User Manual: OSTC Dive Computer With The Firmware
User Manual: OSTC Dive Computer With The Firmware
User Manual: OSTC Dive Computer With The Firmware
OSTC plus
Thank you for choosing a heinrichs You can use the OSTC intuitively. But to be-
weikamp dive computer! come familiar with its functions and to use
it in the best way, we recommend you to
The firmware hwOS tech which is used in read this manual carefully. Additionally you
the dive computers OSTC plus, OSTC 2, OSTC find some videos on our website and face-
2 TR and OSTC cR offers various possibilities book page which offer some easy explana-
for configuration. For technical diving a full tions (for example how to change the bat-
trimix program with five gases is available. tery, calibrate the compass or change the
Rebreather divers can use fixed setpoints, bungees).
auto setpoints or sensors for the calcula-
tion. Please notice the additional user manuals
for sensor readings with the OSTC cR and
Data like logbook information or updates for gas integration in the OSTC 2 TR with
can be transferred easily with Bluetooth. transmitter. This manual also applies to
Take also notice of the large supply of log- older models such as the OSTC 3.
book programs and other software.
We hope you enjoy diving with your new
The development of the heinrichs weikamp OSTC dive computer!
dive computers is permanently going on.
Use the firmware updates to keep your
OSTC always up to date. Get it for free at:
For any questions relating to your OSTC, please contact us:
2. Safety advices.........................................................................................................................7
2.1. Requirements.................................................................................................7
2.2. Before every dive...........................................................................................7
2.3. While diving....................................................................................................8
2.4. Safe use of the OSTC....................................................................................8
2.5. Environmental conditions.........................................................................8
4. Surface mode........................................................................................................................13
4.1. Display in surface mode...........................................................................13
4.2. Settings...........................................................................................................14
4.2.1. Information...........................................................................14
4.2.2. Bluetooth mode..................................................................14
4.2.3. Set time and date...............................................................14
4.2.4. Language................................................................................14
4.2.5. Display settings...................................................................15
4.2.6. Logbook offset......................................................................15
4.2.7. Salinity.....................................................................................15
4.2.8. Adjust buttons.....................................................................16
4.2.9. Waiting time........................................................................16
4.2.10. Reset menu........................................................................16
4.3. Deko setup.....................................................................................................17
4.3.1. Dive mode.............................................................................17
4.3.2. Deco type...............................................................................17
4.3.3. Deco parameter...................................................................18 Gradient factors.........................................18 Saturation factors......................................18 Last deco.......................................................19
4.3.4. ppO2 settings.......................................................................19
4.3.5. Safety stop............................................................................20
4.3.6. Second deco plan................................................................20 Future TTS/Future Bailout.......................20 Calculation gas (B/O)................................20
4.4. OC gas setup..................................................................................................22
4.4.1. Edit gas...................................................................................22 Gas type.........................................................22 Gas mix..........................................................23 Change depth...............................................23
4.5. CCR/pSCR setup...........................................................................................24
4.5.1. Mode.......................................................................................24
4.5.2. Diluent setup........................................................................25
4.5.3. CCR Setpoints........................................................................25
4.5.4. pSCR setup............................................................................26
4.5.5. Maximum O2 content in the loop................................26
4.6. Simulator........................................................................................................26
4.6.1. Calculate a deco plan........................................................26
4.6.2. Start simulator.....................................................................27
4.7. Logbook...........................................................................................................28
5. Dive mode..............................................................................................................................29
5.1. Display in dive mode.................................................................................29
5.2. Menu in dive mode....................................................................................30
5.2.1. Gas change (OC)..................................................................30
5.2.2. Stoppwatch...........................................................................31
5.2.3. Toggle GF...............................................................................32
5.2.4. Set marker.............................................................................32
5.2.5. Bearing....................................................................................32
5.2.6. Layout......................................................................................33
5.2.7. Setpoint change..................................................................33
5.2.8. Bailout.....................................................................................33
5.2.9. Diluent.....................................................................................33
5.3. Warnings........................................................................................................34
5.4. Views in dive mode....................................................................................36
6. Maintenance..........................................................................................................................37
6.1. Housing...........................................................................................................37
6.2. Bungee.............................................................................................................37
6.3. Recharge the battery..................................................................................37
6.4. Change the battery.....................................................................................38
6.5. Spare parts.....................................................................................................38
8. Technical Data......................................................................................................................40
9. Disposal....................................................................................................................................41
1. Common advices Standard settings
Unless noted otherwise, the information
1.1. Technical status in this manual refers to OSTC standard set-
This manual corresponds to the technical
status of OSTC and its firmware hwOS tech For important settings, the OSTC shows an
as of March 2019. asterisk * behind the current setting, if the
(Firmware hwOS tech 3.01) current setting is different from the default
OSTC, its firmware and the documentation
are subject to technical changes without Terms of use
notice. Copying or reusing this manual or parts
of this manual is not allowed without the
The OSTC firmware (integrated software) is written permission of heinrichs weikamp.
an ongoing development. To make the best
use of OSTC, we advise you to use the latest
stable firmware available on our website: 1.3. Functions overview
Your dive computer OSTC assists you with
the following functions:
1.2. About this manual
Display: Diving depth and duration accord-
Read this manual carefully, so you can set ing to EN 13319, maximum diving depth,
up and use the dive computer in the right ambient temperature, ambient pres-
way. Keep this manual so you can consult sure, bottom time, duration and depth of
it also at a later time. You also find the lat- planned deco stops, time to desaturation
est version for download as PDF on our based on diving depth and duration.
Additional informations: tilt-compensated
Special markings compass, average depth, stopwatch, ppO2,
!! Warning
indicates a situation that carries a signifi- Planning: Configure and check gas mix-
cant risk or injury. tures as well as setpoints in CCR mode, cal-
culate a deco plan in the simulator.
indicates additional information.
2. Safety advices sary, adjust the settings according to your
dive plan and equipment.
2.1. Requirements
Battery full?
The most important factor for safe diving is Check the battery status using the battery
a competent and well trained diver. indicator on the display. To ensure reliable
performance throughout your dive, the sta-
This dive computer is intended for experi- tus of the rechargeable battery must be suf-
enced divers. That implies: ficiently high. We recommend to recharge it
at 20 percent of performance at the latest.
A diving education including decompres- If you use an AA battery for your OSTC plus
sion diving is mandatory. Sufficient know you should also replace it at 20 percent of
ledge about the laws of physics in diving performance.
is required. It may harm your health if you
rely on a wrong configured dive computer. Device waterproof?
Do not use this dive computer, if you do not The models OSTC 2 and OSTC 2 TR are com-
know or understand the settings and dis- pletely closed and have no openings that
played information of the OSTC. could cause leakages. But for safety check
the housing for cracks or damages which
If necessary, you must be able to finish your might allow water to intrude. For OSTC plus
dive safely without a dive computer. (battery compartment), OSTC cR (S8 con-
nector) and older models with USB port
Do not adjust decompression parameters if check if all openings are closed.
you are not aware of their meanings.
Safely attached?
Make sure that your OSTC can be fastened
2.2. Before every dive safely using either the bungees or a suita-
ble alternative.
Plan your dive.
Display messages?
Set up a dive plan independently from OSTC Check the screen of the OSTC. Do not dive
and take it with you when diving. if your dive computer shows a warning.
Check the cause of the warning.
Make sure that your OSTC is ready for use
and correctly configured.
Stable firmware?
Use only stable firmware provided by hein-
richs weikamp. It has been tested and al-
lows a proper and reliable performance of
Configured correctly?
Check the settings of your OSTC. If neces-
2.3. While diving
Take a backup system with you. Keep your OSTC out of children´s reach.
While diving, always carry a backup system Small parts such as the battery cap (OSTC
to measure duration and depth of your dive plus, OSTC sport) may represent a choking
independently from OSTC. hazard.
3. Before first use
heinrichs weikamp delivers the OSTC ready
to use. But nevertheless check the battery
status before using it the first time.
3.1. Handling
Operate the OSTC with the two piezo but- In some menus you will find the entry
tons on the left and right side of the hous- MORE. Select this entry to access the next
ing. A short press is enough to trigger the menu page with more menu items. To quit
buttons. You can adjust individually how the menu or submenu, choose EXIT.
sensitive the buttons shall react (look for
page 16). To change the setting of a menu item, press
ENTER repeatedly until the required value is
To turn on the OSTC, press one of the two displayed. For important settings that vary
buttons. If the OSTC does not wake up at from the default values, the OSTC shows an
once, it is in deep sleep mode (look for next asterisk * behind the current setting.
page). To wake it up, press the button once
more after 5 seconds.
3.2. Modes of operation
Sleep mode
The OSTC has three modes of operation When the OSTC isn’t operated at the sur-
and switches automatically between them: face, it switches into sleep mode after two
Surface mode, dive mode and sleep mode. minutes to save energy.
To turn on the OSTC, press one of the two After 15 minutes in sleep mode, OSTC
buttons. If it does not wake up at once and switches to deep sleep mode. In deep sleep
is in deep sleep mode (look for sleep mode), no buttons are polled, which saves a lot of
push the button once more after 5 seconds. energy. Move the dive computer and wait 5
seconds until it wakes up. Now you can turn
In surface mode the display shows gener- it on with the buttons.
al information as time, date, temperature,
ambient pressure and battery status. After Also in deep sleep mode the OSTC switch-
a dive the display also shows the elapsed es automatically to dive mode after 5 sec-
time since last dive, tissue saturation and onds .
the no fly time.
Dive mode
The OSTC automatically switches into dive
mode when it is at 1,6 meter below the sur-
face for five seconds (also when it is in sleep
We recommend that you manually turn on
your dive computer before the dive to check
the settings.
The OSTC starts the dive mode automatically when
it is below 1,6 meters depth.
In dive mode the display shows current div-
ing depth, dive time, maximum depth, the
currently selected gas (in CCR diving the
setpoint and the current diluent gas), de-
compression information and additional
3.3. Modes of diving In apnea mode the OSTC remains in dive
mode even when diving at low depths. You
In the main menu you can choose under can switch into surface mode at any time
Deco Setup > Dive Mode, if you want to by pushing the left button. Push ENTER to
use the OSTC for scuba diving, rebreather confirm the QUIT? question.
diving with a CCR or pSCR, apnea diving
or as depth gauge. The chosen dive mode The OSTC switches automatically from ap-
is shown permanently on the main display nea mode into surface mode after a 15 min-
(OC, CC, pSCR, apnea, gauge) utes delay and above a depth of 1 meter.
Use this dive setting for apnea diving or
The dive mode of the dive computer is shown per-
In apnea mode the OSTC serves as a depth manently on the display. In this case OC for Open
gauge. It displays depth, dive time and tem- Circuit (scuba diving) is active.
perature on the main screen, clock and
compass in the custom view (right but-
ton). Additionally it offers information for
the whole session: Maximum depth, sur-
face time, depth of the last descent and the
total time of underwater time. Decompres-
sion calculation is switched off.
3.4. Compass calibration
OSTC has a tilt-compensated electronic
compass. Like all other electronic compass-
es it must be calibrated before use. The cal-
ibration compensates aberration that can
be caused by the battery. It is also recom-
mended to calibrate the compass if your
dive computer shows deviations in the
heading reading.
4. Surface mode
4.1. Display in surface mode
Permanent items
Selectable items
4.2. Settings »pair« your dive computer with the device.
This process depends on the operation sys-
In the settings menu you can set up basic tem of the computer. In Windows: Click the
configurations (like clock, language, display Bluetooth symbol in the system tray and se-
brightness, button sensitivity). You can ac- lect the option »add device«. You don’t need
tivate Bluetooth and reset all settings and a PIN code.
When the connecting is done, the PC cre-
ates a virtual COM port. Via this the PC soft-
ware communicates with the OSTC. You do
not need any special drivers, you only have
to select the correct COM port (outgoing
port, SPP).
4.2.5. Display settings
Dive timeout
Brightness After diving the OSTC shows a countdown
The three settings Eco, Medium and High of five minutes (pre-set). When you de-
set different brightness levels for your dis- scend again within this period, the whole
play. Within these levels, the OSTC uses an time of diving will be saved in the logbook
ambient light sensor to adapt to the cur- as only one dive. You can adjust the period
rent light conditions (not OSTC cR). In most individually. Upon a depth of 1 meter, the
cases the default Eco is recommended. If dive can also be stopped manually.
the OSTC is often used in low depths and Setting range: 1 – 20 minutes
bright sunlight, a higher setting is recom- Default: 5 minutes
Default: Eco Units
Display of depth and temperature in metric
Colour scheme (m/°C) or imperial (ft/°F) units.
Choose the colour of the display in dive Default: m/°C
mode. You can choose the schemes red,
green, blue and standard (white)
Default: Standard 4.2.6. Logbook offset
Reboot deco
4.2.8. Adjust buttons To delete the current decompression data
choose reset deco and push ENTER. You`ll
You can adjust the sensitivity of the piezo be prompted to confirm the action. For the
buttons and how strong you have to press next dive the OSTC starts decompression
them. The higher the value, the harder you calculation from new, without any data of
have to press. Press ENTER until the re- former tissue load.
quired value is displayed
Setting range: 20% – 80%
Default: 40% !! Warning
Use reboot and reboot deco only, if you do
not plan a repetitive dive within the next 48
4.2.9. Waiting time hours.
4.3. Deco setup 90 percent. Thereby there is a safety margin
of 10 percent to the M-value.
In deco setup you can configure the dive Default: Saturation: 110%,
mode of your OSTC and select important Desaturation: 90%
settings for the decompression calculation.
The more modern algorithm Bühlmann ZH-
L16+GF with gradient factors calculates
with deeper decostops and a much bigger
safety margin to the M-value. So you have
less micro bubbles in your tissues. The GF
low controls the allowed saturation for the
deepest decostop, the GF high does it with
the highest decostop. The OSTC is preset to
a GF low of 30 percent and a GF high of 85
percent (GF 30/85). With a GF low of 30 per-
cent, you start your decompression with a
safety margin of 70 percent to the M-value.
At the surface your current GF will be 85%
Menu overview »deco setup«. of the M-Value.
The model ZH-L16+GF can be set addition-
ally to a more conservative level with the
4.3.1. Dive mode saturation factors (page 19).
Default: GF 30/85, Saturation: 100%, Desa-
You can switch between the dive modes for turation 100%
open circuit (OC), closed circuit rebreather
(CCR), pSCR, gauge mode or apnea diving. We suggest using the algorithm ZH-L16+GF
The current dive mode is shown perma- with gradient factors.
nently both in surface mode and dive mode.
Default: OC The display for a single decostop is limit-
ed to 99 minutes. If a stop is longer than 99
minutes, another stop is generated at the
4.3.2. Decotype same depth.
The classical algorithm Bühlmann ZH-L16
calculates with maximum values (M-val-
ues) wich should not be exceeded. As safety
margin to the M-values (100 percent) this
deco model uses saturation factors. The
OSTC is preset to a value for saturation of
110 percent and a value for desaturation of
4.3.3. Deco parameter Alternative GF (aGF)
Settings for an alternative GF pair which
You can modify the deco model with the can be toggled while diving. With »aGF se-
saturation and gradient factors and adjust lectable: No/Yes« you can set up if the alter-
it to your own needs. native GF pair can be toggled while diving
or not. When you select »Yes«, the aGF can
be toggled in the menu in dive mode.
Default: No
aGF low
Alternative value for the GF low in percent.
Setting range: 10 – 100%
Default: 60%
aGF high
Alternative value for the GF high in percent.
Setting range: 45 – 110%
Default: 85%
Menu overview »deco parameter«.
!! Warning Gradient factors Only change values for decompression cal-
culation if you are aware of their meanings.
In the deco model ZH-L16+GF the gradi- The presettings of the deco parameters are
ent factors (GF) regulate the safety margin well established and proven. Changes have
to the maximum values of the Bühlmann direct influence on the decompression cal-
model that should not be exceeded during culation and modify the conservatism of
deco. the Bühlmann model.
The GF are indicated like this: First the GF
low, then the GF high is specified, for exam-
ple GF 30/85 Saturation factors
Desaturation 4.3.4. ppO2 settings
Multiplier for desaturation process. A value
of 100% corresponds to the pure Bühlmann Settings for maxium and minimum value
model without any safety margin (in ZH- of oxygen partial pressure (ppO2). This val-
L16). The lower the value, the more a slow- ue has an impact on the MOD (maximum
er desaturation will be considered. Setting operating depth) during setup gases and
range: 60 – 100% using them.
Default: 90% (ZH-L16), 100% (ZH-L16+GF)
GF + saturation factors
Using the ZH-L16+GF with gradient fac-
tors you can additionally adjust the decom-
pression to the diving conditions with the
saturation factors. A faster saturation be-
cause of increased work can be considered
by a higher value of the saturation factor, a
slower desaturation can be considered by
a lower value of the desaturation factor. If
you don`t want to use the saturation fac-
tors additionally, choose the value 100% for
both factors. You can set up a different ppO2 value for the deco
and for the maximum depth of the dive.
4.3.5. Safety stop case of a bailout there will be no fTTS cal-
The safety stop can be switched on or off.
After a dive within the no deco limit (NDL) Additionally the future value of the CNS
the OSTC shows a safety stop of 3 minutes (CNS fTTS) that results from future TTS will
in 5 meters. It is displayed as a countdown be calculated. In dive mode it is displayed in
split to the second. It will not be displayed the custom view. If the future CNS value ex-
after a deco dive. ceeds 100%, there will be a warning.
Default: No
In CCR mode the fTTS is either applied to
the values of the rebreather (Calculation
4.3.6. Second deco plan Gas B/O: No) or as future bailout to the bail-
out gases (Calculation Gas B/O: Yes).
In the submenu »2nd deco plan« you can See next chapter.
activate extended and alternative calcula-
tions for the deco and the ascent. Setting range: 0 – 9 minutes
(0 = disabled)
Default: 0 minutes
cent immediately. If the future TTS is acti- Adjust breathing minute volume
vated (value greater than zero) and set to To display the gas needs, some values must
2 minutes, for example, the dive computer be entered first. For your travel gas and deco
shows your future gas need that you will gas you can adjust your breathing minute
have when you start with your ascent in 2 volume. It is is set in litres per minute for
minutes. every gas.
Travel gas and deco gas:
Setting range: 5 – 50 l/min
In CCR or pSCR mode there are two variants. Default: 20 l/min
If the option »Calculation gas (B/O)« is These settings are also used by the deco cal-
turned off, the future TTS and the future culator, which can be accessed via the sim-
CNS are calculated assuming that you use ulation menu.
the rebreather until the end of the dive.
Tank sizes
If the option »Calculation gas (B/O)« is Here you can specify the tank size in litres
turned on, the fTTS becomes the fB/O (fu- for each gas (OC gases/bailout gases).
ture bailout). The fB/O as well as the future Gas 1 – 5, Setting range: 1 – 40 l
CNS and the future gas demand are applied Default: 11 l
to the bailout gases. In this case, the fB/O
is displayed as B/O time (bailout time). The Tank press budget
future bailout time is calculated assuming Here you can set how much gas from the
that you spend the time set at fTTS/fB/O tanks may be used for the dive. If the cal-
with the start bailout gas at the current culated gas needs reach 70% of the tank
depth and then start the bailout ascent. press budget, a warning appears in yellow.
At 100% the warning appears in red.
Gas 1 – 5, Setting range: 50 – 290 bar
Default: 200 bar
4.4. OC Gas setup 4.4.1. Edit gas
Use OC gas setup to configure presets for Select a gas in the OC gas list and press EN-
up to five gases for scubadiving as well as TER to see details or to change values. For
bailout gases for rebreather diving. You can each gas you can set the type and the gas
use these presets when you change your mix, for deco gases also the change depth.
gases during the dive.
Gas is disabled and is not taken into ac-
count for the decompression prognosis.
During the dive you can select them any- tion depth (MOD). Use Reset to MOD to
way, then the calculation starts from new. reset the value to the MOD. The MOD de-
pends on the ppO2 value.
Disabled gases are shown in blue letters.
The change depth can only be configured
for deco gases, for travel gases (or the “First Setup mix gas”) this setting is the desired MOD
You can set the change depth freely or you can re-
set it to MOD.
the second deco mix. 4.5. CCR/pSCR setup
Dive with two decompression gases and
one travel/bottom gas: In this menu you can make the settings
Additionally to the first gas and the two de- that are necessary for diving with a CCR
compression gases, configure a fourth gas and a pSCR. With all OSTC models you can
as travel. Disable the unused gas. use fixed setpoints and auto setpoints for
decompression calculation. The OSTC cR
can also read oxygen sensors. Please refer
Note to the additional operating instructions for
The current gas list is shown in surface the OTSC cR.
mode and in dive mode in the menu (left
button). In dive mode you can easily see
which gas fits to the current depth. Gases
with a too high or too low ppO2 are marked
4.5.1. Mode
Gas list in dive mode: The Nx 50 has a too high ppO2
for the current depth. Select if you want to perform the calcula-
tion with fixed setpoints, auto setpoints or
with sensor.
Auto setpoint
If you set a change depth for the setpoint,
the setpoint change is made automatically
at the respective change depth.
Deco calculation via connected oxygen sen-
sors (only possible in the OSTC cR and in the
old model OSTC 3).
4.5.2. Diluent setup Better diluent
In dive mode you can make a quick gas
In the Diluent menu you can configure change (better diluent). Close to the config-
your diluent gases. They are designated as ured change depth the OSTC shows the bet-
gas 6 to gas 10. The setup of the gases is ter diluent.
the same as for the OC gases. Only the gas
types are different.
4.5.3. CCR setpoints
Diluent type
Each diluent can be of the following type:
The first diluent that you use when you Select the setpoint with ENTER and adjust ppO2 and
start the dive. Only one diluent can be depth with +/–.
marked as First. If you use only one diluent,
it is marked automatically as First. The decompression calculation uses always
the current setpoint. If the setpoint is phys-
Normal ically not possible (e.g. 1,6 bar in 3 meters),
Additional diluents which can be chosen the setpoint will be adjusted accordingly (in
underwater. this example to 1,3 bar).
4.5.4. pSCR setup flush it with 100% O2. The calculation will
be adjusted accordingly.
Settings for diving with a pSCR. Setting range: 80 – 100%
Default: 90%
4.6. Simulator
Use the simulator to simulate the dive
mode of the OSTC or to calculate the deco-
plan for your next dive. With the simulator
you can get familiar with your dive compu-
ter even before the first dive.
Lung ratio
Ratio of the diameter of the inner and out-
er counterloung.
Setting range: 5 – 20 %
Default: 10 %
The gas mixture and the resulting decom-
pression calculation of a pSCR deviate con-
siderably from the calculation of OC or CCR Menu overview »Simulator«.
diving. This manual can not go into details
here. Interval
If you are planning a repetitive dive, set up
the surface interval in minutes. It can be in-
creased in steps of 10 minutes.
4.5.5. Maximum O2 content in the loop Setting range: 0 – 240 minutes
Default: 0 minutes
The setting »Loop %O2 max« is based on
the assumption that the set percentage of Bottom depth
oxygen is the maximum value of oxygen Enter a value for the maximum depth. It
that can be present in the loop, even if you can be increased in steps of 3 meters.
Setting range: 12 – 120 meters lation, also in comparison to other deco cal-
Default: 21 meters culation programs.
Bottom time
Enter a value for the bottom time (the time
you want to stay on the maximum depth).It
can be increased in steps of 2 minutes.
Setting range: 1 – 59 minutes
Default: 5 minutes
Calculator setup
Additional settings for the deco calculator.
Under aGF you can choose if the alternative
gradient factor (aGF) shall be used for the
calculation or not (No/Yes).
Dive plan for a dive with air for 21 minutes on a
Under CCR Setpoint you can select a differ- depth of 39 meters. Switch to the calculated gas
ent setpoint than SP1 for the calculation. needs with the right button ENTER.
This selection can only be made in the deco
calculator, in dive mode the CCR dive always
starts with SP1. 4.6.2. Start simulator
Sim: +5': longer the divetime for 5 minutes
Layout: dive mode in large view Note
If you want to safe your recorded dive data,
All other functions are similar to the dive you can connect the OSTC via Bluetooth to
mode and are described there. a personal computer or smartphone and re-
adout the data (page 14 and 38).
The OSTC stays 90 minutes in the simula- Logbook entries are sorted in chronologi-
tion mode until it switches to sleep mode. cal order, starting with the most recent en-
Stop the simulation mode manually to save try. Every entry shows position index, date,
energy. maximum depth and dive time.
Via Settings > Display Settings > Logbook
Offset you can put in your own number of
dives. It will be shown instead of the num-
bers of dives which are stored in the dive
computer (page 15).
5. Dive mode • in pSCR mode also: ppO2, O2 drop, Lung
• no information
5.1. Displays in dive mode
Permanent information
Selectable information
5.2. Menu in dive mode 5.2.1. Gas change (OC)
In dive mode (OC) you can select your pre- Open the menu and select »Gas list« to do
set gases (gaslist), reset the calculation of a gas change. You can choose between the
your average depth (reset avr./stopwatch), gas mixes that you have prepared in »Gas
use the alternative GF-pair (aGF) for decom- setup« in the surface mode. Select the gas.
pression calculation, set a marker in the The selected gas then appears on the main
logbook and a lot more. screen.
In the dive mode apnea there are no menu
functions available. In gauge mode you can
only reset the calculation of the average
If you forgot to configure a gas, you can do this while
diving with +/– for helium (He) and oxygen (O2).
When you have adjusted the mix, select it and it will
be active.
Gases in red have a too high or low ppO2 to
be used in the current depth (they can be
selected anyway).
Once you have set the change depth of In dive mode you can select the average
your deco gas, you can carry out a quick gas depth and stopwatch in the custom view
change without entering the menu. The (right button). Total avr indicates the av-
OSTC automatically suggests the appropri- erage depth since the start of the dive.
ate gas. Stopped avr indicates the average depth for
a period of time that you choose.
A gas turns yellow, when you get close to
the configured change depth of the gas The stopwatch starts with the beginning
during your ascent. Then press the left but- of the dive. While diving you can restart it
ton NEXT and the dive computer suggests in the menu function reset avr. The stop-
you the better gas (e.g. Nx50?). So you see watch starts from new and shows the aver-
at once which gas you shall use. Just con- age depth since the start of the stopwatch
firm with ENTER and the gas is active. (stopped avr).
5.2.5. Bearing
5.2.6. Layout If »Auto SP« is activated, the setpoint is au-
tomatically changed when you reach the
With »Layout« you can activate an en- configured change depth. With »Fixed SP«,
larged view of the dive mode. It only shows you must change manually; the change
the values for dive time, depth, maximum depth is not indicated.
depth and the no deco limit (NDL) or the
TTS with the next stop. You can quit the big
view anytime with the left button.
5.2.9. Diluent
5.3. Warnings can be done in display settings (page 15).
After diving the OSTC shows a countdown
Warnings appear in yellow and red on the of five minutes. When you descend again
display. Depending on your custom view within this period, the whole time of div-
the warnings appear in the custom view or ing will be saved in the logbook as only one
in the upper part of the display (not dou- dive. The countdown can be adjusted. Upon
ble). If there are critical warnings, a warn- a depth of 1 meter, the dive can also be
ing sign is displayed additionally. stopped manually (page 35: dive timeout)
Rate of ascent
Missed deco stop on 12 meters. Additionally there is Diluent warning: If you would flush with your dilu-
a pre-warning for the current GF and for micro bub- ent now or breathe it OC, the ppO2 value would be
bles (the tissues are so saturated that micro bubbles too high (or too low).
could occur).
ZH-L16 violated: The deco is missed and the deco IBCD warning (if activated): This warning is shown, if
model is extrapolated and is no longer valid. There is you do a gas change with two inert gases (nitrogen
an acute danger for an accident. N2/helium He) and the leading tissue saturates due
to an isobaric counter diffusion (IBCD). An isobar-
ic counter diffusion occurs when the nitrogen con-
tent in a tissue increases while the helium content
decreases (or vice versa) and a saturation occurs (in
sum more gas is entering the tissues than leaving).
5.4. Views in dive mode
6. Maintenance it flashes in green every four seconds. Put
your dive computer with the backside on it.
6.1. Housing For your orientation: On the backside of the
dive computer is a round cavity where the
Wash your OSTC after every dive with fresh pad should be placed.
water, especially after diving in seawater.
If the housing is very dirty, put your OSTC As soon as it is charging, the pad is illumi-
over night in fresh water. Do not use any nated permanently in green or is flashing
cleaning agents or solvents. slowly in green. Start the OSTC and watch
the battery indicator on the display. When
the battery sign is permanently marked yel-
6.2. Bungee low the dive computer is charging optimal-
The OSTC is delivered with bungees. The To protect the battery, the pad already stops
bungee wristband can be set to your arm charging at a small warming and flashes in
diameter individually. To tighten the bun- red. Just leave the dive computer on the
gee, make a reef knot or a simple double charger. The charging will be continued au-
knot above the circular cavity (tighten knot tomatically.
very strong). You can also use two bun-
gees and fix them at the ends with figure
eight knots. Cut the remaining bungee af-
ter about one centimeter and use a lighter
to melt the small remains of nylon.
lithium batteries with 3.6V and 0.8Ah.
Note After replacing the battery the menu »New
When the battery is totally empty, the desa- battery« appears on the display. Select if
turation time and no fly time are still remai- you have inserted the old battery again, a
ning. But check time and date after restar- new 1.5V battery or a 3.6V lithium ion bat-
ting the dive computer. tery. With this information the OSTC can
calculate the remaining battery capacity.
The use of a 1.2V NiMH battery is not rec- When you insert and select a rechargeable
ommended. battery (3.6V chargeable), the OSTC initially
displays 0% battery capacity even when the
In the dive computer OSTC sport charging is battery is full. This is normal, because the
not possible (this is about the model OSTC battery display needs one cycle of charging
sport, not about the firmware hwOS sport). to calibrate itself (which, of course, is much
Nevertheless, you can still use rechargeable faster if the battery is already charged). Put
your OSTC plus on the charging pad until it 7. Software and updates
indicates 100% charging capacity. After this
operation, the battery status is displayed You can easily connect the OSTC to your PC,
correctly. notebook or smartphone via Bluetooth to
install software or read out your dives.
We recommend the use of a USB power When there is no connection, the Bluetooth
supply with at least 1.5A at 5V. menu terminates automatically. You can
also stop it with the right button ENTER.
6.5. Spare parts
When connecting your OSTC to a person-
Spare parts like bungees, backplates, re- al computer the first time, you need to
chargeable batteries, AA batteries (Saft »pair« your dive computer with the device.
LS14500 3.6V), caps for the battery com- This process depends on the operation sys-
partment, Bluetooth adapter and screen tem of the computer. In Windows: Click the
protectors are available in the online shop Bluetooth symbol in the system tray and se-
of heinrichs weikamp or at your dealer. lect the option »add device«. You don’t need a PIN code.
7.2. Software for the OSTC
There are several ways to update the
firmware: Data transfer with the OSTC is supported
by many software applications for all com-
OSTC Companion mon platforms. The applications provide
Use the OSTC Companion, which you can easy-to-operate functions for transferring
download from our homepage. Download recorded dive data, for planning dives and
and unzip the firmware. Connect your OSTC for configuring and remotely controlling
to your computer and select the correct your OSTC.
COM port and model in the OSTC Compan- On our website you’ll find a list of all OSTC
ion. Click on »Update Firmware«. With the supporting programs and applications. Go
Companion you can also set date and time to Service > Software:
and enter a personal text.
It is also possible to install the firmware
with the free logbook software Subsurface.
If your OSTC is connected to Subsurface, the
program will automatically ask you if you
want to update (if an update is available).
We recommend you to upgrade the firmwa-
re regularly – at least once a year. Updates
for the OSTC are free of charge, of course.
8. Disposal
According to the European WEEE directive,
electrical and electronic devices must not
be disposed with consumer waste. It’s com-
ponents must be recycled or disposed apart
from each other. Otherwise contamina-
tive and hazardous substances can pollute
our environment. You as the consumer are
committed by law to dispose electrical and
electronic devices to the producer, the deal-
er or public collecting points at the end of
the lifetime for free. Particulars are regula
ted in national right.
9. Technical data
Display High resolution IPS LCD monitor with ambient light sen-
sor, field of view: 170°, Resolution: 320 x 240 pixel
Connections Bluetooth, (OSTC cR: USB via S8 connector)
Sensor Combined depth/temperature sensor
3D compass (fully tilt-compensated)
Power supply Integrated Lithium Battery (OSTC plus: also 1.5V AA batte-
ry), OSTC sport: AA battery of any kind
Operating elements Two piezo buttons, OSTC sport: Push two buttons
Housing Milled from a single block of alloy (OSTC plus and OSTC
sport), ABS-PC (OSTC 2, OSTC 2 TR, OSTC cR), scratch resis-
tant borosilicate-glass panel
Dimensions 66 mm x 65 mm x 20 mm (OSTCplus)
76 mm x 78 mm x 30 mm (OSTC 2 and OSTC 2 TR)
80 mm x 68 mm x 34 mm (OSTC cR)
69 mm x 66 mm x 21 mm (OSTC sport)
Weight 150 gr. (OSTC plus), 170gr. (OSTC 2 and OSTC 2 TR),
240 gr. (OSTC cR), 180g (OSTC sport)
Max. Depth 120 meters
heinrichs weikamp GmbH
Adlerstraße 7
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau