable, and is recorded
on the line for General Obligation Bonds Payable, in the Decreases column.
Amounts in the Ending Balance June 30 column should be verified to ensure that
adjustments, increases, and decreases to long-term liabilities have been input
correctly and that ending balances agree to debt schedules and financial
statements. Ending balances are saved by CDE and used for external data
reporting purposes and are extracted into the subsequent year's Form DEBT as
beginning balances.
In addition, Education Code sections 1629 and 42132 specify that by September 15
(districts) and October 15 (county offices of education) of each year, the governing
boards of districts and county offices of education shall adopt a resolution identifying
their estimated appropriations limits for the current year and their actual appropriations
limit for the preceding year. The documentation supporting the adoption resolution shall
be made available to the public. It is not necessary to submit a copy of the board
resolution adopting your appropriations limit to the CDE.
For further information or any questions about the Gann program, please contact Linda
M. Lewis at 916-319-0658 (e-mail [email protected]).
Form GANN was added to the SACS software to assist LEAs in meeting their
constitutional and statutory obligations under the Gann Initiative to calculate
appropriation limits and appropriations subject to limitation. Districts and county offices
of education must include their completed Form GANN with their officially exported
unaudited actual submission.
Upon opening Form GANN, applicable general ledger, attendance, and revenue limit
data are extracted into the form. The general ledger account codes and specific forms
from which data are extracted are noted on the form. In addition, applicable prior year
Gann data as reported in the prior year's Form GANN will be preloaded into the form.
Once the extractions are completed, only a few items remain to be keyed into the form.
A fatal internal form check will prompt users to enter an explanation if data exists in the
Adjustments column. Users will be able to close the form without fixing the condition,
but the explanation must be provided to complete an official export.
The following descriptions apply to the two sets of amount columns on Form GANN,
unless otherwise noted. The first set of columns, 2011-12 Calculations, calculates
the 2011-12 appropriations limit and appropriations subject to the limit, and the second
set of columns, 2012-13 Calculations, calculates the 2012-13 preliminary appropriations
limit and part of that year's appropriations subject to the limit. The references in the
columns such as "2011-12 Actual" or "2012-13 Budget" refer to columns on the source
documents (Form A) or the type of general ledger data (actual or budget) being
extracted into Form GANN.
School Districts
2010-11 Gann data from the 2010-11 Form GANN are preloaded into the form and
include any charter school data included in the report. If any data are incorrect or
missing, please contact the Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services
at 916-322-1770 or [email protected].
On Line A4, enter the amount of any voter approved increases to your
2010-11 appropriations limit in the 2011-12 Entered Data/Totals column,
and increases to the 2011-12 limit in the 2012-13 Entered Data/Totals
column. Such increases are usually associated with the approval of a
parcel tax or some other increase in tax revenues and are only valid for
four years, at which time the appropriations limit must be adjusted
downward to the level it would have been had the increases not been
On Line A5, enter the effect of the lapse of a voter approved increase to
your 2010-11 appropriations limit in the 2011-12 Entered Data/Totals
column, and the effect to your 2011-12 limit in the 2012-13 Entered
Data/Totals column (see description for Line A4 above). This amount will
Lines 7–9 Current Year Other ADA (From Principal Apportionment Attendance
On Line B7, enter the high school apprentice hours from the Principal
Apportionment Attendance Software report for the second Principal
On Line B8, the apprentice hours entered onto Line B7 are divided by 525
to convert them to ADA.
Lines 1–16 Taxes and Subventions (From Funds 01, 09, and 62)
General Fund, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund, and Charter
Schools Enterprise Fund data for unaudited actuals year 2011-12 and
budget year 2012-13 are extracted into the respective Extracted Data
columns. Adjustments to those amounts can be entered into the
Adjustments columns to meet Gann reporting requirements, but must be
explained in detail on the bottom of Form GANN.
Lines 17–18 Other Local Revenues (From Funds 01, 09, and 62)
General Fund, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund, and Charter
Schools Enterprise Fund data for unaudited actuals year 2011-12 and
budget year 2012-13 are extracted into the respective Extracted Data
columns. Adjustments to those amounts can be entered into the
Adjustments columns to meet Gann reporting requirements, but must be
explained in detail on the bottom of Form GANN.
On Line C19, enter expenditures in funds 01, 09, and 62, objects 3301
and 3302, for federally mandated Medicare. Do not include employer
contributions to Medicare that are not mandated by the federal
government, such as those resulting from negotiated employee contracts
On Line C20, enter the amounts that represent any expenditures required
by the Americans with Disabilities Act federal law that are not reimbursed
by federal, state, or other sources and which are made from local
proceeds of taxes reported on lines C18 and D7b, or from state aid
received reported on Line C36.
On Line C21, enter the amounts that represent any expenditures required
by court order for desegregation costs for which the district has not
received reimbursement from the state and which are made from local
proceeds of taxes reported on lines C18 and D7b, or from state aid
received reported on Line C36 (for court orders imposed on or after
November 6, 1979).
On Line C22, enter the amounts that represent any other expenditures
required by court or federal mandates imposed on or after
November 6, 1979, that are not reimbursed by the state or other sources
and which are made from local proceeds of taxes reported on lines C18
and D7b, or from state aid received reported on Line C36.
Lines 24–36 State Aid Received (From Funds 01, 09, and 62)
General Fund, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund, and Charter
Schools Enterprise Fund data for unaudited actuals year 2011-12 and
budget year 2012-13 are extracted into the respective Extracted Data
columns. Adjustments to those amounts can be entered into the
Adjustments columns to meet Gann reporting requirements, but must be
explained in detail on the bottom of Form GANN.
Some state aid programs (indicated with ** on Form GANN) have been
affected by flexibility provisions enacted by SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes
of 2009) as amended by SB 70 (Chapter 7, Statutes of 2011). Funding for
these programs became unrestricted as of 2008-09 and, beginning
in 2009-10, must be accounted for as Unrestricted, Resource 0000, All
Other State Revenue, Object 8590. As such, the data for these lines are
no longer separately identifiable in the SACS Software general ledger data
and can no longer be extracted. Instead, applicable data must be
For the Class Size Reduction - Grade Nine program, see the
Schedule of Apportionment file listed under Morgan-Hart Funding
Results (for the applicable fiscal year):
A warning internal form check will prompt users to enter State Aid
Received amounts for programs affected by categorical flexibility. If no
funding has been received, a zero must be entered. The user will be able
to close the form without fixing the condition. This condition does not have
to be fixed to complete an official export.
Lines 39–40 Data for Interest Calculation (From Funds 01, 09, and 62)
General Fund, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund, and Charter
Schools Enterprise Fund data for unaudited actuals year 2011-12 and
budget year 2012-13 are extracted into the respective Extracted Data
columns to calculate the amount of interest that is to be counted in the
Lines 1–4 Preliminary Appropriations Limit equals the revised PY appropriations limit
times the inflation factor (based on price factor published by the
Department of Finance) times the program population adjustment (change
in ADA factor).
Lines 5–9d Appropriations Subject to the Limit equals the district's local revenues plus
state subventions less excluded appropriations.
Line 10 Adjustments to the Limit Per Government Code Section 7902.1
If there is an amount greater than zero in this field (i.e., your
appropriations subject to the limit exceed your preliminary
appropriations limit), your limit has increased and you need to report
the increased amount to the director of the state Department of
Finance at the address on Form GANN.
The Gann Contact Person and the Contact Phone Number must be completed in order
to do an Official export. If the contact information is not completed, a message box
stating such will display upon closing the form. In addition, the export technical
review check GANN-PROVIDE will not pass.
2010-11 Gann data from the 2010-11 Form GANN are preloaded into the form and
include any charter school data included in the report. If any data are incorrect or
missing, please contact the Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services
at 916-322-1770 or [email protected].
Line A3 is the sum of Line A1 and Line A2. The amount in the 2011-12
Calculations, Extracted column should equal Line D17 in the 2010-11
Calculations, Entered Data/Totals column of the 2010-11 Form GANN.
The amount in the 2012-13 Calculations, Entered Data/Totals column
should equal Line D17 in the 2011-12 Calculations, Entered Data/Totals
column at the end of this form.
NOTE: If ADA or any revenue items included in the 2010-11 Gann limit
calculation were adjusted after you submitted your 2010-11
unaudited actuals to CDE, then you must recalculate
the 2010-11 appropriations limit. After recalculating the
appropriations limit, determine and enter the adjustments to
lines A1 and A2 in this year's Form GANN in order to reflect the
correct 2010-11 Appropriations Limit and ADA in the Entered
Data/Totals column. The amounts entered in the Adjustments
On Line A8, enter the effect of the lapse of a voter approved increase to
your 2010-11 appropriations limit in the 2011-12 Entered Data/Totals
column, and the effect to your 2011-12 limit in the 2012-13 Entered
Data/Totals column (see description for Line A7 above). This amount will
be subtracted from lines A6 and A7 to calculate the total adjustments to
the 2010-11 and 2011-12 appropriations limits on Line A9.
Line A10, Extracted Data column, prorates the total adjustments (Line A9)
according to the ratio of the "program" portion of your limit to your total
appropriations limit. For example, if the "program" portion of your limit is
40 percent of your total limit and you have $100,000 in total adjustments,
the adjustment to the program portion will be $40,000. If this is not correct
(e.g., if your parcel tax and limit increase were 100 percent for the
program portion of your expenses), enter amounts in the Adjustments
columns to arrive at the correct values in the Entered Data/Totals columns
and provide an explanation on the bottom of Form GANN.
Line A11 is the difference between lines A9 and A10, and is the remainder
of the adjustments that pertain to the "other services" portion of your total
appropriations limit.
NOTE: Lines A10 and A11 can also be used to adjust the
distribution of your appropriations limit in the case of a
county office that did not have "program" ADA in 1978- 79
and, therefore, did not have any "program" limit amount, but
has since implemented one or more county programs.
On Line A13, enter the "other services" portion of the adjustments to the
prior year ADA resulting from reorganizations and other transfers, only if
an adjustment to the appropriations limit is entered on Line A6.
Lines 1–17 Taxes and Subventions (From Funds 01, 09, and 62)
County School Services Fund, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund,
and Charter Schools Enterprise Fund data for unaudited actuals
year 2011-12 and budget year 2012-13 are extracted into the respective
Extracted Data columns. Adjustments to those amounts can be entered
into the Adjustments columns to meet Gann reporting requirements, but
must be explained in detail on the bottom of Form GANN.
Lines 18–19 Other Local Revenues (From Funds 01, 09, and 62)
County School Services Fund, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund,
and Charter Schools Enterprise Fund data for unaudited actuals
year 2011-12 and budget year 2012-13 are extracted into the respective
Extracted Data columns. Adjustments to those amounts can be entered
into the Adjustments columns to meet Gann reporting requirements, but
must be explained in detail on the bottom of Form GANN.
On Line C20, enter expenditures in funds 01, 09, and 62, objects 3301
and 3302, for federally mandated Medicare. Do not include employer
contributions to Medicare that are not mandated by the federal
government, such as those resulting from negotiated employee contracts
or other decisions by the LEA. Do not include contributions for OASDI or
for alternative retirement plans. If no federally mandated Medicare
contributions were made, enter zero. If no amount is entered on this
line, a warning message will display above the line and in a message
box upon closing the form.
On Line C21, enter the amounts that represent any expenditures required
by the Americans with Disabilities Act federal law that are not reimbursed
by federal, state, or other sources and which are made from local
proceeds of taxes reported on lines C18 and D12b, or from state aid
received reported on Line C39.
On Line C22, enter the amounts that represent any expenditures required
by a court order for desegregation costs for which the county office has
not received reimbursement from the state and which are made from local
proceeds of taxes reported on lines C19 and D12b, or from state aid
received reported on Line C39 (for court orders imposed on or after
November 6, 1979).
On Line C23, enter the amounts that represent any other expenditures
required by court or federal mandates imposed on or after
November 6, 1979, that are not reimbursed by the state or other sources
and which are made from local proceeds of taxes reported on lines C19
and D12b, or from state aid received reported on Line C39.
Lines 25–35 State Aid Received (From Funds 01, 09, and 62)
Some state aid programs (indicated with ** on Form GANN) have been
affected by flexibility provisions enacted by SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes
of 2009), as amended by SB 70 (Chapter 7, Statutes of 2011). Funding for
these programs became unrestricted as of 2008-09 and, beginning
in 2009-10, must be accounted for as Unrestricted, Resource 0000, All
Other State Revenue, Object 8590. As such, the data for these lines are
no longer separately identifiable in the SACS Software general ledger
data and can no longer be extracted. Instead, applicable data must be
manually entered into the Adjustments column utilizing the amounts
displayed on the following CDE Web site:
A warning internal form check will prompt users to enter State Aid
Received amounts for programs affected by categorical flexibility. If no
funding has been received, a zero must be entered. The User will be able
to close the form without fixing the condition. This condition does not have
to be fixed to complete an official export.
Lines 40–41 Data for Interest Calculation (From Funds 01, 09, and 62)
County School Services Fund, Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund,
and Charter Schools Enterprise Fund data for unaudited actuals
year 2011-12 and budget year 2012-13 are extracted into the respective
Extracted Data columns to calculate the amount of interest that is to be
counted in the LEA's appropriations limit. Adjustments to those amounts
can be entered into the Adjustments columns to meet Gann reporting
requirements, but must be explained in detail on the bottom of Form
Lines 1–9 Preliminary Appropriations Limit equals the revised PY program limit times
the inflation factor (based on price factor published by the Department of
Finance) times the program population adjustment (change in ADA factor)
plus the preliminary other services limit.
Lines Appropriations Subject to the Limit equals the COE's local revenues plus
10–14d state subventions less excluded appropriations.
Lines 16a–d Apply to Program and Other Services (2011-12 Calculations Section Only)
This section is used to prorate the value of the increase in proportion to
the ratio of the preliminary "program" portion of the appropriations limit to
the total preliminary appropriations limit. Similar to Line A10, Line D16a
prorates the increase in proportion to the ratio of the preliminary "program"
portion of the appropriations limit (Line D4) to the total preliminary
appropriations limit (Line D9). If this is not correct, enter an amount in the
Adjustments column to arrive at the correct value in the Entered
Data/Totals column. Enter an explanation on the bottom of Form GANN.
The Gann Contact Person and the Contact Phone Number must be completed in order
to do an Official export. If the contact information is not completed, a message box
stating such will display upon closing the form. In addition, the export technical
review check GANN-PROVIDE will not pass.
Form ICR contains three types of information: general ledger data used to determine
the indirect (numerator) and base (denominator) costs; 1st and 2nd prior year indirect
cost data used in the carry-forward adjustment; and supplemental data. For the required
Unaudited Actuals Period, Form ICR extracts Unaudited Actuals data. For the optional
Budget and Interim Periods, Form ICR extracts Estimated Actuals and Projected Year
Totals data respectively.
Line A2a LEAs should enter any costs incurred for general administrative positions
performing services on site but paid through a contract rather than
through payroll.
Line A2b LEAs reporting costs on Line A2a must provide a description of each
general administrative position paid through a contract.
the condition is not cleared, a technical review check (TRC) exception will
occur the next time the export TRC is run.
Line B LEAs must indicate the amount of abnormal and mass separation costs
charged to unrestricted resources (0000-1999) in funds 01, 09, or 62 with
functions 7200-7700. If none, enter zero. This information is used to move
the costs from the indirect cost pool to base costs in Part III of Form ICR.
Unaudited actuals period only: If Line B is left blank, the message "Entry
required" will appear in red on the screen and on the printed report. In
addition, upon closing the form, a message will display requesting that the
data be entered. If the condition is not cleared, a TRC exception will occur
the next time the export TRC is run.
Please refer to CSAM Procedure 655 for guidance on employment separation costs.
The data extracted into parts I, III, and IV cannot be manually adjusted. If corrections
are needed to the general ledger data, they must be made to the "source" data and then
reimported into the software. If the preloaded prior year information in Part IV appears
to be incorrect, please contact our office at 916-322-1770 or [email protected].
Line B1 The carry-forward adjustment from the second prior year Form ICR
(Part III, Line A9) is preloaded for use in Line C.
Line B2 If any portion of a negative carry-forward adjustment from a prior year was
deferred, it is preloaded for use in Line C. Line B2 can be manually
adjusted for the Budget Period.
Line C1 If the amount of indirect costs recoverable in the current year, net of carry-
forward adjustments reported on Line B1 and Line B2, was less than the
indirect costs incurred in the current year, the calculated under-recovery is
displayed on Line C1.
Line C2 If the amount of indirect costs recoverable in the current year, net of carry-
forward adjustments reported on Line B1 and Line B2, was greater than
the indirect costs incurred in the current year, the calculated over-recovery
is displayed on Line C2. The carry-forward adjustment for over-recovery is
limited by using either the approved rate times current year base costs, or,
if the highest rate actually used to recover costs from any program was
less than the approved rate, the highest rate used times current year base
costs. Rates used to recover costs from programs are displayed in
Exhibit A.
Line E If Line D is positive, Line E is not applicable and all rows are locked. If the
carry-forward adjustment on Line D is negative, and if the negative carry-
forward adjustment would cause the proposed rate to be negative or
would reduce the rate at which the LEA could recover indirect costs to
such an extent that the LEA would sustain significant fiscal harm, the LEA
may request that the carry-forward adjustment be allocated over more
than one year. The LEA can select Option 1 (the default), Option 2, or
Option 3 to request that all, one-half, or one-third of the negative carry-
forward adjustment be applied in the current year calculation with the
remainder deferred to the following year. The deferred portion will be
preloaded on Line B2 in the following year. If Line D in the following year is
negative, the LEA can again request that the negative carry-forward
adjustment be allocated over more than one year. For the unaudited
actuals period only, if the ICR is negative, an internal form check will
prompt the LEA to select an option that will eliminate or minimize the
negative ICR to the extent possible.
Line F The net difference between Line D and any amount deferred by selecting
Option 2 or Option 3 is displayed on Line F. This carry-forward adjustment
amount is used in Part III, Line A9.
If the highest rate used was less than the approved rate, the carry-forward adjustment
calculation in Part IV, Line C2 uses the highest rate used. Otherwise, the calculation
uses the approved rate.
NOTE: The check that looks to see if the percentage is within a typical range
looks at indirect cost data before the carry-forward adjustment is made.
For most LEAs, regardless of their size or type, when general administrative costs in
functions 7200–7700 are coded correctly, the percentage of indirect costs before the
carry-forward adjustment will fall between two percent and nine percent. Rates above or
below these levels do occur, but, if they occur, extra review is performed through the
technical review check to ensure the accuracy of the underlying data.
Following is a list of common problem areas that directly affect the indirect cost rate:
Costs for legal and elections. Per the Chart of Accounts in CSAM, these costs
should typically be charged to Function 7100, Board and Superintendent.
For further information on function or object codes, see Section 300, Chart of Accounts
and Appendix D, Function Codes for Common Activities, in CSAM. For further
information on standard salary splits, see Procedure 905, Documenting Salaries and
Expenditures from the juvenile court and county community schools account shall be
limited to the following:
(3) Expenditures that are defined as allocated direct support costs by the California
School Accounting Manual.
(4) Other expenditures for support and indirect costs. However, these costs may not
exceed 10 percent of the sum of direct instructional and support costs.
Expenditures that represent contract payments to other agencies for the operation of
juvenile court and community school programs shall be included in the juvenile court
and community schools account and the contract costs distributed to the cost
categories defined in the four paragraphs above.
At the end of any given school year, the net ending balance in the juvenile court and
community schools account may be distributed to a reserve account for economic
contingencies or to a reserve account for capital outlay, provided that the combined total
transferred does not exceed 15 percent of the current year's authorized expenditures as
specified above and also provided that funds placed in the reserve accounts shall only
be expended for juvenile court, county group home and institutions, or county
community school programs. The net ending balance, except for those funds placed in
a reserve for capital outlay account, shall not exceed the greater of 15 percent of the
current year's expenditures or $25,000. A county may accumulate over a period of two
or more given school years a net ending balance in the reserve for capital outlay
account of more than 15 percent of the current fiscal year's expenditures under
provisions of a resolution of the governing board. Funds in the reserve for capital outlay
are to be used for capital outlay only.
NOTE: For purposes of calculating the 15 percent limitation on the amount that
may be transferred each year, only current year transfers to the reserves
for economic contingencies and capital outlay are considered. Beginning
balances in those reserve accounts are not treated as current year
The SSPI is required to withhold from the subsequent year's apportionment any net
ending balance in the juvenile court and county community schools account in excess
of the allowable ending fund balance (Line G5) as provided by EC 42238.18.
The amount in excess of the allowable ending fund balance from Line G5 is also
reported on the Data Summary worksheet within the Unaudited Actuals Certification
Contact Information
If the name and telephone number of the person to contact regarding Form JUV
questions are not completed on the bottom of the form, a message will display
upon exiting the form.
Warning supplemental technical review checks are performed for the following juvenile
court and county community schools data. In case of a difference, the software
generates an exception which must be corrected or explained.
current uses are compared to juvenile court and county community schools
general ledger capital outlay data.
All lottery revenues must be separately accounted for pursuant to Government Code
Section 8880.5(k), and are usually expended in Resource 1100, Lottery: Unrestricted,
and/or Resource 6300, Lottery: Instructional Materials. However, some LEAs may wish
to contribute from Resource 1100, Lottery: Unrestricted, into other restricted resources.
If this is done, then how these contributed amounts are expended must be added
manually in the second column of the Lottery Report. Note that Object 8980,
Contributions from Unrestricted Resources, is limited to a debit in Resource 1100, only
allowing a contribution out of that resource. Use of objects 8980 or 8990 is not allowed
with Resource 6300.
Upon selecting Form L from the Supplemental Forms menu, the software automatically
extracts all of the necessary data to complete the Lottery Report, unless contributions
have been made from Resource 1100, Lottery: Unrestricted, to other resources. If
contributions have not been made, the form only needs to be opened, saved, and then
closed. If contributions have been made, data will need to be entered into the second
column of the form to identify how those contributions were expended. The following
describes how the columns are completed:
been no contributions made to other resources (first column of Line A5) and there
is no beginning balance (second column of Line A1), no entry is required and, in
fact, no entry should be made in this column. Amounts should be entered in the
expenditures section of this column only if contributions have been made from
unrestricted lottery dollars (Line A5) or if there is a beginning balance remaining
from a prior year contribution.
If there have been contributions from Resource 1100 into other resources, the
contributions and related expenditures must be added manually to this column.
The resulting ending balance in this column should not be negative. If there is a
negative ending balance, a message will display on the screen in red and a
message will display upon closing the form. See the Unbalanced Conditions
section below for additional information. If a contribution has been made, but the
related expenditures have not been entered in Form L, a supplemental technical
review exception will be generated.
The software automatically extracts the beginning balance (Line A1) from the
prior year Form L ending balance that was preloaded into the software, if
applicable. If all or part of any beginning balance has been expended in the
current fiscal year, the related expenditures must be added manually to this
Fourth Column—Totals
The fourth column calculates the sums of the first through third columns. These
totals will be used for CDE's report to the Governor and the state legislature.
Line A5, Contributions from Unrestricted Resources, in the Totals column does
not equal zero. The extracted data in the first column and the entered data in the
second column on Line A5 must net to zero. This will generate a fatal TRC
exception that must be corrected by modifying the manually entered data.
Line C, Ending Balance, does not equal Line A6, Total Available, minus Line B12,
Total Expenditures, in one or more columns. Amounts for invalid codes or
combinations will not extract into the form. Be sure that all import technical
review exceptions have been corrected. This will generate a warning TRC
exception so that the general ledger data can be corrected and re-extracted into
the form when the form is reopened.
Section D, Comments. If data exist in shaded cells for Resource 6300, the
following messages will display; and a fatal TRC exception will generate, if no
comments are entered:
A message box will display “Amounts exist in shaded cells for Resource 6300.
Review appropriateness and explain in Comments section.”
MYP is used, applicable data from Form MYP will extract into the Criteria and Standards
Review form (Form 01CS), reducing the amount of data entry into Form 01CS.
NOTE: Do not save Form MYP if you did not key data into it. Doing so will
prevent you from entering multiyear projection data in the Criteria
and Standards Review, Form 01CS.
An LEA can use its own multiyear projection form with the approval of its reviewing
agency. The multiyear projections must, at a minimum, include separate projections for
the unrestricted and restricted components of the General Fund[County School Service
Fund], as well as a combined total. The form must also include the percent change
between the budget year and first subsequent fiscal year, and the percent change
between the first and second subsequent fiscal years.
To minimize the number of manual entries, the software will extract data from other
forms into Form MYP. For a proper extraction to occur, the following forms must be
completed and saved prior to working on Form MYP:
Column A Column A reflects the base year for the MYP, which is the current year.
The software will automatically extract budget data from the General
Fund[County School Service Fund] form (Form 01) and from Form A
for counties.
Form 01. If the two amounts differ by more than $100, an unbalanced
message will display in red on the screen and on the printed form for
both the unrestricted and the combined worksheets. Upon closing
Form MYP a message box will identify the unbalanced item, and a fatal
exception will display upon running the export TRCs.
To balance the revenue limit sources with the revenue limit form, review
and correct, as necessary, the budget data (Form 01), Form RL, and/or
Form MYP. Generally, differences are due to items on Form 01 that are
not on the supplemental Form RL (e.g., Charter School State Aid
[Object 8015], Prior Year State Aid [Object 8019], and Prior Year
Transfers [Object 8099]). Identify these items from Form 01 and make
the adjustments on Line A1i of Form MYP to balance. For any other
adjustments entered on Line A1i, a written explanation should be
provided in Section F describing the adjustment.
Columns B & D Column B represents the percent change between the budget and first
subsequent fiscal years. The percentages are automatically calculated
based on the amounts in Column A and the amounts entered in
Column C.
Column D represents the percent change between the first and second
subsequent fiscal years. The percentages are automatically calculated
based on the amounts entered in columns C and E.
Columns C & E Columns C and E represent the projections for the first and second
subsequent fiscal years. For each of the two subsequent fiscal years,
input the projected unrestricted and restricted revenue and expenditure
amounts except for the certificated and classified expenditures which,
along with ending fund balances, are automatically carried forward
from the preceding fiscal year column. Also enter the components of
ending fund balance for each of the two subsequent fiscal years.
Internal form checks have been built into the form. The following
messages may appear in red on the screen and on the printed form:
Upon closing the form a message box will identify the condition, and
the applicable warning or fatal exception will display upon running the
export TRCs.
Section F As noted on the form, provide the assumptions used to develop the
projections for the first and second subsequent fiscal years. Further,
please include an explanation for any adjustments projected on lines
A1i (districts only), B1d, B2d, and B10. If projections are entered on
any of these lines and an explanation is not entered in this section, a
message will display in red on the screen and on the printed form.
Upon closing the form a message box will identify this condition, and a
fatal exception will display upon running the export TRCs.
An Administrative Unit of a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) that reports
revenues in the Special Education Pass-Through Fund (Form 10) will have the option to
exclude or not to exclude these revenues from the calculation of its recommended
reserve level.
If the LEA chooses to exclude the pass-through funds distributed to SELPA members in
the calculation of its recommended reserve level, the appropriate response is a “yes”
and the software will not add the extracted information from Form 10 in Section F,
Line 3c.
If the LEA chooses not to exclude the pass-through funds distributed to SELPA
members in the calculation of its recommended reserve level, the appropriate response
is a “no” and the software will add the extracted information from Form 10 in Section F,
Line 3c.
All LEAs must enter any negative restricted ending balances projected in any
resource(s) for the two subsequent fiscal years. If positive instead of negative numbers
are entered, "Cannot be positive; revise" will appear in red on the screen and on the
printed form. A 0.00 entry is permissible. Upon closing the form a message box will
identify this condition, and a fatal exception will display upon running the export TRCs.
Section G As noted on the form, provide the assumptions used to develop the
(JPAs only) projections for the first and second subsequent fiscal years. Further,
please include an explanation for any expenditure adjustments
projected on lines B1d, B2d, and B10. If projections are entered on any
of these lines and an explanation is not entered in this section, a
message will display in red on the screen and on the printed form.
Upon closing the form a message box will identify this condition, and a
fatal exception will display upon running the export TRCs.
MOE Requirement
NCLB provides that in order for an LEA to receive its full allocations under
NCLB-covered programs for a particular fiscal year, its state and local funded
expenditures for free public education in the preceding fiscal year must not be less than
90 percent of those in the second preceding fiscal year, in the aggregate or on a per
capita expenditure basis (20 USC 7901; ESEA Sec. 9521). This is to ensure that funds
under covered programs are used to provide services that are in addition to the regular
services provided by the LEA to participating children. Under certain circumstances, an
LEA may obtain a waiver. The MOE test is done at the LEA level.
If the actual aggregate and per capita expenditures for a particular year do not meet the
required level of effort, they shall not be used as the basis for determining MOE in
subsequent years; the basis will be the required level of effort for that year.
Section I—Expenditures
Line A is the total state, local, and federal expenditures for the LEA.
Line C9, PERS Reduction, objects 3801–3802, is excluded from the total
expenditures on Line A since this amount was offset by a corresponding
revenue account, Object 8092, PERS Reduction Transfer.
This calculation determines if the LEA met the MOE requirement. This is a preliminary
determination only, as the final determination will be made by the California Department
of Education (CDE) based on the SACS data submitted by the LEAs, which are subject
to CDE review.
For interim periods (all LEAs), base expenditures are extracted and
preloaded from the prior year (2011-12) unaudited actuals period form
(Section IV, Line D for total expenditures, and Section IV, Line E for total
expenditures per ADA).
reflect the adjusted base expenditure amount for LEAs that failed the prior
year MOE calculation.
Because interim preloaded amounts are extracted directly from the SACS
software 2011-12 preliminary calculation, adjustments have not been
made to reset the base to the required expenditure level. LEAs will need
to utilize Section VI to adjust their Base Expenditures (Line III.A). The
Adjusted Base Expenditures on Line III.A2 should equal 90 percent of
the 2010-11 aggregate and per ADA expenditures. See page 153 for
instructions on completing Section VI.
Line D MOE Deficiency Amount, if Any, Expressed in Total and Per ADA
This is the difference between Line B, required effort, and Line C, current
year expenditures, for total expenditures and per capita. If one or both
columns show a zero, the MOE requirement is met; if both are positive
(Line C is less than Line B), the current year expenditures were less than
the required fiscal effort, and the MOE requirement is not met.
Lines F and G calculate the updated deficiency amount, if any, after the
addition of SFSF/Ed Jobs Fund expenditures.
Line H determines and displays the final MOE status after inclusion of any
SFSF/Ed Jobs Funds that may have been applied. If both amounts in F
and G are positive, MOE has still not been met. If either line F or G is
zero, MOE has been met.
Line I displays the final deficiency percentage if MOE is not met. If MOE is
met, Line I will show zero.
The ADA shown in Section II, Line A, includes all charter school ADA reported on
Form A. The expenditures for the charter schools for which the ADA units are reported
on Form A may or may not be included in the MOE expenditures shown in Section I,
Line A above, depending on whether or not the LEA records the charter school's
financial transactions in the LEA's own funds 01, 09, or 62. If they are not included, the
charter school ADA should be shown as a reduction in Section V, so that the ADA can
be adjusted in Section II and the correct expenditures per ADA can be calculated in
Section III.
List in Section V the charter school expenditures and/or ADA that should be added to or
deducted from the total expenditures and ADA shown in sections I and II, respectively,
so that the adjusted expenditures correspond to the adjusted ADA. The charter school
name and a reason for each adjustment must be provided. For example: “Charter XYZ
reports in SACS separately, subtract ADA.”
Charter school adjustments can be added by clicking the Add Charter School
Adjustment button. This button will add a new line to Section V for data input.
Conversely, Section V added lines can be deleted by selecting the added line and
clicking the Delete Charter School Adjustment button. Note: Section V has one
permanent line that can be used for data input; however, the line cannot be deleted. To
delete any data input in the permanent line, select the cell and then press the Delete
For the unaudited actuals period, an internal form check will prompt users to enter the
charter school name and reason for adjustment if any data exists in the Expenditure
Adjustment column or the ADA Adjustment column. Users may close the form without
fixing the condition, but the charter school name and reason for adjustment must be
provided to complete an official export.
The total charter school expenditure and ADA adjustments from Section V will be
forwarded to Section I, Line F, and Section II, Line D, respectively.
List in this section any adjustments to the LEA's base expenditures. This section would
be used for interim periods by LEAs who failed the MOE requirement in the preceding
year and need to use their second preceding year's expenditure data as their base
For interim periods, LEAs who failed the MOE requirement in the preceding year, and
need to use their second preceding year's expenditure data as their base expenditures,
enter the exact amounts that display on Line III.A as negative numbers on the first
adjustment line in Section VI so Line III.A2 equals zero. Then, add a line in Section VI
and, using your 2010-11 Form NCMOE for reference, enter 90 percent of the amount
from Section IV, Line D into the Total Expenditures column and enter 90 percent of the
amount from Section IV, Line E into the Expenditures Per ADA column.
A description of each adjustment must be provided for validation purposes. For the
unaudited actuals period, an internal form check will prompt users to enter the
description of adjustments if any data exists in the Expenditure Adjustment column or
the ADA Adjustment column. Users may close the form without fixing the condition, but
the charter school name and reason for the adjustment must be provided to complete
an official export.
After completing this form, click Save and close the window. This will prevent a Fatal
exception in the TRCs.
Form PCR displays data by goal and consists of the Program Cost Report and four
supporting schedules:
The first two checks look at goal by function combinations: one to verify that
expenditures in the function ranges of 1000s, 4000s, and 5000s are associated
with specific goals and one to verify that expenditures in functions 7200–7700
are associated with appropriate goals.
The next check verifies that allocation factors have been entered in Form PCRAF for
support functions with costs in Undistributed goals 0000 and 9000.
Another check identifies goals that have allocated costs but contain no direct costs.
The last check is to determine whether the total costs in Form PCR agree with total
funds 01, 09, and 62 general ledger expenditures.
If the expenditures in Form PCR do not balance to the general ledger data, completing
the following checklist should bring them into balance:
Has Form PCRAF been completed and saved? You must provide allocation factors
for all Form PCRAF columns that have costs on Line A.
Have all technical review checks with a Fatal exception been
corrected? Fatal exceptions for invalid codes, goal by function combinations, or
function by object combinations, must be corrected in order for Form PCR to
When opened, Form PCRAF automatically extracts into Line A any Undistributed
general ledger expenditures that must be allocated to program goals. Allocation
factors are only needed for columns with amounts on Line A. If there are costs on
Line A for any of the columns, Form PCRAF must be completed and saved before Form
PCR will be considered complete (i.e., undistributed costs in goals 0000 and 9000 must
be allocated to specific goals before Form PCR will balance to total funds 01, 09,
and 62 expenditures).
When completing Form PCRAF, enter allocation factors—FTE Teachers, CUs, or PTs—
for all columns that have amounts on Line A. For information on how to calculate
allocation factors, refer to Procedure 910, Program Cost Accounting in CSAM.
has six programs, allocation factors must be entered for all six programs unless
documentation shows why the factor is being excluded. This is because if
support costs have not already been direct-charged to a goal and they are being
distributed using the allocation method, the support costs should be split
proportionately among all programs of the LEA.
Once allocation factors (FTEs, CU, PTs) have been entered and Form PCRAF has been
saved, opening and saving Form PCR prompts the software to create "Object PCRA"
adjusting entries that allocate goals 0000 and 9000 costs to specific goals by crediting
(reducing) goals 0000 and 9000 and debiting (increasing) the goals where allocation
factors were entered. A summary of costs allocated to various goals can be seen in
Form PCR, Schedule of Allocated Costs (AC).
Form RL has two columns, one for the year prior to the budget year and one for the
budget year; both columns must be completed. For the year prior to the budget year,
use the most current PARS School District Revenue Limit report[County Revenue Limit
report]. For the budget year, we recommend preparing a School District Revenue Limit
report[County Revenue Limit report] with the latest available assumptions.
The SACS software compares certain revenue limit data reported on Form RL to data
reported in the General Fund[CSSF]. These are identified below where applicable.
School Districts
Lines 1–4 Base Revenue Limit per ADA
On lines 1–3, enter the applicable amounts from the PARS School
District Revenue Limit - Calculations report. Line 4 is the sum of
lines 1, 2, and 3 and represents the Base Revenue Limit per ADA for
your district prior to the base revenue limit Add-on amount combining
Meals for Needy, Beginning Teacher Salary Incentive funding, and the
Santa Cruz Special Revenue Limit adjustments pursuant to AB 851
(Chapter 375, Statutes of 2009).
NOTE: The deficit factor in the software is the latest known factor
at the time of software update. If applicable, the deficit
factor can be changed by keying over the existing factor.
Due to flexibility provisions affecting four of the five listed programs, all
five lines are subject to future removal.
NOTE: The deficit factor in the software is the latest known factor
at the time of software update. If applicable, the deficit
factor can be changed by keying over the existing factor.
not reported on the PARS County Revenue Limit reports. Line 31 is the
total of the other revenue limit items.
Line 42: Juvenile Court and County Community Schools and County
Community School Students Expelled
Line 43: Other Purpose
Line 44: Community Day School (Juvenile Court Schools Statewide
Line 45: Direct Services
Due to flexibility provisions affecting four of the five listed programs, all
five lines are subject to future removal.
Before opening Form SEA for completion, open Form SEAS (Special Education
Revenue Allocations Setup) to make a SELPA selection, and then save the data
and close the form. (NOTE: For an LEA that is the AU for multiple SELPAs, the
SELPA ID selection in Form SEAS must be made for each different SELPA report
being completed.) After the SELPA selection is made in Form SEAS, when Form
SEA is opened, the SELPA name will automatically display at the top of the form
and the SELPA members' names will automatically display in Section II,
Allocation to SELPA Members. If Form SEA is opened without making a SELPA
selection in Form SEAS, (??) will display for the SELPA name and a "Do NOT
Save – SELPA not set" message will display in red on the screen.
Section I
Report the total special education revenues for the SELPA, by source.
Section II
Report the total special education revenues allocated to each SELPA member listed in
Section II.
The total revenues reported in Section I must equal the total allocations reported in
Section II, or the message "Unbalanced" will appear in red on the screen, on the printed
form, and in a message box upon closing the form. In addition, the export technical
review checklist will display an exception.
Upon opening the form, the software will automatically display, at the bottom of
the screen, the SELPA(s) associated with the LEA set in the Preferences screen.
To select a SELPA, type in the Selected SELPA box the applicable two-digit ID
from the list, then save and close the form. There is no other key entry allowed in
this form.
The date in the DATE APPROVED (from Form SEA) box is automatically filled
out after entering the allocation plan approval date into the SEA form and saving
that form. This is one way of knowing which SELPA SEA forms have been
Only approved transportation costs are to remain in Resource 7230 or 7240 when the
books are closed. Any costs originally charged to these codes for non-transportation
costs including, but not limited to, repairs to non-transportation vehicles or equipment or
the cost of providing "other miles" to your pupils are to be transferred out using
Object 5710 or 5750.
Upon opening Form TRAN, all applicable transportation expenditures will be extracted
into the form. The specific resource, function, and object codes used to identify
transportation expenses for the extractions are noted on the form. For more information
regarding the source of the data extracted into Form TRAN, refer to CSAM.
Once the financial data have been extracted, additional data must be manually entered
into Form TRAN. Complete each line beginning with ENTER by entering either the
applicable data or zero in each column. Do not leave any cells blank. Unless
otherwise indicated, amounts entered should be positive numbers.
belong in the current year. You may also use Line G1 to include
unallowable costs you, as a provider, charged to another LEA. You may
use Line G2 to exclude expenditures charged to the current year that
belong in the year prior to or subsequent to the current fiscal year. If you
forgot to transfer out of Resource 7230 or 7240 any portion of the cost of
all other miles you may do so on Line G2. You may be asked to explain
any amounts listed.
Lines C1–3 Deduction for Payments to Common Carriers and Parents In Lieu of
Enter on Line C1 any payments to common carriers and parents in lieu of
transportation included in Schedule II, Line C1 provided to your pupils by
your LEA. Enter zero if not applicable. (A common carrier is a carrier in
business for the principal purpose of transporting members of the public
on a commercial basis. For example, a municipal bus is a common
carrier.) Enter on Line C2 any payments to common carriers and parents
in lieu of transportation included in Schedule II, Line C1 provided to your
pupils by another LEA providing services to your LEA. Enter zero if not
records reflect more accurate information, enter the amount on Line L2.
Enter zero if not applicable. Maintain documentation locally.
Estimated Revenue Limit ADA (Original Budget) represents the Revenue Limit ADA
used as a basis for revenue limit funding for the original budget adopted by July 1, or
September 8 (dual budget adoption cycle) for the current fiscal year.
Estimated Revenue Limit ADA (Board Approved Operating Budget) represents the
Revenue Limit ADA used as a basis for revenue limit funding for the current approved
operating budget for the current fiscal year.
Estimated P-2 Report ADA (Projected Year Totals) represents the current year's
estimated Second Period Report of Attendance (P-2 ADA). In previous years, this
column was used only if the district was projecting declining enrollment. It is now
required in the interim period because the data are used in Form 01CSI.
Estimated Revenue Limit ADA (Projected Year Totals) represents the Revenue Limit
ADA projected to be used as a basis for revenue limit funding for the current fiscal year.
Line 21a in the Charter Schools section of the district Form AI is for the ADA of charter
school pupils who reside in a unified district and who would otherwise have been
eligible to attend a noncharter school of the district, and:
the unified district was a basic aid district in the prior fiscal year, or
the pupils attended a charter school of the unified district that converted to
charter status on or after July 1, 2005 (EC Section 47660[b][1]).
This ADA is included in the Principal Apportionment revenue limit calculation (Line A-21
of the PARS School District ADA report) and will generate a charter school general
purpose block grant offset that should be recorded on Line 30 in Form RLI. It is also
used in the ADA-RL-COMPARISON technical review check that compares ADA from
Form AI to the ADA reported on Line 5c in Form RLI (Line 21b is not included in the
check). Line 21a applies to very few districts and should only be completed by
those few. All other block grant funded ADA should be included on Line 21b, All Other
Block Grant Funded Charters.
See instructions for Form A on page 92 of this user guide for additional information.
Form CASH provides monthly detail by major object category of the receipt and
disbursement transactions for the General Fund[CSSF]. For the first interim cashflow
worksheet, the actual receipts and disbursements from July 1 through October 31 are
reported and the remaining months are estimated through the end of the fiscal year. For
the second interim cashflow worksheet, the actual receipts and disbursements from
July 1 through January 31 are reported and the remaining months are estimated
through the end of the fiscal year.
By including accruals and adjustments in the totals, current year revenues and
expenditures by major object category on the cashflow worksheet, generally, should
agree with the total projected revenues and expenditures for the General Fund[CSSF]
for the same major object categories.
To complete this report, start with the “Budget Year (1)” tab:
For LEAs that elect to continue their cashflow projections into the subsequent year,
enter the appropriate amounts using the “Budget Year (2)” tab.
The ending cash balance at June from the “Budget Year (1)” tab will extract into
the beginning cash balance in the “Budget Year (2)” tab.
Enter the appropriate amounts in sections B (Receipts), C (Disbursements), and
D (Balance Sheet Transactions) for each month. Sections E (Net
Increase/Decrease) and F (Ending Cash) are automatically calculated, with
Ending Cash extracted to Beginning Cash in the next month.
Enter the appropriate amounts in the Accruals and Adjustments columns.
Criteria and Standards that are “Not Met” and supplemental information and additional
fiscal indicators that are “Yes” may indicate areas of potential concern and should be
carefully reviewed.
One of the following three certifications must be designated by the school district[COE]
when certifying to their fiscal stability on the First Interim and Second Interim reports
(financial certification is not applicable to End of Year Projection reports).
Positive: Based upon current projections, the school district[COE], will meet
its financial obligations for the current fiscal year and
subsequent two fiscal years.
Qualified: Based upon current projections, the school district[COE] may not
meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year or
subsequent two fiscal years.
To select the certification type (required for the First and Second Interim reports), click
on the button next to the paragraph that describes your financial condition. Make sure
to obtain the proper signatures on the hard copy.
The reviewing agency will confirm or reclassify the Interim certifications. COEs are
responsible for reviewing Interim certifications for school districts and JPAs within their
jurisdiction and are required to report to the State Controller and SSPI indicating the
type of certification filed by each district. The CDE is responsible for reviewing Interim
certifications for COEs and school districts for which the county board of education also
serves as the district governing board.
NOTE: Do not save Form MYPI if you did not key data into it. Doing so will
prevent you from entering multiyear projection data in the Criteria
and Standards Review, Form 01CSI.
An LEA can use its own multiyear projection form with the approval of its reviewing
agency. The multiyear projections must, at a minimum, include separate projections for
the unrestricted and restricted components of the General Fund[County School Service
Fund], as well as a combined total. The form must also include the percent change
between the budget year and first subsequent fiscal year, and the percent change
between the first and second subsequent fiscal years.
To minimize the number of manual entries, the software will extract data from other
forms into Form MYPI. For a proper extraction to occur, the following forms must be
completed and saved prior to working on Form MYPI:
Column A Column A reflects the base year for the MYPI, which is the current
year. The software will automatically extract interim projections
(projected year totals data) from the General Fund[County School
Service Fund] form (Form 01I) and attendance data from Form AI for
To balance the revenue limit sources with the revenue limit form, review
and correct, as necessary, the budget data (Form 01I), Form RLI, and/or
Form MYPI. Generally, differences are due to items on Form 01I that are
not on the supplemental Form RLI (e.g., Charter School State Aid
[Object 8015], Prior Year State Aid [Object 8019], and Prior Year
Transfers [Object 8099]). Identify these items from Form 01I and make
the adjustments on Line A1i of Form MYPI to balance. For any other
adjustments entered on Line A1i, a written explanation should be
provided in Section F describing the adjustment.
Column D represents the percent change between the first and second
subsequent fiscal years. The percentages are automatically calculated
based on the amounts entered in columns C and E.
Columns C & E Columns C and E represent the projections for the first and second
subsequent fiscal years. For each of the two subsequent fiscal years,
input the projected unrestricted and restricted revenue and expenditure
amounts except for the certificated and classified expenditures which,
along with ending fund balances, are automatically carried forward
from the preceding fiscal year column. Also enter the components of
ending fund balance for each of the two subsequent fiscal years.
Internal form checks have been built into the form. The following are
messages that may appear in red on the screen and on the printed
form: “Cannot be negative; revise,” “Cannot be positive; revise,”
“Negative; revise assignments,” and “Positive; revise components.”
Upon closing the form a message box will identify the condition, and
the applicable warning or fatal exception will display upon running the
export TRCs.
Section F As noted on the form, provide the assumptions used to develop the
projections for the first and second subsequent fiscal years. Further,
please include an explanation for any adjustments projected on
lines A1i (districts only), B1d, B2d, and B10. If projections are entered
on any of these lines and an explanation is not entered in this section,
a message will display in red on the screen and on the printed form.
Upon closing the form a message box will identify this condition, and a
fatal exception will display upon running the export TRCs.
An Administrative Unit of a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) that reports
revenues in the Special Education Pass-Through Fund (Form 10) will have the option to
exclude or not to exclude these revenues from the calculation of its recommended
reserve level.
If the LEA chooses to exclude the pass-through funds distributed to SELPA members in
the calculation of its recommended reserve level, the appropriate response is a “yes”
and the software will not add the extracted information from Form 10 in Section F,
Line 3c.
If the LEA chooses not to exclude the pass-through funds distributed to SELPA
members in the calculation of its recommended reserve level, the appropriate response
is a “no” and the software will add the extracted information from Form 10 in Section F,
Line 3c.
All LEAs must enter any negative restricted ending balances projected in any
resource(s) for the two subsequent fiscal years. If positive instead of negative numbers
are entered, "Cannot be positive; revise" will appear in red on the screen and on the
printed form. A 0.00 entry is permissible. Upon closing the form, a message box will
identify the condition, and a fatal exception will display upon running the export TRCs.
Section G As noted on the form, provide the assumptions used to develop the
(JPAs only) projections for the first and second subsequent fiscal years. Further,
please include an explanation for any expenditure adjustments
projected on lines B1d, B2d, and B10. If projections are entered on
any of these lines and an explanation is not entered in this section, a
message will display in red on the screen and on the printed form.
Upon closing the form a message box will identify this condition, and a
fatal exception will display upon running the export TRCs.
fund that has a projected negative ending fund balance. Form MYPIO is available for
use by all LEAs (except for charter schools) as an optional form. An LEA can use its
own multiyear projection form with the approval of its reviewing agency.
Form MYPIO is available in the Supplemental Forms menu. After Form MYPIO is
selected from the menu, a list of funds (other than the General Fund[County School
Service Fund]), for which there are general ledger data, will appear. To create a
multiyear projection, select the applicable fund from the list and click Ok. Only one fund
can be selected at a time.
Column A Column A reflects projected year totals for the current year, which is
the base year for the multiyear projection. The software will
automatically extract projected year totals data from the general ledger
for the selected fund.
Columns B & D Column B represents the percent change between the current and first
subsequent fiscal years. The percentages are automatically calculated
based on the amounts in Column A and the amounts entered in
Column C.
Column D represents the percent change between the first and second
subsequent fiscal years. The percentages are automatically calculated
based on the amounts entered in columns C and E.
Columns C & E Columns C and E represent the projections for the first and second
subsequent fiscal years. For each of the two subsequent fiscal years,
input the projected revenue and expenditure amounts. Also enter the
components of ending fund balance for each of the two subsequent
fiscal years. Internal form checks have been built into the form. The
following are messages that may appear in red on the screen and on
the printed form: “Cannot be negative; revise,” and “Negative; revise
assignments.” Upon closing the form a message box will identify this
condition, and the applicable warning or fatal exception will display
upon running the export TRCs.
Section E As noted on the form, provide the assumptions used to develop the
projections for the first and second subsequent fiscal years. Include an
explanation for any expenditure adjustments projected on Line B10.
Further, plans for how and when the negative ending fund balance will
be addressed should be provided in this section.
Note: Data in the “Budget” column of Form RL (budget period) is extracted into the
“Original Budget” column at first interim. Data in the “Original Budget” column as saved
at first interim (either the original extraction, or an adjusted number if the original
amount was overwritten and saved) is extracted into the “Original Budget” column at
second interim. Amounts keyed in the “Board Approved Operating Budget” and
“Projected Year Totals” columns at first interim are extracted into the same columns at
second interim. If adjustments to the figures are needed at second interim, LEAs will be
required to manually overwrite the amounts that were extracted from first interim.
LEAs are required (EC Section 33129) to use the Criteria and Standards adopted by the
State Board of Education (SBE) in developing their budgets and managing their
expenditures. In addition, Criteria and Standards are used to monitor the fiscal stability
of LEAs. After all other forms have been prepared and the data are validated through
the Technical Review Checklist, the Criteria and Standards Review form (Form 01CS for
budgets and Form 01CSI for interims) must be completed. Form 01CS (01CSI) is
accessed from the Forms menu option on the Main Menu and automatically opens upon
selecting Criteria and Standards.
The Criteria and Standards Review form has three sections: Criteria and Standards,
Supplemental Information, and Additional Fiscal Indicators. There are ten criteria and
standards, eight supplemental information items (nine in the interim periods), and nine
additional fiscal indicators. For COEs, there is the same number of supplemental
information items, but there are only eight criteria and standards and eight additional
fiscal indicators. All three sections must be completed; only general fund[CSSF] data
should be included unless otherwise indicated on the form. Where possible, data will be
extracted and preloaded from various sources into the Criteria and Standards Review
form. Some data must be manually input.
School districts and county offices prepare their budget and interim reports based on
the latest assumptions available to them, and we strongly encourage districts and
county offices to document and include those assumptions in the budget and interim
packages submitted for approval. Further, the reviewing agency may require this
information, as it is crucial in assessing the reasonableness and viability of the budgets
and the LEA's fiscal stability. It will allow the reviewing agencies to better understand the
budget and interim reports and to make more informed determinations as to whether
they are in compliance with the state-adopted Criteria and Standards for fiscal solvency.
At a minimum, the following assumptions should be identified and included in the
budget and interim packages. Additionally, individual reviewing agencies may require
more specific, or slightly different, information.
NOTE: The following assumptions are geared toward budget preparation. Interim
report assumptions should cover similar information with a focus on
explaining any material differences in the items between the current and
prior periods.
General Fund[CSSF]—Revenues
Revenue Limit
Identify reasons for significant changes in population (ADA and enrollment) and
any plans for addressing the fiscal impact on the budget.
Identify COLA projection and significant changes in the revenue limit over the
prior year not explained by growth or COLA changes.
Explain how ADA or enrollment projections were determined for the budget year,
including the methodology or basis used for the projections (e.g., cohort survival,
actual count).
Identify any equalization or other major changes to components of the revenue
limit calculation.
Federal Revenues
Identify significant changes in federal grants/entitlements and whether they are
included in the budget prior to or only upon approval by the federal agency.
Local Revenues
Identify the cash balances, interest rates, and method used to budget interest
Identify any Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs), including the issue amount,
costs, repayment schedule, and arbitrage.
Identify any significant changes in other local revenues, such as leases, rentals,
etc., over the prior year.
General Fund[CSSF]—Expenditures
Certificated and Classified Salary Costs
Identify the number of budgeted positions and any significant changes from the prior
year in the projected number of employees due to changes in population, staffing
ratio changes, or other changes due to contract amendments.
Identify projected changes in the salary schedule used in the budget. Explain
significant changes in salary costs not explained by changes in step and column
and COLA.
Identify changes related to the costs of step and column adjustments, attrition, and
any significant changes resulting from collective bargaining agreements.
Identify reasons and timelines for major assignments and commitments of ending
general fund[CSSF] balances.
Explain the assigned and committed components of the ending fund balance.
To ensure accuracy in the Criteria and Standards Review form, prior to completion of
Form 01CS (01CSI), general ledger data must be imported or key entered in the User
Data Input/Review screen, the general fund[CSSF] Form 01 (01I) must be opened and
saved, and key supplemental forms must be completed.
Extracted Data From Budget Year (2012-13) and Prior Year Actuals (2011-12)
Revenues, expenditures, and fund balances from general ledger data and from
Form 01 (01I) data (be sure to save Form 01 (01I) after importing or key entering
Fund 01)
Average daily attendance data from Form A (AI)
Revenue limit data from Form RL (RLI)
Juvenile court and county community schools data from Form JUV
Subsequent years’ data from Form MYP (MYPI), if used by the LEA
Cash balance from Form CASH (interim periods only), if used by the LEA
ensure more accurate reporting. (For additional information, see the Import of
Budget Period Data for Interim Use section on page 61.)
Unaudited Actual Data—The interim Criteria and Standards Review forms will
extract unaudited actual data for the prior fiscal year, if available. For LEAs that
prepare their interim reports using the same computer as they used to prepare
their prior year unaudited actuals, the unaudited actual data should be
automatically available and nothing further is needed. For those that prepare their
interim reports using a different computer than that used to prepare their prior year
unaudited actuals, the unaudited actual data must be imported into the new
computer in order to take advantage of the extractions.
First Interim Data—The interim Criteria and Standards Review form for second
interim will extract first interim data, if available, for comparison to second interim
data. For LEAs that prepare their second interim report using the same computer
as they used for first interim, the first interim data should be automatically available
and nothing further is needed. For those that prepare their second interim report
using a different computer than that used for first interim, the first interim data must
be imported into the new computer in order to take advantage of the extractions.
In the Criteria and Standards Review form, general fund[CSSF] data are
extracted from the general ledger data and from the saved Form 01 (01I).
Therefore, in addition to importing general fund[CSSF] data, Form 01 (01I)
must be opened and saved before completing the Criteria and Standards
Review form.
NOTE: Since fund data are extracted from general ledger data, as well as
from Form 01 (01I), invalid codes and combinations may cause the
extracted data to differ from the data displayed in the funds. It is
recommended that invalid codes and combinations be corrected prior
to completing the Criteria and Standards Review form. Run the
Import technical review checks to identify invalid codes and
After opening the Criteria and Standards Review form for the first time (at which
time the software will extract data preloaded by CDE, plus fund and
supplemental data), you may wish to print the form to use as a tool for gathering
data to complete it.
To make data entry and moving around in the form easier, you may wish to refer
to the Tips for Using the SACS Software section of this user guide. We
recommend using the Tab key to move throughout the form. The Enter key
is disabled in the Criteria and Standards Review form because of the columnar
structure of the form.
CAUTION: Please read each item in the Criteria and Standards Review form
carefully. The type of data being gathered, such as revenue limit
ADA or P-2 ADA, may change from question to question.
Detailed explanations are required within the Criteria and Standards Review form
when the criteria have not been met or supplemental information items indicate a
need for additional information.
After you have completed all of the applicable sections and have provided
required explanations, such as for criteria with a Not Met status, save and print
the form before closing.
At budget time, the budget certification (Form CB) indicates that the budget was
developed using the state-adopted Criteria and Standards. The certification and a
copy of the complete Criteria and Standards Review form must accompany the
budget when it is submitted to the school district's[COE's] governing board for
adoption. After the budget has been adopted, the county superintendent of
schools[SSPI] will conduct a review of each budget as follows:
Examine the adopted budget to determine whether it complies with the Criteria and
Standards. The county superintendent of schools[SSPI] shall identify, if
necessary, any technical corrections that must be made to bring the budget into
compliance with the Criteria and Standards.
Determine whether the adopted budget will allow the school district[COE] to meet its
financial obligations during the fiscal year, and is consistent with a financial plan
that will enable the school district[COE] to satisfy its multiyear financial
Additional ADA standard for COEs: Projected ADA for county operated programs for
any of the budget or two subsequent fiscal years has not increased from the historical
average from the three prior years by more than two percent each year.
This standard compares, for each of the previous three fiscal years, funded[other
purpose] revenue limit ADA estimated in the July 1 adopted budget (original
budget) to the actual revenue limit ADA reported.
The historical accuracy of projected revenue limit ADA is measured to determine
the reasonableness and reliability of the estimated ADA and resulting revenue
limit projections that are built into the current and two subsequent fiscal years'
Source of Data
Budgeted revenue limit ADA must be manually entered for each of the three prior
fiscal years, using the ADA reported on Form RL (Line 5c[5b], budget column)
[Form A, Line 27] that was filed with each year's adopted budget. For the budget
year, the revenue limit ADA reported on Form RL will be automatically extracted.
[For the budget year, the ADA reported on Form A for various county operated
programs will be automatically extracted. If Form MYP is used, other purpose
ADA will be extracted for the two subsequent fiscal years; projected ADA for
each program, including other purpose ADA if no Form MYP exists, must be
manually entered for each of the two subsequent fiscal years.]
Actual revenue limit funded[other purpose] ADA will be preloaded by the CDE
from the second and third prior years' unaudited actual submissions, and
extracted from Form RL[Form A] for the first prior year.
This standard compares the projected enrollment used as a basis in building ADA
for the July 1 adopted budget in each of the previous three fiscal years, to the
enrollment that was actually reported to the state on the California Basic
Educational Data System (CBEDS) in those three fiscal years.
The historical accuracy of enrollment projections is measured to determine the
reasonableness and reliability of the ADA that is built into the current and two
subsequent fiscal years' budgets.
Source of Data
Budgeted enrollment must be manually entered for all years, using the projected
enrollment data that were reported in the July 1 adopted budgets.
Actual enrollment for the second and third prior fiscal years will be preloaded by
CDE from the CBEDS data collection. These data may be overwritten to exclude
charter school enrollment that is not applicable to the district. Due to timing of the
software release, the actual CBEDS enrollment data for the first prior fiscal year
will not be available for preloading and must be manually entered.
This standard compares the ratio of P-2 ADA to enrollment used for each of the
budget and two subsequent fiscal years, to the historical average ratio from the
previous three fiscal years plus one half of one percent. For example, if the
average ratio for the prior three fiscal years was 95.5 percent, the standard would
be 96.0 percent (95.5 plus 0.5).
School districts generally have consistent ADA to enrollment ratios over time.
Because ADA is typically built from enrollment projections, and accurate ADA
estimates are an integral part of a well-built budget, this criterion will indicate
reasonableness and reliability of the budgeted/projected ADA and enrollment;
variances outside the standard may indicate over/under estimated ADA or
Source of Data
Manual input is not needed for the budget and three prior years. CBEDS
enrollment data will be linked from Criterion 2. P-2 ADA will be preloaded by CDE
from the second and third prior years' unaudited actuals, and extracted from
Form A for the first prior and budget years.
P-2 ADA and enrollment projections for each of the two subsequent fiscal years
must be manually entered unless Form MYP exists, in which case P-2 ADA for
the two subsequent fiscal years will be extracted.
For basic aid school districts[excess property tax counties], projected revenue limit has
not changed from the prior fiscal year by more than the percent change in property tax
revenues plus or minus one percent.
For school districts funded by necessary small school formulas, projected revenue limit
has not changed from the prior fiscal year amount by more than the funded COLA plus
or minus one percent.
This standard compares, for each of the budget and two subsequent fiscal years,
the projected percentage change in revenue limit to the total projected
percentage change for funded COLA plus population.
This standard measures the reasonableness of revenue limit projections for the
budget and two subsequent fiscal years and identifies those with a variance that
is greater than would be expected for just COLA and population changes.
Source of Data
If Form MYP exists, projected base revenue limit per ADA, revenue limit ADA,
and the deficit factor for each of the two subsequent fiscal years will be extracted;
if not, the base revenue limit per ADA and revenue limit ADA must be manually
entered and the deficit factors will be linked from the budget year, but may be
overwritten.[For COEs, the deficit factor for the budget year is extracted from
Form RL, along with the base revenue limit per ADA for each of the programs
included. The revenue limit ADA for the budget and prior years are linked from
Criterion 1. Percent changes due to COLA (net of deficit) and population for each
of the two subsequent fiscal years, and the percent allocation by ADA category
must be manually entered for each program. Note that the allocation by ADA
entries must equal 100% or the message "Line 2 must equal 100%" will appear
on the screen in red and on the printed form. In addition, a message will appear
upon exiting the form and upon running the export TRCs.] All other information
used in determining changes due to COLA and population is automatically
extracted from Form RL or calculated.
For basic aid school districts[excess property tax counties], local property tax
revenues projected for each of the two subsequent fiscal years must be manually
entered. Prior year and budget year amounts are automatically extracted from
Form RL.
The projected revenue limit for each of the two subsequent fiscal years must be
manually entered. COEs will also enter adjustments for transfers from school
districts for each of the two subsequent fiscal years. Prior year and budget year
amounts are automatically extracted from general ledger and Form RL data.
The software evaluates the three standards (revenue limit, basic aid, and
necessary small school)[two standards (revenue limit and excess property tax)]
and then indicates which is being used for this criterion.
This standard determines, for each of the budget and two subsequent fiscal
years, the ratio of salaries and benefits to total expenditures, and then it
compares the ratios to the district's historical average ratio which has been
adjusted by that year's reserve standard percentage or three percent, whichever
is greatest.[This standard compares, for each of the budget and two subsequent
fiscal years, the change in total salaries and benefits against the change in
funded COLA plus or minus five percent.]
This standard measures the reasonableness of projected unrestricted salaries
and benefits when compared to total unrestricted general fund expenditures
[changes in total salaries and wages when compared to changes in the funded
COLA] for the budget and two subsequent fiscal years. If salaries and benefits
are growing at a faster rate than total expenditures[funded COLA], significant
pressure is put on the remaining budget to provide for the increased cost of
salaries and benefits. Assumptions for COLA, salary increases, health and
welfare benefits increases, step and column adjustments, and staffing
adjustments due to population changes should all be taken into consideration
when reviewing this criterion.
Source of Data
Manual input is not needed for the budget year or for the three prior fiscal years
used to determine the historical average ratio. The expenditures for the budget
and first prior fiscal years are extracted from Form 01 while the expenditures for
the second and third prior fiscal years are preloaded by CDE from the prior years'
unaudited actual submissions.
For the two subsequent fiscal years, if Form MYP exists, the projected salaries
and benefits and total expenditures will be extracted; if not, the data must be
manually entered.
For each major object category, changes that exceed the percentage change in
population and the funded COLA[percentage change in funded COLA] plus or minus
five percent must be explained.
This standard measures the amount of change by major object revenue and
expenditure category, and by the sum of these major object revenue and
expenditure categories, for each of the budget and two subsequent fiscal years.
Following are the major object revenue and expenditure categories evaluated in
this criterion:
Federal Revenue (Objects 8100–8299)
Other State Revenue (Objects 8300–8599)
Other Local Revenue (Objects 8600–8799)
Books and Supplies (Objects 4000–4999)
Services and Other Operating Expenditures (Objects 5000–5999)
This standard measures the consistency from one year to the next of operating
revenues and expenditures. While changes are to be expected, it is also
reasonable to expect the amount of change to be close to that of the change in
funded COLA plus population[funded COLA]. Changes that exceed this by more
than five percent must be explained.
The standard also measures the total percentage change in operating revenues
and in expenditures. If either change is more than ten percent different than the
change in funded COLA plus population[funded COLA] then the standard is not
met. In this case, explanations will automatically be linked with explanations
provided for the major object comparison.
Source of Data
For the budget and first prior years, the operating revenues and expenditures will
be automatically extracted from general ledger data. If Form MYP exists, data for
the two subsequent fiscal years will be extracted; if not, the projections must be
manually entered for each major revenue and expenditure object category.
This standard compares, for those LEAs that participate in the programs, the
amounts budgeted for contribution to the deferred maintenance fund and the
ongoing and major maintenance account against the minimum amounts required
by law.
This standard determines whether the district[COE] is setting aside adequate
funds to maintain its facilities to the extent provided in statute. If not, this could
indicate future deterioration of facilities and could jeopardize future resources of
the LEA.
Source of Data
Deferred Maintenance
NOTE: SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009), as amended by SB 70
(Chapter 7, Statutes of 2011), eliminates the local match
requirement for Deferred Maintenance from 2008–09 through
2014-15. Therefore, Section 7A[5A] of Form 01CS has been
inactivated for that period.
The required OMMA/RMA contribution for school districts is calculated using one
percent of total expenditures and other financing uses (Fund 01,
objects 1000-7999). For school districts designated as the administrative unit of a
Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), and that choose to exclude the
special education pass-through revenues, the total expenditures and other
financing uses will be automatically adjusted to exclude the distribution of
revenues that are passed through to participating members of the SELPA
(objects 7211–7213 and 7221–7223, resources 3300–3499 and 6500–6540).
Note that the standard contains specific guidelines for calculating available reserves,
including that general fund[CSSF] negative balances in restricted resources will
decrease the amount of available reserves and that for SELPA administrative units
special education pass-through funds may be excluded from the amount of total
This standard compares, for each of the three prior fiscal years, the percentage
of deficit spending, if any, against a standard that is based on one-third of each
year's available reserves percentage.
The historical deficit spending trends from previous years, if any, can be used to
determine the reasonableness and reliability of the current budget. A pattern of
ongoing sizable deficits, if not addressed, will result in depleting reserves below
the state recommended level and may jeopardize the financial solvency of a
school district[COE].
Source of Data
General ledger and Form 01 data are preloaded by CDE from the unaudited
actual submissions for the second and third prior fiscal years and are extracted
from the budget period for the first prior and budget fiscal years.
This standard compares, for each of the three prior fiscal years, the estimated
beginning unrestricted general fund[CSSF] balance reported in the July 1
adopted budget (original budget) against the actual beginning unrestricted
general fund[CSSF] balance.
This standard measures the historical accuracy of the budgeted beginning
unrestricted general fund[CSSF] balance to determine the reasonableness and
reliability of the current and projected years' beginning fund balances. An
accurate beginning fund balance is critical in determining how much is available
to budget for expenditures; overestimating the beginning fund balance could
result in either deficit spending or mid-year budget reductions.
Source of Data
The budgeted beginning unrestricted general fund[CSSF] balances reported in
the original budgets (Form 01, Line F1e) for the three prior fiscal years must be
manually entered. These balances include any audit adjustments or restatements
reported in Form 01 as filed with the July 1 adopted (original) budget.
The actual beginning unrestricted general fund[CSSF] balances for the second
and third prior fiscal years are preloaded by CDE from the Form 01 that was filed
with the unaudited actual submissions. The beginning unrestricted fund balance
for the first prior fiscal year is extracted from the budget period Form 01.
For COEs, if Form MYP exists, the name of the SELPA(s) for which the LEA is
designated as an administrative unit will be automatically extracted, along with
the amounts of special education pass-through funds for the two subsequent
fiscal years. If Form MYP does not exist, the data must be manually entered, if
Note that the standard contains specific guidelines for calculating available reserves,
including that general fund[CSSF] negative balances in restricted resources will
decrease the amount of available reserves and that for SELPA administrative units
special education pass-through funds may be excluded from the amount of total
The standard compares, for the budget and two subsequent fiscal years, the
amount of budgeted reserves (less any Fund 01 negative ending balances in
restricted resources) against the minimum reserve amounts required by the
This standard determines whether the district[COE] meets the minimum reserve
amounts as defined by the Criteria and Standards. Inadequate reserves is a
major area of concern and may indicate a budget that is not approvable or a
budget that could be subject to intervention or assistance by the reviewing
agency, as provided by law.
Source of Data
For the budget year, total general fund[CSSF] expenditures and other financing
uses (including special education pass-through funds) and budgeted reserves
are extracted from general ledger data.
For the two subsequent fiscal years, if Form MYP exists, total general
fund[CSSF] expenditures and other financing uses (including special education
pass-through funds) and budgeted reserves will be extracted. If Form MYP does
not exist, the data must be manually entered, including the name of the
SELPA(s) for which the district is designated as an administrative unit.
For COEs for the two subsequent fiscal years, total expenditures and reserves
designated for economic uncertainties for Juvenile Court/County Community
Schools and Regional Occupational Center/Programs must be manually entered
if the COE chooses to use them for the reserve standard.
S4—Contingent Revenues
Identify projected revenues for any of the budget year and two subsequent fiscal years
that are contingent on reauthorization by the local government, special legislation, or
other definitive act (e.g., parcel taxes, forest reserves). If any of these revenues are
dedicated for ongoing expenses, explain how the revenues will be replaced or the
expenditures reduced.
Purpose of S1 Through S4
The purpose of these supplemental information items is to identify and disclose:
known or contingent liabilities
lapsing revenues that are funding ongoing activities
ongoing revenues currently funding one-time activities, thus freeing up
available resources
revenues included in the budget that are contingent on reauthorization
All of these items may materially impact the district's[COE's] current or two
subsequent fiscal years' budgets.
Identify projected contributions from unrestricted resources in the general fund[CSSF] to
restricted resources in the general fund[CSSF] for the budget year and two subsequent
fiscal years. Provide an explanation if contributions have changed from the prior fiscal
year amounts by more than $20,000 and more than ten percent. The explanation should
include whether contributions are ongoing or one-time in nature.
Identify projected transfers to or from the general fund[CSSF] to cover operating deficits
in either the general fund[CSSF] or any other fund for the budget year and two
subsequent fiscal years. Provide an explanation if transfers have changed from the prior
fiscal year amounts by more than $20,000 and more than ten percent. The explanation
should include whether transfers are ongoing or one-time in nature.
Estimate the impact of any capital projects on the general fund[CSSF] operational
This item identifies general fund[CSSF] pressures, i.e., any programs, funds, or
capital projects budgets that are out of balance and may need to be supported by
the district's[COE's] general fund[CSSF] operating budget, for any of the budget
or two subsequent fiscal years.
Source of Data
Projected contributions from unrestricted general fund[CSSF] programs to
restricted general fund[CSSF] programs must be manually entered for the two
subsequent fiscal years. For the first prior and budget years, the projected
contributions will be automatically extracted from general ledger data.
Interfund transfers (both to and from the general fund[CSSF]) used to cover
operating deficits must be manually entered for all years.
Click the appropriate Yes or No button to indicate whether or not there are capital
projects that may impact the general fund[CSSF] operational budget. If Yes,
additional information on the capital project(s) and the estimated fiscal impact to
the general fund[CSSF] must be manually provided.
S6—Long-Term Commitments
Identify all existing and new multiyear commitments and their annual required payments
for the budget year and two subsequent fiscal years. Include multiyear commitments,
multiyear debt agreements, and new programs or contracts that result in long-term
Explain how any increase in annual payments will be funded. Also explain how any
decrease to funding sources used to pay long-term commitments will be replaced.
The purpose of this item is to disclose all long-term commitments, identify their
funding sources, and explain any potential pressures on the general fund[CSSF].
Source of Data
All long-term commitment information must be entered manually.
The current software provides six lines to list long-term commitments. If more than six
commitments are being reported, an option is to combine like commitments to condense
the information onto the six lines, and then list the individual commitments in the
S7—Unfunded Liabilities
Estimate the unfunded liability for postemployment benefits other than pensions (OPEB)
based on an actuarial valuation, if required, or other method; identify or estimate the
annual required contribution; and indicate how the obligation is funded (pay-as-you-go,
amortized over a specific period, etc.).
The purpose of this item is to disclose unfunded liabilities that may materially
impact the district's[COE's] current or two subsequent fiscal years’ budgets.
Source of Data
All data are manually input to describe the OPEB and other self-insurance
programs, including method(s) of annually funding the programs and the
estimated or actuarial value of the accrued liability for the programs.
Note that the amounts reported in this section should tie to the Schedule of
Employer Contributions and the Schedule of Funding Progress in the notes to the
financial statements, but should not be expected to match the Net OPEB
Obligation reported in Form DEBT.
The purpose of this item is to analyze the status of labor negotiations in order to
estimate labor costs and their potential impact on the district's[COE's] current or
two subsequent fiscal years’ budgets, and to determine the reasonableness of
the salaries and benefits expenditures that are projected for the current and two
subsequent fiscal years' budgets.
Source of Data
All data for labor agreements must be manually entered.
column adjustments, and cost of any other benefits provided. Enter details for
agreements that are settled. If agreements are not settled, include information on
what it would cost for a one percent salary raise, and tentative salary schedule
amounts, if any, that were included in the budget.
To provide reviewing agencies with additional information on which to evaluate fiscal
solvency, and to provide state policy makers with information to evaluate statewide
issues and trends. NOTE: A Yes answer to any single indicator does not necessarily
suggest a cause for concern, but may alert the reviewing agency to the need for
additional review.
Source of Data
Click the appropriate Yes or No button for all items, except for item A3. Additional fiscal
indicator A3 will be automatically extracted from information in the Budget Enrollment
column of Criterion 2[Other Purpose ADA column of Criterion 1].
COEs are responsible for reviewing interim certifications for school districts and JPAs
within their jurisdiction and are required to report to the State Controller and SSPI
indicating the type of certification (positive, qualified, negative) filed by each district. The
CDE is responsible for reviewing interim certifications for COEs and school districts for
which the county board of education also serves as the district governing board. The
reviewing agency will confirm or reclassify the interim certifications.
Overview of the Criteria and Standards, Supplemental Information, and Additional Fiscal
Because of the many similarities between the Criteria and Standards for the budget and
interim periods, this section summarizes the interim standards and data sources.
Additional information, including the purpose for each item and additional data detail, is
available in the budget period section, Form 01CS—Criteria and Standards Review—
Budget, beginning on page 185.
NOTE: The interim Criteria and Standards Review form for the first interim will
extract budget adoption data, if available. In order to take advantage of
this feature, the budget adoption data must be imported into the interim
software. For additional information, see the Extracted Data—Interim
Periods Only section on page 182.
Projected ADA for county operated programs has not changed for any of the current
fiscal year or two subsequent fiscal years by more than two percent since the previous
reporting period.
Projected total salaries and benefits for any of the current fiscal year or two subsequent
fiscal years has not changed by more than five percent since the previous reporting
Changes that exceed five percent in any major object category must be explained.
Analyze the status of employee labor agreements. Identify new labor agreements that
have been ratified since the previous reporting period, as well as new commitments
provided as part of previously ratified multiyear agreements; include all contracts,
administrator contracts and compensation. For new agreements, indicate the date of the
required board meeting. Compare the increase in new commitments to the projected
increase in ongoing revenues, and explain how these commitments will be funded in
future fiscal years.
The purpose of this item is to identify the potential impact on the district's[COE's]
fiscal solvency of any other funds that may have negative balances at the end of
the current fiscal year. Include with your interim report and multiyear projection
the reasons for the negative fund balance(s) and plans for how and when the
problem(s) will be corrected.
There are two fatal supplemental TRCs (warning checks for JPAs) to ensure that all
three sections of the Criteria and Standards Review form (Form 01CS [01CSI]) have
been properly completed. In addition, a fatal unbalanced data check will alert the user if
certain data in the form are unbalanced or incorrect and a fatal dependency check will
alert the user if data that impact the form have been changed since the form was last
opened and saved.
For each of the criteria and standards, supplemental information items, and additional
fiscal indicators, the software makes a determination based on the information provided
whether or not the standards/items have been met (indicated as Met or Not Met) or are
outside of allowable limits or what might be considered desirable conditions (indicated
as Yes or No). These results are then summarized on the certification form (Form CB
[CI]) for information and review.
Data Sets
The Data Sets screen, located under the File menu option from the Main Menu, lists the
data sets (e.g., 2011-12 Unaudited Actuals) contained in your SACS software database.
The purpose of this screen is to identify what data are in the database and to provide for
deleting entire data sets (unlike the Delete feature in the User Data Input/Review screen
where data are deleted by record, fund, or form). The data sets are automatically sorted
by county number, LEA name, period, fiscal year, and type of data. You may re-sort the
data by clicking on the title bar above the column(s) by which you wish to sort. For
example, clicking on the Fiscal Year title will sort the data in order of fiscal year. To
return to the original sort order, either close and re-open the window, or click backwards
through the titles beginning at Type of Data.
To delete all data in a particular data set, click anywhere on the row to be deleted
(hold down the key and click each selection to delete more than one data set),
then click on the Delete Selected Data button. A delete verification message will
display a warning that both general ledger and supplemental data will be deleted.
When a data set is deleted, all general ledger and supplemental data for that period,
fiscal year, and type of data are deleted from the database.
LEA Maintenance
The LEA Maintenance screen, located under the File menu option from the Main
Menu, lists the counties, districts, and JPAs expected to use the software for
completing their financial reports, compiled according to the California Public Schools
Directory. (Charter schools expected to report are listed in the School Maintenance
screen. See page 213 for additional information.) If information for your LEA is not
correct in this table, please contact the Office of Financial Accountability and
Information Services by phone at 916-322-1770 or by e-mail at [email protected]
to report the differences and to receive instructions for updating the information in the
table. If your LEA is not included in this list, and you are required to report to the State,
your LEA can be added. In this screen click, on the Last Row button, then on the last
row of the list (where the "*" is), add the applicable information for your LEA.
CAUTION: Adding new LEAs to this table will cause inconsistencies between your
database and the State's database. Be sure to notify our office at the
above number if you need to add an LEA or make any modifications to this
School Maintenance
The School Maintenance screen, located under the File menu option from the Main
Menu, lists the charter schools that may use the software for completing their financial
reports. If information for your charter school is not correct in this table, please contact
the Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services by phone at
916-322-1770 or by e-mail at [email protected] to report the differences and to
receive instructions for updating the information in the table. If your charter school is not
included in this list, your charter school can be added. In this screen, click on the Last
Row button, then on the last row of the list (where the "*" is), add the applicable
information for your charter school.
The following list identifies the school type and charter type codes to be considered
when adding a charter school to the SACS software:
School Type
10 – County Community
14 – Juvenile Court
60 – Elementary
61 – Elementary in one School District
62 – Intermediate/Middle
63 – Alternative
64 – Junior High
65 – K-12
66 – High
67 – High in one School District
69 – District Community Day
70 – Adult Education Centers
Charter Type
C – County programs
D – District programs
CAUTION: Adding new charter schools to this table will cause inconsistencies
between your database and the State's database. Be sure to notify our
office at the above number if you need to add a charter school or make
any modifications to this table.
Update Validation
The Update Validation screen, located under the File menu option from the Main Menu,
allows users to update the valid codes and code combinations within the software. The
update routine is a three-step process that includes downloading the most current
tables from the Internet, unzipping that file, then running a routine in the SACS software
to replace the existing tables. While the process that downloads and unzips the tables
from the Internet usually only takes a few minutes, the update routine in the software
may take 10–15 minutes, depending on your PC's configuration.
If changes occur to the validation tables, revised tables are posted periodically to CDE's
Web site. We encourage all software users to subscribe to the SACS-update
mailing list for automatic e-mail notification of table updates by sending a blank
message to [email protected].
To download the most current validation tables and accompanying Microsoft Word and
Excel documents that describe the changes since the last update, go to the CDE's
SACS Web page:
Click on the link in the "The Validation Tables page contains software update
instructions" paragraph to access the instruction page. Clicking on the Validation Table
File link at the top of that page will open a "File Download" or "Save As" window. Save
the file to your C:\SACS2012ALL\Update folder. Click Save and the vtables.exe file will
be downloaded and saved into the C:\SACS2012ALL\Update folder. Close the
Download Complete box and close your Internet browser.
Once the download is complete, the zip file will need to be unzipped. Using a Windows
tool such as Windows Explorer or My Computer, locate the C:\SACS2012ALL\Update
folder. Double-click on the vtables.exe file to open the WinZip Self-Extractor window.
The default folder for the unzipped files is the same as for the zipped file,
C:\SACS2012ALL\Update. Make sure the Overwrite files without prompting box is
checked to overwrite the existing validation tables with the current ones, and then click
on Unzip. After the file is unzipped, a message will display indicating that 14 files
unzipped successfully. Click on OK, then close the WinZip Self-Extractor window. Verify
that your Update directory (again, the default is C:\SACS2012ALL\Update) has twelve
updated .txt files, one .doc file, and one .xls file in addition to the vtables.exe file.
NOTE: In order for the validation tables in the SACS software to reflect the new
updates, the Update Validation process must be run. Please see "Running
the Update" section below.
After the validation tables have been downloaded from the Internet and unzipped into
the Update subdirectory, the SACS software Update Validation routine must be run.
Within the SACS software, from the Main Menu click File, then Update Validation. A
prompt will ask for confirmation of the subdirectory that contains the validation tables.
If the subdirectory displayed is not correct, respond No and select the correct
subdirectory before proceeding. Once the correct subdirectory has been selected (the
default is C:\SACS2012ALL\Update), the update routine will begin. When the process
is complete, a message will appear confirming the validation table has been updated.
If you find it necessary to stop the update process, click on Cancel and the previous
validation tables will be restored.
Update Tables
The Update Tables screen, located under the File menu option from the Main Menu, is
primarily used by the CDE to update preloaded data tables (for example, prior year
ending balances) in the software database. Although the tables are usually updated
before the software is distributed, there may be instances where it is necessary for
LEAs to use this process to update their software with data provided by the CDE.
If table updates are necessary, the CDE will e-mail updated table files to county offices.
County offices will be responsible for distributing the files to the affected LEAs as well as
for updating their own software to ensure that it is "in sync" with the CDE and the
district, JPA, or charter school's updated software tables.
The Update Tables process is used to update preloaded data tables in
the software and is not used for updating the software's validation
tables. For instructions on updating the validation tables, please see
the Update Validation section (page 214) of this user guide.
If a district, JPA, or charter school's preloaded data tables are updated,
the county office will also need to update its preloaded data tables
to ensure its software is "in sync" with the CDE and the district, JPA, or
charter school's updated software tables.
Upon receipt of the update table file, save it in the C:\SACS2012ALL subdirectory, then
run the Update Table routine. Caution: Do not save the file in the
C:\SACS2012ALL\Update subdirectory, which is used exclusively for Validation
Table updates. Doing so will result in a software error the next time the Update
Validation routine is run. Within the software, from the Main Menu click File, then
Update Tables. Click on Browse for Input File, select the update table file in the
C:\SACS2012ALL subdirectory, then click on the Update Tables button. When the
process is complete, a "processing completed at [date] [time]" message will display.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents, accessed under the Forms menu option from the Main Menu,
is a complete list of all the forms available for the selected LEA type and reporting
period and is automatically created by the software upon opening the form.
G, S, and GS are used to identify the type of data contained in the form. A "G" displays
when general ledger data are either input or imported into the software, whether or not
the applicable form has been opened. An "S" displays when a supplemental form is
opened and saved, whether or not data were entered in the form. (Exception: For
funds, the "S" means that the fund form has been saved, and that supplemental data
exist for it.) "GS" displays when both types of data apply to the form.
Blank forms may be printed from the Table of Contents screen (using Blank LEA CDS
codes). See Printing Blank Forms on page 48 for additional information.
It is also from the Table of Contents screen that multiple forms can be printed at one
time. See Printing Multiple Forms beginning on page 48 for additional information.
Part of the financial reporting process requires a technical review of your data, including
verification that entries exist, agree, and are consistent across all funds and forms.
These checks are called the Technical Review Checklist (TRC) and are done from the
TRC option on the Main Menu (or from the Close and Go To Technical Review button on
the Import screen). While a complete TRC may be run at any time, it is best to complete
it in stages since different sections of the TRC are dependent on different data being
available. For additional information, see Data Processing Sequence beginning on page
All TRC exceptions should be looked at closely. As indicated above, fatal exceptions
must be corrected; warning exceptions must be corrected or, if the data are correct,
must be explained; and informational exceptions should be corrected or, if the data
are correct, an explanation is optional, but encouraged.
Type of Data
Choose the type of data to be run through the technical review check process (e.g.,
either Budget or Estimated Actuals for the budget period); the technical review
checks must be run separately for each type of data. The technical review checks
applied to the data are based on the current LEA and Reporting Period defined in the
Preferences screen (also displayed in the screen title bar).
For charter schools, all of the Import and General Ledger checks are
available to validate general ledger data, using both the county and district
account codes and combinations. Applicable Supplemental and Export
checks are available as well.
NOTE: If you receive Error #13 while running the TRC, please see Question 13
of Attachment B.
The TRC Explanations screen is used to review the TRC status and for keying
narratives for valid TRC exceptions. It is accessed by clicking the Explanations button
on the TRC screen or by choosing Explanations from the TRC option on the Main
The first step in clearing an exception is to determine if the check is applicable to your
agency. If so, and if the data have been verified as correct, provide an explanation of
the details supporting the exception. Please be specific; do not include general
explanations such as "Will be fixed next year," "OK," or "Don’t know." While the
checks have been written as detailed as possible, if an item does not apply to your
LEA, it is acceptable to provide brief explanations (e.g., N/A-xyz is not necessary in
our LEA because we do not have this program). Your explanations will provide the
reviewer of your report the information necessary to complete the review.
If an exception has been explained, but then subsequently corrected, the TRC will
automatically delete the explanation when the TRC is run again.
CAUTION: TRC Fatal (F) exceptions that have not been corrected, and TRC
Warning exceptions (W/WC) that have not been corrected or explained, will
prevent the software from doing an Official export (see Exporting Data—Official
on page 224). Fatal exceptions must be corrected; warning exceptions must be
corrected or, if the data are correct, must be explained.
Details of Checks:
CHECK TYPE—The check type (see page 218 for a list of the check types)
categorizes the severity of the check and is directly associated with the
check itself; it is not dependent on the LEA's data. The check type does not
change and is not an indication of whether or not the check has passed.
STATUS—The status field indicates the current status of the check and is
directly dependent on the LEA's data or explanations. When a (F)atal or
(W)arning check fails, the check type indicator also displays as the status until
it is corrected or explained. All checks must contain a status of (P)assed or
(E)xplained before Official export can occur. Inf(O)rmational checks are
automatically assigned a status of (P)assed.
Selected Technical Check—Upon selecting one of the technical review checks, this
box displays narrative describing the technical review check exception, if the
check has not passed.
Exporting Data
The Export module, accessed under the File menu option from the Main Menu,
enables users to create two types of export files: Official or Other.
Other—Run an Other export to create a data file for someone else to work
with, or to make a copy of your files as a precaution against loss. This feature
does not run the technical review checks and should not be used to submit
your data to the CDE.
The files created with either export option will be named with the LEA's 14-digit CDS
code, "ccdddddsssssss" where "cc" is the 2-digit county code, "ddddd" is the 5-digit
district code, and "sssssss" is the 7-digit school code. If the LEA is not a charter school,
the school code will be "0000000." Additionally, the export file names will end with
"reporting period" identifiers to provide for easy identification of file contents and to help
prevent overwriting data files from different periods (i.e., overwriting a budget reporting
period file with an unaudited actuals or interim reporting period file). For example, an
export file named "49706150000000BS1.dat" indicates that it contains July 1 Single
Budget data for 49-70615-0000000, Bellevue Union Elementary School District. (See
the chart on the next page for reporting period identifiers.)
Export files (both Official and Other) contain all general ledger and supplemental data
for the reporting period identified in Preferences, for the LEA(s) selected.
While you may choose multiple LEAs for export, you may only export data for the
reporting period currently defined in the Preferences screen.
Reports – continued
Once all of your data have been imported and/or entered, edited, and reviewed by
LEA staff, and the certification forms have been printed and signed, the data can be
exported to disk for submission to your reviewing agency, if necessary.
During the Official export process, the software will run the TRC for the applicable
data types to ensure the data are ready for an Official export. (See the table below for
the data types applicable to each reporting period's official export.) If any of the
technical review checks fail, the export process will abort, and the Export Log will
display the names of the exceptions, for each applicable data type, that prevent the
official export from occurring, as well as direct you to the TRC Explanations screen to
review the failed checks (exceptions) that are still outstanding. All outstanding
exceptions must be corrected or explained before an Official export can occur. If you
are using an Official option and exporting several LEAs, those that pass the checks
will be exported; only the LEAs with exceptions outstanding will not export.
Reports – continued
The default drive for this type of export is C:\. If desired, select a different drive
from the Export Drive and Directory dropdown box (e.g., your system’s CD or
diskette drive). Upon export, the software will create a subdirectory named
"SACS2012ALL\Official" on the selected drive; you are not able to designate
any other subdirectory for an Official export.
Select the LEA(s) you wish to export; the software will default to the LEA set in
Preferences. To select multiple LEAs, press and hold the key, then click
on each LEA to export.
Once the Export Drive, the Official option, and the LEA(s) have been selected
for export, click on the Export button to begin the export process, including the
validation checks.
At the end of each LEA's export, the Export Log displays the location (drive and
subdirectory) to which the LEA's file was exported.
Any existing files in the destination subdirectory with the same CDS codes and
"reporting period" identifiers as those being exported will be overwritten.
After the data are exported, the exported .dat file can then be used to import the data
into another computer by following the "IMPORT—OFFICIAL" directions in the
IMPORTING DATA section of this user guide (page 56).
Reports – continued
Verify that the Export Drive and subdirectory match your intended destination. The
default drive is C:\.
Select the Other option. (This is the default and should already be selected.)
Select the LEA(s) you wish to export; the software will default to the LEA set in
Preferences. To select multiple LEAs, press and hold the key and click on
each LEA to export.
Once the Export Drive and subdirectory, the Other option, and LEA(s) have been
selected for export, click on the Export button to begin the copy process. The
technical review checks will not be performed as they are during Official
At the end of each LEA's export, the Export Log displays the location (drive and any
subdirectories) to which the LEA's file was exported. Any existing files in the
destination subdirectory with the same CDS codes and "reporting period" identifiers
as those being exported will be overwritten.
After the data are exported, the exported .dat file can then be used to import the data
into another computer by following the "IMPORT—OTHER" directions in the
IMPORTING DATA section of this user guide (page 56).
Reports – continued
The Reports menu item allows the user to view and print various reports in addition to
and separate from the forms required for state reporting. The intent of providing these
additional reports is to reduce the administrative reporting burden on LEAs and to
eliminate duplication of effort for financial reporting to CDE program staff by automating
reports to the extent possible.
The first Reports menu option is the Program by Resource report. This report provides
financial data, for the program resource(s) selected by the user, in formats typically
requested by CDE program staff. For each combination of resource, fund, and project
year selected, the software extracts data from the SACS database and generates four
different versions of a report that details the amount available, the expenditures, the
difference between the amount available and the expenditures, and the percentage of
eligible expenditures spent on indirect costs. The four versions of the Program by
Resource report differ only in the way that expenditures are presented.
The Amount Available section is presented by object, the same way in all four versions
of the report: Beginning balances, revenues by type, other financing sources and
contributions, and deferred revenue at the end of the year.
The Balance (Total Available minus Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses) is
presented the same way in all four versions of the report. It is the calculated difference
Reports – continued
between the Total Available and the Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses
displayed in the report.
Indirect costs as a percentage of eligible expenditures are presented the same way in
all four versions of the report: Eligible expenditures, indirect costs, and indirect costs
divided by eligible expenditures.
The data for these reports are extracted from general ledger (GL) data or are calculated
within the report. The only data entry allowed is to identify the "expenditures through"
date shown on the report. This date can be entered, revised, or deleted on the first
worksheet. It will automatically be copied from there to the other three worksheets.
The report is available only for Actual data. It is not available for Budget data. The type
of Actual data used in the report depends on the reporting period defined in the
Preferences screen:
Note that you can use double-click, instead of OK, to generate the report after selecting
the records for inclusion. However, when the key is used to select multiple records
and is held down while double-clicking, the last record selected is deselected before the
report is generated. When Shift, or both Shift and , are used to select multiple
records and are held down while double-clicking, the last record selected is not
deselected before the report is generated. Also note that if more records are selected
than can be included in the report, those that were not included are not listed at the top
of the report.
Reports – continued
NOTE: Per CSAM Procedure 315, the Project Year code, where needed, applies
to revenues and expenditures but its use is optional for balance sheet
accounts. Therefore, if revenues or expenditures within the GL data are
reported by project year but beginning balances are not, and if not all
project years for a given resource are selected for inclusion in the report,
the calculated balance within the report (Total Available minus Total
Expenditures and Other Financing Uses) may not agree to the calculated
balance within the GL data for the resource as a whole (Object 979Z).
NOTE: The balances on the two versions of the report by object may differ from
the balances on the two versions of the report by function if invalid
account code combinations exist in the data. Any differences will be
resolved when all import technical review exceptions are cleared.
We are working closely with the CDE program staff with regard to the SACS data and
reporting options available for their programs. Until you receive specific instructions
from the CDE program staff to use these reports for periodic or end-of-year financial
reporting, we suggest you send the applicable Program by Resource report from SACS
along with the report requested by the CDE program staff.
The second Reports menu option is Determination of Major Funds (Form DTERM). This
report identifies which funds must be reported as major funds in the audited financial
statements by comparing the assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditures for
governmental and enterprise funds to determine which funds meet the ten percent and
five percent criteria defined in Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Statement 34.
The third option on the Reports menu is Government-wide Reporting, which contains
four submenu options: CNVRT, ENTRY, GSA, and GSNA. These include the conversion
Reports – continued
Government-wide conversion entries and reports should be prepared only after the
funds are closed. Fund accounting must be correct for conversion entries to work
properly. Conversion entries are not designed to correct accounting errors within the
NOTE: Certain worksheets must be saved, closed, and reopened in order for
related worksheets to extract linked data properly. This guide indicates
where this is so. If subsequent changes are made to worksheets prepared
early in the recommended processing sequence, worksheets prepared
later in the recommended processing sequence must be opened and
Where specialized codes appear in conversion entries, they are italicized to highlight
their specialized use.
Reports – continued
Functions 3000–3999 except 3600 and 3700 are summarized to Function 3900,
All Other Pupil Services.
Functions 4000–4999 are summarized to Function 4000, Ancillary Services.
Functions 5000–5999 are summarized to Function 5000, Community Services.
Functions 6000–6999 are summarized to Function 6000, Enterprise Activities.
Function 7700 is summarized to Function 7700, Centralized Data Processing
Functions 7000–7999, except 7700, are summarized to Function 7200, All Other
General Administration.
Function 8500 is summarized to Function 8500, Facilities Acquisition and
Functions 8000–8999 except 8500 are summarized to Function 8100, Plant Services.
Function 9100, objects 7431 through 7439, except 7434 and 7438, are
summarized to Function 9101, Debt Service - Principal.
Function 9100, objects 7434 and 7438, are summarized to Function 9102, Debt
Service - Interest.
Function 9100, objects 5800 and 7699, are summarized to Function 9103, Debt
Service - Issue Costs and Discounts.
Function 9200, objects 7110 through 7299, are summarized to Function 9200,
Transfers Between Agencies.
Function 9300, objects 7611–7629, are summarized to Function 9300, Interfund
Function 9300, objects 1000–7999, except 5800, 7110–7199, 7611–7629,
7431–7439 and 7699, are summarized to Function 9000, Other Outgo.
Function 0000, Object 6900, is summarized to Function 0000, Depreciation
Begin Balance (Beginning Balances): This worksheet contains the two entries
necessary to include the July 1 beginning balances of Capital Assets and
Long-term Liabilities relating to governmental activities in the government-wide
consolidation. A detailed discussion of each beginning balance entry is provided
below. Beginning balance entries are extracted automatically to the Fund
Consolidation worksheet (see below).
These entries are required each year at least until such time as CDE collects
Reports – continued
government-wide data from all LEAs and can preload prior year balances into the
Reports – continued
When the ENTRY workbook is saved, closed, and reopened, conversion entries
from the Detail worksheet post automatically to the Conversion Entry Summary
worksheet (see below).
CE001 Data by Fnc: This worksheet displays the data extracted for the first
conversion entry, CE001, summarized and sorted by function. This worksheet is
provided for user reference and analysis. No key entry is required or permitted. A
detailed discussion of Conversion Entry CE001 is provided below.
CE001 Data by Obj: This worksheet displays the data extracted for the first
conversion entry, CE001, summarized and sorted by object. This worksheet is
provided for user reference and analysis. No key entry is required or permitted. A
detailed discussion of Conversion Entry CE001 is provided below.
Reports – continued
The appropriate entry is to debit capital asset accounts and credit accumulated
depreciation accounts for the July 1 balances of capital assets and accumulated
depreciation. The software will automatically calculate and post the difference to
beginning net assets.
The appropriate entry is to debit prepaid expense for unamortized issue costs,
credit liability accounts for the July 1 balances of long-term liabilities, and debit or
credit liability accounts for unamortized debt issue discount or premium. The
software will automatically calculate and post the difference to beginning net
In the consolidation and conversion process, the fund, resource, and goal identities of
transactions are largely ignored. Generally, only function (for expenditures) and object
(for revenues, assets, and liabilities) remain meaningful. Resource codes are used only
where it is necessary to distinguish program revenues from general revenues. In this
case resource range 2000–9999 is used to distinguish program revenues, and resource
range 0000–1999 is used to distinguish general revenues.
Reports – continued
Government-wide conversion entries and reports should be prepared only after fund
accounting is complete and the funds are closed. Fund accounting must be correct for
conversion entries to work properly. Conversion entries are not designed to correct
accounting errors within the funds.
To the extent possible, general ledger (GL) data are extracted and a proposed default
conversion entry is provided based on assumptions defined for each entry. User
adjustments are allowed for most default entries. Where it is not possible to extract GL
data and provide a default entry, user input is required to create the entry.
For each entry, data extracted from the GL are displayed in the Extracted Data column.
The proposed default conversion entry is displayed in the Default Conversion of
Extracted Data column. In most entries, users may adjust the proposed default
conversion entry in the User Adjustments column. The Default Conversion of Extracted
Data column and the User Adjustments column are combined and displayed in the final
Conversion Entry column. User input is allowed only in the User Adjustments column; all
other columns are locked.
An Unbalanced message will display for any entry in which debits do not equal credits in
the final Conversion Entry column. For example, occasionally a default conversion entry
will be out of balance due to rounding of extracted data. The user must then adjust for
the rounding difference in the User Adjustment column to eliminate the Unbalanced
condition in the final conversion entry.
The software contains twenty-two defined conversion entries. It is likely that most LEAs
will not need all twenty-two of the conversion entries.
Reports – continued
Because of the large volume of GL data extracted for this entry, the extracted
data are displayed in two separate worksheets rather than in the Extracted Data
column. In the worksheet titled CE001 Data by Fnc, the extracted data are
sorted, subtotaled, and displayed by function. In the worksheet titled CE001 Data
by Obj, the extracted data are sorted, subtotaled, and displayed by object. The
extracted data are provided for user review and analysis. No key entry is required
or permitted.
Users may adjust the proposed default conversion entry in the User Adjustments
Reports – continued
It is not uncommon for Entry CE001 to be out of balance due to rounding of the
extracted data. In that event, an Unbalanced message will display. The user must
adjust for the rounding difference in the User Adjustment column to eliminate the
Unbalanced condition in the final conversion entry.
In the governmental funds, debt service expenditures were debits to the Debt
Service function. To eliminate the expenditures, the Debt Service function must
be credited, and long-term liability accounts must be debited.
Users may adjust the proposed default conversion entry in the User Adjustments
Reports – continued
Issue costs: In the governmental funds, issue costs were reported as debits to
the Debt Service function. To eliminate them, the Debt Service function must be
credited, and the prepaid expense (deferred charges) account must be debited
Object 9330 is debited for issue costs reported in objects 5400, 5450,
and 5800.
Object 9669 is credited for proceeds reported in objects 8931 and 8961
and for premium reported in Object 8979.
Object 9669 is debited for issue discount reported in Object 7699.
Reports – continued
Users may adjust the proposed default conversion entry in the User Adjustments
The appropriate conversion entry is to debit a capital asset account and credit
general revenue or program revenue. Users may input the necessary amounts in
the User Adjustments column.
Reports – continued
Disposals may occur through sale, trade-in, or scrap. In the governmental funds,
any proceeds from disposals of capital assets were reported as credits to
revenue or Other Financing Sources. To adjust or eliminate them, revenue or
Other Financing Sources must be debited, a capital asset account must be
credited, and accumulated depreciation must be debited.
Data potentially relating to proceeds from the disposal of capital assets are
extracted from governmental funds 01 through 57, objects 8631 and 8953. The
extracted data are displayed, but no default conversion entry is provided because
user analysis is required.
The appropriate conversion entry is to eliminate the carrying value of the capital
asset that was disposed of by debiting accumulated depreciation and crediting
the capital asset account. Any gain is reported as income. Any loss is reported in
the General Administration function. It will usually be necessary to adjust or
eliminate amounts reported in the funds as proceeds from the disposal. Users
may input the necessary amounts in the User Adjustments column.
The purpose of this entry is to recognize revenues that were earned in the
current period, but that were not recognized in governmental funds because they
were not "available" for purposes of the modified accrual basis of accounting.
Reports – continued
and credit either program revenue or general revenue. Users may input the
necessary amounts in the User Adjustments column.
Note that for LEAs, earned but unavailable revenues are rare. A unique example
was that portion of the 2001 Special Education Mandate Settlement that LEAs
were legally guaranteed to receive, but in increments over a ten-year period.
Traditional mandate reimbursements are not recorded as receivables in
governmental funds, so are not included in this entry.
The purpose of this entry is to eliminate certain revenues and deferred revenues
that were recognized in the government-wide statements in a prior period, but
that were reported in governmental funds in the current period.
The appropriate conversion entry is to debit the debt service function and credit
either accounts payable or, in the case of deep-discount or capital appreciation
bonds, the debt itself. Users may input the necessary amounts in the User
Adjustments column.
Reports – continued
The purpose of this entry is to recognize the change in liabilities for compensated
absences. Liabilities for compensated absences are accrued in governmental
funds only to the extent of amounts that have come due as of June 30, because
the remainder is not normally expected to be liquidated with current financial
The purpose of this entry is to adjust the Work in Progress account for previously
capitalized costs of projects that were still in progress at the end of the prior fiscal
year but have since been completed; or, more rarely, to write off previously
capitalized costs of projects that will not be completed.
Reports – continued
The appropriate conversion entry for projects that have been completed is to
debit capital asset accounts and credit the Work in Progress account. The
appropriate conversion entry for projects that will not be completed is to debit the
General Administration function (where project planning costs would have been
reported had they not been capitalized) and credit the Work in Progress account.
Users may input the necessary amounts in the User Adjustments column.
The purpose of this entry is to recognize the current year expense for
depreciation of capital assets used in governmental activities, and to adjust the
related contra-asset accounts for accumulated depreciation. Very rarely, this
entry would also be used to recognize the permanent impairment of capital
The purpose of this entry is to recognize the current year amortization of debt
issue premiums, discounts, and deferred charges relating to past issuance of
long-term debt.
Reports – continued
The purpose of this entry is to incorporate the assets and liabilities of internal
service funds with the assets and liabilities of governmental funds for
government-wide reporting. Internal service funds are presumed to primarily
benefit governmental activities, so their assets and liabilities are reported in the
governmental activities column on the government-wide statements.
Internal service fund assets and liabilities are extracted from funds 66
through 68, objects 9110–9499 and objects 9500–9699.
The default conversion entry is:
NOTE: Any current year change in net assets for internal service funds
must be accounted for in Entry CE015, Entry CE016, or both.
The purpose of this entry is to eliminate any profit or loss in internal service funds
resulting from internal activity within the LEA. Internal service funds are
presumed to operate on a break-even basis for the benefit of the participating
governmental activities or functions. To eliminate any redundancy in reporting
government-wide revenues and expenditures, any profit or loss from internal
service fund operations within the LEA needs to be allocated back to the
functions that were overcharged or undercharged for the services provided. This
is done using a look-back approach based on the proportionate participation of
each function.
Reports – continued
Assume that the internal service fund generated a profit from internal activities of
$1,000. Using a look-back approach, the costs reported for the participating
functions should be reduced as follows:
NOTE: Any current year change in net assets for internal service funds
must be accounted for in Entry CE015, Entry CE016, or both.
The purpose of this entry is to include that portion of internal service fund
revenues, expenditures, and profit or loss generated by transactions with parties
outside the LEA, plus any interfund transfers within the LEA. Internal service
funds are presumed to primarily benefit governmental activities, so any profits or
Reports – continued
losses from activities outside the LEA are reported in the governmental activities
column on the government-wide statements.
Data relating to interfund transfers of internal service funds are extracted from
internal service funds 66 through 68, Object 7619, Function 9300, and
Object 8919.
The appropriate conversion entry for revenues, expenditures, and net profit
generated by parties outside the LEA is to debit expenditures and credit either
program revenues or general revenues for the appropriate amounts. Users may
input the necessary amounts in the User Adjustments column. The software will
automatically calculate and post the balance to Object 979Z, Net Assets.
NOTE: Any current year change in net assets for internal service funds
must be accounted for in Entry CE015, Entry CE016, or both.
Interfund transfers out are debits and interfund transfers in are credits. To
reclassify those involving fiduciary funds, Other Outgo - Interfund Transfers must
be credited and Other Outgo - All Other Transfers Out must be debited. Other
Sources - Interfund Transfers must be debited and Other Transfers In From All
Others must be credited.
Reports – continued
Users may adjust the proposed default conversion entry in the User Adjustments
column in the Governmental Funds and Proprietary Funds sections. The default
conversion in the Fiduciary Funds section may not be adjusted.
Interfund receivables are debits and interfund payables are credits. To reclassify
those involving fiduciary funds, Due From Other Funds must be credited and
Accounts Receivable debited, and Due To Other Funds must be debited and
Accounts Payable credited.
Reports – continued
Data relating to interfund balances are extracted from all funds, objects 9310
and 9610. Data for the Governmental, Proprietary, and Fiduciary Fund categories
are displayed separately. Within the Proprietary Funds category, the enterprise
and internal service fund types are displayed separately.
Users may adjust the proposed default conversion entry in the User Adjustments
column in the Governmental Funds and Proprietary Funds sections. The default
conversion in the Fiduciary Funds section may not be adjusted.
Interfund transfers in are credits and interfund transfers out are debits. To
eliminate them, interfund transfers in must be debited and interfund transfers out
must be credited.
Reports – continued
Proprietary, and Fiduciary Fund categories are displayed separately. Within the
Proprietary Funds category, the enterprise and internal service fund types are
displayed separately.
Balances due from other funds are debits and balances due to other funds are
credits. To eliminate them, Due From Other Funds must be credited and Due To
Other Funds must be debited.
Data relating to interfund balances are extracted from all funds, objects 9310
and 9610 net of Conversion Entry CE018, and are displayed separately for each
category of funds (Governmental Funds, Proprietary Funds, and Fiduciary
Reports – continued
The purpose of this entry is to recognize any difference between an LEA's annual
accrual-basis OPEB cost and the LEA's actual OPEB contributions as defined by
GASB Statement 45. Any contribution deficiency or surplus must be reported as
a Net OPEB Obligation on the statement of net assets.
NOTE: For LEAs that self-insure for OPEB, since the self-insurance fund is
reported on the accrual basis, any Net OPEB Obligation will have
already been accrued and this conversion entry will not be
Entry CE022: Other Liabilities Not Normally Liquidated With Current Financial
The purpose of this entry is to accrue expenses and liabilities for obligations
incurred during the year that will not be liquidated with current financial resources
(other than obligations for compensated absences and long-term debt, which are
addressed in separate conversion entries). Examples include special termination
Reports – continued
The extraction criteria for each row are displayed in the Resource, Function, and
Object columns. All data in this worksheet are extracted from GL fund data or
Beginning Balance entries. No key entry is required or permitted. The
consolidated trial balance data post automatically to the Conversion Worksheet
(see below).
All data in this worksheet are linked from the Fund Consolidation or extracted
from the Conversion Entry Summary. Amounts displayed in the Entry Amounts
column can be traced to the conversion entries cited in the Entry Numbers
column. No key entry is required or permitted except in the Other Worksheet
Adjustments column (see below).
The user should review the Conversion Worksheet carefully. In particular, the
user should ensure that no data exist in shaded cells, as these will not pull
to the government-wide statements.
Reports – continued
Program revenue data are extracted from GL data, conversion entries, and the
conversion worksheet. The extraction of program revenue uses the criteria
displayed in the resource and object columns on the Conversion Worksheet. In
extracting program revenues, contributions and transfers in objects 8091–8096,
8098–8099, and 8980–8998 are ignored.
Program revenues are initially identified to the functions that generated them
using the methodology and default assumptions described below. Users may
adjust the default identification of revenues to functions if the default does not
accurately represent the functions that generated the revenues.
Reports – continued
In the sections for Charges for Services and Operating Grants and Contributions,
program revenues extracted from GL data are displayed by resource at the left.
To the right, five rows of information are displayed for each resource:
The sections for Capital Grants and Contributions function similarly to the
preceding sections, except:
Reports – continued
Users may adjust the default identification of program revenues by function in the
User Adjustments rows. All other rows are locked.
At the bottom of the sections for governmental activities, three final rows are
At the bottom of the sections for business-type activities, only one final row is
Reports – continued
The user must clear all Unbalanced and User Adjustment Required conditions in
order for amounts to pull through correctly to the government-wide statements.
Reports – continued
When the CNVRT workbook is saved, closed, and reopened, the Program
Revenue Detail worksheet totals post automatically to the Program Revenue
Summary (below).
Statement of Net Assets: This is the Statement of Net Assets required by GASB
Statement 34. All data are extracted, either from the Statement of Net Assets
column of the Conversion Worksheet (for governmental activities) or from GL
data (for business-type activities), except for the following two items for which
key entry is required:
Identification of long-term liabilities due within one year and due in more than
one year. An Unbalanced message will display until these amounts are
Identification of net assets invested in capital assets net of related debt; restricted for
capital projects; restricted for debt service; restricted for educational programs;
restricted for other purposes (expendable and nonexpendable); and unrestricted.
An Unbalanced message will display until these amounts are entered.
Reports – continued
The user should review the reconciliation to ensure that "Total fund balances,
governmental funds" ties to the governmental fund balances and that "Total net
assets, governmental activities" ties to the statement of net assets. It may be
necessary to manually adjust for minor differences due to rounding before
including the reconciliation in the final financial statements.
Note that in the Statement of Net Assets, the Governmental Activities column
includes the assets and liabilities of internal service funds, which are
non-governmental funds. Therefore, assets and liabilities displayed as
reconciling items on the GSNA Reconciliation will differ in amount from the
assets and liabilities reported on the Statement of Net Assets by any amounts
relating to internal service funds.
The user should review the reconciliation to ensure that "Total change in fund
balances, governmental funds" ties to the changes in governmental fund
Reports – continued
balances and that "Changes in net assets of governmental activities" ties to the
statement of activities. It may be necessary to manually adjust for minor
differences due to rounding before including the reconciliation in the final
financial statements.
The fourth option on the Reports menu is the Special Education MOE. It contains two
reports for the unaudited actuals period: SEMA, Special Education MOE—Actual vs.
Actual Comparison and SEMB, Special Education MOE—Budget vs. Actual
Comparison, and one report for the interim periods: SEMAI, Special Education MOE—
Projected vs. Actual Comparison. These reports contain the worksheets necessary to
determine compliance with the special education maintenance of effort (MOE)
The level of effort an LEA must meet in the year after it fails to maintain effort is the level
of effort that it should have met in the prior year, not the LEA’s actual expenditures in
that year. In other words, each year’s maintenance of effort requirement is based on the
amount that was expended in the last year that the LEA maintained effort.
To determine compliance with this requirement, two sets of MOE comparisons are done
for each fiscal year: one at the beginning of the year, when the special education budget
is compared with the prior year's actual expenditures, and another after the end of the
year, when the special education actual expenditures for that year are compared with
Reports – continued
those for the prior year. The unaudited actuals reporting period in the SACS software
contains the form comparing the actual expenditures for 2011-12 with those for 2010-11
(SEMA), and the form comparing the 2012-13 budget with the 2011-12 actual
expenditures (SEMB).
The comparisons are done at the SELPA level as well as the LEA level. The CDE
monitors compliance at both the SELPA and LEA levels. CDE will work with the SELPA
Administrative Units (AUs) if an individual member LEA is determined to have not met
the MOE requirement.
The comparisons verify if the level of effort required was met on an aggregate
expenditures basis or on a per capita basis. The comparisons are applied to the
combined state and local expenditures and to local expenditures only. The "local
expenditures only" method is not another requirement that must be met; rather it is an
option that is available for the SELPA or LEA to use if the requirement is not met based
on combined state and local expenditures or if it is more advantageous for the SELPA or
LEA to use the “local expenditures only” method.
The requirements discussed here also apply to charter schools. Please refer to
page 283 for charter school SEMOE reporting procedures.
To assist LEAs and SELPAs in monitoring their MOE compliance during the year, the
SACS software also includes an MOE reporting feature for the interim periods. The
report, SEMAI, Special Education MOE—Projected vs. Actual Comparison, compares
the special education 2012-13 projected expenditures with the 2011-12 actual
expenditures to determine if the required level of fiscal effort will be met at the end of
the year. The interim MOE report is not required to be submitted to the CDE.
Reports – continued
A. SEMA – Special Education MOE – 2011-12 Actual vs. 2010-11 Actual Comparison:
LEA Worksheets:
1. 2011-12 Expenditures by LEA (LE-CY) Expenditures extracted from general ledger data;
unduplicated pupil count, as of December 1, 2011,
manually entered.
2. 2010-11 Expenditures by LEA (LE-PY) Manual entries, based on 2010-11 Report SEMA and
SACS2012ALL data.
3. LEA Maintenance of Effort Calculation (LMC-A) Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3.B.2., Base data
manually entered; Section 3 figures, except for
Section 3.B.2, Base, extracted from LE-CY and LE-PY
SELPA Worksheets:
4. 2011-12 Expenditures by SELPA (SE-CY) Manual entries, posted from LE-CY worksheets of
SELPA members.
5. 2010-11 Expenditures by SELPA (SE-PY) Manual entries, posted from LE-PY worksheets of
SELPA members.
6. SELPA Maintenance of Effort Calculation (SMC-A) Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3.B.2., Base data
manually entered; Section 3 figures, except for
Section 3.B.2, Base, extracted from SE-CY and SE-PY
B. SEMB – Special Education MOE – 2012-13 Budget vs. 2011-12 Actual Comparison:
LEA Worksheets:
1. 2012-13 Budget by LEA (LB-B) Budget figures extracted from general ledger data; best
estimate for December 2012 unduplicated pupil count
manually entered.
2. 2011-12 Expenditures by LEA (LE-B) Expenditures extracted from general ledger data;
unduplicated pupil count, as of December 1, 2011,
manually entered.
3. LEA Maintenance of Effort Calculation (LMC-B) Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3.B.2., Base data
manually entered; Section 3 figures, except for
Section 3.B.2, Base, extracted from LB-B and LE-B
SELPA Worksheets:
4. 2012-13 Budget by SELPA (SB-B) Manual entries, posted from LB-B worksheets of SELPA
5. 2011-12 Expenditures by SELPA (SE-B) Manual entries, posted from LE-B worksheets of SELPA
6. SELPA Maintenance of Effort Calculation (SMC-B) Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3.B.2., Base data
manually entered; Section 3 figures, except for
Section 3.B.2, Base, extracted from SB-B and SE-B
Reports – continued
Overview of Reporting Process and Requirements for both SEMA and SEMB
LEA completes the three LEA worksheets for the report being done.
If LEA is a member of a multi-agency SELPA, LEA submits the worksheets
to the SELPA AU.
If LEA is a single-agency SELPA, LEA submits the worksheets (in hard
copy form) to the CDE at the address listed on page 262.
SELPA AU completes the three LEA worksheets for its own MOE data for the
report being done.
SELPA AU prepares the SELPA worksheets based on the SELPA members’ LEA
worksheets to compile the SELPA figures and determine if MOE requirement was
met on a SELPA-wide basis.
SELPA AU submits the three SELPA worksheets and LEA Maintenance of
Effort Calculation worksheet from member LEAs (in hard copy form) to
the CDE at the address listed on page 262.
Due Dates
The reports are due as follows:
Report SEMB
Due to SELPA AU: September 15, 2012: LEA worksheets from member
Report SEMA
Due to SELPA AU: November 16, 2012: LEA worksheets from member
Reports – continued
Select the LEA and the unaudited actuals reporting period in the
Setup/Preferences menu.
Select the SELPA for which the MOE report is being done:
Open Form SEAS from the Forms/Supplementals menu, and enter the
2-character code of the applicable SELPA from the displayed list.
Click Save, and then Close the Form SEAS window. (See the Special
Education Revenue Allocation Setup (SEAS) section on page 163 for
additional instructions in completing Form SEAS.)
Reports – continued
Reports – continued
The Object 8980 amount extracted represents total contributions from unrestricted
revenues to federal resources for the special education program. Since the
expenditures paid from these contributions are included in the "TOTAL (federal
expenditures) BEFORE OBJECT 8980," an amount equivalent to the contributions
is deducted from that total to arrive at the net expenditures paid from federal
sources. The same Object 8980 amount is added to the STATE AND LOCAL
Revenue Limit Transfers, Object 8091, and Revenue Limit Transfers–Prior Years,
Object 8099, from unrestricted revenues to the special education program are
included here.
Reports – continued
The sources for the numbers to be input in this report are: 1) the prior year's SEMA
Report, 2010-11 Expenditures by LEA (LE-CY), and 2) SACS2012ALL unaudited actual
general ledger data.
Reports – continued
Line 3 Restatements
Enter any restatements of the 2011-12 beginning fund balances
made in 2011-12 that affected the 2010-11 special education
expenditures, as reflected in Object 9795, Other Restatements, for
the funds and resources as indicated on the report if that
restatement is not included on Line 1.
Line 1 Enter the unduplicated pupil count reported in the 2010-11 Report
SEMA, 2010-11 Expenditures by LEA (LE-CY) worksheet in last
year's actual vs. actual MOE report. This would be the unduplicated
pupil count for December 2010.
Reports – continued
At the top of the form, after reviewing all sections of the form, please select the method
your LEA chooses to use to meet the MOE requirement. Click on the gray button next to
the selected method.
Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3, Part B are completed, if necessary, similarly to the
same sections in the SELPA Maintenance of Effort Calculation (SMC-A) worksheet,
except that the figures used in LMC-A are those that pertain to the LEA (as opposed to
the entire SELPA). Please refer to SELPA Maintenance of Effort Calculation (SMC-A)
worksheet below for a description of these sections and how they are completed.
At the bottom of the form, enter in the appropriate lines the name of the contact person
for this report and that person's title, telephone number, and e-mail address. A warning
message will display when closing the report if the information is not entered.
Enter in the Adjustments column any additions to or deductions from the amounts
reported by the member LEAs, as necessary. Provide detailed explanations for the
adjustments on a separate page, which should be submitted with this worksheet.
Supporting documentation must be maintained, and should be available upon request
from the CDE.
Reports – continued
Enter in the Adjustments column any additions to or deductions from the amounts
reported by the member LEAs to make the components of the 2010-11 expenditures
comparable to those of the 2011-12 expenditures. Provide detailed explanations for the
adjustments on a separate page, which should be submitted with the worksheets.
Supporting documentation must be maintained, and should be available upon request
from the CDE.
At the top of the form, after reviewing all sections of the form, please select the method
your SELPA chooses to use to meet the MOE requirement. Click on the gray button
next to the selected method.
Reports – continued
Enter in the respective lines of Section 1 the amounts resulting from any of these
events. The software will automatically add the amounts and carry the total
exempt reductions to Section 3.
NOTE: ESEA includes Title I, Impact Aid, and other ESEA programs.
Impact Aid is considered general aid to the recipient school
districts; these districts may use the funds in whatever manner they
choose in accordance with their local and State requirements. LEAs
typically use Impact Aid for a wide variety of expenditures including
the salaries of teachers and teacher aides; purchasing textbooks,
computers, and other equipment; after-school programs and
remedial tutoring; advanced placement classes; and special
enrichment programs. For more information see “About Impact Aid”
Reports – continued
substantial impact on an LEA’s ability to reduce its MOE requirement through the
50 percent rule. See examples below, in scenario 1 and 2, for details.
Enter in the appropriate lines the total IDEA Part B Section 611 funding received
and accrued during 2011–12 (current year funding line) and 2010–11 (prior year
funding line). The software calculates the increase, if any, and 50 percent of that
Enter in the appropriate line the total IDEA Part B Section 619 funding received
and accrued during 2011–12 (current year line). The software calculates 15
percent of Part B Funding, the maximum amount available for EIS.
Scenario 1: The maximum amount that the LEA may set aside for EIS is greater
than the maximum “50 percent reduction” amount
Enter in the appropriate line the amount, or $0 if not applicable, set aside for EIS.
This amount is limited to the maximum amount available for EIS. The software
calculates the amount available for reduction of the MOE requirement.
If the LEA chooses to set aside $150,000 for EIS, it may not reduce its
MOE (MOE maximum $50,000 less $150,000 for EIS means $0 can be
used for MOE).
If the LEA chooses to set aside $100,000 for EIS, it may not reduce its
MOE (MOE maximum $50,000 less $100,000 for EIS means $0 can be
used for MOE).
If the LEA chooses to set aside $50,000 for EIS, it may not reduce its
MOE (MOE maximum $50,000 less $50,000 for EIS means $0 can be
used for MOE).
Reports – continued
If the LEA chooses to set aside $30,000 for EIS, it may reduce its MOE by
$20,000 (MOE maximum $50,000 less $30,000 for EIS means $20,000
can be used for MOE).
If the LEA chooses to set aside $0 for EIS, it may reduce its MOE by
$50,000 (MOE maximum $50,000 less $0 for EIS means $50,000 can be
used for MOE).
Enter in the State and Local column and, if applicable, in the Local Only column,
the portion of the available amount being used to reduce the MOE requirement.
This amount is limited to the calculated available amount for reduction of the
MOE requirement.
Scenario 2: The maximum amount that the LEA may set aside for EIS is less
than the maximum “50 percent reduction” amount
Enter in the appropriate line the amount, or $0 if not applicable, used to reduce
the MOE requirement. The software calculates the amount available to set aside
for EIS.
If the LEA chooses to use no funds for MOE, it may set aside $300,000 for
EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $0 means $300,000 for EIS).
If the LEA chooses to use $100,000 for MOE, it may set aside $200,000
for EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $100,000 means $200,000 for EIS).
If the LEA chooses to use $150,000 for MOE, it may set aside $150,000
for EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $150,000 means $150,000 for EIS).
If the LEA chooses to use $300,000 for MOE, it may not set aside
anything for EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $300,000 means $0 for
Reports – continued
If the LEA chooses to use $500,000 for MOE, it may not set aside
anything for EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $500,000 means $0 for
Reports – continued
Enter in the State and Local column and, if applicable, in the Local Only column,
the portion of the amount being used to reduce the MOE requirement. This
amount is limited to the available amount shown above.
Columns A and B amounts are extracted from Section 1, Section 2, and the two
other SELPA worksheets, except for lines 3 and 5, which are calculated.
Column C is the difference between the two years' combined state and local
expenditures, in total and per capita. If one or both figures are positive, the
SELPA met the MOE requirement; Section 3, Part B, can still be completed. If
both figures are negative, the SELPA has not met the MOE requirement based
on combined state and local expenditures. Section 3, Part B should be
completed to determine if the SELPA met the MOE requirement based on local
expenditures only.
Check Box 1 if the SELPA met last year's MOE requirement comparing 2010-11
actual expenditures from local funds only, with those in 2009-10. Check Box 2 if it
did not, regardless of whether it met the MOE requirement that year based on
combined state and local expenditures.
If Box 2 is checked, the FY 2011-12 column will be extracted. Complete the Base
FY column by inputting the fiscal year in the column heading, the total special
education expenditures paid from local sources only (on Line B2a), and the
special education unduplicated pupil count (on Line B2b), for the latest fiscal year
that the SELPA met the actual vs. actual method based on local expenditures
only. If the LEA has not previously used this method to meet the level of effort
requirement, the earliest base year that can be used is 2006-07. Column C is the
Reports – continued
difference between the two years’ local expenditures, in total and per capita. If
one or both figures are positive, the SELPA met the MOE requirement.
CONTACT PERSON: Enter in the appropriate lines the name of the SELPA contact
person for this report and that person's title, telephone number, and e-mail address. A
warning message will display when closing the report if the information is not
Use the latest approved 2012-13 budget, if different from the original budget, so that the
MOE calculation reflects the latest available information. Use the Adjustments column to
make necessary adjustments to the extracted amounts.
Enter the best estimate of unduplicated pupil count for December 2012. Keep
supporting documentation for how the estimate was determined; CDE may follow up if
the figures are significantly different from the December 2011 pupil count. A warning
message will display when closing the report if the information is not entered.
Reports – continued
Complete this worksheet in the same manner as described for the 2011-12
Expenditures by LEA (LE-CY) worksheet in Report SEMA on page 263.
At the top of the form, after reviewing all sections of the form, please select the method
your LEA chooses to use to meet the MOE requirement. Click on the gray button next to
the selected method.
Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3, Part B are completed, if necessary, similarly to the
same sections in the SELPA Maintenance of Effort Calculation (SMC-B) worksheet,
except that the figures used in LMC-B are those that pertain to the LEA (as opposed to
the entire SELPA). Please refer to SELPA Maintenance of Effort Calculation (SMC-B)
worksheet below for a description of these sections and how they are completed.
At the bottom of the form, enter in the appropriate lines the name of the contact person
for this report and that person's title, telephone number, and e-mail address. A warning
message will display when closing the report if the information is not entered.
Reports – continued
Enter in the Adjustments column any additions to or deductions from the amounts
reported by the member LEAs, as necessary. Provide detailed explanations for the
adjustments on a separate page, which should be submitted with this worksheet.
Supporting documentation must be maintained, and should be available upon request
from the CDE.
Enter in the Adjustments column any additions to or deductions from the amounts
reported by the members to make the components of the 2011-12 expenditures
comparable to those of the 2012-13 budget. Provide detailed explanations for the
adjustments on a separate page, which should be submitted with this worksheet.
Supporting documentation must be maintained, and should be available upon request
from CDE.
At the top of the form, after reviewing all sections of the form, please select the method
your SELPA chooses to use to meet the MOE requirement. Click on the gray button
next to the selected method.
Reports – continued
Enter in the respective lines of Section 1 the amounts resulting from any of these
events. The software will automatically add the amounts and carry the total
exempt reductions to Section 3.
NOTE: ESEA includes Title I, Impact Aid, and other ESEA programs.
Impact Aid is considered general aid to the recipient school
districts; these districts may use the funds in whatever manner they
choose in accordance with their local and State requirements. LEAs
typically use Impact Aid for a wide variety of expenditures including
the salaries of teachers and teacher aides; purchasing textbooks,
computers, and other equipment; after-school programs and
remedial tutoring; advanced placement classes; and special
enrichment programs. For more information see “About Impact Aid”
Reports – continued
Enter in the appropriate lines the total IDEA Part B Section 611 funding
for 2012-13 (current year funding line) and 2011–12 (prior year funding line). The
software calculates the increase, if any, and 50 percent of that amount.
Enter in the appropriate line the total IDEA Part B Section 619 funding
for 2012-13 (current year funding line). The software calculates 15 percent of
Part B Funding, the maximum amount available for EIS.
Scenario 1: The maximum amount that the LEA may set aside for EIS is greater
than the maximum “50 percent reduction” amount
Enter in the appropriate line the amount, or $0 if not applicable, set aside for EIS.
This amount is limited to the maximum amount available for EIS. The software
calculates the amount available for reduction of the MOE requirement.
If the LEA chooses to set aside $150,000 for EIS, it may not reduce its
MOE (MOE maximum $50,000 less $150,000 for EIS means $0 can be
used for MOE).
If the LEA chooses to set aside $100,000 for EIS, it may not reduce its
MOE (MOE maximum $50,000 less $100,000 for EIS means $0 can be
used for MOE).
If the LEA chooses to set aside $50,000 for EIS, it may not reduce its
MOE (MOE maximum $50,000 less $50,000 for EIS means $0 can be
used for MOE).
Reports – continued
If the LEA chooses to set aside $30,000 for EIS, it may reduce its MOE by
$20,000 (MOE maximum $50,000 less $30,000 for EIS means $20,000
can be used for MOE).
If the LEA chooses to set aside $0 for EIS, it may reduce its MOE by
$50,000 (MOE maximum $50,000 less $0 for EIS means $50,000 can be
used for MOE).
Enter in the State and Local column and, if applicable, in the Local Only column,
the portion of the available amount being used to reduce the MOE requirement.
This amount is limited to the calculated available amount for reduction of the
MOE requirement.
Scenario 2: The maximum amount that the LEA may set aside for EIS is less
than the maximum “50 percent reduction” amount
Enter in the appropriate line the amount, or $0 if not applicable, used to reduce
the MOE requirement. The software calculates the amount available to set aside
for EIS.
If the LEA chooses to use no funds for MOE, it may set aside $300,000 for
EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $0 means $300,000 for EIS).
If the LEA chooses to use $100,000 for MOE, it may set aside $200,000
for EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $100,000 means $200,000 for EIS).
If the LEA chooses to use $150,000 for MOE, it may set aside $150,000
for EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $150,000 means $150,000 for EIS).
If the LEA chooses to use $300,000 for MOE, it may not set aside
anything for EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $300,000 means $0 for
Reports – continued
If the LEA chooses to use $500,000 for MOE, it may not set aside
anything for EIS (EIS maximum $300,000 less $500,000 means $0 for
Enter in the State and Local column and, if applicable, in the Local Only column,
the portion of the amount being used to reduce the MOE requirement. This
amount is limited to the available amount shown above.
Columns A and B amounts are extracted from Section 1, Section 2, and the two
other SELPA worksheets, except for lines 3 and 5, which are calculated.
Column C is the difference between the two years' combined state and local
expenditures, in total and per capita. If one or both figures are positive, the
SELPA met the MOE requirement; Section 3, Part B, can still be completed.
If both figures are negative, the SELPA has not met the MOE requirement based
on combined state and local expenditures. Section 3, Part B should be
completed to determine if the SELPA met the MOE requirement based on local
expenditures only.
Check Box 1 if the SELPA met last year's MOE requirement comparing 2011-12
special education budget from local funds only, with the 2010-11 actual
expenditures from the same sources. Check Box 2 if it did not, regardless of
whether it met the MOE requirement that year based on combined state and
local expenditures.
Reports – continued
special education expenditures paid from local sources only (on Line B2a) and
the special education unduplicated pupil count (on Line B2b), for the latest fiscal
year that the SELPA met the budget vs. actual method based on local
expenditures only. If the LEA has not previously used this method to meet the
level of effort requirement, the earliest base year that can be used is 2006-07.
Column C is the difference between the two years’ local expenditures, in total
and per capita. If one or both figures are positive, the SELPA met the MOE
CONTACT PERSON: Enter in the appropriate lines the name of the contact person for
this report and that person's title, telephone number, and e-mail address. A warning
message will display when closing the report if the information is not entered.
Report SEMAI consists of six worksheets: three prepared by the member LEA to extract
the expenditure figures, to input the LEA's unduplicated pupil count, and to determine if
it met the MOE requirement; and three prepared by the administrative unit (AU) of a
multi-agency SELPA, to compile the SELPA-wide figures to determine MOE compliance.
The worksheets are shown in the following table:
Reports – continued
Prior to completing this report, select one of the interim reporting periods and then
select the applicable SELPA, as described in the Initial Procedures Before Completing
the SEMA and SEMB Reports section on page 262.
The 2012-13 Projected Totals are extracted from general ledger data. Use the
Adjustments column to make adjustments to those amounts in order to reflect correct
projected expenditures that are not yet recorded in the general ledger data.
Enter the best estimate of unduplicated pupil count for December 2012. A warning
message will display when closing the report if the information is not entered.
Reports – continued
The worksheets are completed similarly to the SELPA worksheets for the SEMB Report.
Please refer to that section beginning on page 275 for instructions.
Charter Schools
Charter schools are subject to the same special education MOE requirements as
discussed on page 259. They will submit SEMOE or similar reports either to their SELPA
administrative unit (AU) or to their authorizing LEA, according to the chart below. The
reporting will depend on whether a charter school, pursuant to Education Code
Section 47641, is participating as a local educational agency in a special education plan
approved by the State Board of Education, or is deemed a public school of the LEA that
granted the charter. The reporting will also be affected by whether the charter school's
financial data are included in the authorizing LEA's unaudited actual SACS reports or
reported separately, and whether a charter school that is reporting separately from the
authorizing LEA is using SACS or the Charter School Alternative Form.
1. Charter School Is Part of the Authorizing LEA for Special Education Purposes
a. Charter school data are included in authorizing LEA's unaudited actual SACS submission to CDE:
No SEMOE or similar reports are Because the expenditures SELPA AU does not show the
needed from the charter school; extracted into the LEA's SEMOE charter school separately in the
its special education expenditures reports already include the SELPA worksheets, since the
are already included in the LEA's charter school's special education charter school's expenditures
expenditures. expenditures, no separate are already included in the
expenditure information is LEA's SEMOE reports, and the
Reports – continued
a. Charter school is reporting its financial data to CDE in SACS, separate from its authorizing LEA:
Charter school prepares SEMOE Authorizing LEA does not include SELPA AU includes the charter
reports from the SACS software, the charter school's special school in the applicable SELPA
as described in the reports education expenditures in its worksheets (SE-CY and SE-PY
sections above, and submits them SEMOE reports. in the SEMA report, and SB-B
to its SELPA AU. and SE-B in the SEMB report)
as another SELPA member. It
inputs the school's expenditures
in separate columns designated
for the school if they are
displayed in the worksheets
(after completing Form SEAS),
or in the Adjustments
columns/line if not (see Note
after this chart).
b. Charter school is reporting in the Charter School Alternative Form (separate from its authorizing LEA):
Reports – continued
Reports – continued
NOTE: If the SELPA AU notified the CDE in a survey done in May 2006 of the
names of the charter schools that are deemed LEAs of the SELPA,
separate columns in the applicable SELPA worksheets will display for
those charter schools after selecting the SELPA in Form SEAS (see
section Initial Procedures Before Completing the SEMA and SEMB
Reports in page 262). To update this information in the next version of the
software, i.e., to add separate columns for charter schools that are
deemed LEAs for special education purposes but do not currently have
their own columns in the applicable SELPA worksheets, or to delete
columns currently displayed for charter schools that are not LEAs for
special education purposes, send an e-mail to [email protected],
listing the names of the schools to be added or deleted.
20 United States Code, Section 1413
34 Code of Federal Regulations, sections 300.202; 300.203; 300.204; and
300.205 (proposed regulations for IDEA of 2004)
California Department of Education letter, August 20, 2003, Special Education
Maintenance of Effort, from Alice D. Parker and Janet Sterling:
Reporting Requirements
G General Ledger Data O Optional
P Preloaded Data From Prior Year O* Optional SACS Format;
S Supplemental Data Required Data District
Source County
R Required O** Optional SACS Format;
District County JPA Charter
Data Charter School
R* Required, if Applicable Required, if Applicable
-- Not Available/Applicable
Name Description
CEFB Components of Ending Fund Balance GS GS O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
01 General Fund/County School Service Fund GS -- R R -- R R -- R R -- O R* -- O R* --
01I General Fund/County School Service Fund GS -- -- -- R -- -- R -- -- R -- -- O -- -- O
09 Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
09I Charter Schools Special Revenue Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
10 Special Education Pass-Through Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10I Special Education Pass-Through Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- --
11 Adult Education Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
11I Adult Education Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
12 Child Development Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
12I Child Development Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O
13 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
13I Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
14 Deferred Maintenance Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
14I Deferred Maintenance Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
15 Pupil Transportation Equipment Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
15I Pupil Transportation Equipment Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
16 Forest Reserve Fund GS -- -- -- -- R* R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Reporting Requirements
G General Ledger Data O Optional
P Preloaded Data From Prior Year O* Optional SACS Format;
S Supplemental Data Required Data District
Source County
R Required O** Optional SACS Format;
District County JPA Charter
Data Charter School
R* Required, if Applicable Required, if Applicable
-- Not Available/Applicable
Name Description
16I Forest Reserve Fund GS -- -- -- -- -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
17 Special Reserve Fund for Other Than Capital Outlay Projects GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
17I Special Reserve Fund for Other Than Capital Outlay Projects GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
18 School Bus Emissions Reduction Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
18I School Bus Emissions Reduction Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
19 Foundation Special Revenue Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
19I Foundation Special Revenue Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
20 Special Reserve Fund for Postemployment Benefits GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
20I Special Reserve Fund for Postemployment Benefits GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
21 Building Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
21I Building Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
25 Capital Facilities Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
25I Capital Facilities Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
30 State School Building Lease-Purchase Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
30I State School Building Lease-Purchase Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
35 County School Facilities Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
35I County School Facilities Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
40 Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
40I Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
Reporting Requirements
G General Ledger Data O Optional
P Preloaded Data From Prior Year O* Optional SACS Format;
S Supplemental Data Required Data District
Source County
R Required O** Optional SACS Format;
District County JPA Charter
Data Charter School
R* Required, if Applicable Required, if Applicable
-- Not Available/Applicable
Name Description
49 Capital Project Fund for Blended Component Units GS -- R* R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
49I Capital Project Fund for Blended Component Units GS -- -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
51 Bond Interest and Redemption Fund G -- R* R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
51I Bond Interest and Redemption Fund G -- -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
52 Debt Service Fund for Blended Component Units G -- R* R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
52I Debt Service Fund for Blended Component Units G -- -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
53 Tax Override Fund G -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
53I Tax Override Fund G -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
56 Debt Service Fund G -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
56I Debt Service Fund G -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
57 Foundation Permanent Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
57I Foundation Permanent Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
61 Cafeteria Enterprise Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
61I Cafeteria Enterprise Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
62 Charter Schools Enterprise Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
62I Charter Schools Enterprise Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
63 Other Enterprise Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
63I Other Enterprise Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
66 Warehouse Revolving Fund G -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
Reporting Requirements
G General Ledger Data O Optional
P Preloaded Data From Prior Year O* Optional SACS Format;
S Supplemental Data Required Data District
Source County
R Required O** Optional SACS Format;
District County JPA Charter
Data Charter School
R* Required, if Applicable Required, if Applicable
-- Not Available/Applicable
Name Description
66I Warehouse Revolving Fund G -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
67 Self-Insurance Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
67I Self-Insurance Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
71 Retiree Benefit Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O R* -- O R* --
71I Retiree Benefit Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O
73 Foundation Private-Purpose Trust Fund GS -- R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
73I Foundation Private-Purpose Trust Fund GS -- -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
76 Warrant/Pass-Through Fund G -- O O -- O O -- -- -- -- O O -- O O --
95 Student Body Fund G -- O O -- O O -- O O -- O O -- O O --
76A Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Warrant/Pass-Through) G S R* R* -- R* R* -- -- -- -- O O -- O O --
95A Changes in Assets and Liabilities (Student Body) G S R* R* -- R* R* -- R* R* -- O O -- O O --
¹ Form 01CSI and Form CI are not applicable for End of Year Projections
Reporting Requirements
G General Ledger Data O Optional
P Preloaded Data From Prior Year O* Optional SACS Format;
S Supplemental Data Required Data District
Source County
R Required O** Optional SACS Format;
District County JPA Charter
Data Charter School
R* Required, if Applicable Required, if Applicable
-- Not Available/Applicable
Name Description
ACC Average Daily Attendance – County Charter -- S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O O -- O O --
ADC Average Daily Attendance – District Charter -- S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O O -- O O --
AI Average Daily Attendance -- S -- -- R -- -- R -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
AICC Average Daily Attendance – County Charter -- S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
AIDC Average Daily Attendance – District Charter -- S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
ASSET Schedule of Capital Assets P S O R* -- O R* -- O R* -- O R* -- O R* --
CA Unaudited Actuals Certification S S -- R -- -- R -- -- R -- -- R -- -- R --
CASH Cashflow Worksheet -- S O -- O* O -- O* O -- O* O -- O O -- O
CAT Schedule for Categoricals -- S -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O --
CB Budget Certification S S R -- -- R -- -- R -- -- O -- -- O -- --
CC Workers' Compensation Certification -- S R -- -- R -- -- R -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CEA Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation – Actuals G S O R -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CEB Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation – Budget G S O -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CHG Change Order Form -- S O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
CI Interim Certification S S -- -- R¹ -- -- R¹ -- -- R¹ -- -- O -- -- O
CORR Adults in Correctional Facilities GPS S -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
¹ Form 01CSI and Form CI are not applicable for End of Year Projections
Reporting Requirements
G General Ledger Data O Optional
P Preloaded Data From Prior Year O* Optional SACS Format;
S Supplemental Data Required Data District
Source County
R Required O** Optional SACS Format;
District County JPA Charter
Data Charter School
R* Required, if Applicable Required, if Applicable
-- Not Available/Applicable
Name Description
GANN Appropriations Limit Calculations GPS S -- R -- -- R -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ICR Indirect Cost Rate Worksheet GP S O R O O R O O O O O R O O R O
JUV Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account GP S -- -- -- O R* O -- -- -- -- -- -- O R* O
L Lottery Report GP S O R* -- O R* -- -- -- -- O R* -- O R* --
MYP Multiyear Projections – General Fund GS S O* -- -- O* -- -- O* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
MYPI Multiyear Projections – General Fund GS S -- -- O* -- -- O* -- -- O* -- -- -- -- -- --
MYPIO Multiyear Projections – Other Funds G S -- -- O** -- -- O** -- -- O** -- -- -- -- -- --
NCMOE No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort GPS S O R* O O R* O -- -- -- O R* O O R* O
PCR Program Cost Report G -- -- R -- -- R -- -- R -- -- O -- -- O --
PCRAF Program Cost Report – Allocation Factors G S -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- O -- -- O --
RL Revenue Limit Summary -- S R R -- R R -- -- -- -- O O -- O O --
RLCC Revenue Limit Summary – County Charters -- S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O O -- O O --
RLDC Revenue Limit Summary – District Charters -- S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O O -- O O --
RLI Revenue Limit Summary -- S -- -- R -- -- R -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
RLICC Revenue Limit Summary – County Charters -- S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
RLIDC Revenue Limit Summary – District Charters -- S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- O -- -- O
SEA Special Education Revenue Allocations P S O O -- O O -- O O -- -- -- -- -- -- --
SEAS Special Education Revenue Allocations Setup P S O O O O O O -- O O -- O O -- O O
SIAA Summary of Interfund Activities – Actuals G -- O O -- O O -- O O -- O O -- O O --
Reporting Requirements
G General Ledger Data O Optional
P Preloaded Data From Prior Year O* Optional SACS Format;
S Supplemental Data Required Data District
Source County
R Required O** Optional SACS Format;
District County JPA Charter
Data Charter School
R* Required, if Applicable Required, if Applicable
-- Not Available/Applicable
Name Description
SIAB Summary of Interfund Activities – Budget G -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- --
SIAI Summary of Interfund Activities – Projected Year Totals G -- -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O
TC Table of Contents -- -- O O -- O O -- O O -- O O -- O O --
TCI Table of Contents -- -- -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O
TRAN Annual Report of Pupil Transportation GP S -- R* -- -- R* -- -- R* -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Program by Resource
PGM Program by Resource G S O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
Government-wide Reporting
CNVRT Government-wide Conversion GS S -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O --
DTERM Determination of Major Funds G -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O --
ENTRY Conversion Entries G S -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O --
Government-wide Statement of Activities and Reconciliation
GSA of Fund Statements GS -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O --
Government-wide Statement of Net Assets and
GSNA Reconciliation of Fund Statements GS S -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O --
Reporting Requirements
G General Ledger Data O Optional
P Preloaded Data From Prior Year O* Optional SACS Format;
S Supplemental Data Required Data District
Source County
R Required O** Optional SACS Format;
District County JPA Charter
Data Charter School
R* Required, if Applicable Required, if Applicable
-- Not Available/Applicable
Name Description
SEMA Actual vs. Actual MOE Calculation GS S -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O --
SEMAI Actual vs. Actual MOE Calculation GS S -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O
SEMB Budget vs. Actual MOE Calculation GS S -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O -- -- O --
This section addresses some of the recurring questions we receive along with possible
solutions, in the event that you encounter similar situations. If additional assistance is
needed, districts and JPAs should contact their county office; charter schools should
contact their authorizing agency; and county offices may send a fax or e-mail with
specific details or call our office for assistance. CDE staff is available weekdays
between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If your call transfers to voicemail, please be sure to
leave a detailed message describing your problem, including the type of computer and
printer you have, and what functions you were doing prior to the problem, if applicable.
Response: If the run-time error displays while you are attempting to open the
software, do the following: Close all applications. Download
mdactyp.exe from our Web page:
Attachment B – continued
SACS Software Questions and Answers
Operating System
Response: Some users have reported problems running the SACS Software
on Windows 7 PCs, especially if the Windows 7 PC is 64-bit or
has been upgraded from Windows XP. See “Installing on
Windows 7” on page 37 of this user guide.
Response: Try re-starting the program and attempt to duplicate the problem.
If the SACS program is not responding (locked up) hold the
and keys down, then press the key, select End Task, then
restart the SACS software application. If the problem still occurs,
record the error code description and the steps that lead to the
problem, then contact your county office or call our help line
Question 5: I'm trying to import my data file, but I get the error message
"Run-Time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object,"
then the software closes.
Attachment B – continued
SACS Software Questions and Answers
Response: If the run-time error displays while you are trying to import data, first
try running a repair of the software by running the SACS software
installation file, selecting Next, selecting Repair, selecting Next,
Install, Finish. If the repair does not clear the problem, then you
must uninstall and re-install the software. IMPORTANT: Uninstalling
and/or re-installing the SACS software will delete any data you've
imported or key entered into the software. If you wish to save the
data, you must export the data before you uninstall the software,
then re-install the software, and import your data into the newly
installed software.
Question 6: When I try to open forms, I get the error message "Error
Opening . . . File C:\SACS2012ALL\[form].vts could not be
opened. File may be in use or non-existent." How do I fix this?
Response: To clear a cell where its value is extracted but can be overwritten,
you must enter a zero. If extracted cells are cleared by pressing the
Delete key rather than entering zero, the original value may be re-
extracted when the form is reopened—overwriting the deletion
every time the form is reopened.
Question 8: In the criteria and standards Form 01CS, there are cells that
should be extracting from other forms (from Form 01, Form
Attachment B – continued
SACS Software Questions and Answers
Response: In order for the extracted amounts to pull into Form 01CS, all of the
"source" forms must be opened, saved, and closed prior to opening
Form 01CS. Also see Question 9 of this section.
Question 9: Not all of my Fund 01 data are pulling into the Criteria and
Standards Review form (Form 01CS). Why don't they all
extract? Also, when I change my Fund 01 general ledger data,
Form 01CS is not reflecting all of my Fund 01 updates. Why
Response: Form 01 must be opened and saved prior to opening Form 01CS.
While some of the Fund 01 data in Form 01CS pull directly from
Fund 01 general ledger data, other Fund 01 data in Form 01CS pull
from amounts created when Form 01 itself is saved. This is why it
is necessary to open and save Form 01 each time Fund 01 general
ledger data are imported.
Question 10: While trying to load the software, or open a form, I get
prompted for my user name and password.
Response: This problem is related to low memory. Make sure when you
install and run the SACS software that no other programs are
Response: This happens in the Interim forms only because of their ability to
pull data from one Interim period to the next. It is best not to
double-click on any of the Interim form input fields. Doing so will not
affect the form you have double-clicked in, but may affect the
subsequent period form. For example, double-clicking on a field in
the 1st Interim AI form and changing the formula displayed, will not
affect what is entered into the field on the open form, but may affect
the way that value is displayed on the 2nd Interim AI form. If you do
Attachment B – continued
SACS Software Questions and Answers
Question 12: The TRC Import Checks are flagging Fund x Object
combinations that I know are correct and in the latest
validation tables. How do I clear these?
If the flag still does not clear, please call your county office of
education, who will contact the CDE if they cannot resolve the
Question 13: While running the TRC, I get the error message
"TRC_Minimum Classroom Compensation – Unit #13: Type
Mismatch (Source: SACS)," but I click OK, and the TRC
Response: This error occurs if the software expects data to be numeric, but
instead the data contain alpha/text characters. The problem data
could be in any form that allows key entry, but since this particular
error message says, "TRC_Minimum Classroom Compensation," it
is likely that the TRC was running the "CURRENT-CALC-EXP"
check at the time of the error, and the problem data may be in Form
CEA. Open Form CEA and verify that there are only numeric values
in each cell. If any alpha character – including a space – is in a cell
that should be numeric, then delete the cell's contents, enter the
correct number, save/close the form, and re-run the TRC. Until the
data are corrected, "Error #13 Type Mismatch" will prevent the
software from officially exporting the data.
Attachment B – continued
SACS Software Questions and Answers
Response: Certain forms are required for export validation. Open each
uncompleted form, input your data, and save the form, then re-run
the TRC for the message to clear. If you are not required to
complete the form and if the check is not fatal, go to the TRC
Explanations screen to provide your explanation. The exception
will still remain, but providing an explanation will allow you to
complete the Export Official process.
Response: Review the list of outstanding TRC exceptions listed at the end of
the Official Export process. Each of those items must either be
corrected (within the source document) or explained in the TRC
Explanations screen.
Question 16: I am trying to do an official export, but the export log shows
me a "Failed Official Check" message and lists no
exceptions. The only error I can find is that during the TRC, I
get the error message "Error #13: Type Mismatch (Source:
SACS)." I click OK when I get this error message, but the
TRC continues and shows no fatal exceptions or unexplained
warning exceptions. Why is the official export failing?
Attachment B – continued
SACS Software Questions and Answers
Response: The official export is failing because of the "Error #13: Type
Mismatch (Source: SACS)" message. If the TRC shows this error,
then the software will not officially export the data. Please see
Question 13 for more information.
Question 17: I have installed the SACS software on a new computer and
want to transfer existing data from my old computer.
Response: Use the Export Other and Import Other options from the Main
Menu to transfer data from one computer to another. Make sure
the same version of the SACS software is installed on the new
specific directions.
Question 18: I have imported my general ledger data multiple times and
when I run my TRC it displays and prints in a column only
four to five characters wide.
Response: This problem occurs when the window print settings are set to a
small size. To correct this, click on the Print button to open the
print window and click on the Properties button. Click on the
Paper tab and make sure the paper size is set to 8½" x 11".
Response: Please see the "Printing" section on page 48 of this user guide.
Attachment B – continued
SACS Software Questions and Answers
Response: This is a known problem when printing from the Table of Contents
with certain printer drivers. Unfortunately, we have not found a
printer driver that works for all components of the SACS software.
However, the forms should print correctly when printed from the
fund form itself instead of from the Table of Contents. You could
also try printing from the Table of Contents using another printer
driver, but you may experience different problems. Please see
Question 21 for more information.
Question 21: When I print my forms, borders and lines are missing or are
not properly aligned.
Response: There is a known problem with printing with certain printer drivers.
We have found that by making a printer adjustment, the forms may
print correctly. With the form open, click the Print button to open the
print window, then click the Properties button (or the Preferences
button if printing from the Table of Contents). Click the Effects tab
and set the resizing option to Print document on: (Letter), then
select (check) the Scale to fit box. You could also try using a
different printer driver, but you may experience different problems,
even in other applications such as Word or Excel.
Question 22: The font on the General Fund form (Form 01) is really small. Is
there some way to make it larger?
Attachment B – continued
SACS Software Questions and Answers
Response: The easiest way, if you do not have a backup system, is to use
the Export module and select the Other option (not Official), which
will copy your data to disk. See EXPORTING DATA for detailed
Question 24: I have a great idea to improve the software. How do I let you
know about it?
Response: That's great! We are always willing to listen to your ideas. There are
a couple of ways to communicate with us. You can complete a
Change Order Form, located in the Supplemental Forms menu, and
fax it to us at 916-324-7141 or you may send an e-mail to
[email protected]. Please complete a separate change order
for each idea to help in our processing and tracking of the change
The basic purpose of the Import module is to take LEA data in an electronic format
and reformat them as required by the SACS software. In this way, fiscal data residing
on a mainframe or mini-computer can be processed through the SACS software,
thereby taking advantage of the edit checks and automatic extraction programs for
supplemental forms, as well as eliminating dual data entry. An additional advantage is
the elimination of LEA-developed report writing, since the SACS software can be used
to generate hard copy reports.
When exporting files from a local SACS accounting system for import into the SACS
software, the file format is as follows: an ASCII DOS, comma delimited text file (file
cannot be binary) with three types of records—a header record, transaction (detail)
records, and an end-of-dataset record. Data for multiple LEAs and multiple data types
(i.e., budget and actuals) may be included in a single file. No special file name needs
to be used; the software will accept any correctly formatted file.
Example: "2011-12","01100170000000","BS1","BE"
Attachment C – continued
SACS Import Module Specifications
NOTE: The 14-digit CDS code is a unique code assigned to each LEA by the
CDE. If only the county-district 7-digit code is used by an LEA, the
SACS software import routine will automatically append the CDS code
with 7 zeros to complete the 14-digit code.
The reporting period identifier corresponds to the following financial reporting periods:
The column code identifies which type of data the file contains. The column code
identifier corresponds to the following types of financial data contained in the file:
BB => Budget
BE => Estimated actuals
BA => Unaudited actuals
IO => Original budget
IB => Board approved operating budget
IA => Actuals to date
IP => Projected totals
Attachment C – continued
SACS Import Module Specifications
This table shows the allowable combinations for reporting period and column
code identifiers.
Example: "0133261500184003801","12345"
Attachment C – continued
SACS Import Module Specifications
Example: "-1","EOD","01100170000000","BS1","BE","5361"
Sample Records
The following shows a sample of records for the 2012-13 budget process (BS1) with
3,567 budget (BB) transaction records and 5,361 estimated actual (BE) transaction
All normal balances should be reported in positive numbers; only abnormal balances
are reported as negative numbers. EXCEPTION: The accumulated depreciation
contra-asset accounts (objects 9425, 9435, and 9445) are debit accounts and require
that their credit balances be reported as negatives.
Attachment C – continued
SACS Import Module Specifications
The following types of accounts should not be included in the file for import to the
SACS software:
For the budget and interim reporting periods, budget data for asset and liability accounts
(objects 9100–9699) and agency funds 76 and 95 are ignored during import and cannot
be input. Although not required, estimated actual data for assets and liabilities are
For further information please refer to the California School Accounting Manual (CSAM).
It describes the use of optional and locally defined codes and the requirements for
"rolling up" the general ledger data to the level specified by CDE for the purpose of
transmitting data.
The supplemental data specifications are identical to the general ledger data
specifications contained in Attachment C, with the following exceptions:
The header will contain one additional field at the end of the record, which must
have the value "ELEMENT."
For example:
The detail record first field will contain a data name instead of a SACS account.
For example:
NOTE: Supplemental data may be contained within the same file as the general
ledger data.
The LEA Custom Info screen, accessed under the Forms menu option from the Main
Menu, displays LEA custom information supplied by the extract file and brought into
the LEA element table within the SACS software during the Import process. This
information is for LEA use and is not part of any state requirements.
The LEA Custom Info can provide information regarding conditions in the financial
data import source. The following is an example of information that could exist about
the data in the database:
The LEA Custom Info specifications are identical to the general ledger specifications
contained in Attachment C, with the following exceptions:
The header will contain one additional field at the end of the record, which must
have the value "ELEMENT."
For example:
For example:
NOTE: LEA Custom Info data may be contained within the same file as the
general ledger or supplemental data.
Many of the forms in the software are dependent on data from other forms
(supplemental data) and/or funds (general ledger data). Those dependent forms must
be opened and saved to re-extract the most current data any time relevant general
ledger (GL) or supplemental data are changed. If dependent forms are not opened
and saved after relevant general ledger or supplemental data are changed, the
dependent forms will not be accurate. The technical review checklist will identify such
occurrences via the fatal export check CHK-DEPENDENCY and will not allow an
official export of the data until the dependent forms are opened and saved.
The following tables list all of the dependent forms and the general ledger ("Funds") or
supplemental ("Forms") data upon which they are dependent. If any funds or forms
listed in the "Dependent on" columns are changed, then the applicable "Dependent
Forms" must be subsequently opened and saved. To avoid a cyclical
CHK-DEPENDENCY exception, the dependent forms should be opened and
saved in the order listed in the "Dependent Forms" column.
Dependent Dependent on
(save these forms
in this order) Forms Funds (GL)
01 01
76A 76
95A 95
CEA 01
CEB 01
JUV 01, 09, 62
MYP 01, A, RL
01CS 01, A, JUV, MYP, RL All applicable funds
Attachment F – continued
Form Dependencies
Dependent Dependent on
(save these forms
in this order) Forms Funds (GL)
01 01
76A 76
95A 95
CEA 01
CORR A 01, 11
GANN A, RL 01, 09, 62
01, 09, 11, 12, 13, 19, 57,
ICR 61, 62
JUV 01, 09, 62
L All funds
NCMOE A, ACC, ADC 01, 09, 13, 61, 62
PCRAF 01, 09, 62
01, 09, 11, 12, 13, 19, 57,
PCR PCRAF 61, 62
TRAN 01, 15, 18
SEMA 01, 09, 62
SEMB 01, 09, 62
Attachment F – continued
Form Dependencies
Dependent Dependent on
(save these forms
in this order) Forms Funds (GL)
01I 01
JUV 01, 09, 62
All applicable funds except
01CSI RLI All applicable funds
SEMAI 01, 09, 62