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Journal of Applied Accounting Research

The effect of CEOs’ characteristics on forward-looking information

Rateb Alqatamin, Zakaria Ali Aribi, Thankom Arun,
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Rateb Alqatamin, Zakaria Ali Aribi, Thankom Arun, "The effect of CEOs’ characteristics on forward-looking information",
Journal of Applied Accounting Research,
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The effect of CEOs’ characteristics on forward-looking
1 Introduction
We extend the previous literature on FLI disclosure by investigating the effect of CEOs’
characteristics on narrative FLI disclosure. Voluntary disclosure, such as FLI, is considered
essential in demonstrating a company’s position to shareholders, and other stakeholders in the
wider sense of the term (Jensen and Meckling 1976; Lim et al. 2007; Hassanein and
Hussainey 2015). In fact, a number of studies argue that the most significant items in
voluntary disclosure are FLI (Francis et al. 2008a; Wang and Hussainey 2013). We focused
on forward-looking narrative because existing evidence suggests that managers who are
willing to manipulate the tone of corporate disclosure are likely to target forward-looking
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statements for such purposes (Schleicher et al. 2007; Schleicher and Walker 2010). Thus, our
study differs from previous studies on FLI disclosure in that we focus exclusively on how the
personal characteristics of CEOs affect the voluntary narrative FLI. Previous studies suggest
that corporate reporting practices vary predictably, in accordance with the particular
individual characteristics of directors (Schrand and Zechman 2012; Davidson et al. 2013),
and that these characteristics have an effect on managers’ decisions, including their influence
on voluntary disclosure strategies (Bamber et al. 2010), accruals quality (Francis et al. 2008a)
and accounting policies (Arun et al. 2015).

Disclosure regarding a company’s future performance is mostly made on a voluntary basis,

subject to managerial discretion (Clarkson et al. 2008). Although previous studies found that
FLI disclosure enhances investors’ ability to predict future earnings (Hussainey et al. 2003;
Hussainey and Walker 2009; Athanasakou and Hussainey 2014), academic research has
shown that no study has used the level of FLI disclosure to investigate the relationship
between CEO characteristics and voluntary disclosure. This limitation provides the
motivation for the present study, by providing evidence on the nature of the
relationship between FLI disclosure and CEO characteristics in the context of Jordan.
Furthermore, we were motivated by the unique role the CEOs can play in FLI statements,
particularly through narrative disclosures.

We define FLI disclosure more widely and include all types of FLI disclosure, including
management strategy, valuations of opportunities and risks, forecast data, qualitative and
non-forecast data. This sort of approach is useful for the study is based on Jordanian
companies, whose forward-looking statements are qualitative in nature and dominated by
good news. We used 1,206 annual reports of 201 privatized Jordanian companies listed on the

ASE over the six-year period, 2008-2013, with the technique of manual content analysis to
examine the narrative evidence from the annual financial reports.

It was found that CEO overconfidence and gender have a significant positive association with
the level of FLI disclosure, while CEO age is negatively associated with FLI disclosure. The
study provides early evidence of the impact of CEO characteristics on the level of FLI
disclosure in a developing country. These findings should be of interest to policymakers,
regulators and academics regarding the impact of CEO characteristics on the level of FLI not
only in Jordan, but also in other developing countries, particularly in the Middle East and
North Africa (MENA).
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Jordan is significant in the MENA region as a pioneering service-based economy, largely

because of its relative scarcity of natural resources. While other economies in the region are
characterised by heavy state regulation and massive government bureaucracies (for political
reasons, including the disbursal of oil and gas revenues), Jordan has pioneered the market
economy and trade liberalization, along with its historic investment in education. Jordan is
thus much more aligned to international norms in the globalized economy (Aljifri and
Khasharmeh 2006). Over the years, the Jordanian government has worked closely with the
IMF, practised careful monetary policy and made significant progress with privatization and
a liberalized trade regime (Al-Akra and Ali 2012). The ASE, the biggest stock market in the
region, operates an automated order-driven Electronic Trading System and works in close
collaboration with the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) on surveillance matters; it has a
strong relationship with other exchanges, associations and international organizations.

The Jordanian capital market is mature by regional standards and is integrated with the
Middle East market, which implies little long-run risk diversification (Saadi-Sedik and Petri
2006). The government of Jordan has introduced numerous reforms for accounting
regulations, including securities exchange laws and corporate disclosure practices. These
reforms contribute to more transparent markets and the listed companies have enhanced their
voluntary disclosure (Al-Akra and Ali 2012; JSC 2015). Furthermore, Omar (2007) found
that Jordan showed a significant improvement in disclosure after changes in the economic
and accounting regulations (see Appendix 1). Thus, Jordan provides a unique national context
in which to analyse the impact of CEO traits on the level of FLI disclosure.

Our paper provides two contributions to the literature in terms of determinants of FLI
disclosure. First, it examines the impact of CEOs’ personal traits on the level of FLI
disclosure. Instead of the current literature’s prevailing focus on the determinants of FLI
disclosure on institutional characteristics, this study provides evidence of the association
between CEO traits and FLI disclosure. Furthermore, only a limited number of studies have
examined FLI disclosure in developing countries, and even fewer in MENA. The remainder
of this paper organised as follows. Section 2 reviews the related literature and hypotheses,
while Section 3 presents the research method. Section 4 presents the study findings, and
Section 5 concludes the paper.
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2 Literature Review and Hypotheses

The disclosure of corporate information can be a signal to capital markets, as expressed in

signalling theory, which posits that managers use voluntary disclosure to signal private
information to the market (Watts and Zimmerman 1978). The sending of a signal is based on
the assumption that it should be favourable to the signaller, such as indicating the higher
quality of its products compared with those of competitors (Salama et al. 2010). Furthermore,
companies disclose more specific information to investors to signal that they are better than
other companies in the market for the purpose of attracting new investment and enhancing
their reputation (Campbell 2001). In line with this argument, managers are likely to disclose
more FLI to the interest-related parties to increase their confidence about the company’s
future performance (Singhvi and Desai 1971). In addition, previous studies found that
managers in family companies are more likely to disclose more FLI disclosure than those
managing non-family companies (Ali et al. 2007; Chau and Gray 2010). Similarly, the
current study argues that non-financial Jordanian companies are more likely to disclose more
FLI, since a large proportion of Jordanian companies are family controlled. There were 128
(64 percent) family companies and 73 (36 percent) non-family companies listed on the ASE
over the period 2008-2013 (ASE 2015). Thus, the context of Jordan provides an opportunity
for managers to disclose more FLI. The last decade has seen a growing amount of research
on the topic of managerial characteristics of CEOs. It is obvious that the sociological,
professional, individual and physiological characteristics of managers may have an effect on
various decisions (Bamber et al. 2010; Hirshleifer et al. 2012; Dejong and Ling 2013). Since
CEOs are the key decision makers in voluntary FLI disclosure, it is important to investigate

the relationship between their personal characteristics and FLI disclosure, which remain
ambiguous in the current literature.

2.1 CEO Overconfidence

The general climate of mistrust in corporate leadership since the 2008 financial crisis has
resulted in significant research attention being devoted to the personal attributes of CEOs in
recent years, particularly their overconfidence in corporate voluntary disclosure (Schrand and
Zechman 2012; Ahmed and Duellman 2013). Langer (1975, 315) defined overconfidence as
“an overestimation of one’s own abilities and outcomes relating to one’s personal situation”.
Overconfidence as a personal characteristic tends to overestimate the results of one’s
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decisions, and underestimate the risks associated with those decisions. Previous literature
suggests that individual overconfidence has two key aspects: miscalibration and
overoptimism (Skala 2008; Libby and Rennekamp 2012). Miscalibration is associated with
individuals underestimating uncertainty when predicting events (Hribar and Yang 2015).

When individuals assess their relative skill, they tend to overstate their acumen relative to the
average (Alicke 1985). This effect can extend to business decision making (Camerer and
Lovallo 1999). While this is somewhat related to risk attitudes of individuals, it is also related
to self-attribution bias, the tendency to attribute successful results from decisions to one’s
own actions, and bad outcomes to external factors (Dowling and Aribi 2013). Overoptimism
refers to individuals who are unrealistically optimistic about uncertain outcomes.
Accordingly, the overconfident individual believes that an uncertain outcome will be better
than what would be predicted by an unbiased expectation. Both aspects of overconfidence are
likely to be associated with the level of FLI disclosure decisions.

Schrand and Zechman (2012) used a sample of 49 firms subject to the US Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) and examined the relationship between CEO overconfidence
and overstatement of earnings. Their findings suggested that overconfident executives are
more likely to exhibit an optimistic bias and thus are more likely to start down a slippery
slope of issuing intentional misstatements. Similarly, Ahmed and Duellman (2013) examined
the association between CEO overconfidence and accounting conservatism and suggested a
negative relationship between CEO overconfidence and accounting conservatism among US
firms. Since overconfident CEOs usually overestimate future sales and return on assets, their
overconfidence encourages disclosing more information. In the same vein, Hribar and Yang
(2015) examined the effect of overconfidence on management forecasting behaviour across

US firms and found that overconfidence is positively associated with the decision to issue
voluntary forecasts, and that their forecasts have a greater optimistic bias. Hence, an
overconfident CEO is more likely to favour a high level of FLI disclosure. Based on this
discussion, and consistent with the agency theory, family companies expected to disclose
more FLI disclosures to reduce the asymmetry information (Minichilli et al. 2010), naturally
this would motivate overconfidence CEOs to disclose more FLI and be optimistic about the
future of the company. Following this, we expect that Jordanian companies managed by
overconfident managers disclose more FLI disclosures.

H1. A positive association exists between CEO overconfidence and the level of FLI disclosure
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among Jordanian companies.

2.2 CEO Gender

Previous literature has documented the existence of difference between males and females in
terms of personality, communication style, decision making, risk-taking behaviour,
leadership, ethics, expertise and general performance in business (Peterson and Philpot 2007;
Dowling and Aribi 2013). The findings of these studies suggest that the gender of company
executives has an influence on corporate decisions, and that female executives tend to take a
different perspective and demand different information than their male counterparts.
However, the extent to which gender influences corporate reporting decision-making
differences remains unclear. For example, Ge et al. (2011) found no significant relationship
between CFOs’ gender and accounting choices, while Krishnan and Parsons (2008) found
that gender diversity in senior management affects earnings quality through an increase in the
quality of reported earnings. Similarly, Gul et al. (2011) examined whether the gender of
directors affects fully independent audit committees’ ability to constrain earnings
management and thus their effectiveness in overseeing the financial reporting, finding that
the proportion of females on the audit committee is not associated with earnings
management. Jia et al. (2014) investigated the relationship between the facial structure of
CEOs and their companies’ financial misreporting, and the results showed that companies
with CEOs who have more masculine faces have a higher incidence of financial misreporting.
Recent studies by Ho et al. (2015) and Arun et al. (2015) found that female directors tend to
adopt more restrained earnings management, reflecting a proclivity toward more conservative
accounting policies, and a generally more conservative mind-set among female CEOs
characterised by a tendency to be less aggressive and more anxious. Since large proportion of

Jordanian companies are managed by male CEOs and based on the notion that male is more
risk taking than female, we expect that Jordanian companies managed by male CEOs disclose
more FLI disclosure.
H2. The level of FLI disclosure is positively associated with the presence of male CEOs
among Jordanian companies.

2.3 CEO Age

A number of studies have attempted to explain the relationship between CEO age and the
decision-making process. For example, Miller and Shamsie (2001) found that older CEOs
tend to take faster investment decisions due to their accumulated experience and knowledge.
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On the other hand, Bertrand and Schoar (2002) showed that older CEOs (from cohorts with
earlier year of birth) are more likely to be conservative in making investment decisions. Li et
al. (2011) found that younger CEOs are likely to make more prolific investment decisions,
since they need to signal their capability to the stakeholders, while Ge et al. (2011) provided
evidence that older CEOs are more likely to use conservative accounting choices. Moreover,
Bamber et al. (2010) reported that managers born before World War II are more likely to
develop conservative disclosure styles than managers born afterwards. Lin et al. (2014) found
a negative significant relationship between CEO age and internal control quality among 4,374
non-financial US companies. There is no evidence so far on the relationship between the
CEO age and the level of FLI dosclosure. This discussion is consistent with the notion that
younger managers are more inclined to be information processors and optimistic about the
future (Taylor 1975), we expect that Jordanian companies managing with younger managers
are more likely to disclose the more FLI disclosure.

H3. The level of FLI disclosure is negatively associated with CEOs’ age among Jordanian

3 Data and Methodology

Our initial sample for the study is all 270 companies listed on the ASE. However, we
excluded all financial companies (n = 42) from the initial sample, due to their unique
characteristics and the specific regulations and disclosure requirements, which may have an
impact on the results (Al-Akra and Hutchinson 2013; Athanasakou and Hussainey 2014;
Hassanein and Hussainey 2015). In addition, industrial sectors comprising fewer than six
firms and companies with missing data were removed from the initial sample (Athanasakou
et al. 2009). Thus, the final sample consisted of 1,206 firm-year observations over the study
period 2008-2013, as presented in Table 1. This study adopted a six-year period from 2008 to
2013, since the financial crisis started in 2008 and triggered different reforms and corporate
governance practices in the same year in Jordan (and indeed worldwide). The data on FLI
disclosure was collected from annual reports, each of which was scanned manually. The data
on CEOs’ characteristics was collected from different sources: annual reports, press releases,
and direct communication with analysts. Furthermore, to cover some missing financial
information in the annual reports, databases available via the websites of the Securities
Depository Centre, the ASE and OSIRIS were used.
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Insert Table 1 about sample description

3.1 Measuring the Level of FLI Disclosure

Content analysis, which has been extensively used in previous literature as a powerful tool to
explore corporate disclosures (Hussainey et al. 2003; Aribi and Gao 2010; Menicucci 2013;
Hassanein and Hussainey 2015), was utilized to gather and explore the items of FLI in the
sample of this study. In content analysis, the selection of recording units such as sentences,
words, lines, groups of words, pages, paragraphs or whole documents is necessary. This
research uses words as a recording unit, since words are considered more reliable as a unit of
analysis compared to longer alternatives (Hackston and Milne 1996; Al-Najjar and Abed
2014). Furthermore, Ng (1985) argued that using sentences, lines, portion of pages and whole
documents may be inappropriate because column, print and page sizes may differ from one
annual report to another. Thus, to overcome these problems the current study used number of

A keyword search was used to identify FLI items within voluntary section in each annual
report. The study used a list of 35 forward-keywords established by Hussainey et al. (2003),
such as anticipate, next period, coming period, next etc. (see Appendix 2). To allow content
analysis to be used in a replicable manner, a checklist instrument with four categories
describing the criteria for identifying disclosure as FLI was used in line with previous studies
(Barako et al. 2006; Maali et al. 2006). Regarding the disclosure categories, Wallace and

Naser (1996) and Francis et al. (2008b) reported that there is no consensus or general theory
about categories to be selected for examining the extent of disclosure. The selection could be
based on reviewing the literature or inspecting the content of FLI (Bryan 1997; Barako et al.

The categories and the list of FLI items included both financial and non-financial information
disclosed by listed firms that may relate to FLI culminated in the generation of four
categories and 45 items. Since the focus of this study is FLI, the preliminary four catagories
and list of 45 items were sent to various individuals chosen on the basis of their expertise and
knowledge of accounting practices (academicians and accounting professionals). Based on
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valuable recommendations provided by them, the four categories of FLI were confirmed, but
the initial list of 45 items was reduced to 28 items by clustering similar items into single ones.
This method is consistent with previous literature (Barako et al. 2006; O’Sullivan et al. 2008;
Menicucci 2013) (Appendix 3).

Three steps were employed to ensure the reliability and validity of the content analysis
process: (1) we developed a set of specified and explicit coding instruments to minimize
discrepancies and ensure objectivity; (2) five annual reports were tested by several coders to
ensure that all coders adopted the same coding procedures, to resolve any differences
between codes; and (3) the coding rules for classification of categories and checklist items
were re-confirmed by five different professional accountants, and the results compared to
identify possible disagreements.

Besides using the content analysis method, disclosure index was used to measure the extent
of FLI. Cerf (1961) was the first study to employ disclosure index to assess the degree of
corporate disclosure. Since the 1960s many researchers have extensively used disclosure
index to measure the amount of information disclosed in annual financial reports (Maali et al.
2006; Mathuva 2012; Athanasakou and Hussainey 2014). Our approach to scoring FLI items
is dichotomous in that each FLI item scores a value of 1 if disclosed, otherwise 0; and the
approach to scoring is equally weighted. The disclosure index was constructed as a ratio
obtained by dividing the number of FLI items disclosed by the total number of FLI for each
company (e.g. Cerf 1961; Rizk et al. 2008).

This study used the following disclosure index to measure the level of FLI:

FWD = Σdi

Where FWD refers to the forward-looking category disclosed, and di = 1 if the category
contains forward-looking items and zero if not.

The FLI disclosure for each company is set as:


Where TDS is the maximum disclosure provided by the companies in their published annual
financial reports.

3.2 Independent Variables

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Three measures of overconfidence were used, the first of which focuses on option-holding
behaviour and stock purchases. Following Malmendier and Tate (2008), we consider
overconfidence as a reflection of the degree to which CEOs fail to minimize the degree to
which their personal wealth is exposed to company-specific risk. Their measurement is based
on the tendency of CEOs to purchase extra stock in their own company despite their own
personal wealth, rendering them exposed to company risk at a high level. In buying more
company stocks, CEOs expose themselves to higher levels of company risk by
overestimating the prospective returns on their own projects in the belief that company stock
price would rise more under their leadership than would normally be expected. If CEOs have
such overconfident beliefs, they tend to buy up stock in the company in the hope of profiting
from the expected future gains. Thus, we defined CEOs as overconfident based on the ‘Net
Buyer’ Measure (i.e. based on whether they were net buyers of the stock of their own
companies in the initial six years of the sample). It ought to be noted that in detecting
overconfidence in CEOs, they are defined as being overconfident for all the relevant years. A
dummy variable was established with 1 representing overconfident and 0 referring to

The second measurement of CEO overconfidence is based on CEO investment decisions.

Previous studies document that companies’ investment decisions are associated with
managerial overconfidence (Malmendier and Tate 2008; Campbell et al. 2011), and that
overconfident CEOs are more likely to overinvest in capital projects (Malmendier and Tate
2005a; Ben-David et al. 2010). Following Campbell et al. (2011) and Ahmed and Duellman
(2013), we measured CEO overconfidence as a dummy variable which takes the value of 1 if
the company’s capital expenditure scaled by lagged total assets in a given year is higher than

the median level of companies’ expenditures scaled by lagged total assets for the industry
type in the same year, otherwise it takes the value 0.

The third measurement of CEO confidence is based on financing decisions and capital
structure. Overconfidence can significantly influence debt/equity choices, and overconfident
CEOs will choose to issue more debt than their rational peers do, because of a belief that the
firm is less likely to experience financial distress than it actually does (Hackbarth 2008). In
Fairchild's (2005) asymmetric information model, overconfidence ultimately leads to
excessive use of debt (Minggui et al. 2006; Oliver and Mefteh 2010). In the same vein,
Malmendier et al. (2007) indicated that overconfident managers use a higher level of debt
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than rational managers, thus they underestimate the expected cost of bankruptcy and take on
more debt to exploit its tax benefits. We used the leverage ratio as a third proxy for

The CEO gender is measured as a dummy variable with the value of 1 if the CEO is male and
0 otherwise (Skalpe 2007; Yu et al. 2010). The study measures the CEO age as the difference
between date of birth and the years of the study period (Cornett et al. 2009; Lin et al. 2014).
In addition to these dependent and independent variables, a number of control variables were
used to control for the possible effect of a company’s characteristics and corporate
governance factors that may affect the extent of FLI disclosure (Athanasakou and Hussainey
2014; Sartawi et al. 2014; Hassanein and Hussainey 2015).

3.3 Model Specification

The study uses panel regression data to examine the relationship between the level of FLI
disclosure and a CEO characteristics. The main regression model used is given by:

Yit = β + bXit + Ɛit

Y = Dependent variable (FLI), X = Independent and control variables (COVER, CAPEXP,
BINDEP, MOWNE, FOWNE, INSTIT, BLOCL), β + b = coefficients, i and t = cross-
sectional and time series dimensions, and Ɛ = error term.

Three models are defined as follows:

1. FLIit = β0 + β 1 COVERit + β 2 CGENit + β 3 CAGEit+ β 4 FSIZEit + β 5 FPROFit + β
6 FINDUit + β 7 FDIVID + β 8 BSIZEit + β9 BDUALit + β10 BMEETit + β11 BINDEPit +
β12 MOWNEit + β13 FOWNEit + β14 INSTITit + β15 BLOCKit + I

2. FLIit = β0 + β 1 CAPEXPit + β 2 CGENit + β 3 CAGEit+ β 4 FSIZEit + β 5 FPROFit + β

6 FINDUit + β X7 FDIVID + β 8 BSIZEit + β9 BDUALit + β10 BMEETit + β11 BINDEPit
+ β12 MOWNEit + β13 FOWNEit + β14 INSTITit + β15 BLOCKit + I

3. FLIit = β0 + β 1 LEVERit + β 2 CGENit + β 3 CAGEt+ β 4 FSIZEit + β 5 FPROFit + β 6

FINDUit + β X7 FDIVID + β 8 BSIZEit + β9 BDUALit + β10 BMEETit + β11 BINDEPit +
β12 MOWNEit + β13 FOWNEit + β14 INSTITit + β15 BLOCKit + I
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FLIit = forward-looking disclosure index of company i in the year t, expressed as % total FLI
disclosed out of all items. COVER = CEO overconfidence, the proportion of CEO share
ownership, options, and stock exercise, measured using ‘Net Buyer’. CAPEXP = capital
expenditures used as an alternative proxy for CEO overconfidence; this is a dummy variable
taking the value 1 if the capital expenditure scaled by lagged total assets in year t is greater
that the median level of capital expenditures to lagged total assets for the firm’s industry in
that year. FLEVER = leverage ratio, used as another proxy for CEO overconfidence and
measured by total long-term debt divided by total assets. CAGE = CEO age, measured by the
difference between the CEO date of birth and years of the study period. CGEN = CEO
gender, 1 if male and 0 if female. FSIZE = firm size, natural log of firm’s total assets. FPROF
= profitability, measured by ROA (net income before tax divided be total assets). FINDU =
industry type, from the ISIN, as stated by the Jordanian Securities Depository Centre (each
company has a unique 10-digit number). FDIVID = dividends ratio measured as cash
dividends divided by net income for the same period. BSIZE = board size, measured by the
total numbers of the board. BDUAL = board duality, a dummy variable that takes the value
of one if the CEO and chairperson are the same person and zero if otherwise. BMEET =
board meeting, the number of meetings per year held by the board of directors. BINDEP =
board independence, measured by the total number of outside directors. MOWNE =
managerial ownership, measured by the percentage of total shares held by executive directors
divided by the total number of shares. FOWNE = family ownership, measured by the
proportion of total shares owned by the family; a dummy variable would take one if a family
or an individual holds 10% or more of equity, and the value zero if otherwise. INSTIT =

institutional ownership, measured by dummy variable which would take one if any
institutional held shares, and zero if otherwise. BLOCK = block-holders ownership,
measured by a dummy variable that takes the value of one if the firm has an external
stockholder owning 5% or more of the outstanding shares, and the value of zero if otherwise.
β = the constant. Ε = residual error.

4 Results and Discussion

Table 2 shows key descriptive statistics for all variables used in the study. The minimum
value of the FLI disclosure rate is 0% and the maximum is 78%, which indicates a
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considerable dispersion in the rates. The mean value of 31.6% shows a low level of FLI
disclosure across the companies. We used the median value 33% as a benchmark to classify
the cutoff between high and low levels of FLI disclosure. In addition, Table 2 shows that
43%, 49% and 29% of CEOs were overconfident about their company’s performance based
on ‘Net Buyer’, capital expenditure and leverage ratio, respectively. The descriptive result
shows that 95% of the CEOs are males. The mean age is 51.11 with minimum and maximum
26 and 84 respectively, and the median value 51. The median age is used as a cutoff point to
classify older and younger CEOs.

The company size value indicates that the companies are widely dispersed. Profitability
varies between a minimum value -85.90% (loss) and 95% (maximum profit), with standard
deviation equal to 12.53%. The mean value of industry type indicates that 36% of the sample
companies operate in the industrial sectors. Table 2 also shows that the mean value of
dividend ratio is 17.6%, with minimum and maximum values of 0 and 97.5%, respectively
and correspondingly the median value is 0 with a standard deviation of 29.9%. Concerning
the other control variables, board size has a mean value 8.011, which is consistent with other
studies (Peasnell et al. 2005; Sartawi et al. 2014). A dummy variable of board duality has a
mean of 20.5%. This figure is lower than the average reported by Chau and Gray (2010), who
found that the mean value among Hong Kong listed companies is 54%. Numbers of meeting
and board independence have mean values of 7.572 and 2.020 respectively. Concerning
ownership structure, managerial and family ownership have 35.5% and 61.2% mean values
respectively, while institutions and blockholders are 35.5% and 48.92%.

Insert Table 2 about Descriptive Statistics here

Following descriptive analysis of the variables, Table 3 shows the correlation coefficients
between the independent and control variables of the period 2008–2013. The correlation
matrix shows that the highest correlation is between board independence and board size, with
a coefficient of 41.50%. Table 3 also indicates that no Pearson’s coefficient is more that 80%,
so there is no multicollinearity problem among the independent variables (Gujarati 2008).
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Insert Table 3 about Correlation Matrix her

Table 4 reports the results of random-effect panel regression. The estimates are presented in
three panels: panel A reports the results for the regressions where overconfidence is measured
using the ‘Net Buyer’ method, and panels B and C represent the overconfidence variable
based on capital expenditures and leverage ratio respectively. The combination of the
independent variables shows respectively 25.69%, 38.3% and 23.45% of the variation of the
dependent variable. The P-Value is highly significant at the level (F = 12.05, p > .00),
implying that the model has a good explanatory power of disclosure. The table also shows
that CEO overconfidence has a high significant effect on the level of FLI disclosure at levels
(t = 2.11, P > .035, t = 2.46, P > .014 and t = 8.06, P > .00) based on the three methods
(respectively), suggesting that confident managers are risk takers (Malmendier and Tate
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2005a). This result supports a positive and significant relation between the level of FLI
disclosure and CEO overconfidence. A possible explanation is that, overconfident managers
are likely to be more optimistic about future circumstances. Thus, confident managers are
more likely to distinguish themselves from other managers through voluntary disclosures.
This result is consistent with Francis et al. (2008a) and Demerjian et al. (2012), who found a
positive relationship between a CEO reputation and managerial talent as proxies for
overconfidence and financial reporting quality measured by the level of voluntary disclosure.
In addition, this result corroborates Hribar and Yang (2010), who found a positive
relationship between a CEO overconfidence and voluntary forecasts, consistent with the
upper echelons theory perspective, which suggests that specific personal characteristics of top
management affect the decision-making process (Hambrick 2007). A possible explanation for
these findings is that overconfident managers are more likely to be more optimistic about
future circumstances. Thus, the results of the three panels support H1, in agreement with the
agency theory perspective. Disclosures may be a tool for managers to convince stockholders
about their optimal behaviour in response to the owner’s attempt to control their activities
through bonding and monitoring actions (Watson et al. 2002).

The significantly positive coefficient at level (t = 2.11, P > .034, t = 2.01, P >.044, and t =
2.69, P < .007) of CEO gender indicates that companies managed by male CEOs are
associated with more FLI disclosure than those managed by female CEOs. This finding
confirms that gender diversity is one of the attributes influencing the voluntary information
disclosures in annual reports (Gibbins et al. 1990; Nalikka 2009). This result supports H2,
which proposes a significant relationship between the level of FLI disclosure and CEO
gender, consistent with prior studies (Siciliano 1996; Erhardt et al. 2003). It might also be

consistent with signalling theory, which posits that managers are more likely to disclose more
and certain information to signal that they are better than other managers, for the purpose of
enhancing their personal reputation (Campbell et al. 2001).

In respect to CEO age, we documented a negative significant coefficient (t = -3.19, P < -

.001, t = -3.61, P < -.001, and t = -2.48, P < -.013), which implies a significant relationship
between the level of FLI disclosure and CEO age. This finding is consistent with Bamber et
al. (2010), who reported that older CEOs are less likely to issue forecasts than younger ones.
This finding is also consistent with several studies that reported a significant negative
association between CEO age and other factors, such as investment decisions (Serfling 2012;
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Yim 2013). The results of this study indicate that older managers tend to avoid risks more
than younger managers, whereas younger managers tend to reveal their capability to
stakeholders. This result is consistent with signalling theory: managers are more likely to
make more FLI disclosures to the interest-related parties, to increase those parties’
confidence about the company’s future performance (Singhvi and Desai 1971), therefore
making more FLI disclosure will provide stakeholders with greater and value-relevant
information to assist them in making rational decisions (Qu et al. 2015).

This finding is also in line with suggestions that the desire to keep their position will result in
a greater likelihood of information disclosure by younger CEOs (Hu and Kumar 2004), and
with several studies that reported a significant negative association between the CEO age and
other factors such as investment decisions (Serfling 2012; Yim 2013). The results of this
study indicate that older managers tend to avoid risks more than younger managers, whereas
younger managers tend to reveal their capability to the stakeholders. To sum up, the study’s
findings suggest that managers of non-financial Jordanian companies are more likely to pay
attention to the benefits of voluntary disclosure. Since the majority of non-financial Jordanian
companies are owned by family, managers of these companies might be motivated to disclose
the more FLI disclosure than managers of non-family companies.

With regard to the control variables, the regression results indicate that a firm’s dividend has
a highly positive association with the level of FLI disclosure. This finding suggests that
Jordanian companies tend to use FLI disclosure and dividend payments as alternative
methods to convey important information to investors since a dividend ratio could be a sign
of high performance and may attract more investors to the company. This suggests that in a
developing country like Jordan, management with a high dividend ratio are more likely to

disclose the more FLI disclosure. This finding is consistent with signalling theory, which
affirms that companies are more likely to pay a higher dividend and disclose additional
information voluntarily to meet the demands of financial analysts (Firth 1979; Haniffa and
Cooke 2005; Celik et al. 2006; Lim et al. 2007; Kelton and Yang 2008). This finding
suggests that with regard to institutional ownership, the coefficient of this variable is
significant and negatively related to the level of FLI. Conversely, company size, profitability,
industry type, board characteristics, managerial ownership, family ownership and blockholder
ownership are found to have an insignificant influence on the level of FLI disclosure.

Regression results disprove any relationship between these variables and level of FLI
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disclosure. Our findings are consistent with several studies. For example, Barako et al. (2006)
and Aljifri (2008) reported an insignificant relationship between the level of FLI disclosure
and profitability. This seems to support the theory that profitable firms are not motivated to
disclose more voluntary information because their investors are already satisfied (Wallace
and Naser 1996). Our results are also consistent with previous studies in failing to provide
evidence of a relationship between the level of FLI disclosure and industry type (Owusu-
Ansah 1998; Akhtaruddin 2005).

Insert Table 4 about Regression Analysis here

4.1 Dealing with Endogeneity

In order to address the endogeneity problem, this study used the lagged values of the
endogenous independent variable ‘CEO characteristics’ as an instrumental variable (IV), to
examine whether or not the simultaneity problem affects the association between FLI
disclosure and CEO characteristics (Coles et al. 2008; McKnight and Weir 2009; Choi et al.

Durbin and Housman tests were run to check endogeneity bias for the endogenous and
independent variables (Gujarati 2008). Both tests gave an X2 of 5.68 % and 5.67% (P <
0.0172, P < 0.0176) respectively, which suggests that the null hypothesis (of no endogeneity
between CEO characteristics as independent variable and FLI disclosure as the dependent
variable) is rejected. Thus, the presence of this problem might affect the results. Therefore,
instrumental variable two-stage regression was used to control for the endogeneity and
simultaneity problems.

The results of the two-stage (2SLS) regression of FLI disclosure on CEO characteristics are
presented in Table 5, panels A and B. After controlling for the simultaneity, the coefficient of
FLI disclosure is significant and positively related to CEO overconfidence at level (t = 4.70,
P < .001, and t = 2.97, P < .003), which suggests that these results are consistent with the
main findings in Table 4, panels A and B. The coefficient of CEO gender is significant and
positively associated with the level of FLI disclosure at level (t = 6.64, P < .001, and t =
4.84, P < .000). The two-stage regression analysis shows similar results to the panel
regression in Table 4. In addition, the coefficient of FLI disclosure is significant and
negatively related to CEO age at levels (t = -2.40, P < -.016, and t = -2.53, P < -.011). This
result is in line with the previous results of the panel-regression random effect model reported
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in Table 4, panels A and B. Regarding the control variables, the results show similar results.
However, although some coefficient values reveal significant high levels, the direction and
significance of the association with FLI disclosure remain the same.

In summary, the instrumental variable two-stage model’s results are consistent with the
primary results presented in Table 4, panels A and B, indicating that the simultaneity problem
between FLI disclosure and CEO characteristics does not affect the main results of FLI
disclosure or other control variables.

Insert Table 5 about Instrumental Variable here

5 Conclusion
The paper examined the effect of a CEO characteristics on the level of FLI disclosures in
Jordanian listed companies during the period 2008 to 2013, motivated by findings reported in
the literature that the financial reporting process varies predictably with particular individual
characteristics of CEOs. We found that 95% of the sample were managed by male and 5% by
female CEOs, and that the majority of Jordanian companies are family-owned. However, the
limited number of female CEOs still surpasses the averages of around 3% in Brazil,
Botswana, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand and the UAE (Grant Thornton International Business
Report, 2012). The overall results indicate that CEO overconfidence and gender have a
positive and a significant association with the level of FLI disclosure. The regression further
shows a significant negative association between the level of FLI disclosure and the CEO
age, suggesting that older CEOs are less likely to issue forecasts than younger CEOs. This

finding is consistent with the entrenchment theory perspective, which suggests that the desire
by younger CEOs to keep their position will result in a greater likelihood of more information
disclosure (Hu and Kumar 2004).

In general, the findings reveal that the main motivation for managers of Jordanian companies
to disclose more FLI is to provide shareholders with greater and value-relevant information to
assist them in making rational decisions. More FLI disclosure reduces information
asymmetry and helps to build a good relationship with stakeholders. Furthermore, these
findings indicate that managers of high quality non-financial Jordanian companies are more
likely to distinguish themselves from lower quality companies through voluntary disclosures.
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As mentioned above, the Government of Jordan has introduced several accounting reforms
with the aim of introducing new securities exchange laws and corporate disclosure practices.
The findings of this study show that Jordanian companies follow these reforms and they are
more likely to have a higher level of FLI disclosure compared with those of other countries.
In other words, the findings indicate that Jordanian companies are more likely to improve the
quality of their financial reports by extending the level of FLI disclosure. We find a positive
association between the level of FLI and the dividend ratio of the company, but a negative
relationship between institutional ownership and the level of FLI disclosure, and no
relationship with firm characteristics such as profitability, industry type or company size,
board characteristics, managerial ownership, family ownership and block holders ownership.

In the real world, a large number of companies have concerns about the possible implications
of FLI disclosure on their competitive advantage, irrespective of its impact on investor
understanding. This is true in countries such as Jordan, where the right to run the companies
rests with managers, and FLI disclosure is generally taken with a pinch of salt. Moreover, as
the financial statements do not provide the required information for investors to make
economic decisions, the increasing acceptance of FLI disclosures would bring more trust
among investors in the Jordanian capital market. Since there is no clearly defined structure
for FLI disclosures, it is the prerogative of the company to decide on the nature of the
information to be included. However, the development of good homegrown practices in FLI
disclosure requires substantial educative measures at the national level on the implications of
sound FLI disclosure.

The findings of the study should be of interest to policymakers, regulators and academics
regarding the impact of CEO characteristics on the level of FLI disclosure not only in Jordan

but also in other developing countries. Further, the findings of this study are likely to be of
interest to investors, since this study introduces new empirical evidence about the level of
FLD in Jordan. FLI disclosure is often seen as a potentially powerful tool to reflect the
company’s position, so these findings may have practical implications for shareholders and
market members to enhance their decision making when evaluating the reliability and quality
of financial reports. In addition, the findings provide empirical evidence that enables
managers to assess their financial transparency and accountability, in turn helping firms to
improve investors’ perceptions of the quality of financial reporting. Therefore, managers
should give priority to developing suitable and complete voluntary disclosures. In addition,
the findings may be used by boards of directors to assess the quality of financial reporting
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based on the level of FLI disclosure. The findings may also help to inform regulators and
policy makers about the importance of FLID in protecting investors’ rights. However, these
findings are based on non-financial companies only, and future studies could focus on the
financial sector, which plays an increasingly important role in developing economies,
particularly Jordan, which is a bridgehead of market liberalization in MENA. These results
are not indicative of other countries, even within the Middle East, because of Jordan’s unique
liberalization and other factors. Furthermore, It would be attractive for future studies consider
whether CEO’s characteristics affect other disclosure contexts, such as backward-looking
disclosures and the cost of voluntary disclosures. Future studies could also pay more attention
to the relationship between CEO’s characteristics and the level of FLI disclosure among
family and non-family companies, and exploring this issue could contribute substantially to
the literature of FLI disclosure.

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Appendix 1: Compliance with the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Principles: Jordan and the World
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Source: Alwshah (2009, P. 22).

Appendix 2: List of 35 Forward-Looking Key Words
Number Forward-Looking Key words
1 Accelerate
2 Anticipate
3 Await
4 Coming financial year(s)
5 Coming months
6 Confidence (or confident)
7 Convince
8 Current financial year
9 Envisage
10 Estimate
11 Eventual
12 Expect
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13 Forecast
14 Forthcoming
15 Hope
16 Intend (or intention)
17 Likely (or unlikely)
18 Look forward (or look ahead)
19 Next
20 Novel
21 Optimistic
22 Outlook
23 Planned (or planning)
24 Predict
25 Prospect
26 Remain
27 Renew
28 Scope for (or scope to)
29 Shall
30 Shortly
31 Should
32 Soon
33 Will
34 Well placed (or well positioned)
35 Year(s) ahead

Source: (Hussainey et al. 2003, P. 277).

Appendix 3: FLI disclosure Categories and Items
 Financial FLI items
• Income
• Profit
• Loss
• Cash flow
• Capital
• Return on equity
• Sales
• Capital expenditures
• Production
• Cost
• Expenses
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 Non-Financial FLI items

Strategies items:
• Goals for performance
• Mission
• Objectives

 Company structure
• Financial structure
• Change in ownership
• Industry type
• Human and intellectual capital
• Mergers and acquisitions
• Technological structure

• Legal and regulatory
• Political
• Economic conditions
• Social responsibility
• Competitive position
• Financial and non-financial resources
• Risks
• Relationship

Source: Authors’ development

Table 1
Sample Description
Description 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Pooled
Initial sample 270 270 270 270 270 270 1620
Financial industries 42 42 42 42 42 42 (252)
Non-financial industries 228 228 228 228 228 228 1326
Industries with fewer than six firms
Health care 4 4 4 4 4 4 24
Technology and communication 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Media 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Paper and cardboard 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
Utilities and energy 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
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Printing and packaging 1 1 1 1 1 1 6

Tobacco and cigarettes 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Glass and ceramic industries 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Firms with unavailable data 10 10 10 10 10 10 (60)
Final sample 201 201 201 201 201 201 1206

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics: Dependent and Independent Variables
Variables N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std. Deviation
FLI 1206 .00 .78 .316 .330 .149
COVER 1206 0 1 .430 .000 .499
CAPEX 1206 0 1 .497 1 .410
LEVER 1206 .0020 .977 .294 .240 .233
CGEN 1206 0 1 .952 1 .170
CAGE 1206 26 84 51.1 51.0 11.3
FSIZE 1 1206 .93 3.23 5.55 1.87 1.57
FPROF 1206 -.859 .950 -.001 .009 .125
FINDU 1206 1 20 .363 .240 .481
FDIVID 1206 0 .975 .176 0 .299
BSIZE 1206 3 19 8.01 7 2.449
BDUAL 1206 0 1 .205 0 .404
BMEET 1206 3 28 7.572 7 2.137
BINDEP 1206 0 8 2.020 2 1.234
MOWNE 1206 0 .718 .035 0 .085
FOWNE 1206 0 .945 0.612 .1547 .272
INSTIT 1206 0 1 .355 .332 .765
BLOCK 1206 0 1 .489 0 .500
Valid N 1206

Following previous studies company’s size is measured by using the natural logarithm of total assets at the
year-end (Aljifri and Hussainey 2007; Samaha et al. 2012; Wang and Hussainey 2013).
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COVER 1.000

CAPEXP 0.148 1.000

LEVER -0.167** 0.225 1.000

CGEND 0.090* -0.143** 0.024 1.000

CAGE 0.117 0.211 0.012 0.090* 1.000

FSIZE -0.046* -0.216* 0.115** 0.198 -0.058*** 1.000

FPROF 0.008 0.208** 0.036 0.003 0.036 -0.286** 1.000

FINDU 0.139** -0.079 0.146 0.018** -0.224*** -0.103 -0.039** 1.000

FDIVID 0.103 0.037 0.148 0.005 0.095** 0.177 0.367** 0.099* 1.000
Table 3

BSIZE 0.005 0.035 0.026 -0.047 -0.012 0.271** 0.017 0.040 0.041 1.000
Correlation Matrix

BDUAL -0.077** 0.006 -0.001 0.005 0.010 -0.019 -0.068** -0.102** 0.009 -0.060* 1.000

BMEET -0.012 0.001* -0.027 0.022 -0.024 0.052* 0.052* -0.084** -0.029 0.007 0.022 1.000

BINDE 0.012 0.042 0.047* -0.130** 0.034 0.049* -0.007 0.009 0.062* 0.415** 0.139** -0.081** 1.000

MOWNE -0.032 0.341* 0.036 -0.030 -0.038 -0.066* -0.015 -0.063* -0.025 -0.110** 0.239** 0.016 0.083 1.000

FOWNE 0.035 0.250* -0.034 0.007 -0.034 0.001 -0.040 0.034 -0.017 -0.014 -0.013 0.006 -0.048 -0.009 1.000

INSTIT -0.033 0.014 -0.080** 0.064* 0.042 0.033 0.052* 0.024 0.021 0.055* -0.139** -0.049* 0.011 -0.170 -0.041 1.000

BLOCK 0.006 0.055* 0.019 0.011 0.008 0.046 -0.082** -0.022 -0.053* -0.010 0.035 -0.025 0.023 0.027 -0.028 -0.009 1.000

***. 0.01, **. 0.05, *. 0.10

Table 4
Panel A. CEO Overconfidence Measured by ‘Net Buyer’
Variables Expected sign Coefficient. t Prob.
COVER + .023 2.11 0.035**
CGEN + .061 2.11 0.034**
CAGE - -.001 -3.19 -0.001***
FSIZE + 3.43 0.82 0.411
FPROF + .032 0.70 0.485
FINDU ? .006 0.07 0.918
FDIVID ? .058 3.14 0.002***
BSIZE ? -.003 -0.88 0.377
BDUAL + .008 0.44 0.659
BMEET ? .001 0.50 0.618
BINDEP - .007 1014 .0252
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MOWNE + .052 0.67 0.501

FOWNE ? -.000 -0.13 0.895
INSTIT ? -.059 -2.33 0.020**
BLOCK - -.005 -0.41 0.683
Cons .349 4.74 0.000***
R Sq. value 25.69%
P. value 0.000
Panel B. CEO Overconfidence Measured by Capital Expenditure
Variables Expected sign Coefficient. t Prob.
COVER + .028 2.46 0.014**
CGEN + .058 2.01 0.044**
CAGE - -.002 -3.61 0.001***
FSIZE + 4.56 1.08 0.278
FPROF + .027 0.58 0.559
FINDU ? -3.27 -0.23 0.817
FDIVID ? .065 3.52 0.001***

BSIZE ? -.003 -1.04 0.300

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BDUAL + .002 0.09 0.925

BMEET ? .001 0.39 0.693
BINDEP - .008 1.26 0.209
MOWNE + -.048 0.62 0.538
FOWNE ? -.000 -0.08 0.932
INSTIT ? -.059 -2.42 0.019***
BLOCK - -.005 -0.38 0.701
Cons .353 9.31 0.001***
R Sq. value 38.30%
P. value 0.001
Panel C. CEO Overconfidence Measured by Leverage
Variables Expected sign Coefficient. t Prob.
COVER + .192 8.06 0.000***
CGEN + .042 2.69 0.007***
CAGE - -.001 -2.48 0.013***
FSIZE + 2.78 0.68 0.494
FPROF + .086 1.90 0.058**
FINDU ? 9.16 0.07 0.946
FDIVID ? .050 2.78 0.005***
BSIZE ? -.003 -0.95 0.343
BDUAL + .008 0.48 0.633
BMEET ? .002 0.59 0.556
BINDEP - .004 0.71 0.478
MOWNE + .042 0.56 0.578
FOWNE ? .000 0.30 0.767
INSTIT ? -.048 -1.95 0.052**
BLOCK - -.025 -1.82 0.069*
Cons .306 8.15 0.000***
R Sq. value 23.45%
P. value 0.000
Table 5
Panel A. Instrumental Variable: CEO Overconfidence Measured by ‘Net Buyer’
Variables Expected sign Coefficient. t Prob.
LCOVER + .106 4.70 0.001***
LCGEN + .302 6.64 0.001***
LCAGE - -.003 -2.40 0.016***
FSIZE + 2.37 6.51 0.001***
FPROF + -.067 -1.64 0.101*
FINDU ? 6.92 0.82 0.413
FDIVID ? .073 4.30 0.000***
BSIZE ? .004 1.99 0.047**
BDUAL + .014 1018 0.237
BMEET ? -.001 -0.55 0.584
BINDEP - .005 1.33 0.183
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MOWNE + -.059 -1.07 0.285

FOWNE ? -.048 -2.51 0.012**
INSTIT ? -.047 -2.76 0.006***
BLOCK - -.001 -0.09 0.929
Cons .286 11.13 0.000***
R Sq. value 78%
P. value 0.000

Panel B. CEO Overconfidence Measured by Capital Expenditure

Variables Expected sign Coefficient. t Prob.
LCOVER + .155 2.97 0.003***
LCGEN + .229 4.84 0.000***
LCAGE - -.003 -2.53 0.011***
FSIZE + 2.32 5.91 0.000***
FPROF + .162 2.32 0.020**
FINDU ? 6.92 0.84 0.400
FDIVID ? .074 4.08 0.000***
BSIZE ? .005 2.34 0.020***
BDUAL + .019 1.46 0.145
BMEET ? -.002 -0.93 0.351
BINDEP - .003 0.73 0.467
MOWNE + -.074 -1.65 0.210
FOWNE ? -.073 -3.55 0.000***
INSTIT ? -.045 -2.47 0.014***
BLOCK - .007 0.69 0.492
Cons .275 9.91 0.000***
R Sq. value 75.50%
P. value 0.000

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