Artifact 8
Artifact 8
Artifact 8
Learning from theorists young and old can help an educator gain knowledge on an
endless number of subjects and topics. For my research brochure I chose Howard Gardner
because of his research in the multiple intelligences. I understand that everyone has many
different learning styles and by learning about them I can foster learning in many different styles.
John Holt believed in unschooling and when children were provided with a stimulating
environment they would learn what they needed in their own time. I chose John Holt because I
believe giving students the opportunity to learn material in their own way was something I could
adopt into my classroom. His beliefs include much more freedom than I would include in my
classroom but there are pieces of his work I would try in my classroom.
INTASC Standard
The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate
his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners,
families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each
Principle #3: Educators commit to their own learning in order to develop their practice
Educators recognize that professional knowledge and development are the foundations of their
practice. They know their subject matter, and they understand how students learn. Educators
respect the reciprocal nature of learning between educators and students. They engage in a
DOE Claim #2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through
The provider ensures that candidates develop a deep understanding of the critical concepts and
principles of their discipline and, by completion, are able to use discipline-specific practices
flexibly to advance the learning of all students toward attainment of college- and career-
readiness standards.
Candidates recognize the importance of, participate in, and facilitate ongoing professional
CEC Standards
Principle #12 Participating in the growth and dissemination of professional knowledge and skills
The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for
developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students' well-being and
Ó Emily Schumacher
- “interest-driven learning” (English,
John Holt Beliefs “Learning is not the product of
- Student’s natural curiosity is 2013)
teaching. Learning is the product
destroyed by school of the activity of learners.” - Parents give their children as much
- Students should have a right “to be – John Holt freedom as possible to learn about
in charge of his own learning” the world around them
(Canadian Centre of Home - Children choose the direction their
Education, 2018) Homeschooling learning takes
- Regulating or controlling the - not a lot of structured time necessary
learning can interfere with the during the day
natural learning process - takes less time than a typical school “Children do not need to be
- People interfering with a process day – typically three to five hours a made to learn about the world,
week or shown how. They want to, and
does not allow for the process to
- parents without an education they know how.”
- “home is the proper base for the background are at an advantage
exploration of the world which we when homeschooling their children
call learning or education” - if a parent does not know how to
(Natural Child) teach a subject they can outsource
to other homeschooling families or
other resources (extension courses)
- children can learn kindness,
Unschooling/Homeschooling patience etc. being in groups of two
Advantages or three
- Freedom of time - students in large groups learn
- ability to adapt learning to the bullying, teasing, popularity etc.
needs of the students (slowing - can build on students interests more
down or accelerating the pace of easily – teaching math through
the work) money
- flexibility - students who wish to attend post-
- able to respond to the student’s secondary education are able to
needs (sick, not feeling well – take apply by taking SATs or other tests to
it easy; full of energy – big projects show their knowledge
or harder material) (Natural Child, 2018)
Andrew, C. (2018, November 12). A Unique
Classroom Implications Concept - What Does Existential Intelligence
- Helps to better
Mean? Retrieved February 12, 2019, from
understand strengths of July 11, 1943 –
the students based on Cherry, K. (2018, November 11). How Howard (Cherry, 2018a)
their intelligences Gardner Developed the Theory of Multiple
Intelligences. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from
Teaching to the
Intelligences gardner-biography-2795511
- Linguistic – write a story,
Cherry, K. (2018, November 28). Gardner's Theory
script, make a video,
of Multiple Intelligences. Retrieved February 11,
design brochure 2019, from
- Mathematical – surveys,
debates, logics of-multiple-intelligences-2795161
- Kinesthetic – skits,
dance, using Haynes, K. (n.d.). 12 Ways to Teach Using Multiple
manipulatives Intelligences. Retrieved February 12, 2019, from
- Visual-Spatial – dray
diagrams, PowerPoint
presentation Howard Gardner Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved
- Musical – present in a February 12, 2019, from
song, find patterns in Figure 1 - (Krishnan, 2017)
music gardner
- Interpersonal – class COGNITIVISM
Howard Gardner Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved
discussions/group work
February 12, 2019, from
- Intrapersonal –
individual assignments, quotes Harvard Undergrad Degree – 1965
blogs, journals etc., Harvard PhD – 1971
- Naturalistic – bring the Krishnan, G. (2017, May 02). [Howard Gardner]. (Cherry, 2018a)
outside in, field trips, Retrieved February 11, 2019, from
working outside
Main Concept
[Multiple Intelligences Wheel]. (n.d.). Retrieved - Multiple Intelligences
February 11, 2019, from
ÓEmily Schumacher
o Musical
§ Thinks in patterns, rhythms
“Anything that is worth teaching
and sounds
can be presented in many
different ways. These multiple § Good at remembering music
ways can make use of our patterns and melodies
multiple intelligences.” o Interpersonal
– Howard Gardner § Good at interacting with
§ Strong verbal and non-verbal
Nine Intelligences communication skills
- Gardner determined eight different o Intrapersonal
intelligences (Cherry, 2018b) § Aware of own emotions
o Visual-spatial § Enjoy self-reflection and
Figure 2 - Multiple Intelligence Wheel § ability to visualize analyzing strengths and
§ Good with directions, puzzles, weaknesses
Multiple Intelligences maps, charts, pictures etc. o Naturalistic
- Eight intelligences with the potential o Linguistic-verbal § Good at organizing
of a ninth § Strong memory (written and information
- Everyone has their own set of spoken) § Enjoys nature subjects
intelligences § Strong communication skills (biology and zoology)
- People can have multiple leaning (writing and speaking) § Very aware of changes in
and thinking intelligences (Cherry, § Good at debating the environment
2018a) o Mathematical (Cherry, 2018b)
§ Good at reasoning, o Existentialist
Styles vs Intelligences recognizing patterns and logic
§ possible ninth intelligence
§ involves asking high order
problems (Cherry, 2018b)
“How an “mental thinking questions
individual learner computational § Strong problem solving skills
approaches power in a o Kinesthetic
different certain area” § Good at movement,
educational (Cherry, 2018a) performing and hand eye “The goal of education is to
materials” help people use their minds
(Cherry, 2018a) better”
§ “remember(s) by doing” – Howard Gardner
(Cherry, 2018b)