Spire: Woodmont's 2017 Father-Daughter Dance

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The Spire


Woodmont's 2017 Father-Daughter dance

February 12, 2017 - See pages 4 & 5 for photos!


Cannon Philip Milam, son of Erik and Michelle Milam
February 12, 2017
Woodmont Christian Church 615.297.8563 www.woodmontchristian.org 3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God,
Sharing Love, and Serving Others.


Outstanding Worship
Different Traditions
Mission & Ministry
On The Move
ARE YOU UP TO DATE? Transforming
Church Life is our online member
directory and church app,
powered by ACS Access.
We are asking all members to login Dr. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister
to Church Life to make sure their Dr. C. Roy Stauffer Minister of Adult Education & Church Life
contact info is up-to-date! Rev. Justin Gung Minister of Children & Congregational Care
Farrell Mason Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care
Rev. Chris Cox Minister of Youth & Their Families
Go to www.woodmontchristian.org
Michael Graham Director of Music Ministry
and click Member Login on the top. Mary Clare Pyron Parish Nurse
Katie Sheridan Gossage Assistant Youth Ministry Director
Thom Schuyler Director of Young Adults, Missions & Outreach
Andra Moran Creative Director, The Bridge

Board Meeting Highlights Stephen Daniel King Worship Musician

Abby McLean Childrens Ministry Director
The Woodmont Board met on Monday night, January 23rd. Anne-Marie Farmer Director of Small Groups & Connections
Here are a few of the highlights that were discussed.

- Financially, the church is in strong shape finishing the 2016 calendar year. WOODMONTS SUPPORT STAFF
Chris Beck Business Administrator
- There was a lot of discussion around the need for an additional Pre-K Room for Mandy Barton Brown Executive Assistant
the Preschool. Justin Gung and Abby McLean gave a presentation regarding the Russell Davis Accompanist
overcrowding of childrens Sunday School classes. Options were explored. Martha Duff Director of Preschool
MacKenzie Baldwin Administrative Assistant
- The new parking lot by South Hall is now complete, adding 29 additional spaces Sam Marsh Property & Facilities Manager
to give some relief on Sunday mornings. Matt Diffenderfer Communications Director

- The nominating committee will begin its work on Monday, February 13th.
For assistance, please call the church office at
- Anne-Marie Farmer is now on staff as Director of Small Groups and Connection. 615.297.8563 or email [email protected]
- Alexis Waggoner has joined the staff as an intern for Adult Ed and Discipleship.
- Plans are being made to build a welcome center in the narthex that can help Get the most up-to-date information at
direct visitors and answer questions. www.woodmontchristian.org

- The safety and security ministry is going well.

Woodmont Christian Church
- Woodmont will have its Habitat build all four weekends in March 3601 Hillsboro Road
- Stewardship Campaign Growing Together in Faith and Generosity will begin Nashville, Tennessee 37215
the first weekend of April. Jeremiah and Mary Clare Pyron will be this years chairs 615.297.8563

- We will welcome Bruce Barkhauer from the the Center for Faith and Giving to www.woodmontchristian.org
Woodmont for a leadership breakfast on April 1st and to preach on April 2nd.
pg 2
Spiritual Formation is Essential
by Clay Stauffer
Currently our staff, elders, and board are reading a great book called The
Present Future by Reggie McNeal. The book talks about how important it
is for the church to be missional, to go out and make a difference in the
community, and to not simply exist for itself. But the book also stresses
the vital role that spiritual formation plays in this process.

In chapter four, McNeals says, Jesus facilitated spiritual formation in his

disciples by introducing them to life situations and then helping them debrief their
experiences. He says, Helping people grow, particularly in the arena of spiritual formation, is about
unpacking life: challenging our emotional responses that are destructive (envy, hatred, bitterness);
challenging our biases (racial prejudice, social and economic elitism, intellectual snobbery);
challenging our assumptions (my needs are the most important); challenging our responses;
unpacking our frustrations, our hopes, our dreams, and our disappointments; bringing life to God
rather than teaching about God, somehow hoping to get him into our life. (McNeal 85-86).

One of the best questions we can ask ourselves is Are we experiencing spiritual formation on a regular basis? If not, then
why not? It is different for everybody. For some it happens in Bible study, a Sunday School class, a small group, in worship,
on a Habitat Build, hosting Room in the Inn, volunteering at Nashville Food Project, reading a good book, going on a retreat.
There is no ONE WAY to do spiritual formation but it simply must be done. In the same way we tend to our bodies diet,
exercise, sleep - we must also tend to our souls.

In his book Spiritual Formation, Henri Nouwen says, Spiritual formation prepares us for a life in which we move away from
our fears, compulsions, resentments, and sorrows to serve with joy and courage in the world, even when this leads us to
places we would rather not go. Nouwen gives a specific example of what spiritual formation can look like: moving from
resentment to gratitude. Resentment blocks action; gratitude lets us move forward toward new possibilities. Resentment
makes us cling to negative prisoners of our passions. Gratitude helps us to transcend our compulsions to follow our vocation.
Resentment exhausts us by complicated jealousies and ambiguities, stirring up destructive desires for revenge. Gratitude
takes our fatigue away and give us new vitality and enthusiasm. (Nouwen 64).

Human beings yearn to grow spiritually but often dont know where to begin. One of the reasons we constantly push small
group at Woodmont is because small groups, when done well, enable spiritual formation. The world is stressful, busy, and
often overwhelming. We all need a safe place where we can connect with God, tend to the soul, and form meaningful
relationships. If we cant find a way to do this regularly, life will wear us out, and leave us tired, fearful, and confused. Jesus
can show us the way to fullness of life, but only if we let him.

Meet Our 2017 Habitat Family!

Join the club! The Dinner Club!
Dinner groups are forming now! We need your feedback!
Dinner Groups are made up of 10-12 adults who meet once a
month for 4 months to have dinner and get to know each other.
If youre interested in joining The Dinner Club, visit
and answer three questions so we can find the best fit for you:
1 - When would you like to meet? Weekend evening, Sunday
lunch, or weekday evening?
2 - Which would you prefer? An adult-only group or a group
with children present?
3 - Who would you like to be in a group with?
Multi-generational, young adults (20-35), mid-lifers (35-50), or
mature adults (50+)?
LET US KNOW YOUR INTERESTS! VISIT www.woodmontchristian.org/dinnerclub
QUESTIONS? Contact Anne-Marie Farmer at 615-297-5943 or [email protected]
pg 3
Woodmonts 2017 Father-Daughter Dance
February 12, Drowota Hall

pg 4
pg 5
A Roux for the Soul
by Farrell Mason
Ask any French chef and they will tell you the roux (flour, clarified butter and special seasoning)
is the foundation of every classic French recipe. A good roux lends a memorable dish, sauce or
soup its depth, intoxicating aroma and velvety richness. A truly inspired chef intuitively knows
when his or her roux needs that extra bay leaf, a dash of smoky paprika or a hot chili pepper
to elevate the flavor. I find cooking to be a beautiful metaphor for faith. Sometimes we need to
sweeten or as Emeril Lagasse, the New Orleans chef says, kick the heat up a notch, to invigorate
the life of our spirit.
You will know when your inner spiritual roux is in need of a little seasoning. Restless, short-tempered and sparking a frenetic
energy, you meet the world (spouse, children, work colleagues or even strangers) with a harried version of yourself. Feelings
of self-doubt, regret and fear spar with your heart. Sprinting the hamsters wheel, days turn into weeks, weeks turn into
months and one day you wake up and realize you have lost touch with yourself, with God and the life you wish to live.
My personal spiritual life often resembles my cooking style. There are many metaphoric burned pots, too much of one
ingredient and not enough of another. Every now and again I nail a recipe. I know it because I feel nearer to God, closer to the
person I want to be, and I am peaceful.
The recipe of my faith includes the traditional ingredients of time spent with God in church, in nature and in prayer, reading
the Bible and studying other spiritual writings and giving of myself compassionately to others. I have also been known to
spice up my roux by visiting holy sites like Lourdes, spending time in a Franciscan monastery and practicing yoga. But the
simplest of ingredientsstillnessoften remains in my spice drawer.
Recently, I had the opportunity to meet and spend a couple of hours with Deepak Chopra. He led a group at Vanderbilt
Medical Center into an oasis of inner stillness. I came away feeling a lightness of being that stayed with me for many days.
Once I was able to calm my mind and relax my body, I became acutely aware of my inner spirit, or what Thomas Merton
called the part of us untouched by the world and belonging to God. I experienced what I call a hot chili pepper in your roux
spiritual moment.
The inner peace and spiritual grounding that I experienced came from a deep understanding that ultimately who and what I
am is an eternal spirit that is protected and loved beyond my understanding by the One who called me into being. I also came
away assured in my depths that whatever happens in my life: All will be well.
Jesus witnessed first-hand the enormous energy required to be a human being. Life here is loud and stimulating, busy and
full of surprises, often challenging and sometimes heart-breaking. To just love in itself; to love others, to love ourselves and
especially to love God takes a lot out of us, especially if we are trying to do it well. Jesus intuitively knew that time spent in
stillness with his Father was necessary if he hoped to engage in the world with peace and purpose, love and healing, joy and
Stillness is a new ingredient in my spiritual roux and one quite honestly I need a great deal more skill in. I find it much more
challenging to be still and listen for God than to speak to God. I am trying to begin each day with a couple of minutes of
stillness before my head lifts from the pillow. Deepak says the breath is Gods way of gently taking us by the hand and
leading us inward. I call it my Darth Vader breathing or ocean breath. Tongue to the roof of your mouth, you breath in your
nose three counts, hold it at the top, and then release the breath through your nose to three counts. Sometimes, I count my
breaths until I feel still. Other times I silently whisper the mantra, Be still, on the inhale, Know that I am God on the exhale.
At the very least, I experience a softer landing to my daymy earthly edges smoothed out. But then there are those hot chili
pepper in the roux moments where the words of John, abide in me, and I will abide in you become my truth and the recipe
of my faith reaches a new height.
After my experience with Deepak, I have realized that I, and probably many of us, spend a lot of our earthly life eavesdropping
from outside the Door to a very important conversation in progress between our soul and God. Its when we dare to tiptoe
inside the candlelit inner sanctum that we get a taste of that delicious peace and eternal knowing that only God can gift.
Live in Hope,


The February meeting of the WCC Book
We wish to thank YOU, our beloved Woodmont Family, for all Club will be Tuesday, February 21, at
of your prayers, cards, visits, and delicious meals during Annes 10:30 in Room 107.
recovery from double knee replacement surgery. She will reach 7
weeks this week and attributes so very much of Judy Davis will lead a discussion of
her steady progress to your loving care! Stephanie Drays book, Americas First
Daughter. Everyone is invited to attend!
- Anne and Roy Stauffer
pg 6
SIGN UP ON OUR WEBSITE www.woodmontchristian.org/habitat

Next Weeks Calendar

Sunday, Feb. 19 Wednesday, Feb. 22
8:15 a.m. Seekers Bible Study, Room 105 6:15 a.m. Mens Small Group, Room 100
12:15 p.m. Intro to Woodmont, The Boardroom 7:00 a.m. Original Mens Bible Study, Room 105
6:15 p.m. Youth Group, Youth Wing 7:00 a.m. Younger Mens Bible Study, Boardroom
5:30 p.m. Grace Notes Practice, Kids Commons
Monday, Feb. 20 5:45 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship Dinner, Drowota
3:00 p.m. Geezers Mens Group, Boardroom 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice, Choir Room
6:30 p.m. Holy Yoga, Room 105
Tuesday, Feb. 21 6:30 p.m. The Book of Revelation: The Lamb and His
9:00 a.m. Womens Prayer Group, Campbell-Stone Enemies Week 4, Rubel Shelly, Boardroom
9:45 a.m. Womens Bible Study, Room 200
10:30 a.m. Book Club, Room 107 Thursday, Feb. 23
6:00 p.m. Handbell Practice, Choir Room 6:00 p.m. Youth Basketball Practice, Drowota Hall

Upcoming Special Events

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, KIDS EAT FREE! Socialize & relax with your church family during our Wednesday Fellowship Dinner at 5:45
PM! Starting Feb. 8, free pizza will be available for all children! MENU: Savory Beef Stew, Cheese Grits, Mixed Green Salad, Lemon Drop
Cake. RSVP here: www.woodmontchristian.org/signup
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, The Book of Revelation: The Lamb and His Enemies Week 3 with author and professor Dr. Rubel Shelly in Room
200 at 6:30 PM. Revelation is an unapproachable part of the Bible for many people, written in strange symbols. In this class, Dr. Shelly
takes you past the common interpretations and gets you into the meaningful pages of this beautiful book.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22, KIDS EAT FREE! Wednesday Fellowship Dinner at 5:45 PM! MENU: Baked Ham, Sweet Potato Casserole,
Herbed Corn, Mixed Green Salad, Fudge Brownies. RSVP here: www.woodmontchristian.org/signup
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22, The Book of Revelation: The Lamb and His Enemies Week 4 with Dr. Rubel Shelly in Room 200 at 6:30 PM.
TUESDAY, FEB. 28, GEMS Luncheon with Alexis James Waggoner leading discussion on Modern Day Prophets and The Prophetic
Imagination. What is a prophet? What does a prophet look like today? Might we all be called to have some sort of prophetic role?
RSVP here: www.woodmontchristian.org/signup
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, Ash Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Sanctuary.Quick
StaufferSummary - JulyTemptation
preaching in the
2016 to January Wilderness: Soul Searching.

July, 2016 - January, 2017 2016/2017

Actual Budget Budget/Actual Annual Budget
WOODMONT Receipts and Revenues
Pledges--Current Year $ 1,297,320.07 $ 1,429,114.00 $ (131,793.93) $ 2,245,751.00
FINANCIAL Non-Pledges 239,017.34 162,298.00 76,719.34 255,041.00
SUMMARY Other Receipts and Revenues
Total Receipts and Revenues

Expenditures & Disbursements

(C)ONNECT 105,903.25 128,508.00 22,604.75 260,955.00
(R)ESOURCE 1,177,472.13 1,201,035.00 23,562.87 2,056,402.00
(E)QUIP 62,704.86 71,401.00 8,696.14 117,500.00
*Note: Year-to-date pledge income does
not include $132,548 of pre-paid pledges (W)ORSHIP 46,736.98 58,897.00 12,160.02 97,635.00
Total Expenditures & Disbursements 1,392,817.22 1,459,841.00 67,023.78 2,532,492.00

Net Surplus/(Deficit) $ 181,790.49 $ 151,996.00 $ 29,794.49 $ -

pg 7
* Note: Year-to-date pledge income does not include $132,548.02 of pre-paid pledges.
Februarys Memory Verse:
Jesus immediately reached out
and grabbed Peter, saying, You
man of weak faith! Why did you
begin to have doubts?
- Matthew 14:31
Birthdays February 16-28:
2/24 Bradley French
2/24 Chase Demastus
2/24 Zach Demastus
2/25 Mattie-Ann Harrell


Lyndsey and Clark Rollins on the birth Savannah Cooper, Vanderbilt Childrens Gus Stranch, son of Gerard & Patty Stranch
of their son, Clark Barton Rollins, born Kay Butterworth, Richland Place Joyce Stanley, Jan Andersons sister
February 7th. Proud Grandparents, Milton George Shreeve, Woodcrest Carol Parsons
and Denise Johnson.
CONTINUING CONCERNS: Clay Perry, son of Diane & Tim Perry,
SYMPATHY TO: Nick Diamond, Metro police officer and grandson of Betty & Bill Johnson, Seattle
Family and friends of Bryan Sargent, drummer for The Bridge. Please keep Ben Cherry
whose mother, Grace Crews, passed away Nick, his wife, Nicole, and their two
children in your prayers.
today, February 13th in Richmond VA. Ellie THIS WEEK, THE ELDERS OF
Sargent is her granddaughter. Services Vicki Phillips
will be Thursday Feb. 16, 11am (EST) at
Anne Stauffer
Skipwith Baptist Church in Richmond, JOIN THEM IN PRAYER FOR:
Donnie Creighton Norman
Virginia. Those who have suffered injury and
The Cooper Family lost their home to a loss from the tornadoes and floods in
Family and friends of Kitty Moon Emery, fire Dec 21. A recovery fund has been set our country.
who passed away February 7th. Visitation up for those who feel led to help: www.
crowdrise.com/coopers-recovery-fund. The teachers in our country who
service will be on February 15th from dedicate their lives to our children.
10:00-11:00 am with the Celebration of Al & Pam Richardson
Life service to follow in the Sanctuary Ed Kelly All students who deserve the best we
11:00 am- 12:00 pm. can provide for them.
Lee Ann Hawkins
The staff and volunteers who work
Beverly Small with our children at Woodmont.

February 19, 2017 Elders and Deacons Serving

By Our Presence and Our Gifts
Deacons Serving Elders Serving
Date Sun. School Total Atd. Operating Communion Prep: Tom Woodard 9:30 a.m.
January 22 367 879 $76,186 Service Coordinator: 9:30 - David Todd Sandy Smith
January 29 329 758 $25,164 9: 45 - Jerry Johnson 11:00 - Laurie Hester Marcus Crider
February 5 347 898 $46,628 Video Camera: 9:30 - Jonathan Farmer 9:45 a.m.
February 12 417 911 $60,906 11:00 - Jim Hester Rich Sanderson

Worship Services February 19, 2017 9:30 a.m. 9:45. a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
Chad Greer Kristen Newman Ellen Cochran Faye Tevebaugh
David Schmutz Judy Davis Bette Christofersen Marcella Derryberry
9:30, 9:45, & 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP Laura Beth Brown Bob Faricy William Liles
HEALING A HURTING WORLD Jim Batson Christy Brown Charlie Brinkley Hospital -
Jesus and the Spiritual Life Week 3 Billy Crawford Aaron Durbin
Sandra Kyne
Clay Stauffer Seth Joyner Josephine Durbin
Matthew 25:31-40 & 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 John Weldon Emily Carpenter
Lindi Jobe Rob Cochran

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