A. The Meaning of Gratitude
A. The Meaning of Gratitude
A. The Meaning of Gratitude
thanksgiven in religion,
he has been given a favor, through the heart, I the form of a witness
and love of God. Through the limbs, in the form of obedience and
realize or even deny that the blessings obtained are the gift of Allah
Wich means “ truly the treasure and blessings that I have that I
Gratitude is one of the attributes of Allah
That is, God will surely reply to any good deeds done by his servants,
without missing one person and without missing one charity. Allah
Ta’ala said :
ٌ ُشك
ور ٌ ُ غف
َ ور َّ إِ َّن
َ ََّللا
Shura: 23)
of sin, and gratitude it means that Allah is evenging the good so that
(QS: Al-Isra : 3)
‘Alahissalam :
شاكرا ألنعمه اجتباه وهداه إلى صراط مستقيم
grateful for the blessings of Allah, Allah has chosen him and shows it
And the leaders of the prophets and apostles, and the end-
did not escape gratitude even though it was guaranteed for his heaven.
prays, he stands very long until his feet harden his. Is Aisyah ask,”
O Messenger of Allah, why did you come to that? Isn’t your sins
forgiven both the past and the future ? “ the prophet said “ o
Muslim No.2820)
Syukur is worship
“ Remember me and I will remember you. Thank me and do
give you and give thanks to Allah, if truly you worship.” (QS: Al-
baqarah: 172)
B. How to be Grateful
He also said,
ُ فَإ ِ ْن لَ ْم ت َ ِجد ُوا َما ت ُ َكافِئُونَه،ُصنَ َع ِإلَ ْيكُ ْم َم ْع ُروفًا فَ َكافِئُوه
َ َم ْن
with the same. Is you cannot reciprocate with the same, pray of him
until you think that your prays can be repaid similarly for his
that there are many blessings that have been bestowed upon us since
“ and God Takes you out of your mother’s stomach in a state
of not knowing anything, and he gives you hearing, vision, and hait,
3. Qana’ah
feel lacking, he feels that God has never given him any gift.
ِ و كن قنِعًا تكن أ ْش َك َر، لناس
ِ عا تكن أعبدَ ا
ً كن َو ِر
person who is qana’ah, then you will be the most grateful servant.”
4. Prostration of gratitude
5. Dzikir
Berdzikir and praise Allah is a form of our gratitude race to
khalqikawahdakalaasyariikalakafalakalhamduwalakasysyukru. "(O
Allah, for the blessings you have given me today or what you gave to
one of your creatures, then it is truly delicious it is only from you and
there is no partner for you. All praise and thanksgiving are only for
pronounces it in the afternoon, he has fulfilled his night with the race
C. Life